[pypy-commit] extradoc extradoc: merge

hakanardo noreply at buildbot.pypy.org
Fri Nov 21 09:51:31 CET 2014

Author: Hakan Ardo <hakan at debian.org>
Branch: extradoc
Changeset: r5465:206c058dcb38
Date: 2014-11-21 09:50 +0100

Log:	merge

diff --git a/blog/draft/io-improvements.rst b/blog/draft/io-improvements.rst
new file mode 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/blog/draft/io-improvements.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
+Hello everyone!
+We've wrapped up the Warsaw sprint, so I would like to describe some
+branches which have been recently merged and which improved the I/O and the
+GC: `gc_no_cleanup_nursery`_ and `gc-incminimark-pinning`_.
+.. _`gc_no_cleanup_nursery`: https://bitbucket.org/pypy/pypy/commits/9e2f7a37c1e2
+.. _`gc-incminimark-pinning`: https://bitbucket.org/pypy/pypy/commits/64017d818038
+The first branch was started by Wenzhu Man for her Google Summer of Code
+and finished by Maciej Fijałkowski and Armin Rigo.
+The PyPy GC works by allocating new objects in the young object
+area (the nursery), simply by incrementing a pointer. After each minor
+collection, the nursery has to be cleaned up. For simplicity, the GC used 
+to do it by zeroing the whole nursery.
+This approach has bad effects on the cache, since you zero a large piece of
+memory at once and do unnecessary work for things that don't require zeroing
+like large strings. We mitigated the first problem somewhat with incremental
+nursery zeroing, but this branch removes the zeroing completely, thus
+improving the string handling and recursive code (since jitframes don't
+requires zeroed memory either). I measured the effect on two examples: 
+a recursive implementation of  `fibonacci`_ and `gcbench`_,
+to measure GC performance.
+.. _`fibonacci`: https://bitbucket.org/pypy/benchmarks/src/69152c2aee7766051aab15735b0b82a46b82b802/own/fib.py?at=default
+.. _`gcbench`: https://bitbucket.org/pypy/benchmarks/src/69152c2aee7766051aab15735b0b82a46b82b802/own/gcbench.py?at=default
+The results for fibonacci and gcbench are below (normalized to cpython
+2.7). Benchmarks were run 50 times each (note that the big standard
+deviation comes mostly from the warmup at the beginning, true figures
+are smaller):
++----------------+----- ------------+-------------------------+--------------------+
+| benchmark      | CPython          | PyPy 2.4                | PyPy non-zero      |
+| fibonacci      | 4.8+-0.15 (1.0x) | 0.59+-0.07 (8.1x)       | 0.45+-0.07 (10.6x) |
+| gcbench        | 22+-0.36 (1.0x)  | 1.34+-0.28 (16.4x)      | 1.02+-0.15 (21.6x) |
+The second branch was done by Gregor Wegberg for his master thesis and finished
+by Maciej Fijałkowski and Armin Rigo. Because of the way it works, the PyPy GC from
+time to time moves the objects in memory, meaning that their address can change.
+Therefore, if you want to pass pointers to some external C function (for
+example, write(2) or read(2)), you need to ensure that the objects they are
+pointing to will not be moved by the GC (e.g. when running a different thread).
+PyPy up to 2.4 solves the problem by copying the data into or from a non-movable buffer, which
+is obviously inefficient.
+The branch introduce the concept of "pinning", which allows us to inform the
+GC that it is not allowed to move a certain object for a short period of time.
+This introduces a bit of extra complexity
+in the garbage collector, but improves the I/O performance quite drastically,
+because we no longer need the extra copy to and from the non-movable buffers.
+In `this benchmark`_, which does I/O in a loop,
+we either write a number of bytes from a freshly allocated string into
+/dev/null or read a number of bytes from /dev/full. I'm showing the results
+for PyPy 2.4, PyPy with non-zero-nursery and PyPy with non-zero-nursery and
+object pinning. Those are wall times for cases using ``os.read/os.write``
+and ``file.read/file.write``, normalized against CPython 2.7.
+Benchmarks were done using PyPy 2.4 and revisions ``85646d1d07fb`` for
+non-zero-nursery and ``3d8fe96dc4d9`` for non-zero-nursery and pinning.
+The benchmarks were run once, since the standard deviation was small.
+What we can see is that ``os.read`` and ``os.write`` both improved greatly
+and outperforms CPython now for each combination. ``file`` operations are
+a little more tricky, and while those branches improved the situation a bit,
+the improvement is not as drastic as in ``os`` versions.  It really should not
+be the case and it showcases how our ``file`` buffering is inferior to CPython.
+We plan on removing our own buffering and using ``FILE*`` in C in the near future,
+so we should outperform CPython on those too (since our allocations are cheaper).
+If you look carefully in the benchmark, the write function is copied three times.
+This hack is intended to avoid JIT overspecializing the assembler code, which happens
+because the buffering code was written way before the JIT was done. In fact, our buffering
+is hilariously bad, but if stars align correctly it can be JIT-compiled to something
+that's not half bad. Try removing the hack and seeing how the performance of the last
+benchmark drops :-) Again, this hack should be absolutely unnecessary once we remove
+our own buffering, stay tuned for more.
+.. _`this benchmark`: https://bitbucket.org/pypy/benchmarks/src/69152c2aee7766051aab15735b0b82a46b82b802/io/iobasic.py?at=default
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diff --git a/blog/draft/tornado-stm.rst b/blog/draft/tornado-stm.rst
new file mode 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/blog/draft/tornado-stm.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,252 @@
+Tornado without a GIL on PyPy STM
+Python has a GIL, right? Not quite - PyPy STM is a python implementation
+without a GIL, so it can scale CPU-bound work to several cores.
+PyPy STM is developed by Armin Rigo and Remi Meier,
+and supported by community `donations <http://pypy.org/tmdonate2.html>`_.
+You can read more about it in the
+`docs <http://pypy.readthedocs.org/en/latest/stm.html>`_.
+Although PyPy STM is still a work in progress, in many cases it can already
+run CPU-bound code faster than regular PyPy, when using multiple cores.
+Here we will see how to slightly modify Tornado IO loop to use
+`transaction <https://bitbucket.org/pypy/pypy/raw/stmgc-c7/lib_pypy/transaction.py>`_
+This module is `described <http://pypy.readthedocs.org/en/latest/stm.html#atomic-sections-transactions-etc-a-better-way-to-write-parallel-programs>`_
+in the docs and is really simple to use - please see an example there.
+An event loop of Tornado, or any other asynchronous
+web server, looks like this (with some simplifications)::
+    while True:
+        for callback in list(self._callbacks):
+            self._run_callback(callback)
+        event_pairs = self._impl.poll()
+        self._events.update(event_pairs)
+        while self._events:
+            fd, events = self._events.popitem()
+            handler = self._handlers[fd]
+            self._handle_event(fd, handler, events)
+We get IO events, and run handlers for all of them, these handlers can
+also register new callbacks, which we run too. When using such a framework,
+it is very nice to have a guaranty that all handlers are run serially,
+so you do not have to put any locks. This is an ideal case for the
+transaction module - it gives us guaranties that things appear
+to be run serially, so in user code we do not need any locks. We just
+need to change the code above to something like::
+    while True:
+        for callback in list(self._callbacks):
+            transaction.add(
+            self._run_callback, callback)   # added
+        transaction.run()                   # added
+        event_pairs = self._impl.poll()
+        self._events.update(event_pairs)
+        while self._events:
+            fd, events = self._events.popitem()
+            handler = self._handlers[fd]
+            transaction.add(                # added
+                self._handle_event, fd, handler, events)
+        transaction.run()                   # added
+The actual commit is
+`here <https://github.com/lopuhin/tornado/commit/246c5e71ce8792b20c56049cf2e3eff192a01b20>`_,
+- we had to extract a little function to run the callback.
+Part 1: a simple benchmark: primes
+Now we need a simple benchmark, lets start with
+`this <https://bitbucket.org/kostialopuhin/tornado-stm-bench/src/a038bf99de718ae97449607f944cecab1a5ae104/primes.py?at=default>`_
+- just calculate a list of primes up to the given number, and return it
+as JSON::
+    def is_prime(n):
+        for i in xrange(2, n):
+            if n % i == 0:
+                return False
+        return True
+    class MainHandler(tornado.web.RequestHandler):
+        def get(self, num):
+            num = int(num)
+            primes = [n for n in xrange(2, num + 1) if is_prime(n)]
+            self.write({'primes': primes})
+We can benchmark it with ``siege``::
+    siege -c 50 -t 20s http://localhost:8888/10000
+But this does not scale. The CPU load is at 101-104 %, and we handle 30 %
+less request per second. The reason for the slowdown is STM overhead,
+which needs to keep track of all writes and reads in order to detect conflicts.
+And the reason for using only one core is, obviously, conflicts!
+Fortunately, we can see what this conflicts are, if we run code like this
+(here 4 is the number of cores to use)::
+    PYPYSTM=stm.log ./primes.py 4
+Then we can use `print_stm_log.py <https://bitbucket.org/pypy/pypy/raw/stmgc-c7/pypy/stm/print_stm_log.py>`_
+to analyse this log. It lists the most expensive conflicts::
+    14.793s lost in aborts, 0.000s paused (1258x STM_CONTENTION_INEVITABLE)
+    File "/home/ubuntu/tornado-stm/tornado/tornado/httpserver.py", line 455, in __init__
+        self._start_time = time.time()
+    File "/home/ubuntu/tornado-stm/tornado/tornado/httpserver.py", line 455, in __init__
+        self._start_time = time.time()
+    ...
+There are only three kinds of conflicts, they are described in
+`stm source <https://bitbucket.org/pypy/pypy/src/6355617bf9a2a0fa8b74ae17906e4a591b38e2b5/rpython/translator/stm/src_stm/stm/contention.c?at=stmgc-c7>`_,
+Here we see that two threads call into external function to get current time,
+and we can not rollback any of them, so one of them must wait till the other
+transaction finishes.
+For now we can hack around this by disabling this timing - this is only
+needed for internal profiling in tornado.
+If we do it, we get the following results (but see caveats below):
+============  =========
+Impl.           req/s
+============  =========
+PyPy 2.4        14.4
+------------  ---------
+CPython 2.7      3.2
+------------  ---------
+PyPy-STM 1       9.3
+------------  ---------
+PyPy-STM 2      16.4
+------------  ---------
+PyPy-STM 3      20.4
+------------  ---------
+PyPy STM 4      24.2
+============  =========
+.. image:: results-1.png
+As we can see, in this benchmark PyPy STM using just two cores
+can beat regular PyPy!
+This is not linear scaling, there are still conflicts left, and this
+is a very simple example but still, it works!
+But its not that simple yet :)
+First, these are best-case numbers after long (much longer than for regular
+PyPy) warmup. Second, it can sometimes crash (although removing old pyc files
+fixes it). Third, benchmark meta-parameters are also tuned.
+Here we get relatively good results only when there are a lot of concurrent
+clients - as a results, a lot of requests pile up, the server is not keeping
+with the load, and transaction module is busy with work running this piled up
+requests. If we decrease the number of concurrent clients, results get slightly worse.
+Another thing we can tune is how heavy is each request - again, if we ask
+primes up to a lower number, then less time is spent doing calculations,
+more time is spent in tornado, and results get much worse.
+Besides the ``time.time()`` conflict described above, there are a lot of others.
+The bulk of time is lost in these two conflicts::
+    14.153s lost in aborts, 0.000s paused (270x STM_CONTENTION_INEVITABLE)
+    File "/home/ubuntu/tornado-stm/tornado/tornado/web.py", line 1082, in compute_etag
+        hasher = hashlib.sha1()
+    File "/home/ubuntu/tornado-stm/tornado/tornado/web.py", line 1082, in compute_etag
+        hasher = hashlib.sha1()
+    13.484s lost in aborts, 0.000s paused (130x STM_CONTENTION_WRITE_READ)
+    File "/home/ubuntu/pypy/lib_pypy/transaction.py", line 164, in _run_thread
+        got_exception)
+The first one is presumably calling into some C function from stdlib, and we get
+the same conflict as for ``time.time()`` above, but is can be fixed on PyPy
+side, as we can be sure that computing sha1 is pure.
+It is easy to hack around this one too, just removing etag support, but if
+we do it, performance is much worse, only slightly faster than regular PyPy,
+with the top conflict being::
+    83.066s lost in aborts, 0.000s paused (459x STM_CONTENTION_WRITE_WRITE)
+    File "/home/arigo/hg/pypy/stmgc-c7/lib-python/2.7/_weakrefset.py", line 70, in __contains__
+    File "/home/arigo/hg/pypy/stmgc-c7/lib-python/2.7/_weakrefset.py", line 70, in __contains__
+**FIXME** why does it happen?
+The second conflict (without etag tweaks) originates
+in the transaction module, from this piece of code::
+    while True:
+        self._do_it(self._grab_next_thing_to_do(tloc_pending),
+                    got_exception)
+        counter[0] += 1
+**FIXME** why does it happen?
+Tornado modification used in this blog post is based on 3.2.dev2.
+As of now, the latest version is 4.0.2, and if we
+`apply <https://github.com/lopuhin/tornado/commit/04cd7407f8690fd1dc55b686eb78e3795f4363e6>`_
+the same changes to this version, then we no longer get any scaling on this benchmark,
+and there are no conflicts that take any substantial time.
+Part 2: a more interesting benchmark: A-star
+Although we have seen that PyPy STM is not all moonlight and roses,
+it is interesting to see how it works on a more realistic application.
+`astar.py <https://bitbucket.org/kostialopuhin/tornado-stm-bench/src/a038bf99de718ae97449607f944cecab1a5ae104/astar.py>`_
+is a simple game where several players move on a map
+(represented as a list of lists of integers),
+build and destroy walls, and ask server to give them
+shortest paths between two points
+using A-star search, adopted from `ActiveState recipie <http://code.activestate.com/recipes/577519-a-star-shortest-path-algorithm/>`_.
+The benchmark `bench_astar.py <https://bitbucket.org/kostialopuhin/tornado-stm-bench/src/a038bf99de718ae97449607f944cecab1a5ae104/bench_astar.py>`_
+is simulating players, and tries to put the main load on A-star search,
+but also does some wall building and destruction. There are no locks
+around map modifications, as normal tornado is executing all callbacks
+serially, and we can keep this guaranty with atomic blocks of PyPy STM.
+This is also an example of a program that is not trivial
+to scale to multiple cores with separate processes (assuming
+more interesting shared state and logic).
+This benchmark is very noisy due to randomness of client interactions
+(also it could be not linear), so just lower and upper bounds for
+number of requests are reported
+============  ==========
+Impl.           req/s
+============  ==========
+PyPy 2.4        5 .. 7
+------------  ----------
+CPython 2.7   0.5 .. 0.9
+------------  ----------
+PyPy-STM 1      2 .. 4
+------------  ----------
+PyPy STM 4      2 .. 6
+============  ==========
+Clearly this is a very benchmark, but still we can see that scaling is worse
+and STM overhead is sometimes higher.
+The bulk of conflicts come from the transaction module (we have seen it
+    91.655s lost in aborts, 0.000s paused (249x STM_CONTENTION_WRITE_READ)
+    File "/home/ubuntu/pypy/lib_pypy/transaction.py", line 164, in _run_thread
+        got_exception)
+Although it is definitely not ready for production use, you can already try
+to run things, report bugs, and see what is missing in user-facing tools
+and libraries.
+Benchmarks setup:
+* Amazon c3.xlarge (4 cores) running Ubuntu 14.04
+* pypy-c-r74011-stm-jit for the primes benchmark (but it has more bugs
+  than more recent versions), and
+  `pypy-c-r74378-74379-stm-jit <http://cobra.cs.uni-duesseldorf.de/~buildmaster/misc/pypy-c-r74378-74379-stm-jit.xz>`_
+  for astar benchmark (put it inside pypy source checkout at 38c9afbd253c)
+* http://bitbucket.org/kostialopuhin/tornado-stm-bench at 65144cda7a1f
diff --git a/sprintinfo/warsaw-2014/announcement.txt b/sprintinfo/warsaw-2014/announcement.txt
--- a/sprintinfo/warsaw-2014/announcement.txt
+++ b/sprintinfo/warsaw-2014/announcement.txt
@@ -38,8 +38,8 @@
 The sprint will happen within a room of Warsaw University.  The
-address is Pasteura 5 (which is a form of "Pasteur street"), room 550.
-The person of contact is Maciej Fijalkowski.
+address is Pasteura 5 (which is a form of "Pasteur street"), dept. of
+Physics, room 450.  The person of contact is Maciej Fijalkowski.
diff --git a/sprintinfo/warsaw-2014/people.txt b/sprintinfo/warsaw-2014/people.txt
--- a/sprintinfo/warsaw-2014/people.txt
+++ b/sprintinfo/warsaw-2014/people.txt
@@ -9,5 +9,12 @@
 ==================== ============== =======================
     Name              Arrive/Depart     Accomodation 
 ==================== ============== =======================
-Armin Rigo           20/10-2X/10    with fijal?
+Armin Rigo           20/10-28/10    with fijal
+Maciej Fijalkowski   20/10-30/10    private
+Romain Guillebert    19/10-26-10    ibis Reduta with mjacob
+Manuel Jacob         20/10-26/10    ibis Reduta with rguillebert
+Kostia Lopuhin
+Antonio Cuni         20/10-26/10    ibis Reduta http://www.ibis.com/gb/hotel-7125-ibis-warszawa-reduta/index.shtml
+Matti Picus          20/10-20/10    just a long layover between flights
+Ronan Lamy           19/10-26/10    ibis Reduta
 ==================== ============== =======================
diff --git a/sprintinfo/warsaw-2014/planning.txt b/sprintinfo/warsaw-2014/planning.txt
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+++ b/sprintinfo/warsaw-2014/planning.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+* cffi.verify dlopen flag - TO BE MERGED
+* PyPy/CPython Bridge (Romain, kostia) - MORE PROGRESS
+* Profiler (Antonio, Armin) - IN PROGRESS
+* Merge improve-docs (Manuel, Ronan) - IN PROGRESS
+* Merge kill-multimethod remove-remaining-smm  (Manuel, Antonio, fijal) - MERGED remove-remaining-smm, kill-multimethod WAITING FOR REVIEW
+* STM presentation (Everybody) - DONE
+* Refactor annotator/rtyper (Ronan?) - LOOKING FOR PAIRING
+* Python 3.3 - IN PROGRESS
+* look into merging gc pinning (fijal, arigo) - ALMOST READY, more debugging needed
+* investigate -fPIC slowdown (fijal, arigo) - IN PROGRESS, complete mess
+* NumPyPy discussion (everybody) DONE
+* Trying stuff on PyPy-STM (Antonio, Kostia)
+* convincing anto why resume refactoring is a good idea
+* switchify chains of guard_value (Armin, Romain...)
diff --git a/talk/img/baroquesoftware.png b/talk/img/baroquesoftware.png
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+# you can find rst2beamer.py here:
+# https://bitbucket.org/antocuni/env/raw/default/bin/rst2beamer.py
+# WARNING: to work, it needs this patch for docutils
+# https://sourceforge.net/tracker/?func=detail&atid=422032&aid=1459707&group_id=38414
+talk.pdf: talk.rst author.latex stylesheet.latex
+	python `which rst2beamer.py` --stylesheet=stylesheet.latex --documentoptions=14pt talk.rst talk.latex || exit
+	#/home/antocuni/.virtualenvs/rst2beamer/bin/python `which rst2beamer.py` --stylesheet=stylesheet.latex --documentoptions=14pt talk.rst talk.latex || exit
+	sed 's/\\date{}/\\input{author.latex}/' -i talk.latex || exit
+	#sed 's/\\maketitle/\\input{title.latex}/' -i talk.latex || exit
+	pdflatex talk.latex  || exit
+view: talk.pdf
+	evince talk.pdf &
+xpdf: talk.pdf
+	xpdf talk.pdf &
diff --git a/talk/pyconie2014/author.latex b/talk/pyconie2014/author.latex
new file mode 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/talk/pyconie2014/author.latex
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+\definecolor{rrblitbackground}{rgb}{0.0, 0.0, 0.0}
+\title[PyPy : A fast Python Virtual Machine]{PyPy : A fast Python Virtual Machine}
+{Romain Guillebert\\
+\institute{Pycon IE}
+\date{October 12th, 2014}
diff --git a/talk/pyconie2014/beamerdefs.txt b/talk/pyconie2014/beamerdefs.txt
new file mode 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/talk/pyconie2014/beamerdefs.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,108 @@
+.. colors
+.. ===========================
+.. role:: green
+.. role:: red
+.. general useful commands
+.. ===========================
+.. |pause| raw:: latex
+   \pause
+.. |small| raw:: latex
+   {\small
+.. |end_small| raw:: latex
+   }
+.. |scriptsize| raw:: latex
+   {\scriptsize
+.. |end_scriptsize| raw:: latex
+   }
+.. |strike<| raw:: latex
+   \sout{
+.. closed bracket
+.. ===========================
+.. |>| raw:: latex
+   }
+.. example block
+.. ===========================
+.. |example<| raw:: latex
+   \begin{exampleblock}{
+.. |end_example| raw:: latex
+   \end{exampleblock}
+.. alert block
+.. ===========================
+.. |alert<| raw:: latex
+   \begin{alertblock}{
+.. |end_alert| raw:: latex
+   \end{alertblock}
+.. columns
+.. ===========================
+.. |column1| raw:: latex
+   \begin{columns}
+      \begin{column}{0.45\textwidth}
+.. |column2| raw:: latex
+      \end{column}
+      \begin{column}{0.45\textwidth}
+.. |end_columns| raw:: latex
+      \end{column}
+   \end{columns}
+.. |snake| image:: ../../img/py-web-new.png
+           :scale: 15%
+.. nested blocks
+.. ===========================
+.. |nested| raw:: latex
+   \begin{columns}
+      \begin{column}{0.85\textwidth}
+.. |end_nested| raw:: latex
+      \end{column}
+   \end{columns}
diff --git a/talk/pyconie2014/speed.png b/talk/pyconie2014/speed.png
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+\setbeamertemplate{navigation symbols}{}
+\definecolor{darkgreen}{rgb}{0, 0.5, 0.0}
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+.. include:: beamerdefs.txt
+PyPy : A fast Python Virtual Machine
+- rguillebert on twitter and irc
+- PyPy contributor since 2011
+- NumPyPy contributor
+- Software consultant (hire me !)
+- "PyPy is a fast, compliant alternative implementation of the Python language"
+- Aims to reach the best performance possible without changing the syntax or semantics
+- Supports x86, x86_64, ARM
+- Production ready
+- MIT Licensed
+.. image:: speed.png
+   :scale: 37%
+- Automatically generated tracing just-in-time compiler
+- Generates linear traces from loops
+- Generates efficient machine code based on runtime observations
+- Removes overhead when unnecessary
+- But Python features which require overhead remain available (frame introspection, pdb)
+Performance ?
+- Things get done faster
+- Serve more requests per second
+- Lower latency
+- Less servers for the same performance
+- Real-time edge detection
+- Fully compatible with CPython 2.7 & 3.2 (minus implementation details)
+- Partial and slow support of the C-API
+- Alternatives might exist
+- We should (slowly, incrementally) move away from the C extension API
+  * Makes assumptions on refcounting, object layout, the GIL
+  * The future of Python is bound to the future of CPython (a more than 20 years old interpreter)
+  * It's hard for a new Python VM without C extension support to get traction (not only PyPy)
+- This doesn't mean we should lose Python's ability to interface with C easily
+- CFFI is the PyPy team's attempt at solving this
+CFFI (1/2)
+- Where do we go from here ?
+- CFFI is a fairly new way of interacting with C in an implementation independant way
+- Very fast on PyPy
+- Decently fast on CPython
+- The Jython project is working on support
+CFFI (2/2)
+- More convenient, safer, faster than ctypes
+- Can call C functions easily, API and ABI mode
+- Python functions can be exposed to C
+- Already used by pyopenssl, psycopg2cffi, pygame_cffi, lxml_cffi
+- Other tools could be built on top of it (Cython cffi backend ?)
+Success stories
+    Magnetic is the leader in online search retargeting, with a large, high volume, performance-critical platform written in Python. [...] 
+    The Magnetic bidders were ported from CPython to PyPy, yielding an overall 30% performance gain.
+- Julian Berman
+  magnetic.com
+Success stories
+    Currently we have improvements in raw performance (read: response times) that span from 8% to a pretty interesting 40%, but we have a peak of an astonishing 100-120% and even more.
+    Take into the account that most of our apps are simple "blocking-on-db" ones, so a 2x increase is literally money.
+- Roberto De Ioris
+  Unbit
+Success stories
+    In addition to this our main (almost secret) objective was reducing resource usage of the application servers, which directly translates to being able to host more customers on the same server.
+- Roberto De Ioris
+  Unbit
+Success stories
+    PyPy is an excellent choice for every pure Python project that depends on speed of execution of readable and maintainable large source code.
+    [...]
+    We had roughly a 2x speedup with PyPy over CPython.
+- Marko Tasic (Web and Data processing)
+- Python 3.3
+- NumPyPy
+- STM
+- You can donate to help the progress of these features : pypy.org
+- Questions ?
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new file mode 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/talk/pyconpl-2014/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+# you can find rst2beamer.py here:
+# https://bitbucket.org/antocuni/env/raw/default/bin/rst2beamer.py
+# WARNING: to work, it needs this patch for docutils
+# https://sourceforge.net/tracker/?func=detail&atid=422032&aid=1459707&group_id=38414
+talk.pdf: talk.rst author.latex stylesheet.latex
+	rst2beamer --stylesheet=stylesheet.latex --documentoptions=14pt --output-encoding=utf8 --overlaybullets=False talk.rst talk.latex || exit
+	#/home/antocuni/.virtualenvs/rst2beamer/bin/python `which rst2beamer.py` --stylesheet=stylesheet.latex --documentoptions=14pt talk.rst talk.latex || exit
+	sed 's/\\date{}/\\input{author.latex}/' -i talk.latex || exit
+	#sed 's/\\maketitle/\\input{title.latex}/' -i talk.latex || exit
+	pdflatex talk.latex  || exit
+view: talk.pdf
+	evince talk.pdf &
+xpdf: talk.pdf
+	xpdf talk.pdf &
diff --git a/talk/pyconpl-2014/author.latex b/talk/pyconpl-2014/author.latex
new file mode 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/talk/pyconpl-2014/author.latex
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+\definecolor{rrblitbackground}{rgb}{0.0, 0.0, 0.0}
+\author[arigo, fijal]
+{Armin Rigo, Maciej Fijałkowski\\
+\institute{PyCon PL}
+\date{October 2014}
diff --git a/talk/pyconpl-2014/beamerdefs.txt b/talk/pyconpl-2014/beamerdefs.txt
new file mode 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/talk/pyconpl-2014/beamerdefs.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,108 @@
+.. colors
+.. ===========================
+.. role:: green
+.. role:: red
+.. general useful commands
+.. ===========================
+.. |pause| raw:: latex
+   \pause
+.. |small| raw:: latex
+   {\small
+.. |end_small| raw:: latex
+   }
+.. |scriptsize| raw:: latex
+   {\scriptsize
+.. |end_scriptsize| raw:: latex
+   }
+.. |strike<| raw:: latex
+   \sout{
+.. closed bracket
+.. ===========================
+.. |>| raw:: latex
+   }
+.. example block
+.. ===========================
+.. |example<| raw:: latex
+   \begin{exampleblock}{
+.. |end_example| raw:: latex
+   \end{exampleblock}
+.. alert block
+.. ===========================
+.. |alert<| raw:: latex
+   \begin{alertblock}{
+.. |end_alert| raw:: latex
+   \end{alertblock}
+.. columns
+.. ===========================
+.. |column1| raw:: latex
+   \begin{columns}
+      \begin{column}{0.45\textwidth}
+.. |column2| raw:: latex
+      \end{column}
+      \begin{column}{0.45\textwidth}
+.. |end_columns| raw:: latex
+      \end{column}
+   \end{columns}
+.. |snake| image:: ../../img/py-web-new.png
+           :scale: 15%
+.. nested blocks
+.. ===========================
+.. |nested| raw:: latex
+   \begin{columns}
+      \begin{column}{0.85\textwidth}
+.. |end_nested| raw:: latex
+      \end{column}
+   \end{columns}
diff --git a/talk/pyconpl-2014/benchmarks/abstract.rst b/talk/pyconpl-2014/benchmarks/abstract.rst
new file mode 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/talk/pyconpl-2014/benchmarks/abstract.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+How to benchmark code
+In this talk, we would like to present basics of how the Python virtual machines
+like CPython or PyPy work and how to use that knowledge to write meaningful
+benchmarks for your programs. We'll show what's wrong with microbenchmarks
+and how to improve the situation.
diff --git a/talk/pyconpl-2014/benchmarks/f1.py b/talk/pyconpl-2014/benchmarks/f1.py
new file mode 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/talk/pyconpl-2014/benchmarks/f1.py
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+def f():
+    i = 0
+    while i < 100000000:
+        i += 1
+    return i
diff --git a/talk/pyconpl-2014/benchmarks/f2.py b/talk/pyconpl-2014/benchmarks/f2.py
new file mode 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/talk/pyconpl-2014/benchmarks/f2.py
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+def f():
+    i = 0
+    s = 0
+    while i < 100000000:
+        s += len(str(i))
+        i += 1
+    return s
+print f()
diff --git a/talk/pyconpl-2014/benchmarks/fib.py b/talk/pyconpl-2014/benchmarks/fib.py
new file mode 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/talk/pyconpl-2014/benchmarks/fib.py
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+import time
+import numpy
+    from matplotlib import pylab
+    from embed.emb import import_mod
+    pylab = import_mod('matplotlib.pylab')
+def fib(n):
+    if n == 0 or n == 1:
+        return 1
+    return fib(n - 1) + fib(n - 2)
+def f():
+    for i in range(10000):
+        "".join(list(str(i)))
+times = []
+for i in xrange(1000):
+    t0 = time.time()
+    #f()
+    fib(17)
+    times.append(time.time() - t0)
+hist, bins = numpy.histogram(times, 20)
+#pylab.plot(bins[:-1], hist)
+pylab.ylim(0, max(times) * 1.2)
+#pylab.hist(hist, bins, histtype='bar')
diff --git a/talk/pyconpl-2014/benchmarks/talk.rst b/talk/pyconpl-2014/benchmarks/talk.rst
new file mode 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/talk/pyconpl-2014/benchmarks/talk.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,163 @@
+.. include:: ../beamerdefs.txt
+How to benchmark code
+Who are we?
+* Maciej Fijalkowski, Armin Rigo
+* working on PyPy
+* interested in performance
+What is this talk is about?
+* basics how CPython and PyPy run programs
+* a bit of theory about measuring performance
+* microbenchmarks
+* complicated picture of "real world"
+* a "simple" virtual machine
+* compiles python code to bytecode
+* runs the bytecode
+* usually invokes tons of runtime functions written in C
+CPython (demo)
+* not so simple virtual machine
+* all of the above
+* ... and then if the loop/function gets called often enough
+  it's compiled down to an optimized assembler by the JIT
+PyPy (demo)
+Measurments 101
+* run your benchmark multiple times
+* the distribution should be gaussian
+* take the average and the variation
+* if the variation is too large, increase the number of iterations
+Let's do it (demo)
+* the whole previous slide is a bunch of nonsense
+* ...
+* you try your best and do the average anyway
+* presumably cutting off the warmup time
+* not ideal at all
+Writing benchmarks - typical approach
+* write a set of small programs that exercise one particular thing
+  * recursive fibonacci
+  * pybench
+* used to be a tool to compare python implementations
+* only uses microbenchmarks
+* assumes operation times are concatenative
+* a lot of effects are not concatenative
+* optimizations often collapse consecutive operations
+* large scale effects only show up on large programs
+An example
+* python 2.6 vs python 2.7 had minimal performance changes
+* somewhere in the changelog, there is a gc change mentioned
+* it made pypy translation toolchain jump from 3h to 1h
+* it's "impossible" to write a microbenchmarks for this
+More problems
+* half of the blog posts comparing VM performance uses recursive fibonacci
+* most of the others use computer language shootout
+PyPy benchmark suite
+* programs from small to medium and large
+* 50 LOC to 100k LOC
+* try to exercise various parts of language (but e.g. lack IO)
+* measure what you are really interested in
+* derive microbenchmarks from your bottlenecks
+* be skeptical
+* understand what you're measuring
+- http://pypy.org/
+- http://morepypy.blogspot.com/
+- http://baroquesoftware.com/
+- ``#pypy`` at freenode.net
+- Any question?
diff --git a/talk/pyconpl-2014/speed.png b/talk/pyconpl-2014/speed.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..33fe20ac9d81ddbd3ced48f52f9717693dc15518
GIT binary patch


diff --git a/talk/pyconpl-2014/standards.png b/talk/pyconpl-2014/standards.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..5d38303773dd4f1b798a91bec62d05e0423a6a0d
GIT binary patch


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new file mode 100644
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+++ b/talk/pyconpl-2014/stylesheet.latex
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+\setbeamertemplate{navigation symbols}{}
+\definecolor{darkgreen}{rgb}{0, 0.5, 0.0}
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..96cfd649da81c326dec0dbe7d92087b9864229d7
GIT binary patch


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new file mode 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/talk/pyconpl-2014/talk.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,297 @@
+.. include:: beamerdefs.txt
+Who We Are
+* Maciej Fijałkowski
+* Armin Rigo
+* PyPy developers for a long time
+* baroquesoftware
+What is PyPy?
+* Python interpreter, alternative to CPython
+* Supports Python 2.7 and (beta) Python 3.2/3.3
+* Compatible and generally much faster (JIT)
+.. image:: speed.png
+   :scale: 44%
+   :align: center
+Recent developments
+Between PyPy 2.0 (May 2013) and PyPy 2.4 (now):
+* All kinds of speed improvements for all kinds of programs
+  - JIT improvements, incremental GC (garbage collector),
+    specific Python corners improved, ...
+* Support for ARM in addition to x86
+  - Thanks to the Raspberry-Pi foundation
+* Python 3 support 
+  - py3k, in addition to Python 2.7
+* Numpy more complete (but still not done)
+- Python code "just works"
+  * generally much faster than with CPython
+- C code: improving support
+  * cpyext: tries to load CPython C extension modules, slowly
+  * CFFI: the future
+  * cppyy for C++
+  * A very small native PyPy C API for embedding, WIP
+- Lots of CFFI modules around:
+  * pyopenssl, pygame_cffi, psycopg2cffi, lxml...
+Fundraising Campaign
+- py3k: 55'000 $ of 105'000 $ (52%)
+- numpy: 48'000 $ of 60'000 $ (80%)
+- STM, 1st call: 38'000 $
+- STM, 2nd call: 17'000 $ of 80'000 $ (22%)
+- Thanks to all donors!
+Commercial support
+- We offer commercial support for PyPy
+- Consultancy and training
+- Performance issues for open- or closed-source programs, porting,
+  improving support in parts of the Python or non-Python interpreters,
+  etc.
+- http://baroquesoftware.com
+Recent developments (2)
+  - C Foreign Function Interface
+* STM
+  - Software Transactional Memory
+- Python <-> C interfacing done right
+  * existing shared libraries
+  * custom C code
+- Alternative to the CPython Extension API, ctypes, Cython, etc.
+- Fast-ish on CPython, super-fast on PyPy, Jython support in the future
+- Simple, does not try to be magic
+.. image:: standards.png
+   :scale: 50%
+   :align: center
+CFFI demo
+CFFI idea
+* C and Python are enough, we don't need an extra language
+* C is well defined, let's avoid magic
+* all the logic (and magic!) can be done in Python
+* API vs ABI
+* Inspired by LuaJIT's FFI
+Work in Progress: STM
+- Software Transactional Memory
+- Solving the GIL problem
+  * GIL = Global Interpreter Lock
+- Without bringing the threads and locks mess
+- Preliminary versions of pypy-jit-stm available
+STM (2)
+- STM = Free Threading done right
+  * with some overhead: 30-40% so far
+- Done at the level of RPython
+- The interpreter author doesn't have to worry
+  about adding tons of locks
+  - that's us
+- The user *can* if he likes, but doesn't have to either
+  - that's you ``:-)``
+STM (3)
+- Works "like a GIL" but runs optimistically in parallel
+- A few bytecodes from thread A run on core 1
+- A few bytecodes from thread B run on core 2
+- If there is no conflict, we're happy
+- If there is a conflict, one of the two aborts and retries
+- Same effect as transactions in databases
+STM (4)
+- Threading made simpler for the user
+- It is generally efficient with *very coarse locks*
+  * no fine-grained locking needed
+- Easy to convert a number of existing single-threaded programs
+  * start multiple threads, run blocks of code in each
+  * use a single lock around everything
+  * normally, you win absolutely nothing
+  * but STM can (try to) *execute the blocks in parallel* anyway
+STM (Demo)
+PyPy and RPython
+* PyPy is an interpreter/JIT-compiled for Python
+* PyPy is written in RPython
+* RPython is a language for writing interpreters:
+  it provides GC-for-free, JIT-for-free, etc.
+* Ideal for writing VMs for dynamic languages
+More PyPy-Powered Languages
+- Topaz: implementing Ruby
+  * most of the language implemented
+  * "definitely faster than MRI"
+  * https://github.com/topazproject/topaz
+- HippyVM: implementing PHP
+  * ~7x faster than standard PHP
+  * comparable speed as HHVM
+  * http://hippyvm.com/
+- And more
+* future is hard to predict
+* continue working on general improvements
+* improved IO performance in the pipeline
+* warmup improvements
+* numpy
+Warmup improvements
+* biggest complain - slow to warmup, memory hog
+* we have ideas how to improve the situation
+* still looking for funding
+* numpy is mostly complete
+* performance can be improved, especially the vectorized versions
+* scipy, matplotlib, the entire ecosystem, we have a hackish idea
+Contacts, Q&A
+- http://pypy.org
+- http://morepypy.blogspot.com/
+- ``#pypy`` at freenode.net
+- Any question?

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