[pypy-commit] pypy utf8-unicode2: Remove this test again. It passes translated, but times out untranslated

waedt noreply at buildbot.pypy.org
Sat Sep 6 22:45:06 CEST 2014

Author: Tyler Wade <wayedt at gmail.com>
Branch: utf8-unicode2
Changeset: r73345:c12f7021bd3a
Date: 2014-08-14 02:52 -0500

Log:	Remove this test again. It passes translated, but times out

diff --git a/pypy/module/_io/test/test_textio.py b/pypy/module/_io/test/test_textio.py
--- a/pypy/module/_io/test/test_textio.py
+++ b/pypy/module/_io/test/test_textio.py
@@ -281,58 +281,6 @@
         t.read() == u'a'
-    def test_interrupted_write(self):
-        import _io
-        import os
-        import threading
-        import sys
-        import signal
-        import errno
-        item = u'xy'
-        bytes = 'xy'
-        signal.signal(signal.SIGALRM, lambda x, y: 1 // 0)
-        read_results = []
-        def _read():
-            s = os.read(r, 1)
-            read_results.append(s)
-        t = threading.Thread(target=_read)
-        t.daemon = True
-        r, w = os.pipe()
-        try:
-            wio = _io.open(w, mode='w', encoding="ascii")
-            t.start()
-            signal.alarm(1)
-            # Fill the pipe enough that the write will be blocking.
-            # It will be interrupted by the timer armed above.  Since the
-            # other thread has read one byte, the low-level write will
-            # return with a successful (partial) result rather than an EINTR.
-            # The buffered IO layer must check for pending signal
-            # handlers, which in this case will invoke alarm_interrupt().
-            raises(ZeroDivisionError, wio.write, item * (4194305 // len(item) + 1))
-            t.join()
-            # We got one byte, get another one and check that it isn't a
-            # repeat of the first one.
-            read_results.append(os.read(r, 1))
-            assert read_results == [bytes[0:1], bytes[1:2]]
-        finally:
-            os.close(w)
-            os.close(r)
-            # This is deliberate. If we didn't close the file descriptor
-            # before closing wio, wio would try to flush its internal
-            # buffer, and block again.
-            try:
-                wio.close()
-            except IOError as e:
-                if e.errno != errno.EBADF:
-                    raise
 class AppTestIncrementalNewlineDecoder:
     def test_newline_decoder(self):
         import _io

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