[pypy-commit] pypy py3.3: Kill the interp-level version of the _lzma module,

amauryfa noreply at buildbot.pypy.org
Tue Dec 30 22:27:13 CET 2014

Author: Amaury Forgeot d'Arc <amauryfa at gmail.com>
Branch: py3.3
Changeset: r75171:db1b4ba4d7e5
Date: 2014-12-30 19:48 +0100

Log:	Kill the interp-level version of the _lzma module, and import the
	one from lzmaffi on PyPI.

diff --git a/lib_pypy/_lzma.py b/lib_pypy/_lzma.py
new file mode 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib_pypy/_lzma.py
@@ -0,0 +1,920 @@
+# This file was copied from lzmaffi version 0.3.0.
+# It is an almost exact copy of lzmaffi/_lzmamodule2.py.
+# PyPy changes:
+# - added __getstate__() methods that raise TypeError on pickling.
+from cffi import FFI
+import threading
+import functools
+import collections
+import weakref
+import sys
+import io
+__all__ = ['CHECK_CRC32',
+ 'CHECK_CRC64',
+ 'CHECK_SHA256',
+ 'FILTER_IA64',
+ 'FILTER_X86',
+ 'LZMACompressor',
+ 'LZMADecompressor',
+ 'LZMAError',
+ 'MF_BT2',
+ 'MF_BT3',
+ 'MF_BT4',
+ 'MF_HC3',
+ 'MF_HC4',
+ 'decode_block_header_size',
+ 'decode_stream_header',
+ 'decode_stream_footer',
+ 'decode_index',
+ '_decode_filter_properties',
+ '_encode_filter_properties',
+ 'is_check_supported']
+_owns = weakref.WeakKeyDictionary()
+ffi = FFI()
+#define UINT64_MAX ...
+#define LZMA_CHECK_NONE ...
+#define LZMA_CHECK_CRC32 ...
+#define LZMA_CHECK_CRC64 ...
+#define LZMA_CHECK_SHA256 ...
+#define LZMA_CHECK_ID_MAX ...
+#define LZMA_TELL_ANY_CHECK ...
+#define LZMA_TELL_NO_CHECK ...
+#define LZMA_VLI_UNKNOWN ...
+#define LZMA_FILTER_LZMA1 ...
+#define LZMA_FILTER_LZMA2 ...
+#define LZMA_FILTER_DELTA ...
+#define LZMA_FILTER_X86 ...
+#define LZMA_FILTER_IA64 ...
+#define LZMA_FILTER_ARM ...
+#define LZMA_FILTER_SPARC ...
+#define LZMA_FILTERS_MAX ...
+#define LZMA_MF_HC3 ...
+#define LZMA_MF_HC4 ...
+#define LZMA_MF_BT2 ...
+#define LZMA_MF_BT3 ...
+#define LZMA_MF_BT4 ...
+#define LZMA_MODE_FAST ...
+#define LZMA_MODE_NORMAL ...
+    LZMA_PROG_ERROR, ... };
+enum lzma_action { LZMA_RUN, LZMA_FINISH, ...};
+enum lzma_check { ... };
+typedef uint64_t lzma_vli;
+typedef struct {
+    void* (*alloc)(void*, size_t, size_t);
+    void (*free)(void*, void*);
+    void* opaque;
+    ...;
+} lzma_allocator;
+typedef struct {
+    const uint8_t *next_in;
+    size_t avail_in;
+    uint64_t total_in;
+    uint8_t *next_out;
+    size_t avail_out;
+    uint64_t total_out;
+    lzma_allocator *allocator;
+    ...;
+} lzma_stream;
+typedef struct {
+    int type;
+    uint32_t dist;
+    ...;
+} lzma_options_delta;
+typedef struct {
+    uint32_t start_offset;
+    ...;
+} lzma_options_bcj;
+typedef struct {
+    uint32_t dict_size;
+    uint32_t lc;
+    uint32_t lp;
+    uint32_t pb;
+    int mode;
+    uint32_t nice_len;
+    int mf;
+    uint32_t depth;
+    ...;
+} lzma_options_lzma;
+typedef struct {
+    lzma_vli id;
+    void *options;
+    ...;
+} lzma_filter;
+typedef struct {
+    uint32_t version;
+    lzma_vli backward_size;
+    int check;
+    ...;
+} lzma_stream_flags;
+typedef ... lzma_index;
+typedef struct {
+    uint32_t version;
+    uint32_t header_size;
+    int check;
+    lzma_vli compressed_size;
+    lzma_filter* filters;
+    ...;
+} lzma_block;
+bool lzma_check_is_supported(int check);
+// Encoder/Decoder
+int lzma_auto_decoder(lzma_stream *strm, uint64_t memlimit, uint32_t flags);
+int lzma_stream_decoder(lzma_stream *strm, uint64_t memlimit, uint32_t flags);
+int lzma_alone_decoder(lzma_stream *strm, uint64_t memlimit);
+int lzma_raw_decoder(lzma_stream *strm, const lzma_filter *filters);
+int lzma_block_decoder(lzma_stream *strm, lzma_block *block);
+int lzma_easy_encoder(lzma_stream *strm, uint32_t preset, int check);
+int lzma_alone_encoder(lzma_stream *strm, lzma_options_lzma* options);
+int lzma_raw_encoder(lzma_stream *strm, const lzma_filter *filters);
+int lzma_get_check(const lzma_stream *strm);
+int lzma_code(lzma_stream *strm, int action);
+void lzma_end(lzma_stream *strm);
+// Extras
+int lzma_stream_header_decode(lzma_stream_flags *options, const uint8_t *in);
+int lzma_stream_footer_decode(lzma_stream_flags *options, const uint8_t *in);
+int lzma_stream_flags_compare(const lzma_stream_flags *a,
+    const lzma_stream_flags *b);
+enum lzma_index_iter_mode { LZMA_INDEX_ITER_ANY, LZMA_INDEX_ITER_STREAM,
+// Indexes
+lzma_index* lzma_index_init(lzma_allocator *al);
+void lzma_index_end(lzma_index *i, lzma_allocator *al);
+int lzma_index_stream_padding(lzma_index *i, lzma_vli stream_padding);
+lzma_index* lzma_index_dup(const lzma_index *i, lzma_allocator *al);
+int lzma_index_cat(lzma_index *dest, lzma_index *src, lzma_allocator *al);
+int lzma_index_buffer_decode(lzma_index **i, uint64_t *memlimit,
+    lzma_allocator *allocator, const uint8_t *in, size_t *in_pos,
+    size_t in_size);
+lzma_vli lzma_index_block_count(const lzma_index *i);
+lzma_vli lzma_index_stream_size(const lzma_index *i);
+lzma_vli lzma_index_uncompressed_size(const lzma_index *i);
+lzma_vli lzma_index_size(const lzma_index *i);
+lzma_vli lzma_index_total_size(const lzma_index *i);
+// Blocks
+int lzma_block_header_decode(lzma_block *block, lzma_allocator *al,
+    const uint8_t *in);
+int lzma_block_compressed_size(lzma_block *block, lzma_vli unpadded_size);
+typedef struct {
+    // cffi doesn't support partial anonymous structs
+    // so we write the definition in full
+	struct {
+		const lzma_stream_flags *flags;
+		const void *reserved_ptr1;
+		const void *reserved_ptr2;
+		const void *reserved_ptr3;
+		lzma_vli number;
+		lzma_vli block_count;
+		lzma_vli compressed_offset;
+		lzma_vli uncompressed_offset;
+		lzma_vli compressed_size;
+		lzma_vli uncompressed_size;
+		lzma_vli padding;
+		lzma_vli reserved_vli1;
+		lzma_vli reserved_vli2;
+		lzma_vli reserved_vli3;
+		lzma_vli reserved_vli4;
+	} stream;
+	struct {
+		lzma_vli number_in_file;
+		lzma_vli compressed_file_offset;
+		lzma_vli uncompressed_file_offset;
+		lzma_vli number_in_stream;
+		lzma_vli compressed_stream_offset;
+		lzma_vli uncompressed_stream_offset;
+		lzma_vli uncompressed_size;
+		lzma_vli unpadded_size;
+		lzma_vli total_size;
+		lzma_vli reserved_vli1;
+		lzma_vli reserved_vli2;
+		lzma_vli reserved_vli3;
+		lzma_vli reserved_vli4;
+		const void *reserved_ptr1;
+		const void *reserved_ptr2;
+		const void *reserved_ptr3;
+		const void *reserved_ptr4;
+	} block;
+    ...;
+} lzma_index_iter;
+void lzma_index_iter_init(lzma_index_iter *iter, const lzma_index *i);
+int lzma_index_iter_next(lzma_index_iter *iter, int mode);
+int lzma_index_iter_locate(lzma_index_iter *iter, lzma_vli target);
+// Properties
+int lzma_properties_size(uint32_t *size, const lzma_filter *filter);
+int lzma_properties_encode(const lzma_filter *filter, uint8_t *props);
+int lzma_properties_decode(lzma_filter *filter, lzma_allocator *allocator,
+    const uint8_t *props, size_t props_size);
+int lzma_lzma_preset(lzma_options_lzma* options, uint32_t preset);
+// Special functions
+void _pylzma_stream_init(lzma_stream *strm);
+void _pylzma_block_header_size_decode(uint32_t b);
+void *malloc(size_t size);
+void free(void *ptr);
+void *realloc(void *ptr, size_t size);
+m = ffi.verify("""
+#include <lzma.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+void _pylzma_stream_init(lzma_stream *strm) {
+    lzma_stream tmp = LZMA_STREAM_INIT; // macro from lzma.h
+    *strm = tmp;
+uint32_t _pylzma_block_header_size_decode(uint32_t b) {
+    return lzma_block_header_size_decode(b); // macro from lzma.h
+    libraries=['lzma'],
+    include_dirs=['/opt/local/include', '/usr/local/include'],
+    library_dirs=['/opt/local/include', '/usr/local/include'],
+    ext_package='_lzmaffi_mods',
+    modulename='_compiled_module')
+def _new_lzma_stream():
+    ret = ffi.new('lzma_stream*')
+    m._pylzma_stream_init(ret)
+    return ffi.gc(ret, m.lzma_end)
+def add_constant(c):
+    globals()[c] = getattr(m, 'LZMA_' + c)
+if sys.version_info >= (2,7):
+    def to_bytes(data):
+        return memoryview(data).tobytes()
+    def to_bytes(data):
+        if not isinstance(data, basestring):
+            raise TypeError("lzma: must be str/unicode, got %s" % (type(data),))
+        return bytes(data)
+if sys.version_info >= (3,0):
+    long = int
+    add_constant(c)
+def _parse_format(format):
+    if isinstance(format, (int, long)):
+        return format
+    else:
+        raise TypeError
+    m.LZMA_FILTER_IA64,
+class LZMAError(Exception):
+    """Call to liblzma failed."""
+def is_check_supported(check):
+    """is_check_supported(check_id) -> bool
+    Test whether the given integrity check is supported.
+    Always returns True for CHECK_NONE and CHECK_CRC32."""
+    return bool(m.lzma_check_is_supported(check))
+def catch_lzma_error(fun, *args):
+    try:
+        lzret = fun(*args)
+    except:
+        raise
+        return lzret
+    elif lzret == m.LZMA_DATA_ERROR:
+        raise LZMAError("Corrupt input data")
+    elif lzret == m.LZMA_UNSUPPORTED_CHECK:
+        raise LZMAError("Unsupported integrity check")
+    elif lzret == m.LZMA_FORMAT_ERROR:
+        raise LZMAError("Input format not supported by decoder")
+    elif lzret == m.LZMA_OPTIONS_ERROR:
+        raise LZMAError("Invalid or unsupported options")
+    elif lzret == m.LZMA_BUF_ERROR:
+        raise LZMAError("Insufficient buffer space")
+    elif lzret == m.LZMA_PROG_ERROR:
+        raise LZMAError("Internal error")
+    elif lzret == m.LZMA_MEM_ERROR:
+        raise MemoryError
+    else:
+        raise LZMAError("Unrecognised error from liblzma: %d" % lzret)
+def parse_filter_spec_delta(id, dist=1):
+    ret = ffi.new('lzma_options_delta*')
+    ret.type = m.LZMA_DELTA_TYPE_BYTE
+    ret.dist = dist
+    return ret
+def parse_filter_spec_bcj(id, start_offset=0):
+    ret = ffi.new('lzma_options_bcj*')
+    ret.start_offset = start_offset
+    return ret
+def parse_filter_spec_lzma(id, preset=m.LZMA_PRESET_DEFAULT, **kwargs):
+    ret = ffi.new('lzma_options_lzma*')
+    if m.lzma_lzma_preset(ret, preset):
+        raise LZMAError("Invalid...")
+    for arg, val in kwargs.items():
+        if arg in ('dict_size', 'lc', 'lp', 'pb', 'nice_len', 'depth'):
+            setattr(ret, arg, val)
+        elif arg in ('mf', 'mode'):
+            setattr(ret, arg, int(val))
+        else:
+            raise ValueError("Invalid...")
+    return ret
+def parse_filter_spec(spec):
+    if not isinstance(spec, collections.Mapping):
+        raise TypeError("Filter...")
+    ret = ffi.new('lzma_filter*')
+    try:
+        ret.id = spec['id']
+    except KeyError:
+        raise ValueError("Filter...")
+    if ret.id in (m.LZMA_FILTER_LZMA1, m.LZMA_FILTER_LZMA2):
+        try:
+            options = parse_filter_spec_lzma(**spec)
+        except TypeError:
+            raise ValueError("Invalid...")
+    elif ret.id == m.LZMA_FILTER_DELTA:
+        try:
+            options = parse_filter_spec_delta(**spec)
+        except TypeError:
+            raise ValueError("Invalid...")
+    elif ret.id in BCJ_FILTERS:
+        try:
+            options = parse_filter_spec_bcj(**spec)
+        except TypeError:
+            raise ValueError("Invalid...")
+    else:
+        raise ValueError("Invalid %d" % (ret.id,))
+    ret.options = options
+    _owns[ret] = options
+    return ret
+def _encode_filter_properties(filterspec):
+    """_encode_filter_properties(filter) -> bytes
+    Return a bytes object encoding the options (properties) of the filter
+    specified by *filter* (a dict).
+    The result does not include the filter ID itself, only the options."""
+    filter = parse_filter_spec(filterspec)
+    size = ffi.new("uint32_t*")
+    catch_lzma_error(m.lzma_properties_size, size, filter)
+    result = ffi.new('char[]', size[0])
+    catch_lzma_error(m.lzma_properties_encode, filter, result)
+    return ffi.buffer(result)[:]
+def parse_filter_chain_spec(filterspecs):
+    if len(filterspecs) > m.LZMA_FILTERS_MAX:
+        raise ValueError("Too...")
+    filters = ffi.new('lzma_filter[]', m.LZMA_FILTERS_MAX+1)
+    _owns[filters] = children = []
+    for i in range(m.LZMA_FILTERS_MAX+1):
+        try:
+            filterspec = filterspecs[i]
+        except KeyError:
+            raise TypeError
+        except IndexError:
+            filters[i].id = m.LZMA_VLI_UNKNOWN
+        else:
+            filter = parse_filter_spec(filterspecs[i])
+            children.append(filter)
+            filters[i].id = filter.id
+            filters[i].options = filter.options
+    return filters
+def build_filter_spec(filter):
+    spec = {'id': filter.id}
+    def add_opts(options_type, *opts):
+        options = ffi.cast('%s*' % (options_type,), filter.options)
+        for v in opts:
+            spec[v] = getattr(options, v)
+    if filter.id == m.LZMA_FILTER_LZMA1:
+        add_opts('lzma_options_lzma', 'lc', 'lp', 'pb', 'dict_size')
+    elif filter.id == m.LZMA_FILTER_LZMA2:
+        add_opts('lzma_options_lzma', 'dict_size')
+    elif filter.id == m.LZMA_FILTER_DELTA:
+        add_opts('lzma_options_delta', 'dist')
+    elif filter.id in BCJ_FILTERS:
+        add_opts('lzma_options_bcj', 'start_offset')
+    else:
+        raise ValueError("Invalid...")
+    return spec
+def _decode_filter_properties(filter_id, encoded_props):
+    """_decode_filter_properties(filter_id, encoded_props) -> dict
+    Return a dict describing a filter with ID *filter_id*, and options
+    (properties) decoded from the bytes object *encoded_props*."""
+    filter = ffi.new('lzma_filter*')
+    filter.id = filter_id
+    catch_lzma_error(m.lzma_properties_decode,
+        filter, ffi.NULL, encoded_props, len(encoded_props))
+    try:
+        return build_filter_spec(filter)
+    finally:
+        # TODO do we need this, the only use of m.free?
+        m.free(filter.options)
+def _decode_stream_header_or_footer(decode_f, in_bytes):
+    footer_o = ffi.new('char[]', to_bytes(in_bytes))
+    stream_flags = ffi.new('lzma_stream_flags*')
+    catch_lzma_error(decode_f, stream_flags, footer_o)
+    return StreamFlags(stream_flags)
+decode_stream_footer = functools.partial(_decode_stream_header_or_footer,
+    m.lzma_stream_footer_decode)
+decode_stream_header = functools.partial(_decode_stream_header_or_footer,
+    m.lzma_stream_header_decode)
+def decode_block_header_size(in_byte):
+    # lzma_block_header_size_decode(b) (((uint32_t)(b) + 1) * 4)
+    return (ord(in_byte) + 1) * 4
+def decode_index(s, stream_padding=0):
+    indexp = ffi.new('lzma_index**')
+    memlimit = ffi.new('uint64_t*')
+    memlimit[0] = m.UINT64_MAX
+    allocator = ffi.NULL
+    in_buf = ffi.new('char[]', to_bytes(s))
+    in_pos = ffi.new('size_t*')
+    in_pos[0] = 0
+    catch_lzma_error(m.lzma_index_buffer_decode, indexp,
+        memlimit, allocator, in_buf, in_pos, len(s))
+    return Index(indexp[0], allocator, stream_padding)
+class Index(object):
+    def __init__(self, i, allocator, stream_padding=0):
+        self.i = i
+        self.allocator = allocator
+        m.lzma_index_stream_padding(i, stream_padding)
+    @property
+    def uncompressed_size(self):
+        return m.lzma_index_uncompressed_size(self.i)
+    @property
+    def block_count(self):
+        return m.lzma_index_block_count(self.i)
+    @property
+    def index_size(self):
+        return m.lzma_index_size(self.i)
+    @property
+    def blocks_size(self):
+        return m.lzma_index_total_size(self.i)
+    def __iter__(self):
+        return self.iterator()
+    def iterator(self, type=m.LZMA_INDEX_ITER_BLOCK):
+        iterator = ffi.new('lzma_index_iter*')
+        m.lzma_index_iter_init(iterator, self.i)
+        while not m.lzma_index_iter_next(iterator, type):
+            yield (IndexStreamData(iterator.stream), IndexBlockData(iterator.block))
+    def find(self, offset):
+        iterator = ffi.new('lzma_index_iter*')
+        m.lzma_index_iter_init(iterator, self.i)
+        if m.lzma_index_iter_locate(iterator, offset):
+            # offset too high
+            return None
+        return (IndexStreamData(iterator.stream), IndexBlockData(iterator.block))
+    def __del__(self):
+        m.lzma_index_end(self.i, self.allocator)
+    def copy(self):
+        new_i = m.lzma_index_dup(self.i, self.allocator)
+        return Index(new_i, self.allocator)
+    deepcopy = copy
+    def append(self, other_index):
+        # m.lzma_index_cat frees its second parameter so we
+        # must copy it first
+        other_index_i = m.lzma_index_dup(other_index.i, self.allocator)
+        catch_lzma_error(m.lzma_index_cat, self.i, 
+            other_index_i, self.allocator)
+class _StructToPy(object):
+    __slots__ = ()
+    def __init__(self, struct_obj):
+        # TODO make PyPy-fast
+        for attr in self.__slots__:
+            setattr(self, attr, getattr(struct_obj, attr))
+    def __repr__(self):
+        descriptions = ('%s=%r' % (attr, getattr(self, attr)) for attr in self.__slots__)
+        return "<%s %s>" % (type(self).__name__, ' '.join(descriptions))
+class IndexStreamData(_StructToPy):
+    __slots__ = ('number', 'block_count', 'compressed_offset', 'uncompressed_offset',
+        'compressed_size', 'uncompressed_size')
+class IndexBlockData(_StructToPy):
+    __slots__ = ('number_in_file', 'compressed_file_offset', 'uncompressed_file_offset',
+        'compressed_stream_offset', 'uncompressed_stream_offset',
+        'uncompressed_size', 'unpadded_size', 'total_size')
+class StreamFlags(object):
+    def __init__(self, i):
+        self.i = i
+    version = property(lambda self: self.i.version)
+    check = property(lambda self: self.i.check)
+    backward_size = property(lambda self: self.i.backward_size)
+    @property
+    def supported(self):
+        return self.version > SUPPORTED_STREAM_FLAGS_VERSION
+    def check_supported(self):
+        if not self.supported:
+            raise LZMAError("Stream is too new for liblzma version")
+    def matches(self, other):
+        return m.lzma_stream_flags_compare(self.i, other.i) == m.LZMA_OK
+    def copy(self):
+        other_i = ffi.new('lzma_stream_flags*', self.i)
+        return StreamFlags(other_i)
+class Allocator(object):
+    def __init__(self):
+        self.owns = {}
+        self.lzma_allocator = ffi.new('lzma_allocator*')
+        alloc = self.owns['a'] = ffi.callback("void*(void*, size_t, size_t)", self.__alloc)
+        free = self.owns['b'] = ffi.callback("void(void*, void*)", self.__free)
+        self.lzma_allocator.alloc = alloc
+        self.lzma_allocator.free = free
+        self.lzma_allocator.opaque = ffi.NULL
+    def __alloc(self, _opaque, _nmemb, size):
+        new_mem = ffi.new('char[]', size)
+        self.owns[self._addr(new_mem)] = new_mem
+        return new_mem
+    def _addr(self, ptr):
+        return long(ffi.cast('uintptr_t', ptr))
+    def __free(self, _opaque, ptr):
+        if self._addr(ptr) == 0: return
+        del self.owns[self._addr(ptr)]
+class LZMADecompressor(object):
+    """
+    LZMADecompressor(format=FORMAT_AUTO, memlimit=None, filters=None)
+    Create a decompressor object for decompressing data incrementally.
+    format specifies the container format of the input stream. If this is
+    FORMAT_AUTO (the default), the decompressor will automatically detect
+    whether the input is FORMAT_XZ or FORMAT_ALONE. Streams created with
+    FORMAT_RAW cannot be autodetected.
+    memlimit can be specified to limit the amount of memory used by the
+    decompressor. This will cause decompression to fail if the input
+    cannot be decompressed within the given limit.
+    filters specifies a custom filter chain. This argument is required for
+    FORMAT_RAW, and not accepted with any other format. When provided,
+    this should be a sequence of dicts, each indicating the ID and options
+    for a single filter.
+    For one-shot decompression, use the decompress() function instead.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, format=FORMAT_AUTO, memlimit=None, filters=None, header=None, check=None, unpadded_size=None):
+        decoder_flags = m.LZMA_TELL_ANY_CHECK | m.LZMA_TELL_NO_CHECK
+        #decoder_flags = 0
+        if memlimit is not None:
+            if format == FORMAT_RAW:
+                raise ValueError("Cannot sp...")
+            #memlimit = long(memlimit)
+        else:
+            memlimit = m.UINT64_MAX
+        if format == FORMAT_RAW and filters is None:
+            raise ValueError("Must...")
+        elif format != FORMAT_RAW and filters is not None:
+            raise ValueError("Cannot...")
+        if format == FORMAT_BLOCK and (header is None or unpadded_size is None or check is None):
+            raise ValueError("Must...")
+        elif format != FORMAT_BLOCK and (header is not None or unpadded_size is not None or check is not None):
+            raise ValueError("Cannot...")
+        format = _parse_format(format)
+        self.lock = threading.Lock()
+        self.check = CHECK_UNKNOWN
+        self.unused_data = b''
+        self.eof = False
+        self.lzs = _new_lzma_stream()
+        self._bufsiz = max(8192, io.DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE)
+        if format == FORMAT_AUTO:
+            catch_lzma_error(m.lzma_auto_decoder, self.lzs, memlimit, decoder_flags)
+        elif format == FORMAT_XZ:
+            catch_lzma_error(m.lzma_stream_decoder, self.lzs, memlimit, decoder_flags)
+        elif format == FORMAT_ALONE:
+            self.check = CHECK_NONE
+            catch_lzma_error(m.lzma_alone_decoder, self.lzs, memlimit)
+        elif format == FORMAT_RAW:
+            self.check = CHECK_NONE
+            filters = parse_filter_chain_spec(filters)
+            catch_lzma_error(m.lzma_raw_decoder, self.lzs,
+                filters)
+        elif format == FORMAT_BLOCK:
+            self.__block = block = ffi.new('lzma_block*')
+            block.version = 0
+            block.check = check
+            block.header_size = len(header)
+            block.filters = self.__filters = ffi.new('lzma_filter[]', m.LZMA_FILTERS_MAX+1)
+            header_b = ffi.new('char[]', to_bytes(header))
+            catch_lzma_error(m.lzma_block_header_decode, block, self.lzs.allocator, header_b)
+            if unpadded_size is not None:
+                catch_lzma_error(m.lzma_block_compressed_size, block, unpadded_size)
+            self.expected_size = block.compressed_size
+            catch_lzma_error(m.lzma_block_decoder, self.lzs, block)
+        else:
+            raise ValueError("invalid...")
+    def decompress(self, data):
+        """
+        decompress(data) -> bytes
+        Provide data to the decompressor object. Returns a chunk of
+        decompressed data if possible, or b"" otherwise.
+        Attempting to decompress data after the end of the stream is
+        reached raises an EOFError. Any data found after the end of the
+        stream is ignored, and saved in the unused_data attribute.
+        """
+        with self.lock:
+            if self.eof:
+                raise EOFError("Already...")
+            return self._decompress(data)
+    def _decompress(self, data):
+        lzs = self.lzs
+        # we need in_ so that lzs.next_in doesn't get garbage collected until
+        # in_ goes out of scope
+        data = to_bytes(data)
+        lzs.next_in = in_ = ffi.new('char[]', data)
+        lzs.avail_in = len(data)
+        bufsiz = self._bufsiz
+        lzs.next_out = orig_out = m.malloc(bufsiz)
+        if orig_out == ffi.NULL:
+            raise MemoryError
+        lzs.avail_out = bufsiz
+        data_size = 0
+        try:
+            while True:
+                ret = catch_lzma_error(m.lzma_code, lzs, m.LZMA_RUN)
+                data_size = int(ffi.cast('uintptr_t', lzs.next_out)) - int(ffi.cast('uintptr_t', orig_out))
+                # data_size is the amount lzma_code has already outputted
+                if ret in (m.LZMA_NO_CHECK, m.LZMA_GET_CHECK):
+                    self.check = m.lzma_get_check(lzs)
+                if ret == m.LZMA_STREAM_END:
+                    self.eof = True
+                    if lzs.avail_in > 0:
+                        self.unused_data = ffi.buffer(lzs.next_in, lzs.avail_in)[:]
+                    break
+                elif lzs.avail_in == 0:
+                    # it ate everything
+                    break
+                elif lzs.avail_out == 0:
+                    # ran out of space in the output buffer, let's grow it
+                    bufsiz += (bufsiz >> 3) + 6
+                    next_out = m.realloc(orig_out, bufsiz)
+                    if next_out == ffi.NULL:
+                        # realloc unsuccessful
+                        m.free(orig_out)
+                        orig_out = ffi.NULL
+                        raise MemoryError
+                    orig_out = next_out
+                    lzs.next_out = orig_out + data_size
+                    lzs.avail_out = bufsiz - data_size
+            result = ffi.buffer(orig_out, data_size)[:]
+        finally:
+            m.free(orig_out)
+        return result
+    def __getstate__(self):
+        raise TypeError("cannot serialize '%s' object" %
+                        self.__class__.__name__)
+class LZMACompressor(object):
+    """
+    LZMACompressor(format=FORMAT_XZ, check=-1, preset=None, filters=None)
+    Create a compressor object for compressing data incrementally.
+    format specifies the container format to use for the output. This can
+    be FORMAT_XZ (default), FORMAT_ALONE, or FORMAT_RAW.
+    check specifies the integrity check to use. For FORMAT_XZ, the default
+    is CHECK_CRC64. FORMAT_ALONE and FORMAT_RAW do not suport integrity
+    checks; for these formats, check must be omitted, or be CHECK_NONE.
+    The settings used by the compressor can be specified either as a
+    preset compression level (with the 'preset' argument), or in detail
+    as a custom filter chain (with the 'filters' argument). For FORMAT_XZ
+    and FORMAT_ALONE, the default is to use the PRESET_DEFAULT preset
+    level. For FORMAT_RAW, the caller must always specify a filter chain;
+    the raw compressor does not support preset compression levels.
+    preset (if provided) should be an integer in the range 0-9, optionally
+    OR-ed with the constant PRESET_EXTREME.
+    filters (if provided) should be a sequence of dicts. Each dict should
+    have an entry for "id" indicating the ID of the filter, plus
+    additional entries for options to the filter.
+    For one-shot compression, use the compress() function instead.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, format=FORMAT_XZ, check=-1, preset=None, filters=None):
+        if format != FORMAT_XZ and check not in (-1, m.LZMA_CHECK_NONE):
+            raise ValueError("Integrity...")
+        if preset is not None and filters is not None:
+            raise ValueError("Cannot...")
+        if preset is None:
+            preset = m.LZMA_PRESET_DEFAULT
+        format = _parse_format(format)
+        self.lock = threading.Lock()
+        self.flushed = 0
+        self.lzs = _new_lzma_stream()
+        if format == FORMAT_XZ:
+            if filters is None:
+                if check == -1:
+                    check = m.LZMA_CHECK_CRC64
+                catch_lzma_error(m.lzma_easy_encoder, self.lzs,
+                    preset, check)
+            else:
+                filters = parse_filter_chain_spec(filters)
+                catch_lzma_error(m.lzma_stream_encoder, self.lzs,
+                    filters, check)
+        elif format == FORMAT_ALONE:
+            if filters is None:
+                options = ffi.new('lzma_options_lzma*')
+                if m.lzma_lzma_preset(options, preset):
+                    raise LZMAError("Invalid...")
+                catch_lzma_error(m.lzma_alone_encoder, self.lzs,
+                    options)
+            else:
+                raise NotImplementedError
+        elif format == FORMAT_RAW:
+            if filters is None:
+                raise ValueError("Must...")
+            filters = parse_filter_chain_spec(filters)
+            catch_lzma_error(m.lzma_raw_encoder, self.lzs,
+                filters)
+        else:
+            raise ValueError("Invalid...")
+    def compress(self, data):
+        """
+        compress(data) -> bytes
+        Provide data to the compressor object. Returns a chunk of
+        compressed data if possible, or b"" otherwise.
+        When you have finished providing data to the compressor, call the
+        flush() method to finish the conversion process.
+        """
+        with self.lock:
+            if self.flushed:
+                raise ValueError("Compressor...")
+            return self._compress(data)
+    def _compress(self, data, action=m.LZMA_RUN):
+        # TODO use realloc like in LZMADecompressor
+        BUFSIZ = 8192
+        lzs = self.lzs
+        lzs.next_in = input_ = ffi.new('char[]', to_bytes(data))
+        lzs.avail_in = len(data)
+        outs = [ffi.new('char[]', BUFSIZ)]
+        lzs.next_out, = outs
+        lzs.avail_out = BUFSIZ
+        siz = BUFSIZ
+        while True:
+            next_out_pos = int(ffi.cast('intptr_t', lzs.next_out))
+            ret = catch_lzma_error(m.lzma_code, lzs, action)
+            data_size = int(ffi.cast('intptr_t', lzs.next_out)) - next_out_pos
+            if (action == m.LZMA_RUN and lzs.avail_in == 0) or \
+                (action == m.LZMA_FINISH and ret == m.LZMA_STREAM_END):
+                break
+            elif lzs.avail_out == 0:
+                # ran out of space in the output buffer
+                #siz = (BUFSIZ << 1) + 6
+                siz = 512
+                outs.append(ffi.new('char[]', siz))
+                lzs.next_out = outs[-1]
+                lzs.avail_out = siz
+        last_out = outs.pop()
+        last_out_len = siz - lzs.avail_out
+        last_out_piece = ffi.buffer(last_out[0:last_out_len], last_out_len)[:]
+        return b''.join(ffi.buffer(nn)[:] for nn in outs) + last_out_piece
+    def flush(self):
+        with self.lock:
+            if self.flushed:
+                raise ValueError("Repeated...")
+            self.flushed = 1
+            return self._compress(b'', action=m.LZMA_FINISH)
+    def __getstate__(self):
+        raise TypeError("cannot serialize '%s' object" %
+                        self.__class__.__name__)
diff --git a/pypy/config/pypyoption.py b/pypy/config/pypyoption.py
--- a/pypy/config/pypyoption.py
+++ b/pypy/config/pypyoption.py
@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@
     "binascii", "_multiprocessing", '_warnings', "_collections",
     "_multibytecodec", "_continuation", "_cffi_backend",
     "_csv", "_pypyjson", "_posixsubprocess", # "cppyy", "micronumpy"
-    "faulthandler", "_lzma",
+    "faulthandler",
 translation_modules = default_modules.copy()
diff --git a/pypy/doc/config/objspace.usemodules._lzma.txt b/pypy/doc/config/objspace.usemodules._lzma.txt
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/pypy/doc/config/objspace.usemodules._lzma.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
-Use the '_lzma' module. 
-This module is expected to be working and is included by default.
diff --git a/pypy/module/_lzma/__init__.py b/pypy/module/_lzma/__init__.py
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/pypy/module/_lzma/__init__.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
-from pypy.interpreter.mixedmodule import MixedModule
-class Module(MixedModule):
-    # The private part of the lzma module.
-    applevel_name = '_lzma'
-    interpleveldefs = {
-        'LZMACompressor': 'interp_lzma.W_LZMACompressor',
-        'LZMADecompressor': 'interp_lzma.W_LZMADecompressor',
-        'LZMAError': 'interp_lzma.W_LZMAError',
-        '_encode_filter_properties': 'interp_lzma.encode_filter_properties',
-        '_decode_filter_properties': 'interp_lzma.decode_filter_properties',
-    }
-    for name in 'AUTO XZ ALONE RAW'.split():
-        interpleveldefs['FORMAT_%s' % name] = (
-            'space.wrap(interp_lzma.FORMAT_%s)' % name)
-    for name in 'DEFAULT EXTREME'.split():
-        interpleveldefs['PRESET_%s' % name] = (
-            'space.wrap(interp_lzma.LZMA_PRESET_%s)' % name)
-    for name in 'LZMA1 LZMA2 DELTA X86 IA64 ARM ARMTHUMB SPARC POWERPC'.split():
-        interpleveldefs['FILTER_%s' % name] = (
-            'space.wrap(interp_lzma.LZMA_FILTER_%s)' % name)
-    appleveldefs = {
-    }
diff --git a/pypy/module/_lzma/interp_lzma.py b/pypy/module/_lzma/interp_lzma.py
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/pypy/module/_lzma/interp_lzma.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,371 +0,0 @@
-from pypy.interpreter.baseobjspace import W_Root
-from pypy.interpreter.typedef import (
-    TypeDef, interp_attrproperty_bytes, interp_attrproperty)
-from pypy.interpreter.error import oefmt
-from pypy.interpreter.gateway import interp2app, unwrap_spec, WrappedDefault
-from pypy.module.exceptions.interp_exceptions import _new_exception, W_Exception
-from pypy.module.thread.os_lock import Lock
-from rpython.rlib.objectmodel import specialize
-from rpython.rlib.rarithmetic import LONGLONG_MASK, r_ulonglong
-from rpython.rtyper.tool import rffi_platform as platform
-from rpython.rtyper.lltypesystem import rffi
-from rpython.rtyper.lltypesystem import lltype
-from rpython.translator.tool.cbuild import ExternalCompilationInfo
-eci = ExternalCompilationInfo(
-    includes = ['lzma.h'],
-    libraries = ['lzma'],
-    )
-eci = platform.configure_external_library(
-    'lzma', eci,
-    [dict(prefix='lzma-')])
-if not eci:
-    raise ImportError("Could not find lzma library")
-class CConfig:
-    _compilation_info_ = eci
-    calling_conv = 'c'
-    BUFSIZ = platform.ConstantInteger("BUFSIZ")
-    lzma_stream = platform.Struct(
-        'lzma_stream',
-        [('next_in', rffi.CCHARP),
-         ('avail_in', rffi.UINT),
-         ('total_in', rffi.UINT),
-         ('next_out', rffi.CCHARP),
-         ('avail_out', rffi.UINT),
-         ('total_out', rffi.UINT),
-         ])
-    lzma_options_lzma = platform.Struct(
-        'lzma_options_lzma',
-        [])
-constant_names = '''
-    '''.split()
-for name in constant_names:
-    setattr(CConfig, name, platform.ConstantInteger(name))
-class cConfig(object):
-    pass
-for k, v in platform.configure(CConfig).items():
-    setattr(cConfig, k, v)
-for name in constant_names:
-    globals()[name] = getattr(cConfig, name)
-lzma_stream = lltype.Ptr(cConfig.lzma_stream)
-lzma_options_lzma = lltype.Ptr(cConfig.lzma_options_lzma)
-def external(name, args, result, **kwds):
-    return rffi.llexternal(name, args, result, compilation_info=
-                           CConfig._compilation_info_, **kwds)
-lzma_ret = rffi.INT
-lzma_action = rffi.INT
-lzma_bool = rffi.INT
-lzma_lzma_preset = external('lzma_lzma_preset', [lzma_options_lzma, rffi.UINT], lzma_bool)
-lzma_alone_encoder = external('lzma_alone_encoder', [lzma_stream, lzma_options_lzma], lzma_ret)
-lzma_end = external('lzma_end', [lzma_stream], lltype.Void, releasegil=False)
-lzma_auto_decoder = external('lzma_auto_decoder', [lzma_stream, rffi.LONG, rffi.INT], lzma_ret)
-lzma_get_check = external('lzma_get_check', [lzma_stream], rffi.INT)
-lzma_code = external('lzma_code', [lzma_stream, lzma_action], rffi.INT)
- at specialize.arg(1)
-def raise_error(space, fmt, *args):
-    raise oefmt(space.w_RuntimeError, fmt, *args)
-def _catch_lzma_error(space, lzret):
-    if (lzret == LZMA_OK or lzret == LZMA_GET_CHECK or
-        lzret == LZMA_NO_CHECK or lzret == LZMA_STREAM_END):
-        return
-    raise raise_error(space, "Unrecognized error from liblzma: %d", lzret)
-if BUFSIZ < 8192:
-    SMALLCHUNK = 8192
-if rffi.sizeof(rffi.INT) > 4:
-    BIGCHUNK = 512 * 32
-    BIGCHUNK = 512 * 1024
-def _new_buffer_size(current_size):
-    # keep doubling until we reach BIGCHUNK; then the buffer size is no
-    # longer increased
-    if current_size < BIGCHUNK:
-        return current_size + current_size
-    return current_size
-class OutBuffer(object):
-    """Handler for the output buffer.  A bit custom code trying to
-    encapsulate the logic of setting up the fields of 'lzs' and
-    allocating raw memory as needed.
-    """
-    def __init__(self, lzs, initial_size=SMALLCHUNK):
-        # when the constructor is called, allocate a piece of memory
-        # of length 'piece_size' and make lzs ready to dump there.
-        self.temp = []
-        self.lzs = lzs
-        self._allocate_chunk(initial_size)
-    def _allocate_chunk(self, size):
-        self.raw_buf, self.gc_buf, self.case_num = rffi.alloc_buffer(size)
-        self.current_size = size
-        self.lzs.c_next_out = self.raw_buf
-        rffi.setintfield(self.lzs, 'c_avail_out', size)
-    def _get_chunk(self, chunksize):
-        assert 0 <= chunksize <= self.current_size
-        raw_buf = self.raw_buf
-        gc_buf = self.gc_buf
-        case_num = self.case_num
-        s = rffi.str_from_buffer(raw_buf, gc_buf, case_num,
-                                 self.current_size, chunksize)
-        rffi.keep_buffer_alive_until_here(raw_buf, gc_buf, case_num)
-        self.current_size = 0
-        return s
-    def prepare_next_chunk(self):
-        size = self.current_size
-        self.temp.append(self._get_chunk(size))
-        self._allocate_chunk(_new_buffer_size(size))
-    def make_result_string(self):
-        count_unoccupied = rffi.getintfield(self.lzs, 'c_avail_out')
-        s = self._get_chunk(self.current_size - count_unoccupied)
-        if self.temp:
-            self.temp.append(s)
-            return ''.join(self.temp)
-        else:
-            return s
-    def free(self):
-        if self.current_size > 0:
-            rffi.keep_buffer_alive_until_here(self.raw_buf, self.gc_buf,
-                                              self.case_num)
-    def __enter__(self):
-        return self
-    def __exit__(self, *args):
-        self.free()
-class W_LZMACompressor(W_Root):
-    def __init__(self, space, format):
-        self.format = format
-        self.lock = Lock(space)
-        self.flushed = False
-        self.lzs = lltype.malloc(lzma_stream.TO, flavor='raw', zero=True)
-    def __del__(self):
-        lzma_end(self.lzs)
-        lltype.free(self.lzs, flavor='raw')
-    def _init_alone(self, space, preset, w_filters):
-        if space.is_none(w_filters):
-            with lltype.scoped_alloc(lzma_options_lzma.TO) as options:
-                if lzma_lzma_preset(options, preset):
-                    raise_error(space, "Invalid compression preset: %d", preset)
-                lzret = lzma_alone_encoder(self.lzs, options)
-        else:
-            raise oefmt(space.w_NotImplementedError, "Filter specs")
-        _catch_lzma_error(space, lzret)
-    @staticmethod
-    @unwrap_spec(format=int,
-                 w_check=WrappedDefault(None),
-                 w_preset=WrappedDefault(None), 
-                 w_filters=WrappedDefault(None))
-    def descr_new_comp(space, w_subtype, format=FORMAT_XZ, 
-                       w_check=None, w_preset=None, w_filters=None):
-        w_self = space.allocate_instance(W_LZMACompressor, w_subtype)
-        self = space.interp_w(W_LZMACompressor, w_self)
-        W_LZMACompressor.__init__(self, space, format)
-        if space.is_none(w_preset):
-            preset = LZMA_PRESET_DEFAULT
-        else:
-            preset = space.int_w(w_preset)
-        if format == FORMAT_ALONE:
-            self._init_alone(space, preset, w_filters)
-        else:
-            raise oefmt(space.w_NotImplementedError, "Format %d", format)
-        return w_self
-    @unwrap_spec(data='bufferstr')
-    def compress_w(self, space, data):
-        with self.lock:
-            if self.flushed:
-                raise oefmt(space.w_ValueError, "Compressor has been flushed")
-            result = self._compress(space, data, LZMA_RUN)
-        return space.wrapbytes(result)
-    def flush_w(self, space):
-        with self.lock:
-            if self.flushed:
-                raise oefmt(space.w_ValueError, "Repeated call to flush()")
-            result = self._compress(space, "", LZMA_FINISH)
-        return space.wrapbytes(result)
-    def _compress(self, space, data, action):
-        datasize = len(data)
-        with lltype.scoped_alloc(rffi.CCHARP.TO, datasize) as in_buf:
-            for i in range(datasize):
-                in_buf[i] = data[i]
-            with OutBuffer(self.lzs) as out:
-                self.lzs.c_next_in = in_buf
-                rffi.setintfield(self.lzs, 'c_avail_in', datasize)
-                while True:
-                    lzret = lzma_code(self.lzs, action)
-                    _catch_lzma_error(space, lzret)
-                    if (action == LZMA_RUN and
-                        rffi.getintfield(self.lzs, 'c_avail_in') == 0):
-                        break
-                    if action == LZMA_FINISH and lzret == LZMA_STREAM_END:
-                        break
-                    elif rffi.getintfield(self.lzs, 'c_avail_out') == 0:
-                        out.prepare_next_chunk()
-                return out.make_result_string()
-W_LZMACompressor.typedef = TypeDef("LZMACompressor",
-    __new__ = interp2app(W_LZMACompressor.descr_new_comp),
-    compress = interp2app(W_LZMACompressor.compress_w),
-    flush = interp2app(W_LZMACompressor.flush_w),
-class W_LZMADecompressor(W_Root):
-    def __init__(self, space, format):
-        self.format = format
-        self.lock = Lock(space)
-        self.eof = False
-        self.lzs = lltype.malloc(lzma_stream.TO, flavor='raw', zero=True)
-        self.check = LZMA_CHECK_UNKNOWN
-        self.unused_data = ''
-    def __del__(self):
-        lzma_end(self.lzs)
-        lltype.free(self.lzs, flavor='raw')
-    @staticmethod
-    @unwrap_spec(format=int,
-                 w_memlimit=WrappedDefault(None),
-                 w_filters=WrappedDefault(None))
-    def descr_new_dec(space, w_subtype, format=FORMAT_AUTO,
-                      w_memlimit=None, w_filters=None):
-        w_self = space.allocate_instance(W_LZMADecompressor, w_subtype)
-        self = space.interp_w(W_LZMADecompressor, w_self)
-        W_LZMADecompressor.__init__(self, space, format)
-        if space.is_none(w_memlimit):
-            memlimit = R_LONGLONG_MASK
-        else:
-            memlimit = space.r_ulonglong_w(w_memlimit)
-        decoder_flags = LZMA_TELL_ANY_CHECK | LZMA_TELL_NO_CHECK
-        if format == FORMAT_AUTO:
-            lzret = lzma_auto_decoder(self.lzs, memlimit, decoder_flags)
-            _catch_lzma_error(space, lzret)
-        else:
-            raise oefmt(space.w_NotImplementedError, "Format %d", format)
-        return w_self
-    @unwrap_spec(data='bufferstr')
-    def decompress_w(self, space, data):
-        with self.lock:
-            if self.eof:
-                raise oefmt(space.w_EOFError, "Already at end of stream")
-            result = self._decompress(space, data)
-        return space.wrapbytes(result)
-    def _decompress(self, space, data):
-        datasize = len(data)
-        with lltype.scoped_alloc(rffi.CCHARP.TO, datasize) as in_buf:
-            for i in range(datasize):
-                in_buf[i] = data[i]
-            with OutBuffer(self.lzs) as out:
-                self.lzs.c_next_in = in_buf
-                rffi.setintfield(self.lzs, 'c_avail_in', datasize)
-                while True:
-                    lzret = lzma_code(self.lzs, LZMA_RUN)
-                    _catch_lzma_error(space, lzret)
-                    if lzret == LZMA_GET_CHECK or lzret == LZMA_NO_CHECK:
-                        self.check = lzma_get_check(self.lzs)
-                    if lzret == LZMA_STREAM_END:
-                        self.eof = True
-                        if rffi.getintfield(self.lzs, 'c_avail_in') > 0:
-                            unused = [self.lzs.c_next_in[i]
-                                      for i in range(
-                                    rffi.getintfield(self.lzs,
-                                                     'c_avail_in'))]
-                            self.unused_data = "".join(unused)
-                            break
-                    if rffi.getintfield(self.lzs, 'c_avail_in') == 0:
-                        break
-                    elif rffi.getintfield(self.lzs, 'c_avail_out') == 0:
-                        out.prepare_next_chunk()
-                return out.make_result_string()
-W_LZMADecompressor.typedef = TypeDef("LZMADecompressor",
-    __new__ = interp2app(W_LZMADecompressor.descr_new_dec),
-    decompress = interp2app(W_LZMADecompressor.decompress_w),
-    eof = interp_attrproperty("eof", W_LZMADecompressor),
-    unused_data = interp_attrproperty_bytes("unused_data", W_LZMADecompressor),
-W_LZMAError = _new_exception('LZMAError', W_Exception, 'Call to liblzma failed.')
-def encode_filter_properties(space, w_filter):
-    """Return a bytes object encoding the options (properties) of the filter
-       specified by *filter* (a dict).
-    The result does not include the filter ID itself, only the options.
-    """
-def decode_filter_properties(space, w_filter_id, w_encoded_props):
-    """Return a dict describing a filter with ID *filter_id*, and options
-       (properties) decoded from the bytes object *encoded_props*.
-    """
diff --git a/pypy/module/_lzma/test/test_lzma.py b/pypy/module/_lzma/test/test_lzma.py
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/pypy/module/_lzma/test/test_lzma.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
-class AppTestBZ2File:
-    spaceconfig = {
-        "usemodules": ["_lzma"]
-    }
-    def test_module(self):
-        import lzma
-    def test_simple_compress(self):
-        import lzma
-        compressed = lzma.compress(b'Insert Data Here', format=lzma.FORMAT_ALONE)
-        assert compressed == (b']\x00\x00\x80\x00\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff'
-                              b'\xff\xff\xff\x00$\x9b\x8afg\x91'
-                              b'(\xcb\xde\xfa\x03\r\x1eQT\xbe'
-                              b't\x9e\xdfI]\xff\xf4\x9d\x80\x00')
-        decompressed = lzma.decompress(compressed)
-        assert decompressed == b'Insert Data Here'
-    def test_exceptions(self):
-        import _lzma
-        import lzma
-        assert hasattr(_lzma, 'LZMAError')
-        assert hasattr(lzma, 'LZMAError')
-        assert _lzma.LZMAError is lzma.LZMAError
-        assert _lzma.LZMAError.__doc__ == 'Call to liblzma failed.'
-        exc = raises(_lzma.LZMAError, 'raise _lzma.LZMAError')
-        exc = raises(_lzma.LZMAError, 'raise _lzma.LZMAError("bad thing")')
diff --git a/pypy/module/_lzma/test/test_ztranslation.py b/pypy/module/_lzma/test/test_ztranslation.py
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/pypy/module/_lzma/test/test_ztranslation.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
-from pypy.objspace.fake.checkmodule import checkmodule
-def test_lzma_translates():
-    checkmodule('_lzma')

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