[pypy-commit] pypy stmgc-c8: add missing files from last commit

Raemi noreply at buildbot.pypy.org
Thu Jan 22 11:37:54 CET 2015

Author: Remi Meier <remi.meier at inf.ethz.ch>
Branch: stmgc-c8
Changeset: r75479:acf538f01489
Date: 2015-01-22 10:59 +0100

Log:	add missing files from last commit

diff --git a/rpython/translator/stm/src_stm/stm/smallmalloc.c b/rpython/translator/stm/src_stm/stm/smallmalloc.c
new file mode 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/rpython/translator/stm/src_stm/stm/smallmalloc.c
@@ -0,0 +1,366 @@
+/* Imported by rpython/translator/stm/import_stmgc.py */
+#ifndef _STM_CORE_H_
+# error "must be compiled via stmgc.c"
+#define PAGE_SMSIZE_START   0
+typedef struct {
+    uint8_t sz;
+} fpsz_t;
+static fpsz_t full_pages_object_size[PAGE_SMSIZE_END - PAGE_SMSIZE_START];
+/* ^^^ This array contains the size (in number of words) of the objects
+   in the given page, provided it's a "full page of small objects".  It
+   is 0 if it's not such a page, if it's fully free, or if it's in
+   small_page_lists.  It is not 0 as soon as the page enters the
+   segment's 'small_malloc_data.loc_free' (even if the page is not
+   technically full yet, it will be very soon in this case).
+static fpsz_t *get_fpsz(char *smallpage)
+    uintptr_t pagenum = (((char *)smallpage) - END_NURSERY_PAGE * 4096UL - stm_object_pages) / 4096;
+    /* <= PAGE_SMSIZE_END because we may ask for it when there is no
+       page with smallobjs yet and uninit_page_stop == NB_PAGES... */
+    assert(PAGE_SMSIZE_START <= pagenum && pagenum <= PAGE_SMSIZE_END);
+    return &full_pages_object_size[pagenum - PAGE_SMSIZE_START];
+#ifdef STM_TESTS
+bool (*_stm_smallmalloc_keep)(char *data);   /* a hook for tests */
+static void teardown_smallmalloc(void)
+    memset(small_page_lists, 0, sizeof(small_page_lists));
+    assert(free_uniform_pages == NULL);   /* done by the previous line */
+    first_small_uniform_loc = (uintptr_t) -1;
+#ifdef STM_TESTS
+    _stm_smallmalloc_keep = NULL;
+    memset(full_pages_object_size, 0, sizeof(full_pages_object_size));
+static int gmfp_lock = 0;
+static void grab_more_free_pages_for_small_allocations(void)
+    dprintf(("grab_more_free_pages_for_small_allocation()\n"));
+    /* Grab GCPAGE_NUM_PAGES pages out of the top addresses.  Use the
+       lock of pages.c to prevent any remapping from occurring under our
+       feet.
+    */
+    spinlock_acquire(gmfp_lock);
+    if (free_uniform_pages == NULL) {
+        uintptr_t decrease_by = GCPAGE_NUM_PAGES * 4096;
+        if (uninitialized_page_stop - uninitialized_page_start < decrease_by)
+            goto out_of_memory;
+        uninitialized_page_stop -= decrease_by;
+        first_small_uniform_loc = uninitialized_page_stop - stm_object_pages;
+        if (!_stm_largemalloc_resize_arena(uninitialized_page_stop - uninitialized_page_start))
+            goto out_of_memory;
+        /* make writable in sharing seg */
+        setup_N_pages(uninitialized_page_stop, GCPAGE_NUM_PAGES);
+        char *p = uninitialized_page_stop;
+        long i;
+        for (i = 0; i < GCPAGE_NUM_PAGES; i++) {
+            /* add to free_uniform_pages list */
+            struct small_free_loc_s *to_add = (struct small_free_loc_s *)p;
+        retry:
+            to_add->nextpage = free_uniform_pages;
+            if (UNLIKELY(!__sync_bool_compare_and_swap(
+                             &free_uniform_pages,
+                             to_add->nextpage,
+                             to_add))) {
+                goto retry;
+            }
+            p += 4096;
+        }
+    }
+    spinlock_release(gmfp_lock);
+    return;
+ out_of_memory:
+    stm_fatalerror("out of memory!\n");   /* XXX */
+static char *_allocate_small_slowpath(uint64_t size)
+    dprintf(("_allocate_small_slowpath(%lu)\n", size));
+    long n = size / 8;
+    struct small_free_loc_s *smallpage;
+    struct small_free_loc_s *TLPREFIX *fl =
+        &STM_PSEGMENT->small_malloc_data.loc_free[n];
+    assert(*fl == NULL);
+ retry:
+    /* First try to grab the next page from the global 'small_page_list'
+     */
+    smallpage = small_page_lists[n];
+    if (smallpage != NULL) {
+        if (UNLIKELY(!__sync_bool_compare_and_swap(&small_page_lists[n],
+                                                   smallpage,
+                                                   smallpage->nextpage)))
+            goto retry;
+        /* Succeeded: we have a page in 'smallpage' */
+        *fl = smallpage->next;
+        get_fpsz((char *)smallpage)->sz = n;
+        return (char *)smallpage;
+    }
+    /* There is no more page waiting for the correct size of objects.
+       Maybe we can pick one from free_uniform_pages.
+     */
+    smallpage = free_uniform_pages;
+    if (smallpage != NULL) {
+        if (UNLIKELY(!__sync_bool_compare_and_swap(&free_uniform_pages,
+                                                   smallpage,
+                                                   smallpage->nextpage)))
+            goto retry;
+        /* Succeeded: we have a page in 'smallpage', which is not
+           initialized so far, apart from the 'nextpage' field read
+           above.  Initialize it.
+        */
+        struct small_free_loc_s *p, **previous;
+        assert(!(((uintptr_t)smallpage) & 4095));
+        previous = (struct small_free_loc_s **)
+            REAL_ADDRESS(STM_SEGMENT->segment_base, fl);
+        /* Initialize all slots from the second one to the last one to
+           contain a chained list */
+        uintptr_t i = size;
+        while (i <= 4096 - size) {
+            p = (struct small_free_loc_s *)(((char *)smallpage) + i);
+            *previous = p;
+            previous = &p->next;
+            i += size;
+        }
+        *previous = NULL;
+        /* The first slot is immediately returned */
+        get_fpsz((char *)smallpage)->sz = n;
+        return (char *)smallpage;
+    }
+    /* Not a single free page left.  Grab some more free pages and retry.
+     */
+    grab_more_free_pages_for_small_allocations();
+    goto retry;
+static inline stm_char *allocate_outside_nursery_small(uint64_t size)
+    OPT_ASSERT((size & 7) == 0);
+    OPT_ASSERT(16 <= size && size <= GC_LAST_SMALL_SIZE);
+    struct small_free_loc_s *TLPREFIX *fl =
+        &STM_PSEGMENT->small_malloc_data.loc_free[size / 8];
+    struct small_free_loc_s *result = *fl;
+    increment_total_allocated(size);
+    if (UNLIKELY(result == NULL))
+        return (stm_char*)
+            (_allocate_small_slowpath(size) - stm_object_pages);
+    *fl = result->next;
+    dprintf(("allocate_outside_nursery_small(%lu): %p\n",
+             size, (char*)((char *)result - stm_object_pages)));
+    return (stm_char*)
+        ((char *)result - stm_object_pages);
+object_t *_stm_allocate_old_small(ssize_t size_rounded_up)
+    stm_char *p = allocate_outside_nursery_small(size_rounded_up);
+    object_t *o = (object_t *)p;
+    // sharing seg0 needs to be current:
+    assert(STM_SEGMENT->segment_num == 0);
+    memset(REAL_ADDRESS(STM_SEGMENT->segment_base, o), 0, size_rounded_up);
+    o->stm_flags = GCFLAG_WRITE_BARRIER;
+    dprintf(("_stm_allocate_old_small(%lu): %p, seg=%d, page=%lu\n",
+             size_rounded_up, p,
+             get_segment_of_linear_address(stm_object_pages + (uintptr_t)p),
+             (uintptr_t)p / 4096UL));
+    return o;
+static inline bool _smallmalloc_sweep_keep(char *p)
+#ifdef STM_TESTS
+    if (_stm_smallmalloc_keep != NULL) {
+        // test wants a TLPREFIXd address
+        return _stm_smallmalloc_keep((char*)(p - stm_object_pages));
+    }
+    return smallmalloc_keep_object_at(p);
+void check_order_inside_small_page(struct small_free_loc_s *page)
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+    /* the free locations are supposed to be in increasing order */
+    while (page->next != NULL) {
+        assert(page->next > page);
+        page = page->next;
+    }
+static char *getbaseptr(struct small_free_loc_s *fl)
+    return (char *)(((uintptr_t)fl) & ~4095);
+void sweep_small_page(char *baseptr, struct small_free_loc_s *page_free,
+                      long szword)
+    if (page_free != NULL)
+        check_order_inside_small_page(page_free);
+    /* for every non-free location, ask if we must free it */
+    uintptr_t i, size = szword * 8;
+    bool any_object_remaining = false, any_object_dying = false;
+    struct small_free_loc_s *fl = page_free;
+    struct small_free_loc_s *flprev = NULL;
+    /* XXX could optimize for the case where all objects die: we don't
+       need to painfully rebuild the free list in the whole page, just
+       to have it ignored in the end because we put the page into
+       'free_uniform_pages' */
+    for (i = 0; i <= 4096 - size; i += size) {
+        char *p = baseptr + i;
+        if (p == (char *)fl) {
+            /* location is already free */
+            flprev = fl;
+            fl = fl->next;
+            any_object_dying = true;
+        }
+        else if (!_smallmalloc_sweep_keep(p)) {
+            /* the location should be freed now */
+            increment_total_allocated(-szword*8);
+#ifdef STM_TESTS
+            /* fill location with 0xdd in all segs except seg0 */
+            int j;
+            object_t *obj = (object_t*)(p - stm_object_pages);
+            uintptr_t page = (baseptr - stm_object_pages) / 4096UL;
+            for (j = 1; j < NB_SEGMENTS; j++)
+                if (get_page_status_in(j, page) == PAGE_ACCESSIBLE)
+                    memset(get_virtual_address(j, obj), 0xdd, szword*8);
+            //dprintf(("free small %p : %lu\n", (char*)(p - stm_object_pages), szword*8));
+            if (flprev == NULL) {
+                flprev = (struct small_free_loc_s *)p;
+                flprev->next = fl;
+                page_free = flprev;
+            }
+            else {
+                assert(flprev->next == fl);
+                flprev->next = (struct small_free_loc_s *)p;
+                flprev = (struct small_free_loc_s *)p;
+                flprev->next = fl;
+            }
+            any_object_dying = true;
+        }
+        else {
+            //dprintf(("keep small %p : %lu\n", (char*)(p - stm_object_pages), szword*8));
+            any_object_remaining = true;
+        }
+    }
+    if (!any_object_remaining) {
+        /* give page back to free_uniform_pages and thus make it
+           inaccessible from all other segments again (except seg0) */
+        uintptr_t page = (baseptr - stm_object_pages) / 4096UL;
+        for (i = 1; i < NB_SEGMENTS; i++) {
+            if (get_page_status_in(i, page) == PAGE_ACCESSIBLE)
+                page_mark_inaccessible(i, page);
+        }
+        ((struct small_free_loc_s *)baseptr)->nextpage = free_uniform_pages;
+        free_uniform_pages = (struct small_free_loc_s *)baseptr;
+    }
+    else if (!any_object_dying) {
+        get_fpsz(baseptr)->sz = szword;
+    }
+    else {
+        check_order_inside_small_page(page_free);
+        page_free->nextpage = small_page_lists[szword];
+        small_page_lists[szword] = page_free;
+    }
+void _stm_smallmalloc_sweep(void)
+    long i, szword;
+    for (szword = 2; szword < GC_N_SMALL_REQUESTS; szword++) {
+        struct small_free_loc_s *page = small_page_lists[szword];
+        struct small_free_loc_s *nextpage;
+        small_page_lists[szword] = NULL;
+        /* process the pages that the various segments are busy filling */
+        /* including sharing seg0 for old-malloced things */
+        for (i = 0; i < NB_SEGMENTS; i++) {
+            struct stm_priv_segment_info_s *pseg = get_priv_segment(i);
+            struct small_free_loc_s **fl =
+                    &pseg->small_malloc_data.loc_free[szword];
+            if (*fl != NULL) {
+                /* the entry in full_pages_object_size[] should already be
+                   szword.  We reset it to 0. */
+                fpsz_t *fpsz = get_fpsz((char *)*fl);
+                assert(fpsz->sz == szword);
+                fpsz->sz = 0;
+                sweep_small_page(getbaseptr(*fl), *fl, szword);
+                *fl = NULL;
+            }
+        }
+        /* process all the other partially-filled pages */
+        while (page != NULL) {
+            /* for every page in small_page_lists: assert that the
+               corresponding full_pages_object_size[] entry is 0 */
+            assert(get_fpsz((char *)page)->sz == 0);
+            nextpage = page->nextpage;
+            sweep_small_page(getbaseptr(page), page, szword);
+            page = nextpage;
+        }
+    }
+    /* process the really full pages, which are the ones which still
+       have a non-zero full_pages_object_size[] entry */
+    char *pageptr = uninitialized_page_stop;
+    fpsz_t *fpsz_start = get_fpsz(pageptr);
+    fpsz_t *fpsz_end = &full_pages_object_size[PAGE_SMSIZE_END -
+                                               PAGE_SMSIZE_START];
+    fpsz_t *fpsz;
+    for (fpsz = fpsz_start; fpsz < fpsz_end; fpsz++, pageptr += 4096) {
+        uint8_t sz = fpsz->sz;
+        if (sz != 0) {
+            fpsz->sz = 0;
+            sweep_small_page(pageptr, NULL, sz);
+        }
+    }
diff --git a/rpython/translator/stm/src_stm/stm/smallmalloc.h b/rpython/translator/stm/src_stm/stm/smallmalloc.h
new file mode 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/rpython/translator/stm/src_stm/stm/smallmalloc.h
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+/* Imported by rpython/translator/stm/import_stmgc.py */
+/* Outside the nursery, we are taking from the highest addresses
+   complete pages, one at a time, which uniformly contain objects of
+   size "8 * N" for some N in range(2, GC_N_SMALL_REQUESTS).  We are
+   taking from the lowest addresses "large" objects, which are at least
+   288 bytes long, allocated by largemalloc.c.  The limit is the same
+   as used in PyPy's default GC.
+#define GC_N_SMALL_REQUESTS    36
+#define GC_LAST_SMALL_SIZE     (8 * (GC_N_SMALL_REQUESTS - 1))
+struct small_free_loc_s {
+    /* A chained list of locations within the same page which are
+       free. */
+    struct small_free_loc_s *next;
+    /* A chained list of all small pages containing objects of a given
+       small size, and that have at least one free object.  It points
+       *inside* the next page, to another struct small_free_loc_s.  This
+       field is only meaningful on the first small_free_loc_s of a given
+       page! */
+    struct small_free_loc_s *nextpage;
+    /* This structure is only two words, so it always fits inside one
+       free slot inside the page. */
+/* For every size from 16 bytes to 8*(GC_N_SMALL_REQUESTS-1), this is
+   a list of pages that contain objects of that size and have at least
+   one free location.  Additionally, the item 0 in the following list
+   is a chained list of fully-free pages (which can be reused for a
+   different size than the one they originally contained).
+static struct small_free_loc_s *small_page_lists[GC_N_SMALL_REQUESTS];
+#define free_uniform_pages   (small_page_lists[0])
+/* For is_small_uniform(). */
+static uintptr_t first_small_uniform_loc = (uintptr_t) -1;
+/* This is a definition for 'STM_PSEGMENT->small_malloc_data'.  Each
+   segment grabs one page at a time from the global list, and then
+   requests for data are answered locally.
+struct small_malloc_data_s {
+    struct small_free_loc_s *loc_free[GC_N_SMALL_REQUESTS];
+/* Functions
+ */
+static inline stm_char *allocate_outside_nursery_small(uint64_t size)
+     __attribute__((always_inline));
+void _stm_smallmalloc_sweep(void);
+static void teardown_smallmalloc(void);
+static inline bool is_small_uniform(object_t *obj) {
+    return ((uintptr_t)obj) >= first_small_uniform_loc;

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