[pypy-commit] extradoc extradoc: Draft blog post

arigo pypy.commits at gmail.com
Sat Jan 2 13:22:34 EST 2016

Author: Armin Rigo <arigo at tunes.org>
Branch: extradoc
Changeset: r5576:4e6f2b0b4afb
Date: 2016-01-02 19:22 +0100

Log:	Draft blog post

diff --git a/blog/draft/cffi-embedding.rst b/blog/draft/cffi-embedding.rst
new file mode 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/blog/draft/cffi-embedding.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
+Using CFFI for embedding
+CFFI_ has been a great success so far to call C libraries in your
+Python programs, in a way that is both simple and that works across
+CPython 2.x and 3.x and PyPy.
+We are now adding support for *embedding* Python inside non-Python
+programs.  This is traditionally done using the CPython C API: from C
+code, you call ``Py_Initialize()`` and then some other functions like
+``PyRun_SimpleString()``.  In the simple cases it is, indeed, simple
+enough; but it can become a more complicated story if you throw in
+supporting application-dependent object types, and correctly running
+on multiple threads, and so on.
+Moreover, this approach is specific to CPython (2.x or 3.x, which you
+can do in a similar way).  It does not work on PyPy, which has its own
+smaller `embedding API`_.
+CFFI now supports embedding directly---and there is no fixed API at
+all.  The idea is to write some Python script with a ``cdef()`` which
+declares a number of ``extern "Python"`` functions.  When running the
+script, it creates the C source code and compile it to a
+dynamically-linked library (``.so`` on Linux).  This is the same as in
+the regular API-mode usage, and ``extern "Python"`` was `introduced in
+CFFI 1.4`_.  What is new is that you also give a bit of
+initialization-time Python code directly in the script, which will be
+compiled into the ``.so`` too---and the ``extern "Python"`` are now
+also "exported" from the dynamically-linked library as regular C
+In other words, this library can now be used directly from any C
+program (and it is still importable in Python).  It exposes the C API
+of your choice, which you specified with the ``extern "Python"``
+declarations.  You can use it to make whatever custom API makes sense
+in your particular case.  You can even make directly a "plug-in" for
+any program that supports them, just by exporting the API expected for
+such plugins.
+This is still being finalized, but please try it out.  (You can also
+see `embedding.py`_ directly online here for a quick glance.)
+* get the branch ``static-callback-embedding`` of CFFI (``hg clone https://bitbucket.org/cffi/cffi && hg up static-callback-embedding``)
+* make the ``_cffi_backend.so`` (``python setup_base.py build_ext -f -i``)
+* run ``embedding`` in the ``demo`` directory (``cd demo; PYTHONPATH=.. python embedding.py``)
+* run ``gcc`` to build the C sources (``gcc -shared -fPIC _embedding_cffi.c -o _embedding_cffi.so -lpython2.7 -I/usr/include/python2.7``)
+* try out the demo C program in ``embedding_test.c`` (``gcc embedding_test.c _embedding_cffi.so && PYTHONPATH=.. LD_LIBRARY_PATH=. a.out``).
+Note that if you get ``ImportError: cffi extension module
+'_embedding_cffi' has unknown version 0x2701``, it means that the
+``_cffi_backend`` module loaded is a pre-installed one instead of the
+more recent one in ``..``.  Be sure to use ``PYTHONPATH`` for now.
+Very similar steps can be followed on PyPy, but it requires the
+``cffi-static-callback-embedding`` branch of PyPy, which you must
+first translate from sources.
+You get a CPython/PyPy that is automatically initialized (using locks
+in case of multi-threading) the first time any of the ``extern
+"Python"`` functions is called from the C program.  The custom
+initialization-time Python code is run at that time too.  If this code
+starts to be big, you may consider moving it to several modules or
+packages and importing them from the initialization-time Python code;
+in that case you have to be careful about setting up the correct
+Note that right now it does not support CPython's notion of multiple
+subinterpreters.  The logic creates a single global Python interpreter,
+and everything is run in that context.  Idea about how to support that
+cleanly would be welcome ``:-)``  More generally, any feedback is
+Have fun,

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