[pypy-commit] stmgc use-gcc: Expand the instructions as I found it necessary on some other system.

arigo noreply at buildbot.pypy.org
Sun May 24 15:08:32 CEST 2015

Author: Armin Rigo <arigo at tunes.org>
Branch: use-gcc
Changeset: r1773:bf0b7b39dd55
Date: 2015-05-24 15:03 +0200

Log:	Expand the instructions as I found it necessary on some other

diff --git a/gcc-seg-gs/README.txt b/gcc-seg-gs/README.txt
--- a/gcc-seg-gs/README.txt
+++ b/gcc-seg-gs/README.txt
@@ -1,19 +1,34 @@
-Get gcc release 5.1:
+Get gcc release 5.1.0 from the download page:
-    svn co svn://gcc.gnu.org/svn/gcc/tags/gcc_5_1_0_release
+    https://gcc.gnu.org/mirrors.html
-Apply the patch here.
+Unpack it.
+Apply the patch provided here in the file gcc-5.1.0-patch.diff.
+You can either install the 'libmpc-dev' package on your system,
+or else, manually:
+    * unpack 'https://ftp.gnu.org/gnu/gmp/gmp-6.0.0a.tar.xz'
+      and move 'gmp-6.0.0' as 'gcc-5.1.0/gmp'.
+    * unpack 'http://www.mpfr.org/mpfr-current/mpfr-3.1.2.tar.xz'
+      and move 'mpfr-3.1.2' as 'gcc-5.1.0/mpfr'
+    * unpack 'ftp://ftp.gnu.org/gnu/mpc/mpc-1.0.3.tar.gz'
+      and move 'mpc-1.0.3' as 'gcc-5.1.0/mpc'
 Compile gcc as usual:
-    mkdir ../build
-    cd ../build
-    ./configure --enable-stage1-languages=c
+    mkdir build
+    cd build
+    ../gcc-5.1.0/configure --enable-languages=c --disable-multilib
     make    # or maybe only "make all-stage1-gcc"
-If you don't want to install this patched gcc globally, use this
-script and call it 'gcc-seg-gs':
+This patched gcc could be globally installed, but in these instructions
+we assume you don't want that.  Instead, create the following script,
+call it 'gcc-seg-gs', and put it in the $PATH:
-    BUILD=/..../build
+    BUILD=/..../build      # <- insert full path
     exec $BUILD/gcc/xgcc -B $BUILD/gcc "$@"

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