[pypy-commit] cffi cffi-1.0: Move the demos from _cffi1/ back in the demo/ directory. Add the

arigo noreply at buildbot.pypy.org
Sun Apr 26 16:46:54 CEST 2015

Author: Armin Rigo <arigo at tunes.org>
Branch: cffi-1.0
Changeset: r1851:3a8606fab574
Date: 2015-04-26 16:47 +0200

Log:	Move the demos from _cffi1/ back in the demo/ directory. Add the
	cffi-1.0 version of the _curses demo too.

diff --git a/_cffi1/bsdopendirtype.py b/_cffi1/bsdopendirtype.py
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/_cffi1/bsdopendirtype.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,48 +0,0 @@
-from _bsdopendirtype import ffi, lib
-def _posix_error():
-    raise OSError(ffi.errno, os.strerror(ffi.errno))
-_dtype_to_smode = {
-    lib.DT_BLK:  0o060000,
-    lib.DT_CHR:  0o020000,
-    lib.DT_DIR:  0o040000,
-    lib.DT_FIFO: 0o010000,
-    lib.DT_LNK:  0o120000,
-    lib.DT_REG:  0o100000,
-    lib.DT_SOCK: 0o140000,
-def opendir(dir):
-    if len(dir) == 0:
-        dir = '.'
-    dirname = dir
-    if not dirname.endswith('/'):
-        dirname += '/'
-    dirp = lib.opendir(dir)
-    if dirp == ffi.NULL:
-        raise _posix_error()
-    try:
-        while True:
-            ffi.errno = 0
-            dirent = lib.readdir(dirp)
-            if dirent == ffi.NULL:
-                if ffi.errno != 0:
-                    raise _posix_error()
-                return
-            name = ffi.string(dirent.d_name)
-            if name == '.' or name == '..':
-                continue
-            name = dirname + name
-            try:
-                smode = _dtype_to_smode[dirent.d_type]
-            except KeyError:
-                smode = os.lstat(name).st_mode
-            yield name, smode
-    finally:
-        lib.closedir(dirp)
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-    for name, smode in opendir('/tmp'):
-        print hex(smode), name
diff --git a/_cffi1/readdir2.py b/_cffi1/readdir2.py
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/_cffi1/readdir2.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
-# A Linux-only demo, using verify() instead of hard-coding the exact layouts
-import sys
-from _readdir2 import ffi, lib
-if not sys.platform.startswith('linux'):
-    raise Exception("Linux-only demo")
-def walk(basefd, path):
-    print '{', path
-    dirfd = lib.openat(basefd, path, 0)
-    if dirfd < 0:
-        # error in openat()
-        return
-    dir = lib.fdopendir(dirfd)
-    dirent = ffi.new("struct dirent *")
-    result = ffi.new("struct dirent **")
-    while True:
-        if lib.readdir_r(dir, dirent, result):
-            # error in readdir_r()
-            break
-        if result[0] == ffi.NULL:
-            break
-        name = ffi.string(dirent.d_name)
-        print '%3d %s' % (dirent.d_type, name)
-        if dirent.d_type == lib.DT_DIR and name != '.' and name != '..':
-            walk(dirfd, name)
-    lib.closedir(dir)
-    print '}'
-walk(-1, "/tmp")
diff --git a/demo/_curses.py b/demo/_curses.py
--- a/demo/_curses.py
+++ b/demo/_curses.py
@@ -1,265 +1,1075 @@
-"""Very partial replacement of the standard extension module '_curses'.
-Just contains the minimal amount of stuff to make one of my curses
-programs run.  XXX should also check for and report errors.
-from cffi import FFI
+"""Reimplementation of the standard extension module '_curses' using cffi."""
-ffi = FFI()
+import sys
+from functools import wraps
+from _curses_cffi import ffi, lib
-typedef ... WINDOW;
-typedef unsigned char bool;
-typedef unsigned long chtype;
-static const int ERR, OK;
-WINDOW *initscr(void);
-int endwin(void);
-bool isendwin(void);
-const char *keyname(int c);
-static const int KEY_MIN, KEY_MAX;
-int setupterm(char *term, int fildes, int *errret);
-int tigetflag(char *);
-int tigetnum(char *);
-char *tigetstr(char *);
-char *tparm (const char *, ...);
-int cbreak(void);
-int nocbreak(void);
-int echo(void);
-int noecho(void);
-int keypad(WINDOW *win, bool bf);
-int notimeout(WINDOW *win, bool bf);
-void wtimeout(WINDOW *win, int delay);
-int def_prog_mode(void);
-int def_shell_mode(void);
-int reset_prog_mode(void);
-int reset_shell_mode(void);
-int resetty(void);
-int savetty(void);
-void getsyx(int y, int x);
-void setsyx(int y, int x);
-//int ripoffline(int line, int (*init)(WINDOW *, int));
-int curs_set(int visibility);
-int napms(int ms);
-int start_color(void);
-int init_pair(short pair, short f, short b);
-int init_color(short color, short r, short g, short b);
-bool has_colors(void);
-bool can_change_color(void);
-int color_content(short color, short *r, short *g, short *b);
-int pair_content(short pair, short *f, short *b);
-int use_default_colors(void);
-static const int COLOR_BLACK;
-static const int COLOR_RED;
-static const int COLOR_GREEN;
-static const int COLOR_YELLOW;
-static const int COLOR_BLUE;
-static const int COLOR_MAGENTA;
-static const int COLOR_CYAN;
-static const int COLOR_WHITE;
-static const int A_ATTRIBUTES;
-static const int A_NORMAL;
-static const int A_STANDOUT;
-static const int A_UNDERLINE;
-static const int A_REVERSE;
-static const int A_BLINK;
-static const int A_DIM;
-static const int A_BOLD;
-static const int A_ALTCHARSET;
-static const int A_INVIS;
-static const int A_PROTECT;
-static const int A_CHARTEXT;
-static const int A_COLOR;
-void _m_getyx(WINDOW *win, int yx[2]);
-void _m_getparyx(WINDOW *win, int yx[2]);
-void _m_getbegyx(WINDOW *win, int yx[2]);
-void _m_getmaxyx(WINDOW *win, int yx[2]);
-int wclear(WINDOW *win);
-int wclrtoeol(WINDOW *win);
-int wmove(WINDOW *win, int y, int x);
-int waddstr(WINDOW *win, const char *str);
-int mvwaddstr(WINDOW *win, int y, int x, const char *str);
-void wbkgdset(WINDOW *win, chtype ch);
-int wrefresh(WINDOW *win);
-int wgetch(WINDOW *win);
-int getattrs(WINDOW *win);
-int wattrset(WINDOW *win, int attrs);
-lib = ffi.verify("""
-#include <ncurses.h>
-#include <term.h>
-void _m_getyx(WINDOW *win, int yx[2]) {
-    getyx(win, yx[0], yx[1]);
-void _m_getparyx(WINDOW *win, int yx[2]) {
-    getparyx(win, yx[0], yx[1]);
-void _m_getbegyx(WINDOW *win, int yx[2]) {
-    getbegyx(win, yx[0], yx[1]);
-void _m_getmaxyx(WINDOW *win, int yx[2]) {
-    getmaxyx(win, yx[0], yx[1]);
-                 libraries=['ncurses'])
+def _copy_to_globals(name):
+    globals()[name] = getattr(lib, name)
 def _setup():
-    globals().update(lib.__dict__)
-    for key in range(KEY_MIN, KEY_MAX):
-        key_n = keyname(key)
-        if key_n == ffi.NULL or ffi.string(key_n) == "UNKNOWN KEY":
-            continue
-        key_n = ffi.string(key_n).replace('(', '').replace(')', '')
-        globals()[key_n] = key
+    for name in ['ERR', 'OK', 'KEY_MIN', 'KEY_MAX',
+                 'A_ATTRIBUTES', 'A_NORMAL', 'A_STANDOUT', 'A_UNDERLINE',
+                 'A_REVERSE', 'A_BLINK', 'A_DIM', 'A_BOLD', 'A_ALTCHARSET',
+                 'A_PROTECT', 'A_CHARTEXT', 'A_COLOR',
+                 ]:
+        _copy_to_globals(name)
+    if not lib._m_NetBSD:
+        _copy_to_globals('A_INVIS')
+    for name in ['A_HORIZONTAL', 'A_LEFT', 'A_LOW', 'A_RIGHT', 'A_TOP',
+                 'A_VERTICAL',
+                 ]:
+        if hasattr(lib, name):
+            _copy_to_globals(name)
+                     "BUTTON_SHIFT", "BUTTON_CTRL", "BUTTON_ALT",
+                     "ALL_MOUSE_EVENTS", "REPORT_MOUSE_POSITION",
+                     ]:
+            _copy_to_globals(name)
+    if not lib._m_NetBSD:
+        for key in range(lib.KEY_MIN, lib.KEY_MAX):
+            key_n = lib.keyname(key)
+            if key_n == ffi.NULL:
+                continue
+            key_n = ffi.string(key_n)
+            if key_n == b"UNKNOWN KEY":
+                continue
+            if not isinstance(key_n, str):   # python 3
+                key_n = key_n.decode()
+            key_n = key_n.replace('(', '').replace(')', '')
+            globals()[key_n] = key
+# Do we want this?
+# version = "2.2"
+# __version__ = "2.2"
 # ____________________________________________________________
+_initialised_setupterm = False
+_initialised = False
+_initialised_color = False
+def _ensure_initialised_setupterm():
+    if not _initialised_setupterm:
+        raise error("must call (at least) setupterm() first")
+def _ensure_initialised():
+    if not _initialised:
+        raise error("must call initscr() first")
+def _ensure_initialised_color():
+    if not _initialised and _initialised_color:
+        raise error("must call start_color() first")
+def _check_ERR(code, fname):
+    if code != lib.ERR:
+        return None
+    elif fname is None:
+        raise error("curses function returned ERR")
+    else:
+        raise error("%s() returned ERR" % (fname,))
+def _check_NULL(rval):
+    if rval == ffi.NULL:
+        raise error("curses function returned NULL")
+    return rval
+def _call_lib(method_name, *args):
+    return getattr(lib, method_name)(*args)
+def _call_lib_check_ERR(method_name, *args):
+    return _check_ERR(_call_lib(method_name, *args), method_name)
+def _mk_no_return(method_name):
+    def _execute():
+        _ensure_initialised()
+        return _call_lib_check_ERR(method_name)
+    _execute.__name__ = method_name
+    return _execute
+def _mk_flag_func(method_name):
+    # This is in the CPython implementation, but not documented anywhere.
+    # We have to support it, though, even if it make me sad.
+    def _execute(flag=True):
+        _ensure_initialised()
+        if flag:
+            return _call_lib_check_ERR(method_name)
+        else:
+            return _call_lib_check_ERR('no' + method_name)
+    _execute.__name__ = method_name
+    return _execute
+def _mk_return_val(method_name):
+    def _execute():
+        return _call_lib(method_name)
+    _execute.__name__ = method_name
+    return _execute
+def _mk_w_getyx(method_name):
+    def _execute(self):
+        y = _call_lib(method_name + 'y', self._win)
+        x = _call_lib(method_name + 'x', self._win)
+        return (y, x)
+    _execute.__name__ = method_name
+    return _execute
+def _mk_w_no_return(method_name):
+    def _execute(self, *args):
+        return _call_lib_check_ERR(method_name, self._win, *args)
+    _execute.__name__ = method_name
+    return _execute
+def _mk_w_return_val(method_name):
+    def _execute(self, *args):
+        return _call_lib(method_name, self._win, *args)
+    _execute.__name__ = method_name
+    return _execute
+def _chtype(ch):
+    return int(ffi.cast("chtype", ch))
+def _texttype(text):
+    if isinstance(text, str):
+        return text
+    elif isinstance(text, unicode):
+        return str(text)   # default encoding
+    else:
+        raise TypeError("str or unicode expected, got a '%s' object"
+                        % (type(text).__name__,))
+def _extract_yx(args):
+    if len(args) >= 2:
+        return (args[0], args[1], args[2:])
+    return (None, None, args)
+def _process_args(funcname, args, count, optcount, frontopt=0):
+    outargs = []
+    if frontopt:
+        if len(args) > count + optcount:
+            # We have the front optional args here.
+            outargs.extend(args[:frontopt])
+            args = args[frontopt:]
+        else:
+            # No front optional args, so make them None.
+            outargs.extend([None] * frontopt)
+    if (len(args) < count) or (len(args) > count + optcount):
+        raise error("%s requires %s to %s arguments" % (
+                funcname, count, count + optcount + frontopt))
+    outargs.extend(args)
+    return outargs
+def _argspec(count, optcount=0, frontopt=0):
+    def _argspec_deco(func):
+        @wraps(func)
+        def _wrapped(self, *args):
+            outargs = _process_args(
+                func.__name__, args, count, optcount, frontopt)
+            return func(self, *outargs)
+        return _wrapped
+    return _argspec_deco
+# ____________________________________________________________
 class error(Exception):
 class Window(object):
-    def __init__(self):
-        self._window = lib.initscr()
+    def __init__(self, window):
+        self._win = window
-    def getyx(self):
-        yx = ffi.new("int[2]")
-        lib._m_getyx(self._window, yx)
-        return tuple(yx)
+    def __del__(self):
+        if self._win != lib.stdscr:
+            lib.delwin(self._win)
-    def getparyx(self):
-        yx = ffi.new("int[2]")
-        lib._m_getparyx(self._window, yx)
-        return tuple(yx)
+    untouchwin = _mk_w_no_return("untouchwin")
+    touchwin = _mk_w_no_return("touchwin")
+    redrawwin = _mk_w_no_return("redrawwin")
+    insertln = _mk_w_no_return("winsertln")
+    erase = _mk_w_no_return("werase")
+    deleteln = _mk_w_no_return("wdeleteln")
-    def getbegyx(self):
-        yx = ffi.new("int[2]")
-        lib._m_getbegyx(self._window, yx)
-        return tuple(yx)
+    is_wintouched = _mk_w_return_val("is_wintouched")
-    def getmaxyx(self):
-        yx = ffi.new("int[2]")
-        lib._m_getmaxyx(self._window, yx)
-        return tuple(yx)
+    syncdown = _mk_w_return_val("wsyncdown")
+    syncup = _mk_w_return_val("wsyncup")
+    standend = _mk_w_return_val("wstandend")
+    standout = _mk_w_return_val("wstandout")
+    cursyncup = _mk_w_return_val("wcursyncup")
+    clrtoeol = _mk_w_return_val("wclrtoeol")
+    clrtobot = _mk_w_return_val("wclrtobot")
+    clear = _mk_w_return_val("wclear")
-    def addstr(self, *args):
-        y = None
-        attr = None
-        if len(args) == 1:
-            text, = args
+    idcok = _mk_w_no_return("idcok")
+    immedok = _mk_w_no_return("immedok")
+    timeout = _mk_w_no_return("wtimeout")
+    getyx = _mk_w_getyx("getcur")
+    getbegyx = _mk_w_getyx("getbeg")
+    getmaxyx = _mk_w_getyx("getmax")
+    getparyx = _mk_w_getyx("getpar")
+    clearok = _mk_w_no_return("clearok")
+    idlok = _mk_w_no_return("idlok")
+    leaveok = _mk_w_no_return("leaveok")
+    notimeout = _mk_w_no_return("notimeout")
+    scrollok = _mk_w_no_return("scrollok")
+    insdelln = _mk_w_no_return("winsdelln")
+    syncok = _mk_w_no_return("syncok")
+    mvwin = _mk_w_no_return("mvwin")
+    mvderwin = _mk_w_no_return("mvderwin")
+    move = _mk_w_no_return("wmove")
+    if not lib._m_STRICT_SYSV_CURSES:
+        resize = _mk_w_no_return("wresize")
+    if lib._m_NetBSD:
+        keypad = _mk_w_return_val("keypad")
+        nodelay = _mk_w_return_val("nodelay")
+    else:
+        keypad = _mk_w_no_return("keypad")
+        nodelay = _mk_w_no_return("nodelay")
+    @_argspec(1, 1, 2)
+    def addch(self, y, x, ch, attr=None):
+        if attr is None:
+            attr = lib.A_NORMAL
+        ch = _chtype(ch)
+        if y is not None:
+            code = lib.mvwaddch(self._win, y, x, ch | attr)
+        else:
+            code = lib.waddch(self._win, ch | attr)
+        return _check_ERR(code, "addch")
+    @_argspec(1, 1, 2)
+    def addstr(self, y, x, text, attr=None):
+        text = _texttype(text)
+        if attr is not None:
+            attr_old = lib.getattrs(self._win)
+            lib.wattrset(self._win, attr)
+        if y is not None:
+            code = lib.mvwaddstr(self._win, y, x, text)
+        else:
+            code = lib.waddstr(self._win, text)
+        if attr is not None:
+            lib.wattrset(self._win, attr_old)
+        return _check_ERR(code, "addstr")
+    @_argspec(2, 1, 2)
+    def addnstr(self, y, x, text, n, attr=None):
+        text = _texttype(text)
+        if attr is not None:
+            attr_old = lib.getattrs(self._win)
+            lib.wattrset(self._win, attr)
+        if y is not None:
+            code = lib.mvwaddnstr(self._win, y, x, text, n)
+        else:
+            code = lib.waddnstr(self._win, text, n)
+        if attr is not None:
+            lib.wattrset(self._win, attr_old)
+        return _check_ERR(code, "addnstr")
+    def bkgd(self, ch, attr=None):
+        if attr is None:
+            attr = lib.A_NORMAL
+        return _check_ERR(lib.wbkgd(self._win, _chtype(ch) | attr), "bkgd")
+    attroff = _mk_w_no_return("wattroff")
+    attron = _mk_w_no_return("wattron")
+    attrset = _mk_w_no_return("wattrset")
+    def bkgdset(self, ch, attr=None):
+        if attr is None:
+            attr = lib.A_NORMAL
+        lib.wbkgdset(self._win, _chtype(ch) | attr)
+        return None
+    def border(self, ls=0, rs=0, ts=0, bs=0, tl=0, tr=0, bl=0, br=0):
+        lib.wborder(self._win,
+                    _chtype(ls), _chtype(rs), _chtype(ts), _chtype(bs),
+                    _chtype(tl), _chtype(tr), _chtype(bl), _chtype(br))
+        return None
+    def box(self, vertint=0, horint=0):
+        lib.box(self._win, vertint, horint)
+        return None
+    @_argspec(1, 1, 2)
+    def chgat(self, y, x, num, attr=None):
+        # These optional args are in a weird order.
+        if attr is None:
+            attr = num
+            num = -1
+        color = ((attr >> 8) & 0xff)
+        attr = attr - (color << 8)
+        if y is not None:
+            code = lib.mvwchgat(self._win, y, x, num, attr, color, ffi.NULL)
+            lib.touchline(self._win, y, 1)
+        else:
+            yy, _ = self.getyx()
+            code = lib.wchgat(self._win, num, attr, color, ffi.NULL)
+            lib.touchline(self._win, yy, 1)
+        return _check_ERR(code, "chgat")
+    def delch(self, *args):
+        if len(args) == 0:
+            code = lib.wdelch(self._win)
         elif len(args) == 2:
-            text, attr = args
-        elif len(args) == 3:
-            y, x, text = args
+            code = lib.mvwdelch(self._win, *args)
+        else:
+            raise error("delch requires 0 or 2 arguments")
+        return _check_ERR(code, "[mv]wdelch")
+    def derwin(self, *args):
+        nlines = 0
+        ncols = 0
+        if len(args) == 2:
+            begin_y, begin_x = args
         elif len(args) == 4:
-            y, x, text, attr = args
+            nlines, ncols, begin_y, begin_x = args
-            raise TypeError("addstr requires 1 to 4 arguments")
+            raise error("derwin requires 2 or 4 arguments")
+        win = lib.derwin(self._win, nlines, ncols, begin_y, begin_x)
+        return Window(_check_NULL(win))
+    def echochar(self, ch, attr=None):
+        if attr is None:
+            attr = lib.A_NORMAL
+        ch = _chtype(ch)
+        if lib._m_ispad(self._win):
+            code = lib.pechochar(self._win, ch | attr)
+        else:
+            code = lib.wechochar(self._win, ch | attr)
+        return _check_ERR(code, "echochar")
+        enclose = _mk_w_return_val("wenclose")
+    getbkgd = _mk_w_return_val("getbkgd")
+    def getch(self, *args):
+        if len(args) == 0:
+            val = lib.wgetch(self._win)
+        elif len(args) == 2:
+            val = lib.mvwgetch(self._win, *args)
+        else:
+            raise error("getch requires 0 or 2 arguments")
+        return val
+    def getkey(self, *args):
+        if len(args) == 0:
+            val = lib.wgetch(self._win)
+        elif len(args) == 2:
+            val = lib.mvwgetch(self._win, *args)
+        else:
+            raise error("getkey requires 0 or 2 arguments")
+        if val == lib.ERR:
+            raise error("no input")
+        elif val <= 255:
+            return chr(val)
+        else:
+            # XXX: The following line is different if `__NetBSD__` is defined.
+            val = lib.keyname(val)
+            if val == ffi.NULL:
+                return ""
+            return ffi.string(val)
+    @_argspec(0, 1, 2)
+    def getstr(self, y, x, n=1023):
+        n = min(n, 1023)
+        buf = ffi.new("char[1024]")  # /* This should be big enough.. I hope */
+        if y is None:
+            val = lib.wgetnstr(self._win, buf, n)
+        else:
+            val = lib.mvwgetnstr(self._win, y, x, buf, n)
+        if val == lib.ERR:
+            return ""
+        return ffi.string(buf)
+    @_argspec(2, 1, 2)
+    def hline(self, y, x, ch, n, attr=None):
+        ch = _chtype(ch)
+        if attr is None:
+            attr = lib.A_NORMAL
+        if y is not None:
+            _check_ERR(lib.wmove(self._win, y, x), "wmove")
+        return _check_ERR(lib.whline(self._win, ch | attr, n), "hline")
+    @_argspec(1, 1, 2)
+    def insch(self, y, x, ch, attr=None):
+        ch = _chtype(ch)
+        if attr is None:
+            attr = lib.A_NORMAL
+        if y is not None:
+            code = lib.mvwinsch(self._win, y, x, ch | attr)
+        else:
+            code = lib.winsch(self._win, ch | attr)
+        return _check_ERR(code, "insch")
+    def inch(self, *args):
+        if len(args) == 0:
+            return lib.winch(self._win)
+        elif len(args) == 2:
+            return lib.mvwinch(self._win, *args)
+        else:
+            raise error("inch requires 0 or 2 arguments")
+    @_argspec(0, 1, 2)
+    def instr(self, y, x, n=1023):
+        n = min(n, 1023)
+        buf = ffi.new("char[1024]")  # /* This should be big enough.. I hope */
+        if y is None:
+            code = lib.winnstr(self._win, buf, n)
+        else:
+            code = lib.mvwinnstr(self._win, y, x, buf, n)
+        if code == lib.ERR:
+            return ""
+        return ffi.string(buf)
+    @_argspec(1, 1, 2)
+    def insstr(self, y, x, text, attr=None):
+        text = _texttype(text)
         if attr is not None:
-            attr_old = getattrs(self._window)
-            wattrset(self._window, attr)
+            attr_old = lib.getattrs(self._win)
+            lib.wattrset(self._win, attr)
         if y is not None:
-            mvwaddstr(self._window, y, x, text)
+            code = lib.mvwinsstr(self._win, y, x, text)
-            waddstr(self._window, text)
+            code = lib.winsstr(self._win, text)
         if attr is not None:
-            wattrset(self._window, attr_old)
+            lib.wattrset(self._win, attr_old)
+        return _check_ERR(code, "insstr")
-    def bkgdset(self, bkgd, attr=A_NORMAL):
-        if isinstance(bkgd, str):
-            bkgd = ord(bkgd)
-        wbkgdset(self._window, bkgd | attr)
+    @_argspec(2, 1, 2)
+    def insnstr(self, y, x, text, n, attr=None):
+        text = _texttype(text)
+        if attr is not None:
+            attr_old = lib.getattrs(self._win)
+            lib.wattrset(self._win, attr)
+        if y is not None:
+            code = lib.mvwinsnstr(self._win, y, x, text, n)
+        else:
+            code = lib.winsnstr(self._win, text, n)
+        if attr is not None:
+            lib.wattrset(self._win, attr_old)
+        return _check_ERR(code, "insnstr")
+    def is_linetouched(self, line):
+        code = lib.is_linetouched(self._win, line)
+        if code == lib.ERR:
+            raise error("is_linetouched: line number outside of boundaries")
+        if code == lib.FALSE:
+            return False
+        return True
-    def _make_method(cname):
-        method = getattr(lib, cname)
-        def _execute(self, *args):
-            return method(self._window, *args)
-        return _execute
+    def noutrefresh(self, *args):
+        if lib._m_ispad(self._win):
+            if len(args) != 6:
+                raise error(
+                    "noutrefresh() called for a pad requires 6 arguments")
+            return _check_ERR(lib.pnoutrefresh(self._win, *args),
+                              "pnoutrefresh")
+        else:
+            # XXX: Better args check here? We need zero args.
+            return _check_ERR(lib.wnoutrefresh(self._win, *args),
+                              "wnoutrefresh")
-    keypad     = _make_method('keypad')
-    clear      = _make_method('wclear')
-    clrtoeol   = _make_method('wclrtoeol')
-    move       = _make_method('wmove')
-    refresh    = _make_method('wrefresh')
-    getch      = _make_method('wgetch')
-    notimeout  = _make_method('notimeout')
-    timeout    = _make_method('wtimeout')
+    nooutrefresh = noutrefresh  # "to be removed in 2.3", but in 2.7, 3.x.
-    del _make_method
+    def _copywin(self, dstwin, overlay,
+                 sminr, sminc, dminr, dminc, dmaxr, dmaxc):
+        return _check_ERR(lib.copywin(self._win, dstwin._win,
+                                      sminr, sminc, dminr, dminc, dmaxr, dmaxc,
+                                      overlay), "copywin")
+    def overlay(self, dstwin, *args):
+        if len(args) == 6:
+            return self._copywin(dstwin, True, *args)
+        elif len(args) == 0:
+            return _check_ERR(lib.overlay(self._win, dstwin._win), "overlay")
+        else:
+            raise error("overlay requires one or seven arguments")
-initscr = Window
+    def overwrite(self, dstwin, *args):
+        if len(args) == 6:
+            return self._copywin(dstwin, False, *args)
+        elif len(args) == 0:
+            return _check_ERR(lib.overwrite(self._win, dstwin._win),
+                              "overwrite")
+        else:
+            raise error("overwrite requires one or seven arguments")
-_setupterm_called = False
+    def putwin(self, filep):
+        # filestar = ffi.new("FILE *", filep)
+        return _check_ERR(lib.putwin(self._win, filep), "putwin")
+    def redrawln(self, beg, num):
+        return _check_ERR(lib.wredrawln(self._win, beg, num), "redrawln")
-def _ensure_setupterm_called():
-    if not _setupterm_called:
-        raise error("must call (at least) setupterm() first")
+    def refresh(self, *args):
+        if lib._m_ispad(self._win):
+            if len(args) != 6:
+                raise error(
+                    "noutrefresh() called for a pad requires 6 arguments")
+            return _check_ERR(lib.prefresh(self._win, *args), "prefresh")
+        else:
+            # XXX: Better args check here? We need zero args.
+            return _check_ERR(lib.wrefresh(self._win, *args), "wrefresh")
+    def setscrreg(self, y, x):
+        return _check_ERR(lib.wsetscrreg(self._win, y, x), "wsetscrreg")
+    def subwin(self, *args):
+        nlines = 0
+        ncols = 0
+        if len(args) == 2:
+            begin_y, begin_x = args
+        elif len(args) == 4:
+            nlines, ncols, begin_y, begin_x = args
+        else:
+            raise error("subwin requires 2 or 4 arguments")
+        if lib._m_ispad(self._win):
+            win = lib.subpad(self._win, nlines, ncols, begin_y, begin_x)
+        else:
+            win = lib.subwin(self._win, nlines, ncols, begin_y, begin_x)
+        return Window(_check_NULL(win))
+    def scroll(self, nlines=None):
+        if nlines is None:
+            return _check_ERR(lib.scroll(self._win), "scroll")
+        else:
+            return _check_ERR(lib.wscrl(self._win, nlines), "scroll")
+    def touchline(self, st, cnt, val=None):
+        if val is None:
+            return _check_ERR(lib.touchline(self._win, st, cnt), "touchline")
+        else:
+            return _check_ERR(lib.wtouchln(self._win, st, cnt, val),
+                              "touchline")
+    @_argspec(2, 1, 2)
+    def vline(self, y, x, ch, n, attr=None):
+        ch = _chtype(ch)
+        if attr is None:
+            attr = lib.A_NORMAL
+        if y is not None:
+            _check_ERR(lib.wmove(self._win, y, x), "wmove")
+        return _check_ERR(lib.wvline(self._win, ch | attr, n), "vline")
+beep = _mk_no_return("beep")
+def_prog_mode = _mk_no_return("def_prog_mode")
+def_shell_mode = _mk_no_return("def_shell_mode")
+doupdate = _mk_no_return("doupdate")
+endwin = _mk_no_return("endwin")
+flash = _mk_no_return("flash")
+nocbreak = _mk_no_return("nocbreak")
+noecho = _mk_no_return("noecho")
+nonl = _mk_no_return("nonl")
+noraw = _mk_no_return("noraw")
+reset_prog_mode = _mk_no_return("reset_prog_mode")
+reset_shell_mode = _mk_no_return("reset_shell_mode")
+resetty = _mk_no_return("resetty")
+savetty = _mk_no_return("savetty")
+cbreak = _mk_flag_func("cbreak")
+echo = _mk_flag_func("echo")
+nl = _mk_flag_func("nl")
+raw = _mk_flag_func("raw")
+baudrate = _mk_return_val("baudrate")
+termattrs = _mk_return_val("termattrs")
+termname = _mk_return_val("termname")
+longname = _mk_return_val("longname")
+can_change_color = _mk_return_val("can_change_color")
+has_colors = _mk_return_val("has_colors")
+has_ic = _mk_return_val("has_ic")
+has_il = _mk_return_val("has_il")
+isendwin = _mk_return_val("isendwin")
+flushinp = _mk_return_val("flushinp")
+noqiflush = _mk_return_val("noqiflush")
+def filter():
+    lib.filter()
+    return None
+def color_content(color):
+    _ensure_initialised_color()
+    r, g, b = ffi.new("short *"), ffi.new("short *"), ffi.new("short *")
+    if lib.color_content(color, r, g, b) == lib.ERR:
+        raise error("Argument 1 was out of range. Check value of COLORS.")
+    return (r[0], g[0], b[0])
+def color_pair(n):
+    _ensure_initialised_color()
+    return (n << 8)
+def curs_set(vis):
+    _ensure_initialised()
+    val = lib.curs_set(vis)
+    _check_ERR(val, "curs_set")
+    return val
+def delay_output(ms):
+    _ensure_initialised()
+    return _check_ERR(lib.delay_output(ms), "delay_output")
+def erasechar():
+    _ensure_initialised()
+    return lib.erasechar()
+def getsyx():
+    _ensure_initialised()
+    yx = ffi.new("int[2]")
+    lib._m_getsyx(yx)
+    return (yx[0], yx[1])
+    def getmouse():
+        _ensure_initialised()
+        mevent = ffi.new("MEVENT *")
+        _check_ERR(lib.getmouse(mevent), "getmouse")
+        return (mevent.id, mevent.x, mevent.y, mevent.z, mevent.bstate)
+    def ungetmouse(id, x, y, z, bstate):
+        _ensure_initialised()
+        mevent = ffi.new("MEVENT *")
+        mevent.id, mevent.x, mevent.y, mevent.z, mevent.bstate = (
+            id, x, y, z, bstate)
+        return _check_ERR(lib.ungetmouse(mevent), "ungetmouse")
+def getwin(filep):
+    return Window(_check_NULL(lib.getwin(filep)))
+def halfdelay(tenths):
+    _ensure_initialised()
+    return _check_ERR(lib.halfdelay(tenths), "halfdelay")
+if not lib._m_STRICT_SYSV_CURSES:
+    def has_key(ch):
+        _ensure_initialised()
+        return lib.has_key(ch)
+def init_color(color, r, g, b):
+    _ensure_initialised_color()
+    return _check_ERR(lib.init_color(color, r, g, b), "init_color")
+def init_pair(pair, f, b):
+    _ensure_initialised_color()
+    return _check_ERR(lib.init_pair(pair, f, b), "init_pair")
+def _mk_acs(name, ichar):
+    if len(ichar) == 1:
+        globals()[name] = lib.acs_map[ord(ichar)]
+    else:
+        globals()[name] = globals()[ichar]
+def _map_acs():
+    _mk_acs("ACS_ULCORNER", 'l')
+    _mk_acs("ACS_LLCORNER", 'm')
+    _mk_acs("ACS_URCORNER", 'k')
+    _mk_acs("ACS_LRCORNER", 'j')
+    _mk_acs("ACS_LTEE", 't')
+    _mk_acs("ACS_RTEE", 'u')
+    _mk_acs("ACS_BTEE", 'v')
+    _mk_acs("ACS_TTEE", 'w')
+    _mk_acs("ACS_HLINE", 'q')
+    _mk_acs("ACS_VLINE", 'x')
+    _mk_acs("ACS_PLUS", 'n')
+    _mk_acs("ACS_S1", 'o')
+    _mk_acs("ACS_S9", 's')
+    _mk_acs("ACS_DIAMOND", '`')
+    _mk_acs("ACS_CKBOARD", 'a')
+    _mk_acs("ACS_DEGREE", 'f')
+    _mk_acs("ACS_PLMINUS", 'g')
+    _mk_acs("ACS_BULLET", '~')
+    _mk_acs("ACS_LARROW", ',')
+    _mk_acs("ACS_RARROW", '+')
+    _mk_acs("ACS_DARROW", '.')
+    _mk_acs("ACS_UARROW", '-')
+    _mk_acs("ACS_BOARD", 'h')
+    _mk_acs("ACS_LANTERN", 'i')
+    _mk_acs("ACS_BLOCK", '0')
+    _mk_acs("ACS_S3", 'p')
+    _mk_acs("ACS_S7", 'r')
+    _mk_acs("ACS_LEQUAL", 'y')
+    _mk_acs("ACS_GEQUAL", 'z')
+    _mk_acs("ACS_PI", '{')
+    _mk_acs("ACS_NEQUAL", '|')
+    _mk_acs("ACS_STERLING", '}')
+    _mk_acs("ACS_BSSB", "ACS_ULCORNER")
+    _mk_acs("ACS_SSBB", "ACS_LLCORNER")
+    _mk_acs("ACS_BBSS", "ACS_URCORNER")
+    _mk_acs("ACS_SBBS", "ACS_LRCORNER")
+    _mk_acs("ACS_SBSS", "ACS_RTEE")
+    _mk_acs("ACS_SSSB", "ACS_LTEE")
+    _mk_acs("ACS_SSBS", "ACS_BTEE")
+    _mk_acs("ACS_BSSS", "ACS_TTEE")
+    _mk_acs("ACS_BSBS", "ACS_HLINE")
+    _mk_acs("ACS_SBSB", "ACS_VLINE")
+    _mk_acs("ACS_SSSS", "ACS_PLUS")
+def initscr():
+    if _initialised:
+        lib.wrefresh(lib.stdscr)
+        return Window(lib.stdscr)
+    win = _check_NULL(lib.initscr())
+    globals()['_initialised_setupterm'] = True
+    globals()['_initialised'] = True
+    _map_acs()
+    globals()["LINES"] = lib.LINES
+    globals()["COLS"] = lib.COLS
+    return Window(win)
 def setupterm(term=None, fd=-1):
+    if fd == -1:
+        # XXX: Check for missing stdout here?
+        fd = sys.stdout.fileno()
+    if _initialised_setupterm:
+        return None
     if term is None:
         term = ffi.NULL
-    if fd < 0:
-        import sys
-        fd = sys.stdout.fileno()
     err = ffi.new("int *")
-    if lib.setupterm(term, fd, err) == ERR:
-        if err[0] == 0:
-            s = "setupterm: could not find terminal"
-        elif err[0] == 1:
-            s = "setupterm: could not find terminfo database"
+    if lib.setupterm(term, fd, err) == lib.ERR:
+        err = err[0]
+        if err == 0:
+            raise error("setupterm: could not find terminal")
+        elif err == -1:
+            raise error("setupterm: could not find terminfo database")
-            s = "setupterm: unknown error %d" % err[0]
-        raise error(s)
-    global _setupterm_called
-    _setupterm_called = True
+            raise error("setupterm: unknown error")
+    globals()["_initialised_setupterm"] = True
+    return None
+def intrflush(ch):
+    _ensure_initialised()
+    return _check_ERR(lib.intrflush(ffi.NULL, ch), "intrflush")
+def is_term_resized(lines, columns):
+    _ensure_initialised()
+    return lib.is_term_resized(lines, columns)
+if not lib._m_NetBSD:
+    def keyname(ch):
+        _ensure_initialised()
+        if ch < 0:
+            raise error("invalid key number")
+        knp = lib.keyname(ch)
+        if knp == ffi.NULL:
+            return ""
+        return ffi.string(knp)
+def killchar():
+    return lib.killchar()
+def meta(ch):
+    return _check_ERR(lib.meta(lib.stdscr, ch), "meta")
+    def mouseinterval(interval):
+        _ensure_initialised()
+        return _check_ERR(lib.mouseinterval(interval), "mouseinterval")
+    def mousemask(newmask):
+        _ensure_initialised()
+        oldmask = ffi.new("mmask_t *")
+        availmask = lib.mousemask(newmask, oldmask)
+        return (availmask, oldmask)
+def napms(ms):
+    _ensure_initialised()
+    return lib.napms(ms)
+def newpad(nlines, ncols):
+    _ensure_initialised()
+    return Window(_check_NULL(lib.newpad(nlines, ncols)))
+def newwin(nlines, ncols, begin_y=None, begin_x=None):
+    _ensure_initialised()
+    if begin_x is None:
+        if begin_y is not None:
+            raise error("newwin requires 2 or 4 arguments")
+        begin_y = begin_x = 0
+    return Window(_check_NULL(lib.newwin(nlines, ncols, begin_y, begin_x)))
+def pair_content(pair):
+    _ensure_initialised_color()
+    f = ffi.new("short *")
+    b = ffi.new("short *")
+    if lib.pair_content(pair, f, b) == lib.ERR:
+        raise error("Argument 1 was out of range. (1..COLOR_PAIRS-1)")
+    return (f, b)
+def pair_number(pairvalue):
+    _ensure_initialised_color()
+    return (pairvalue & lib.A_COLOR) >> 8
+def putp(text):
+    text = _texttype(text)
+    return _check_ERR(lib.putp(text), "putp")
+def qiflush(flag=True):
+    _ensure_initialised()
+    if flag:
+        lib.qiflush()
+    else:
+        lib.noqiflush()
+    return None
+# XXX: Do something about the following?
+# /* Internal helper used for updating curses.LINES, curses.COLS, _curses.LINES
+#  * and _curses.COLS */
+# static int
+# update_lines_cols(void)
+# {
+#     PyObject *o;
+#     PyObject *m = PyImport_ImportModuleNoBlock("curses");
+#     if (!m)
+#         return 0;
+#     o = PyInt_FromLong(LINES);
+#     if (!o) {
+#         Py_DECREF(m);
+#         return 0;
+#     }
+#     if (PyObject_SetAttrString(m, "LINES", o)) {
+#         Py_DECREF(m);
+#         Py_DECREF(o);
+#         return 0;
+#     }
+#     if (PyDict_SetItemString(ModDict, "LINES", o)) {
+#         Py_DECREF(m);
+#         Py_DECREF(o);
+#         return 0;
+#     }
+#     Py_DECREF(o);
+#     o = PyInt_FromLong(COLS);
+#     if (!o) {
+#         Py_DECREF(m);
+#         return 0;
+#     }
+#     if (PyObject_SetAttrString(m, "COLS", o)) {
+#         Py_DECREF(m);
+#         Py_DECREF(o);
+#         return 0;
+#     }
+#     if (PyDict_SetItemString(ModDict, "COLS", o)) {
+#         Py_DECREF(m);
+#         Py_DECREF(o);
+#         return 0;
+#     }
+#     Py_DECREF(o);
+#     Py_DECREF(m);
+#     return 1;
+# }
+# #endif
+# static PyObject *
+# PyCurses_ResizeTerm(PyObject *self, PyObject *args)
+# {
+#     int lines;
+#     int columns;
+#     PyObject *result;
+#     PyCursesInitialised;
+#     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,"ii:resizeterm", &lines, &columns))
+#         return NULL;
+#     result = PyCursesCheckERR(resizeterm(lines, columns), "resizeterm");
+#     if (!result)
+#         return NULL;
+#     if (!update_lines_cols())
+#         return NULL;
+#     return result;
+# }
+# #endif
+# static PyObject *
+# PyCurses_Resize_Term(PyObject *self, PyObject *args)
+# {
+#     int lines;
+#     int columns;
+#     PyObject *result;
+#     PyCursesInitialised;
+#     if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,"ii:resize_term", &lines, &columns))
+#         return NULL;
+#     result = PyCursesCheckERR(resize_term(lines, columns), "resize_term");
+#     if (!result)
+#         return NULL;
+#     if (!update_lines_cols())
+#         return NULL;
+#     return result;
+# }
+def setsyx(y, x):
+    _ensure_initialised()
+    lib.setsyx(y, x)
+    return None
+def start_color():
+    _check_ERR(lib.start_color(), "start_color")
+    globals()["COLORS"] = lib.COLORS
+    globals()["COLOR_PAIRS"] = lib.COLOR_PAIRS
+    globals()["_initialised_color"] = True
+    return None
 def tigetflag(capname):
-    _ensure_setupterm_called()
+    _ensure_initialised_setupterm()
     return lib.tigetflag(capname)
 def tigetnum(capname):
-    _ensure_setupterm_called()
+    _ensure_initialised_setupterm()
     return lib.tigetnum(capname)
 def tigetstr(capname):
-    _ensure_setupterm_called()
-    out = lib.tigetstr(capname)
-    if out == ffi.NULL:
+    _ensure_initialised_setupterm()
+    val = lib.tigetstr(capname)
+    if int(ffi.cast("intptr_t", val)) in (0, -1):
         return None
-    return ffi.string(out)
+    return ffi.string(val)
-def tparm(name, *args):
-    _ensure_setupterm_called()
-    cargs = [ffi.cast("long", arg) for arg in args]
-    return ffi.string(lib.tparm(name, *cargs))
+def tparm(fmt, i1=0, i2=0, i3=0, i4=0, i5=0, i6=0, i7=0, i8=0, i9=0):
+    args = [ffi.cast("int", i) for i in (i1, i2, i3, i4, i5, i6, i7, i8, i9)]
+    result = lib.tparm(fmt, *args)
+    if result == ffi.NULL:
+        raise error("tparm() returned NULL")
+    return ffi.string(result)
-def color_pair(n):
-    return n << 8
+def typeahead(fd):
+    _ensure_initialised()
+    return _check_ERR(lib.typeahead(fd), "typeahead")
+def unctrl(ch):
+    _ensure_initialised()
+    return lib.unctrl(_chtype(ch))
+def ungetch(ch):
+    _ensure_initialised()
+    return _check_ERR(lib.ungetch(_chtype(ch)), "ungetch")
+def use_env(flag):
+    lib.use_env(flag)
+    return None
+if not lib._m_STRICT_SYSV_CURSES:
+    def use_default_colors():
+        _ensure_initialised_color()
+        return _check_ERR(lib.use_default_colors(), "use_default_colors")
diff --git a/demo/_curses_build.py b/demo/_curses_build.py
new file mode 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/demo/_curses_build.py
@@ -0,0 +1,325 @@
+import sys
+if sys.platform == 'win32':
+    #This module does not exist in windows
+    raise ImportError('No module named _curses')
+from cffi import FFI
+from _cffi1 import recompile
+ffi = FFI()
+typedef ... WINDOW;
+typedef ... SCREEN;
+typedef unsigned long mmask_t;
+typedef unsigned char bool;
+typedef unsigned long chtype;
+typedef chtype attr_t;
+typedef struct
+    short id;           /* ID to distinguish multiple devices */
+    int x, y, z;        /* event coordinates (character-cell) */
+    mmask_t bstate;     /* button state bits */
+static const int ERR, OK;
+static const int TRUE, FALSE;
+static const int KEY_MIN, KEY_MAX;
+static const int COLOR_BLACK;
+static const int COLOR_RED;
+static const int COLOR_GREEN;
+static const int COLOR_YELLOW;
+static const int COLOR_BLUE;
+static const int COLOR_MAGENTA;
+static const int COLOR_CYAN;
+static const int COLOR_WHITE;
+static const chtype A_ATTRIBUTES;
+static const chtype A_NORMAL;
+static const chtype A_STANDOUT;
+static const chtype A_UNDERLINE;
+static const chtype A_REVERSE;
+static const chtype A_BLINK;
+static const chtype A_DIM;
+static const chtype A_BOLD;
+static const chtype A_ALTCHARSET;
+static const chtype A_INVIS;
+static const chtype A_PROTECT;
+static const chtype A_CHARTEXT;
+static const chtype A_COLOR;
+static const int BUTTON1_RELEASED;
+static const int BUTTON1_PRESSED;
+static const int BUTTON1_CLICKED;
+static const int BUTTON1_DOUBLE_CLICKED;
+static const int BUTTON1_TRIPLE_CLICKED;
+static const int BUTTON2_RELEASED;
+static const int BUTTON2_PRESSED;
+static const int BUTTON2_CLICKED;
+static const int BUTTON2_DOUBLE_CLICKED;
+static const int BUTTON2_TRIPLE_CLICKED;
+static const int BUTTON3_RELEASED;
+static const int BUTTON3_PRESSED;
+static const int BUTTON3_CLICKED;
+static const int BUTTON3_DOUBLE_CLICKED;
+static const int BUTTON3_TRIPLE_CLICKED;
+static const int BUTTON4_RELEASED;
+static const int BUTTON4_PRESSED;
+static const int BUTTON4_CLICKED;
+static const int BUTTON4_DOUBLE_CLICKED;
+static const int BUTTON4_TRIPLE_CLICKED;
+static const int BUTTON_SHIFT;
+static const int BUTTON_CTRL;
+static const int BUTTON_ALT;
+static const int ALL_MOUSE_EVENTS;
+static const int REPORT_MOUSE_POSITION;
+int setupterm(char *, int, int *);
+WINDOW *stdscr;
+int COLORS;
+int COLS;
+int LINES;
+int baudrate(void);
+int beep(void);
+int box(WINDOW *, chtype, chtype);
+bool can_change_color(void);
+int cbreak(void);
+int clearok(WINDOW *, bool);
+int color_content(short, short*, short*, short*);
+int copywin(const WINDOW*, WINDOW*, int, int, int, int, int, int, int);
+int curs_set(int);
+int def_prog_mode(void);
+int def_shell_mode(void);
+int delay_output(int);
+int delwin(WINDOW *);
+WINDOW * derwin(WINDOW *, int, int, int, int);
+int doupdate(void);
+int echo(void);
+int endwin(void);
+char erasechar(void);
+void filter(void);
+int flash(void);
+int flushinp(void);
+chtype getbkgd(WINDOW *);
+WINDOW * getwin(FILE *);
+int halfdelay(int);
+bool has_colors(void);
+bool has_ic(void);
+bool has_il(void);
+void idcok(WINDOW *, bool);
+int idlok(WINDOW *, bool);
+void immedok(WINDOW *, bool);
+WINDOW * initscr(void);
+int init_color(short, short, short, short);
+int init_pair(short, short, short);
+int intrflush(WINDOW *, bool);
+bool isendwin(void);
+bool is_linetouched(WINDOW *, int);
+bool is_wintouched(WINDOW *);
+const char * keyname(int);
+int keypad(WINDOW *, bool);
+char killchar(void);
+int leaveok(WINDOW *, bool);
+char * longname(void);
+int meta(WINDOW *, bool);
+int mvderwin(WINDOW *, int, int);
+int mvwaddch(WINDOW *, int, int, const chtype);
+int mvwaddnstr(WINDOW *, int, int, const char *, int);
+int mvwaddstr(WINDOW *, int, int, const char *);
+int mvwchgat(WINDOW *, int, int, int, attr_t, short, const void *);
+int mvwdelch(WINDOW *, int, int);
+int mvwgetch(WINDOW *, int, int);
+int mvwgetnstr(WINDOW *, int, int, char *, int);
+int mvwin(WINDOW *, int, int);
+chtype mvwinch(WINDOW *, int, int);
+int mvwinnstr(WINDOW *, int, int, char *, int);
+int mvwinsch(WINDOW *, int, int, chtype);
+int mvwinsnstr(WINDOW *, int, int, const char *, int);
+int mvwinsstr(WINDOW *, int, int, const char *);
+int napms(int);
+WINDOW * newpad(int, int);
+WINDOW * newwin(int, int, int, int);
+int nl(void);
+int nocbreak(void);
+int nodelay(WINDOW *, bool);
+int noecho(void);
+int nonl(void);
+void noqiflush(void);
+int noraw(void);
+int notimeout(WINDOW *, bool);
+int overlay(const WINDOW*, WINDOW *);
+int overwrite(const WINDOW*, WINDOW *);
+int pair_content(short, short*, short*);
+int pechochar(WINDOW *, const chtype);
+int pnoutrefresh(WINDOW*, int, int, int, int, int, int);
+int prefresh(WINDOW *, int, int, int, int, int, int);
+int putwin(WINDOW *, FILE *);
+void qiflush(void);
+int raw(void);
+int redrawwin(WINDOW *);
+int resetty(void);
+int reset_prog_mode(void);
+int reset_shell_mode(void);
+int savetty(void);
+int scroll(WINDOW *);
+int scrollok(WINDOW *, bool);
+int start_color(void);
+WINDOW * subpad(WINDOW *, int, int, int, int);
+WINDOW * subwin(WINDOW *, int, int, int, int);
+int syncok(WINDOW *, bool);
+chtype termattrs(void);
+char * termname(void);
+int touchline(WINDOW *, int, int);
+int touchwin(WINDOW *);
+int typeahead(int);
+int ungetch(int);
+int untouchwin(WINDOW *);
+void use_env(bool);
+int waddch(WINDOW *, const chtype);
+int waddnstr(WINDOW *, const char *, int);
+int waddstr(WINDOW *, const char *);
+int wattron(WINDOW *, int);
+int wattroff(WINDOW *, int);
+int wattrset(WINDOW *, int);
+int wbkgd(WINDOW *, chtype);
+void wbkgdset(WINDOW *, chtype);
+int wborder(WINDOW *, chtype, chtype, chtype, chtype,
+            chtype, chtype, chtype, chtype);
+int wchgat(WINDOW *, int, attr_t, short, const void *);
+int wclear(WINDOW *);
+int wclrtobot(WINDOW *);
+int wclrtoeol(WINDOW *);
+void wcursyncup(WINDOW *);
+int wdelch(WINDOW *);
+int wdeleteln(WINDOW *);
+int wechochar(WINDOW *, const chtype);
+int werase(WINDOW *);
+int wgetch(WINDOW *);
+int wgetnstr(WINDOW *, char *, int);
+int whline(WINDOW *, chtype, int);
+chtype winch(WINDOW *);
+int winnstr(WINDOW *, char *, int);
+int winsch(WINDOW *, chtype);
+int winsdelln(WINDOW *, int);
+int winsertln(WINDOW *);
+int winsnstr(WINDOW *, const char *, int);
+int winsstr(WINDOW *, const char *);
+int wmove(WINDOW *, int, int);
+int wresize(WINDOW *, int, int);
+int wnoutrefresh(WINDOW *);
+int wredrawln(WINDOW *, int, int);
+int wrefresh(WINDOW *);
+int wscrl(WINDOW *, int);
+int wsetscrreg(WINDOW *, int, int);
+int wstandout(WINDOW *);
+int wstandend(WINDOW *);
+void wsyncdown(WINDOW *);
+void wsyncup(WINDOW *);
+void wtimeout(WINDOW *, int);
+int wtouchln(WINDOW *, int, int, int);
+int wvline(WINDOW *, chtype, int);
+int tigetflag(char *);
+int tigetnum(char *);
+char * tigetstr(char *);
+int putp(const char *);
+char * tparm(const char *, ...);
+int getattrs(const WINDOW *);
+int getcurx(const WINDOW *);
+int getcury(const WINDOW *);
+int getbegx(const WINDOW *);
+int getbegy(const WINDOW *);
+int getmaxx(const WINDOW *);
+int getmaxy(const WINDOW *);
+int getparx(const WINDOW *);
+int getpary(const WINDOW *);
+int getmouse(MEVENT *);
+int ungetmouse(MEVENT *);
+mmask_t mousemask(mmask_t, mmask_t *);
+bool wenclose(const WINDOW *, int, int);
+int mouseinterval(int);
+void setsyx(int y, int x);
+const char *unctrl(chtype);
+int use_default_colors(void);
+int has_key(int);
+bool is_term_resized(int, int);
+#define _m_STRICT_SYSV_CURSES ...
+#define _m_NetBSD ...
+int _m_ispad(WINDOW *);
+chtype acs_map[];
+// For _curses_panel:
+typedef ... PANEL;
+WINDOW *panel_window(const PANEL *);
+void update_panels(void);
+int hide_panel(PANEL *);
+int show_panel(PANEL *);
+int del_panel(PANEL *);
+int top_panel(PANEL *);
+int bottom_panel(PANEL *);
+PANEL *new_panel(WINDOW *);
+PANEL *panel_above(const PANEL *);
+PANEL *panel_below(const PANEL *);
+int set_panel_userptr(PANEL *, void *);
+const void *panel_userptr(const PANEL *);
+int move_panel(PANEL *, int, int);
+int replace_panel(PANEL *,WINDOW *);
+int panel_hidden(const PANEL *);
+void _m_getsyx(int *yx);
+recompile(ffi, "_curses_cffi", """
+#ifdef __APPLE__
+/* the following define is necessary for OS X 10.6+; without it, the
+   Apple-supplied ncurses.h sets NCURSES_OPAQUE to 1, and then Python
+   can't get at the WINDOW flags field. */
+#include <ncurses.h>
+#include <panel.h>
+#include <term.h>
+#if defined __NetBSD__
+#define _m_NetBSD TRUE
+#define _m_NetBSD FALSE
+int _m_ispad(WINDOW *win) {
+    // <curses.h> may not have _flags (and possibly _ISPAD),
+    // but for now let's assume that <ncurses.h> always has it
+    return (win->_flags & _ISPAD);
+void _m_getsyx(int *yx) {
+    getsyx(yx[0], yx[1]);
+""", libraries=['ncurses', 'panel'])
diff --git a/_cffi1/bsdopendirtype_build.py b/demo/bsdopendirtype_build.py
rename from _cffi1/bsdopendirtype_build.py
rename to demo/bsdopendirtype_build.py
diff --git a/demo/readdir2.py b/demo/readdir2.py
--- a/demo/readdir2.py
+++ b/demo/readdir2.py
@@ -1,65 +1,32 @@
 # A Linux-only demo, using verify() instead of hard-coding the exact layouts
 import sys
-from cffi import FFI
+from _readdir2 import ffi, lib
 if not sys.platform.startswith('linux'):
     raise Exception("Linux-only demo")
-ffi = FFI()
-    typedef ... DIR;
-    struct dirent {
-        unsigned char  d_type;      /* type of file; not supported
-                                       by all file system types */
-        char           d_name[...]; /* filename */
-        ...;
-    };
-    int readdir_r(DIR *dirp, struct dirent *entry, struct dirent **result);
-    int openat(int dirfd, const char *pathname, int flags);
-    DIR *fdopendir(int fd);
-    int closedir(DIR *dirp);
-    static const int DT_DIR;
-ffi.C = ffi.verify("""
-#  define _ATFILE_SOURCE
-#ifndef _BSD_SOURCE
-#  define _BSD_SOURCE
-#include <fcntl.h>
-#include <sys/types.h>
-#include <dirent.h>
 def walk(basefd, path):
     print '{', path
-    dirfd = ffi.C.openat(basefd, path, 0)
+    dirfd = lib.openat(basefd, path, 0)
     if dirfd < 0:
         # error in openat()
-    dir = ffi.C.fdopendir(dirfd)
+    dir = lib.fdopendir(dirfd)
     dirent = ffi.new("struct dirent *")
     result = ffi.new("struct dirent **")
     while True:
-        if ffi.C.readdir_r(dir, dirent, result):
+        if lib.readdir_r(dir, dirent, result):
             # error in readdir_r()
         if result[0] == ffi.NULL:
         name = ffi.string(dirent.d_name)
         print '%3d %s' % (dirent.d_type, name)
-        if dirent.d_type == ffi.C.DT_DIR and name != '.' and name != '..':
+        if dirent.d_type == lib.DT_DIR and name != '.' and name != '..':
             walk(dirfd, name)
-    ffi.C.closedir(dir)
+    lib.closedir(dir)
     print '}'
diff --git a/_cffi1/readdir2_build.py b/demo/readdir2_build.py
rename from _cffi1/readdir2_build.py
rename to demo/readdir2_build.py

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