[pypy-commit] pypy cpyext-ext: hg merge cpyext-gil-ensure

arigo pypy.commits at gmail.com
Tue Mar 22 10:52:02 EDT 2016

Author: Armin Rigo <arigo at tunes.org>
Branch: cpyext-ext
Changeset: r83254:9b17e26b2764
Date: 2016-03-22 15:51 +0100

Log:	hg merge cpyext-gil-ensure

	Really implement PyGILState_Ensure/Release

diff --git a/pypy/module/cpyext/api.py b/pypy/module/cpyext/api.py
--- a/pypy/module/cpyext/api.py
+++ b/pypy/module/cpyext/api.py
@@ -37,6 +37,8 @@
 from rpython.tool.sourcetools import func_with_new_name
 from rpython.rtyper.lltypesystem.lloperation import llop
 from rpython.rlib import rawrefcount
+from rpython.rlib import rthread
+from rpython.rlib.debug import fatalerror_notb
@@ -192,6 +194,61 @@
 # exceptions generate a OperationError(w_SystemError); and the funtion returns
 # the error value specifed in the API.
+# Handling of the GIL
+# -------------------
+# We add a global variable 'cpyext_glob_tid' that contains a thread
+# id.  Invariant: this variable always contain 0 when the PyPy GIL is
+# released.  It should also contain 0 when regular RPython code
+# executes.  In non-cpyext-related code, it will thus always be 0.
+# **make_generic_cpy_call():** RPython to C, with the GIL held.  Before
+# the call, must assert that the global variable is 0 and set the
+# current thread identifier into the global variable.  After the call,
+# assert that the global variable still contains the current thread id,
+# and reset it to 0.
+# **make_wrapper():** C to RPython; by default assume that the GIL is
+# held, but accepts gil="acquire", "release", "around",
+# "pygilstate_ensure", "pygilstate_release".
+# When a wrapper() is called:
+# * "acquire": assert that the GIL is not currently held, i.e. the
+#   global variable does not contain the current thread id (otherwise,
+#   deadlock!).  Acquire the PyPy GIL.  After we acquired it, assert
+#   that the global variable is 0 (it must be 0 according to the
+#   invariant that it was 0 immediately before we acquired the GIL,
+#   because the GIL was released at that point).
+# * gil=None: we hold the GIL already.  Assert that the current thread
+#   identifier is in the global variable, and replace it with 0.
+# * "pygilstate_ensure": if the global variable contains the current
+#   thread id, replace it with 0 and set the extra arg to 0.  Otherwise,
+#   do the "acquire" and set the extra arg to 1.  Then we'll call
+#   pystate.py:PyGILState_Ensure() with this extra arg, which will do
+#   the rest of the logic.
+# When a wrapper() returns, first assert that the global variable is
+# still 0, and then:
+# * "release": release the PyPy GIL.  The global variable was 0 up to
+#   and including at the point where we released the GIL, but afterwards
+#   it is possible that the GIL is acquired by a different thread very
+#   quickly.
+# * gil=None: we keep holding the GIL.  Set the current thread
+#   identifier into the global variable.
+# * "pygilstate_release": if the argument is PyGILState_UNLOCKED,
+#   release the PyPy GIL; otherwise, set the current thread identifier
+#   into the global variable.  The rest of the logic of
+#   PyGILState_Release() should be done before, in pystate.py.
+cpyext_glob_tid_ptr = lltype.malloc(rffi.CArray(lltype.Signed), 1,
+                                    flavor='raw', immortal=True, zero=True)
 cpyext_namespace = NameManager('cpyext_')
@@ -211,6 +268,9 @@
         argnames, varargname, kwargname = pycode.cpython_code_signature(callable.func_code)
         assert argnames[0] == 'space'
+        if gil == 'pygilstate_ensure':
+            assert argnames[-1] == 'previous_state'
+            del argnames[-1]
         self.argnames = argnames[1:]
         assert len(self.argnames) == len(self.argtypes)
         self.gil = gil
@@ -616,7 +676,14 @@
     fatal_value = callable.api_func.restype._defl()
     gil_acquire = (gil == "acquire" or gil == "around")
     gil_release = (gil == "release" or gil == "around")
-    assert gil is None or gil_acquire or gil_release
+    pygilstate_ensure = (gil == "pygilstate_ensure")
+    pygilstate_release = (gil == "pygilstate_release")
+    assert (gil is None or gil_acquire or gil_release
+            or pygilstate_ensure or pygilstate_release)
+    deadlock_error = ("GIL deadlock detected when a CPython C extension "
+                      "module calls %r" % (callable.__name__,))
+    no_gil_error = ("GIL not held when a CPython C extension "
+                    "module calls %r" % (callable.__name__,))
     def wrapper(*args):
@@ -624,8 +691,27 @@
         from pypy.module.cpyext.pyobject import as_pyobj
         # we hope that malloc removal removes the newtuple() that is
         # inserted exactly here by the varargs specializer
+        # see "Handling of the GIL" above (careful, we don't have the GIL here)
+        tid = rthread.get_or_make_ident()
         if gil_acquire:
+            if cpyext_glob_tid_ptr[0] == tid:
+                fatalerror_notb(deadlock_error)
+            assert cpyext_glob_tid_ptr[0] == 0
+        elif pygilstate_ensure:
+            from pypy.module.cpyext import pystate
+            if cpyext_glob_tid_ptr[0] == tid:
+                cpyext_glob_tid_ptr[0] = 0
+                args += (pystate.PyGILState_LOCKED,)
+            else:
+                rgil.acquire()
+                args += (pystate.PyGILState_UNLOCKED,)
+        else:
+            if cpyext_glob_tid_ptr[0] != tid:
+                fatalerror_notb(no_gil_error)
+            cpyext_glob_tid_ptr[0] = 0
         rffi.stackcounter.stacks_counter += 1
         llop.gc_stack_bottom(lltype.Void)   # marker for trackgcroot.py
         retval = fatal_value
@@ -634,7 +720,8 @@
             if not we_are_translated() and DEBUG_WRAPPER:
                 print >>sys.stderr, callable,
-            assert len(args) == len(callable.api_func.argtypes)
+            assert len(args) == (len(callable.api_func.argtypes) +
+                                 pygilstate_ensure)
             for i, (typ, is_wrapped) in argtypes_enum_ui:
                 arg = args[i]
                 if is_PyObject(typ) and is_wrapped:
@@ -643,6 +730,8 @@
                     arg_conv = arg
                 boxed_args += (arg_conv, )
+            if pygilstate_ensure:
+                boxed_args += (args[-1], )
             state = space.fromcache(State)
                 result = callable(space, *boxed_args)
@@ -702,8 +791,20 @@
                 assert False
         rffi.stackcounter.stacks_counter -= 1
-        if gil_release:
+        # see "Handling of the GIL" above
+        assert cpyext_glob_tid_ptr[0] == 0
+        if pygilstate_release:
+            from pypy.module.cpyext import pystate
+            arg = rffi.cast(lltype.Signed, args[-1])
+            unlock = (arg == pystate.PyGILState_UNLOCKED)
+        else:
+            unlock = gil_release
+        if unlock:
+        else:
+            cpyext_glob_tid_ptr[0] = tid
         return retval
     callable._always_inline_ = 'try'
     wrapper.__name__ = "wrapper for %r" % (callable, )
@@ -1349,10 +1450,17 @@
                     arg = as_pyobj(space, arg)
             boxed_args += (arg,)
+        # see "Handling of the GIL" above
+        tid = rthread.get_ident()
+        assert cpyext_glob_tid_ptr[0] == 0
+        cpyext_glob_tid_ptr[0] = tid
             # Call the function
             result = call_external_function(func, *boxed_args)
+            assert cpyext_glob_tid_ptr[0] == tid
+            cpyext_glob_tid_ptr[0] = 0
         if is_PyObject(RESULT_TYPE):
diff --git a/pypy/module/cpyext/pystate.py b/pypy/module/cpyext/pystate.py
--- a/pypy/module/cpyext/pystate.py
+++ b/pypy/module/cpyext/pystate.py
@@ -204,18 +204,43 @@
     compile time."""
 PyGILState_STATE = rffi.INT
+PyGILState_LOCKED = 0
- at cpython_api([], PyGILState_STATE, error=CANNOT_FAIL, gil="acquire")
-def PyGILState_Ensure(space):
-    # NEW THREAD.  We should very carefully follow what CPython does instead.
-    return rffi.cast(PyGILState_STATE, 0)
+ExecutionContext.cpyext_gilstate_counter_noleave = 0
- at cpython_api([PyGILState_STATE], lltype.Void, gil="release")
-def PyGILState_Release(space, state):
-    # XXX XXX XXX We should very carefully follow what CPython does instead.
-    pass
+ at cpython_api([], PyGILState_STATE, error=CANNOT_FAIL, gil="pygilstate_ensure")
+def PyGILState_Ensure(space, previous_state):
+    # The argument 'previous_state' is not part of the API; it is inserted
+    # by make_wrapper() and contains PyGILState_LOCKED/UNLOCKED based on
+    # the previous GIL state.
+    must_leave = space.threadlocals.try_enter_thread(space)
+    ec = space.getexecutioncontext()
+    if not must_leave:
+        # This is a counter of how many times we called try_enter_thread()
+        # and it returned False.  In PyGILState_Release(), if this counter
+        # is greater than zero, we decrement it; only if the counter is
+        # already zero do we call leave_thread().
+        ec.cpyext_gilstate_counter_noleave += 1
+    else:
+        # This case is for when we just built a fresh threadlocals.
+        # We should only see it when we are in a new thread with no
+        # PyPy code below.
+        assert previous_state == PyGILState_UNLOCKED
+        assert ec.cpyext_gilstate_counter_noleave == 0
+    #
+    return rffi.cast(PyGILState_STATE, previous_state)
+ at cpython_api([PyGILState_STATE], lltype.Void, gil="pygilstate_release")
+def PyGILState_Release(space, oldstate):
+    oldstate = rffi.cast(lltype.Signed, oldstate)
+    ec = space.getexecutioncontext()
+    if ec.cpyext_gilstate_counter_noleave > 0:
+        ec.cpyext_gilstate_counter_noleave -= 1
+    else:
+        assert ec.cpyext_gilstate_counter_noleave == 0
+        assert oldstate == PyGILState_UNLOCKED
+        space.threadlocals.leave_thread(space)
 @cpython_api([], PyInterpreterState, error=CANNOT_FAIL)
 def PyInterpreterState_Head(space):
diff --git a/pypy/module/cpyext/test/test_pystate.py b/pypy/module/cpyext/test/test_pystate.py
--- a/pypy/module/cpyext/test/test_pystate.py
+++ b/pypy/module/cpyext/test/test_pystate.py
@@ -26,7 +26,6 @@
         # Should compile at least
-    @pytest.mark.xfail(reason='hangs at rgil.acquire', run=False)
     def test_gilstate(self):
         module = self.import_extension('foo', [
             ("double_ensure", "METH_O",
diff --git a/rpython/rlib/rthread.py b/rpython/rlib/rthread.py
--- a/rpython/rlib/rthread.py
+++ b/rpython/rlib/rthread.py
@@ -100,8 +100,11 @@
         return thread.get_ident()
 def get_or_make_ident():
-    assert we_are_translated()
-    return tlfield_thread_ident.get_or_make_raw()
+    if we_are_translated():
+        return tlfield_thread_ident.get_or_make_raw()
+    else:
+        import thread
+        return thread.get_ident()
 def start_new_thread(x, y):

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