[pypy-commit] extradoc extradoc: Moved to bugs.python.org

arigo pypy.commits at gmail.com
Tue Dec 6 07:18:37 EST 2016

Author: Armin Rigo <arigo at tunes.org>
Branch: extradoc
Changeset: r5762:69d59aa417d0
Date: 2016-12-06 13:18 +0100

Log:	Moved to bugs.python.org

diff --git a/planning/py3.5/cpython-crashers.rst b/planning/py3.5/cpython-crashers.rst
--- a/planning/py3.5/cpython-crashers.rst
+++ b/planning/py3.5/cpython-crashers.rst
@@ -1,259 +1,11 @@
 CPython crashers
-This document ways to crash CPython 3.5, or get completely unexpected
-and undocumented results, or leak memory, etc.
+This used to document ways to crash CPython 3.5, or get completely
+unexpected and undocumented results, or leak memory, etc.
+It has since been moved to these three main issues:
-* _PyGen_Finalize() should not fail with an exception
-  http://bugs.python.org/issue27811
-* PyFrameObject.f_gen can be left pointing to a dangling generator
-  http://bugs.python.org/issue27812
-* os.scandir() returns an iterable object that should not be used
-  from multiple threads.  Doing so can e.g. cause one thread to
-  close the dirp while another thread is still using it.  This is
-  likely to crash.  Similarly, the test for (!iterator->dirp) at
-  the start of ScandirIterator_iternext() is only done once even
-  if the following loop runs two or three times because of "." or
-  ".." entries.
-* os.scandir() direntry objects should not have stat() called from two
-  threads concurrently.  It will make two stat objects and leak one of
-  them.
-* _PyGen_yf() checks the opcode at [f_lasti + 1], which is the next
-  opcode that will run when we resume the generator: either it is the
-  opcode following the YIELD, or it is exactly YIELD_FROM.  It is not
-  possible at the moment to write Python code that compiles to a YIELD
-  immediately followed by YIELD_FROM, so by chance the two cases are
-  correctly distinguished.  *However,* the discussion so far assumes
-  that the generator is not currently running.  If it is (which probably
-  doesn't occur in reasonable Python code but can be constructed
-  manually), then this checks for example the byte/word that describes
-  the argument of the currently running opcode.  If we're very unlucky
-  this byte has the value 72, which is YIELD_FROM.  Total nonsense and
-  crashes follow.
-* faulthandler: register(): the signal handler, faulthandler_user(),
-  changes errno in faulthandler_dump_traceback() but fails to restore it
-  if chain=False.  This can rarely cause random nonsense in the main
-  program.
-* setting f_lineno didn't evolve when the rest of the bytecodes evolved,
-  which means it is not safe any more::
-    import sys
-    def f():
-        try:
-            raise ValueError    # line 5
-        except ValueError:
-            print(42)           # line 7
-    def my_trace(*args):
-        print(args)
-        if args[1] == 'line':
-            f = args[0]
-            if f.f_lineno == 5:
-                f.f_lineno = 7
-        return my_trace
-    sys.settrace(my_trace)
-    f()
-    sys.settrace(None)
-* I didn't try, but it seems that typeobject.c:mro_internal() is prone
-  to a refcount crash.  It does this::
-     old_mro = type->tp_mro;
-     ...mro_invoke()...  /* might cause reentrance */
-     type->tp_mro = new_mro;
-     ...
-     Py_XDECREF(old_mro);
-  This last XDECREF drops the reference held by the previous value of
-  ``type->tp_mro`` after we changed it.  But ``type->tp_mro`` might have
-  changed because of mro_invoke(), which calls pure Python code.  If it
-  did change, then old_mro is no longer the old value of
-  ``type->tp_mro``.  The wrong object gets decrefed.
-Non-segfaulting bugs
-* on modern Linux: if the first call in the process to
-  socketpair() ends in a EINVAL, then cpython will (possibly wrongly)
-  assume it was caused by SOCK_CLOEXEC and not use SOCK_CLOEXEC at all
-  in the future
-* fcntl.ioctl(x, y, buf, mutate_flag): mutate_flag is there for the case
-  of buf being a read-write buffer, which is then mutated in-place.
-  But if we call with a read-only buffer, mutate_flag is ignored (instead
-  of rejecting a True value)---ioctl(x, y, "foo", True) will not actually
-  mutate the string "foo", but the True is completely ignored.  (I think
-  this is a bug introduced during the Argument Clinic refactoring.)
-* re.sub(b'y', bytearray(b'a'), bytearray(b'xyz')) -> b'xaz'
-  re.sub(b'y', bytearray(b'\\n'), bytearray(b'xyz')) -> internal TypeError
-* if you have a stack of generators where each is in 'yield from' from
-  the next one, and you call '.next()' on the outermost, then it enters
-  and leaves all intermediate frames.  This is costly but may be
-  required to get the sys.settrace()/setprofile() hooks called.
-  However, if you call '.throw()' or '.close()' instead, then it uses a
-  much more efficient way to go from the outermost to the innermost
-  frame---as a result, the enter/leave of the intermediate frames is not
-  invoked.  This can confuse coverage tools and profilers.  For example,
-  in a stack ``f1()->f2()->f3()``, vmprof would show f3() as usually
-  called via f2() from f1() but occasionally called directly from f1().
-* ceval.c: GET_AITER: calls _PyCoro_GetAwaitableIter(), which might
-  get an exception from calling the user-defined __await__() or checking
-  what it returns; such an exception is completely eaten.
-* this is an old issue that was forgotten twice on the
-  issue tracker: ``class C: __new__=int.__new__`` and ``class C(int):
-  __new__=object.__new__`` can each be instantiated, even though they
-  shouldn't.  This is because ``__new__`` is completely ignored if it is
-  set to any built-in function that uses ``tp_new_wrapper`` as its C code
-  (many of the built-in types' ``__new__`` are like that).
-  http://bugs.python.org/issue1694663#msg75957,
-  http://bugs.python.org/issue5322#msg84112.  In (at least) CPython 3.5,
-  a few classes work only thanks to abuse of this bug: for example,
-  ``io.UnsupportedOperation.__new__(io.UnsupportedOperation)`` doesn't
-  work, but that was not noticed because ``io.UnsupportedOperation()``
-  mistakenly works.
-* this program fails the check for no sys.exc_info(), even though at
-  the point this assert runs (called from the <== line) we are not in
-  any except/finally block.  This is a generalization of
-  test_exceptions:test_generator_doesnt_retain_old_exc::
-    import sys
-    def g():
-        try:
-            raise ValueError
-        except ValueError:
-            yield 1
-        assert sys.exc_info() == (None, None, None)
-        yield 2
-    gen = g()
-    try:
-        raise IndexError
-    except IndexError:
-        assert next(gen) is 1
-    assert next(gen) is 2    # <==
-* frame.clear() does not clear f_locals, unlike what a test says
-  (Lib/test/test_frame.py)::
-    def test_locals_clear_locals(self):
-        # Test f_locals before and after clear() (to exercise caching)
-        f, outer, inner = self.make_frames()
-        outer.f_locals
-        inner.f_locals
-        outer.clear()
-        inner.clear()
-        self.assertEqual(outer.f_locals, {})
-        self.assertEqual(inner.f_locals, {})
-  This test passes, but the C-level PyFrameObject has got a strong
-  reference to f_locals, which is only updated (to be empty) if the
-  Python code tries to read this attribute.  In the normal case,
-  code that calls clear() but doesn't read f_locals afterwards will
-  still leak everything contained in the C-level f_locals field.  This
-  can be shown by this failing test::
-    import sys
-    def g():
-        x = 42
-        return sys._getframe()
-    frame = g()
-    d = frame.f_locals
-    frame.clear()
-    print(d)
-    assert d == {}   # fails!  but 'assert d is frame.f_locals' passes,
-                     # which shows that this dict is kept alive by
-                     # 'frame'; and we've seen that it is non-empty
-                     # as long as we don't read frame.f_locals.
-* weak dicts (both kinds) and weak sets have an implementation of
-  __len__ which doesn't give the "expected" result on PyPy, and in some
-  cases on CPython too.  I'm not sure what is expected and what is not.
-  Here is an example on CPython 3.5.2+ (using a thread to run the weakref
-  callbacks only, not to explicitly inspect or modify 'd')::
-    import weakref, _thread
-    from queue import Queue
-    queue = Queue()
-    def subthread(queue):
-        while True:
-            queue.get()
-    _thread.start_new_thread(subthread, (queue,))
-    class X:
-        pass
-    d = weakref.WeakValueDictionary()
-    while True:
-        x = X()
-        d[52] = x
-        queue.put(x)
-        del x
-        while list(d) != []:
-            pass
-        assert len(d) == 0  # we've checked that list(d)==[], but this may fail
-  On CPython I've seen the assert fail only after editing the function
-  WeakValueDictionary.__init__.remove() to add ``time.sleep(0.01)`` as
-  the first line.  Otherwise I guess the timings happen to make that test
-  pass.
-* CPython 3.5.2: this ``nonlocal`` seems not to have a reasonable
-  effect (note that if we use a different name instead of ``__class__``,
-  this example correctly complain that there is no binding in the outer
-  scope of ``Y``)::
-    class Y:
-        class X:
-            nonlocal __class__
-            __class__ = 42
-        print(locals()['__class__'])     # 42
-        print(__class__)                 # but this is a NameError
-* Follow-up on issue #25388: running ``python x.py`` if x.py contains
-  the following bytes...
-  * ``b"#\xfd\n"`` => we get a SyntaxError: Non-UTF-8 code
-  * ``b"# coding: utf-8\n#\xfd\n"`` => we get no error!
-Other issues of "dubious IMHO" status
-* argument clinic turns the "bool" specifier into
-  PyObject_IsTrue(), accepting any argument whatsoever.  This can easily
-  get very confusing for the user, e.g. after messing up the number of
-  arguments.  For example: os.symlink("/path1", "/path2", "/path3")
-  doesn't fail, it just considers the 3rd argument as some true value.
-* hash({}.values()) works (but hash({}.keys()) correctly gives
-  TypeError).  That's a bit confusing and, as far as I can tell, always
-  pointless.  Also, related: d.keys()==d.keys() but
-  d.values()!=d.values().
-* if you write ``from .a import b`` inside the Python prompt, or in
-  a module not in any package, then you get a SystemError(!) with an
-  error message that is unlikely to help newcomers.
-* pep 475: unclear why 'os.fchmod(fd)' retries automatically when
-  it gets EINTR but the otherwise-equivalent 'os.chmod(fd)' does not.
-  (The documentation says they are fully equivalent, so someone is
-  wrong.)

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