[pypy-commit] stmgc c7: add a new demo (sorting) and implement some more operators

Remi Meier noreply at buildbot.pypy.org
Tue Jan 28 11:20:31 CET 2014

Author: Remi Meier
Branch: c7
Changeset: r680:bf658db49e2b
Date: 2014-01-28 11:19 +0100

Log:	add a new demo (sorting) and implement some more operators

diff --git a/duhton/demo/sort.duh b/duhton/demo/sort.duh
new file mode 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/duhton/demo/sort.duh
@@ -0,0 +1,162 @@
+(setq c (container (list 1 2 3 4)))
+(setq _rand (container (list 133542157 362436069 521288629 88675123)))
+(defun xor128 ()
+  (setq lst (get _rand))
+  (setq x (get lst 0))
+  (setq y (get lst 1))
+  (setq z (get lst 2))
+  (setq w (get lst 3))
+  (setq t (^ x (<< x 11)))
+  (setq x y)
+  (setq y z)
+  (setq z w)
+  (setq w (^ w (^ (>> w 19) (^ t (>> t 8)))))
+  (set lst 0 x)
+  (set lst 1 y)
+  (set lst 2 z)
+  (set lst 3 w)
+  w
+  )
+(defun random_list (n)
+  (if (> n 0)
+      (progn
+        (setq res (random_list (- n 1)))
+        (append res (% (xor128) 10))
+        res
+        )
+    (list )
+    )
+  )
+(defun merge_lists (as bs res)
+  ;; empties the two lists and merges the result to res
+  (setq len_as (len as))
+  (setq len_bs (len bs))
+  (if (< 0 len_as)
+      (if (< 0 len_bs)
+          (if (> (get as 0) (get bs 0))
+              (append res (pop bs 0))
+            (append res (pop as 0))
+            )
+        (append res (pop as 0))
+        )
+    (if (< 0 len_bs)
+        (append res (pop bs 0))
+      )
+    )
+  (if (|| (< 0 len_as) (< 0 len_bs))
+      (merge_lists as bs res)
+    )
+  )
+(defun append_to_correct_half (xs first second half_len)
+  (if (< 0 (len xs))
+      (progn
+        (setq elem (pop xs 0))
+        (if (< 0 half_len)
+            (append_to_correct_half xs
+                                    (append first elem)
+                                    second
+                                    (- half_len 1))
+          (append_to_correct_half xs
+                                  first
+                                  (append second elem)
+                                  (- half_len 1))
+          )
+        )
+    )
+  )
+(defun split_list (xs)
+  ;; empties xs and fills 2 new lists to be returned
+  (setq half_len (/ (len xs) 2))
+  (setq first (list))
+  (setq second (list))
+  (append_to_correct_half xs first second half_len)
+  (list first second)
+  )
+(defun merge_sort (xs)
+  (if (<= (len xs) 1)                   ; 1 elem
+      xs
+    (progn                              ; many elems
+      (setq lists (split_list xs))
+      (setq left (merge_sort (get lists 0)))
+      (setq right (merge_sort (get lists 1)))
+      ;; (print left right)
+      (setq merged (list))
+      (merge_lists left right merged)
+      ;; (print (quote >) merged)
+      merged
+      )
+    )
+  )
+(defun copy_list_helper (xs res idx)
+  (if (< idx (len xs))
+      (progn
+        (append res (get xs idx))
+        (copy_list_helper xs res (+ idx 1))
+        )
+    )
+  )
+(defun copy_list (xs)
+  (setq res (list))
+  (copy_list_helper xs res 0)
+  res
+  )
+(defun print_list (xs)
+  (print (quote len:) (len xs) (quote ->) xs)
+  )
+;; (defun rotate (tree)
+;;   (if (pair? tree)
+;;       (progn
+;;         (setq left (car tree))
+;;         (print left)
+;;         (print (cdr tree))
+;;         )
+;;     (print 111111)
+;;     )
+;;   )
+;; (defun create-tree (n)
+;;   (if (== n 0) 
+;;       (progn
+;;         (set c (+ (get c) 1))
+;;         (get c))
+;;     (cons (create-tree (- n 1)) (create-tree (- n 1))))
+;;   )
+(setq as (random_list 20))
+(setq bs (random_list 20))
+(print as)
+(print bs)
+(print (split_list as))
+(setq cs (random_list 200))
+(print_list cs)
+(print_list (merge_sort (copy_list cs)))
diff --git a/duhton/glob.c b/duhton/glob.c
--- a/duhton/glob.c
+++ b/duhton/glob.c
@@ -140,6 +140,96 @@
     return Du_None;
+DuObject *du_xor(DuObject *cons, DuObject *locals)
+    int result = 0;
+    /* _du_read1(cons); IMMUTABLE */
+    DuObject *expr = _DuCons_CAR(cons);
+    DuObject *next = _DuCons_NEXT(cons);
+    _du_save2(next, locals);
+    DuObject *obj = Du_Eval(expr, locals);
+    result = DuInt_AsInt(obj);
+    _du_restore2(next, locals);
+    cons = next;
+    while (cons != Du_None) {
+        /* _du_read1(cons); IMMUTABLE */
+        expr = _DuCons_CAR(cons);
+        next = _DuCons_NEXT(cons);
+        _du_save2(next, locals);
+        obj = Du_Eval(expr, locals);
+        result ^= DuInt_AsInt(obj);
+        _du_restore2(next, locals);
+        cons = next;
+    }
+    return DuInt_FromInt(result);
+DuObject *du_lshift(DuObject *cons, DuObject *locals)
+    int result = 0;
+    /* _du_read1(cons); IMMUTABLE */
+    DuObject *expr = _DuCons_CAR(cons);
+    DuObject *next = _DuCons_NEXT(cons);
+    _du_save2(next, locals);
+    DuObject *obj = Du_Eval(expr, locals);
+    result = DuInt_AsInt(obj);
+    _du_restore2(next, locals);
+    cons = next;
+    while (cons != Du_None) {
+        /* _du_read1(cons); IMMUTABLE */
+        expr = _DuCons_CAR(cons);
+        next = _DuCons_NEXT(cons);
+        _du_save2(next, locals);
+        obj = Du_Eval(expr, locals);
+        result <<= DuInt_AsInt(obj);
+        _du_restore2(next, locals);
+        cons = next;
+    }
+    return DuInt_FromInt(result);
+DuObject *du_rshift(DuObject *cons, DuObject *locals)
+    int result = 0;
+    /* _du_read1(cons); IMMUTABLE */
+    DuObject *expr = _DuCons_CAR(cons);
+    DuObject *next = _DuCons_NEXT(cons);
+    _du_save2(next, locals);
+    DuObject *obj = Du_Eval(expr, locals);
+    result = DuInt_AsInt(obj);
+    _du_restore2(next, locals);
+    cons = next;
+    while (cons != Du_None) {
+        /* _du_read1(cons); IMMUTABLE */
+        expr = _DuCons_CAR(cons);
+        next = _DuCons_NEXT(cons);
+        _du_save2(next, locals);
+        obj = Du_Eval(expr, locals);
+        result >>= DuInt_AsInt(obj);
+        _du_restore2(next, locals);
+        cons = next;
+    }
+    return DuInt_FromInt(result);
 DuObject *du_add(DuObject *cons, DuObject *locals)
     int result = 0;
@@ -221,6 +311,32 @@
     return DuInt_FromInt(result);
+DuObject *du_mod(DuObject *cons, DuObject *locals)
+    int result = 0;
+    int first = 1;
+    while (cons != Du_None) {
+        /* _du_read1(cons); IMMUTABLE */
+        DuObject *expr = _DuCons_CAR(cons);
+        DuObject *next = _DuCons_NEXT(cons);
+        _du_save2(next, locals);
+        DuObject *obj = Du_Eval(expr, locals);
+        if (first) {
+            result = DuInt_AsInt(obj);
+            first = 0;
+        } else {
+            result %= DuInt_AsInt(obj);
+        }
+        _du_restore2(next, locals);
+        cons = next;
+    }
+    return DuInt_FromInt(result);
 static DuObject *_du_intcmp(DuObject *cons, DuObject *locals, int mode)
     DuObject *obj_a, *obj_b;
@@ -236,6 +352,8 @@
     case 3: r = a != b; break;
     case 4: r = a > b; break;
     case 5: r = a >= b; break;
+    case 6: r = a && b; break;
+    case 7: r = a || b; break;
     return DuInt_FromInt(r);
@@ -252,6 +370,12 @@
 { return _du_intcmp(cons, locals, 4); }
 DuObject *du_ge(DuObject *cons, DuObject *locals)
 { return _du_intcmp(cons, locals, 5); }
+DuObject *du_and(DuObject *cons, DuObject *locals)
+{ return _du_intcmp(cons, locals, 6); }
+DuObject *du_or(DuObject *cons, DuObject *locals)
+{ return _du_intcmp(cons, locals, 7); }
 DuObject *du_type(DuObject *cons, DuObject *locals)
@@ -396,7 +520,7 @@
     _du_getargs2("append", cons, locals, &lst, &newobj);
     DuList_Append(lst, newobj);
-    return newobj;
+    return lst;
 DuObject *du_pop(DuObject *cons, DuObject *locals)
@@ -638,9 +762,15 @@
     DuFrame_SetBuiltinMacro(Du_Globals, "setq", du_setq);
     DuFrame_SetBuiltinMacro(Du_Globals, "print", du_print);
     DuFrame_SetBuiltinMacro(Du_Globals, "+", du_add);
+    DuFrame_SetBuiltinMacro(Du_Globals, "^", du_xor);
+    DuFrame_SetBuiltinMacro(Du_Globals, "<<", du_lshift);
+    DuFrame_SetBuiltinMacro(Du_Globals, ">>", du_rshift);
+    DuFrame_SetBuiltinMacro(Du_Globals, "%", du_mod);
     DuFrame_SetBuiltinMacro(Du_Globals, "-", du_sub);
     DuFrame_SetBuiltinMacro(Du_Globals, "*", du_mul);
     DuFrame_SetBuiltinMacro(Du_Globals, "/", du_div);
+    DuFrame_SetBuiltinMacro(Du_Globals, "||", du_or);
+    DuFrame_SetBuiltinMacro(Du_Globals, "&&", du_and);
     DuFrame_SetBuiltinMacro(Du_Globals, "<", du_lt);
     DuFrame_SetBuiltinMacro(Du_Globals, "<=", du_le);
     DuFrame_SetBuiltinMacro(Du_Globals, "==", du_eq);

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