[pypy-commit] pypy vecopt-merge: merged default

plan_rich noreply at buildbot.pypy.org
Thu Oct 8 13:40:55 CEST 2015

Author: Richard Plangger <planrichi at gmail.com>
Branch: vecopt-merge
Changeset: r80046:b022ce811db0
Date: 2015-10-08 13:40 +0200

Log:	merged default

diff --git a/pypy/module/itertools/__init__.py b/pypy/module/itertools/__init__.py
--- a/pypy/module/itertools/__init__.py
+++ b/pypy/module/itertools/__init__.py
@@ -10,7 +10,6 @@
     repeat(elem [,n]) --> elem, elem, elem, ... endlessly or up to n times
     Iterators terminating on the shortest input sequence:
-    izip(p, q, ...) --> (p[0], q[0]), (p[1], q[1]), ... 
     ifilter(pred, seq) --> elements of seq where pred(elem) is True
     ifilterfalse(pred, seq) --> elements of seq where pred(elem) is False
     islice(seq, [start,] stop [, step]) --> elements from
@@ -22,6 +21,14 @@
     takewhile(pred, seq) --> seq[0], seq[1], until pred fails
     dropwhile(pred, seq) --> seq[n], seq[n+1], starting when pred fails
     groupby(iterable[, keyfunc]) --> sub-iterators grouped by value of keyfunc(v)
+    izip(p, q, ...) --> (p[0], q[0]), (p[1], q[1]), ...
+    izip_longest(p, q, ...) --> (p[0], q[0]), (p[1], q[1]), ...
+    Combinatoric generators:
+    product(p, q, ... [repeat=1]) --> cartesian product
+    permutations(p[, r])
+    combinations(p, r)
+    combinations_with_replacement(p, r)
     interpleveldefs = {
diff --git a/pypy/module/itertools/interp_itertools.py b/pypy/module/itertools/interp_itertools.py
--- a/pypy/module/itertools/interp_itertools.py
+++ b/pypy/module/itertools/interp_itertools.py
@@ -649,33 +649,38 @@
 class W_IZipLongest(W_IMap):
     _error_name = "izip_longest"
+    _immutable_fields_ = ["w_fillvalue"]
+    def _fetch(self, index):
+        w_iter = self.iterators_w[index]
+        if w_iter is not None:
+            space = self.space
+            try:
+                return space.next(w_iter)
+            except OperationError, e:
+                if not e.match(space, space.w_StopIteration):
+                    raise
+                self.active -= 1
+                if self.active <= 0:
+                    # It was the last active iterator
+                    raise
+                self.iterators_w[index] = None
+        return self.w_fillvalue
     def next_w(self):
-        space = self.space
+        # common case: 2 arguments
+        if len(self.iterators_w) == 2:
+            objects = [self._fetch(0), self._fetch(1)]
+        else:
+            objects = self._get_objects()
+        return self.space.newtuple(objects)
+    def _get_objects(self):
+        # the loop is out of the way of the JIT
         nb = len(self.iterators_w)
         if nb == 0:
-            raise OperationError(space.w_StopIteration, space.w_None)
-        objects_w = [None] * nb
-        for index in range(nb):
-            w_value = self.w_fillvalue
-            w_it = self.iterators_w[index]
-            if w_it is not None:
-                try:
-                    w_value = space.next(w_it)
-                except OperationError, e:
-                    if not e.match(space, space.w_StopIteration):
-                        raise
-                    self.active -= 1
-                    if self.active == 0:
-                        # It was the last active iterator
-                        raise
-                    self.iterators_w[index] = None
-            objects_w[index] = w_value
-        return space.newtuple(objects_w)
+            raise OperationError(self.space.w_StopIteration, self.space.w_None)
+        return [self._fetch(index) for index in range(nb)]
 def W_IZipLongest___new__(space, w_subtype, __args__):
     arguments_w, kwds_w = __args__.unpack()
diff --git a/rpython/jit/codewriter/jtransform.py b/rpython/jit/codewriter/jtransform.py
--- a/rpython/jit/codewriter/jtransform.py
+++ b/rpython/jit/codewriter/jtransform.py
@@ -205,6 +205,8 @@
             if v is op.result:
                 if op.opname not in ('int_lt', 'int_le', 'int_eq', 'int_ne',
                                      'int_gt', 'int_ge',
+                                     'float_lt', 'float_le', 'float_eq',
+                                     'float_ne', 'float_gt', 'float_ge',
                                      'int_is_zero', 'int_is_true',
                                      'ptr_eq', 'ptr_ne',
                                      'ptr_iszero', 'ptr_nonzero'):
diff --git a/rpython/jit/codewriter/test/test_flatten.py b/rpython/jit/codewriter/test/test_flatten.py
--- a/rpython/jit/codewriter/test/test_flatten.py
+++ b/rpython/jit/codewriter/test/test_flatten.py
@@ -576,7 +576,7 @@
             return ovfcheck(i + j)
         err = py.test.raises(Exception, "self.encoding_test(f, [7, 2], '',"
                              "transform=True, liveness=True)")
-        assert "ovfcheck()" in str(err)
+        assert "ovfcheck()" in str(err.value)
     def test_ovfcheck_reraise(self):
         def f(i, j):
diff --git a/rpython/jit/metainterp/blackhole.py b/rpython/jit/metainterp/blackhole.py
--- a/rpython/jit/metainterp/blackhole.py
+++ b/rpython/jit/metainterp/blackhole.py
@@ -672,6 +672,55 @@
         b = longlong.getrealfloat(b)
         return a >= b
+    @arguments("f", "f", "L", "pc", returns="L")
+    def bhimpl_goto_if_not_float_lt(a, b, target, pc):
+        a = longlong.getrealfloat(a)
+        b = longlong.getrealfloat(b)
+        if a < b:
+            return pc
+        else:
+            return target
+    @arguments("f", "f", "L", "pc", returns="L")
+    def bhimpl_goto_if_not_float_le(a, b, target, pc):
+        a = longlong.getrealfloat(a)
+        b = longlong.getrealfloat(b)
+        if a <= b:
+            return pc
+        else:
+            return target
+    @arguments("f", "f", "L", "pc", returns="L")
+    def bhimpl_goto_if_not_float_eq(a, b, target, pc):
+        a = longlong.getrealfloat(a)
+        b = longlong.getrealfloat(b)
+        if a == b:
+            return pc
+        else:
+            return target
+    @arguments("f", "f", "L", "pc", returns="L")
+    def bhimpl_goto_if_not_float_ne(a, b, target, pc):
+        a = longlong.getrealfloat(a)
+        b = longlong.getrealfloat(b)
+        if a != b:
+            return pc
+        else:
+            return target
+    @arguments("f", "f", "L", "pc", returns="L")
+    def bhimpl_goto_if_not_float_gt(a, b, target, pc):
+        a = longlong.getrealfloat(a)
+        b = longlong.getrealfloat(b)
+        if a > b:
+            return pc
+        else:
+            return target
+    @arguments("f", "f", "L", "pc", returns="L")
+    def bhimpl_goto_if_not_float_ge(a, b, target, pc):
+        a = longlong.getrealfloat(a)
+        b = longlong.getrealfloat(b)
+        if a >= b:
+            return pc
+        else:
+            return target
     @arguments("f", returns="i")
     def bhimpl_cast_float_to_int(a):
         a = longlong.getrealfloat(a)
diff --git a/rpython/jit/metainterp/pyjitpl.py b/rpython/jit/metainterp/pyjitpl.py
--- a/rpython/jit/metainterp/pyjitpl.py
+++ b/rpython/jit/metainterp/pyjitpl.py
@@ -358,16 +358,18 @@
         self.opimpl_goto_if_not(condbox, target, orgpc)
     for _opimpl in ['int_lt', 'int_le', 'int_eq', 'int_ne', 'int_gt', 'int_ge',
-                    'ptr_eq', 'ptr_ne']:
+                    'ptr_eq', 'ptr_ne', 'float_lt', 'float_le', 'float_eq',
+                    'float_ne', 'float_gt', 'float_ge']:
         exec py.code.Source('''
             @arguments("box", "box", "label", "orgpc")
             def opimpl_goto_if_not_%s(self, b1, b2, target, orgpc):
-                if b1 is b2:
+                if %s and b1 is b2:
                     condbox = %s
                     condbox = self.execute(rop.%s, b1, b2)
                 self.opimpl_goto_if_not(condbox, target, orgpc)
-        ''' % (_opimpl, FASTPATHS_SAME_BOXES[_opimpl.split("_")[-1]], _opimpl.upper())
+        ''' % (_opimpl, not _opimpl.startswith('float_'),
+               FASTPATHS_SAME_BOXES[_opimpl.split("_")[-1]], _opimpl.upper())
     def _establish_nullity(self, box, orgpc):
diff --git a/rpython/jit/metainterp/resoperation.py b/rpython/jit/metainterp/resoperation.py
--- a/rpython/jit/metainterp/resoperation.py
+++ b/rpython/jit/metainterp/resoperation.py
@@ -316,12 +316,17 @@
         args = self.getarglist()
         descr = self.getdescr()
         if descr is None or we_are_translated():
-            return '%s%s%s(%s)' % (prefix, sres, self.getopname(),
-                                   ', '.join([a.repr_short(memo) for a in args]))
+            s = '%s%s%s(%s)' % (prefix, sres, self.getopname(),
+                                ', '.join([a.repr_short(memo) for a in args]))
-            return '%s%s%s(%s)' % (prefix, sres, self.getopname(),
-                                   ', '.join([a.repr_short(memo) for a in args] +
-                                             ['descr=%r' % descr]))
+            s = '%s%s%s(%s)' % (prefix, sres, self.getopname(),
+                                ', '.join([a.repr_short(memo) for a in args] +
+                                          ['descr=%r' % descr]))
+        # --- enable to display the failargs too:
+        #if isinstance(self, GuardResOp):
+        #    s += ' [%s]' % (', '.join([a.repr_short(memo) for a in
+        #                                self.getfailargs()]),)
+        return s
     def repr_short(self, memo):
diff --git a/rpython/rlib/_stacklet_shadowstack.py b/rpython/rlib/_stacklet_shadowstack.py
--- a/rpython/rlib/_stacklet_shadowstack.py
+++ b/rpython/rlib/_stacklet_shadowstack.py
@@ -76,9 +76,12 @@
 def alloc_stacklet():
     new_stacklet = lltype.malloc(STACKLET)
     new_stacklet.s_handle = _c.null_handle
+    new_stacklet.s_sscopy = llmemory.NULL
     return new_stacklet
 def attach_handle_on_stacklet(stacklet, h):
+    ll_assert(stacklet.s_handle == _c.null_handle, "attach stacklet 1: garbage")
+    ll_assert(stacklet.s_sscopy == llmemory.NULL,  "attach stacklet 2: garbage")
     if not h:
         raise MemoryError
     elif _c.is_empty_handle(h):

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