[pypy-commit] pypy cling-support: coding convention and prepare for more test

wlav pypy.commits at gmail.com
Wed Nov 23 16:34:02 EST 2016

Author: Wim Lavrijsen <WLavrijsen at lbl.gov>
Branch: cling-support
Changeset: r88595:cf4a6dabef21
Date: 2016-11-23 13:26 -0800

Log:	coding convention and prepare for more test

diff --git a/pypy/module/cppyy/test/datatypes.cxx b/pypy/module/cppyy/test/datatypes.cxx
--- a/pypy/module/cppyy/test/datatypes.cxx
+++ b/pypy/module/cppyy/test/datatypes.cxx
@@ -2,23 +2,31 @@
-cppyy_test_data::cppyy_test_data() : m_owns_arrays(false)
+std::vector<EFruit> vecFruits{kCitrus, kApple};
+CppyyTestData::CppyyTestData() : m_owns_arrays(false)
-    m_bool   = false;
-    m_char   = 'a';
-    m_uchar  = 'c';
-    m_short  = -11;
-    m_ushort =  11u;
-    m_int    = -22;
-    m_uint   =  22u;
-    m_long   = -33l;
-    m_ulong  =  33ul;
-    m_llong  = -44ll;
-    m_ullong =  55ull;
-    m_float  = -66.f;
-    m_double = -77.;
-    m_enum   = kNothing;
-    m_voidp  = (void*)0;
+    m_bool    = false;
+    m_char    = 'a';
+    m_schar   = 'b';
+    m_uchar   = 'c';
+    m_short   = -11;
+    m_ushort  =  11u;
+    m_int     = -22;
+    m_uint    =  22u;
+    m_long    = -33l;
+    m_ulong   =  33ul;
+    m_llong   = -44ll;
+    m_ullong  =  44ull;
+    m_long64  = -55ll;
+    m_ulong64 =  55ull;
+    m_float   = -66.f;
+    m_double  = -77.;
+    m_ldouble = -88.l;
+    m_enum    = kNothing;
+    m_voidp   = (void*)0;
     m_bool_array2   = new bool[N];
     m_short_array2  = new short[N];
@@ -61,12 +69,12 @@
     m_ppod = &m_pod;
-void cppyy_test_data::destroy_arrays() {
+void CppyyTestData::destroy_arrays() {
     if (m_owns_arrays == true) {
         delete[] m_bool_array2;
         delete[] m_short_array2;
@@ -84,159 +92,244 @@
 //- getters -----------------------------------------------------------------
-bool           cppyy_test_data::get_bool()   { return m_bool; }
-char           cppyy_test_data::get_char()   { return m_char; }
-unsigned char  cppyy_test_data::get_uchar()  { return m_uchar; }
-short          cppyy_test_data::get_short()  { return m_short; }
-unsigned short cppyy_test_data::get_ushort() { return m_ushort; }
-int            cppyy_test_data::get_int()    { return m_int; }
-unsigned int   cppyy_test_data::get_uint()   { return m_uint; }
-long           cppyy_test_data::get_long()   { return m_long; }
-unsigned long  cppyy_test_data::get_ulong()  { return m_ulong; }
-long long      cppyy_test_data::get_llong()  { return m_llong; }
-unsigned long long cppyy_test_data::get_ullong()  { return m_ullong; }
-float          cppyy_test_data::get_float()  { return m_float; }
-double         cppyy_test_data::get_double() { return m_double; }
-cppyy_test_data::what cppyy_test_data::get_enum() { return m_enum; }
-void*          cppyy_test_data::get_voidp()  { return m_voidp; }
+bool                 CppyyTestData::get_bool()    { return m_bool; }
+char                 CppyyTestData::get_char()    { return m_char; }
+signed char          CppyyTestData::get_schar()   { return m_schar; }
+unsigned char        CppyyTestData::get_uchar()   { return m_uchar; }
+short                CppyyTestData::get_short()   { return m_short; }
+unsigned short       CppyyTestData::get_ushort()  { return m_ushort; }
+int                  CppyyTestData::get_int()     { return m_int; }
+unsigned int         CppyyTestData::get_uint()    { return m_uint; }
+long                 CppyyTestData::get_long()    { return m_long; }
+unsigned long        CppyyTestData::get_ulong()   { return m_ulong; }
+long long            CppyyTestData::get_llong()   { return m_llong; }
+unsigned long long   CppyyTestData::get_ullong()  { return m_ullong; }
+Long64_t             CppyyTestData::get_long64()  { return m_long64; }
+ULong64_t            CppyyTestData::get_ulong64() { return m_ulong64; }
+float                CppyyTestData::get_float()   { return m_float; }
+double               CppyyTestData::get_double()  { return m_double; }
+long double          CppyyTestData::get_ldouble() { return m_ldouble; }
+CppyyTestData::EWhat CppyyTestData::get_enum()    { return m_enum; }
+void*                CppyyTestData::get_voidp()   { return m_voidp; }
-bool*           cppyy_test_data::get_bool_array()    { return m_bool_array; }
-bool*           cppyy_test_data::get_bool_array2()   { return m_bool_array2; }
-short*          cppyy_test_data::get_short_array()   { return m_short_array; }
-short*          cppyy_test_data::get_short_array2()  { return m_short_array2; }
-unsigned short* cppyy_test_data::get_ushort_array()  { return m_ushort_array; }
-unsigned short* cppyy_test_data::get_ushort_array2() { return m_ushort_array2; }
-int*            cppyy_test_data::get_int_array()     { return m_int_array; }
-int*            cppyy_test_data::get_int_array2()    { return m_int_array2; }
-unsigned int*   cppyy_test_data::get_uint_array()    { return m_uint_array; }
-unsigned int*   cppyy_test_data::get_uint_array2()   { return m_uint_array2; }
-long*           cppyy_test_data::get_long_array()    { return m_long_array; }
-long*           cppyy_test_data::get_long_array2()   { return m_long_array2; }
-unsigned long*  cppyy_test_data::get_ulong_array()   { return m_ulong_array; }
-unsigned long*  cppyy_test_data::get_ulong_array2()  { return m_ulong_array2; }
+bool*           CppyyTestData::get_bool_array()    { return m_bool_array; }
+bool*           CppyyTestData::get_bool_array2()   { return m_bool_array2; }
+short*          CppyyTestData::get_short_array()   { return m_short_array; }
+short*          CppyyTestData::get_short_array2()  { return m_short_array2; }
+unsigned short* CppyyTestData::get_ushort_array()  { return m_ushort_array; }
+unsigned short* CppyyTestData::get_ushort_array2() { return m_ushort_array2; }
+int*            CppyyTestData::get_int_array()     { return m_int_array; }
+int*            CppyyTestData::get_int_array2()    { return m_int_array2; }
+unsigned int*   CppyyTestData::get_uint_array()    { return m_uint_array; }
+unsigned int*   CppyyTestData::get_uint_array2()   { return m_uint_array2; }
+long*           CppyyTestData::get_long_array()    { return m_long_array; }
+long*           CppyyTestData::get_long_array2()   { return m_long_array2; }
+unsigned long*  CppyyTestData::get_ulong_array()   { return m_ulong_array; }
+unsigned long*  CppyyTestData::get_ulong_array2()  { return m_ulong_array2; }
-float*  cppyy_test_data::get_float_array()   { return m_float_array; }
-float*  cppyy_test_data::get_float_array2()  { return m_float_array2; }
-double* cppyy_test_data::get_double_array()  { return m_double_array; }
-double* cppyy_test_data::get_double_array2() { return m_double_array2; }
+float*  CppyyTestData::get_float_array()   { return m_float_array; }
+float*  CppyyTestData::get_float_array2()  { return m_float_array2; }
+double* CppyyTestData::get_double_array()  { return m_double_array; }
+double* CppyyTestData::get_double_array2() { return m_double_array2; }
-cppyy_test_pod cppyy_test_data::get_pod_val() { return m_pod; }
-cppyy_test_pod* cppyy_test_data::get_pod_val_ptr() { return &m_pod; }
-cppyy_test_pod& cppyy_test_data::get_pod_val_ref() { return m_pod; }
-cppyy_test_pod*& cppyy_test_data::get_pod_ptrref() { return m_ppod; }
+CppyyTestPod   CppyyTestData::get_pod_val()     { return m_pod; }
+CppyyTestPod*  CppyyTestData::get_pod_val_ptr() { return &m_pod; }
+CppyyTestPod&  CppyyTestData::get_pod_val_ref() { return m_pod; }
+CppyyTestPod*& CppyyTestData::get_pod_ptrref()  { return m_ppod; }
-cppyy_test_pod* cppyy_test_data::get_pod_ptr() { return m_ppod; }
+CppyyTestPod* CppyyTestData::get_pod_ptr() { return m_ppod; }
+//- getters const-ref -------------------------------------------------------
+const bool&                 CppyyTestData::get_bool_cr()    { return m_bool; }
+const char&                 CppyyTestData::get_char_cr()    { return m_char; }
+const signed char&          CppyyTestData::get_schar_cr()   { return m_schar; }
+const unsigned char&        CppyyTestData::get_uchar_cr()   { return m_uchar; }
+const short&                CppyyTestData::get_short_cr()   { return m_short; }
+const unsigned short&       CppyyTestData::get_ushort_cr()  { return m_ushort; }
+const int&                  CppyyTestData::get_int_cr()     { return m_int; }
+const unsigned int&         CppyyTestData::get_uint_cr()    { return m_uint; }
+const long&                 CppyyTestData::get_long_cr()    { return m_long; }
+const unsigned long&        CppyyTestData::get_ulong_cr()   { return m_ulong; }
+const long long&            CppyyTestData::get_llong_cr()   { return m_llong; }
+const unsigned long long&   CppyyTestData::get_ullong_cr()  { return m_ullong; }
+const Long64_t&             CppyyTestData::get_long64_cr()  { return m_long64; }
+const ULong64_t&            CppyyTestData::get_ulong64_cr() { return m_ulong64; }
+const float&                CppyyTestData::get_float_cr()   { return m_float; }
+const double&               CppyyTestData::get_double_cr()  { return m_double; }
+const long double&          CppyyTestData::get_ldouble_cr() { return m_ldouble; }
+const CppyyTestData::EWhat& CppyyTestData::get_enum_cr()    { return m_enum; }
+//- getters ref -------------------------------------------------------------
+bool&                 CppyyTestData::get_bool_r()    { return m_bool; }
+char&                 CppyyTestData::get_char_r()    { return m_char; }
+signed char&          CppyyTestData::get_schar_r()   { return m_schar; }
+unsigned char&        CppyyTestData::get_uchar_r()   { return m_uchar; }
+short&                CppyyTestData::get_short_r()   { return m_short; }
+unsigned short&       CppyyTestData::get_ushort_r()  { return m_ushort; }
+int&                  CppyyTestData::get_int_r()     { return m_int; }
+unsigned int&         CppyyTestData::get_uint_r()    { return m_uint; }
+long&                 CppyyTestData::get_long_r()    { return m_long; }
+unsigned long&        CppyyTestData::get_ulong_r()   { return m_ulong; }
+long long&            CppyyTestData::get_llong_r()   { return m_llong; }
+unsigned long long&   CppyyTestData::get_ullong_r()  { return m_ullong; }
+Long64_t&             CppyyTestData::get_long64_r()  { return m_long64; }
+ULong64_t&            CppyyTestData::get_ulong64_r() { return m_ulong64; }
+float&                CppyyTestData::get_float_r()   { return m_float; }
+double&               CppyyTestData::get_double_r()  { return m_double; }
+long double&          CppyyTestData::get_ldouble_r() { return m_ldouble; }
+CppyyTestData::EWhat& CppyyTestData::get_enum_r()    { return m_enum; }
 //- setters -----------------------------------------------------------------
-void cppyy_test_data::set_bool(bool b)                       { m_bool   = b; }
-void cppyy_test_data::set_char(char c)                       { m_char   = c; }
-void cppyy_test_data::set_uchar(unsigned char uc)            { m_uchar  = uc; }
-void cppyy_test_data::set_short(short s)                     { m_short  = s; }
-void cppyy_test_data::set_short_c(const short& s)            { m_short  = s; }
-void cppyy_test_data::set_ushort(unsigned short us)          { m_ushort = us; }
-void cppyy_test_data::set_ushort_c(const unsigned short& us) { m_ushort = us; }
-void cppyy_test_data::set_int(int i)                         { m_int    = i; }
-void cppyy_test_data::set_int_c(const int& i)                { m_int    = i; }
-void cppyy_test_data::set_uint(unsigned int ui)              { m_uint   = ui; }
-void cppyy_test_data::set_uint_c(const unsigned int& ui)     { m_uint   = ui; }
-void cppyy_test_data::set_long(long l)                       { m_long   = l; }
-void cppyy_test_data::set_long_c(const long& l)              { m_long   = l; }
-void cppyy_test_data::set_ulong(unsigned long ul)            { m_ulong  = ul; }
-void cppyy_test_data::set_ulong_c(const unsigned long& ul)   { m_ulong  = ul; }
-void cppyy_test_data::set_llong(long long ll)                { m_llong  = ll; }
-void cppyy_test_data::set_llong_c(const long long& ll)       { m_llong  = ll; }
-void cppyy_test_data::set_ullong(unsigned long long ull)     { m_ullong  = ull; }
-void cppyy_test_data::set_ullong_c(const unsigned long long& ull) { m_ullong  = ull; }
-void cppyy_test_data::set_float(float f)                     { m_float  = f; }
-void cppyy_test_data::set_float_c(const float& f)            { m_float  = f; }
-void cppyy_test_data::set_double(double d)                   { m_double = d; }
-void cppyy_test_data::set_double_c(const double& d)          { m_double = d; }
-void cppyy_test_data::set_enum(what w)                       { m_enum   = w; }
-void cppyy_test_data::set_voidp(void* p)                     { m_voidp  = p; }
+void CppyyTestData::set_bool(bool b)                       { m_bool    = b; }
+void CppyyTestData::set_char(char c)                       { m_char    = c; }
+void CppyyTestData::set_schar(signed char sc)              { m_schar   = sc; }
+void CppyyTestData::set_uchar(unsigned char uc)            { m_uchar   = uc; }
+void CppyyTestData::set_short(short s)                     { m_short   = s; }
+void CppyyTestData::set_ushort(unsigned short us)          { m_ushort  = us; }
+void CppyyTestData::set_int(int i)                         { m_int     = i; }
+void CppyyTestData::set_uint(unsigned int ui)              { m_uint    = ui; }
+void CppyyTestData::set_long(long l)                       { m_long    = l; }
+void CppyyTestData::set_ulong(unsigned long ul)            { m_ulong   = ul; }
+void CppyyTestData::set_llong(long long ll)                { m_llong   = ll; }
+void CppyyTestData::set_ullong(unsigned long long ull)     { m_ullong  = ull; }
+void CppyyTestData::set_long64(Long64_t l64)               { m_long64  = l64; }
+void CppyyTestData::set_ulong64(ULong64_t ul64)            { m_ulong64 = ul64; }
+void CppyyTestData::set_float(float f)                     { m_float   = f; }
+void CppyyTestData::set_double(double d)                   { m_double  = d; }
+void CppyyTestData::set_ldouble(long double ld)            { m_ldouble = ld; }
+void CppyyTestData::set_enum(EWhat w)                      { m_enum    = w; }
+void CppyyTestData::set_voidp(void* p)                     { m_voidp   = p; }
-void cppyy_test_data::set_pod_val(cppyy_test_pod p)            { m_pod = p; }
-void cppyy_test_data::set_pod_ptr_in(cppyy_test_pod* pp)       { m_pod = *pp; }
-void cppyy_test_data::set_pod_ptr_out(cppyy_test_pod* pp)      { *pp = m_pod; }
-void cppyy_test_data::set_pod_ref(const cppyy_test_pod& rp)    { m_pod = rp; }
-void cppyy_test_data::set_pod_ptrptr_in(cppyy_test_pod** ppp)  { m_pod = **ppp; }
-void cppyy_test_data::set_pod_void_ptrptr_in(void** pp)        { m_pod = **((cppyy_test_pod**)pp); }
-void cppyy_test_data::set_pod_ptrptr_out(cppyy_test_pod** ppp) { delete *ppp; *ppp = new cppyy_test_pod(m_pod); }
-void cppyy_test_data::set_pod_void_ptrptr_out(void** pp)       { delete *((cppyy_test_pod**)pp);
-                                                                 *((cppyy_test_pod**)pp) = new cppyy_test_pod(m_pod); }
+void CppyyTestData::set_pod_val(CppyyTestPod p)            { m_pod = p; }
+void CppyyTestData::set_pod_ptr_in(CppyyTestPod* pp)       { m_pod = *pp; }
+void CppyyTestData::set_pod_ptr_out(CppyyTestPod* pp)      { *pp = m_pod; }
+void CppyyTestData::set_pod_ref(const CppyyTestPod& rp)    { m_pod = rp; }
+void CppyyTestData::set_pod_ptrptr_in(CppyyTestPod** ppp)  { m_pod = **ppp; }
+void CppyyTestData::set_pod_void_ptrptr_in(void** pp)        { m_pod = **((CppyyTestPod**)pp); }
+void CppyyTestData::set_pod_ptrptr_out(CppyyTestPod** ppp) { delete *ppp; *ppp = new CppyyTestPod(m_pod); }
+void CppyyTestData::set_pod_void_ptrptr_out(void** pp)       { delete *((CppyyTestPod**)pp);
+                                                                 *((CppyyTestPod**)pp) = new CppyyTestPod(m_pod); }
-void cppyy_test_data::set_pod_ptr(cppyy_test_pod* pp)          { m_ppod = pp; }
+void CppyyTestData::set_pod_ptr(CppyyTestPod* pp)          { m_ppod = pp; }
+//- setters const-ref -------------------------------------------------------
+void CppyyTestData::set_bool_cr(const bool& b)                   { m_bool    = b; }
+void CppyyTestData::set_char_cr(const char& c)                   { m_char    = c; }
+void CppyyTestData::set_schar_cr(const signed char& sc)          { m_schar   = sc; }
+void CppyyTestData::set_uchar_cr(const unsigned char& uc)        { m_uchar   = uc; }
+void CppyyTestData::set_short_cr(const short& s)                 { m_short   = s; }
+void CppyyTestData::set_ushort_cr(const unsigned short& us)      { m_ushort  = us; }
+void CppyyTestData::set_int_cr(const int& i)                     { m_int     = i; }
+void CppyyTestData::set_uint_cr(const unsigned int& ui)          { m_uint    = ui; }
+void CppyyTestData::set_long_cr(const long& l)                   { m_long    = l; }
+void CppyyTestData::set_ulong_cr(const unsigned long& ul)        { m_ulong   = ul; }
+void CppyyTestData::set_llong_cr(const long long& ll)            { m_llong   = ll; }
+void CppyyTestData::set_ullong_cr(const unsigned long long& ull) { m_ullong  = ull; }
+void CppyyTestData::set_long64_cr(const Long64_t& l64)           { m_long64  = l64; }
+void CppyyTestData::set_ulong64_cr(const ULong64_t& ul64)        { m_ulong64 = ul64; }
+void CppyyTestData::set_float_cr(const float& f)                 { m_float   = f; }
+void CppyyTestData::set_double_cr(const double& d)               { m_double  = d; }
+void CppyyTestData::set_ldouble_cr(const long double& ld)        { m_ldouble = ld; }
+void CppyyTestData::set_enum_cr(const EWhat& w)                  { m_enum    = w; }
 //- passers -----------------------------------------------------------------
-short*          cppyy_test_data::pass_array(short* a)          { return a; }
-unsigned short* cppyy_test_data::pass_array(unsigned short* a) { return a; }
-int*            cppyy_test_data::pass_array(int* a)            { return a; }
-unsigned int*   cppyy_test_data::pass_array(unsigned int* a)   { return a; }
-long*           cppyy_test_data::pass_array(long* a)           { return a; }
-unsigned long*  cppyy_test_data::pass_array(unsigned long* a)  { return a; }
-float*          cppyy_test_data::pass_array(float* a)          { return a; }
-double*         cppyy_test_data::pass_array(double* a)         { return a; }
+short*          CppyyTestData::pass_array(short* a)          { return a; }
+unsigned short* CppyyTestData::pass_array(unsigned short* a) { return a; }
+int*            CppyyTestData::pass_array(int* a)            { return a; }
+unsigned int*   CppyyTestData::pass_array(unsigned int* a)   { return a; }
+long*           CppyyTestData::pass_array(long* a)           { return a; }
+unsigned long*  CppyyTestData::pass_array(unsigned long* a)  { return a; }
+float*          CppyyTestData::pass_array(float* a)          { return a; }
+double*         CppyyTestData::pass_array(double* a)         { return a; }
-char                cppyy_test_data::s_char   = 's';
-unsigned char       cppyy_test_data::s_uchar  = 'u';
-short               cppyy_test_data::s_short  = -101;
-unsigned short      cppyy_test_data::s_ushort =  255u;
-int                 cppyy_test_data::s_int    = -202;
-unsigned int        cppyy_test_data::s_uint   =  202u;
-long                cppyy_test_data::s_long   = -303l;
-unsigned long       cppyy_test_data::s_ulong  =  303ul;
-long long           cppyy_test_data::s_llong  = -404ll;
-unsigned long long  cppyy_test_data::s_ullong =  505ull;
-float               cppyy_test_data::s_float  = -606.f;
-double              cppyy_test_data::s_double = -707.;
-cppyy_test_data::what  cppyy_test_data::s_enum = cppyy_test_data::kNothing;
-void*               cppyy_test_data::s_voidp  = (void*)0;
+//- static data members -----------------------------------------------------
+bool                 CppyyTestData::s_bool    = false;
+char                 CppyyTestData::s_char    = 'c';
+signed char          CppyyTestData::s_schar   = 's';
+unsigned char        CppyyTestData::s_uchar   = 'u';
+short                CppyyTestData::s_short   = -101;
+unsigned short       CppyyTestData::s_ushort  =  255u;
+int                  CppyyTestData::s_int     = -202;
+unsigned int         CppyyTestData::s_uint    =  202u;
+long                 CppyyTestData::s_long    = -303l;
+unsigned long        CppyyTestData::s_ulong   =  303ul;
+long long            CppyyTestData::s_llong   = -404ll;
+unsigned long long   CppyyTestData::s_ullong  =  404ull;
+Long64_t             CppyyTestData::s_long64  = -505ll;
+ULong64_t            CppyyTestData::s_ulong64 = 505ull;
+float                CppyyTestData::s_float   = -606.f;
+double               CppyyTestData::s_double  = -707.;
+long double          CppyyTestData::s_ldouble = -808.l;
+CppyyTestData::EWhat CppyyTestData::s_enum    = CppyyTestData::kNothing;
+void*                CppyyTestData::s_voidp   = (void*)0;
 //- strings -----------------------------------------------------------------
-const char* cppyy_test_data::get_valid_string(const char* in) { return in; }
-const char* cppyy_test_data::get_invalid_string() { return (const char*)0; }
+const char* CppyyTestData::get_valid_string(const char* in) { return in; }
+const char* CppyyTestData::get_invalid_string() { return (const char*)0; }
 //= global functions ========================================================
-long get_pod_address(cppyy_test_data& c)
+long get_pod_address(CppyyTestData& c)
     return (long)&c.m_pod;
-long get_int_address(cppyy_test_data& c)
+long get_int_address(CppyyTestData& c)
     return (long)&c.m_pod.m_int;
-long get_double_address(cppyy_test_data& c)
+long get_double_address(CppyyTestData& c)
     return (long)&c.m_pod.m_double;
 //= global variables/pointers ===============================================
-int g_int = 42;
+bool               g_bool     = false;
+char               g_char     = 'w';
+signed char        g_schar    = 'v';
+unsigned char      g_uchar    = 'u';
+short              g_short    =  -88;
+unsigned short     g_ushort   =   88u;
+int                g_int      = -188;
+unsigned int       g_uint     =  188u;
+long               g_long     = -288;
+unsigned long      g_ulong    =  288ul;
+long long          g_llong    = -388ll;
+unsigned long long g_ullong   =  388ull;
+Long64_t           g_long64   = -488ll;
+ULong64_t          g_ulong64  =  488ull;
+float              g_float    = -588.f;
+double             g_double   = -688.;
+long double        g_ldouble  = -788.l;
+EFruit             g_enum     = kBanana;
+void*              g_voidp    = nullptr;
+//= global accessors ========================================================
 void set_global_int(int i) {
-   g_int = i;
+    g_int = i;
 int get_global_int() {
-   return g_int;
+    return g_int;
-cppyy_test_pod* g_pod = (cppyy_test_pod*)0;
+CppyyTestPod* g_pod = (CppyyTestPod*)0;
-bool is_global_pod(cppyy_test_pod* t) {
-   return t == g_pod;
+bool is_global_pod(CppyyTestPod* t) {
+    return t == g_pod;
-void set_global_pod(cppyy_test_pod* t) {
-   g_pod = t;
+void set_global_pod(CppyyTestPod* t) {
+    g_pod = t;
-cppyy_test_pod* get_global_pod() {
-   return g_pod;
+CppyyTestPod* get_global_pod() {
+    return g_pod;
-cppyy_test_pod* get_null_pod() {
-   return (cppyy_test_pod*)0;
+CppyyTestPod* get_null_pod() {
+    return (CppyyTestPod*)0;
diff --git a/pypy/module/cppyy/test/datatypes.h b/pypy/module/cppyy/test/datatypes.h
--- a/pypy/module/cppyy/test/datatypes.h
+++ b/pypy/module/cppyy/test/datatypes.h
@@ -1,23 +1,33 @@
+#include "RtypesCore.h"
+#include <vector>
 const int N = 5;
-struct cppyy_test_pod {
+struct CppyyTestPod {
    int    m_int;
    double m_double;
-enum fruit { kApple=78, kBanana=29, kCitrus=34 };
+enum EFruit {kApple=78, kBanana=29, kCitrus=34};
+extern std::vector<EFruit> vecFruits;
-class four_vector {
+namespace EnumSpace {
+   enum E {E1 = 1, E2};
+class FourVector {
-    four_vector(double x, double y, double z, double t) :
+    FourVector(double x, double y, double z, double t) :
         m_cc_called(false), m_x(x), m_y(y), m_z(z), m_t(t) {}
-    four_vector(const four_vector& s) :
+    FourVector(const FourVector& s) :
         m_cc_called(true), m_x(s.m_x), m_y(s.m_y), m_z(s.m_z), m_t(s.m_t) {}
     double operator[](int i) {
@@ -28,7 +38,7 @@
        return -1;
-    bool operator==(const four_vector& o) {
+    bool operator==(const FourVector& o) {
        return (m_x == o.m_x && m_y == o.m_y &&
                m_z == o.m_z && m_t == o.m_t);
@@ -42,13 +52,13 @@
-class cppyy_test_data {
+class CppyyTestData {
-    cppyy_test_data();
-    ~cppyy_test_data();
+    CppyyTestData();
+    ~CppyyTestData();
 // special cases
-    enum what { kNothing=6, kSomething=111, kLots=42 };
+    enum EWhat { kNothing=6, kSomething=111, kLots=42 };
 // helper
     void destroy_arrays();
@@ -56,6 +66,7 @@
 // getters
     bool                 get_bool();
     char                 get_char();
+    signed char          get_schar();
     unsigned char        get_uchar();
     short                get_short();
     unsigned short       get_ushort();
@@ -65,9 +76,12 @@
     unsigned long        get_ulong();
     long long            get_llong();
     unsigned long long   get_ullong();
+    Long64_t             get_long64();
+    ULong64_t            get_ulong64();
     float                get_float();
     double               get_double();
-    what                 get_enum();
+    long double          get_ldouble();
+    EWhat                get_enum();
     void*                get_voidp();
     bool*           get_bool_array();
@@ -90,50 +104,104 @@
     double* get_double_array();
     double* get_double_array2();
-    cppyy_test_pod get_pod_val();                 // for m_pod
-    cppyy_test_pod* get_pod_val_ptr();
-    cppyy_test_pod& get_pod_val_ref();
-    cppyy_test_pod*& get_pod_ptrref();
+    CppyyTestPod get_pod_val();                 // for m_pod
+    CppyyTestPod* get_pod_val_ptr();
+    CppyyTestPod& get_pod_val_ref();
+    CppyyTestPod*& get_pod_ptrref();
-    cppyy_test_pod* get_pod_ptr();                // for m_ppod
+    CppyyTestPod* get_pod_ptr();                // for m_ppod
+// getters const-ref
+    const bool&               get_bool_cr();
+    const char&               get_char_cr();
+    const signed char&        get_schar_cr();
+    const unsigned char&      get_uchar_cr();
+    const short&              get_short_cr();
+    const unsigned short&     get_ushort_cr();
+    const int&                get_int_cr();
+    const unsigned int&       get_uint_cr();
+    const long&               get_long_cr();
+    const unsigned long&      get_ulong_cr();
+    const long long&          get_llong_cr();
+    const unsigned long long& get_ullong_cr();
+    const Long64_t&           get_long64_cr();
+    const ULong64_t&          get_ulong64_cr();
+    const float&              get_float_cr();
+    const double&             get_double_cr();
+    const long double&        get_ldouble_cr();
+    const EWhat&              get_enum_cr();
+// getters ref
+    bool&               get_bool_r();
+    char&               get_char_r();
+    signed char&        get_schar_r();
+    unsigned char&      get_uchar_r();
+    short&              get_short_r();
+    unsigned short&     get_ushort_r();
+    int&                get_int_r();
+    unsigned int&       get_uint_r();
+    long&               get_long_r();
+    unsigned long&      get_ulong_r();
+    long long&          get_llong_r();
+    unsigned long long& get_ullong_r();
+    Long64_t&           get_long64_r();
+    ULong64_t&          get_ulong64_r();
+    float&              get_float_r();
+    double&             get_double_r();
+    long double&        get_ldouble_r();
+    EWhat&              get_enum_r();
 // setters
-    void set_bool(bool b);
-    void set_char(char c);
-    void set_uchar(unsigned char uc);
-    void set_short(short s);
-    void set_short_c(const short& s);
-    void set_ushort(unsigned short us);
-    void set_ushort_c(const unsigned short& us);
-    void set_int(int i);
-    void set_int_c(const int& i);
-    void set_uint(unsigned int ui);
-    void set_uint_c(const unsigned int& ui);
-    void set_long(long l);
-    void set_long_c(const long& l);
-    void set_llong(long long ll);
-    void set_llong_c(const long long& ll);
-    void set_ulong(unsigned long ul);
-    void set_ulong_c(const unsigned long& ul);
-    void set_ullong(unsigned long long ll);
-    void set_ullong_c(const unsigned long long& ll);
-    void set_float(float f);
-    void set_float_c(const float& f);
-    void set_double(double d);
-    void set_double_c(const double& d);
-    void set_enum(what w);
-    void set_voidp(void* p);
+    void set_bool(bool);
+    void set_char(char);
+    void set_schar(signed char);
+    void set_uchar(unsigned char);
+    void set_short(short);
+    void set_ushort(unsigned short);
+    void set_int(int);
+    void set_uint(unsigned int);
+    void set_long(long);
+    void set_ulong(unsigned long);
+    void set_llong(long long);
+    void set_ullong(unsigned long long);
+    void set_long64(Long64_t);
+    void set_ulong64(ULong64_t);
+    void set_float(float);
+    void set_double(double);
+    void set_ldouble(long double);
+    void set_enum(EWhat);
+    void set_voidp(void*);
-    void set_pod_val(cppyy_test_pod);             // for m_pod
-    void set_pod_ptr_in(cppyy_test_pod*);
-    void set_pod_ptr_out(cppyy_test_pod*);
-    void set_pod_ref(const cppyy_test_pod&);
-    void set_pod_ptrptr_in(cppyy_test_pod**);
+    void set_pod_val(CppyyTestPod);             // for m_pod
+    void set_pod_ptr_in(CppyyTestPod*);
+    void set_pod_ptr_out(CppyyTestPod*);
+    void set_pod_ref(const CppyyTestPod&);
+    void set_pod_ptrptr_in(CppyyTestPod**);
     void set_pod_void_ptrptr_in(void**);
-    void set_pod_ptrptr_out(cppyy_test_pod**);
+    void set_pod_ptrptr_out(CppyyTestPod**);
     void set_pod_void_ptrptr_out(void**);
-    void set_pod_ptr(cppyy_test_pod*);            // for m_ppod
+    void set_pod_ptr(CppyyTestPod*);            // for m_ppod
+// setters const-ref
+    void set_bool_cr(const bool&);
+    void set_char_cr(const char&);
+    void set_schar_cr(const signed char&);
+    void set_uchar_cr(const unsigned char&);
+    void set_short_cr(const short&);
+    void set_ushort_cr(const unsigned short&);
+    void set_int_cr(const int&);
+    void set_uint_cr(const unsigned int&);
+    void set_long_cr(const long&);
+    void set_ulong_cr(const unsigned long&);
+    void set_llong_cr(const long long&);
+    void set_ullong_cr(const unsigned long long&);
+    void set_long64_cr(const Long64_t&);
+    void set_ulong64_cr(const ULong64_t&);
+    void set_float_cr(const float&);
+    void set_double_cr(const double&);
+    void set_ldouble_cr(const long double&);
+    void set_enum_cr(const EWhat&);
 // passers
     short*          pass_array(short*);
@@ -162,6 +230,7 @@
 // basic types
     bool                 m_bool;
     char                 m_char;
+    signed char          m_schar;
     unsigned char        m_uchar;
     short                m_short;
     unsigned short       m_ushort;
@@ -171,9 +240,12 @@
     unsigned long        m_ulong;
     long long            m_llong;
     unsigned long long   m_ullong;
+    Long64_t             m_long64;
+    ULong64_t            m_ulong64;
     float                m_float;
     double               m_double;
-    what                 m_enum;
+    long double          m_ldouble;
+    EWhat                m_enum;
     void*                m_voidp;
 // array types
@@ -191,18 +263,20 @@
     long*           m_long_array2;
     unsigned long   m_ulong_array[N];
     unsigned long*  m_ulong_array2;
     float   m_float_array[N];
     float*  m_float_array2;
     double  m_double_array[N];
     double* m_double_array2;
 // object types
-    cppyy_test_pod m_pod;
-    cppyy_test_pod* m_ppod;
+    CppyyTestPod m_pod;
+    CppyyTestPod* m_ppod;
+    static bool                    s_bool;
     static char                    s_char;
+    static signed char             s_schar;
     static unsigned char           s_uchar;
     static short                   s_short;
     static unsigned short          s_ushort;
@@ -212,9 +286,12 @@
     static unsigned long           s_ulong;
     static long long               s_llong;
     static unsigned long long      s_ullong;
+    static Long64_t                s_long64;
+    static ULong64_t               s_ulong64;
     static float                   s_float;
     static double                  s_double;
-    static what                    s_enum;
+    static long double             s_ldouble;
+    static EWhat                   s_enum;
     static void*                   s_voidp;
@@ -223,18 +300,59 @@
 //= global functions ========================================================
-long get_pod_address(cppyy_test_data& c);
-long get_int_address(cppyy_test_data& c);
-long get_double_address(cppyy_test_data& c);
+long get_pod_address(CppyyTestData& c);
+long get_int_address(CppyyTestData& c);
+long get_double_address(CppyyTestData& c);
 //= global variables/pointers ===============================================
-extern int g_int;
+extern bool               g_bool;
+extern char               g_char;
+extern signed char        g_schar;
+extern unsigned char      g_uchar;
+extern short              g_short;
+extern unsigned short     g_ushort;
+extern int                g_int;
+extern unsigned int       g_uint;
+extern long               g_long;
+extern unsigned long      g_ulong;
+extern long long          g_llong;
+extern unsigned long long g_ullong;
+extern Long64_t           g_long64;
+extern ULong64_t          g_ulong64;
+extern float              g_float;
+extern double             g_double;
+extern long double        g_ldouble;
+extern EFruit             g_enum;
+extern void*              g_voidp;
+static const bool               g_c_bool    = true;
+static const char               g_c_char    = 'z';
+static const signed char        g_c_schar   = 'y';
+static const unsigned char      g_c_uchar   = 'x';
+static const short              g_c_short   =  -99;
+static const unsigned short     g_c_ushort  =   99u;
+static const int                g_c_int     = -199;
+static const unsigned int       g_c_uint    =  199u;
+static const long               g_c_long    = -299;
+static const unsigned long      g_c_ulong   =  299ul;
+static const long long          g_c_llong   = -399ll;
+static const unsigned long long g_c_ullong  =  399ull;
+static const Long64_t           g_c_long64  = -499ll;
+static const ULong64_t          g_c_ulong64 =  499ull;
+static const float              g_c_float   = -599.f;
+static const double             g_c_double  = -699.;
+static const long double        g_c_ldouble = -799.l;
+static const EFruit             g_c_enum    = kApple;
+static const void*              g_c_voidp   = nullptr;
+//= global accessors ========================================================
 void set_global_int(int i);
 int get_global_int();
-extern cppyy_test_pod* g_pod;
-bool is_global_pod(cppyy_test_pod* t);
-void set_global_pod(cppyy_test_pod* t);
-cppyy_test_pod* get_global_pod();
-cppyy_test_pod* get_null_pod();
+extern CppyyTestPod* g_pod;
+bool is_global_pod(CppyyTestPod* t);
+void set_global_pod(CppyyTestPod* t);
+CppyyTestPod* get_global_pod();
+CppyyTestPod* get_null_pod();
diff --git a/pypy/module/cppyy/test/datatypes.xml b/pypy/module/cppyy/test/datatypes.xml
--- a/pypy/module/cppyy/test/datatypes.xml
+++ b/pypy/module/cppyy/test/datatypes.xml
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
-  <class pattern="cppyy_test_*" />
-  <class name="four_vector" />
+  <class pattern="CppyyTest*" />
+  <class name="FourVector" />
-  <enum name="fruit" />
+  <enum name="EFruit" />
   <function pattern="get_*" />
   <function pattern="set_*" />
diff --git a/pypy/module/cppyy/test/test_datatypes.py b/pypy/module/cppyy/test/test_datatypes.py
--- a/pypy/module/cppyy/test/test_datatypes.py
+++ b/pypy/module/cppyy/test/test_datatypes.py
@@ -31,10 +31,10 @@
         """Test read access to instance public data and verify values"""
         import cppyy
-        cppyy_test_data = cppyy.gbl.cppyy_test_data
+        CppyyTestData = cppyy.gbl.CppyyTestData
-        c = cppyy_test_data()
-        assert isinstance(c, cppyy_test_data)
+        c = CppyyTestData()
+        assert isinstance(c, CppyyTestData)
         # reading boolean type
         assert c.m_bool == False
@@ -51,7 +51,7 @@
         assert c.m_long   == -33
         assert c.m_ulong  ==  33
         assert c.m_llong  == -44
-        assert c.m_ullong ==  55
+        assert c.m_ullong ==  44
         # reading floating point types
         assert round(c.m_float  + 66., 5) == 0
@@ -106,11 +106,11 @@
         raises(IndexError, c.m_double_array.__getitem__, self.N)
         # can not access an instance member on the class
-        raises(ReferenceError, getattr, cppyy_test_data, 'm_bool')
-        raises(ReferenceError, getattr, cppyy_test_data, 'm_int')
+        raises(ReferenceError, getattr, CppyyTestData, 'm_bool')
+        raises(ReferenceError, getattr, CppyyTestData, 'm_int')
-        assert not hasattr(cppyy_test_data, 'm_bool')
-        assert not hasattr(cppyy_test_data, 'm_int')
+        assert not hasattr(CppyyTestData, 'm_bool')
+        assert not hasattr(CppyyTestData, 'm_int')
@@ -118,10 +118,10 @@
         """Test write access to instance public data and verify values"""
         import cppyy
-        cppyy_test_data = cppyy.gbl.cppyy_test_data
+        CppyyTestData = cppyy.gbl.CppyyTestData
-        c = cppyy_test_data()
-        assert isinstance(c, cppyy_test_data)
+        c = CppyyTestData()
+        assert isinstance(c, CppyyTestData)
         # boolean types through functions
         c.set_bool(True);  assert c.get_bool() == True
@@ -165,7 +165,7 @@
             assert eval('c.m_%s' % names[i]) == 2*i
         for i in range(len(names)):
-            exec 'c.set_%s_c(%d)' % (names[i],3*i)
+            exec 'c.set_%s_cr(%d)' % (names[i],3*i)
             assert eval('c.m_%s' % names[i]) == 3*i
         # float types through functions
@@ -173,12 +173,12 @@
         c.set_double( 0.456 ); assert round(c.get_double() - 0.456, 8) == 0
         # float types through data members
-        c.m_float = 0.123;     assert round(c.get_float()  - 0.123, 5) == 0
-        c.set_float(0.234);    assert round(c.m_float      - 0.234, 5) == 0
-        c.set_float_c(0.456);  assert round(c.m_float      - 0.456, 5) == 0
-        c.m_double = 0.678;    assert round(c.get_double() - 0.678, 8) == 0
-        c.set_double(0.890);   assert round(c.m_double     - 0.890, 8) == 0
-        c.set_double_c(0.012); assert round(c.m_double     - 0.012, 8) == 0
+        c.m_float = 0.123;      assert round(c.get_float()  - 0.123, 5) == 0
+        c.set_float(0.234);     assert round(c.m_float      - 0.234, 5) == 0
+        c.set_float_cr(0.456);  assert round(c.m_float      - 0.456, 5) == 0
+        c.m_double = 0.678;     assert round(c.get_double() - 0.678, 8) == 0
+        c.set_double(0.890);    assert round(c.m_double     - 0.890, 8) == 0
+        c.set_double_cr(0.012); assert round(c.m_double     - 0.012, 8) == 0
         # arrays; there will be pointer copies, so destroy the current ones
@@ -205,10 +205,10 @@
         """Test passing of array arguments"""
         import cppyy, array, sys
-        cppyy_test_data = cppyy.gbl.cppyy_test_data
+        CppyyTestData = cppyy.gbl.CppyyTestData
-        c = cppyy_test_data()
-        assert isinstance(c, cppyy_test_data)
+        c = CppyyTestData()
+        assert isinstance(c, CppyyTestData)
         a = range(self.N)
         # test arrays in mixed order, to give overload resolution a workout
@@ -243,39 +243,39 @@
         """Test read access to class public data and verify values"""
         import cppyy, sys
-        cppyy_test_data = cppyy.gbl.cppyy_test_data
+        CppyyTestData = cppyy.gbl.CppyyTestData
-        c = cppyy_test_data()
-        assert isinstance(c, cppyy_test_data)
+        c = CppyyTestData()
+        assert isinstance(c, CppyyTestData)
         # char types
-        assert cppyy_test_data.s_char  == 's'
-        assert c.s_char                == 's'
+        assert CppyyTestData.s_char    == 'c'
+        assert c.s_char                == 'c'
         assert c.s_uchar               == 'u'
-        assert cppyy_test_data.s_uchar == 'u'
+        assert CppyyTestData.s_uchar   == 'u'
         # integer types
-        assert cppyy_test_data.s_short  == -101
+        assert CppyyTestData.s_short    == -101
         assert c.s_short                == -101
         assert c.s_ushort               ==  255
-        assert cppyy_test_data.s_ushort ==  255
-        assert cppyy_test_data.s_int    == -202
+        assert CppyyTestData.s_ushort   ==  255
+        assert CppyyTestData.s_int      == -202
         assert c.s_int                  == -202
         assert c.s_uint                 ==  202
-        assert cppyy_test_data.s_uint   ==  202
-        assert cppyy_test_data.s_long   == -303L
+        assert CppyyTestData.s_uint     ==  202
+        assert CppyyTestData.s_long     == -303L
         assert c.s_long                 == -303L
         assert c.s_ulong                ==  303L
-        assert cppyy_test_data.s_ulong  ==  303L
-        assert cppyy_test_data.s_llong  == -404L
+        assert CppyyTestData.s_ulong    ==  303L
+        assert CppyyTestData.s_llong    == -404L
         assert c.s_llong                == -404L
-        assert c.s_ullong               ==  505L
-        assert cppyy_test_data.s_ullong ==  505L
+        assert c.s_ullong               ==  404L
+        assert CppyyTestData.s_ullong   ==  404L
         # floating point types
-        assert round(cppyy_test_data.s_float  + 606., 5) == 0
+        assert round(CppyyTestData.s_float  + 606., 5)   == 0
         assert round(c.s_float                + 606., 5) == 0
-        assert round(cppyy_test_data.s_double + 707., 8) == 0
+        assert round(CppyyTestData.s_double + 707., 8)   == 0
         assert round(c.s_double               + 707., 8) == 0
@@ -284,62 +284,62 @@
         """Test write access to class public data and verify values"""
         import cppyy, sys
-        cppyy_test_data = cppyy.gbl.cppyy_test_data
+        CppyyTestData = cppyy.gbl.CppyyTestData
-        c = cppyy_test_data()
-        assert isinstance(c, cppyy_test_data)
+        c = CppyyTestData()
+        assert isinstance(c, CppyyTestData)
         # char types
-        cppyy_test_data.s_char          = 'a'
+        CppyyTestData.s_char          = 'a'
         assert c.s_char                == 'a'
         c.s_char                        = 'b'
-        assert cppyy_test_data.s_char  == 'b'
-        cppyy_test_data.s_uchar         = 'c'
+        assert CppyyTestData.s_char  == 'b'
+        CppyyTestData.s_uchar         = 'c'
         assert c.s_uchar               == 'c'
         c.s_uchar                       = 'd'
-        assert cppyy_test_data.s_uchar == 'd'
-        raises(ValueError, setattr, cppyy_test_data, 's_uchar', -1)
+        assert CppyyTestData.s_uchar == 'd'
+        raises(ValueError, setattr, CppyyTestData, 's_uchar', -1)
         raises(ValueError, setattr, c,               's_uchar', -1)
         # integer types
         c.s_short                        = -102
-        assert cppyy_test_data.s_short  == -102
-        cppyy_test_data.s_short          = -203
+        assert CppyyTestData.s_short  == -102
+        CppyyTestData.s_short          = -203
         assert c.s_short                == -203
         c.s_ushort                       =  127
-        assert cppyy_test_data.s_ushort ==  127
-        cppyy_test_data.s_ushort         =  227
+        assert CppyyTestData.s_ushort ==  127
+        CppyyTestData.s_ushort         =  227
         assert c.s_ushort               ==  227
-        cppyy_test_data.s_int            = -234
+        CppyyTestData.s_int            = -234
         assert c.s_int                  == -234
         c.s_int                          = -321
-        assert cppyy_test_data.s_int    == -321
-        cppyy_test_data.s_uint           = 1234
+        assert CppyyTestData.s_int    == -321
+        CppyyTestData.s_uint           = 1234
         assert c.s_uint                 == 1234
         c.s_uint                         = 4321
-        assert cppyy_test_data.s_uint   == 4321
+        assert CppyyTestData.s_uint   == 4321
         raises(ValueError, setattr, c,               's_uint', -1)
-        raises(ValueError, setattr, cppyy_test_data, 's_uint', -1)
-        cppyy_test_data.s_long           = -87L
+        raises(ValueError, setattr, CppyyTestData, 's_uint', -1)
+        CppyyTestData.s_long           = -87L
         assert c.s_long                 == -87L
         c.s_long                         = 876L
-        assert cppyy_test_data.s_long   == 876L
-        cppyy_test_data.s_ulong          = 876L
+        assert CppyyTestData.s_long   == 876L
+        CppyyTestData.s_ulong          = 876L
         assert c.s_ulong                == 876L
         c.s_ulong                        = 678L
-        assert cppyy_test_data.s_ulong  == 678L
-        raises(ValueError, setattr, cppyy_test_data, 's_ulong', -1)
+        assert CppyyTestData.s_ulong  == 678L
+        raises(ValueError, setattr, CppyyTestData, 's_ulong', -1)
         raises(ValueError, setattr, c,               's_ulong', -1)
         # floating point types
-        cppyy_test_data.s_float                    = -3.1415
+        CppyyTestData.s_float                    = -3.1415
         assert round(c.s_float, 5 )               == -3.1415
         c.s_float                                  =  3.1415
-        assert round(cppyy_test_data.s_float, 5 ) ==  3.1415
+        assert round(CppyyTestData.s_float, 5 ) ==  3.1415
         import math
         c.s_double                                 = -math.pi
-        assert cppyy_test_data.s_double           == -math.pi
-        cppyy_test_data.s_double                   =  math.pi
+        assert CppyyTestData.s_double           == -math.pi
+        CppyyTestData.s_double                   =  math.pi
         assert c.s_double                         ==  math.pi
@@ -348,10 +348,10 @@
         """Test the ranges of integer types"""
         import cppyy, sys
-        cppyy_test_data = cppyy.gbl.cppyy_test_data
+        CppyyTestData = cppyy.gbl.CppyyTestData
-        c = cppyy_test_data()
-        assert isinstance(c, cppyy_test_data)
+        c = CppyyTestData()
+        assert isinstance(c, CppyyTestData)
         # TODO: should these be TypeErrors, or should char/bool raise
         #       ValueErrors? In any case, consistency is needed ...
@@ -364,10 +364,10 @@
         """Test conversions between builtin types"""
         import cppyy, sys
-        cppyy_test_data = cppyy.gbl.cppyy_test_data
+        CppyyTestData = cppyy.gbl.CppyyTestData
-        c = cppyy_test_data()
-        assert isinstance(c, cppyy_test_data)
+        c = CppyyTestData()
+        assert isinstance(c, CppyyTestData)
         c.m_double = -1
         assert round(c.m_double + 1.0, 8) == 0
@@ -402,7 +402,7 @@
         raises(ReferenceError, 'gbl.g_pod.m_int')
-        c = gbl.cppyy_test_pod()
+        c = gbl.CppyyTestPod()
         c.m_int = 42
         c.m_double = 3.14
@@ -416,7 +416,7 @@
         assert c == d
         assert id(c) == id(d)
-        e = gbl.cppyy_test_pod()
+        e = gbl.CppyyTestPod()
         e.m_int = 43
         e.m_double = 2.14
@@ -431,44 +431,44 @@
         import cppyy
         gbl = cppyy.gbl
-        cppyy_test_data = cppyy.gbl.cppyy_test_data
+        CppyyTestData = cppyy.gbl.CppyyTestData
-        c = cppyy_test_data()
-        assert isinstance(c, cppyy_test_data)
+        c = CppyyTestData()
+        assert isinstance(c, CppyyTestData)
         # test that the enum is accessible as a type
-        assert cppyy_test_data.what
+        assert CppyyTestData.EWhat
-        assert cppyy_test_data.kNothing   ==   6
-        assert cppyy_test_data.kSomething == 111
-        assert cppyy_test_data.kLots      ==  42
+        assert CppyyTestData.kNothing   ==   6
+        assert CppyyTestData.kSomething == 111
+        assert CppyyTestData.kLots      ==  42
-        assert cppyy_test_data.what(cppyy_test_data.kNothing) == cppyy_test_data.kNothing
-        assert cppyy_test_data.what(6) == cppyy_test_data.kNothing
+        assert CppyyTestData.EWhat(CppyyTestData.kNothing) == CppyyTestData.kNothing
+        assert CppyyTestData.EWhat(6) == CppyyTestData.kNothing
         # TODO: only allow instantiations with correct values (C++11)
-        assert c.get_enum() == cppyy_test_data.kNothing
-        assert c.m_enum == cppyy_test_data.kNothing
+        assert c.get_enum() == CppyyTestData.kNothing
+        assert c.m_enum == CppyyTestData.kNothing
-        c.m_enum = cppyy_test_data.kSomething
-        assert c.get_enum() == cppyy_test_data.kSomething
-        assert c.m_enum == cppyy_test_data.kSomething
+        c.m_enum = CppyyTestData.kSomething
+        assert c.get_enum() == CppyyTestData.kSomething
+        assert c.m_enum == CppyyTestData.kSomething
-        c.set_enum(cppyy_test_data.kLots)
-        assert c.get_enum() == cppyy_test_data.kLots
-        assert c.m_enum == cppyy_test_data.kLots
+        c.set_enum(CppyyTestData.kLots)
+        assert c.get_enum() == CppyyTestData.kLots
+        assert c.m_enum == CppyyTestData.kLots
-        assert c.s_enum == cppyy_test_data.s_enum
-        assert c.s_enum == cppyy_test_data.kNothing
-        assert cppyy_test_data.s_enum == cppyy_test_data.kNothing
+        assert c.s_enum == CppyyTestData.s_enum
+        assert c.s_enum == CppyyTestData.kNothing
+        assert CppyyTestData.s_enum == CppyyTestData.kNothing
-        c.s_enum = cppyy_test_data.kSomething
-        assert c.s_enum == cppyy_test_data.s_enum
-        assert c.s_enum == cppyy_test_data.kSomething
-        assert cppyy_test_data.s_enum == cppyy_test_data.kSomething
+        c.s_enum = CppyyTestData.kSomething
+        assert c.s_enum == CppyyTestData.s_enum
+        assert c.s_enum == CppyyTestData.kSomething
+        assert CppyyTestData.s_enum == CppyyTestData.kSomething
         # global enums
-        assert gbl.fruit          # test type accessible
+        assert gbl.EFruit          # test type accessible
         assert gbl.kApple  == 78
         assert gbl.kBanana == 29
         assert gbl.kCitrus == 34
@@ -477,9 +477,9 @@
         """Test passing/returning of a const char*"""
         import cppyy
-        cppyy_test_data = cppyy.gbl.cppyy_test_data
+        CppyyTestData = cppyy.gbl.CppyyTestData
-        c = cppyy_test_data()
+        c = CppyyTestData()
         assert c.get_valid_string('aap') == 'aap'
         #assert c.get_invalid_string() == ''
@@ -487,11 +487,11 @@
         """Test copy constructor"""
         import cppyy
-        four_vector = cppyy.gbl.four_vector
+        FourVector = cppyy.gbl.FourVector
-        t1 = four_vector(1., 2., 3., -4.)
-        t2 = four_vector(0., 0., 0.,  0.)
-        t3 = four_vector(t1)
+        t1 = FourVector(1., 2., 3., -4.)
+        t2 = FourVector(0., 0., 0.,  0.)
+        t3 = FourVector(t1)
         assert t1 == t3
         assert t1 != t2
@@ -504,7 +504,7 @@
         import cppyy
-        c = cppyy.gbl.cppyy_test_data()
+        c = cppyy.gbl.CppyyTestData()
         assert c.m_pod.m_int == 888
         assert c.m_pod.m_double == 3.14
@@ -531,11 +531,11 @@
         import cppyy
-        c = cppyy.gbl.cppyy_test_data()
+        c = cppyy.gbl.CppyyTestData()
         assert c.m_pod.m_int == 888
         assert c.m_pod.m_double == 3.14
-        p = cppyy.gbl.cppyy_test_pod()
+        p = cppyy.gbl.CppyyTestPod()
         p.m_int = 123
         assert p.m_int == 123
         p.m_double = 321.
@@ -545,12 +545,12 @@
         assert c.m_pod.m_int == 123
         assert c.m_pod.m_double == 321.
-        c = cppyy.gbl.cppyy_test_data()
+        c = cppyy.gbl.CppyyTestData()
         assert c.m_pod.m_int == 123
         assert c.m_pod.m_double == 321.
-        c = cppyy.gbl.cppyy_test_data()
+        c = cppyy.gbl.CppyyTestData()
         assert p.m_int == 888
         assert p.m_double == 3.14
@@ -558,26 +558,26 @@
         p.m_int = 555
         p.m_double = 666.
-        c = cppyy.gbl.cppyy_test_data()
+        c = cppyy.gbl.CppyyTestData()
         assert c.m_pod.m_int == 555
         assert c.m_pod.m_double == 666.
-        c = cppyy.gbl.cppyy_test_data()
+        c = cppyy.gbl.CppyyTestData()
         assert c.m_pod.m_int == 555
         assert c.m_pod.m_double == 666.
         assert p.m_int == 555
         assert p.m_double == 666.
-        c = cppyy.gbl.cppyy_test_data()
+        c = cppyy.gbl.CppyyTestData()
         assert c.m_pod.m_int == 555
         assert c.m_pod.m_double == 666.
         assert p.m_int == 555
         assert p.m_double == 666.
-        c = cppyy.gbl.cppyy_test_data()
+        c = cppyy.gbl.CppyyTestData()
         assert c.m_pod.m_int == 888
         assert c.m_pod.m_double == 3.14
@@ -587,7 +587,7 @@
         p.m_int = 777
         p.m_double = 888.
-        c = cppyy.gbl.cppyy_test_data()
+        c = cppyy.gbl.CppyyTestData()
         assert c.m_pod.m_int == 888
         assert c.m_pod.m_double == 3.14
@@ -600,7 +600,7 @@
         import cppyy
         for o in (0, None):
-            c = cppyy.gbl.cppyy_test_data()
+            c = cppyy.gbl.CppyyTestData()
             assert c.m_pod.m_int == 888
             assert c.m_pod.m_double == 3.14
             assert not not c.m_ppod
@@ -613,10 +613,10 @@
         """Test that privacy settings are respected"""
         import cppyy
-        cppyy_test_data = cppyy.gbl.cppyy_test_data
+        CppyyTestData = cppyy.gbl.CppyyTestData
-        c = cppyy_test_data()
-        assert isinstance(c, cppyy_test_data)
+        c = CppyyTestData()
+        assert isinstance(c, CppyyTestData)
         raises(AttributeError, getattr, c, 'm_owns_arrays')
@@ -628,29 +628,29 @@
         import cppyy
         gbl = cppyy.gbl
-        c1 = cppyy.bind_object(0, gbl.cppyy_test_data)
+        c1 = cppyy.bind_object(0, gbl.CppyyTestData)
         assert c1 == None
         assert None == c1
-        c2 = cppyy.bind_object(0, gbl.cppyy_test_data)
+        c2 = cppyy.bind_object(0, gbl.CppyyTestData)
         assert c1 == c2
         assert c2 == c1
-        # four_vector overrides operator==
-        l1 = cppyy.bind_object(0, gbl.four_vector)
+        # FourVector overrides operator==
+        l1 = cppyy.bind_object(0, gbl.FourVector)
         assert l1 == None
         assert None == l1
         assert c1 != l1
         assert l1 != c1
-        l2 = cppyy.bind_object(0, gbl.four_vector)
+        l2 = cppyy.bind_object(0, gbl.FourVector)
         assert l1 == l2
         assert l2 == l1
-        l3 = gbl.four_vector(1, 2, 3, 4)
-        l4 = gbl.four_vector(1, 2, 3, 4)
-        l5 = gbl.four_vector(4, 3, 2, 1)
+        l3 = gbl.FourVector(1, 2, 3, 4)
+        l4 = gbl.FourVector(1, 2, 3, 4)
+        l5 = gbl.FourVector(4, 3, 2, 1)
         assert l3 == l4
         assert l4 == l3
@@ -664,7 +664,7 @@
         from cppyy import gbl
-        d = gbl.cppyy_test_pod()
+        d = gbl.CppyyTestPod()
         assert d
         assert not not d
@@ -677,9 +677,9 @@
         """Test usage of buffer sizing"""
         import cppyy
-        cppyy_test_data = cppyy.gbl.cppyy_test_data
+        CppyyTestData = cppyy.gbl.CppyyTestData
-        c = cppyy_test_data()
+        c = CppyyTestData()
         for func in ['get_bool_array',   'get_bool_array2',
                      'get_ushort_array', 'get_ushort_array2',
                      'get_int_array',    'get_int_array2',
@@ -698,19 +698,19 @@
         """Test usage of void* data"""
         import cppyy
-        cppyy_test_data = cppyy.gbl.cppyy_test_data
+        CppyyTestData = cppyy.gbl.CppyyTestData
-        c = cppyy_test_data()
+        c = CppyyTestData()
         assert not cppyy.gbl.nullptr
         assert c.s_voidp                is cppyy.gbl.nullptr
-        assert cppyy_test_data.s_voidp  is cppyy.gbl.nullptr
+        assert CppyyTestData.s_voidp  is cppyy.gbl.nullptr
         assert c.m_voidp                is cppyy.gbl.nullptr
         assert c.get_voidp()            is cppyy.gbl.nullptr
-        c2 = cppyy_test_data()
+        c2 = CppyyTestData()
         assert c2.m_voidp               is cppyy.gbl.nullptr
         assert c.m_voidp                is cppyy.gbl.nullptr
@@ -722,9 +722,9 @@
         def address_equality_test(a, b):
             assert cppyy.addressof(a) == cppyy.addressof(b)
-            b2 = cppyy.bind_object(a, cppyy_test_data)
+            b2 = cppyy.bind_object(a, CppyyTestData)
             assert b is b2    # memory regulator recycles
-            b3 = cppyy.bind_object(cppyy.addressof(a), cppyy_test_data)
+            b3 = cppyy.bind_object(cppyy.addressof(a), CppyyTestData)
             assert b is b3    # likewise
         address_equality_test(c.m_voidp, c2)

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