[pypy-commit] benchmarks single-run: add multithreaded richards

fijal noreply at buildbot.pypy.org
Mon Mar 24 20:24:55 CET 2014

Author: Maciej Fijalkowski <fijall at gmail.com>
Branch: single-run
Changeset: r237:7180631ee8db
Date: 2014-03-24 21:24 +0200

Log:	add multithreaded richards

diff --git a/lib/pypy/include/pypy_decl.h b/lib/pypy/include/pypy_decl.h
--- a/lib/pypy/include/pypy_decl.h
+++ b/lib/pypy/include/pypy_decl.h
@@ -513,17 +513,17 @@
 PyAPI_DATA(PyTypeObject) PySlice_Type;
 PyAPI_DATA(PyObject*) PyExc_IOError;
 PyAPI_DATA(PyObject*) PyExc_RuntimeError;
-PyAPI_DATA(PyObject*) PyExc_SystemError;
+PyAPI_DATA(PyObject*) PyExc_AttributeError;
 PyAPI_DATA(PyObject*) PyExc_NameError;
 PyAPI_DATA(PyObject*) PyExc_MemoryError;
 PyAPI_DATA(PyObject*) PyExc_SystemExit;
 PyAPI_DATA(PyTypeObject) PyModule_Type;
 PyAPI_DATA(PyTypeObject) PyBaseObject_Type;
-PyAPI_DATA(PyObject*) PyExc_UnicodeTranslateError;
-PyAPI_DATA(PyObject*) PyExc_UnicodeWarning;
+PyAPI_DATA(PyObject*) PyExc_FloatingPointError;
+PyAPI_DATA(PyObject*) PyExc_UnicodeDecodeError;
 PyAPI_DATA(PyObject*) PyExc_Exception;
 PyAPI_DATA(PyObject*) PyExc_TypeError;
-PyAPI_DATA(PyObject*) PyExc_AttributeError;
+PyAPI_DATA(PyObject*) PyExc_SystemError;
 PyAPI_DATA(PyObject*) PyExc_ReferenceError;
 PyAPI_DATA(PyTypeObject) PyNotImplemented_Type;
 PyAPI_DATA(PyTypeObject) PySet_Type;
@@ -555,14 +555,14 @@
 PyAPI_DATA(PyObject*) PyExc_BytesWarning;
 PyAPI_DATA(PyObject*) PyExc_DeprecationWarning;
 PyAPI_DATA(PyObject*) PyExc_SyntaxError;
-PyAPI_DATA(PyObject*) PyExc_UnicodeDecodeError;
+PyAPI_DATA(PyObject*) PyExc_UnicodeWarning;
 PyAPI_DATA(PyObject*) PyExc_ZeroDivisionError;
 PyAPI_DATA(PyTypeObject) PyFloat_Type;
-PyAPI_DATA(PyTypeObject) PyBaseString_Type;
+PyAPI_DATA(PyObject*) PyExc_RuntimeWarning;
 PyAPI_DATA(PyObject) _Py_NoneStruct;
+PyAPI_DATA(PyObject*) PyExc_IndentationError;
+PyAPI_DATA(PyObject*) PyExc_AssertionError;
 PyAPI_DATA(PyObject*) PyExc_GeneratorExit;
-PyAPI_DATA(PyObject*) PyExc_AssertionError;
-PyAPI_DATA(PyObject*) PyExc_RuntimeWarning;
 PyAPI_DATA(PyObject*) PyExc_ImportWarning;
 PyAPI_DATA(PyObject*) PyExc_UnicodeEncodeError;
 PyAPI_DATA(PyTypeObject) PyInt_Type;
@@ -571,8 +571,8 @@
 PyAPI_DATA(PyObject*) PyExc_OSError;
 PyAPI_DATA(PyObject*) PyExc_KeyError;
 PyAPI_DATA(PyObject*) PyExc_SyntaxWarning;
+PyAPI_DATA(PyTypeObject) PyBaseString_Type;
 PyAPI_DATA(PyObject*) PyExc_StopIteration;
-PyAPI_DATA(PyObject*) PyExc_IndentationError;
 PyAPI_DATA(PyObject*) PyExc_NotImplementedError;
 PyAPI_DATA(PyObject*) PyExc_ImportError;
 PyAPI_DATA(PyDateTime_CAPI*) PyDateTimeAPI;
@@ -582,7 +582,7 @@
 PyAPI_DATA(PyTypeObject) PyClass_Type;
 PyAPI_DATA(PyTypeObject) PyType_Type;
 PyAPI_DATA(PyTypeObject) PyMemoryView_Type;
-PyAPI_DATA(PyObject*) PyExc_FloatingPointError;
+PyAPI_DATA(PyObject*) PyExc_UnicodeTranslateError;
 PyAPI_DATA(PyObject*) PyExc_LookupError;
 PyAPI_DATA(PyObject*) PyExc_EOFError;
 PyAPI_DATA(PyObject*) PyExc_BufferError;
diff --git a/lib/pypy/rpython/translator/c/src/signals.o b/lib/pypy/rpython/translator/c/src/signals.o
index 166016f96874014a34535131bd7cfed3aabe09eb..08b3649ae1483b939bb048d11ecb051f62ffe15d
GIT binary patch


diff --git a/lib/pypy/rpython/translator/c/src/stacklet/stacklet.o b/lib/pypy/rpython/translator/c/src/stacklet/stacklet.o
index e42497399f1f975b42e62fbf236498014c21f654..6dba4dd0d4a6480683502d1568c529dbaecf9174
GIT binary patch

diff --git a/lib/pypy/rpython/translator/c/src/thread.o b/lib/pypy/rpython/translator/c/src/thread.o
index 9b7dcc7cb6e9c6eb94216acf121fbcd5b32297e5..06072cecd32b5f5afce76655ad919f8ff637714c
GIT binary patch


diff --git a/multithread/multithread-richards.py b/multithread/multithread-richards.py
new file mode 100755
--- /dev/null
+++ b/multithread/multithread-richards.py
@@ -0,0 +1,458 @@
+# based on a Java version:
+#  Based on original version written in BCPL by Dr Martin Richards
+#  in 1981 at Cambridge University Computer Laboratory, England
+#  and a C++ version derived from a Smalltalk version written by
+#  L Peter Deutsch.
+#  Java version:  Copyright (C) 1995 Sun Microsystems, Inc.
+#  Translation from C++, Mario Wolczko
+#  Outer loop added by Alex Jacoby
+import thread, os
+#from __pypy__.thread import atomic
+# Task IDs
+I_IDLE = 1
+I_WORK = 2
+I_DEVA = 5
+I_DEVB = 6
+# Packet types
+K_DEV = 1000
+K_WORK = 1001
+# Packet
+class Packet(object):
+    def __init__(self,l,i,k):
+        self.link = l
+        self.ident = i
+        self.kind = k
+        self.datum = 0
+        self.data = [0] * BUFSIZE
+    def append_to(self,lst):
+        self.link = None
+        if lst is None:
+            return self
+        else:
+            p = lst
+            next = p.link
+            while next is not None:
+                p = next
+                next = p.link
+            p.link = self
+            return lst
+# Task Records
+class TaskRec(object):
+    pass
+class DeviceTaskRec(TaskRec):
+    def __init__(self):
+        self.pending = None
+class IdleTaskRec(TaskRec):
+    def __init__(self):
+        self.control = 1
+        self.count = 10000
+class HandlerTaskRec(TaskRec):
+    def __init__(self):
+        self.work_in = None
+        self.device_in = None
+    def workInAdd(self,p):
+        self.work_in = p.append_to(self.work_in)
+        return self.work_in
+    def deviceInAdd(self,p):
+        self.device_in = p.append_to(self.device_in)
+        return self.device_in
+class WorkerTaskRec(TaskRec):
+    def __init__(self):
+        self.destination = I_HANDLERA
+        self.count = 0
+# Task
+class TaskState(object):
+    def __init__(self):
+        self.packet_pending = True
+        self.task_waiting = False
+        self.task_holding = False
+    def packetPending(self):
+        self.packet_pending = True
+        self.task_waiting = False
+        self.task_holding = False
+        return self
+    def waiting(self):
+        self.packet_pending = False
+        self.task_waiting = True
+        self.task_holding = False
+        return self
+    def running(self):
+        self.packet_pending = False
+        self.task_waiting = False
+        self.task_holding = False
+        return self
+    def waitingWithPacket(self):
+        self.packet_pending = True
+        self.task_waiting = True
+        self.task_holding = False
+        return self
+    def isPacketPending(self):
+        return self.packet_pending
+    def isTaskWaiting(self):
+        return self.task_waiting
+    def isTaskHolding(self):
+        return self.task_holding
+    def isTaskHoldingOrWaiting(self):
+        return self.task_holding or (not self.packet_pending and self.task_waiting)
+    def isWaitingWithPacket(self):
+        return self.packet_pending and self.task_waiting and not self.task_holding
+tracing = False
+layout = 0
+def trace(a):
+    global layout
+    layout -= 1
+    if layout <= 0:
+        print
+        layout = 50
+    print a,
+class TaskWorkArea(object):
+    def __init__(self):
+        self.taskTab = [None] * TASKTABSIZE
+        self.taskList = None
+        self.holdCount = 0
+        self.qpktCount = 0
+class Task(TaskState):
+    def __init__(self,i,p,w,initialState,r, taskWorkArea):
+        self.taskWorkArea = taskWorkArea
+        self.link = taskWorkArea.taskList
+        self.ident = i
+        self.priority = p
+        self.input = w
+        self.packet_pending = initialState.isPacketPending()
+        self.task_waiting = initialState.isTaskWaiting()
+        self.task_holding = initialState.isTaskHolding()
+        self.handle = r
+        taskWorkArea.taskList = self
+        taskWorkArea.taskTab[i] = self
+    def fn(self,pkt,r):
+        raise NotImplementedError
+    def addPacket(self,p,old):
+        if self.input is None:
+            self.input = p
+            self.packet_pending = True
+            if self.priority > old.priority:
+                return self
+        else:
+            p.append_to(self.input)
+        return old
+    def runTask(self):
+        if self.isWaitingWithPacket():
+            msg = self.input
+            self.input = msg.link
+            if self.input is None:
+                self.running()
+            else:
+                self.packetPending()
+        else:
+            msg = None
+        return self.fn(msg,self.handle)
+    def waitTask(self):
+        self.task_waiting = True
+        return self
+    def hold(self):
+        self.taskWorkArea.holdCount += 1
+        self.task_holding = True
+        return self.link
+    def release(self,i):
+        t = self.findtcb(i)
+        t.task_holding = False
+        if t.priority > self.priority:
+            return t
+        else:
+            return self
+    def qpkt(self,pkt):
+        t = self.findtcb(pkt.ident)
+        self.taskWorkArea.qpktCount += 1
+        pkt.link = None
+        pkt.ident = self.ident
+        return t.addPacket(pkt,self)
+    def findtcb(self,id):
+        t = self.taskWorkArea.taskTab[id]
+        if t is None:
+            raise Exception("Bad task id %d" % id)
+        return t
+# DeviceTask
+class DeviceTask(Task):
+    def __init__(self,i,p,w,s,r, taskWorkArea):
+        Task.__init__(self,i,p,w,s,r, taskWorkArea)
+    def fn(self,pkt,r):
+        d = r
+        assert isinstance(d, DeviceTaskRec)
+        if pkt is None:
+            pkt = d.pending
+            if pkt is None:
+                return self.waitTask()
+            else:
+                d.pending = None
+                return self.qpkt(pkt)
+        else:
+            d.pending = pkt
+            if tracing: trace(pkt.datum)
+            return self.hold()
+class HandlerTask(Task):
+    def __init__(self,i,p,w,s,r, taskWorkArea):
+        Task.__init__(self,i,p,w,s,r, taskWorkArea)
+    def fn(self,pkt,r):
+        h = r
+        assert isinstance(h, HandlerTaskRec)
+        if pkt is not None:
+            if pkt.kind == K_WORK:
+                h.workInAdd(pkt)
+            else:
+                h.deviceInAdd(pkt)
+        work = h.work_in
+        if work is None:
+            return self.waitTask()
+        count = work.datum
+        if count >= BUFSIZE:
+            h.work_in = work.link
+            return self.qpkt(work)
+        dev = h.device_in
+        if dev is None:
+            return self.waitTask()
+        h.device_in = dev.link
+        dev.datum = work.data[count]
+        work.datum = count + 1
+        return self.qpkt(dev)
+# IdleTask
+class IdleTask(Task):
+    def __init__(self,i,p,w,s,r, taskWorkArea):
+        Task.__init__(self,i,0,None,s,r, taskWorkArea)
+    def fn(self,pkt,r):
+        i = r
+        assert isinstance(i, IdleTaskRec)
+        i.count -= 1
+        if i.count == 0:
+            return self.hold()
+        elif i.control & 1 == 0:
+            i.control /= 2
+            return self.release(I_DEVA)
+        else:
+            i.control = i.control/2 ^ 0xd008
+            return self.release(I_DEVB)
+# WorkTask
+A = ord('A')
+class WorkTask(Task):
+    def __init__(self,i,p,w,s,r, taskWorkArea):
+        Task.__init__(self,i,p,w,s,r, taskWorkArea)
+    def fn(self,pkt,r):
+        w = r
+        assert isinstance(w, WorkerTaskRec)
+        if pkt is None:
+            return self.waitTask()
+        if w.destination == I_HANDLERA:
+            dest = I_HANDLERB
+        else:
+            dest = I_HANDLERA
+        w.destination = dest
+        pkt.ident = dest
+        pkt.datum = 0
+        for i in BUFSIZE_RANGE: # xrange(BUFSIZE)
+            w.count += 1
+            if w.count > 26:
+                w.count = 1
+            pkt.data[i] = A + w.count - 1
+        return self.qpkt(pkt)
+    from time import time
+except ImportError:
+    def time():
+        return 0
+def schedule(taskWorkArea):
+    t = taskWorkArea.taskList
+    while t is not None:
+        pkt = None
+        if tracing:
+            print "tcb =",t.ident
+        if t.isTaskHoldingOrWaiting():
+            t = t.link
+        else:
+            if tracing: trace(chr(ord("0")+t.ident))
+            t = t.runTask()
+class Richards(object):
+    def __init__(self):
+        self.finished_lock = thread.allocate_lock()
+        self.finished_lock.acquire()
+        self.taskWorkArea = TaskWorkArea()
+    def run_and_unlock(self, to_do):
+        os.write(1, 'running...\n')
+        iterations = 0
+        self.result = True
+        while 1:
+            try:
+                to_do.pop()
+            except IndexError:
+                break
+            iterations += 1
+            self.result = self.run(self.taskWorkArea)
+        os.write(1, 'done, iterations=%d, result=%r\n' % (iterations, self.result))
+        self.finished_lock.release()
+    def run(self, taskWorkArea):
+        #with atomic:
+        if 1:
+            taskWorkArea.holdCount = 0
+            taskWorkArea.qpktCount = 0
+            IdleTask(I_IDLE, 1, 10000, TaskState().running(), IdleTaskRec(),
+                     taskWorkArea)
+            wkq = Packet(None, 0, K_WORK)
+            wkq = Packet(wkq , 0, K_WORK)
+            WorkTask(I_WORK, 1000, wkq, TaskState().waitingWithPacket(), WorkerTaskRec(),
+                     taskWorkArea)
+            wkq = Packet(None, I_DEVA, K_DEV)
+            wkq = Packet(wkq , I_DEVA, K_DEV)
+            wkq = Packet(wkq , I_DEVA, K_DEV)
+            HandlerTask(I_HANDLERA, 2000, wkq, TaskState().waitingWithPacket(), HandlerTaskRec(),
+                        taskWorkArea)
+            wkq = Packet(None, I_DEVB, K_DEV)
+            wkq = Packet(wkq , I_DEVB, K_DEV)
+            wkq = Packet(wkq , I_DEVB, K_DEV)
+            HandlerTask(I_HANDLERB, 3000, wkq, TaskState().waitingWithPacket(), HandlerTaskRec(),
+                        taskWorkArea)
+            wkq = None;
+            DeviceTask(I_DEVA, 4000, wkq, TaskState().waiting(), DeviceTaskRec(),
+                       taskWorkArea)
+            DeviceTask(I_DEVB, 5000, wkq, TaskState().waiting(), DeviceTaskRec(),
+                       taskWorkArea)
+            schedule(taskWorkArea)
+            if taskWorkArea.holdCount == 9297 and taskWorkArea.qpktCount == 23246:
+                pass
+            else:
+                return False
+        return True
+def entry_point(iterations, NUM_THREADS):
+    rlist = [Richards() for i in range(NUM_THREADS)]
+    to_do = [None] * iterations
+    startTime = time()
+    for r in rlist:
+        thread.start_new_thread(r.run_and_unlock, (to_do,))
+    for r in rlist:
+        r.finished_lock.acquire()
+    endTime = time()
+    assert to_do == []
+    result = all(r.result for r in rlist)
+    return result, startTime, endTime
+def main(entry_point = entry_point, iterations = 10, threads = 4):
+    print "Richards benchmark (Python) starting... [%r]" % entry_point
+    result, startTime, endTime = entry_point(iterations, threads)
+    if not result:
+        print "Incorrect results!"
+        return -1
+    print "finished."
+    total_s = endTime - startTime
+    print "Total time for %d iterations: %.2f secs" %(iterations,total_s)
+    print "Average time per iteration: %.2f ms" %(total_s*1000/iterations)
+    return 42
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    import sys
+    main(iterations = int(sys.argv[1]),
+         threads = int(sys.argv[2]))
diff --git a/unladen_swallow/performance/richards.py b/unladen_swallow/performance/richards.py
--- a/unladen_swallow/performance/richards.py
+++ b/unladen_swallow/performance/richards.py
@@ -305,7 +305,7 @@
             i.control /= 2
             return self.release(I_DEVA)
-            i.control = i.control/2 ^ 0xd008
+            i.control = (i.control/2) ^ 0xd008
             return self.release(I_DEVB)

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