[pypy-commit] cffi cffi-1.0: in-progress: import backend_tests

arigo noreply at buildbot.pypy.org
Sun Apr 26 10:13:38 CEST 2015

Author: Armin Rigo <arigo at tunes.org>
Branch: cffi-1.0
Changeset: r1831:48276f27dd98
Date: 2015-04-26 10:14 +0200

Log:	in-progress: import backend_tests

diff --git a/testing/backend_tests.py b/_cffi1/test_new_ffi_1.py
copy from testing/backend_tests.py
copy to _cffi1/test_new_ffi_1.py
--- a/testing/backend_tests.py
+++ b/_cffi1/test_new_ffi_1.py
@@ -1,8 +1,11 @@
 import py
-import platform
+import platform, imp
 import sys, ctypes
-from cffi import FFI, CDefError, FFIError
-from testing.support import *
+import cffi
+from cffi import CDefError, FFIError
+from .udir import udir
+from .recompiler import recompile
+from .support import *
 SIZE_OF_INT   = ctypes.sizeof(ctypes.c_int)
 SIZE_OF_LONG  = ctypes.sizeof(ctypes.c_long)
@@ -11,10 +14,75 @@
 SIZE_OF_WCHAR = ctypes.sizeof(ctypes.c_wchar)
-class BackendTests:
+def setup_module():
+    global ffi
+    ffi1 = cffi.FFI()
+    DEFS = r"""
+        struct repr { short a, b, c; };
+        struct simple { int a; short b, c; };
+        struct array { int a[2]; char b[3]; };
+        struct recursive { int value; struct recursive *next; };
+        union simple_u { int a; short b, c; };
+        union init_u { char a; int b; };
+        struct four_s { int a; short b, c, d; };
+        union four_u { int a; short b, c, d; };
+        struct string { const char *name; };
+        struct ustring { const wchar_t *name; };
+        struct voidp { void *p; int *q; short *r; };
+        struct ab { int a, b; };
+        struct abc { int a, b, c; };
+        enum foq { A0, B0, CC0, D0 };
+        enum bar { A1, B1=-2, CC1, D1, E1 };
+        enum baz { A2=0x1000, B2=0x2000 };
+        enum foo2 { A3, B3, C3, D3 };
+        struct bar_with_e { enum foo2 e; };
+        enum noncont { A4, B4=42, C4 };
+        enum etypes {A5='!', B5='\'', C5=0x10, D5=010, E5=- 0x10, F5=-010};
+        typedef enum { Value0 = 0 } e_t, *pe_t;
+        enum e_noninj { AA3=0, BB3=0, CC3=0, DD3=0 };
+        enum e_prev { AA4, BB4=2, CC4=4, DD4=BB4, EE4, FF4=CC4, GG4=FF4 };
+        struct nesting { struct abc d, e; };
+        struct array2 { int a, b; int c[99]; };
+        struct align { char a; short b; char c; };
+        struct bitfield { int a:10, b:20, c:3; };
+        typedef enum { AA2, BB2, CC2 } foo_e_t;
+        typedef struct { foo_e_t f:2; } bfenum_t;
+        typedef struct { int a; } anon_foo_t;
+        typedef struct { char b, c; } anon_bar_t;
+        typedef struct named_foo_s { int a; } named_foo_t, *named_foo_p;
+        typedef struct { int a; } unnamed_foo_t, *unnamed_foo_p;
+        struct nonpacked { char a; int b; };
+        struct array0 { int len; short data[0]; };
+        struct nested_anon {
+            struct { int a, b; };
+            union { int c, d; };
+        };
+        union nested_anon_u {
+            struct { int a, b; };
+            union { int c, d; };
+        };
+        struct abc50 { int a, b; int c[50]; };
+    """
+    DEFS_PACKED = """
+        struct is_packed { char a; int b; } /*here*/;
+    """
+    CCODE = DEFS + DEFS_PACKED.replace('/*here*/', '__attribute__((packed))')
+    ffi1.cdef(DEFS)
+    ffi1.cdef(DEFS_PACKED, packed=True)
+    outputfilename = recompile(ffi1, "test_old_ffi1", CCODE,
+                               tmpdir=str(udir))
+    module = imp.load_dynamic("test_old_ffi1", outputfilename)
+    ffi = module.ffi
+class TestOldFFI1:
     def test_integer_ranges(self):
-        ffi = FFI(backend=self.Backend())
         for (c_type, size) in [('char', 1),
                                ('short', 2),
                                ('short int', 2),
@@ -34,7 +102,6 @@
                 self._test_int_type(ffi, c_decl, size, unsigned)
     def test_fixedsize_int(self):
-        ffi = FFI(backend=self.Backend())
         for size in [1, 2, 4, 8]:
             self._test_int_type(ffi, 'int%d_t' % (8*size), size, False)
             self._test_int_type(ffi, 'uint%d_t' % (8*size), size, True)
@@ -79,12 +146,10 @@
         assert ffi.new(c_decl_ptr, long(max))[0] == max
     def test_new_unsupported_type(self):
-        ffi = FFI(backend=self.Backend())
         e = py.test.raises(TypeError, ffi.new, "int")
         assert str(e.value) == "expected a pointer or array ctype, got 'int'"
     def test_new_single_integer(self):
-        ffi = FFI(backend=self.Backend())
         p = ffi.new("int *")     # similar to ffi.new("int[1]")
         assert p[0] == 0
         p[0] = -123
@@ -94,14 +159,12 @@
         assert repr(p) == "<cdata 'int *' owning %d bytes>" % SIZE_OF_INT
     def test_new_array_no_arg(self):
-        ffi = FFI(backend=self.Backend())
         p = ffi.new("int[10]")
         # the object was zero-initialized:
         for i in range(10):
             assert p[i] == 0
     def test_array_indexing(self):
-        ffi = FFI(backend=self.Backend())
         p = ffi.new("int[10]")
         p[0] = 42
         p[9] = 43
@@ -113,7 +176,6 @@
         py.test.raises(IndexError, "p[-1] = 44")
     def test_new_array_args(self):
-        ffi = FFI(backend=self.Backend())
         # this tries to be closer to C: where we say "int x[5] = {10, 20, ..}"
         # then here we must enclose the items in a list
         p = ffi.new("int[5]", [10, 20, 30, 40, 50])
@@ -132,7 +194,6 @@
         assert repr(p) == "<cdata 'int[4]' owning %d bytes>" % (4*SIZE_OF_INT)
     def test_new_array_varsize(self):
-        ffi = FFI(backend=self.Backend())
         p = ffi.new("int[]", 10)     # a single integer is the length
         assert p[9] == 0
         py.test.raises(IndexError, "p[10]")
@@ -151,7 +212,6 @@
         assert repr(p) == "<cdata 'int[]' owning 0 bytes>"
     def test_pointer_init(self):
-        ffi = FFI(backend=self.Backend())
         n = ffi.new("int *", 24)
         a = ffi.new("int *[10]", [ffi.NULL, ffi.NULL, n, n, ffi.NULL])
         for i in range(10):
@@ -160,14 +220,12 @@
         assert a[2] == a[3] == n
     def test_cannot_cast(self):
-        ffi = FFI(backend=self.Backend())
         a = ffi.new("short int[10]")
         e = py.test.raises(TypeError, ffi.new, "long int **", a)
         msg = str(e.value)
         assert "'short[10]'" in msg and "'long *'" in msg
     def test_new_pointer_to_array(self):
-        ffi = FFI(backend=self.Backend())
         a = ffi.new("int[4]", [100, 102, 104, 106])
         p = ffi.new("int **", a)
         assert p[0] == ffi.cast("int *", a)
@@ -180,7 +238,6 @@
         # keepalive: a
     def test_pointer_direct(self):
-        ffi = FFI(backend=self.Backend())
         p = ffi.cast("int*", 0)
         assert p is not None
         assert bool(p) is False
@@ -196,9 +253,7 @@
         assert p[1] == 456
     def test_repr(self):
-        typerepr = self.TypeRepr
-        ffi = FFI(backend=self.Backend())
-        ffi.cdef("struct foo { short a, b, c; };")
+        typerepr = "<ctype '%s'>"
         p = ffi.cast("short unsigned int", 0)
         assert repr(p) == "<cdata 'unsigned short' 0>"
         assert repr(ffi.typeof(p)) == typerepr % "unsigned short"
@@ -222,10 +277,10 @@
         assert repr(p) == "<cdata 'int *[2][3]' owning %d bytes>" % (
         assert repr(ffi.typeof(p)) == typerepr % "int *[2][3]"
-        p = ffi.new("struct foo *")
-        assert repr(p) == "<cdata 'struct foo *' owning %d bytes>" % (
+        p = ffi.new("struct repr *")
+        assert repr(p) == "<cdata 'struct repr *' owning %d bytes>" % (
-        assert repr(ffi.typeof(p)) == typerepr % "struct foo *"
+        assert repr(ffi.typeof(p)) == typerepr % "struct repr *"
         q = ffi.cast("short", -123)
         assert repr(q) == "<cdata 'short' -123>"
@@ -238,17 +293,16 @@
         q = ffi.cast("int*", p)
         assert repr(q).startswith("<cdata 'int *' 0x")
         assert repr(ffi.typeof(q)) == typerepr % "int *"
-        p = ffi.new("struct foo*")
-        q = ffi.cast("struct foo *", p)
-        assert repr(q).startswith("<cdata 'struct foo *' 0x")
-        assert repr(ffi.typeof(q)) == typerepr % "struct foo *"
+        p = ffi.new("struct repr*")
+        q = ffi.cast("struct repr *", p)
+        assert repr(q).startswith("<cdata 'struct repr *' 0x")
+        assert repr(ffi.typeof(q)) == typerepr % "struct repr *"
         prevrepr = repr(q)
         q = q[0]
         assert repr(q) == prevrepr.replace(' *', ' &')
-        assert repr(ffi.typeof(q)) == typerepr % "struct foo"
+        assert repr(ffi.typeof(q)) == typerepr % "struct repr"
     def test_new_array_of_array(self):
-        ffi = FFI(backend=self.Backend())
         p = ffi.new("int[3][4]")
         p[0][0] = 10
         p[2][3] = 33
@@ -257,12 +311,10 @@
         py.test.raises(IndexError, "p[1][-1]")
     def test_constructor_array_of_array(self):
-        ffi = FFI(backend=self.Backend())
         p = ffi.new("int[3][2]", [[10, 11], [12, 13], [14, 15]])
         assert p[2][1] == 15
     def test_new_array_of_pointer_1(self):
-        ffi = FFI(backend=self.Backend())
         n = ffi.new("int*", 99)
         p = ffi.new("int*[4]")
         p[3] = n
@@ -271,7 +323,6 @@
         assert a[0] == 99
     def test_new_array_of_pointer_2(self):
-        ffi = FFI(backend=self.Backend())
         n = ffi.new("int[1]", [99])
         p = ffi.new("int*[4]")
         p[3] = n
@@ -280,7 +331,6 @@
         assert a[0] == 99
     def test_char(self):
-        ffi = FFI(backend=self.Backend())
         assert ffi.new("char*", b"\xff")[0] == b'\xff'
         assert ffi.new("char*")[0] == b'\x00'
         assert int(ffi.cast("char", 300)) == 300 - 256
@@ -315,7 +365,6 @@
             py.test.skip("NotImplementedError: wchar_t")
     def test_wchar_t(self):
-        ffi = FFI(backend=self.Backend())
         assert ffi.new("wchar_t*", u+'x')[0] == u+'x'
         assert ffi.new("wchar_t*", u+'\u1234')[0] == u+'\u1234'
@@ -366,7 +415,6 @@
         py.test.raises(IndexError, ffi.new, "wchar_t[2]", u+"abc")
     def test_none_as_null_doesnt_work(self):
-        ffi = FFI(backend=self.Backend())
         p = ffi.new("int*[1]")
         assert p[0] is not None
         assert p[0] != None
@@ -381,7 +429,6 @@
         assert p[0] == ffi.NULL
     def test_float(self):
-        ffi = FFI(backend=self.Backend())
         p = ffi.new("float[]", [-2, -2.5])
         assert p[0] == -2.0
         assert p[1] == -2.5
@@ -406,37 +453,31 @@
         assert p[0] == INF     # infinite, not enough precision
     def test_struct_simple(self):
-        ffi = FFI(backend=self.Backend())
-        ffi.cdef("struct foo { int a; short b, c; };")
-        s = ffi.new("struct foo*")
+        s = ffi.new("struct simple*")
         assert s.a == s.b == s.c == 0
         s.b = -23
         assert s.b == -23
         py.test.raises(OverflowError, "s.b = 32768")
-        s = ffi.new("struct foo*", [-2, -3])
+        s = ffi.new("struct simple*", [-2, -3])
         assert s.a == -2
         assert s.b == -3
         assert s.c == 0
         py.test.raises((AttributeError, TypeError), "del s.a")
-        assert repr(s) == "<cdata 'struct foo *' owning %d bytes>" % (
+        assert repr(s) == "<cdata 'struct simple *' owning %d bytes>" % (
             SIZE_OF_INT + 2 * SIZE_OF_SHORT)
-        py.test.raises(ValueError, ffi.new, "struct foo*", [1, 2, 3, 4])
+        py.test.raises(ValueError, ffi.new, "struct simple*", [1, 2, 3, 4])
     def test_constructor_struct_from_dict(self):
-        ffi = FFI(backend=self.Backend())
-        ffi.cdef("struct foo { int a; short b, c; };")
-        s = ffi.new("struct foo*", {'b': 123, 'c': 456})
+        s = ffi.new("struct simple*", {'b': 123, 'c': 456})
         assert s.a == 0
         assert s.b == 123
         assert s.c == 456
-        py.test.raises(KeyError, ffi.new, "struct foo*", {'d': 456})
+        py.test.raises(KeyError, ffi.new, "struct simple*", {'d': 456})
     def test_struct_pointer(self):
-        ffi = FFI(backend=self.Backend())
-        ffi.cdef("struct foo { int a; short b, c; };")
-        s = ffi.new("struct foo*")
+        s = ffi.new("struct simple*")
         assert s[0].a == s[0].b == s[0].c == 0
         s[0].b = -23
         assert s[0].b == s.b == -23
@@ -444,18 +485,16 @@
         py.test.raises(IndexError, "s[1]")
     def test_struct_opaque(self):
-        ffi = FFI(backend=self.Backend())
-        py.test.raises(TypeError, ffi.new, "struct baz*")
-        p = ffi.new("struct baz **")    # this works
-        assert p[0] == ffi.NULL
+        py.test.raises(ffi.error, ffi.new, "struct baz*")
+        # should 'ffi.new("struct baz **") work?  it used to, but it was
+        # not particularly useful...
+        py.test.raises(ffi.error, ffi.new, "struct baz**")
     def test_pointer_to_struct(self):
-        ffi = FFI(backend=self.Backend())
-        ffi.cdef("struct foo { int a; short b, c; };")
-        s = ffi.new("struct foo *")
+        s = ffi.new("struct simple *")
         s.a = -42
         assert s[0].a == -42
-        p = ffi.new("struct foo **", s)
+        p = ffi.new("struct simple **", s)
         assert p[0].a == -42
         assert p[0][0].a == -42
         p[0].a = -43
@@ -472,9 +511,7 @@
         assert p[0][0].a == -46
     def test_constructor_struct_of_array(self):
-        ffi = FFI(backend=self.Backend())
-        ffi.cdef("struct foo { int a[2]; char b[3]; };")
-        s = ffi.new("struct foo *", [[10, 11], [b'a', b'b', b'c']])
+        s = ffi.new("struct array *", [[10, 11], [b'a', b'b', b'c']])
         assert s.a[1] == 11
         assert s.b[2] == b'c'
         s.b[1] = b'X'
@@ -483,10 +520,8 @@
         assert s.b[2] == b'c'
     def test_recursive_struct(self):
-        ffi = FFI(backend=self.Backend())
-        ffi.cdef("struct foo { int value; struct foo *next; };")
-        s = ffi.new("struct foo*")
-        t = ffi.new("struct foo*")
+        s = ffi.new("struct recursive*")
+        t = ffi.new("struct recursive*")
         s.value = 123
         s.next = t
         t.value = 456
@@ -494,60 +529,51 @@
         assert s.next.value == 456
     def test_union_simple(self):
-        ffi = FFI(backend=self.Backend())
-        ffi.cdef("union foo { int a; short b, c; };")
-        u = ffi.new("union foo*")
+        u = ffi.new("union simple_u*")
         assert u.a == u.b == u.c == 0
         u.b = -23
         assert u.b == -23
         assert u.a != 0
         py.test.raises(OverflowError, "u.b = 32768")
-        u = ffi.new("union foo*", [-2])
+        u = ffi.new("union simple_u*", [-2])
         assert u.a == -2
         py.test.raises((AttributeError, TypeError), "del u.a")
-        assert repr(u) == "<cdata 'union foo *' owning %d bytes>" % SIZE_OF_INT
+        assert repr(u) == "<cdata 'union simple_u *' owning %d bytes>" % (
+            SIZE_OF_INT,)
     def test_union_opaque(self):
-        ffi = FFI(backend=self.Backend())
-        py.test.raises(TypeError, ffi.new, "union baz *")
-        u = ffi.new("union baz **")   # this works
-        assert u[0] == ffi.NULL
+        py.test.raises(ffi.error, ffi.new, "union baz*")
+        # should 'ffi.new("union baz **") work?  it used to, but it was
+        # not particularly useful...
+        py.test.raises(ffi.error, ffi.new, "union baz**")
     def test_union_initializer(self):
-        ffi = FFI(backend=self.Backend())
-        ffi.cdef("union foo { char a; int b; };")
-        py.test.raises(TypeError, ffi.new, "union foo*", b'A')
-        py.test.raises(TypeError, ffi.new, "union foo*", 5)
-        py.test.raises(ValueError, ffi.new, "union foo*", [b'A', 5])
-        u = ffi.new("union foo*", [b'A'])
+        py.test.raises(TypeError, ffi.new, "union init_u*", b'A')
+        py.test.raises(TypeError, ffi.new, "union init_u*", 5)
+        py.test.raises(ValueError, ffi.new, "union init_u*", [b'A', 5])
+        u = ffi.new("union init_u*", [b'A'])
         assert u.a == b'A'
-        py.test.raises(TypeError, ffi.new, "union foo*", [1005])
-        u = ffi.new("union foo*", {'b': 12345})
+        py.test.raises(TypeError, ffi.new, "union init_u*", [1005])
+        u = ffi.new("union init_u*", {'b': 12345})
         assert u.b == 12345
-        u = ffi.new("union foo*", [])
+        u = ffi.new("union init_u*", [])
         assert u.a == b'\x00'
         assert u.b == 0
     def test_sizeof_type(self):
-        ffi = FFI(backend=self.Backend())
-        ffi.cdef("""
-            struct foo { int a; short b, c, d; };
-            union foo { int a; short b, c, d; };
-        """)
         for c_type, expected_size in [
             ('char', 1),
             ('unsigned int', 4),
             ('char *', SIZE_OF_PTR),
             ('int[5]', 20),
-            ('struct foo', 12),
-            ('union foo', 4),
+            ('struct four_s', 12),
+            ('union four_u', 4),
             size = ffi.sizeof(c_type)
             assert size == expected_size, (size, expected_size, ctype)
     def test_sizeof_cdata(self):
-        ffi = FFI(backend=self.Backend())
         assert ffi.sizeof(ffi.new("short*")) == SIZE_OF_PTR
         assert ffi.sizeof(ffi.cast("short", 123)) == SIZE_OF_SHORT
@@ -556,7 +582,6 @@
         assert ffi.sizeof(a) == 5 * SIZE_OF_INT
     def test_string_from_char_pointer(self):
-        ffi = FFI(backend=self.Backend())
         x = ffi.new("char*", b"x")
         assert str(x) == repr(x)
         assert ffi.string(x) == b"x"
@@ -564,7 +589,6 @@
         py.test.raises(TypeError, ffi.new, "char*", unicode("foo"))
     def test_unicode_from_wchar_pointer(self):
-        ffi = FFI(backend=self.Backend())
         x = ffi.new("wchar_t*", u+"x")
         assert unicode(x) == unicode(repr(x))
@@ -572,7 +596,6 @@
         assert ffi.string(ffi.new("wchar_t*", u+"\x00")) == u+""
     def test_string_from_char_array(self):
-        ffi = FFI(backend=self.Backend())
         p = ffi.new("char[]", b"hello.")
         p[5] = b'!'
         assert ffi.string(p) == b"hello!"
@@ -589,7 +612,6 @@
         assert ffi.string(p) == b'hello'
     def test_string_from_wchar_array(self):
-        ffi = FFI(backend=self.Backend())
         assert ffi.string(ffi.cast("wchar_t", "x")) == u+"x"
         assert ffi.string(ffi.cast("wchar_t", u+"x")) == u+"x"
@@ -616,11 +638,9 @@
         assert ffi.string(p, 2) == u+'he'
     def test_fetch_const_char_p_field(self):
-        # 'const' is ignored so far
-        ffi = FFI(backend=self.Backend())
-        ffi.cdef("struct foo { const char *name; };")
+        # 'const' is ignored so far, in the declaration of 'struct string'
         t = ffi.new("const char[]", b"testing")
-        s = ffi.new("struct foo*", [t])
+        s = ffi.new("struct string*", [t])
         assert type(s.name) not in (bytes, str, unicode)
         assert ffi.string(s.name) == b"testing"
         py.test.raises(TypeError, "s.name = None")
@@ -629,18 +649,15 @@
     def test_fetch_const_wchar_p_field(self):
         # 'const' is ignored so far
-        ffi = FFI(backend=self.Backend())
-        ffi.cdef("struct foo { const wchar_t *name; };")
         t = ffi.new("const wchar_t[]", u+"testing")
-        s = ffi.new("struct foo*", [t])
+        s = ffi.new("struct ustring*", [t])
         assert type(s.name) not in (bytes, str, unicode)
         assert ffi.string(s.name) == u+"testing"
         s.name = ffi.NULL
         assert s.name == ffi.NULL
     def test_voidp(self):
-        ffi = FFI(backend=self.Backend())
         py.test.raises(TypeError, ffi.new, "void*")
         p = ffi.new("void **")
         assert p[0] == ffi.NULL
@@ -650,8 +667,7 @@
         py.test.raises(TypeError, "vp[0]")
         py.test.raises(TypeError, ffi.new, "short **", a)
-        ffi.cdef("struct foo { void *p; int *q; short *r; };")
-        s = ffi.new("struct foo *")
+        s = ffi.new("struct voidp *")
         s.p = a    # works
         s.q = a    # works
         py.test.raises(TypeError, "s.r = a")    # fails
@@ -661,7 +677,6 @@
         py.test.raises(TypeError, "s.r = b")    # fails
     def test_functionptr_simple(self):
-        ffi = FFI(backend=self.Backend())
         py.test.raises(TypeError, ffi.callback, "int(*)(int)", 0)
         def cb(n):
             return n + 1
@@ -686,12 +701,10 @@
         assert res == 46
     def test_functionptr_advanced(self):
-        ffi = FFI(backend=self.Backend())
         t = ffi.typeof("int(*(*)(int))(int)")
-        assert repr(t) == self.TypeRepr % "int(*(*)(int))(int)"
+        assert repr(t) == "<ctype '%s'>" % "int(*(*)(int))(int)"
     def test_functionptr_voidptr_return(self):
-        ffi = FFI(backend=self.Backend())
         def cb():
             return ffi.NULL
         p = ffi.callback("void*(*)()", cb)
@@ -707,7 +720,6 @@
         assert res == void_ptr
     def test_functionptr_intptr_return(self):
-        ffi = FFI(backend=self.Backend())
         def cb():
             return ffi.NULL
         p = ffi.callback("int*(*)()", cb)
@@ -729,7 +741,6 @@
         assert res == int_array_ptr
     def test_functionptr_void_return(self):
-        ffi = FFI(backend=self.Backend())
         def foo():
         foo_cb = ffi.callback("void foo()", foo)
@@ -737,7 +748,6 @@
         assert result is None
     def test_char_cast(self):
-        ffi = FFI(backend=self.Backend())
         p = ffi.cast("int", b'\x01')
         assert ffi.typeof(p) is ffi.typeof("int")
         assert int(p) == 1
@@ -749,7 +759,6 @@
         assert int(p) == 0x81
     def test_wchar_cast(self):
-        ffi = FFI(backend=self.Backend())
         p = ffi.cast("int", ffi.cast("wchar_t", u+'\u1234'))
         assert int(p) == 0x1234
@@ -764,7 +773,6 @@
         assert int(p) == 0x1234
     def test_cast_array_to_charp(self):
-        ffi = FFI(backend=self.Backend())
         a = ffi.new("short int[]", [0x1234, 0x5678])
         p = ffi.cast("char*", a)
         data = b''.join([p[i] for i in range(4)])
@@ -774,7 +782,6 @@
             assert data == b'\x12\x34\x56\x78'
     def test_cast_between_pointers(self):
-        ffi = FFI(backend=self.Backend())
         a = ffi.new("short int[]", [0x1234, 0x5678])
         p = ffi.cast("short*", a)
         p2 = ffi.cast("int*", p)
@@ -786,7 +793,6 @@
             assert data == b'\x12\x34\x56\x78'
     def test_cast_pointer_and_int(self):
-        ffi = FFI(backend=self.Backend())
         a = ffi.new("short int[]", [0x1234, 0x5678])
         l1 = ffi.cast("intptr_t", a)
         p = ffi.cast("short*", a)
@@ -798,7 +804,6 @@
         assert int(ffi.cast("intptr_t", ffi.NULL)) == 0
     def test_cast_functionptr_and_int(self):
-        ffi = FFI(backend=self.Backend())
         def cb(n):
             return n + 1
         a = ffi.callback("int(*)(int)", cb)
@@ -810,7 +815,6 @@
         assert hash(a) == hash(b)
     def test_callback_crash(self):
-        ffi = FFI(backend=self.Backend())
         def cb(n):
             raise Exception
         a = ffi.callback("int(*)(int)", cb, error=42)
@@ -818,19 +822,15 @@
         assert res == 42
     def test_structptr_argument(self):
-        ffi = FFI(backend=self.Backend())
-        ffi.cdef("struct foo_s { int a, b; };")
         def cb(p):
             return p[0].a * 1000 + p[0].b * 100 + p[1].a * 10 + p[1].b
-        a = ffi.callback("int(*)(struct foo_s[])", cb)
+        a = ffi.callback("int(*)(struct ab[])", cb)
         res = a([[5, 6], {'a': 7, 'b': 8}])
         assert res == 5678
         res = a([[5], {'b': 8}])
         assert res == 5008
     def test_array_argument_as_list(self):
-        ffi = FFI(backend=self.Backend())
-        ffi.cdef("struct foo_s { int a, b; };")
         seen = []
         def cb(argv):
@@ -840,7 +840,6 @@
         assert seen == [b"foobar", b"baz"]
     def test_cast_float(self):
-        ffi = FFI(backend=self.Backend())
         a = ffi.cast("float", 12)
         assert float(a) == 12.0
         a = ffi.cast("float", 12.5)
@@ -864,31 +863,30 @@
         assert ffi.string(a) == b"B"
     def test_enum(self):
-        ffi = FFI(backend=self.Backend())
-        ffi.cdef("enum foo { A0, B0, CC0, D0 };")
-        assert ffi.string(ffi.cast("enum foo", 0)) == "A0"
-        assert ffi.string(ffi.cast("enum foo", 2)) == "CC0"
-        assert ffi.string(ffi.cast("enum foo", 3)) == "D0"
-        assert ffi.string(ffi.cast("enum foo", 4)) == "4"
-        ffi.cdef("enum bar { A1, B1=-2, CC1, D1, E1 };")
+        # enum foq { A0, B0, CC0, D0 };
+        assert ffi.string(ffi.cast("enum foq", 0)) == "A0"
+        assert ffi.string(ffi.cast("enum foq", 2)) == "CC0"
+        assert ffi.string(ffi.cast("enum foq", 3)) == "D0"
+        assert ffi.string(ffi.cast("enum foq", 4)) == "4"
+        # enum bar { A1, B1=-2, CC1, D1, E1 };
         assert ffi.string(ffi.cast("enum bar", 0)) == "A1"
         assert ffi.string(ffi.cast("enum bar", -2)) == "B1"
         assert ffi.string(ffi.cast("enum bar", -1)) == "CC1"
         assert ffi.string(ffi.cast("enum bar", 1)) == "E1"
         assert ffi.cast("enum bar", -2) != ffi.cast("enum bar", -2)
-        assert ffi.cast("enum foo", 0) != ffi.cast("enum bar", 0)
+        assert ffi.cast("enum foq", 0) != ffi.cast("enum bar", 0)
         assert ffi.cast("enum bar", 0) != ffi.cast("int", 0)
         assert repr(ffi.cast("enum bar", -1)) == "<cdata 'enum bar' -1: CC1>"
-        assert repr(ffi.cast("enum foo", -1)) == (  # enums are unsigned, if
-            "<cdata 'enum foo' 4294967295>")        # they contain no neg value
-        ffi.cdef("enum baz { A2=0x1000, B2=0x2000 };")
+        assert repr(ffi.cast("enum foq", -1)) == (  # enums are unsigned, if
+            "<cdata 'enum foq' 4294967295>")        # they contain no neg value
+        # enum baz { A2=0x1000, B2=0x2000 };
         assert ffi.string(ffi.cast("enum baz", 0x1000)) == "A2"
         assert ffi.string(ffi.cast("enum baz", 0x2000)) == "B2"
     def test_enum_in_struct(self):
-        ffi = FFI(backend=self.Backend())
-        ffi.cdef("enum foo { A, B, C, D }; struct bar { enum foo e; };")
-        s = ffi.new("struct bar *")
+        # enum foo2 { A3, B3, C3, D3 };
+        # struct bar_with_e { enum foo2 e; };
+        s = ffi.new("struct bar_with_e *")
         s.e = 0
         assert s.e == 0
         s.e = 3
@@ -897,39 +895,35 @@
         s[0].e = 2
         assert s.e == 2
         assert s[0].e == 2
-        s.e = ffi.cast("enum foo", -1)
+        s.e = ffi.cast("enum foo2", -1)
         assert s.e == 4294967295
         assert s[0].e == 4294967295
         s.e = s.e
-        py.test.raises(TypeError, "s.e = 'B'")
+        py.test.raises(TypeError, "s.e = 'B3'")
         py.test.raises(TypeError, "s.e = '2'")
         py.test.raises(TypeError, "s.e = '#2'")
         py.test.raises(TypeError, "s.e = '#7'")
     def test_enum_non_contiguous(self):
-        ffi = FFI(backend=self.Backend())
-        ffi.cdef("enum foo { A, B=42, C };")
-        assert ffi.string(ffi.cast("enum foo", 0)) == "A"
-        assert ffi.string(ffi.cast("enum foo", 42)) == "B"
-        assert ffi.string(ffi.cast("enum foo", 43)) == "C"
-        invalid_value = ffi.cast("enum foo", 2)
+        # enum noncont { A4, B4=42, C4 };
+        assert ffi.string(ffi.cast("enum noncont", 0)) == "A4"
+        assert ffi.string(ffi.cast("enum noncont", 42)) == "B4"
+        assert ffi.string(ffi.cast("enum noncont", 43)) == "C4"
+        invalid_value = ffi.cast("enum noncont", 2)
         assert int(invalid_value) == 2
         assert ffi.string(invalid_value) == "2"
     def test_enum_char_hex_oct(self):
-        ffi = FFI(backend=self.Backend())
-        ffi.cdef(r"enum foo{A='!', B='\'', C=0x10, D=010, E=- 0x10, F=-010};")
-        assert ffi.string(ffi.cast("enum foo", ord('!'))) == "A"
-        assert ffi.string(ffi.cast("enum foo", ord("'"))) == "B"
-        assert ffi.string(ffi.cast("enum foo", 16)) == "C"
-        assert ffi.string(ffi.cast("enum foo", 8)) == "D"
-        assert ffi.string(ffi.cast("enum foo", -16)) == "E"
-        assert ffi.string(ffi.cast("enum foo", -8)) == "F"
+        # enum etypes {A5='!', B5='\'', C5=0x10, D5=010, E5=- 0x10, F5=-010};
+        assert ffi.string(ffi.cast("enum etypes", ord('!'))) == "A5"
+        assert ffi.string(ffi.cast("enum etypes", ord("'"))) == "B5"
+        assert ffi.string(ffi.cast("enum etypes", 16)) == "C5"
+        assert ffi.string(ffi.cast("enum etypes", 8)) == "D5"
+        assert ffi.string(ffi.cast("enum etypes", -16)) == "E5"
+        assert ffi.string(ffi.cast("enum etypes", -8)) == "F5"
     def test_array_of_struct(self):
-        ffi = FFI(backend=self.Backend())
-        ffi.cdef("struct foo { int a, b; };")
-        s = ffi.new("struct foo[1]")
+        s = ffi.new("struct ab[1]")
         py.test.raises(AttributeError, 's.b')
         py.test.raises(AttributeError, 's.b = 412')
         s[0].b = 412
@@ -937,12 +931,10 @@
         py.test.raises(IndexError, 's[1]')
     def test_pointer_to_array(self):
-        ffi = FFI(backend=self.Backend())
         p = ffi.new("int(**)[5]")
         assert repr(p) == "<cdata 'int(* *)[5]' owning %d bytes>" % SIZE_OF_PTR
     def test_iterate_array(self):
-        ffi = FFI(backend=self.Backend())
         a = ffi.new("char[]", b"hello")
         assert list(a) == [b"h", b"e", b"l", b"l", b"o", b"\0"]
         assert list(iter(a)) == [b"h", b"e", b"l", b"l", b"o", b"\0"]
@@ -953,43 +945,37 @@
         py.test.raises(TypeError, list, ffi.new("int *"))
     def test_offsetof(self):
-        ffi = FFI(backend=self.Backend())
-        ffi.cdef("struct foo { int a, b, c; };")
-        assert ffi.offsetof("struct foo", "a") == 0
-        assert ffi.offsetof("struct foo", "b") == 4
-        assert ffi.offsetof("struct foo", "c") == 8
+        # struct abc { int a, b, c; };
+        assert ffi.offsetof("struct abc", "a") == 0
+        assert ffi.offsetof("struct abc", "b") == 4
+        assert ffi.offsetof("struct abc", "c") == 8
     def test_offsetof_nested(self):
-        ffi = FFI(backend=self.Backend())
-        ffi.cdef("struct foo { int a, b, c; };"
-                 "struct bar { struct foo d, e; };")
-        assert ffi.offsetof("struct bar", "e") == 12
-        py.test.raises(KeyError, ffi.offsetof, "struct bar", "e.a")
-        assert ffi.offsetof("struct bar", "e", "a") == 12
-        assert ffi.offsetof("struct bar", "e", "b") == 16
-        assert ffi.offsetof("struct bar", "e", "c") == 20
+        # struct nesting { struct abc d, e; };
+        assert ffi.offsetof("struct nesting", "e") == 12
+        py.test.raises(KeyError, ffi.offsetof, "struct nesting", "e.a")
+        assert ffi.offsetof("struct nesting", "e", "a") == 12
+        assert ffi.offsetof("struct nesting", "e", "b") == 16
+        assert ffi.offsetof("struct nesting", "e", "c") == 20
     def test_offsetof_array(self):
-        ffi = FFI(backend=self.Backend())
         assert ffi.offsetof("int[]", 51) == 51 * ffi.sizeof("int")
         assert ffi.offsetof("int *", 51) == 51 * ffi.sizeof("int")
-        ffi.cdef("struct bar { int a, b; int c[99]; };")
-        assert ffi.offsetof("struct bar", "c") == 2 * ffi.sizeof("int")
-        assert ffi.offsetof("struct bar", "c", 0) == 2 * ffi.sizeof("int")
-        assert ffi.offsetof("struct bar", "c", 51) == 53 * ffi.sizeof("int")
+        # struct array2 { int a, b; int c[99]; };
+        assert ffi.offsetof("struct array2", "c") == 2 * ffi.sizeof("int")
+        assert ffi.offsetof("struct array2", "c", 0) == 2 * ffi.sizeof("int")
+        assert ffi.offsetof("struct array2", "c", 51) == 53 * ffi.sizeof("int")
     def test_alignof(self):
-        ffi = FFI(backend=self.Backend())
-        ffi.cdef("struct foo { char a; short b; char c; };")
+        # struct align { char a; short b; char c; };
         assert ffi.alignof("int") == 4
         assert ffi.alignof("double") in (4, 8)
-        assert ffi.alignof("struct foo") == 2
+        assert ffi.alignof("struct align") == 2
     def test_bitfield(self):
-        ffi = FFI(backend=self.Backend())
-        ffi.cdef("struct foo { int a:10, b:20, c:3; };")
-        assert ffi.sizeof("struct foo") == 8
-        s = ffi.new("struct foo *")
+        # struct bitfield { int a:10, b:20, c:3; };
+        assert ffi.sizeof("struct bitfield") == 8
+        s = ffi.new("struct bitfield *")
         s.a = 511
         py.test.raises(OverflowError, "s.a = 512")
         py.test.raises(OverflowError, "s[0].a = 512")
@@ -1006,35 +992,31 @@
         assert s.c == -4
     def test_bitfield_enum(self):
-        ffi = FFI(backend=self.Backend())
-        ffi.cdef("""
-            typedef enum { AA, BB, CC } foo_e;
-            typedef struct { foo_e f:2; } foo_s;
-        """)
-        s = ffi.new("foo_s *")
+        # typedef enum { AA1, BB1, CC1 } foo_e_t;
+        # typedef struct { foo_e_t f:2; } bfenum_t;
+        s = ffi.new("bfenum_t *")
         s.f = 2
         assert s.f == 2
     def test_anonymous_struct(self):
-        ffi = FFI(backend=self.Backend())
-        ffi.cdef("typedef struct { int a; } foo_t;")
-        ffi.cdef("typedef struct { char b, c; } bar_t;")
-        f = ffi.new("foo_t *", [12345])
-        b = ffi.new("bar_t *", [b"B", b"C"])
+        # typedef struct { int a; } anon_foo_t;
+        # typedef struct { char b, c; } anon_bar_t;
+        f = ffi.new("anon_foo_t *", [12345])
+        b = ffi.new("anon_bar_t *", [b"B", b"C"])
         assert f.a == 12345
         assert b.b == b"B"
         assert b.c == b"C"
-        assert repr(b).startswith("<cdata 'bar_t *'")
+        assert repr(b).startswith("<cdata 'anon_bar_t *'")
     def test_struct_with_two_usages(self):
-        for name in ['foo_s', '']:    # anonymous or not
-            ffi = FFI(backend=self.Backend())
-            ffi.cdef("typedef struct %s { int a; } foo_t, *foo_p;" % name)
-            f = ffi.new("foo_t *", [12345])
-            ps = ffi.new("foo_p[]", [f])
+        # typedef struct named_foo_s { int a; } named_foo_t, *named_foo_p;
+        # typedef struct { int a; } unnamed_foo_t, *unnamed_foo_p;
+        f = ffi.new("named_foo_t *", [12345])
+        ps = ffi.new("named_foo_p[]", [f])
+        f = ffi.new("unnamed_foo_t *", [12345])
+        ps = ffi.new("unnamed_foo_p[]", [f])
     def test_pointer_arithmetic(self):
-        ffi = FFI(backend=self.Backend())
         s = ffi.new("short[]", list(range(100, 110)))
         p = ffi.cast("short *", s)
         assert p[2] == 102
@@ -1048,7 +1030,6 @@
         assert p+1 == s+1
     def test_pointer_comparison(self):
-        ffi = FFI(backend=self.Backend())
         s = ffi.new("short[]", list(range(100)))
         p = ffi.cast("short *", s)
         assert (p <  s) is False
@@ -1099,7 +1080,6 @@
         assert (q != None) is True
     def test_no_integer_comparison(self):
-        ffi = FFI(backend=self.Backend())
         x = ffi.cast("int", 123)
         y = ffi.cast("int", 456)
         py.test.raises(TypeError, "x < y")
@@ -1109,7 +1089,6 @@
         py.test.raises(TypeError, "z < y")
     def test_ffi_buffer_ptr(self):
-        ffi = FFI(backend=self.Backend())
         a = ffi.new("short *", 100)
             b = ffi.buffer(a)
@@ -1128,7 +1107,6 @@
         assert a[0] == 101
     def test_ffi_buffer_array(self):
-        ffi = FFI(backend=self.Backend())
         a = ffi.new("int[]", list(range(100, 110)))
             b = ffi.buffer(a)
@@ -1145,7 +1123,6 @@
         assert a[1] == 0x45
     def test_ffi_buffer_ptr_size(self):
-        ffi = FFI(backend=self.Backend())
         a = ffi.new("short *", 0x4243)
             b = ffi.buffer(a, 1)
@@ -1163,7 +1140,6 @@
             assert a[0] == 0x6343
     def test_ffi_buffer_array_size(self):
-        ffi = FFI(backend=self.Backend())
         a1 = ffi.new("int[]", list(range(100, 110)))
         a2 = ffi.new("int[]", list(range(100, 115)))
@@ -1173,7 +1149,6 @@
         assert ffi.buffer(a1)[:] == ffi.buffer(a2, 4*10)[:]
     def test_ffi_buffer_with_file(self):
-        ffi = FFI(backend=self.Backend())
         import tempfile, os, array
         fd, filename = tempfile.mkstemp()
         f = os.fdopen(fd, 'r+b')
@@ -1193,7 +1168,6 @@
     def test_ffi_buffer_with_io(self):
-        ffi = FFI(backend=self.Backend())
         import io, array
         f = io.BytesIO()
         a = ffi.new("int[]", list(range(1005)))
@@ -1211,18 +1185,16 @@
     def test_array_in_struct(self):
-        ffi = FFI(backend=self.Backend())
-        ffi.cdef("struct foo_s { int len; short data[5]; };")
-        p = ffi.new("struct foo_s *")
-        p.data[3] = 5
-        assert p.data[3] == 5
-        assert repr(p.data).startswith("<cdata 'short[5]' 0x")
+        # struct array { int a[2]; char b[3]; };
+        p = ffi.new("struct array *")
+        p.a[1] = 5
+        assert p.a[1] == 5
+        assert repr(p.a).startswith("<cdata 'int[2]' 0x")
     def test_struct_containing_array_varsize_workaround(self):
-        ffi = FFI(backend=self.Backend())
-        ffi.cdef("struct foo_s { int len; short data[0]; };")
-        p = ffi.new("char[]", ffi.sizeof("struct foo_s") + 7 * SIZE_OF_SHORT)
-        q = ffi.cast("struct foo_s *", p)
+        # struct array0 { int len; short data[0]; };
+        p = ffi.new("char[]", ffi.sizeof("struct array0") + 7 * SIZE_OF_SHORT)
+        q = ffi.cast("struct array0 *", p)
         assert q.len == 0
         # 'q.data' gets not a 'short[0]', but just a 'short *' instead
         assert repr(q.data).startswith("<cdata 'short *' 0x")
@@ -1232,7 +1204,6 @@
     def test_new_struct_containing_array_varsize(self):
-        ffi = FFI(backend=self.Backend())
         ffi.cdef("struct foo_s { int len; short data[]; };")
         p = ffi.new("struct foo_s *", 10)     # a single integer is the length
         assert p.len == 0
@@ -1240,7 +1211,6 @@
         py.test.raises(IndexError, "p.data[10]")
     def test_ffi_typeof_getcname(self):
-        ffi = FFI(backend=self.Backend())
         assert ffi.getctype("int") == "int"
         assert ffi.getctype("int", 'x') == "int x"
         assert ffi.getctype("int*") == "int *"
@@ -1258,7 +1228,6 @@
         assert ffi.getctype("int[5]", ' ** foo ') == "int(** foo)[5]"
     def test_array_of_func_ptr(self):
-        ffi = FFI(backend=self.Backend())
         f = ffi.cast("int(*)(int)", 42)
         assert f != ffi.NULL
         py.test.raises(CDefError, ffi.cast, "int(int)", 42)
@@ -1279,7 +1248,6 @@
     def test_callback_as_function_argument(self):
         # In C, function arguments can be declared with a function type,
         # which is automatically replaced with the ptr-to-function type.
-        ffi = FFI(backend=self.Backend())
         def cb(a, b):
             return chr(ord(a) + ord(b)).encode()
         f = ffi.callback("char cb(char, char)", cb)
@@ -1291,7 +1259,6 @@
     def test_vararg_callback(self):
         py.test.skip("callback with '...'")
-        ffi = FFI(backend=self.Backend())
         def cb(i, va_list):
             j = ffi.va_arg(va_list, "int")
             k = ffi.va_arg(va_list, "long long")
@@ -1301,7 +1268,6 @@
         assert res == 20 + 300 + 5000
     def test_callback_decorator(self):
-        ffi = FFI(backend=self.Backend())
         @ffi.callback("long(long, long)", error=42)
         def cb(a, b):
@@ -1312,6 +1278,7 @@
         assert cb((1 << (sz*8-1)) - 1, -10) == 42
     def test_unique_types(self):
+        xxxx
         ffi1 = FFI(backend=self.Backend())
         ffi2 = FFI(backend=self.Backend())
         assert ffi1.typeof("char") is ffi2.typeof("char ")
@@ -1331,46 +1298,38 @@
         assert ffi1.typeof("struct foo*") is ffi1.typeof("struct foo *")
     def test_anonymous_enum(self):
-        ffi = FFI(backend=self.Backend())
-        ffi.cdef("typedef enum { Value0 = 0 } e, *pe;\n"
-                 "typedef enum { Value1 = 1 } e1;")
-        assert ffi.getctype("e*") == 'e *'
-        assert ffi.getctype("pe") == 'e *'
-        assert ffi.getctype("e1*") == 'e1 *'
+        # typedef enum { Value0 = 0 } e_t, *pe_t;
+        assert ffi.getctype("e_t*") == 'e_t *'
+        assert ffi.getctype("pe_t") == 'e_t *'
+        assert ffi.getctype("foo_e_t*") == 'foo_e_t *'
     def test_new_ctype(self):
-        ffi = FFI(backend=self.Backend())
         p = ffi.new("int *")
         py.test.raises(TypeError, ffi.new, p)
         p = ffi.new(ffi.typeof("int *"), 42)
         assert p[0] == 42
     def test_enum_with_non_injective_mapping(self):
-        ffi = FFI(backend=self.Backend())
-        ffi.cdef("enum e { AA=0, BB=0, CC=0, DD=0 };")
-        e = ffi.cast("enum e", 0)
-        assert ffi.string(e) == "AA"     # pick the first one arbitrarily
+        # enum e_noninj { AA3=0, BB3=0, CC3=0, DD3=0 };
+        e = ffi.cast("enum e_noninj", 0)
+        assert ffi.string(e) == "AA3"     # pick the first one arbitrarily
     def test_enum_refer_previous_enum_value(self):
-        ffi = FFI(backend=self.Backend())
-        ffi.cdef("enum e { AA, BB=2, CC=4, DD=BB, EE, FF=CC, GG=FF };")
-        assert ffi.string(ffi.cast("enum e", 2)) == "BB"
-        assert ffi.string(ffi.cast("enum e", 3)) == "EE"
-        assert ffi.sizeof("char[DD]") == 2
-        assert ffi.sizeof("char[EE]") == 3
-        assert ffi.sizeof("char[FF]") == 4
-        assert ffi.sizeof("char[GG]") == 4
+        # enum e_prev { AA4, BB4=2, CC4=4, DD4=BB4, EE4, FF4=CC4, GG4=FF4 };
+        assert ffi.string(ffi.cast("enum e_prev", 2)) == "BB4"
+        assert ffi.string(ffi.cast("enum e_prev", 3)) == "EE4"
+        assert ffi.sizeof("char[DD4]") == 2
+        assert ffi.sizeof("char[EE4]") == 3
+        assert ffi.sizeof("char[FF4]") == 4
+        assert ffi.sizeof("char[GG4]") == 4
     def test_nested_anonymous_struct(self):
-        ffi = FFI(backend=self.Backend())
-        ffi.cdef("""
-            struct foo_s {
-                struct { int a, b; };
-                union { int c, d; };
-            };
-        """)
-        assert ffi.sizeof("struct foo_s") == 3 * SIZE_OF_INT
-        p = ffi.new("struct foo_s *", [1, 2, 3])
+        # struct nested_anon {
+        #     struct { int a, b; };
+        #     union { int c, d; };
+        # };
+        assert ffi.sizeof("struct nested_anon") == 3 * SIZE_OF_INT
+        p = ffi.new("struct nested_anon *", [1, 2, 3])
         assert p.a == 1
         assert p.b == 2
         assert p.c == 3
@@ -1382,22 +1341,19 @@
         assert p.b == 19
         assert p.c == 17
         assert p.d == 17
-        p = ffi.new("struct foo_s *", {'b': 12, 'd': 14})
+        p = ffi.new("struct nested_anon *", {'b': 12, 'd': 14})
         assert p.a == 0
         assert p.b == 12
         assert p.c == 14
         assert p.d == 14
     def test_nested_anonymous_union(self):
-        ffi = FFI(backend=self.Backend())
-        ffi.cdef("""
-            union foo_u {
-                struct { int a, b; };
-                union { int c, d; };
-            };
-        """)
-        assert ffi.sizeof("union foo_u") == 2 * SIZE_OF_INT
-        p = ffi.new("union foo_u *", [5])
+        # union nested_anon_u {
+        #     struct { int a, b; };
+        #     union { int c, d; };
+        # };
+        assert ffi.sizeof("union nested_anon_u") == 2 * SIZE_OF_INT
+        p = ffi.new("union nested_anon_u *", [5])
         assert p.a == 5
         assert p.b == 0
         assert p.c == 5
@@ -1410,12 +1366,12 @@
         assert p.b == 19
         assert p.c == 17
         assert p.d == 17
-        p = ffi.new("union foo_u *", {'d': 14})
+        p = ffi.new("union nested_anon_u *", {'d': 14})
         assert p.a == 14
         assert p.b == 0
         assert p.c == 14
         assert p.d == 14
-        p = ffi.new("union foo_u *", {'b': 12})
+        p = ffi.new("union nested_anon_u *", {'b': 12})
         assert p.a == 0
         assert p.b == 12
         assert p.c == 0
@@ -1425,14 +1381,12 @@
         # to give both 'a' and 'b'
     def test_cast_to_array_type(self):
-        ffi = FFI(backend=self.Backend())
         p = ffi.new("int[4]", [-5])
         q = ffi.cast("int[3]", p)
         assert q[0] == -5
         assert repr(q).startswith("<cdata 'int[3]' 0x")
     def test_gc(self):
-        ffi = FFI(backend=self.Backend())
         p = ffi.new("int *", 123)
         seen = []
         def destructor(p1):
@@ -1447,7 +1401,6 @@
         assert seen == [1]
     def test_CData_CType(self):
-        ffi = FFI(backend=self.Backend())
         assert isinstance(ffi.cast("int", 0), ffi.CData)
         assert isinstance(ffi.new("int *"), ffi.CData)
         assert not isinstance(ffi.typeof("int"), ffi.CData)
@@ -1455,11 +1408,9 @@
         assert not isinstance(ffi.new("int *"), ffi.CType)
     def test_CData_CType_2(self):
-        ffi = FFI(backend=self.Backend())
         assert isinstance(ffi.typeof("int"), ffi.CType)
     def test_bool(self):
-        ffi = FFI(backend=self.Backend())
         assert int(ffi.cast("_Bool", 0.1)) == 1
         assert int(ffi.cast("_Bool", -0.0)) == 0
         assert int(ffi.cast("_Bool", b'\x02')) == 1
@@ -1470,82 +1421,40 @@
         py.test.raises(OverflowError, ffi.new, "_Bool *", 2)
         py.test.raises(TypeError, ffi.string, ffi.cast("_Bool", 2))
-    def test_use_own_bool(self):
-        ffi = FFI(backend=self.Backend())
-        ffi.cdef("""typedef int bool;""")
-    def test_ordering_bug1(self):
-        ffi = FFI(backend=self.Backend())
-        ffi.cdef("""
-            struct foo_s {
-                struct bar_s *p;
-            };
-            struct bar_s {
-                struct foo_s foo;
-            };
-        """)
-        q = ffi.new("struct foo_s *")
-        bar = ffi.new("struct bar_s *")
-        q.p = bar
-        assert q.p.foo.p == ffi.NULL
-    def test_ordering_bug2(self):
-        ffi = FFI(backend=self.Backend())
-        ffi.cdef("""
-            struct bar_s;
-            struct foo_s {
-                void (*foo)(struct bar_s[]);
-            };
-            struct bar_s {
-                struct foo_s foo;
-            };
-        """)
-        q = ffi.new("struct foo_s *")
     def test_addressof(self):
-        ffi = FFI(backend=self.Backend())
-        ffi.cdef("struct foo_s { int x, y; };")
-        p = ffi.new("struct foo_s *")
+        p = ffi.new("struct ab *")
         a = ffi.addressof(p[0])
-        assert repr(a).startswith("<cdata 'struct foo_s *' 0x")
+        assert repr(a).startswith("<cdata 'struct ab *' 0x")
         assert a == p
         py.test.raises(TypeError, ffi.addressof, p)
         py.test.raises((AttributeError, TypeError), ffi.addressof, 5)
         py.test.raises(TypeError, ffi.addressof, ffi.cast("int", 5))
     def test_addressof_field(self):
-        ffi = FFI(backend=self.Backend())
-        ffi.cdef("struct foo_s { int x, y; };")
-        p = ffi.new("struct foo_s *")
-        a = ffi.addressof(p[0], 'y')
-        assert repr(a).startswith("<cdata 'int *' 0x")
-        assert int(ffi.cast("uintptr_t", a)) == (
+        p = ffi.new("struct ab *")
+        b = ffi.addressof(p[0], 'b')
+        assert repr(b).startswith("<cdata 'int *' 0x")
+        assert int(ffi.cast("uintptr_t", b)) == (
             int(ffi.cast("uintptr_t", p)) + ffi.sizeof("int"))
-        assert a == ffi.addressof(p, 'y')
-        assert a != ffi.addressof(p, 'x')
+        assert b == ffi.addressof(p, 'b')
+        assert b != ffi.addressof(p, 'a')
     def test_addressof_field_nested(self):
-        ffi = FFI(backend=self.Backend())
-        ffi.cdef("struct foo_s { int x, y; };"
-                 "struct bar_s { struct foo_s a, b; };")
-        p = ffi.new("struct bar_s *")
-        py.test.raises(KeyError, ffi.addressof, p[0], 'b.y')
-        a = ffi.addressof(p[0], 'b', 'y')
+        # struct nesting { struct abc d, e; };
+        p = ffi.new("struct nesting *")
+        py.test.raises(KeyError, ffi.addressof, p[0], 'e.b')
+        a = ffi.addressof(p[0], 'e', 'b')
         assert int(ffi.cast("uintptr_t", a)) == (
             int(ffi.cast("uintptr_t", p)) +
-            ffi.sizeof("struct foo_s") + ffi.sizeof("int"))
+            ffi.sizeof("struct abc") + ffi.sizeof("int"))
     def test_addressof_anonymous_struct(self):
-        ffi = FFI()
-        ffi.cdef("typedef struct { int x; } foo_t;")
-        p = ffi.new("foo_t *")
+        # typedef struct { int a; } anon_foo_t;
+        p = ffi.new("anon_foo_t *")
         a = ffi.addressof(p[0])
         assert a == p
     def test_addressof_array(self):
-        ffi = FFI()
         p = ffi.new("int[52]")
         p0 = ffi.addressof(p)
         assert p0 == p
@@ -1558,7 +1467,6 @@
         assert ffi.addressof(p, 0) == p
     def test_addressof_pointer(self):
-        ffi = FFI()
         array = ffi.new("int[50]")
         p = ffi.cast("int *", array)
         py.test.raises(TypeError, ffi.addressof, p)
@@ -1566,8 +1474,7 @@
         assert ffi.addressof(p, 25) == p + 25
         assert ffi.typeof(ffi.addressof(p, 25)) == ffi.typeof(p)
-        ffi.cdef("struct foo { int a, b; };")
-        array = ffi.new("struct foo[50]")
+        array = ffi.new("struct ab[50]")
         p = ffi.cast("int *", array)
         py.test.raises(TypeError, ffi.addressof, p)
         assert ffi.addressof(p, 0) == p
@@ -1575,28 +1482,33 @@
         assert ffi.typeof(ffi.addressof(p, 25)) == ffi.typeof(p)
     def test_addressof_array_in_struct(self):
-        ffi = FFI()
-        ffi.cdef("struct foo { int a, b; int c[50]; };")
-        p = ffi.new("struct foo *")
+        # struct abc50 { int a, b; int c[50]; };
+        p = ffi.new("struct abc50 *")
         p1 = ffi.addressof(p, "c", 25)
         assert ffi.typeof(p1) is ffi.typeof("int *")
         assert p1 == ffi.cast("int *", p) + 27
         assert ffi.addressof(p, "c") == ffi.cast("int *", p) + 2
         assert ffi.addressof(p, "c", 0) == ffi.cast("int *", p) + 2
         p2 = ffi.addressof(p, 1)
-        assert ffi.typeof(p2) is ffi.typeof("struct foo *")
+        assert ffi.typeof(p2) is ffi.typeof("struct abc50 *")
         assert p2 == p + 1
     def test_multiple_independent_structs(self):
-        ffi1 = FFI(); ffi1.cdef("struct foo { int x; };")
-        ffi2 = FFI(); ffi2.cdef("struct foo { int y, z; };")
-        foo1 = ffi1.new("struct foo *", [10])
-        foo2 = ffi2.new("struct foo *", [20, 30])
+        CDEF2 = "struct ab { int x; };"
+        ffi2 = cffi.FFI(); ffi2.cdef(CDEF2)
+        outputfilename = recompile(ffi2, "test_multiple_independent_structs",
+                                   CDEF2, tmpdir=str(udir))
+        module = imp.load_dynamic("test_multiple_independent_structs",
+                                  outputfilename)
+        ffi1 = module.ffi
+        foo1 = ffi1.new("struct ab *", [10])
+        foo2 = ffi .new("struct ab *", [20, 30])
         assert foo1.x == 10
-        assert foo2.y == 20
-        assert foo2.z == 30
+        assert foo2.a == 20
+        assert foo2.b == 30
     def test_missing_include(self):
+        py.test.xfail("ffi.include")
         backend = self.Backend()
         ffi1 = FFI(backend=backend)
         ffi2 = FFI(backend=backend)
@@ -1604,6 +1516,7 @@
         py.test.raises(CDefError, ffi2.cast, "schar_t", 142)
     def test_include_typedef(self):
+        py.test.xfail("ffi.include")
         backend = self.Backend()
         ffi1 = FFI(backend=backend)
         ffi2 = FFI(backend=backend)
@@ -1613,6 +1526,7 @@
         assert int(p) == 142 - 256
     def test_include_struct(self):
+        py.test.xfail("ffi.include")
         backend = self.Backend()
         ffi1 = FFI(backend=backend)
         ffi2 = FFI(backend=backend)
@@ -1622,6 +1536,7 @@
         assert p.x == 142
     def test_include_union(self):
+        py.test.xfail("ffi.include")
         backend = self.Backend()
         ffi1 = FFI(backend=backend)
         ffi2 = FFI(backend=backend)
@@ -1631,6 +1546,7 @@
         assert p.x == 142
     def test_include_enum(self):
+        py.test.xfail("ffi.include")
         backend = self.Backend()
         ffi1 = FFI(backend=backend)
         ffi2 = FFI(backend=backend)
@@ -1641,6 +1557,7 @@
         assert ffi2.sizeof("char[FC]") == 2
     def test_include_typedef_2(self):
+        py.test.xfail("ffi.include")
         backend = self.Backend()
         ffi1 = FFI(backend=backend)
         ffi2 = FFI(backend=backend)
@@ -1649,16 +1566,9 @@
         p = ffi2.new("foo_p", [142])
         assert p.x == 142
-    def test_ignore_multiple_declarations_of_constant(self):
-        ffi = FFI(backend=self.Backend())
-        ffi.cdef("#define FOO 42")
-        ffi.cdef("#define FOO 42")
-        py.test.raises(FFIError, ffi.cdef, "#define FOO 43")
     def test_struct_packed(self):
-        ffi = FFI(backend=self.Backend())
-        ffi.cdef("struct nonpacked { char a; int b; };")
-        ffi.cdef("struct is_packed { char a; int b; };", packed=True)
+        # struct nonpacked { char a; int b; };
+        # struct is_packed { char a; int b; } __attribute__((packed));
         assert ffi.sizeof("struct nonpacked") == 8
         assert ffi.sizeof("struct is_packed") == 5
         assert ffi.alignof("struct nonpacked") == 4
@@ -1672,25 +1582,3 @@
         assert s[0].a == b'X'
         assert s[1].b == -4892220
         assert s[1].a == b'Y'
-    def test_define_integer_constant(self):
-        ffi = FFI(backend=self.Backend())
-        ffi.cdef("""
-            #define DOT_0 0
-            #define DOT 100
-            #define DOT_OCT 0100l
-            #define DOT_HEX 0x100u
-            #define DOT_HEX2 0X10
-            #define DOT_UL 1000UL
-            enum foo {AA, BB=DOT, CC};
-        """)
-        lib = ffi.dlopen(None)
-        assert ffi.string(ffi.cast("enum foo", 100)) == "BB"
-        assert lib.DOT_0 == 0
-        assert lib.DOT == 100
-        assert lib.DOT_OCT == 0o100
-        assert lib.DOT_HEX == 0x100
-        assert lib.DOT_HEX2 == 0x10
-        assert lib.DOT_UL == 1000

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