[pypy-commit] pypy typed-cells: merge default

cfbolz noreply at buildbot.pypy.org
Wed Jan 21 18:54:49 CET 2015

Author: Carl Friedrich Bolz <cfbolz at gmx.de>
Branch: typed-cells
Changeset: r75468:50b80a2378f4
Date: 2015-01-21 18:28 +0100

Log:	merge default

diff too long, truncating to 2000 out of 23420 lines

diff --git a/LICENSE b/LICENSE
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@
-PyPy Copyright holders 2003-2014
+PyPy Copyright holders 2003-2015
 Except when otherwise stated (look for LICENSE files or information at
diff --git a/lib-python/2.7/collections.py b/lib-python/2.7/collections.py
--- a/lib-python/2.7/collections.py
+++ b/lib-python/2.7/collections.py
@@ -17,6 +17,10 @@
 except ImportError:
     assert '__pypy__' not in _sys.builtin_module_names
     newdict = lambda _ : {}
+    from __pypy__ import reversed_dict
+except ImportError:
+    reversed_dict = lambda d: reversed(d.keys())
     from thread import get_ident as _get_ident
@@ -29,142 +33,35 @@
 class OrderedDict(dict):
-    'Dictionary that remembers insertion order'
-    # An inherited dict maps keys to values.
-    # The inherited dict provides __getitem__, __len__, __contains__, and get.
-    # The remaining methods are order-aware.
-    # Big-O running times for all methods are the same as regular dictionaries.
+    '''Dictionary that remembers insertion order.
-    # The internal self.__map dict maps keys to links in a doubly linked list.
-    # The circular doubly linked list starts and ends with a sentinel element.
-    # The sentinel element never gets deleted (this simplifies the algorithm).
-    # Each link is stored as a list of length three:  [PREV, NEXT, KEY].
+    In PyPy all dicts are ordered anyway.  This is mostly useful as a
+    placeholder to mean "this dict must be ordered even on CPython".
-    def __init__(self, *args, **kwds):
-        '''Initialize an ordered dictionary.  The signature is the same as
-        regular dictionaries, but keyword arguments are not recommended because
-        their insertion order is arbitrary.
-        '''
-        if len(args) > 1:
-            raise TypeError('expected at most 1 arguments, got %d' % len(args))
-        try:
-            self.__root
-        except AttributeError:
-            self.__root = root = []                     # sentinel node
-            root[:] = [root, root, None]
-            self.__map = {}
-        self.__update(*args, **kwds)
-    def __setitem__(self, key, value, dict_setitem=dict.__setitem__):
-        'od.__setitem__(i, y) <==> od[i]=y'
-        # Setting a new item creates a new link at the end of the linked list,
-        # and the inherited dictionary is updated with the new key/value pair.
-        if key not in self:
-            root = self.__root
-            last = root[0]
-            last[1] = root[0] = self.__map[key] = [last, root, key]
-        return dict_setitem(self, key, value)
-    def __delitem__(self, key, dict_delitem=dict.__delitem__):
-        'od.__delitem__(y) <==> del od[y]'
-        # Deleting an existing item uses self.__map to find the link which gets
-        # removed by updating the links in the predecessor and successor nodes.
-        dict_delitem(self, key)
-        link_prev, link_next, _ = self.__map.pop(key)
-        link_prev[1] = link_next                        # update link_prev[NEXT]
-        link_next[0] = link_prev                        # update link_next[PREV]
-    def __iter__(self):
-        'od.__iter__() <==> iter(od)'
-        # Traverse the linked list in order.
-        root = self.__root
-        curr = root[1]                                  # start at the first node
-        while curr is not root:
-            yield curr[2]                               # yield the curr[KEY]
-            curr = curr[1]                              # move to next node
+    Known difference: iterating over an OrderedDict which is being
+    concurrently modified raises RuntimeError in PyPy.  In CPython
+    instead we get some behavior that appears reasonable in some
+    cases but is nonsensical in other cases.  This is officially
+    forbidden by the CPython docs, so we forbid it explicitly for now.
+    '''
     def __reversed__(self):
-        'od.__reversed__() <==> reversed(od)'
-        # Traverse the linked list in reverse order.
-        root = self.__root
-        curr = root[0]                                  # start at the last node
-        while curr is not root:
-            yield curr[2]                               # yield the curr[KEY]
-            curr = curr[0]                              # move to previous node
-    def clear(self):
-        'od.clear() -> None.  Remove all items from od.'
-        root = self.__root
-        root[:] = [root, root, None]
-        self.__map.clear()
-        dict.clear(self)
-    # -- the following methods do not depend on the internal structure --
-    def keys(self):
-        'od.keys() -> list of keys in od'
-        return list(self)
-    def values(self):
-        'od.values() -> list of values in od'
-        return [self[key] for key in self]
-    def items(self):
-        'od.items() -> list of (key, value) pairs in od'
-        return [(key, self[key]) for key in self]
-    def iterkeys(self):
-        'od.iterkeys() -> an iterator over the keys in od'
-        return iter(self)
-    def itervalues(self):
-        'od.itervalues -> an iterator over the values in od'
-        for k in self:
-            yield self[k]
-    def iteritems(self):
-        'od.iteritems -> an iterator over the (key, value) pairs in od'
-        for k in self:
-            yield (k, self[k])
-    update = MutableMapping.update
-    __update = update # let subclasses override update without breaking __init__
-    __marker = object()
-    def pop(self, key, default=__marker):
-        '''od.pop(k[,d]) -> v, remove specified key and return the corresponding
-        value.  If key is not found, d is returned if given, otherwise KeyError
-        is raised.
-        '''
-        if key in self:
-            result = self[key]
-            del self[key]
-            return result
-        if default is self.__marker:
-            raise KeyError(key)
-        return default
-    def setdefault(self, key, default=None):
-        'od.setdefault(k[,d]) -> od.get(k,d), also set od[k]=d if k not in od'
-        if key in self:
-            return self[key]
-        self[key] = default
-        return default
+        return reversed_dict(self)
     def popitem(self, last=True):
         '''od.popitem() -> (k, v), return and remove a (key, value) pair.
         Pairs are returned in LIFO order if last is true or FIFO order if false.
-        if not self:
-            raise KeyError('dictionary is empty')
-        key = next(reversed(self) if last else iter(self))
-        value = self.pop(key)
-        return key, value
+        if last:
+            return dict.popitem(self)
+        else:
+            it = dict.__iter__(self)
+            try:
+                k = it.next()
+            except StopIteration:
+                raise KeyError('dictionary is empty')
+            return (k, self.pop(k))
     def __repr__(self, _repr_running={}):
         'od.__repr__() <==> repr(od)'
@@ -183,8 +80,6 @@
         'Return state information for pickling'
         items = [[k, self[k]] for k in self]
         inst_dict = vars(self).copy()
-        for k in vars(OrderedDict()):
-            inst_dict.pop(k, None)
         if inst_dict:
             return (self.__class__, (items,), inst_dict)
         return self.__class__, (items,)
@@ -193,17 +88,6 @@
         'od.copy() -> a shallow copy of od'
         return self.__class__(self)
-    @classmethod
-    def fromkeys(cls, iterable, value=None):
-        '''OD.fromkeys(S[, v]) -> New ordered dictionary with keys from S.
-        If not specified, the value defaults to None.
-        '''
-        self = cls()
-        for key in iterable:
-            self[key] = value
-        return self
     def __eq__(self, other):
         '''od.__eq__(y) <==> od==y.  Comparison to another OD is order-sensitive
         while comparison to a regular mapping is order-insensitive.
diff --git a/lib-python/2.7/distutils/unixccompiler.py b/lib-python/2.7/distutils/unixccompiler.py
--- a/lib-python/2.7/distutils/unixccompiler.py
+++ b/lib-python/2.7/distutils/unixccompiler.py
@@ -58,7 +58,7 @@
     executables = {'preprocessor' : None,
                    'compiler'     : ["cc"],
                    'compiler_so'  : ["cc"],
-                   'compiler_cxx' : ["cc"],
+                   'compiler_cxx' : ["c++"],  # pypy: changed, 'cc' is bogus
                    'linker_so'    : ["cc", "-shared"],
                    'linker_exe'   : ["cc"],
                    'archiver'     : ["ar", "-cr"],
diff --git a/lib-python/2.7/sqlite3/test/dbapi.py b/lib-python/2.7/sqlite3/test/dbapi.py
--- a/lib-python/2.7/sqlite3/test/dbapi.py
+++ b/lib-python/2.7/sqlite3/test/dbapi.py
@@ -478,6 +478,29 @@
         except TypeError:
+    def CheckCurDescription(self):
+        self.cu.execute("select * from test")
+        actual = self.cu.description
+        expected = [
+            ('id', None, None, None, None, None, None),
+            ('name', None, None, None, None, None, None),
+            ('income', None, None, None, None, None, None),
+        ]
+        self.assertEqual(expected, actual)
+    def CheckCurDescriptionVoidStatement(self):
+        self.cu.execute("insert into test(name) values (?)", ("foo",))
+        self.assertIsNone(self.cu.description)
+    def CheckCurDescriptionWithoutStatement(self):
+        cu = self.cx.cursor()
+        try:
+            self.assertIsNone(cu.description)
+        finally:
+            cu.close()
 @unittest.skipUnless(threading, 'This test requires threading.')
 class ThreadTests(unittest.TestCase):
     def setUp(self):
diff --git a/lib-python/2.7/subprocess.py b/lib-python/2.7/subprocess.py
--- a/lib-python/2.7/subprocess.py
+++ b/lib-python/2.7/subprocess.py
@@ -1589,7 +1589,7 @@
                   'copyfile' in caller.f_globals):
         dest_dir = sys.pypy_resolvedirof(target_executable)
         src_dir = sys.pypy_resolvedirof(sys.executable)
-        for libname in ['libpypy-c.so']:
+        for libname in ['libpypy-c.so', 'libpypy-c.dylib']:
             dest_library = os.path.join(dest_dir, libname)
             src_library = os.path.join(src_dir, libname)
             if os.path.exists(src_library):
diff --git a/lib-python/2.7/test/test_collections.py b/lib-python/2.7/test/test_collections.py
--- a/lib-python/2.7/test/test_collections.py
+++ b/lib-python/2.7/test/test_collections.py
@@ -578,7 +578,12 @@
             def __repr__(self):
                 return "MySet(%s)" % repr(list(self))
         s = MySet([5,43,2,1])
-        self.assertEqual(s.pop(), 1)
+        # changed from CPython 2.7: it was "s.pop() == 1" but I see
+        # nothing that guarantees a particular order here.  In the
+        # 'all_ordered_dicts' branch of PyPy (or with OrderedDict
+        # instead of sets), it consistently returns 5, but this test
+        # should not rely on this or any other order.
+        self.assert_(s.pop() in [5,43,2,1])
     def test_issue8750(self):
         empty = WithSet()
@@ -1010,8 +1015,9 @@
                                           c=3, e=5).items()), pairs)                # mixed input
         # make sure no positional args conflict with possible kwdargs
-        self.assertEqual(inspect.getargspec(OrderedDict.__dict__['__init__']).args,
-                         ['self'])
+        if '__init__' in OrderedDict.__dict__:   # absent in PyPy
+            self.assertEqual(inspect.getargspec(OrderedDict.__dict__['__init__']).args,
+                             ['self'])
         # Make sure that direct calls to __init__ do not clear previous contents
         d = OrderedDict([('a', 1), ('b', 2), ('c', 3), ('d', 44), ('e', 55)])
@@ -1108,6 +1114,16 @@
         self.assertEqual(len(od), 0)
+    def test_popitem_first(self):
+        pairs = [('c', 1), ('b', 2), ('a', 3), ('d', 4), ('e', 5), ('f', 6)]
+        shuffle(pairs)
+        od = OrderedDict(pairs)
+        while pairs:
+            self.assertEqual(od.popitem(last=False), pairs.pop(0))
+        with self.assertRaises(KeyError):
+            od.popitem(last=False)
+        self.assertEqual(len(od), 0)
     def test_pop(self):
         pairs = [('c', 1), ('b', 2), ('a', 3), ('d', 4), ('e', 5), ('f', 6)]
@@ -1179,7 +1195,11 @@
         od = OrderedDict(pairs)
         # yaml.dump(od) -->
         # '!!python/object/apply:__main__.OrderedDict\n- - [a, 1]\n  - [b, 2]\n'
-        self.assertTrue(all(type(pair)==list for pair in od.__reduce__()[1]))
+        # PyPy bug fix: added [0] at the end of this line, because the
+        # test is really about the 2-tuples that need to be 2-lists
+        # inside the list of 6 of them
+        self.assertTrue(all(type(pair)==list for pair in od.__reduce__()[1][0]))
     def test_reduce_not_too_fat(self):
         # do not save instance dictionary if not needed
@@ -1189,6 +1209,16 @@
         od.x = 10
         self.assertEqual(len(od.__reduce__()), 3)
+    def test_reduce_exact_output(self):
+        # PyPy: test that __reduce__() produces the exact same answer as
+        # CPython does, even though in the 'all_ordered_dicts' branch we
+        # have to emulate it.
+        pairs = [['c', 1], ['b', 2], ['d', 4]]
+        od = OrderedDict(pairs)
+        self.assertEqual(od.__reduce__(), (OrderedDict, (pairs,)))
+        od.x = 10
+        self.assertEqual(od.__reduce__(), (OrderedDict, (pairs,), {'x': 10}))
     def test_repr(self):
         od = OrderedDict([('c', 1), ('b', 2), ('a', 3), ('d', 4), ('e', 5), ('f', 6)])
diff --git a/lib-python/2.7/test/test_xml_etree.py b/lib-python/2.7/test/test_xml_etree.py
--- a/lib-python/2.7/test/test_xml_etree.py
+++ b/lib-python/2.7/test/test_xml_etree.py
@@ -225,9 +225,9 @@
     >>> element.remove(subelement)
     >>> serialize(element) # 5
     '<tag key="value" />'
-    >>> element.remove(subelement)
+    >>> element.remove(subelement)    # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
     Traceback (most recent call last):
-    ValueError: list.remove(x): x not in list
+    ValueError: list.remove(...
     >>> serialize(element) # 6
     '<tag key="value" />'
     >>> element[0:0] = [subelement, subelement, subelement]
diff --git a/lib-python/stdlib-upgrade.txt b/lib-python/stdlib-upgrade.txt
--- a/lib-python/stdlib-upgrade.txt
+++ b/lib-python/stdlib-upgrade.txt
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
 1. check out the branch vendor/stdlib
 2. upgrade the files there
-3. update stdlib-versions.txt with the output of hg -id from the cpython repo
+3. update stdlib-version.txt with the output of hg -id from the cpython repo
 4. commit
 5. update to default/py3k
 6. create a integration branch for the new stdlib
diff --git a/lib_pypy/_functools.py b/lib_pypy/_functools.py
--- a/lib_pypy/_functools.py
+++ b/lib_pypy/_functools.py
@@ -9,7 +9,10 @@
     of the given arguments and keywords.
-    def __init__(self, func, *args, **keywords):
+    def __init__(self, *args, **keywords):
+        if not args:
+            raise TypeError('__init__() takes at least 2 arguments (1 given)')
+        func, args = args[0], args[1:]
         if not callable(func):
             raise TypeError("the first argument must be callable")
         self._func = func
diff --git a/lib_pypy/_sqlite3.py b/lib_pypy/_sqlite3.py
--- a/lib_pypy/_sqlite3.py
+++ b/lib_pypy/_sqlite3.py
@@ -1175,8 +1175,9 @@
             return self.__description
         except AttributeError:
-            self.__description = self.__statement._get_description()
-            return self.__description
+            if self.__statement:
+                self.__description = self.__statement._get_description()
+                return self.__description
     description = property(__get_description)
     def __get_lastrowid(self):
diff --git a/lib_pypy/cffi/__init__.py b/lib_pypy/cffi/__init__.py
--- a/lib_pypy/cffi/__init__.py
+++ b/lib_pypy/cffi/__init__.py
@@ -6,3 +6,8 @@
 __version__ = "0.8.6"
 __version_info__ = (0, 8, 6)
+# The verifier module file names are based on the CRC32 of a string that
+# contains the following version number.  It may be older than __version__
+# if nothing is clearly incompatible.
+__version_verifier_modules__ = "0.8.6"
diff --git a/lib_pypy/cffi/api.py b/lib_pypy/cffi/api.py
--- a/lib_pypy/cffi/api.py
+++ b/lib_pypy/cffi/api.py
@@ -69,6 +69,7 @@
         self._function_caches = []
         self._libraries = []
         self._cdefsources = []
+        self._windows_unicode = None
         if hasattr(backend, 'set_ffi'):
         for name in backend.__dict__:
@@ -77,6 +78,7 @@
         with self._lock:
             self.BVoidP = self._get_cached_btype(model.voidp_type)
+            self.BCharA = self._get_cached_btype(model.char_array_type)
         if isinstance(backend, types.ModuleType):
             # _cffi_backend: attach these constants to the class
             if not hasattr(FFI, 'NULL'):
@@ -189,13 +191,16 @@
             cdecl = self._typeof(cdecl)
         return self._backend.alignof(cdecl)
-    def offsetof(self, cdecl, fieldname):
+    def offsetof(self, cdecl, *fields_or_indexes):
         """Return the offset of the named field inside the given
-        structure, which must be given as a C type name.
+        structure or array, which must be given as a C type name.  
+        You can give several field names in case of nested structures.
+        You can also give numeric values which correspond to array
+        items, in case of an array type.
         if isinstance(cdecl, basestring):
             cdecl = self._typeof(cdecl)
-        return self._backend.typeoffsetof(cdecl, fieldname)[1]
+        return self._typeoffsetof(cdecl, *fields_or_indexes)[1]
     def new(self, cdecl, init=None):
         """Allocate an instance according to the specified C type and
@@ -264,6 +269,16 @@
         return self._backend.buffer(cdata, size)
+    def from_buffer(self, python_buffer):
+        """Return a <cdata 'char[]'> that points to the data of the
+        given Python object, which must support the buffer interface.
+        Note that this is not meant to be used on the built-in types str,
+        unicode, or bytearray (you can build 'char[]' arrays explicitly)
+        but only on objects containing large quantities of raw data
+        in some other format, like 'array.array' or numpy arrays.
+        """
+        return self._backend.from_buffer(self.BCharA, python_buffer)
     def callback(self, cdecl, python_callable=None, error=None):
         """Return a callback object or a decorator making such a
         callback object.  'cdecl' must name a C function pointer type.
@@ -335,9 +350,23 @@
         which requires binary compatibility in the signatures.
         from .verifier import Verifier, _caller_dir_pycache
+        #
+        # If set_unicode(True) was called, insert the UNICODE and
+        # _UNICODE macro declarations
+        if self._windows_unicode:
+            self._apply_windows_unicode(kwargs)
+        #
+        # Set the tmpdir here, and not in Verifier.__init__: it picks
+        # up the caller's directory, which we want to be the caller of
+        # ffi.verify(), as opposed to the caller of Veritier().
         tmpdir = tmpdir or _caller_dir_pycache()
+        #
+        # Make a Verifier() and use it to load the library.
         self.verifier = Verifier(self, source, tmpdir, **kwargs)
         lib = self.verifier.load_library()
+        #
+        # Save the loaded library for keep-alive purposes, even
+        # if the caller doesn't keep it alive itself (it should).
         return lib
@@ -356,15 +385,29 @@
         with self._lock:
             return model.pointer_cache(self, ctype)
-    def addressof(self, cdata, field=None):
+    def addressof(self, cdata, *fields_or_indexes):
         """Return the address of a <cdata 'struct-or-union'>.
-        If 'field' is specified, return the address of this field.
+        If 'fields_or_indexes' are given, returns the address of that
+        field or array item in the structure or array, recursively in
+        case of nested structures.
         ctype = self._backend.typeof(cdata)
-        ctype, offset = self._backend.typeoffsetof(ctype, field)
+        if fields_or_indexes:
+            ctype, offset = self._typeoffsetof(ctype, *fields_or_indexes)
+        else:
+            if ctype.kind == "pointer":
+                raise TypeError("addressof(pointer)")
+            offset = 0
         ctypeptr = self._pointer_to(ctype)
         return self._backend.rawaddressof(ctypeptr, cdata, offset)
+    def _typeoffsetof(self, ctype, field_or_index, *fields_or_indexes):
+        ctype, offset = self._backend.typeoffsetof(ctype, field_or_index)
+        for field1 in fields_or_indexes:
+            ctype, offset1 = self._backend.typeoffsetof(ctype, field1, 1)
+            offset += offset1
+        return ctype, offset
     def include(self, ffi_to_include):
         """Includes the typedefs, structs, unions and enums defined
         in another FFI instance.  Usage is similar to a #include in C,
@@ -387,6 +430,44 @@
     def from_handle(self, x):
         return self._backend.from_handle(x)
+    def set_unicode(self, enabled_flag):
+        """Windows: if 'enabled_flag' is True, enable the UNICODE and
+        _UNICODE defines in C, and declare the types like TCHAR and LPTCSTR
+        to be (pointers to) wchar_t.  If 'enabled_flag' is False,
+        declare these types to be (pointers to) plain 8-bit characters.
+        This is mostly for backward compatibility; you usually want True.
+        """
+        if self._windows_unicode is not None:
+            raise ValueError("set_unicode() can only be called once")
+        enabled_flag = bool(enabled_flag)
+        if enabled_flag:
+            self.cdef("typedef wchar_t TBYTE;"
+                      "typedef wchar_t TCHAR;"
+                      "typedef const wchar_t *LPCTSTR;"
+                      "typedef const wchar_t *PCTSTR;"
+                      "typedef wchar_t *LPTSTR;"
+                      "typedef wchar_t *PTSTR;"
+                      "typedef TBYTE *PTBYTE;"
+                      "typedef TCHAR *PTCHAR;")
+        else:
+            self.cdef("typedef char TBYTE;"
+                      "typedef char TCHAR;"
+                      "typedef const char *LPCTSTR;"
+                      "typedef const char *PCTSTR;"
+                      "typedef char *LPTSTR;"
+                      "typedef char *PTSTR;"
+                      "typedef TBYTE *PTBYTE;"
+                      "typedef TCHAR *PTCHAR;")
+        self._windows_unicode = enabled_flag
+    def _apply_windows_unicode(self, kwds):
+        defmacros = kwds.get('define_macros', ())
+        if not isinstance(defmacros, (list, tuple)):
+            raise TypeError("'define_macros' must be a list or tuple")
+        defmacros = list(defmacros) + [('UNICODE', '1'),
+                                       ('_UNICODE', '1')]
+        kwds['define_macros'] = defmacros
 def _load_backend_lib(backend, name, flags):
     if name is None:
diff --git a/lib_pypy/cffi/backend_ctypes.py b/lib_pypy/cffi/backend_ctypes.py
--- a/lib_pypy/cffi/backend_ctypes.py
+++ b/lib_pypy/cffi/backend_ctypes.py
@@ -169,6 +169,7 @@
 class CTypesGenericPtr(CTypesData):
     __slots__ = ['_address', '_as_ctype_ptr']
     _automatic_casts = False
+    kind = "pointer"
     def _newp(cls, init):
@@ -370,10 +371,12 @@
                                 (CTypesPrimitive, type(source).__name__))
             return source
+        kind1 = kind
         class CTypesPrimitive(CTypesGenericPrimitive):
             __slots__ = ['_value']
             _ctype = ctype
             _reftypename = '%s &' % name
+            kind = kind1
             def __init__(self, value):
                 self._value = value
@@ -703,12 +706,13 @@
         class struct_or_union(base_ctypes_class):
         struct_or_union.__name__ = '%s_%s' % (kind, name)
+        kind1 = kind
         class CTypesStructOrUnion(CTypesBaseStructOrUnion):
             __slots__ = ['_blob']
             _ctype = struct_or_union
             _reftypename = '%s &' % (name,)
-            _kind = kind
+            _kind = kind = kind1
         return CTypesStructOrUnion
@@ -994,27 +998,42 @@
     def getcname(self, BType, replace_with):
         return BType._get_c_name(replace_with)
-    def typeoffsetof(self, BType, fieldname):
-        if fieldname is not None and issubclass(BType, CTypesGenericPtr):
-            BType = BType._BItem
-        if not issubclass(BType, CTypesBaseStructOrUnion):
-            raise TypeError("expected a struct or union ctype")
-        if fieldname is None:
-            return (BType, 0)
-        else:
+    def typeoffsetof(self, BType, fieldname, num=0):
+        if isinstance(fieldname, str):
+            if num == 0 and issubclass(BType, CTypesGenericPtr):
+                BType = BType._BItem
+            if not issubclass(BType, CTypesBaseStructOrUnion):
+                raise TypeError("expected a struct or union ctype")
             BField = BType._bfield_types[fieldname]
             if BField is Ellipsis:
                 raise TypeError("not supported for bitfields")
             return (BField, BType._offsetof(fieldname))
+        elif isinstance(fieldname, (int, long)):
+            if issubclass(BType, CTypesGenericArray):
+                BType = BType._CTPtr
+            if not issubclass(BType, CTypesGenericPtr):
+                raise TypeError("expected an array or ptr ctype")
+            BItem = BType._BItem
+            offset = BItem._get_size() * fieldname
+            if offset > sys.maxsize:
+                raise OverflowError
+            return (BItem, offset)
+        else:
+            raise TypeError(type(fieldname))
-    def rawaddressof(self, BTypePtr, cdata, offset):
+    def rawaddressof(self, BTypePtr, cdata, offset=None):
         if isinstance(cdata, CTypesBaseStructOrUnion):
             ptr = ctypes.pointer(type(cdata)._to_ctypes(cdata))
         elif isinstance(cdata, CTypesGenericPtr):
+            if offset is None or not issubclass(type(cdata)._BItem,
+                                                CTypesBaseStructOrUnion):
+                raise TypeError("unexpected cdata type")
+            ptr = type(cdata)._to_ctypes(cdata)
+        elif isinstance(cdata, CTypesGenericArray):
             ptr = type(cdata)._to_ctypes(cdata)
             raise TypeError("expected a <cdata 'struct-or-union'>")
-        if offset != 0:
+        if offset:
             ptr = ctypes.cast(
                     ctypes.cast(ptr, ctypes.c_void_p).value + offset),
diff --git a/lib_pypy/cffi/commontypes.py b/lib_pypy/cffi/commontypes.py
--- a/lib_pypy/cffi/commontypes.py
+++ b/lib_pypy/cffi/commontypes.py
@@ -29,6 +29,9 @@
                 result = model.PointerType(resolve_common_type(result[:-2]))
         elif result in model.PrimitiveType.ALL_PRIMITIVE_TYPES:
             result = model.PrimitiveType(result)
+        elif result == 'set-unicode-needed':
+            raise api.FFIError("The Windows type %r is only available after "
+                               "you call ffi.set_unicode()" % (commontype,))
             if commontype == result:
                 raise api.FFIError("Unsupported type: %r.  Please file a bug "
@@ -86,8 +89,6 @@
         "ULONGLONG": "unsigned long long",
         "WCHAR": "wchar_t",
         "SHORT": "short",
-        "TBYTE": "WCHAR",
-        "TCHAR": "WCHAR",
         "UCHAR": "unsigned char",
         "UINT": "unsigned int",
         "UINT8": "unsigned char",
@@ -157,14 +158,12 @@
         "LPCVOID": model.const_voidp_type,
         "LPCWSTR": "const WCHAR *",
-        "LPCTSTR": "LPCWSTR",
         "LPDWORD": "DWORD *",
         "LPHANDLE": "HANDLE *",
         "LPINT": "int *",
         "LPLONG": "long *",
         "LPSTR": "CHAR *",
         "LPWSTR": "WCHAR *",
-        "LPTSTR": "LPWSTR",
         "LPVOID": model.voidp_type,
         "LPWORD": "WORD *",
         "LRESULT": "LONG_PTR",
@@ -173,7 +172,6 @@
         "PBYTE": "BYTE *",
         "PCHAR": "CHAR *",
         "PCSTR": "const CHAR *",
-        "PCTSTR": "LPCWSTR",
         "PCWSTR": "const WCHAR *",
         "PDWORD": "DWORD *",
@@ -200,9 +198,6 @@
         "PSIZE_T": "SIZE_T *",
         "PSSIZE_T": "SSIZE_T *",
         "PSTR": "CHAR *",
-        "PTBYTE": "TBYTE *",
-        "PTCHAR": "TCHAR *",
-        "PTSTR": "LPWSTR",
         "PUCHAR": "UCHAR *",
         "PUHALF_PTR": "UHALF_PTR *",
         "PUINT": "UINT *",
@@ -240,6 +235,15 @@
         "USN": "LONGLONG",
         "VOID": model.void_type,
         "WPARAM": "UINT_PTR",
+        "TBYTE": "set-unicode-needed",
+        "TCHAR": "set-unicode-needed",
+        "LPCTSTR": "set-unicode-needed",
+        "PCTSTR": "set-unicode-needed",
+        "LPTSTR": "set-unicode-needed",
+        "PTSTR": "set-unicode-needed",
+        "PTBYTE": "set-unicode-needed",
+        "PTCHAR": "set-unicode-needed",
     return result
diff --git a/lib_pypy/cffi/cparser.py b/lib_pypy/cffi/cparser.py
--- a/lib_pypy/cffi/cparser.py
+++ b/lib_pypy/cffi/cparser.py
@@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
 from . import api, model
 from .commontypes import COMMON_TYPES, resolve_common_type
@@ -209,6 +208,8 @@
     def _add_constants(self, key, val):
         if key in self._int_constants:
+            if self._int_constants[key] == val:
+                return     # ignore identical double declarations
             raise api.FFIError(
                 "multiple declarations of constant: %s" % (key,))
         self._int_constants[key] = val
@@ -228,12 +229,18 @@
                 pyvalue = int(int_str, 0)
                 self._add_constants(key, pyvalue)
+                self._declare('macro ' + key, pyvalue)
             elif value == '...':
                 self._declare('macro ' + key, value)
-                raise api.CDefError('only supports the syntax "#define '
-                                    '%s ..." (literally) or "#define '
-                                    '%s 0x1FF" for now' % (key, key))
+                raise api.CDefError(
+                    'only supports one of the following syntax:\n'
+                    '  #define %s ...     (literally dot-dot-dot)\n'
+                    '  #define %s NUMBER  (with NUMBER an integer'
+                                    ' constant, decimal/hex/octal)\n'
+                    'got:\n'
+                    '  #define %s %s'
+                    % (key, key, key, value))
     def _parse_decl(self, decl):
         node = decl.type
@@ -460,6 +467,8 @@
             elif kind == 'union':
                 tp = model.UnionType(explicit_name, None, None, None)
             elif kind == 'enum':
+                if explicit_name == '__dotdotdot__':
+                    raise CDefError("Enums cannot be declared with ...")
                 tp = self._build_enum_type(explicit_name, type.values)
                 raise AssertionError("kind = %r" % (kind,))
@@ -532,9 +541,24 @@
     def _parse_constant(self, exprnode, partial_length_ok=False):
         # for now, limited to expressions that are an immediate number
-        # or negative number
+        # or positive/negative number
         if isinstance(exprnode, pycparser.c_ast.Constant):
-            return int(exprnode.value, 0)
+            s = exprnode.value
+            if s.startswith('0'):
+                if s.startswith('0x') or s.startswith('0X'):
+                    return int(s, 16)
+                return int(s, 8)
+            elif '1' <= s[0] <= '9':
+                return int(s, 10)
+            elif s[0] == "'" and s[-1] == "'" and (
+                    len(s) == 3 or (len(s) == 4 and s[1] == "\\")):
+                return ord(s[-2])
+            else:
+                raise api.CDefError("invalid constant %r" % (s,))
+        #
+        if (isinstance(exprnode, pycparser.c_ast.UnaryOp) and
+                exprnode.op == '+'):
+            return self._parse_constant(exprnode.expr)
         if (isinstance(exprnode, pycparser.c_ast.UnaryOp) and
                 exprnode.op == '-'):
diff --git a/lib_pypy/cffi/ffiplatform.py b/lib_pypy/cffi/ffiplatform.py
--- a/lib_pypy/cffi/ffiplatform.py
+++ b/lib_pypy/cffi/ffiplatform.py
@@ -11,6 +11,9 @@
+LIST_OF_FILE_NAMES = ['sources', 'include_dirs', 'library_dirs',
+                      'extra_objects', 'depends']
 def get_extension(srcfilename, modname, sources=(), **kwds):
     from distutils.core import Extension
     allsources = [srcfilename]
diff --git a/lib_pypy/cffi/model.py b/lib_pypy/cffi/model.py
--- a/lib_pypy/cffi/model.py
+++ b/lib_pypy/cffi/model.py
@@ -235,6 +235,8 @@
         BPtrItem = PointerType(self.item).get_cached_btype(ffi, finishlist)
         return global_cache(self, ffi, 'new_array_type', BPtrItem, self.length)
+char_array_type = ArrayType(PrimitiveType('char'), None)
 class StructOrUnionOrEnum(BaseTypeByIdentity):
     _attrs_ = ('name',)
@@ -478,7 +480,7 @@
         res = getattr(ffi._backend, funcname)(*args)
     except NotImplementedError as e:
-        raise NotImplementedError("%r: %s" % (srctype, e))
+        raise NotImplementedError("%s: %r: %s" % (funcname, srctype, e))
     # note that setdefault() on WeakValueDictionary is not atomic
     # and contains a rare bug (http://bugs.python.org/issue19542);
     # we have to use a lock and do it ourselves
diff --git a/lib_pypy/cffi/vengine_cpy.py b/lib_pypy/cffi/vengine_cpy.py
--- a/lib_pypy/cffi/vengine_cpy.py
+++ b/lib_pypy/cffi/vengine_cpy.py
@@ -65,7 +65,7 @@
         # The following two 'chained_list_constants' items contains
         # the head of these two chained lists, as a string that gives the
         # call to do, if any.
-        self._chained_list_constants = ['0', '0']
+        self._chained_list_constants = ['((void)lib,0)', '((void)lib,0)']
         prnt = self._prnt
         # first paste some standard set of lines that are mostly '#define'
@@ -138,15 +138,22 @@
-    def load_library(self):
+    def load_library(self, flags=None):
         # XXX review all usages of 'self' here!
         # import it as a new extension module
+        if hasattr(sys, "getdlopenflags"):
+            previous_flags = sys.getdlopenflags()
+            if hasattr(sys, "setdlopenflags") and flags is not None:
+                sys.setdlopenflags(flags)
             module = imp.load_dynamic(self.verifier.get_module_name(),
         except ImportError as e:
             error = "importing %r: %s" % (self.verifier.modulefilename, e)
             raise ffiplatform.VerificationError(error)
+        finally:
+            if hasattr(sys, "setdlopenflags"):
+                sys.setdlopenflags(previous_flags)
         # call loading_cpy_struct() to get the struct layout inferred by
         # the C compiler
@@ -228,7 +235,8 @@
                 converter = '_cffi_to_c_int'
                 extraarg = ', %s' % tp.name
-                converter = '_cffi_to_c_%s' % (tp.name.replace(' ', '_'),)
+                converter = '(%s)_cffi_to_c_%s' % (tp.get_c_name(''),
+                                                   tp.name.replace(' ', '_'))
             errvalue = '-1'
         elif isinstance(tp, model.PointerType):
@@ -267,8 +275,8 @@
         self._prnt('  if (datasize != 0) {')
         self._prnt('    if (datasize < 0)')
         self._prnt('      %s;' % errcode)
-        self._prnt('    %s = alloca(datasize);' % (tovar,))
-        self._prnt('    memset((void *)%s, 0, datasize);' % (tovar,))
+        self._prnt('    %s = alloca((size_t)datasize);' % (tovar,))
+        self._prnt('    memset((void *)%s, 0, (size_t)datasize);' % (tovar,))
         self._prnt('    if (_cffi_convert_array_from_object('
                    '(char *)%s, _cffi_type(%d), %s) < 0)' % (
             tovar, self._gettypenum(tp), fromvar))
@@ -336,7 +344,7 @@
         prnt = self._prnt
         numargs = len(tp.args)
         if numargs == 0:
-            argname = 'no_arg'
+            argname = 'noarg'
         elif numargs == 1:
             argname = 'arg0'
@@ -386,6 +394,9 @@
         prnt('  Py_END_ALLOW_THREADS')
+        prnt('  (void)self; /* unused */')
+        if numargs == 0:
+            prnt('  (void)noarg; /* unused */')
         if result_code:
             prnt('  return %s;' %
                  self._convert_expr_from_c(tp.result, 'result', 'result type'))
@@ -452,6 +463,7 @@
         prnt('static void %s(%s *p)' % (checkfuncname, cname))
         prnt('  /* only to generate compile-time warnings or errors */')
+        prnt('  (void)p;')
         for fname, ftype, fbitsize in tp.enumfields():
             if (isinstance(ftype, model.PrimitiveType)
                 and ftype.is_integer_type()) or fbitsize >= 0:
@@ -482,6 +494,8 @@
                 prnt('    sizeof(((%s *)0)->%s),' % (cname, fname))
         prnt('    -1')
         prnt('  };')
+        prnt('  (void)self; /* unused */')
+        prnt('  (void)noarg; /* unused */')
         prnt('  return _cffi_get_struct_layout(nums);')
         prnt('  /* the next line is not executed, but compiled */')
         prnt('  %s(0);' % (checkfuncname,))
@@ -578,7 +592,8 @@
     # constants, likely declared with '#define'
     def _generate_cpy_const(self, is_int, name, tp=None, category='const',
-                            vartp=None, delayed=True, size_too=False):
+                            vartp=None, delayed=True, size_too=False,
+                            check_value=None):
         prnt = self._prnt
         funcname = '_cffi_%s_%s' % (category, name)
         prnt('static int %s(PyObject *lib)' % funcname)
@@ -590,6 +605,9 @@
             assert category == 'const'
+        if check_value is not None:
+            self._check_int_constant_value(name, check_value)
+        #
         if not is_int:
             if category == 'var':
                 realexpr = '&' + name
@@ -637,6 +655,27 @@
     # ----------
     # enums
+    def _check_int_constant_value(self, name, value, err_prefix=''):
+        prnt = self._prnt
+        if value <= 0:
+            prnt('  if ((%s) > 0 || (long)(%s) != %dL) {' % (
+                name, name, value))
+        else:
+            prnt('  if ((%s) <= 0 || (unsigned long)(%s) != %dUL) {' % (
+                name, name, value))
+        prnt('    char buf[64];')
+        prnt('    if ((%s) <= 0)' % name)
+        prnt('        snprintf(buf, 63, "%%ld", (long)(%s));' % name)
+        prnt('    else')
+        prnt('        snprintf(buf, 63, "%%lu", (unsigned long)(%s));' %
+             name)
+        prnt('    PyErr_Format(_cffi_VerificationError,')
+        prnt('                 "%s%s has the real value %s, not %s",')
+        prnt('                 "%s", "%s", buf, "%d");' % (
+            err_prefix, name, value))
+        prnt('    return -1;')
+        prnt('  }')
     def _enum_funcname(self, prefix, name):
         # "$enum_$1" => "___D_enum____D_1"
         name = name.replace('$', '___D_')
@@ -653,25 +692,8 @@
         prnt('static int %s(PyObject *lib)' % funcname)
         for enumerator, enumvalue in zip(tp.enumerators, tp.enumvalues):
-            if enumvalue < 0:
-                prnt('  if ((%s) >= 0 || (long)(%s) != %dL) {' % (
-                    enumerator, enumerator, enumvalue))
-            else:
-                prnt('  if ((%s) < 0 || (unsigned long)(%s) != %dUL) {' % (
-                    enumerator, enumerator, enumvalue))
-            prnt('    char buf[64];')
-            prnt('    if ((%s) < 0)' % enumerator)
-            prnt('        snprintf(buf, 63, "%%ld", (long)(%s));' % enumerator)
-            prnt('    else')
-            prnt('        snprintf(buf, 63, "%%lu", (unsigned long)(%s));' %
-                 enumerator)
-            prnt('    PyErr_Format(_cffi_VerificationError,')
-            prnt('                 "enum %s: %s has the real value %s, '
-                 'not %s",')
-            prnt('                 "%s", "%s", buf, "%d");' % (
-                name, enumerator, enumvalue))
-            prnt('    return -1;')
-            prnt('  }')
+            self._check_int_constant_value(enumerator, enumvalue,
+                                           "enum %s: " % name)
         prnt('  return %s;' % self._chained_list_constants[True])
         self._chained_list_constants[True] = funcname + '(lib)'
@@ -695,8 +717,11 @@
     # macros: for now only for integers
     def _generate_cpy_macro_decl(self, tp, name):
-        assert tp == '...'
-        self._generate_cpy_const(True, name)
+        if tp == '...':
+            check_value = None
+        else:
+            check_value = tp     # an integer
+        self._generate_cpy_const(True, name, check_value=check_value)
     _generate_cpy_macro_collecttype = _generate_nothing
     _generate_cpy_macro_method = _generate_nothing
@@ -783,6 +808,24 @@
    typedef unsigned __int16 uint16_t;
    typedef unsigned __int32 uint32_t;
    typedef unsigned __int64 uint64_t;
+   typedef __int8 int_least8_t;
+   typedef __int16 int_least16_t;
+   typedef __int32 int_least32_t;
+   typedef __int64 int_least64_t;
+   typedef unsigned __int8 uint_least8_t;
+   typedef unsigned __int16 uint_least16_t;
+   typedef unsigned __int32 uint_least32_t;
+   typedef unsigned __int64 uint_least64_t;
+   typedef __int8 int_fast8_t;
+   typedef __int16 int_fast16_t;
+   typedef __int32 int_fast32_t;
+   typedef __int64 int_fast64_t;
+   typedef unsigned __int8 uint_fast8_t;
+   typedef unsigned __int16 uint_fast16_t;
+   typedef unsigned __int32 uint_fast32_t;
+   typedef unsigned __int64 uint_fast64_t;
+   typedef __int64 intmax_t;
+   typedef unsigned __int64 uintmax_t;
 # else
 #  include <stdint.h>
 # endif
@@ -828,12 +871,15 @@
             PyLong_FromLongLong((long long)(x)))
 #define _cffi_from_c_int(x, type)                                        \
-    (((type)-1) > 0 ?   /* unsigned */                                   \
-        (sizeof(type) < sizeof(long) ? PyInt_FromLong(x) :               \
-         sizeof(type) == sizeof(long) ? PyLong_FromUnsignedLong(x) :     \
-                                        PyLong_FromUnsignedLongLong(x))  \
-      : (sizeof(type) <= sizeof(long) ? PyInt_FromLong(x) :              \
-                                        PyLong_FromLongLong(x)))
+    (((type)-1) > 0 ? /* unsigned */                                     \
+        (sizeof(type) < sizeof(long) ?                                   \
+            PyInt_FromLong((long)x) :                                    \
+         sizeof(type) == sizeof(long) ?                                  \
+            PyLong_FromUnsignedLong((unsigned long)x) :                  \
+            PyLong_FromUnsignedLongLong((unsigned long long)x)) :        \
+        (sizeof(type) <= sizeof(long) ?                                  \
+            PyInt_FromLong((long)x) :                                    \
+            PyLong_FromLongLong((long long)x)))
 #define _cffi_to_c_int(o, type)                                          \
     (sizeof(type) == 1 ? (((type)-1) > 0 ? (type)_cffi_to_c_u8(o)        \
@@ -844,7 +890,7 @@
                                          : (type)_cffi_to_c_i32(o)) :    \
      sizeof(type) == 8 ? (((type)-1) > 0 ? (type)_cffi_to_c_u64(o)       \
                                          : (type)_cffi_to_c_i64(o)) :    \
-     (Py_FatalError("unsupported size for type " #type), 0))
+     (Py_FatalError("unsupported size for type " #type), (type)0))
 #define _cffi_to_c_i8                                                    \
                  ((int(*)(PyObject *))_cffi_exports[1])
@@ -907,6 +953,7 @@
     PyObject *library;
     int was_alive = (_cffi_types != NULL);
+    (void)self; /* unused */
     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "OOO", &_cffi_types, &_cffi_VerificationError,
         return NULL;
diff --git a/lib_pypy/cffi/vengine_gen.py b/lib_pypy/cffi/vengine_gen.py
--- a/lib_pypy/cffi/vengine_gen.py
+++ b/lib_pypy/cffi/vengine_gen.py
@@ -58,12 +58,12 @@
             modname = self.verifier.get_module_name()
             prnt("void %s%s(void) { }\n" % (prefix, modname))
-    def load_library(self):
+    def load_library(self, flags=0):
         # import it with the CFFI backend
         backend = self.ffi._backend
         # needs to make a path that contains '/', on Posix
         filename = os.path.join(os.curdir, self.verifier.modulefilename)
-        module = backend.load_library(filename)
+        module = backend.load_library(filename, flags)
         # call loading_gen_struct() to get the struct layout inferred by
         # the C compiler
@@ -235,6 +235,7 @@
         prnt('static void %s(%s *p)' % (checkfuncname, cname))
         prnt('  /* only to generate compile-time warnings or errors */')
+        prnt('  (void)p;')
         for fname, ftype, fbitsize in tp.enumfields():
             if (isinstance(ftype, model.PrimitiveType)
                 and ftype.is_integer_type()) or fbitsize >= 0:
@@ -354,11 +355,20 @@
     # ----------
     # constants, likely declared with '#define'
-    def _generate_gen_const(self, is_int, name, tp=None, category='const'):
+    def _generate_gen_const(self, is_int, name, tp=None, category='const',
+                            check_value=None):
         prnt = self._prnt
         funcname = '_cffi_%s_%s' % (category, name)
-        if is_int:
+        if check_value is not None:
+            assert is_int
+            assert category == 'const'
+            prnt('int %s(char *out_error)' % funcname)
+            prnt('{')
+            self._check_int_constant_value(name, check_value)
+            prnt('  return 0;')
+            prnt('}')
+        elif is_int:
             assert category == 'const'
             prnt('int %s(long long *out_value)' % funcname)
@@ -367,6 +377,7 @@
             assert tp is not None
+            assert check_value is None
             prnt(tp.get_c_name(' %s(void)' % funcname, name),)
             if category == 'var':
@@ -383,9 +394,13 @@
     _loading_gen_constant = _loaded_noop
-    def _load_constant(self, is_int, tp, name, module):
+    def _load_constant(self, is_int, tp, name, module, check_value=None):
         funcname = '_cffi_const_%s' % name
-        if is_int:
+        if check_value is not None:
+            assert is_int
+            self._load_known_int_constant(module, funcname)
+            value = check_value
+        elif is_int:
             BType = self.ffi._typeof_locked("long long*")[0]
             BFunc = self.ffi._typeof_locked("int(*)(long long*)")[0]
             function = module.load_function(BFunc, funcname)
@@ -396,6 +411,7 @@
                 BLongLong = self.ffi._typeof_locked("long long")[0]
                 value += (1 << (8*self.ffi.sizeof(BLongLong)))
+            assert check_value is None
             BFunc = self.ffi._typeof_locked(tp.get_c_name('(*)(void)', name))[0]
             function = module.load_function(BFunc, funcname)
             value = function()
@@ -410,6 +426,36 @@
     # ----------
     # enums
+    def _check_int_constant_value(self, name, value):
+        prnt = self._prnt
+        if value <= 0:
+            prnt('  if ((%s) > 0 || (long)(%s) != %dL) {' % (
+                name, name, value))
+        else:
+            prnt('  if ((%s) <= 0 || (unsigned long)(%s) != %dUL) {' % (
+                name, name, value))
+        prnt('    char buf[64];')
+        prnt('    if ((%s) <= 0)' % name)
+        prnt('        sprintf(buf, "%%ld", (long)(%s));' % name)
+        prnt('    else')
+        prnt('        sprintf(buf, "%%lu", (unsigned long)(%s));' %
+             name)
+        prnt('    sprintf(out_error, "%s has the real value %s, not %s",')
+        prnt('            "%s", buf, "%d");' % (name[:100], value))
+        prnt('    return -1;')
+        prnt('  }')
+    def _load_known_int_constant(self, module, funcname):
+        BType = self.ffi._typeof_locked("char[]")[0]
+        BFunc = self.ffi._typeof_locked("int(*)(char*)")[0]
+        function = module.load_function(BFunc, funcname)
+        p = self.ffi.new(BType, 256)
+        if function(p) < 0:
+            error = self.ffi.string(p)
+            if sys.version_info >= (3,):
+                error = str(error, 'utf-8')
+            raise ffiplatform.VerificationError(error)
     def _enum_funcname(self, prefix, name):
         # "$enum_$1" => "___D_enum____D_1"
         name = name.replace('$', '___D_')
@@ -427,24 +473,7 @@
         prnt('int %s(char *out_error)' % funcname)
         for enumerator, enumvalue in zip(tp.enumerators, tp.enumvalues):
-            if enumvalue < 0:
-                prnt('  if ((%s) >= 0 || (long)(%s) != %dL) {' % (
-                    enumerator, enumerator, enumvalue))
-            else:
-                prnt('  if ((%s) < 0 || (unsigned long)(%s) != %dUL) {' % (
-                    enumerator, enumerator, enumvalue))
-            prnt('    char buf[64];')
-            prnt('    if ((%s) < 0)' % enumerator)
-            prnt('        sprintf(buf, "%%ld", (long)(%s));' % enumerator)
-            prnt('    else')
-            prnt('        sprintf(buf, "%%lu", (unsigned long)(%s));' %
-                 enumerator)
-            prnt('    sprintf(out_error,'
-                             ' "%s has the real value %s, not %s",')
-            prnt('            "%s", buf, "%d");' % (
-                enumerator[:100], enumvalue))
-            prnt('    return -1;')
-            prnt('  }')
+            self._check_int_constant_value(enumerator, enumvalue)
         prnt('  return 0;')
@@ -456,16 +485,8 @@
             tp.enumvalues = tuple(enumvalues)
             tp.partial_resolved = True
-            BType = self.ffi._typeof_locked("char[]")[0]
-            BFunc = self.ffi._typeof_locked("int(*)(char*)")[0]
             funcname = self._enum_funcname(prefix, name)
-            function = module.load_function(BFunc, funcname)
-            p = self.ffi.new(BType, 256)
-            if function(p) < 0:
-                error = self.ffi.string(p)
-                if sys.version_info >= (3,):
-                    error = str(error, 'utf-8')
-                raise ffiplatform.VerificationError(error)
+            self._load_known_int_constant(module, funcname)
     def _loaded_gen_enum(self, tp, name, module, library):
         for enumerator, enumvalue in zip(tp.enumerators, tp.enumvalues):
@@ -476,13 +497,21 @@
     # macros: for now only for integers
     def _generate_gen_macro_decl(self, tp, name):
-        assert tp == '...'
-        self._generate_gen_const(True, name)
+        if tp == '...':
+            check_value = None
+        else:
+            check_value = tp     # an integer
+        self._generate_gen_const(True, name, check_value=check_value)
     _loading_gen_macro = _loaded_noop
     def _loaded_gen_macro(self, tp, name, module, library):
-        value = self._load_constant(True, tp, name, module)
+        if tp == '...':
+            check_value = None
+        else:
+            check_value = tp     # an integer
+        value = self._load_constant(True, tp, name, module,
+                                    check_value=check_value)
         setattr(library, name, value)
@@ -565,6 +594,24 @@
    typedef unsigned __int16 uint16_t;
    typedef unsigned __int32 uint32_t;
    typedef unsigned __int64 uint64_t;
+   typedef __int8 int_least8_t;
+   typedef __int16 int_least16_t;
+   typedef __int32 int_least32_t;
+   typedef __int64 int_least64_t;
+   typedef unsigned __int8 uint_least8_t;
+   typedef unsigned __int16 uint_least16_t;
+   typedef unsigned __int32 uint_least32_t;
+   typedef unsigned __int64 uint_least64_t;
+   typedef __int8 int_fast8_t;
+   typedef __int16 int_fast16_t;
+   typedef __int32 int_fast32_t;
+   typedef __int64 int_fast64_t;
+   typedef unsigned __int8 uint_fast8_t;
+   typedef unsigned __int16 uint_fast16_t;
+   typedef unsigned __int32 uint_fast32_t;
+   typedef unsigned __int64 uint_fast64_t;
+   typedef __int64 intmax_t;
+   typedef unsigned __int64 uintmax_t;
 # else
 #  include <stdint.h>
 # endif
diff --git a/lib_pypy/cffi/verifier.py b/lib_pypy/cffi/verifier.py
--- a/lib_pypy/cffi/verifier.py
+++ b/lib_pypy/cffi/verifier.py
@@ -1,12 +1,23 @@
-import sys, os, binascii, imp, shutil
-from . import __version__
+import sys, os, binascii, shutil
+from . import __version_verifier_modules__
 from . import ffiplatform
+if sys.version_info >= (3, 3):
+    import importlib.machinery
+    def _extension_suffixes():
+        return importlib.machinery.EXTENSION_SUFFIXES[:]
+    import imp
+    def _extension_suffixes():
+        return [suffix for suffix, _, type in imp.get_suffixes()
+                if type == imp.C_EXTENSION]
 class Verifier(object):
     def __init__(self, ffi, preamble, tmpdir=None, modulename=None,
-                 ext_package=None, tag='', force_generic_engine=False, **kwds):
+                 ext_package=None, tag='', force_generic_engine=False,
+                 source_extension='.c', flags=None, relative_to=None, **kwds):
         self.ffi = ffi
         self.preamble = preamble
         if not modulename:
@@ -14,14 +25,15 @@
         vengine_class = _locate_engine_class(ffi, force_generic_engine)
         self._vengine = vengine_class(self)
-        self.kwds = kwds
+        self.flags = flags
+        self.kwds = self.make_relative_to(kwds, relative_to)
         if modulename:
             if tag:
                 raise TypeError("can't specify both 'modulename' and 'tag'")
-            key = '\x00'.join([sys.version[:3], __version__, preamble,
-                               flattened_kwds] +
+            key = '\x00'.join([sys.version[:3], __version_verifier_modules__,
+                               preamble, flattened_kwds] +
             if sys.version_info >= (3,):
                 key = key.encode('utf-8')
@@ -33,7 +45,7 @@
                                               k1, k2)
         suffix = _get_so_suffixes()[0]
         self.tmpdir = tmpdir or _caller_dir_pycache()
-        self.sourcefilename = os.path.join(self.tmpdir, modulename + '.c')
+        self.sourcefilename = os.path.join(self.tmpdir, modulename + source_extension)
         self.modulefilename = os.path.join(self.tmpdir, modulename + suffix)
         self.ext_package = ext_package
         self._has_source = False
@@ -97,6 +109,20 @@
     def generates_python_module(self):
         return self._vengine._gen_python_module
+    def make_relative_to(self, kwds, relative_to):
+        if relative_to and os.path.dirname(relative_to):
+            dirname = os.path.dirname(relative_to)
+            kwds = kwds.copy()
+            for key in ffiplatform.LIST_OF_FILE_NAMES:
+                if key in kwds:
+                    lst = kwds[key]
+                    if not isinstance(lst, (list, tuple)):
+                        raise TypeError("keyword '%s' should be a list or tuple"
+                                        % (key,))
+                    lst = [os.path.join(dirname, fn) for fn in lst]
+                    kwds[key] = lst
+        return kwds
     # ----------
     def _locate_module(self):
@@ -148,7 +174,10 @@
     def _load_library(self):
         assert self._has_module
-        return self._vengine.load_library()
+        if self.flags is not None:
+            return self._vengine.load_library(self.flags)
+        else:
+            return self._vengine.load_library()
 # ____________________________________________________________
@@ -181,6 +210,9 @@
 def _caller_dir_pycache():
     if _TMPDIR:
         return _TMPDIR
+    result = os.environ.get('CFFI_TMPDIR')
+    if result:
+        return result
     filename = sys._getframe(2).f_code.co_filename
     return os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(filename),
@@ -222,11 +254,7 @@
 def _get_so_suffixes():
-    suffixes = []
-    for suffix, mode, type in imp.get_suffixes():
-        if type == imp.C_EXTENSION:
-            suffixes.append(suffix)
+    suffixes = _extension_suffixes()
     if not suffixes:
         # bah, no C_EXTENSION available.  Occurs on pypy without cpyext
         if sys.platform == 'win32':
diff --git a/lib_pypy/readline.py b/lib_pypy/readline.py
--- a/lib_pypy/readline.py
+++ b/lib_pypy/readline.py
@@ -6,4 +6,11 @@
 are only stubs at the moment.
-from pyrepl.readline import *
+    from pyrepl.readline import *
+except ImportError:
+    import sys
+    if sys.platform == 'win32':
+        raise ImportError("the 'readline' module is not available on Windows"
+                          " (on either PyPy or CPython)")
+    raise
diff --git a/pypy/doc/build.rst b/pypy/doc/build.rst
--- a/pypy/doc/build.rst
+++ b/pypy/doc/build.rst
@@ -47,6 +47,11 @@
 Install build-time dependencies
+(**Note**: for some hints on how to translate the Python interpreter under
+Windows, see the `windows document`_)
+.. _`windows document`: windows.html
 To build PyPy on Unix using the C translation backend, you need at least a C
 compiler and ``make`` installed. Further, some optional modules have additional
diff --git a/pypy/doc/embedding.rst b/pypy/doc/embedding.rst
--- a/pypy/doc/embedding.rst
+++ b/pypy/doc/embedding.rst
@@ -30,12 +30,10 @@
    Initialize threads. Only need to be called if there are any threads involved
-.. function:: long pypy_setup_home(char* home, int verbose);
+.. function:: int pypy_setup_home(char* home, int verbose);
    This function searches the PyPy standard library starting from the given
-   "PyPy home directory".  It is not strictly necessary to execute it before
-   running Python code, but without it you will not be able to import any
-   non-builtin module from the standard library.  The arguments are:
+   "PyPy home directory".  The arguments are:
    * ``home``: NULL terminated path to an executable inside the pypy directory
      (can be a .so name, can be made up)
@@ -84,25 +82,36 @@
     const char source[] = "print 'hello from pypy'";
-    int main()
+    int main(void)
-      int res;
+        int res;
-      rpython_startup_code();
-      // pypy_setup_home() is not needed in this trivial example
-      res = pypy_execute_source((char*)source);
-      if (res) {
-        printf("Error calling pypy_execute_source!\n");
-      }
-      return res;
+        rpython_startup_code();
+        res = pypy_setup_home("/opt/pypy/bin/libpypy-c.so", 1);
+        if (res) {
+            printf("Error setting pypy home!\n");
+            return 1;
+        }
+        res = pypy_execute_source((char*)source);
+        if (res) {
+            printf("Error calling pypy_execute_source!\n");
+        }
+        return res;
-If we save it as ``x.c`` now, compile it and run it with::
+If we save it as ``x.c`` now, compile it and run it (on linux) with::
     fijal at hermann:/opt/pypy$ gcc -o x x.c -lpypy-c -L.
     fijal at hermann:/opt/pypy$ LD_LIBRARY_PATH=. ./x
     hello from pypy
+on OSX it is necessary to set the rpath of the binary if one wants to link to it::
+    gcc -o x x.c -lpypy-c -L. -Wl,-rpath -Wl, at executable_path
+    ./x
+    hello from pypy
 .. note:: If the compilation fails because of missing PyPy.h header file,
diff --git a/pypy/doc/getting-started-dev.rst b/pypy/doc/getting-started-dev.rst
--- a/pypy/doc/getting-started-dev.rst
+++ b/pypy/doc/getting-started-dev.rst
@@ -4,6 +4,93 @@
 .. contents::
+Using Mercurial
+PyPy development is based on Mercurial (hg).  If you are not used to
+version control, the cycle for a new PyPy contributor goes typically
+like this:
+* Make an account on bitbucket_.
+* Go to https://bitbucket.org/pypy/pypy/ and click "fork" (left
+  icons).  You get a fork of the repository, e.g. in
+  https://bitbucket.org/yourname/pypy/.
+* Clone this new repo (i.e. the fork) to your local machine with the command 
+  ``hg clone ssh://hg@bitbucket.org/yourname/pypy``.  It is a very slow
+  operation but only ever needs to be done once.  If you already cloned
+  ``https://bitbucket.org/pypy/pypy`` before, even if some time ago,
+  then you can reuse the same clone by editing the file ``.hg/hgrc`` in
+  your clone to contain the line ``default =
+  ssh://hg@bitbucket.org/yourname/pypy``, and then do ``hg pull && hg
+  up``.  If you already have such a clone but don't want to change it,
+  you can clone that copy with ``hg clone /path/to/other/copy``, and
+  then edit ``.hg/hgrc`` as above and do ``hg pull && hg up``.
+* Now you have a complete copy of the PyPy repo.  Make a branch
+  with a command like ``hg branch name_of_your_branch``.
+* Edit things.  Use ``hg diff`` to see what you changed.  Use ``hg add``
+  to make Mercurial aware of new files you added, e.g. new test files.
+  Use ``hg status`` to see if there are such files.  Run tests!  (See
+  the rest of this page.)
+* Commit regularly with ``hg commit``.  A one-line commit message is
+  fine.  We love to have tons of commits; make one as soon as you have
+  some progress, even if it is only some new test that doesn't pass yet,
+  or fixing things even if not all tests pass.  Step by step, you are
+  building the history of your changes, which is the point of a version
+  control system.  (There are commands like ``hg log`` and ``hg up``
+  that you should read about later, to learn how to navigate this
+  history.)
+* The commits stay on your machine until you do ``hg push`` to "push"
+  them back to the repo named in the file ``.hg/hgrc``.  Repos are
+  basically just collections of commits (a commit is also called a
+  changeset): there is one repo per url, plus one for each local copy on
+  each local machine.  The commands ``hg push`` and ``hg pull`` copy
+  commits around, with the goal that all repos in question end up with
+  the exact same set of commits.  By opposition, ``hg up`` only updates
+  the "working copy" by reading the local repository, i.e. it makes the
+  files that you see correspond to the latest (or any other) commit
+  locally present.
+* You should push often; there is no real reason not to.  Remember that
+  even if they are pushed, with the setup above, the commits are (1)
+  only in ``bitbucket.org/yourname/pypy``, and (2) in the branch you
+  named.  Yes, they are publicly visible, but don't worry about someone
+  walking around the thousands of repos on bitbucket saying "hah, look
+  at the bad coding style of that guy".  Try to get into the mindset
+  that your work is not secret and it's fine that way.  We might not
+  accept it as is for PyPy, asking you instead to improve some things,
+  but we are not going to judge you.
+* The final step is to open a pull request, so that we know that you'd
+  like to merge that branch back to the original ``pypy/pypy`` repo.
+  This can also be done several times if you have interesting
+  intermediate states, but if you get there, then we're likely to
+  proceed to the next stage, which is...
+* Get a regular account for pushing directly to
+  ``bitbucket.org/pypy/pypy`` (just ask and you'll get it, basically).
+  Once you have it you can rewrite your file ``.hg/hgrc`` to contain
+  ``default = ssh://hg@bitbucket.org/pypy/pypy``.  Your changes will
+  then be pushed directly to the official repo, but (if you follow these
+  rules) they are still on a branch, and we can still review the
+  branches you want to merge.
+* If you get closer to the regular day-to-day development, you'll notice
+  that we generally push small changes as one or a few commits directly
+  to the branch ``default``.  Also, we often collaborate even if we are
+  on other branches, which do not really "belong" to anyone.  At this
+  point you'll need ``hg merge`` and learn how to resolve conflicts that
+  sometimes occur when two people try to push different commits in
+  parallel on the same branch.  But it is likely an issue for later ``:-)``
+.. _bitbucket: https://bitbucket.org/
 Running PyPy's unit tests
diff --git a/pypy/doc/install.rst b/pypy/doc/install.rst
--- a/pypy/doc/install.rst
+++ b/pypy/doc/install.rst
@@ -38,14 +38,13 @@
 and not move the binary there, else PyPy would not be able to find its
-If you want to install 3rd party libraries, the most convenient way is to
-install distribute_ and pip_:
+If you want to install 3rd party libraries, the most convenient way is
+to install pip_ (unless you want to install virtualenv as explained
+below; then you can directly use pip inside virtualenvs):
 .. code-block:: console
-    $ curl -O http://python-distribute.org/distribute_setup.py
-    $ curl -O https://raw.githubusercontent.com/pypa/pip/master/contrib/get-pip.py
-    $ ./pypy-2.1/bin/pypy distribute_setup.py
+    $ curl -O https://bootstrap.pypa.io/get-pip.py
     $ ./pypy-2.1/bin/pypy get-pip.py
     $ ./pypy-2.1/bin/pip install pygments  # for example
@@ -69,7 +68,6 @@
 Note that bin/python is now a symlink to bin/pypy.
-.. _distribute: http://www.python-distribute.org/
 .. _pip: http://pypi.python.org/pypi/pip
diff --git a/pypy/doc/test/test_whatsnew.py b/pypy/doc/test/test_whatsnew.py
--- a/pypy/doc/test/test_whatsnew.py
+++ b/pypy/doc/test/test_whatsnew.py
@@ -78,9 +78,10 @@
 def test_whatsnew():
     doc = ROOT.join('pypy', 'doc')
-    whatsnew_list = doc.listdir('whatsnew-*.rst')
-    whatsnew_list.sort()
-    last_whatsnew = whatsnew_list[-1].read()
+    #whatsnew_list = doc.listdir('whatsnew-*.rst')
+    #whatsnew_list.sort()
+    #last_whatsnew = whatsnew_list[-1].read()
+    last_whatsnew = doc.join('whatsnew-head.rst').read()
     startrev, documented = parse_doc(last_whatsnew)
     merged, branch = get_merged_branches(ROOT, startrev, '')
diff --git a/pypy/doc/whatsnew-head.rst b/pypy/doc/whatsnew-head.rst
--- a/pypy/doc/whatsnew-head.rst
+++ b/pypy/doc/whatsnew-head.rst
@@ -51,3 +51,82 @@
 .. branch: ssa-flow
 Use SSA form for flow graphs inside build_flow() and part of simplify_graph()
+.. branch: ufuncapi
+Implement most of the GenericUfunc api to support numpy linalg. The strategy is
+to encourage use of pure python or cffi ufuncs by extending frompyfunc().
+See the docstring of frompyfunc for more details. This dovetails with a branch
+of pypy/numpy - cffi-linalg which is a rewrite of the _umath_linalg module in
+python, calling lapack from cffi. The branch also support traditional use of
+cpyext GenericUfunc definitions in c.
+.. branch: all_ordered_dicts
+This makes ordered dicts the default dictionary implementation in
+RPython and in PyPy. It polishes the basic idea of rordereddict.py
+and then fixes various things, up to simplifying
+Note: Python programs can rely on the guaranteed dict order in PyPy
+now, but for compatibility with other Python implementations they
+should still use collections.OrderedDict where that really matters.
+Also, support for reversed() was *not* added to the 'dict' class;
+use OrderedDict.
+Benchmark results: in the noise. A few benchmarks see good speed
+improvements but the average is very close to parity.
+.. branch: berkerpeksag/fix-broken-link-in-readmerst-1415127402066
+.. branch: bigint-with-int-ops
+.. branch: dstufft/update-pip-bootstrap-location-to-the-new-1420760611527
+.. branch: float-opt
+.. branch: gc-incminimark-pinning
+This branch adds an interface rgc.pin which would (very temporarily)
+make object non-movable. That's used by rffi.alloc_buffer and
+rffi.get_nonmovable_buffer and improves performance considerably for
+IO operations.
+.. branch: gc_no_cleanup_nursery
+A branch started by Wenzhu Man (SoC'14) and then done by fijal. It
+removes the clearing of the nursery. The drawback is that new objects
+are not automatically filled with zeros any longer, which needs some
+care, mostly for GC references (which the GC tries to follow, so they
+must not contain garbage). The benefit is a quite large speed-up.
+.. branch: improve-gc-tracing-hooks
+.. branch: improve-ptr-conv-error
+.. branch: intern-not-immortal
+Fix intern() to return mortal strings, like in CPython.
+.. branch: issue1922-take2
+.. branch: kill-exported-symbols-list
+.. branch: kill-rctime
+.. branch: kill_ll_termios
+.. branch: look-into-all-modules
+.. branch: nditer-external_loop
+.. branch: numpy-generic-item
+.. branch: osx-shared
+``--shared`` support on OS/X (thanks wouter)
+.. branch: portable-threadlocal
+.. branch: pypy-dont-copy-ops
+.. branch: recursion_and_inlining
+.. branch: slim-down-resumedescr
+.. branch: squeaky/use-cflags-for-compiling-asm
+.. branch: unicode-fix
+.. branch: zlib_zdict
+.. branch: errno-again
+Changes how errno, GetLastError, and WSAGetLastError are handled.
+The idea is to tie reading the error status as close as possible to
+the external function call. This fixes some bugs, both of the very
+rare kind (e.g. errno on Linux might in theory be overwritten by
+mmap(), called rarely during major GCs, if such a major GC occurs at
+exactly the wrong time), and some of the less rare kind
+(particularly on Windows tests).
diff --git a/pypy/doc/windows.rst b/pypy/doc/windows.rst
--- a/pypy/doc/windows.rst
+++ b/pypy/doc/windows.rst
@@ -78,6 +78,7 @@
 Then you need to execute::
+    <path-to-visual>\vc\vcvars.bat
     editbin /largeaddressaware translator.exe
 where ``translator.exe`` is the pypy.exe or cpython.exe you will use to
@@ -96,7 +97,7 @@
 Abridged method (for -Ojit builds using Visual Studio 2008)
 Download the versions of all the external packages from
@@ -110,7 +111,13 @@
     set INCLUDE=<base_dir>\include;<base_dir>\tcltk\include;%INCLUDE%
     set LIB=<base_dir>\lib;<base_dir>\tcltk\lib;%LIB%
-Now you should be good to go. Read on for more information.
+Now you should be good to go. If you choose this method, you do not need
+to download/build anything else. 
+Nonabrided method (building from scratch)
+If you want to, you can rebuild everything from scratch by continuing.
 The Boehm garbage collector
diff --git a/pypy/goal/targetpypystandalone.py b/pypy/goal/targetpypystandalone.py
--- a/pypy/goal/targetpypystandalone.py
+++ b/pypy/goal/targetpypystandalone.py
@@ -101,7 +101,7 @@
         if space.is_none(w_path):
             if verbose:
                 debug("Failed to find library based on pypy_find_stdlib")
-            return 1
+            return rffi.cast(rffi.INT, 1)
         space.call_function(w_pathsetter, w_path)
         # import site
@@ -109,13 +109,13 @@
             import_ = space.getattr(space.getbuiltinmodule('__builtin__'),
             space.call_function(import_, space.wrap('site'))
-            return 0
+            return rffi.cast(rffi.INT, 0)
         except OperationError, e:
             if verbose:
                 debug(" operror-type: " + e.w_type.getname(space))
                 debug(" operror-value: " + space.str_w(space.str(e.get_w_value(space))))
-            return -1
+            return rffi.cast(rffi.INT, -1)
     @entrypoint('main', [rffi.CCHARP], c_name='pypy_execute_source')
     def pypy_execute_source(ll_source):
@@ -234,8 +234,7 @@
-        if sys.platform.startswith('linux'):
-            config.translation.suggest(shared=True)
+        config.translation.suggest(shared=True)
         if config.translation.thread:
             config.objspace.usemodules.thread = True
diff --git a/pypy/interpreter/astcompiler/optimize.py b/pypy/interpreter/astcompiler/optimize.py
--- a/pypy/interpreter/astcompiler/optimize.py
+++ b/pypy/interpreter/astcompiler/optimize.py
@@ -83,17 +83,16 @@
 class __extend__(ast.BoolOp):
-    def _accept_jump_if_any_is(self, gen, condition, target):
-        self.values[0].accept_jump_if(gen, condition, target)
-        for i in range(1, len(self.values)):
+    def _accept_jump_if_any_is(self, gen, condition, target, skip_last=0):
+        for i in range(len(self.values) - skip_last):
             self.values[i].accept_jump_if(gen, condition, target)
     def accept_jump_if(self, gen, condition, target):
         if condition and self.op == ast.And or \
                 (not condition and self.op == ast.Or):
             end = gen.new_block()
-            self._accept_jump_if_any_is(gen, not condition, end)
-            gen.emit_jump(ops.JUMP_FORWARD, target)
+            self._accept_jump_if_any_is(gen, not condition, end, skip_last=1)
+            self.values[-1].accept_jump_if(gen, condition, target)
             self._accept_jump_if_any_is(gen, condition, target)
@@ -255,11 +254,15 @@
         return rep
     def visit_Name(self, name):
-        # Turn loading None into a constant lookup.  Eventaully, we can do this
-        # for True and False, too.
+        # Turn loading None into a constant lookup.  We cannot do this
+        # for True and False, because rebinding them is allowed (2.7).
         if name.id == "None":
-            assert name.ctx == ast.Load
-            return ast.Const(self.space.w_None, name.lineno, name.col_offset)
+            # The compiler refuses to parse "None = ...", but "del None"
+            # is allowed (if pointless).  Check anyway: custom asts that
+            # correspond to "None = ..." can be made by hand.
+            if name.ctx == ast.Load:
+                return ast.Const(self.space.w_None, name.lineno,
+                                 name.col_offset)
         return name
     def visit_Tuple(self, tup):
diff --git a/pypy/interpreter/error.py b/pypy/interpreter/error.py
--- a/pypy/interpreter/error.py
+++ b/pypy/interpreter/error.py
@@ -486,10 +486,10 @@
 wrap_oserror._annspecialcase_ = 'specialize:arg(3)'
-def exception_from_errno(space, w_type):
-    from rpython.rlib.rposix import get_errno
+def exception_from_saved_errno(space, w_type):
+    from rpython.rlib.rposix import get_saved_errno
-    errno = get_errno()
+    errno = get_saved_errno()
     msg = os.strerror(errno)
     w_error = space.call_function(w_type, space.wrap(errno), space.wrap(msg))
     return OperationError(w_type, w_error)
diff --git a/pypy/interpreter/test/test_compiler.py b/pypy/interpreter/test/test_compiler.py
--- a/pypy/interpreter/test/test_compiler.py
+++ b/pypy/interpreter/test/test_compiler.py
@@ -654,6 +654,18 @@
         assert ex.match(space, space.w_SyntaxError)
         assert 'hello_world' in space.str_w(space.str(ex.get_w_value(space)))
+    def test_del_None(self):
+        snippet = '''if 1:
+            try:
+                del None
+            except NameError:
+                pass
+        '''
+        code = self.compiler.compile(snippet, '<tmp>', 'exec', 0)
+        space = self.space
+        w_d = space.newdict()
+        space.exec_(code, w_d, w_d)
 class TestPythonAstCompiler_25_grammar(BaseTestCompiler):
     def setup_method(self, method):
diff --git a/pypy/interpreter/test/test_targetpypy.py b/pypy/interpreter/test/test_targetpypy.py
--- a/pypy/interpreter/test/test_targetpypy.py
+++ b/pypy/interpreter/test/test_targetpypy.py
@@ -27,6 +27,6 @@
     pypy_setup_home = d['pypy_setup_home']
     lls = rffi.str2charp(__file__)
     res = pypy_setup_home(lls, rffi.cast(rffi.INT, 1))
-    assert lltype.typeOf(res) == rffi.LONG
+    assert lltype.typeOf(res) == rffi.INT
     assert rffi.cast(lltype.Signed, res) == 0
     lltype.free(lls, flavor='raw')
diff --git a/pypy/module/__builtin__/app_io.py b/pypy/module/__builtin__/app_io.py
--- a/pypy/module/__builtin__/app_io.py
+++ b/pypy/module/__builtin__/app_io.py
@@ -86,9 +86,11 @@
 def print_(*args, **kwargs):
     """The new-style print function from py3k."""
-    fp = kwargs.pop("file", sys.stdout)
+    fp = kwargs.pop("file", None)
     if fp is None:
-        return
+        fp = sys.stdout
+        if fp is None:
+            return
     def write(data):
         if not isinstance(data, basestring):
             data = str(data)
diff --git a/pypy/module/__builtin__/test/test_builtin.py b/pypy/module/__builtin__/test/test_builtin.py
--- a/pypy/module/__builtin__/test/test_builtin.py
+++ b/pypy/module/__builtin__/test/test_builtin.py
@@ -651,9 +651,12 @@
         out = sys.stdout = StringIO.StringIO()
             pr("Hello,", "person!")
+            pr("2nd line", file=None)
+            sys.stdout = None
+            pr("nowhere")
             sys.stdout = save
-        assert out.getvalue() == "Hello, person!\n"
+        assert out.getvalue() == "Hello, person!\n2nd line\n"
         out = StringIO.StringIO()
         pr("Hello,", "person!", file=out)
         assert out.getvalue() == "Hello, person!\n"
@@ -668,7 +671,6 @@
         result = out.getvalue()
         assert isinstance(result, unicode)
         assert result == u"Hello, person!\n"
-        pr("Hello", file=None) # This works.
         out = StringIO.StringIO()
         pr(None, file=out)
         assert out.getvalue() == "None\n"
diff --git a/pypy/module/__pypy__/__init__.py b/pypy/module/__pypy__/__init__.py
--- a/pypy/module/__pypy__/__init__.py
+++ b/pypy/module/__pypy__/__init__.py
@@ -78,6 +78,7 @@
         'newlist_hint'              : 'interp_magic.newlist_hint',
         'add_memory_pressure'       : 'interp_magic.add_memory_pressure',
         'newdict'                   : 'interp_dict.newdict',
+        'reversed_dict'             : 'interp_dict.reversed_dict',
         'strategy'                  : 'interp_magic.strategy',  # dict,set,list
         'set_debug'                 : 'interp_magic.set_debug',
         'locals_to_fast'            : 'interp_magic.locals_to_fast',
diff --git a/pypy/module/__pypy__/interp_dict.py b/pypy/module/__pypy__/interp_dict.py
--- a/pypy/module/__pypy__/interp_dict.py
+++ b/pypy/module/__pypy__/interp_dict.py
@@ -30,3 +30,17 @@
         return space.newdict(strdict=True)
         raise oefmt(space.w_TypeError, "unknown type of dict %s", type)
+def reversed_dict(space, w_obj):
+    """Enumerate the keys in a dictionary object in reversed order.
+    This is a __pypy__ function instead of being simply done by calling
+    reversed(), for CPython compatibility: dictionaries are only ordered
+    on PyPy.  You should use the collections.OrderedDict class for cases
+    where ordering is important.  That class implements __reversed__ by
+    calling __pypy__.reversed_dict().
+    """
+    from pypy.objspace.std.dictmultiobject import W_DictMultiObject
+    if not isinstance(w_obj, W_DictMultiObject):
+        raise OperationError(space.w_TypeError, space.w_None)
+    return w_obj.nondescr_reversed_dict(space)
diff --git a/pypy/module/__pypy__/interp_time.py b/pypy/module/__pypy__/interp_time.py
--- a/pypy/module/__pypy__/interp_time.py
+++ b/pypy/module/__pypy__/interp_time.py
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 from __future__ import with_statement
 import sys
-from pypy.interpreter.error import exception_from_errno
+from pypy.interpreter.error import exception_from_saved_errno
 from pypy.interpreter.gateway import unwrap_spec
 from rpython.rtyper.lltypesystem import rffi, lltype
 from rpython.rtyper.tool import rffi_platform

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