[pypy-commit] extradoc extradoc: Part 2 might become an interactive session instead of slides

arigo noreply at buildbot.pypy.org
Wed Jul 16 20:30:04 CEST 2014

Author: Armin Rigo <arigo at tunes.org>
Branch: extradoc
Changeset: r5359:a3b54af8a1bd
Date: 2014-07-16 20:29 +0200

Log:	Part 2 might become an interactive session instead of slides

diff --git a/talk/ep2014/stm/talk.html b/talk/ep2014/stm/talk.html
--- a/talk/ep2014/stm/talk.html
+++ b/talk/ep2014/stm/talk.html
@@ -558,32 +558,7 @@
 <div class="slide" id="part-2-under-the-hood">
 <h1>Part 2 - Under The Hood</h1>
-<ul class="simple">
-<li>pictures "GIL" and "no GIL"</li>
-<li>zoom with reads and writes</li>
-<li>keep boundaries, each block is a _transaction_</li>
-<li>completely the same semantics as when run with a GIL</li>
-<li>write-write conflict</li>
-<li>deadlock detection and resolution by abort-retry</li>
-<li>read-write conflict: avoids (1) crashes,
-(2) reads-from-the-past, (3) reads-from-the-future</li>
-<li>reads are more common than writes: optimize read barriers</li>
-<li>pypy-stm: write a thread-local flag "this object has been read",
-show code for read barrier and fast-path of write barrier;
-note about using the C library for CPython too</li>
-<li>reads are not synchronized at all between CPUs, but it's wrong
-to read data written by other in-progress transactions;
-so we have to write elsewhere</li>
-<li>but what if we read later an object we modified?  doing any kind
-of check in the read barrier makes it much more costly</li>
-<li>a solution would be to give each thread its own "segment" of
-memory, and copy data between them only at known points</li>
-<li>mmap trick: we do that, but we use mmap sharing to view the same
-pages of memory at several addresses in memory</li>
-<li>show clang source code and assembler for %gs</li>
-<li>picture with 15/16 objects, 1/16 read markers, one page control data</li>
-<li>picture with nursery -- the GC can use the same write barrier</li>
diff --git a/talk/ep2014/stm/talk.rst b/talk/ep2014/stm/talk.rst
--- a/talk/ep2014/stm/talk.rst
+++ b/talk/ep2014/stm/talk.rst
@@ -196,44 +196,4 @@
 Part 2 - Under The Hood
-- pictures "GIL" and "no GIL"
-- zoom with reads and writes
-- keep boundaries, each block is a _transaction_
-- completely the same semantics as when run with a GIL
-- write-write conflict
-- deadlock detection and resolution by abort-retry
-- read-write conflict: avoids (1) crashes,
-  (2) reads-from-the-past, (3) reads-from-the-future
-- reads are more common than writes: optimize read barriers
-- pypy-stm: write a thread-local flag "this object has been read",
-  show code for read barrier and fast-path of write barrier;
-  note about using the C library for CPython too
-- reads are not synchronized at all between CPUs, but it's wrong
-  to read data written by other in-progress transactions;
-  so we have to write elsewhere
-- but what if we read later an object we modified?  doing any kind
-  of check in the read barrier makes it much more costly
-- a solution would be to give each thread its own "segment" of
-  memory, and copy data between them only at known points
-- mmap trick: we do that, but we use mmap sharing to view the same
-  pages of memory at several addresses in memory
-- show clang source code and assembler for %gs
-- picture with 15/16 objects, 1/16 read markers, one page control data
-- picture with nursery -- the GC can use the same write barrier

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