[pypy-commit] stmgc default: Merge with c8-private-pages

Raemi noreply at buildbot.pypy.org
Wed Jan 21 15:47:40 CET 2015

Author: Remi Meier <remi.meier at inf.ethz.ch>
Changeset: r1565:a043f17bba3c
Date: 2015-01-21 15:48 +0100

Log:	Merge with c8-private-pages

diff too long, truncating to 2000 out of 9435 lines

diff --git a/c7/stm/gcpage.c b/c7/stm/gcpage.c
--- a/c7/stm/gcpage.c
+++ b/c7/stm/gcpage.c
@@ -436,8 +436,8 @@
             object_t * /*item*/,
-                mark_visited_test_and_set(item);
-                mark_trace(item, stm_object_pages);  /* shared version */
+                if (!mark_visited_test_and_set(item))
+                    mark_trace(item, stm_object_pages);  /* shared version */
                 mark_trace(item, base);              /* private version */
diff --git a/c8/demo/demo_random2.c b/c8/demo/demo_random2.c
--- a/c8/demo/demo_random2.c
+++ b/c8/demo/demo_random2.c
@@ -10,10 +10,10 @@
 #include "stmgc.h"
 #define NUMTHREADS 3
-#define STEPS_PER_THREAD 500
-#define THREAD_STARTS 1000 // how many restarts of threads
+#define STEPS_PER_THREAD 50000
+#define THREAD_STARTS 100 // how many restarts of threads
-#define FORKS 3
+#define FORKS 0
 #define ACTIVE_ROOTS_SET_SIZE 100 // max num of roots created/alive in one transaction
 #define MAX_ROOTS_ON_SS 1000 // max on shadow stack
@@ -232,11 +232,13 @@
     case 3: // allocate fresh 'p'
         pushed = push_roots();
-        size_t sizes[4] = {sizeof(struct node_s),
-                           sizeof(struct node_s) + (get_rand(100000) & ~15),
-                           sizeof(struct node_s) + 4096,
-                           sizeof(struct node_s) + 4096*70};
-        size_t size = sizes[get_rand(4)];
+        size_t sizes[] = {
+            sizeof(struct node_s), sizeof(struct node_s)+16,
+            sizeof(struct node_s), sizeof(struct node_s)+16,
+            sizeof(struct node_s)+32, sizeof(struct node_s)+48,
+            sizeof(struct node_s)+32, sizeof(struct node_s)+48,
+            sizeof(struct node_s) + (get_rand(100000) & ~15)};
+        size_t size = sizes[get_rand(sizeof(sizes) / sizeof(size_t))];
         p = stm_allocate(size);
         ((nodeptr_t)p)->sig = SIGNATURE;
         ((nodeptr_t)p)->my_size = size;
@@ -352,7 +354,7 @@
     /* "interpreter main loop": this is one "application-frame" */
     while (td.steps_left-->0 && get_rand(10) != 0) {
         if (td.steps_left % 8 == 0)
-            fprintf(stdout, "#");
+            fprintf(stderr, "#");
         assert(p == NULL || ((nodeptr_t)p)->sig == SIGNATURE);
@@ -461,7 +463,7 @@
         .next = NULL
-    stm_start_inevitable_transaction(&stm_thread_local);
+    //stm_start_inevitable_transaction(&stm_thread_local);
     for (i = 0; i < PREBUILT_ROOTS; i++) {
         void* new_templ = malloc(sizeof(struct node_s));
         memcpy(new_templ, &prebuilt_template, sizeof(struct node_s));
@@ -474,7 +476,7 @@
             ((nodeptr_t)prebuilt_roots[i])->my_hash = hash;
-    stm_commit_transaction();
+    //stm_commit_transaction();
 int main(void)
@@ -493,10 +495,11 @@
+    setup_globals();
     stm_rewind_jmp_enterframe(&stm_thread_local, &rjbuf);
-    setup_globals();
     int thread_starts = NUMTHREADS * THREAD_STARTS;
     for (i = 0; i < NUMTHREADS; i++) {
diff --git a/c8/stm/core.c b/c8/stm/core.c
--- a/c8/stm/core.c
+++ b/c8/stm/core.c
@@ -2,235 +2,520 @@
 # error "must be compiled via stmgc.c"
-#include <signal.h>
+/* General helper: copies objects into our own segment, from some
+   source described by a range of 'struct stm_undo_s'.  Maybe later
+   we could specialize this function to avoid the checks in the
+   inner loop.
+static void import_objects(
+        int from_segnum,            /* or -1: from undo->backup,
+                                       or -2: from undo->backup if not modified */
+        uintptr_t pagenum,          /* or -1: "all accessible" */
+        struct stm_undo_s *undo,
+        struct stm_undo_s *end)
+    char *src_segment_base = (from_segnum >= 0 ? get_segment_base(from_segnum)
+                                               : NULL);
+    assert(IMPLY(from_segnum >= 0, get_priv_segment(from_segnum)->modification_lock));
+    assert(STM_PSEGMENT->modification_lock);
+    for (; undo < end; undo++) {
+        object_t *obj = undo->object;
+        stm_char *oslice = ((stm_char *)obj) + SLICE_OFFSET(undo->slice);
+        uintptr_t current_page_num = ((uintptr_t)oslice) / 4096;
+        if (pagenum == -1) {
+            if (get_page_status_in(STM_SEGMENT->segment_num,
+                                   current_page_num) == PAGE_NO_ACCESS)
+                continue;
+        }
+        else {
+            if (current_page_num != pagenum)
+                continue;
+        }
+        if (from_segnum == -2 && _stm_was_read(obj) && (obj->stm_flags & GCFLAG_WB_EXECUTED)) {
+            /* called from stm_validate():
+                > if not was_read(), we certainly didn't modify
+                > if not WB_EXECUTED, we may have read from the obj in a different page but
+                  did not modify it (should not occur right now, but future proof!)
+               only the WB_EXECUTED alone is not enough, since we may have imported from a
+               segment's private page (which had the flag set) */
+            assert(IMPLY(_stm_was_read(obj), (obj->stm_flags & GCFLAG_WB_EXECUTED))); /* for now */
+            continue;           /* only copy unmodified */
+        }
+        /* XXX: if the next assert is always true, we should never get a segfault
+           in this function at all. So the DEBUG_EXPECT_SEGFAULT is correct. */
+        assert((get_page_status_in(STM_SEGMENT->segment_num,
+                                   current_page_num) != PAGE_NO_ACCESS));
+        dprintf(("import slice seg=%d obj=%p off=%lu sz=%d pg=%lu\n",
+                 from_segnum, obj, SLICE_OFFSET(undo->slice),
+                 SLICE_SIZE(undo->slice), current_page_num));
+        char *src, *dst;
+        if (src_segment_base != NULL)
+            src = REAL_ADDRESS(src_segment_base, oslice);
+        else
+            src = undo->backup;
+        dst = REAL_ADDRESS(STM_SEGMENT->segment_base, oslice);
+        memcpy(dst, src, SLICE_SIZE(undo->slice));
+        if (src_segment_base == NULL && SLICE_OFFSET(undo->slice) == 0) {
+            /* check that restored obj doesn't have WB_EXECUTED */
+            assert(!(obj->stm_flags & GCFLAG_WB_EXECUTED));
+        }
+    }
+/* ############# signal handler ############# */
+static void copy_bk_objs_in_page_from(int from_segnum, uintptr_t pagenum,
+                                      bool only_if_not_modified)
+    /* looks at all bk copies of objects overlapping page 'pagenum' and
+       copies the part in 'pagenum' back to the current segment */
+    dprintf(("copy_bk_objs_in_page_from(%d, %ld, %d)\n",
+             from_segnum, (long)pagenum, only_if_not_modified));
+    struct list_s *list = get_priv_segment(from_segnum)->modified_old_objects;
+    struct stm_undo_s *undo = (struct stm_undo_s *)list->items;
+    struct stm_undo_s *end = (struct stm_undo_s *)(list->items + list->count);
+    import_objects(only_if_not_modified ? -2 : -1,
+                   pagenum, undo, end);
+static void go_to_the_past(uintptr_t pagenum,
+                           struct stm_commit_log_entry_s *from,
+                           struct stm_commit_log_entry_s *to)
+    assert(STM_PSEGMENT->modification_lock);
+    assert(from->rev_num >= to->rev_num);
+    /* walk BACKWARDS the commit log and update the page 'pagenum',
+       initially at revision 'from', until we reach the revision 'to'. */
+    /* XXXXXXX Recursive algo for now, fix this! */
+    if (from != to) {
+        struct stm_commit_log_entry_s *cl = to->next;
+        go_to_the_past(pagenum, from, cl);
+        struct stm_undo_s *undo = cl->written;
+        struct stm_undo_s *end = cl->written + cl->written_count;
+        import_objects(-1, pagenum, undo, end);
+    }
+static void handle_segfault_in_page(uintptr_t pagenum)
+    /* assumes page 'pagenum' is ACCESS_NONE, privatizes it,
+       and validates to newest revision */
+    dprintf(("handle_segfault_in_page(%lu), seg %d\n", pagenum, STM_SEGMENT->segment_num));
+    /* XXX: bad, but no deadlocks: */
+    acquire_all_privatization_locks();
+    long i;
+    int my_segnum = STM_SEGMENT->segment_num;
+    assert(get_page_status_in(my_segnum, pagenum) == PAGE_NO_ACCESS);
+    /* find who has the most recent revision of our page */
+    int copy_from_segnum = -1;
+    uint64_t most_recent_rev = 0;
+    for (i = 1; i < NB_SEGMENTS; i++) {
+        if (i == my_segnum)
+            continue;
+        struct stm_commit_log_entry_s *log_entry;
+        log_entry = get_priv_segment(i)->last_commit_log_entry;
+        if (get_page_status_in(i, pagenum) != PAGE_NO_ACCESS
+            && (copy_from_segnum == -1 || log_entry->rev_num > most_recent_rev)) {
+            copy_from_segnum = i;
+            most_recent_rev = log_entry->rev_num;
+        }
+    }
+    OPT_ASSERT(copy_from_segnum != my_segnum);
+    /* make our page write-ready */
+    page_mark_accessible(my_segnum, pagenum);
+    if (copy_from_segnum == -1) {
+        /* this page is only accessible in the sharing segment so far (new
+           allocation). We can thus simply mark it accessible here. */
+        pagecopy(get_virtual_page(my_segnum, pagenum),
+                 get_virtual_page(0, pagenum));
+        release_all_privatization_locks();
+        return;
+    }
+    /* before copying anything, acquire modification locks from our and
+       the other segment */
+    uint64_t to_lock = (1UL << copy_from_segnum)| (1UL << my_segnum);
+    acquire_modification_lock_set(to_lock);
+    pagecopy(get_virtual_page(my_segnum, pagenum),
+             get_virtual_page(copy_from_segnum, pagenum));
+    /* if there were modifications in the page, revert them. */
+    copy_bk_objs_in_page_from(copy_from_segnum, pagenum, false);
+    /* we need to go from 'src_version' to 'target_version'.  This
+       might need a walk into the past. */
+    struct stm_commit_log_entry_s *src_version, *target_version;
+    src_version = get_priv_segment(copy_from_segnum)->last_commit_log_entry;
+    target_version = STM_PSEGMENT->last_commit_log_entry;
+    dprintf(("handle_segfault_in_page: rev %lu to rev %lu\n",
+             src_version->rev_num, target_version->rev_num));
+    /* adapt revision of page to our revision:
+       if our rev is higher than the page we copy from, everything
+       is fine as we never read/modified the page anyway
+     */
+    if (src_version->rev_num > target_version->rev_num)
+        go_to_the_past(pagenum, src_version, target_version);
+    release_modification_lock_set(to_lock);
+    release_all_privatization_locks();
+static void _signal_handler(int sig, siginfo_t *siginfo, void *context)
+    assert(_stm_segfault_expected > 0);
+    int saved_errno = errno;
+    char *addr = siginfo->si_addr;
+    dprintf(("si_addr: %p\n", addr));
+    if (addr == NULL || addr < stm_object_pages ||
+        addr >= stm_object_pages+TOTAL_MEMORY) {
+        /* actual segfault, unrelated to stmgc */
+        fprintf(stderr, "Segmentation fault: accessing %p\n", addr);
+        abort();
+    }
+    int segnum = get_segment_of_linear_address(addr);
+    if (segnum != STM_SEGMENT->segment_num) {
+        fprintf(stderr, "Segmentation fault: accessing %p (seg %d) from"
+                " seg %d\n", addr, segnum, STM_SEGMENT->segment_num);
+        abort();
+    }
+    dprintf(("-> segment: %d\n", segnum));
+    char *seg_base = STM_SEGMENT->segment_base;
+    uintptr_t pagenum = ((char*)addr - seg_base) / 4096UL;
+    if (pagenum < END_NURSERY_PAGE) {
+        fprintf(stderr, "Segmentation fault: accessing %p (seg %d "
+                        "page %lu)\n", addr, segnum, pagenum);
+        abort();
+    }
+    handle_segfault_in_page(pagenum);
+    errno = saved_errno;
+    /* now return and retry */
 /* ############# commit log ############# */
 void _dbg_print_commit_log()
-    volatile struct stm_commit_log_entry_s *cl;
-    cl = (volatile struct stm_commit_log_entry_s *)&commit_log_root;
+    struct stm_commit_log_entry_s *cl = &commit_log_root;
-    fprintf(stderr, "root (%p, %d)\n", cl->next, cl->segment_num);
+    fprintf(stderr, "commit log:\n");
     while ((cl = cl->next)) {
-        if ((uintptr_t)cl == -1) {
-            fprintf(stderr, "INEVITABLE\n");
+        if (cl == INEV_RUNNING) {
+            fprintf(stderr, "  INEVITABLE\n");
-        size_t i = 0;
-        fprintf(stderr, "  elem (%p, %d)\n", cl->next, cl->segment_num);
-        object_t *obj;
-        while ((obj = cl->written[i])) {
-            fprintf(stderr, "-> %p\n", obj);
-            i++;
-        };
+        fprintf(stderr, "  entry at %p: seg %d, rev %lu\n", cl, cl->segment_num, cl->rev_num);
+        struct stm_undo_s *undo = cl->written;
+        struct stm_undo_s *end = undo + cl->written_count;
+        for (; undo < end; undo++) {
+            fprintf(stderr, "    obj %p, size %d, ofs %lu: ", undo->object,
+                    SLICE_SIZE(undo->slice), SLICE_OFFSET(undo->slice));
+            /* long i; */
+            /* for (i=0; i<SLICE_SIZE(undo->slice); i += 8) */
+            /*     fprintf(stderr, " 0x%016lx", *(long *)(undo->backup + i)); */
+            fprintf(stderr, "\n");
+        }
-static void _update_obj_from(int from_seg, object_t *obj)
+static void reset_modified_from_backup_copies(int segment_num);  /* forward */
+static bool _stm_validate()
-    /* during validation this looks up the obj in the
-       from_seg (backup or normal) and copies the version
-       over the current segment's one */
-    size_t obj_size;
-    char *realobj = REAL_ADDRESS(STM_SEGMENT->segment_base, obj);
-    uintptr_t pagenum = (uintptr_t)obj / 4096UL;
+    /* returns true if we reached a valid state, or false if
+       we need to abort now */
+    dprintf(("_stm_validate()\n"));
+    /* go from last known entry in commit log to the
+       most current one and apply all changes done
+       by other transactions. Abort if we have read one of
+       the committed objs. */
+    struct stm_commit_log_entry_s *first_cl = STM_PSEGMENT->last_commit_log_entry;
+    struct stm_commit_log_entry_s *next_cl, *last_cl, *cl;
+    int my_segnum = STM_SEGMENT->segment_num;
+    /* Don't check this 'cl'. This entry is already checked */
-    OPT_ASSERT(!is_shared_log_page(pagenum));
-    assert(is_private_log_page_in(STM_SEGMENT->segment_num, pagenum));
-    assert(is_private_log_page_in(from_seg, pagenum));
+    if (STM_PSEGMENT->transaction_state == TS_INEVITABLE) {
+        //assert(first_cl->next == INEV_RUNNING);
+        /* the above assert may fail when running a major collection
+           while the commit of the inevitable transaction is in progress */
+        return true;
+    }
-    /* look the obj up in the other segment's modified_old_objects to
-       get its backup copy: */
-    acquire_modified_objs_lock(from_seg);
+    bool needs_abort = false;
-    wlog_t *item;
-    struct tree_s *tree = get_priv_segment(from_seg)->modified_old_objects;
-    TREE_FIND(tree, (uintptr_t)obj, item, goto not_found);
+    while(1) {
+        /* retry IF: */
+        /* if at the time of "HERE" (s.b.) there happen to be
+           more commits (and bk copies) then it could be that
+           copy_bk_objs_in_page_from (s.b.) reads a bk copy that
+           is itself more recent than last_cl. This is fixed
+           by re-validating. */
+        first_cl = STM_PSEGMENT->last_commit_log_entry;
+        if (first_cl->next == NULL)
+            break;
-    obj_size = stmcb_size_rounded_up((struct object_s*)item->val);
-    memcpy(realobj, (char*)item->val, obj_size);
-    assert(obj->stm_flags & GCFLAG_WRITE_BARRIER);
-    release_modified_objs_lock(from_seg);
-    return;
+        if (first_cl->next == INEV_RUNNING) {
+            /* need to reach safe point if an INEV transaction
+               is waiting for us, otherwise deadlock */
+            break;
+        }
- not_found:
-    /* copy from page directly (obj is unmodified) */
-    obj_size = stmcb_size_rounded_up(
-        (struct object_s*)REAL_ADDRESS(get_segment_base(from_seg), obj));
-    memcpy(realobj,
-           REAL_ADDRESS(get_segment_base(from_seg), obj),
-           obj_size);
-    obj->stm_flags |= GCFLAG_WRITE_BARRIER; /* may already be gone */
-    release_modified_objs_lock(from_seg);
+        /* Find the set of segments we need to copy from and lock them: */
+        uint64_t segments_to_lock = 1UL << my_segnum;
+        cl = first_cl;
+        while ((next_cl = cl->next) != NULL) {
+            if (next_cl == INEV_RUNNING) {
+                /* only validate entries up to INEV */
+                break;
+            }
+            assert(next_cl->rev_num > cl->rev_num);
+            cl = next_cl;
+            if (cl->written_count) {
+                segments_to_lock |= (1UL << cl->segment_num);
+            }
+        }
+        last_cl = cl;
+        /* HERE */
+        acquire_privatization_lock(STM_SEGMENT->segment_num);
+        acquire_modification_lock_set(segments_to_lock);
+        /* import objects from first_cl to last_cl: */
+        if (first_cl != last_cl) {
+            uint64_t segment_really_copied_from = 0UL;
+            cl = first_cl;
+            while ((cl = cl->next) != NULL) {
+                if (!needs_abort) {
+                    struct stm_undo_s *undo = cl->written;
+                    struct stm_undo_s *end = cl->written + cl->written_count;
+                    for (; undo < end; undo++) {
+                        if (_stm_was_read(undo->object)) {
+                            /* first reset all modified objects from the backup
+                               copies as soon as the first conflict is detected;
+                               then we will proceed below to update our segment from
+                               the old (but unmodified) version to the newer version.
+                            */
+                            reset_modified_from_backup_copies(my_segnum);
+                            needs_abort = true;
+                            dprintf(("_stm_validate() failed for obj %p\n", undo->object));
+                            break;
+                        }
+                    }
+                }
+                if (cl->written_count) {
+                    struct stm_undo_s *undo = cl->written;
+                    struct stm_undo_s *end = cl->written + cl->written_count;
+                    segment_really_copied_from |= (1UL << cl->segment_num);
+                    import_objects(cl->segment_num, -1, undo, end);
+                    /* here we can actually have our own modified version, so
+                       make sure to only copy things that are not modified in our
+                       segment... (if we do not abort) */
+                    copy_bk_objs_in_page_from
+                        (cl->segment_num, -1,     /* any page */
+                         !needs_abort);  /* if we abort, we still want to copy everything */
+                }
+                /* last fully validated entry */
+                STM_PSEGMENT->last_commit_log_entry = cl;
+                if (cl == last_cl)
+                    break;
+            }
+            assert(cl == last_cl);
+            /* XXX: this optimization fails in test_basic.py, bug3 */
+            /* OPT_ASSERT(segment_really_copied_from < (1 << NB_SEGMENTS)); */
+            /* int segnum; */
+            /* for (segnum = 1; segnum < NB_SEGMENTS; segnum++) { */
+            /*     if (segment_really_copied_from & (1UL << segnum)) { */
+            /*         /\* here we can actually have our own modified version, so */
+            /*            make sure to only copy things that are not modified in our */
+            /*            segment... (if we do not abort) *\/ */
+            /*         copy_bk_objs_in_page_from( */
+            /*             segnum, -1,     /\* any page *\/ */
+            /*             !needs_abort);  /\* if we abort, we still want to copy everything *\/ */
+            /*     } */
+            /* } */
+        }
+        /* done with modifications */
+        release_modification_lock_set(segments_to_lock);
+        release_privatization_lock(STM_SEGMENT->segment_num);
+    }
+    return !needs_abort;
-void stm_validate(void *free_if_abort)
-    /* go from last known entry in commit log to the
-       most current one and apply all changes done
-       by other transactions. Abort if we read one of
-       the committed objs. */
-    if (STM_PSEGMENT->transaction_state == TS_INEVITABLE) {
-        assert((uintptr_t)STM_PSEGMENT->last_commit_log_entry->next == -1);
-        return;
-    }
-    volatile struct stm_commit_log_entry_s *cl, *prev_cl;
-    cl = prev_cl = (volatile struct stm_commit_log_entry_s *)
-        STM_PSEGMENT->last_commit_log_entry;
-    bool needs_abort = false;
-    /* Don't check 'cl'. This entry is already checked */
-    while ((cl = cl->next)) {
-        if ((uintptr_t)cl == -1) {
-            /* there is an inevitable transaction running */
-            free(free_if_abort);
-            stm_abort_transaction();
-            cl = prev_cl;
-            _stm_collectable_safe_point();
-            continue;
-        }
-        prev_cl = cl;
-        OPT_ASSERT(cl->segment_num >= 0 && cl->segment_num < NB_SEGMENTS);
-        object_t *obj;
-        size_t i = 0;
-        while ((obj = cl->written[i])) {
-            _update_obj_from(cl->segment_num, obj);
-            if (_stm_was_read(obj)) {
-                needs_abort = true;
-                /* if we wrote this obj, we need to free its backup and
-                   remove it from modified_old_objects because
-                   we would otherwise overwrite the updated obj on abort */
-                acquire_modified_objs_lock(STM_SEGMENT->segment_num);
-                wlog_t *item;
-                struct tree_s *tree = STM_PSEGMENT->modified_old_objects;
-                TREE_FIND(tree, (uintptr_t)obj, item, goto not_found);
-                free((void*)item->val);
-                TREE_FIND_DELETE(tree, item);
-            not_found:
-                /* nothing todo */
-                release_modified_objs_lock(STM_SEGMENT->segment_num);
-            }
-            i++;
-        };
-        /* last fully validated entry */
-        STM_PSEGMENT->last_commit_log_entry = (struct stm_commit_log_entry_s *)cl;
-    }
-    if (needs_abort) {
-        free(free_if_abort);
-        stm_abort_transaction();
-    }
-static struct stm_commit_log_entry_s *_create_commit_log_entry()
+static struct stm_commit_log_entry_s *_create_commit_log_entry(void)
     /* puts all modified_old_objects in a new commit log entry */
     // we don't need the privatization lock, as we are only
     // reading from modified_old_objs and nobody but us can change it
-    struct tree_s *tree = STM_PSEGMENT->modified_old_objects;
-    size_t count = tree_count(tree);
-    size_t byte_len = sizeof(struct stm_commit_log_entry_s) + (count + 1) * sizeof(object_t*);
+    struct list_s *list = STM_PSEGMENT->modified_old_objects;
+    OPT_ASSERT((list_count(list) % 3) == 0);
+    size_t count = list_count(list) / 3;
+    size_t byte_len = sizeof(struct stm_commit_log_entry_s) +
+        count * sizeof(struct stm_undo_s);
     struct stm_commit_log_entry_s *result = malloc(byte_len);
     result->next = NULL;
     result->segment_num = STM_SEGMENT->segment_num;
-    int i = 0;
-    wlog_t *item;
-    TREE_LOOP_FORWARD(tree, item); {
-        result->written[i] = (object_t*)item->addr;
-        i++;
-    OPT_ASSERT(count == i);
-    result->written[count] = NULL;
+    result->rev_num = -1;       /* invalid */
+    result->written_count = count;
+    memcpy(result->written, list->items, count * sizeof(struct stm_undo_s));
     return result;
-static void _validate_and_add_to_commit_log()
+static void reset_wb_executed_flags(void);
+static void readd_wb_executed_flags(void);
+static void check_all_write_barrier_flags(char *segbase, struct list_s *list);
+static void _validate_and_attach(struct stm_commit_log_entry_s *new)
-    struct stm_commit_log_entry_s *new;
-    volatile struct stm_commit_log_entry_s **to;
+    struct stm_commit_log_entry_s *old;
+    OPT_ASSERT(new != NULL);
+    /* we are attaching a real CL entry: */
+    bool is_commit = new != INEV_RUNNING;
+    while (1) {
+        if (!_stm_validate()) {
+            if (new != INEV_RUNNING)
+                free(new);
+            stm_abort_transaction();
+        }
+        if (STM_PSEGMENT->transaction_state != TS_INEVITABLE
+            && STM_PSEGMENT->last_commit_log_entry->next == INEV_RUNNING) {
+            /* abort for tests... */
+            stm_abort_transaction();
+        }
+        if (is_commit) {
+            /* we must not remove the WB_EXECUTED flags before validation as
+               it is part of a condition in import_objects() called by
+               copy_bk_objs_in_page_from to not overwrite our modifications.
+               So we do it here: */
+            reset_wb_executed_flags();
+            check_all_write_barrier_flags(STM_SEGMENT->segment_base,
+                                          STM_PSEGMENT->modified_old_objects);
+        }
+        /* try to attach to commit log: */
+        old = STM_PSEGMENT->last_commit_log_entry;
+        if (old->next == NULL) {
+            if (new != INEV_RUNNING) /* INEVITABLE */
+                new->rev_num = old->rev_num + 1;
+            if (__sync_bool_compare_and_swap(&old->next, NULL, new))
+                break;   /* success! */
+        } else if (old->next == INEV_RUNNING) {
+            /* we failed because there is an INEV transaction running */
+            usleep(10);
+        }
+        if (is_commit) {
+            /* XXX: unfortunately, if we failed to attach our CL entry,
+               we have to re-add the WB_EXECUTED flags before we try to
+               validate again because of said condition (s.a) */
+            readd_wb_executed_flags();
+        }
+        dprintf(("_validate_and_attach(%p) failed, enter safepoint\n", new));
+        /* check for requested safe point. otherwise an INEV transaction
+           may try to commit but cannot because of the busy-loop here. */
+        _stm_collectable_safe_point();
+    }
+static void _validate_and_turn_inevitable(void)
+    _validate_and_attach((struct stm_commit_log_entry_s *)INEV_RUNNING);
+static void _validate_and_add_to_commit_log(void)
+    struct stm_commit_log_entry_s *old, *new;
     new = _create_commit_log_entry();
     if (STM_PSEGMENT->transaction_state == TS_INEVITABLE) {
-        OPT_ASSERT((uintptr_t)STM_PSEGMENT->last_commit_log_entry->next == -1);
+        old = STM_PSEGMENT->last_commit_log_entry;
+        new->rev_num = old->rev_num + 1;
+        OPT_ASSERT(old->next == INEV_RUNNING);
-        to = &(STM_PSEGMENT->last_commit_log_entry->next);
-        bool yes = __sync_bool_compare_and_swap(to, (void*)-1, new);
+        /* WB_EXECUTED must be removed before we attach */
+        reset_wb_executed_flags();
+        check_all_write_barrier_flags(STM_SEGMENT->segment_base,
+                                      STM_PSEGMENT->modified_old_objects);
+        bool yes = __sync_bool_compare_and_swap(&old->next, INEV_RUNNING, new);
-        return;
+    }
+    else {
+        _validate_and_attach(new);
-    /* regular transaction: */
-    do {
-        stm_validate(new);
-        /* try attaching to commit log: */
-        to = &(STM_PSEGMENT->last_commit_log_entry->next);
-    } while (!__sync_bool_compare_and_swap(to, NULL, new));
-static void _validate_and_turn_inevitable()
-    struct stm_commit_log_entry_s *new;
-    volatile struct stm_commit_log_entry_s **to;
-    new = (struct stm_commit_log_entry_s*)-1;
-    do {
-        stm_validate(NULL);
-        /* try attaching to commit log: */
-        to = &(STM_PSEGMENT->last_commit_log_entry->next);
-    } while (!__sync_bool_compare_and_swap(to, NULL, new));
+    acquire_modification_lock(STM_SEGMENT->segment_num);
+    list_clear(STM_PSEGMENT->modified_old_objects);
+    STM_PSEGMENT->last_commit_log_entry = new;
+    release_modification_lock(STM_SEGMENT->segment_num);
 /* ############# STM ############# */
+void stm_validate()
+    if (!_stm_validate())
+        stm_abort_transaction();
-void _privatize_shared_page(uintptr_t pagenum)
-    /* privatize pages of obj for our segment iff previously
-       the pages were fully shared. */
-#ifndef NDEBUG
-    long l;
-    for (l = 0; l < NB_SEGMENTS; l++) {
-        assert(get_priv_segment(l)->privatization_lock);
-    }
-    uintptr_t i;
-    int my_segnum = STM_SEGMENT->segment_num;
-    assert(is_shared_log_page(pagenum));
-    char *src = (char*)(get_virt_page_of(0, pagenum) * 4096UL);
-    for (i = 1; i < NB_SEGMENTS; i++) {
-        assert(!is_private_log_page_in(i, pagenum));
-        page_privatize_in(i, pagenum, src);
-    }
-    set_page_private_in(0, pagenum);
-    OPT_ASSERT(is_private_log_page_in(my_segnum, pagenum));
-    assert(!is_shared_log_page(pagenum));
 void _stm_write_slowpath(object_t *obj)
@@ -246,56 +531,100 @@
     realobj = REAL_ADDRESS(STM_SEGMENT->segment_base, obj);
     obj_size = stmcb_size_rounded_up((struct object_s *)realobj);
     /* get the last page containing data from the object */
-    end_page = (((uintptr_t)obj) + obj_size - 1) / 4096UL;
+    if (LIKELY(is_small_uniform(obj))) {
+        end_page = first_page;
+    } else {
+        end_page = (((uintptr_t)obj) + obj_size - 1) / 4096UL;
+    }
     /* add to read set: */
-    /* create backup copy: */
-    struct object_s *bk_obj = malloc(obj_size);
-    memcpy(bk_obj, realobj, obj_size);
+    if (obj->stm_flags & GCFLAG_WB_EXECUTED) {
+        /* already executed WB once in this transaction. do GC
+           part again: */
+        dprintf(("write_slowpath-fast(%p)\n", obj));
+        obj->stm_flags &= ~GCFLAG_WRITE_BARRIER;
+        LIST_APPEND(STM_PSEGMENT->objects_pointing_to_nursery, obj);
+        return;
+    }
-    /* if there are shared pages, privatize them */
+    assert(!(obj->stm_flags & GCFLAG_WB_EXECUTED));
+    dprintf(("write_slowpath(%p): sz=%lu\n", obj, obj_size));
+ retry:
+    /* privatize pages: */
+    /* XXX don't always acquire all locks... */
+    acquire_all_privatization_locks();
     uintptr_t page;
     for (page = first_page; page <= end_page; page++) {
-        if (is_shared_log_page(page)) {
-            long i;
-            for (i = 0; i < NB_SEGMENTS; i++) {
-                acquire_privatization_lock(i);
-            }
-            if (is_shared_log_page(page))
-                _privatize_shared_page(page);
-            for (i = NB_SEGMENTS-1; i >= 0; i--) {
-                release_privatization_lock(i);
-            }
+        if (get_page_status_in(my_segnum, page) == PAGE_NO_ACCESS) {
+            /* XXX: slow? */
+            release_all_privatization_locks();
+            volatile char *dummy = REAL_ADDRESS(STM_SEGMENT->segment_base, page * 4096UL);
+            *dummy;            /* force segfault */
+            goto retry;
-    /* pages not shared anymore. but we still may have
-       only a read protected page ourselves: */
+    /* all pages are private to us and we hold the privatization_locks so
+       we are allowed to modify them */
-    acquire_privatization_lock(my_segnum);
-    OPT_ASSERT(is_private_log_page_in(my_segnum, first_page));
+    /* phew, now add the obj to the write-set and register the
+       backup copy. */
+    /* XXX: we should not be here at all fiddling with page status
+       if 'obj' is merely an overflow object.  FIX ME, likely by copying
+       the overflow number logic from c7. */
-    /* remove the WRITE_BARRIER flag */
+    acquire_modification_lock(STM_SEGMENT->segment_num);
+    uintptr_t slice_sz;
+    uintptr_t in_page_offset = (uintptr_t)obj % 4096UL;
+    uintptr_t remaining_obj_sz = obj_size;
+    for (page = first_page; page <= end_page; page++) {
+        /* XXX Maybe also use mprotect() again to mark pages of the object as read-only, and
+           only stick it into modified_old_objects page-by-page?  Maybe it's
+           possible to do card-marking that way, too. */
+        OPT_ASSERT(remaining_obj_sz);
+        slice_sz = remaining_obj_sz;
+        if (in_page_offset + slice_sz > 4096UL) {
+            /* not over page boundaries */
+            slice_sz = 4096UL - in_page_offset;
+        }
+        size_t slice_off = obj_size - remaining_obj_sz;
+        /* make backup slice: */
+        char *bk_slice = malloc(slice_sz);
+        memcpy(bk_slice, realobj + slice_off, slice_sz);
+        STM_PSEGMENT->modified_old_objects = list_append3(
+            STM_PSEGMENT->modified_old_objects,
+            (uintptr_t)obj,     /* obj */
+            (uintptr_t)bk_slice,  /* bk_addr */
+            NEW_SLICE(slice_off, slice_sz));
+        remaining_obj_sz -= slice_sz;
+        in_page_offset = (in_page_offset + slice_sz) % 4096UL; /* mostly 0 */
+    }
+    OPT_ASSERT(remaining_obj_sz == 0);
+    /* remove the WRITE_BARRIER flag and add WB_EXECUTED */
     obj->stm_flags &= ~GCFLAG_WRITE_BARRIER;
+    obj->stm_flags |= GCFLAG_WB_EXECUTED;
+    release_modification_lock(STM_SEGMENT->segment_num);
+    /* done fiddling with protection and privatization */
+    release_all_privatization_locks();
     /* also add it to the GC list for minor collections */
     LIST_APPEND(STM_PSEGMENT->objects_pointing_to_nursery, obj);
-    /* done fiddling with protection and privatization */
-    release_privatization_lock(my_segnum);
-    /* phew, now add the obj to the write-set and register the
-       backup copy. */
-    /* XXX: possibly slow check; try overflow objs again? */
-    if (!tree_contains(STM_PSEGMENT->modified_old_objects, (uintptr_t)obj)) {
-        acquire_modified_objs_lock(my_segnum);
-        tree_insert(STM_PSEGMENT->modified_old_objects,
-                    (uintptr_t)obj, (uintptr_t)bk_obj);
-        release_modified_objs_lock(my_segnum);
-    }
 static void reset_transaction_read_version(void)
@@ -308,7 +637,7 @@
              (long)(NB_READMARKER_PAGES * 4096UL)));
     if (mmap(readmarkers, NB_READMARKER_PAGES * 4096UL,
              PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE,
-             MAP_FIXED | MAP_PAGES_FLAGS, -1, 0) != readmarkers) {
+             MAP_FIXED | MAP_SHARED | MAP_ANONYMOUS | MAP_NORESERVE, -1, 0) != readmarkers) {
         /* fall-back */
         stm_fatalerror("reset_transaction_read_version: %m");
@@ -318,15 +647,40 @@
     STM_SEGMENT->transaction_read_version = 1;
+static void reset_wb_executed_flags(void)
+    dprintf(("reset_wb_executed_flags()\n"));
+    struct list_s *list = STM_PSEGMENT->modified_old_objects;
+    struct stm_undo_s *undo = (struct stm_undo_s *)list->items;
+    struct stm_undo_s *end = (struct stm_undo_s *)(list->items + list->count);
+    for (; undo < end; undo++) {
+        object_t *obj = undo->object;
+        obj->stm_flags &= ~GCFLAG_WB_EXECUTED;
+    }
+static void readd_wb_executed_flags(void)
+    dprintf(("readd_wb_executed_flags()\n"));
+    struct list_s *list = STM_PSEGMENT->modified_old_objects;
+    struct stm_undo_s *undo = (struct stm_undo_s *)list->items;
+    struct stm_undo_s *end = (struct stm_undo_s *)(list->items + list->count);
+    for (; undo < end; undo++) {
+        object_t *obj = undo->object;
+        obj->stm_flags |= GCFLAG_WB_EXECUTED;
+    }
 static void _stm_start_transaction(stm_thread_local_t *tl)
-  retry:
-    if (!acquire_thread_segment(tl))
-        goto retry;
+    while (!acquire_thread_segment(tl)) {}
     /* GS invalid before this point! */
     assert(STM_PSEGMENT->safe_point == SP_NO_TRANSACTION);
@@ -337,11 +691,12 @@
     STM_PSEGMENT->running_pthread = pthread_self();
     STM_PSEGMENT->shadowstack_at_start_of_transaction = tl->shadowstack;
+    STM_PSEGMENT->threadlocal_at_start_of_transaction = tl->thread_local_obj;
-    dprintf(("start_transaction\n"));
+    dprintf(("> start_transaction\n"));
-    s_mutex_unlock();
+    s_mutex_unlock();   // XXX it's probably possible to not acquire this here
     uint8_t old_rv = STM_SEGMENT->transaction_read_version;
     STM_SEGMENT->transaction_read_version = old_rv + 1;
@@ -349,7 +704,8 @@
-    assert(tree_is_cleared(STM_PSEGMENT->modified_old_objects));
+    assert(list_is_empty(STM_PSEGMENT->modified_old_objects));
+    assert(list_is_empty(STM_PSEGMENT->new_objects));
@@ -358,7 +714,7 @@
-    stm_validate(NULL);
+    stm_validate();
 long stm_start_transaction(stm_thread_local_t *tl)
@@ -401,40 +757,56 @@
     STM_PSEGMENT->transaction_state = TS_NONE;
+    list_clear(STM_PSEGMENT->new_objects);
     /* cannot access STM_SEGMENT or STM_PSEGMENT from here ! */
+static void check_all_write_barrier_flags(char *segbase, struct list_s *list)
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+    struct stm_undo_s *undo = (struct stm_undo_s *)list->items;
+    struct stm_undo_s *end = (struct stm_undo_s *)(list->items + list->count);
+    for (; undo < end; undo++) {
+        object_t *obj = undo->object;
+        struct object_s *dst = (struct object_s*)REAL_ADDRESS(segbase, obj);
+        assert(dst->stm_flags & GCFLAG_WRITE_BARRIER);
+        assert(!(dst->stm_flags & GCFLAG_WB_EXECUTED));
+    }
+static void push_new_objects_to_other_segments(void)
+    acquire_privatization_lock(STM_SEGMENT->segment_num);
+    LIST_FOREACH_R(STM_PSEGMENT->new_objects, object_t *,
+        ({
+            assert(item->stm_flags & GCFLAG_WB_EXECUTED);
+            item->stm_flags &= ~GCFLAG_WB_EXECUTED;
+            synchronize_object_enqueue(item);
+        }));
+    synchronize_objects_flush();
+    release_privatization_lock(STM_SEGMENT->segment_num);
 void stm_commit_transaction(void)
     assert(STM_PSEGMENT->safe_point == SP_RUNNING);
     assert(STM_PSEGMENT->running_pthread == pthread_self());
-    dprintf(("stm_commit_transaction()\n"));
+    dprintf(("> stm_commit_transaction()\n"));
+    push_new_objects_to_other_segments();
-    /* clear WRITE_BARRIER flags, free all backup copies,
-       and clear the tree: */
-    acquire_modified_objs_lock(STM_SEGMENT->segment_num);
-    struct tree_s *tree = STM_PSEGMENT->modified_old_objects;
-    wlog_t *item;
-    TREE_LOOP_FORWARD(tree, item); {
-        object_t *obj = (object_t*)item->addr;
-        struct object_s* bk_obj = (struct object_s *)item->val;
-        free(bk_obj);
-        obj->stm_flags |= GCFLAG_WRITE_BARRIER;
-    tree_clear(tree);
-    release_modified_objs_lock(STM_SEGMENT->segment_num);
     invoke_and_clear_user_callbacks(0);   /* for commit */
+    /* XXX do we still need a s_mutex_lock() section here? */
     assert(STM_SEGMENT->nursery_end == NURSERY_END);
@@ -452,35 +824,37 @@
-void reset_modified_from_backup_copies(int segment_num)
+static void reset_modified_from_backup_copies(int segment_num)
 #pragma push_macro("STM_PSEGMENT")
 #pragma push_macro("STM_SEGMENT")
-    acquire_modified_objs_lock(segment_num);
+    assert(get_priv_segment(segment_num)->modification_lock);
     struct stm_priv_segment_info_s *pseg = get_priv_segment(segment_num);
-    struct tree_s *tree = pseg->modified_old_objects;
-    wlog_t *item;
-    TREE_LOOP_FORWARD(tree, item); {
-        object_t *obj = (object_t*)item->addr;
-        struct object_s* bk_obj = (struct object_s *)item->val;
-        size_t obj_size;
+    struct list_s *list = pseg->modified_old_objects;
+    struct stm_undo_s *undo = (struct stm_undo_s *)list->items;
+    struct stm_undo_s *end = (struct stm_undo_s *)(list->items + list->count);
-        obj_size = stmcb_size_rounded_up(bk_obj);
+    for (; undo < end; undo++) {
+        object_t *obj = undo->object;
+        char *dst = REAL_ADDRESS(pseg->pub.segment_base, obj);
-        memcpy(REAL_ADDRESS(pseg->pub.segment_base, obj),
-               bk_obj, obj_size);
-        assert(obj->stm_flags & GCFLAG_WRITE_BARRIER); /* not written */
+        memcpy(dst + SLICE_OFFSET(undo->slice),
+               undo->backup,
+               SLICE_SIZE(undo->slice));
-        free(bk_obj);
+        dprintf(("reset_modified_from_backup_copies(%d): obj=%p off=%lu bk=%p\n",
+                 segment_num, obj, SLICE_OFFSET(undo->slice), undo->backup));
-    tree_clear(tree);
+        free(undo->backup);
+    }
-    release_modified_objs_lock(segment_num);
+    /* check that all objects have the GCFLAG_WRITE_BARRIER afterwards */
+    check_all_write_barrier_flags(pseg->pub.segment_base, list);
+    list_clear(list);
 #pragma pop_macro("STM_SEGMENT")
 #pragma pop_macro("STM_PSEGMENT")
@@ -505,7 +879,9 @@
     long bytes_in_nursery = throw_away_nursery(pseg);
+    acquire_modification_lock(segment_num);
+    release_modification_lock(segment_num);
     stm_thread_local_t *tl = pseg->pub.running_thread;
@@ -525,8 +901,11 @@
     assert(tl->shadowstack == pseg->shadowstack_at_start_of_transaction);
-tl->last_abort__bytes_in_nursery = bytes_in_nursery;
+    tl->thread_local_obj = pseg->threadlocal_at_start_of_transaction;
+    tl->last_abort__bytes_in_nursery = bytes_in_nursery;
+    list_clear(pseg->objects_pointing_to_nursery);
+    list_clear(pseg->new_objects);
 #pragma pop_macro("STM_SEGMENT")
 #pragma pop_macro("STM_PSEGMENT")
@@ -613,3 +992,95 @@
+static inline void _synchronize_fragment(stm_char *frag, ssize_t frag_size)
+    /* double-check that the result fits in one page */
+    assert(frag_size > 0);
+    assert(frag_size + ((uintptr_t)frag & 4095) <= 4096);
+    /* XXX: is it possible to just add to the queue iff the pages
+       of the fragment need syncing to other segments? (keep privatization
+       lock until the "flush") */
+    /* Enqueue this object (or fragemnt of object) */
+    if (STM_PSEGMENT->sq_len == SYNC_QUEUE_SIZE)
+        synchronize_objects_flush();
+    STM_PSEGMENT->sq_fragments[STM_PSEGMENT->sq_len] = frag;
+    STM_PSEGMENT->sq_fragsizes[STM_PSEGMENT->sq_len] = frag_size;
+    ++STM_PSEGMENT->sq_len;
+static void synchronize_object_enqueue(object_t *obj)
+    assert(!_is_young(obj));
+    assert(STM_PSEGMENT->privatization_lock);
+    assert(obj->stm_flags & GCFLAG_WRITE_BARRIER);
+    assert(!(obj->stm_flags & GCFLAG_WB_EXECUTED));
+    ssize_t obj_size = stmcb_size_rounded_up(
+        (struct object_s *)REAL_ADDRESS(STM_SEGMENT->segment_base, obj));
+    OPT_ASSERT(obj_size >= 16);
+    if (LIKELY(is_small_uniform(obj))) {
+        OPT_ASSERT(obj_size <= GC_LAST_SMALL_SIZE);
+        _synchronize_fragment((stm_char *)obj, obj_size);
+        return;
+    }
+    /* else, a more complicated case for large objects, to copy
+       around data only within the needed pages
+    */
+    uintptr_t start = (uintptr_t)obj;
+    uintptr_t end = start + obj_size;
+    do {
+        uintptr_t copy_up_to = (start + 4096) & ~4095;   /* end of page */
+        if (copy_up_to >= end) {
+            copy_up_to = end;        /* this is the last fragment */
+        }
+        uintptr_t copy_size = copy_up_to - start;
+        _synchronize_fragment((stm_char *)start, copy_size);
+        start = copy_up_to;
+    } while (start != end);
+static void synchronize_objects_flush(void)
+    long j = STM_PSEGMENT->sq_len;
+    if (j == 0)
+        return;
+    STM_PSEGMENT->sq_len = 0;
+    dprintf(("synchronize_objects_flush(): %ld fragments\n", j));
+    assert(STM_PSEGMENT->privatization_lock);
+    long i, myself = STM_SEGMENT->segment_num;
+    do {
+        --j;
+        stm_char *frag = STM_PSEGMENT->sq_fragments[j];
+        uintptr_t page = ((uintptr_t)frag) / 4096UL;
+        ssize_t frag_size = STM_PSEGMENT->sq_fragsizes[j];
+        char *src = REAL_ADDRESS(STM_SEGMENT->segment_base, frag);
+        for (i = 0; i < NB_SEGMENTS; i++) {
+            if (i == myself)
+                continue;
+            if (get_page_status_in(i, page) != PAGE_NO_ACCESS) {
+                /* shared or private, but never segfault */
+                char *dst = REAL_ADDRESS(get_segment_base(i), frag);
+                dprintf(("-> flush %p to seg %lu, sz=%lu\n", frag, i, frag_size));
+                memcpy(dst, src, frag_size);
+            }
+        }
+    } while (j > 0);
diff --git a/c8/stm/core.h b/c8/stm/core.h
--- a/c8/stm/core.h
+++ b/c8/stm/core.h
@@ -6,6 +6,8 @@
 #include <sys/mman.h>
 #include <errno.h>
 #include <pthread.h>
+#include <signal.h>
@@ -15,9 +17,8 @@
 #define NB_PAGES            (2500*256)    // 2500MB
+#define NB_SEGMENTS         (STM_NB_SEGMENTS+1) /* +1 for sharing seg 0 */
 #define NB_SEGMENTS_MAX     240    /* don't increase NB_SEGMENTS past this */
 #define TOTAL_MEMORY          (NB_PAGES * 4096UL * NB_SEGMENTS)
@@ -25,6 +26,7 @@
 #define FIRST_OBJECT_PAGE     ((READMARKER_END + 4095) / 4096UL)
 #define READMARKER_START      ((FIRST_OBJECT_PAGE * 4096UL) >> 4)
@@ -35,9 +37,15 @@
 enum /* stm_flags */ {
     GCFLAG_HAS_SHADOW = 0x02,
+    GCFLAG_VISITED = 0x08,
+#define SYNC_QUEUE_SIZE    31
@@ -48,27 +56,58 @@
 struct stm_priv_segment_info_s {
     struct stm_segment_info_s pub;
-    uint8_t modified_objs_lock;
-    struct tree_s *modified_old_objects;
+    /* lock protecting from concurrent modification of
+       'modified_old_objects', page-revision-changes, ...
+       Always acquired in global order of segments to avoid deadlocks. */
+    uint8_t modification_lock;
+    /* All the old objects (older than the current transaction) that
+       the current transaction attempts to modify.  This is used to
+       track the STM status: these are old objects that where written
+       to and that will need to be recorded in the commit log.  The
+       list contains three entries for every such object, in the same
+       format as 'struct stm_undo_s' below.
+    */
+    struct list_s *modified_old_objects;
     struct list_s *objects_pointing_to_nursery;
     struct tree_s *young_outside_nursery;
     struct tree_s *nursery_objects_shadows;
-    uint8_t privatization_lock;
+    /* list of objects created in the current transaction and
+       that survived at least one minor collection. They need
+       to be synchronized to other segments on commit, but they
+       do not need to be in the commit log entry. */
+    struct list_s *new_objects;
+    uint8_t privatization_lock;  // XXX KILL
     uint8_t safe_point;
     uint8_t transaction_state;
+    /* Temp for minor collection */
+    bool minor_collect_will_commit_now;
     struct tree_s *callbacks_on_commit_and_abort[2];
     struct stm_commit_log_entry_s *last_commit_log_entry;
     struct stm_shadowentry_s *shadowstack_at_start_of_transaction;
+    object_t *threadlocal_at_start_of_transaction;
     /* For debugging */
 #ifndef NDEBUG
     pthread_t running_pthread;
+    /* This is for smallmalloc.c */
+    struct small_malloc_data_s small_malloc_data;
+    /* The sync queue used to synchronize newly allocated objs to
+       other segments */
+    stm_char *sq_fragments[SYNC_QUEUE_SIZE];
+    int sq_fragsizes[SYNC_QUEUE_SIZE];
+    int sq_len;
 enum /* safe_point */ {
@@ -88,16 +127,41 @@
 /* Commit Log things */
+struct stm_undo_s {
+    object_t *object;   /* the object that is modified */
+    char *backup;       /* some backup data (a slice of the original obj) */
+    uint64_t slice;     /* location and size of this slice (cannot cross
+                           pages).  The size is in the lower 2 bytes, and
+                           the offset in the remaining 6 bytes. */
+#define SLICE_OFFSET(slice)  ((slice) >> 16)
+#define SLICE_SIZE(slice)    ((int)((slice) & 0xFFFF))
+#define NEW_SLICE(offset, size) (((uint64_t)(offset)) << 16 | (size))
+/* The model is: we have a global chained list, from 'commit_log_root',
+   of 'struct stm_commit_log_entry_s' entries.  Every one is fully
+   read-only apart from the 'next' field.  Every one stands for one
+   commit that occurred.  It lists the old objects that were modified
+   in this commit, and their attached "undo logs" --- that is, the
+   data from 'written[n].backup' is the content of (slices of) the
+   object as they were *before* that commit occurred.
+#define INEV_RUNNING ((void*)-1)
 struct stm_commit_log_entry_s {
-    volatile struct stm_commit_log_entry_s *next;
+    struct stm_commit_log_entry_s *volatile next;
     int segment_num;
-    object_t *written[];        /* terminated with a NULL ptr */
+    uint64_t rev_num;
+    size_t written_count;
+    struct stm_undo_s written[];
-static struct stm_commit_log_entry_s commit_log_root = {NULL, -1};
+static struct stm_commit_log_entry_s commit_log_root = {NULL, -1, 0, 0};
+#ifndef STM_TESTS
 static char *stm_object_pages;
-static int stm_object_pages_fd;
+char *stm_object_pages;
 static stm_thread_local_t *stm_all_thread_locals = NULL;
@@ -133,7 +197,11 @@
 static stm_thread_local_t *abort_with_mutex_no_longjmp(void);
 static void abort_data_structures_from_segment_num(int segment_num);
+static void synchronize_object_enqueue(object_t *obj);
+static void synchronize_objects_flush(void);
+static void _signal_handler(int sig, siginfo_t *siginfo, void *context);
+static bool _stm_validate();
 static inline void _duck(void) {
     /* put a call to _duck() between two instructions that set 0 into
@@ -154,12 +222,83 @@
-static inline void acquire_modified_objs_lock(int segnum)
+static inline bool all_privatization_locks_acquired()
-    spinlock_acquire(get_priv_segment(segnum)->modified_objs_lock);
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+    long l;
+    for (l = 0; l < NB_SEGMENTS; l++) {
+        if (!get_priv_segment(l)->privatization_lock)
+            return false;
+    }
+    return true;
+    abort();
-static inline void release_modified_objs_lock(int segnum)
+static inline void acquire_all_privatization_locks()
-    spinlock_release(get_priv_segment(segnum)->modified_objs_lock);
+    /* XXX: don't do for the sharing seg0 */
+    long l;
+    for (l = 0; l < NB_SEGMENTS; l++) {
+        acquire_privatization_lock(l);
+    }
+static inline void release_all_privatization_locks()
+    long l;
+    for (l = NB_SEGMENTS-1; l >= 0; l--) {
+        release_privatization_lock(l);
+    }
+/* Modification locks are used to prevent copying from a segment
+   where either the revision of some pages is inconsistent with the
+   rest, or the modified_old_objects list is being modified (bk_copys).
+   Lock ordering: acquire privatization lock around acquiring a set
+   of modification locks!
+static inline void acquire_modification_lock(int segnum)
+    spinlock_acquire(get_priv_segment(segnum)->modification_lock);
+static inline void release_modification_lock(int segnum)
+    spinlock_release(get_priv_segment(segnum)->modification_lock);
+static inline void acquire_modification_lock_set(uint64_t seg_set)
+    assert(NB_SEGMENTS <= 64);
+    OPT_ASSERT(seg_set < (1 << NB_SEGMENTS));
+    /* acquire locks in global order */
+    int i;
+    for (i = 0; i < NB_SEGMENTS; i++) {
+        if ((seg_set & (1 << i)) == 0)
+            continue;
+        spinlock_acquire(get_priv_segment(i)->modification_lock);
+    }
+static inline void release_modification_lock_set(uint64_t seg_set)
+    assert(NB_SEGMENTS <= 64);
+    OPT_ASSERT(seg_set < (1 << NB_SEGMENTS));
+    int i;
+    for (i = 0; i < NB_SEGMENTS; i++) {
+        if ((seg_set & (1 << i)) == 0)
+            continue;
+        assert(get_priv_segment(i)->modification_lock);
+        spinlock_release(get_priv_segment(i)->modification_lock);
+    }
diff --git a/c8/stm/fprintcolor.c b/c8/stm/fprintcolor.c
--- a/c8/stm/fprintcolor.c
+++ b/c8/stm/fprintcolor.c
@@ -8,7 +8,8 @@
     char buffer[2048];
     va_list ap;
     int result;
-    int size = (int)sprintf(buffer, "\033[%dm[%d,%lx] ", dprintfcolor(),
+    int size = (int)sprintf(buffer, "\033[%dm[%d,%d,%lx] ",
+                            dprintfcolor(), STM_SEGMENT->segment_num,
                             (int)getpid(), (long)pthread_self());
     assert(size >= 0);
diff --git a/c8/stm/gcpage.c b/c8/stm/gcpage.c
--- a/c8/stm/gcpage.c
+++ b/c8/stm/gcpage.c
@@ -2,42 +2,79 @@
 # error "must be compiled via stmgc.c"
+static struct list_s *testing_prebuilt_objs = NULL;
+static struct tree_s *tree_prebuilt_objs = NULL;     /* XXX refactor */
 static void setup_gcpage(void)
+    char *base = stm_object_pages + END_NURSERY_PAGE * 4096UL;
+    uintptr_t length = NB_SHARED_PAGES * 4096UL;
+    _stm_largemalloc_init_arena(base, length);
     uninitialized_page_start = stm_object_pages + END_NURSERY_PAGE * 4096UL;
-    uninitialized_page_stop  = stm_object_pages + NB_PAGES * 4096UL;
+    uninitialized_page_stop  = uninitialized_page_start + NB_SHARED_PAGES * 4096UL;
 static void teardown_gcpage(void)
-static void setup_N_pages(char *pages_addr, uint64_t num)
-    long i;
-    for (i = 0; i < NB_SEGMENTS; i++) {
-        acquire_privatization_lock(i);
-    }
-    pages_initialize_shared((pages_addr - stm_object_pages) / 4096UL, num);
-    for (i = NB_SEGMENTS-1; i >= 0; i--) {
-        release_privatization_lock(i);
+    LIST_FREE(testing_prebuilt_objs);
+    if (tree_prebuilt_objs != NULL) {
+        tree_free(tree_prebuilt_objs);
+        tree_prebuilt_objs = NULL;
+static void setup_N_pages(char *pages_addr, long num)
+    /* make pages accessible in sharing segment only (pages already
+       PROT_READ/WRITE (see setup.c), but not marked accessible as page
+       status). */
+    /* lock acquiring maybe not necessary because the affected pages don't
+       need privatization protection. (but there is an assert right
+       now to enforce that XXXXXX) */
+    acquire_all_privatization_locks();
+    uintptr_t p = (pages_addr - stm_object_pages) / 4096UL;
+    dprintf(("setup_N_pages(%p, %lu): pagenum %lu\n", pages_addr, num, p));
+    while (num-->0) {
+        /* XXX: page_range_mark_accessible() */
+        page_mark_accessible(0, p + num);
+    }
+    release_all_privatization_locks();
 static int lock_growth_large = 0;
-static char *allocate_outside_nursery_large(uint64_t size)
+static stm_char *allocate_outside_nursery_large(uint64_t size)
-    /* XXX: real allocation */
+    /* Allocate the object with largemalloc.c from the lower addresses. */
+    char *addr = _stm_large_malloc(size);
+    if (addr == NULL)
+        stm_fatalerror("not enough memory!");
+    if (LIKELY(addr + size <= uninitialized_page_start)) {
+        dprintf(("allocate_outside_nursery_large(%lu): %p, page=%lu\n",
+                 size, (char*)(addr - stm_object_pages),
+                 (uintptr_t)(addr - stm_object_pages) / 4096UL));
+        return (stm_char*)(addr - stm_object_pages);
+    }
+    /* uncommon case: need to initialize some more pages */
-    char *addr = uninitialized_page_start;
     char *start = uninitialized_page_start;
-    if (addr + size > start) {  /* XXX: always for now */
+    if (addr + size > start) {
         uintptr_t npages;
-        npages = (addr + size - start) / 4096UL + 1;
+        npages = (addr + size - start) / 4096UL;
+        npages += GCPAGE_NUM_PAGES;
         if (uninitialized_page_stop - start < npages * 4096UL) {
             stm_fatalerror("out of memory!");   /* XXX */
@@ -48,26 +85,500 @@
             stm_fatalerror("uninitialized_page_start changed?");
-    dprintf(("allocate_outside_nursery_large(%lu): %p, seg=%d, page=%lu\n",
-             size, addr, get_segment_of_linear_address(addr),
-             (addr - get_segment_base(get_segment_of_linear_address(addr))) / 4096UL));
+    dprintf(("allocate_outside_nursery_large(%lu): %p, page=%lu\n",
+             size, (char*)(addr - stm_object_pages),
+             (uintptr_t)(addr - stm_object_pages) / 4096UL));
-    return addr;
+    return (stm_char*)(addr - stm_object_pages);
 object_t *_stm_allocate_old(ssize_t size_rounded_up)
     /* only for tests xxx but stm_setup_prebuilt() uses this now too */
-    char *p = allocate_outside_nursery_large(size_rounded_up);
-    memset(p, 0, size_rounded_up);
+    stm_char *p = allocate_outside_nursery_large(size_rounded_up);
+    object_t *o = (object_t *)p;
-    object_t *o = (object_t *)(p - stm_object_pages);
+    // sharing seg0 needs to be current:
+    assert(STM_SEGMENT->segment_num == 0);
+    memset(REAL_ADDRESS(STM_SEGMENT->segment_base, o), 0, size_rounded_up);
     o->stm_flags = GCFLAG_WRITE_BARRIER;
+    if (testing_prebuilt_objs == NULL)
+        testing_prebuilt_objs = list_create();
+    LIST_APPEND(testing_prebuilt_objs, o);
     dprintf(("allocate_old(%lu): %p, seg=%d, page=%lu\n",
              size_rounded_up, p,
-             get_segment_of_linear_address(p),
-             (p - STM_SEGMENT->segment_base) / 4096UL));
+             get_segment_of_linear_address(stm_object_pages + (uintptr_t)p),
+             (uintptr_t)p / 4096UL));
     return o;
+static void major_collection_if_requested(void)
+    assert(!_has_mutex());
+    if (!is_major_collection_requested())
+        return;
+    s_mutex_lock();
+    if (is_major_collection_requested()) {   /* if still true */
+        synchronize_all_threads(STOP_OTHERS_UNTIL_MUTEX_UNLOCK);
+        if (is_major_collection_requested()) {   /* if *still* true */
+            major_collection_now_at_safe_point();
+        }
+    }
+    s_mutex_unlock();
+/* objects to trace are traced in the sharing seg0 or in a
+   certain segment if there exist modifications there.
+   All other segments' versions should be identical to seg0's
+   version and thus don't need tracing. */
+static struct list_s *marked_objects_to_trace;
+/* we use the sharing seg0's pages for the GCFLAG_VISITED flag */
+static inline struct object_s *mark_loc(object_t *obj)
+    /* uses the memory in seg0 for marking: */
+    struct object_s *result = (struct object_s*)REAL_ADDRESS(stm_object_pages, obj);
+    return result;
+static inline bool mark_visited_test(object_t *obj)
+    struct object_s *realobj = mark_loc(obj);
+    return !!(realobj->stm_flags & GCFLAG_VISITED);
+static inline bool mark_visited_test_and_set(object_t *obj)
+    struct object_s *realobj = mark_loc(obj);
+    if (realobj->stm_flags & GCFLAG_VISITED) {
+        return true;
+    }
+    else {
+        realobj->stm_flags |= GCFLAG_VISITED;
+        return false;
+    }
+static inline bool mark_visited_test_and_clear(object_t *obj)
+    struct object_s *realobj = mark_loc(obj);
+    if (realobj->stm_flags & GCFLAG_VISITED) {
+        realobj->stm_flags &= ~GCFLAG_VISITED;
+        return true;
+    }
+    else {
+        return false;
+    }
+static bool is_new_object(object_t *obj)
+    struct object_s *realobj = (struct object_s*)REAL_ADDRESS(stm_object_pages, obj); /* seg0 */
+    return realobj->stm_flags & GCFLAG_WB_EXECUTED;
+static inline void mark_record_trace(object_t **pobj)
+    /* takes a normal pointer to a thread-local pointer to an object */
+    object_t *obj = *pobj;
+    /* Note: this obj might be visited already, but from a different
+       segment.  We ignore this case and skip re-visiting the object
+       anyway.  The idea is that such an object is old (not from the
+       current transaction), otherwise it would not be possible to see
+       it in two segments; and moreover it is not modified, otherwise
+       mark_trace() would have been called on two different segments
+       already.  That means that this object is identical in all
+       segments and only needs visiting once.  (It may actually be in a
+       shared page, or maybe not.)
+    */
+    if (obj == NULL || mark_visited_test_and_set(obj))
+        return;    /* already visited this object */
+    LIST_APPEND(marked_objects_to_trace, obj);
+static void mark_and_trace(object_t *obj, char *segment_base)
+    /* mark the obj and trace all reachable objs from it */
+    assert(list_is_empty(marked_objects_to_trace));
+    /* trace into the object (the version from 'segment_base') */
+    struct object_s *realobj =
+        (struct object_s *)REAL_ADDRESS(segment_base, obj);
+    stmcb_trace(realobj, &mark_record_trace);
+    /* trace all references found in sharing seg0 (should always be
+       up-to-date and not cause segfaults, except for new objs) */
+    while (!list_is_empty(marked_objects_to_trace)) {
+        obj = (object_t *)list_pop_item(marked_objects_to_trace);
+        char *base = is_new_object(obj) ? segment_base : stm_object_pages;
+        realobj = (struct object_s *)REAL_ADDRESS(base, obj);
+        stmcb_trace(realobj, &mark_record_trace);
+    }
+static inline void mark_visit_object(object_t *obj, char *segment_base)
+    /* if already visited, don't trace */
+    if (obj == NULL || mark_visited_test_and_set(obj))
+        return;
+    mark_and_trace(obj, segment_base);
+static void mark_visit_possibly_new_object(char *segment_base, object_t *obj)
+    /* if newly allocated object, we trace in segment_base, otherwise in
+       the sharing seg0 */
+    if (obj == NULL)
+        return;
+    if (is_new_object(obj)) {
+        mark_visit_object(obj, segment_base);
+    } else {
+        mark_visit_object(obj, stm_object_pages);
+    }
+static void *mark_visit_objects_from_ss(void *_, const void *slice, size_t size)
+    const struct stm_shadowentry_s *p, *end;
+    p = (const struct stm_shadowentry_s *)slice;
+    end = (const struct stm_shadowentry_s *)(slice + size);
+    for (; p < end; p++)
+        if ((((uintptr_t)p->ss) & 3) == 0) {
+            assert(!is_new_object(p->ss));
+            mark_visit_object(p->ss, stm_object_pages); // seg0
+        }
+    return NULL;
+static void assert_obj_accessible_in(long segnum, object_t *obj)
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+    uintptr_t page = (uintptr_t)obj / 4096UL;
+    assert(get_page_status_in(segnum, page) == PAGE_ACCESSIBLE);
+    struct object_s *realobj =
+        (struct object_s *)REAL_ADDRESS(get_segment_base(segnum), obj);
+    size_t obj_size = stmcb_size_rounded_up(realobj);
+    uintptr_t count = obj_size / 4096UL + 1;
+    while (count--> 0) {
+        assert(get_page_status_in(segnum, page) == PAGE_ACCESSIBLE);
+        page++;
+    }
+static void mark_visit_from_modified_objects(void)
+    /* look for modified objects in segments and mark all of them
+       for further tracing (XXX: don't if we are going to share
+       some of the pages) */
+    long i;
+    for (i = 1; i < NB_SEGMENTS; i++) {
+        char *base = get_segment_base(i);
+        struct list_s *lst = get_priv_segment(i)->modified_old_objects;
+        struct stm_undo_s *modified = (struct stm_undo_s *)lst->items;
+        struct stm_undo_s *end = (struct stm_undo_s *)(lst->items + lst->count);
+        for (; modified < end; modified++) {
+            object_t *obj = modified->object;
+            /* All modified objs have all pages accessible for now.
+               This is because we create a backup of the whole obj
+               and thus make all pages accessible. */
+            assert_obj_accessible_in(i, obj);
+            assert(!is_new_object(obj)); /* should never be in that list */
+            if (!mark_visited_test_and_set(obj)) {
+                /* trace shared, committed version */
+                mark_and_trace(obj, stm_object_pages);
+            }
+            mark_and_trace(obj, base);   /* private, modified version */
+        }
+    }
+static void mark_visit_from_roots(void)
+    if (testing_prebuilt_objs != NULL) {
+        LIST_FOREACH_R(testing_prebuilt_objs, object_t * /*item*/,
+                       mark_visit_object(item, stm_object_pages)); // seg0
+    }
+    stm_thread_local_t *tl = stm_all_thread_locals;
+    do {
+        /* look at all objs on the shadow stack (they are old but may
+           be uncommitted so far, so only exist in the associated_segment_num).
+           IF they are uncommitted new objs, trace in the actual segment,
+           otherwise, since we just executed a minor collection, they were
+           all synced to the sharing seg0. Thus we can trace them there.
+           If they were again modified since then, they were traced
+           by mark_visit_from_modified_object() already.
+        */
+        /* only for new, uncommitted objects:
+           If 'tl' is currently running, its 'associated_segment_num'
+           field is the segment number that contains the correct
+           version of its overflowed objects. */
+        char *segment_base = get_segment_base(tl->associated_segment_num);
+        struct stm_shadowentry_s *current = tl->shadowstack;
+        struct stm_shadowentry_s *base = tl->shadowstack_base;
+        while (current-- != base) {
+            if ((((uintptr_t)current->ss) & 3) == 0) {
+                mark_visit_possibly_new_object(segment_base, current->ss);
+            }
+        }
+        mark_visit_possibly_new_object(segment_base, tl->thread_local_obj);
+        tl = tl->next;
+    } while (tl != stm_all_thread_locals);
+    /* also visit all objs in the rewind-shadowstack */
+    long i;
+    for (i = 1; i < NB_SEGMENTS; i++) {
+        if (get_priv_segment(i)->transaction_state != TS_NONE) {
+            mark_visit_possibly_new_object(
+                get_segment_base(i),
+                get_priv_segment(i)->threadlocal_at_start_of_transaction);
+            stm_rewind_jmp_enum_shadowstack(
+                get_segment(i)->running_thread,
+                mark_visit_objects_from_ss);
+        }
+    }
+static void ready_new_objects(void)
+#pragma push_macro("STM_PSEGMENT")
+#pragma push_macro("STM_SEGMENT")
+    /* objs in new_objects only have garbage in the sharing seg0,
+       since it is used to mark objs as visited, we must make
+       sure the flag is cleared at the start of a major collection.
+       (XXX: ^^^ may be optional if we have the part below)
+       Also, we need to be able to recognize these objects in order
+       to only trace them in the segment they are valid in. So we
+       also make sure to set WB_EXECUTED in the sharing seg0. No
+       other objs than new_objects have WB_EXECUTED in seg0 (since
+       there can only be committed versions there).
+    */
+    long i;
+    for (i = 1; i < NB_SEGMENTS; i++) {
+        struct stm_priv_segment_info_s *pseg = get_priv_segment(i);
+        struct list_s *lst = pseg->new_objects;
+        LIST_FOREACH_R(lst, object_t* /*item*/,
+            ({
+                struct object_s *realobj;
+                /* WB_EXECUTED always set in this segment */
+                assert(realobj = (struct object_s*)REAL_ADDRESS(pseg->pub.segment_base, item));
+                assert(realobj->stm_flags & GCFLAG_WB_EXECUTED);
+                /* clear VISITED and ensure WB_EXECUTED in seg0 */
+                mark_visited_test_and_clear(item);
+                realobj = (struct object_s*)REAL_ADDRESS(stm_object_pages, item);
+                realobj->stm_flags |= GCFLAG_WB_EXECUTED;
+            }));
+    }
+#pragma pop_macro("STM_SEGMENT")
+#pragma pop_macro("STM_PSEGMENT")
+static void clean_up_segment_lists(void)
+#pragma push_macro("STM_PSEGMENT")
+#pragma push_macro("STM_SEGMENT")
+    long i;
+    for (i = 1; i < NB_SEGMENTS; i++) {
+        struct stm_priv_segment_info_s *pseg = get_priv_segment(i);
+        struct list_s *lst;

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