[pypy-commit] pypy numpy-refactor: merge default

bdkearns noreply at buildbot.pypy.org
Thu Feb 27 07:11:20 CET 2014

Author: Brian Kearns <bdkearns at gmail.com>
Branch: numpy-refactor
Changeset: r69491:8da9e6ab9957
Date: 2014-02-26 23:05 -0500

Log:	merge default

diff --git a/include/PyPy.h b/include/PyPy.h
--- a/include/PyPy.h
+++ b/include/PyPy.h
@@ -8,9 +8,14 @@
 extern "C" {
+/* You should call this first once. */
+#define pypy_init(need_threads) do { pypy_asm_stack_bottom();	\
+ if (need_threads) pypy_init_threads(); } while (0)
-/* You should call this first once. */
+// deprecated interface
 void rpython_startup_code(void);
+void pypy_init_threads(void);
 /* Initialize the home directory of PyPy.  It is necessary to call this.
@@ -26,11 +31,10 @@
 /* If your program has multiple threads, then you need to call
-   pypy_init_threads() once at init time, and then pypy_thread_attach()
-   once in each other thread that just started and in which you want to
-   run Python code (including via callbacks, see below).
+   pypy_thread_attach() once in each other thread that just started
+   and in which you want to run Python code (including via callbacks,
-void pypy_init_threads(void);
 void pypy_thread_attach(void);
diff --git a/pypy/doc/embedding.rst b/pypy/doc/embedding.rst
new file mode 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pypy/doc/embedding.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,101 @@
+PyPy has a very minimal and a very strange embedding interface, based on
+the usage of `cffi`_ and the philosophy that Python is a better language in C.
+It was developed in collaboration with Roberto De Ioris from the `uwsgi`_
+project. The `PyPy uwsgi plugin`_ is a good example of usage of such interface.
+The first thing that you need, that we plan to change in the future, is to
+compile PyPy yourself with an option ``--shared``. Consult the
+`how to compile PyPy`_ doc for details. That should result in ``libpypy.so``
+or ``pypy.dll`` file or something similar, depending on your platform. Consult
+your platform specification for details.
+The resulting shared library has very few functions that are however enough
+to make a full API working, provided you'll follow a few principles. The API
+.. function:: void pypy_init(int need_threads);
+   This is a function that you have to call (once) before calling anything.
+   It initializes the RPython/PyPy GC and does a bunch of necessary startup
+   code. This function cannot fail. Pass 1 in case you need thread support, 0
+   otherwise.
+.. function:: long pypy_setup_home(char* home, int verbose);
+   This is another function that you have to call at some point, without
+   it you would not be able to find the standard library (and run pretty much
+   nothing). Arguments:
+   * ``home``: null terminated path
+   * ``verbose``: if non-zero, would print error messages to stderr
+   Function returns 0 on success or 1 on failure, can be called multiple times
+   until the library is found.
+.. function:: int pypy_execute_source(char* source);
+   Execute the source code given in the ``source`` argument. Will print
+   the error message to stderr upon failure and return 1, otherwise returns 0.
+   You should really do your own error handling in the source. It'll acquire
+   the GIL.
+.. function:: void pypy_thread_attach(void);
+   In case your application uses threads that are initialized outside of PyPy,
+   you need to call this function to tell the PyPy GC to track this thread.
+   Note that this function is not thread-safe itself, so you need to guard it
+   with a mutex. Do not call it from the main thread.
+Simple example
+Note that this API is a lot more minimal than say CPython C API, so at first
+it's obvious to think that you can't do much. However, the trick is to do
+all the logic in Python and expose it via `cffi`_ callbacks. Let's assume
+we're on linux and pypy is put in ``/opt/pypy`` (a source checkout) and
+library is in ``/opt/pypy/libpypy-c.so``. We write a little C program
+(for simplicity assuming that all operations will be performed::
+  #include "include/PyPy.h"
+  #include <stdio.h>
+  const char source[] = "print 'hello from pypy'";
+  int main()
+  {
+    int res;
+    rpython_startup_code();
+    res = pypy_execute_source((char*)source);
+    if (res) {
+      printf("Error calling pypy_execute_source!\n");
+    }
+    return res;
+  }
+If we save it as ``x.c`` now, compile it and run it with::
+  fijal at hermann:/opt/pypy$ gcc -o x x.c -lpypy-c -L.
+  fijal at hermann:~/src/pypy$ LD_LIBRARY_PATH=. ./x
+  hello from pypy
+More advanced example
+Typically we need something more to do than simply execute source. The following
+is a fully fledged example, please consult cffi documentation for details.
+XXXX I don't understand what's going on, discuss with unbit
+.. _`cffi`: http://cffi.readthedocs.org/
+.. _`uwsgi`: http://uwsgi-docs.readthedocs.org/en/latest/
+.. _`PyPy uwsgi plugin`: http://uwsgi-docs.readthedocs.org/en/latest/PyPy.html
diff --git a/pypy/doc/getting-started.rst b/pypy/doc/getting-started.rst
--- a/pypy/doc/getting-started.rst
+++ b/pypy/doc/getting-started.rst
@@ -145,11 +145,13 @@
 After you successfully manage to get PyPy's source you can read more about:
  - `Building and using PyPy's Python interpreter`_
+ - `Embedding PyPy`_
  - `Learning more about the RPython toolchain and how to develop (with) PyPy`_
  - `Tutorial for how to write an interpreter with the RPython toolchain and make it fast`_
  - `Look at our benchmark results`_
 .. _`Building and using PyPy's Python interpreter`: getting-started-python.html
+.. _`Embedding PyPy`: embedding.html
 .. _`Learning more about the RPython toolchain and how to develop (with) PyPy`: getting-started-dev.html
 .. _`Tutorial for how to write an interpreter with the RPython toolchain and make it fast`: http://morepypy.blogspot.com/2011/04/tutorial-writing-interpreter-with-pypy.html
 .. _`Look at our benchmark results`: http://speed.pypy.org
diff --git a/pypy/goal/targetpypystandalone.py b/pypy/goal/targetpypystandalone.py
--- a/pypy/goal/targetpypystandalone.py
+++ b/pypy/goal/targetpypystandalone.py
@@ -82,6 +82,7 @@
     from rpython.rlib.entrypoint import entrypoint
     from rpython.rtyper.lltypesystem import rffi, lltype
+    from rpython.rtyper.lltypesystem.lloperation import llop
     w_pathsetter = space.appexec([], """():
     def f(path):
@@ -93,6 +94,7 @@
     @entrypoint('main', [rffi.CCHARP, rffi.INT], c_name='pypy_setup_home')
     def pypy_setup_home(ll_home, verbose):
         from pypy.module.sys.initpath import pypy_find_stdlib
+        llop.gc_stack_bottom(lltype.Void)
         verbose = rffi.cast(lltype.Signed, verbose)
         if ll_home:
             home = rffi.charp2str(ll_home)
@@ -120,8 +122,11 @@
     @entrypoint('main', [rffi.CCHARP], c_name='pypy_execute_source')
     def pypy_execute_source(ll_source):
+        rffi.aroundstate.after()
+        llop.gc_stack_bottom(lltype.Void)
         source = rffi.charp2str(ll_source)
         res = _pypy_execute_source(source)
+        rffi.aroundstate.before()
         return rffi.cast(rffi.INT, res)
     @entrypoint('main', [], c_name='pypy_init_threads')
diff --git a/pypy/module/cpyext/ndarrayobject.py b/pypy/module/cpyext/ndarrayobject.py
--- a/pypy/module/cpyext/ndarrayobject.py
+++ b/pypy/module/cpyext/ndarrayobject.py
@@ -9,8 +9,7 @@
 from pypy.module.cpyext.api import PyObject
 from pypy.module.micronumpy.interp_numarray import W_NDimArray, array
 from pypy.module.micronumpy.interp_dtype import get_dtype_cache, W_Dtype
-from pypy.module.micronumpy.arrayimpl.concrete import ConcreteArray
-from pypy.module.micronumpy.arrayimpl.scalar import Scalar
+from pypy.module.micronumpy.concrete import ConcreteArray
 from rpython.rlib.rawstorage import RAW_STORAGE_PTR
 NPY_C_CONTIGUOUS   = 0x0001
@@ -167,7 +166,7 @@
         #     void *data = PyArray_DATA(arr);
         impl = w_array.implementation
         w_array = W_NDimArray.from_shape(space, [1], impl.dtype)
-        w_array.implementation.setitem(0, impl.value)
+        w_array.implementation.setitem(0, impl.getitem(impl.start + 0))
         w_array.implementation.shape = []
     return w_array
@@ -214,12 +213,8 @@
         order='C', owning=False, w_subtype=None):
     shape, dtype = get_shape_and_dtype(space, nd, dims, typenum)
     storage = rffi.cast(RAW_STORAGE_PTR, data)
-    if nd == 0:
-        w_val = dtype.itemtype.box_raw_data(storage)
-        return W_NDimArray(Scalar(dtype, w_val))
-    else:
-        return W_NDimArray.from_shape_and_storage(space, shape, storage, dtype,
-                order=order, owning=owning, w_subtype=w_subtype)
+    return W_NDimArray.from_shape_and_storage(space, shape, storage, dtype,
+            order=order, owning=owning, w_subtype=w_subtype)
 @cpython_api([Py_ssize_t, rffi.LONGP, Py_ssize_t], PyObject)
diff --git a/pypy/module/cpyext/test/test_ndarrayobject.py b/pypy/module/cpyext/test/test_ndarrayobject.py
--- a/pypy/module/cpyext/test/test_ndarrayobject.py
+++ b/pypy/module/cpyext/test/test_ndarrayobject.py
@@ -77,7 +77,7 @@
     def test_FromAny_scalar(self, space, api):
         a0 = scalar(space)
-        assert a0.implementation.get_scalar_value().value == 10.
+        assert a0.get_scalar_value().value == 10.
         a = api._PyArray_FromAny(a0, NULL, 0, 0, 0, NULL)
         assert api._PyArray_NDIM(a) == 0
diff --git a/pypy/module/micronumpy/base.py b/pypy/module/micronumpy/base.py
--- a/pypy/module/micronumpy/base.py
+++ b/pypy/module/micronumpy/base.py
@@ -31,7 +31,6 @@
     def from_shape(space, shape, dtype, order='C', w_instance=None):
         from pypy.module.micronumpy import concrete
         strides, backstrides = calc_strides(shape, dtype.base, order)
         impl = concrete.ConcreteArray(shape, dtype.base, order, strides,
@@ -43,7 +42,6 @@
     def from_shape_and_storage(space, shape, storage, dtype, order='C', owning=False,
                                w_subtype=None, w_base=None, writable=True):
         from pypy.module.micronumpy import concrete
-        assert shape
         strides, backstrides = calc_strides(shape, dtype, order)
         if w_base is not None:
             if owning:
@@ -56,7 +54,6 @@
                 impl = concrete.ConcreteNonWritableArrayWithBase(shape, dtype, order,
                                                                  strides, backstrides,
                                                                  storage, w_base)
         elif owning:
             # Will free storage when GCd
             impl = concrete.ConcreteArray(shape, dtype, order, strides,
diff --git a/rpython/jit/codewriter/jtransform.py b/rpython/jit/codewriter/jtransform.py
--- a/rpython/jit/codewriter/jtransform.py
+++ b/rpython/jit/codewriter/jtransform.py
@@ -499,6 +499,16 @@
     def rewrite_op_hint(self, op):
         hints = op.args[1].value
+        # hack: if there are both 'promote' and 'promote_string', kill
+        # one of them based on the type of the value
+        if hints.get('promote_string') and hints.get('promote'):
+            hints = hints.copy()
+            if op.args[0].concretetype == lltype.Ptr(rstr.STR):
+                del hints['promote']
+            else:
+                del hints['promote_string']
         if hints.get('promote') and op.args[0].concretetype is not lltype.Void:
             assert op.args[0].concretetype != lltype.Ptr(rstr.STR)
             kind = getkind(op.args[0].concretetype)
diff --git a/rpython/jit/codewriter/test/test_jtransform.py b/rpython/jit/codewriter/test/test_jtransform.py
--- a/rpython/jit/codewriter/test/test_jtransform.py
+++ b/rpython/jit/codewriter/test/test_jtransform.py
@@ -1050,6 +1050,37 @@
     assert op1.result == v2
     assert op0.opname == '-live-'
+def test_double_promote_str():
+    PSTR = lltype.Ptr(rstr.STR)
+    v1 = varoftype(PSTR)
+    v2 = varoftype(PSTR)
+    tr = Transformer(FakeCPU(), FakeBuiltinCallControl())
+    op1 = SpaceOperation('hint',
+                         [v1, Constant({'promote_string': True}, lltype.Void)],
+                         v2)
+    op2 = SpaceOperation('hint',
+                         [v1, Constant({'promote_string': True,
+                                        'promote': True}, lltype.Void)],
+                         v2)
+    lst1 = tr.rewrite_operation(op1)
+    lst2 = tr.rewrite_operation(op2)
+    assert lst1 == lst2
+def test_double_promote_nonstr():
+    v1 = varoftype(lltype.Signed)
+    v2 = varoftype(lltype.Signed)
+    tr = Transformer(FakeCPU(), FakeBuiltinCallControl())
+    op1 = SpaceOperation('hint',
+                         [v1, Constant({'promote': True}, lltype.Void)],
+                         v2)
+    op2 = SpaceOperation('hint',
+                         [v1, Constant({'promote_string': True,
+                                        'promote': True}, lltype.Void)],
+                         v2)
+    lst1 = tr.rewrite_operation(op1)
+    lst2 = tr.rewrite_operation(op2)
+    assert lst1 == lst2
 def test_unicode_concat():
     # test that the oopspec is present and correctly transformed
     PSTR = lltype.Ptr(rstr.UNICODE)
diff --git a/rpython/jit/metainterp/test/test_list.py b/rpython/jit/metainterp/test/test_list.py
--- a/rpython/jit/metainterp/test/test_list.py
+++ b/rpython/jit/metainterp/test/test_list.py
@@ -98,8 +98,8 @@
         self.check_resops(setarrayitem_gc=0, call=0, getarrayitem_gc=0)
     def test_vlist_alloc_and_set(self):
-        # the check_loops fails, because [non-null] * n is not supported yet
-        # (it is implemented as a residual call)
+        # the check_loops fails, because [non-null] * n is only supported
+        # if n < 15 (otherwise it is implemented as a residual call)
         jitdriver = JitDriver(greens = [], reds = ['n'])
         def f(n):
             l = [1] * 20
@@ -116,7 +116,7 @@
         res = self.meta_interp(f, [10], listops=True)
         assert res == f(10)
-        py.test.skip("'[non-null] * n' gives a residual call so far")
+        py.test.skip("'[non-null] * n' for n >= 15 gives a residual call so far")
         self.check_loops(setarrayitem_gc=0, getarrayitem_gc=0, call=0)
     def test_arraycopy_simpleoptimize(self):
@@ -287,6 +287,74 @@
         assert res == 5
+    def test_list_mul_virtual(self):
+        class Foo:
+            def __init__(self, l):
+                self.l = l
+                l[0] = self
+        myjitdriver = JitDriver(greens = [], reds = ['y'])
+        def f(y):
+            while y > 0:
+                myjitdriver.jit_merge_point(y=y)
+                Foo([None] * 5)
+                y -= 1
+            return 42
+        self.meta_interp(f, [5])
+        self.check_resops({'int_sub': 2,
+                           'int_gt': 2,
+                           'guard_true': 2,
+                           'jump': 1})
+    def test_list_mul_virtual_nonzero(self):
+        class base:
+            pass
+        class Foo(base):
+            def __init__(self, l):
+                self.l = l
+                l[0] = self
+        class nil(base):
+            pass
+        nil = nil()
+        myjitdriver = JitDriver(greens = [], reds = ['y'])
+        def f(y):
+            while y > 0:
+                myjitdriver.jit_merge_point(y=y)
+                Foo([nil] * 5)
+                y -= 1
+            return 42
+        self.meta_interp(f, [5])
+        self.check_resops({'int_sub': 2,
+                           'int_gt': 2,
+                           'guard_true': 2,
+                           'jump': 1})
+    def test_list_mul_unsigned_virtual(self):
+        from rpython.rlib.rarithmetic import r_uint
+        class Foo:
+            def __init__(self, l):
+                self.l = l
+                l[0] = self
+        myjitdriver = JitDriver(greens = [], reds = ['y'])
+        def f(y):
+            while y > 0:
+                myjitdriver.jit_merge_point(y=y)
+                Foo([None] * r_uint(5))
+                y -= 1
+            return 42
+        self.meta_interp(f, [5])
+        self.check_resops({'int_sub': 2,
+                           'int_gt': 2,
+                           'guard_true': 2,
+                           'jump': 1})
 class TestLLtype(ListTests, LLJitMixin):
     def test_listops_dont_invalidate_caches(self):
diff --git a/rpython/rlib/jit.py b/rpython/rlib/jit.py
--- a/rpython/rlib/jit.py
+++ b/rpython/rlib/jit.py
@@ -130,7 +130,9 @@
         if promote_args != 'all':
             args = [args[int(i)] for i in promote_args.split(",")]
         for arg in args:
-            code.append("    %s = hint(%s, promote=True)\n" % (arg, arg))
+            code.append( #use both hints, and let jtransform pick the right one
+                "    %s = hint(%s, promote=True, promote_string=True)\n" %
+                (arg, arg))
         code.append("    return _orig_func_unlikely_name(%s)\n" % (argstring, ))
         d = {"_orig_func_unlikely_name": func, "hint": hint}
         exec py.code.Source("\n".join(code)).compile() in d
diff --git a/rpython/rtyper/test/test_generator.py b/rpython/rtyper/test/test_generator.py
--- a/rpython/rtyper/test/test_generator.py
+++ b/rpython/rtyper/test/test_generator.py
@@ -88,3 +88,16 @@
             return s
         res = self.interpret(g, [])
         assert res == 6
+    def test_send(self):
+        def f():
+            yield (yield 1) + 1
+        def g():
+            gen = f()
+            res = f.send(2)
+            assert res == 1
+            res = f.next()
+            assert res == 3
+        res = self.interpret(g, [])
diff --git a/rpython/rtyper/test/test_rlist.py b/rpython/rtyper/test/test_rlist.py
--- a/rpython/rtyper/test/test_rlist.py
+++ b/rpython/rtyper/test/test_rlist.py
@@ -1619,3 +1619,17 @@
             rgc.ll_arraycopy = old_arraycopy
         assert 2 <= res <= 10
+    def test_alloc_and_set(self):
+        def fn(i):
+            lst = [0] * r_uint(i)
+            return lst
+        t, rtyper, graph = self.gengraph(fn, [int])
+        block = graph.startblock
+        seen = 0
+        for op in block.operations:
+            if op.opname in ['cast_int_to_uint', 'cast_uint_to_int']:
+                continue
+            assert op.opname == 'direct_call'
+            seen += 1
+        assert seen == 1
diff --git a/rpython/translator/transform.py b/rpython/translator/transform.py
--- a/rpython/translator/transform.py
+++ b/rpython/translator/transform.py
@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@
 # [a] * b
 # -->
 # c = newlist(a)
-# d = mul(c, int b)
+# d = mul(c, b)
 # -->
 # d = alloc_and_set(b, a)
@@ -44,8 +44,7 @@
                 len(op.args) == 1):
                 length1_lists[op.result] = op.args[0]
             elif (op.opname == 'mul' and
-                  op.args[0] in length1_lists and
-                  self.gettype(op.args[1]) is int):
+                  op.args[0] in length1_lists):
                 new_op = SpaceOperation('alloc_and_set',
                                         (op.args[1], length1_lists[op.args[0]]),

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