[pypy-commit] pypy py3.3: Merged in marky1991/pypy_new/fix_module_repr (pull request #404)

mjacob pypy.commits at gmail.com
Wed Feb 24 04:06:41 EST 2016

Author: Manuel Jacob <me at manueljacob.de>
Branch: py3.3
Changeset: r82477:79680cd9c664
Date: 2016-02-24 10:05 +0100

Log:	Merged in marky1991/pypy_new/fix_module_repr (pull request #404)

	3.3: Fix_module_repr to match PEP 420 and fix reload_builtin

diff --git a/pypy/interpreter/module.py b/pypy/interpreter/module.py
--- a/pypy/interpreter/module.py
+++ b/pypy/interpreter/module.py
@@ -121,19 +121,32 @@
         return space.newtuple(tup_return)
     def descr_module__repr__(self, space):
-        from pypy.interpreter.mixedmodule import MixedModule
-        if self.w_name is not None:
-            name = space.unicode_w(space.repr(self.w_name))
-        else:
+        w_loader = space.finditem(self.w_dict, space.wrap('__loader__'))
+        if w_loader is not None:
+            try:
+                return space.call_method(w_loader, "module_repr",
+                                         space.wrap(self))
+            except OperationError:
+                pass
+        try:
+            w_name = space.getattr(self, space.wrap('__name__'))
+            name = space.unicode_w(space.repr(w_name))
+        except OperationError:
             name = u"'?'"
-        if isinstance(self, MixedModule):
-            return space.wrap(u"<module %s (built-in)>" % name)
             w___file__ = space.getattr(self, space.wrap('__file__'))
+        except OperationError:
+            w___file__ = space.w_None
+        if not space.isinstance_w(w___file__, space.w_unicode):
+            if w_loader is not None:
+                w_loader_repr = space.unicode_w(space.repr(w_loader))
+                return space.wrap(u"<module %s (%s)>" % (name, w_loader_repr))
+            else:
+                return space.wrap(u"<module %s>" % (name,))
+        else:
             __file__ = space.unicode_w(space.repr(w___file__))
-        except OperationError:
-            __file__ = u'?'
-        return space.wrap(u"<module %s from %s>" % (name, __file__))
+            return space.wrap(u"<module %s from %s>" % (name, __file__))
     def descr_module__dir__(self, space):
         w_dict = space.getattr(self, space.wrap('__dict__'))
diff --git a/pypy/interpreter/test/test_module.py b/pypy/interpreter/test/test_module.py
--- a/pypy/interpreter/test/test_module.py
+++ b/pypy/interpreter/test/test_module.py
@@ -74,11 +74,88 @@
                  r'lib_pypy\\_pypy_interact.py' in r.lower()) and
         nofile = type(_pypy_interact)('nofile', 'foo')
-        assert repr(nofile) == "<module 'nofile' from ?>"
+        assert repr(nofile) == "<module 'nofile'>"
         m = type(_pypy_interact).__new__(type(_pypy_interact))
         assert repr(m).startswith("<module '?'")
+    def test_repr_with_loader_with_valid_module_repr(self):
+        import sys
+        test_module = type(sys)("test_module", "doc")
+        # If the module has a __loader__ and that loader has a module_repr()
+        # method, call it with a single argument, which is the module object.
+        # The value returned is used as the module’s repr.
+        class CustomLoader:
+            @classmethod
+            def module_repr(cls, module):
+                mod_repr = ("<module {mod_name}: "
+                            "{cls} Test>".format(mod_name=repr(module.__name__),
+                                                cls=repr(cls.__name__)))
+                return mod_repr
+        test_module.__loader__ = CustomLoader
+        assert repr(test_module) == "<module 'test_module': 'CustomLoader' Test>"
+    def test_repr_with_loader_with_module_repr_wrong_type(self):
+        import sys
+        test_module = type(sys)("test_module", "doc")
+        # This return value must be a string.
+        class BuggyCustomLoader:
+            @classmethod
+            def module_repr(cls, module):
+                return 5
+        test_module.__loader__ = BuggyCustomLoader
+        raises(TypeError, repr, test_module)
+    def test_repr_with_loader_with_raising_module_repr(self):
+        import sys
+        test_module = type(sys)("test_module", "doc")
+        # If an exception occurs in module_repr(), the exception is caught
+        # and discarded, and the calculation of the module’s repr continues
+        # as if module_repr() did not exist.
+        class CustomLoaderWithRaisingRepr:
+            @classmethod
+            def module_repr(cls, module):
+                return repr(1/0)
+        test_module.__loader__ = CustomLoaderWithRaisingRepr
+        mod_repr = repr(test_module)
+        # The module has no __file__ attribute, so the repr should use 
+        # the loader and name
+        loader_repr = repr(test_module.__loader__)
+        expected_repr = "<module 'test_module' ({})>".format(loader_repr)
+        assert mod_repr == expected_repr
+    def test_repr_with_raising_loader_and___file__(self):
+        import sys
+        test_module = type(sys)("test_module", "doc")
+        test_module.__file__ = "/fake_dir/test_module.py"
+        class CustomLoaderWithRaisingRepr:
+            """Operates just like the builtin importer, but implements a
+            module_repr method that raises an exception."""
+            @classmethod
+            def module_repr(cls, module):
+                return repr(1/0)
+        test_module.__loader__ = CustomLoaderWithRaisingRepr
+        # If the module has an __file__ attribute, this is used as part
+        # of the module's repr.
+        # (If we have a loader that doesn't correctly implement module_repr,
+        # if we have a path, we always just use name and path.
+        expected_repr = "<module 'test_module' from '/fake_dir/test_module.py'>"
+        assert repr(test_module) == expected_repr
+    def test_repr_with_missing_name(self):
+        import sys
+        test_module = type(sys)("test_module", "doc")
+        del test_module.__name__
+        mod_repr = repr(test_module)
+        assert mod_repr == "<module '?'>"
     def test_dir(self):
         import sys
         items = sys.__dir__()
diff --git a/pypy/module/imp/interp_imp.py b/pypy/module/imp/interp_imp.py
--- a/pypy/module/imp/interp_imp.py
+++ b/pypy/module/imp/interp_imp.py
@@ -86,7 +86,11 @@
     # force_init is needed to make reload actually reload instead of just
     # using the already-present module in sys.modules.
-    return space.getbuiltinmodule(name, force_init=True, reuse=False)
+    # If the module is already in sys.modules, it must be a reload, so
+    # we want to reuse (and reinitialize) the existing module object
+    reuse = space.finditem(space.sys.get('modules'), w_name) is not None
+    return space.getbuiltinmodule(name, force_init=True, reuse=reuse)
 def init_frozen(space, w_name):
     return None

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