[pypy-commit] extradoc extradoc: Fill in the PyCon'14 abstract.

arigo noreply at buildbot.pypy.org
Fri Sep 13 17:23:45 CEST 2013

Author: Armin Rigo <arigo at tunes.org>
Branch: extradoc
Changeset: r5051:ab66660420aa
Date: 2013-09-13 17:23 +0200

Log:	Fill in the PyCon'14 abstract.

diff --git a/talk/pycon2014/abstract.rst b/talk/pycon2014/abstract.rst
--- a/talk/pycon2014/abstract.rst
+++ b/talk/pycon2014/abstract.rst
@@ -8,27 +8,71 @@
 Transactional Memory is a current academic research topic.  Put the two
 together --brew for a couple of years-- and we obtain a version of PyPy
 that runs on multiple cores, without the infamous Global Interpreter
-Lock (GIL).  It has been freshly released in beta, including integration
-with the Just-in-Time compiler.
-The talk will also include a "general status of PyPy" part.
+Lock (GIL).  It has been released last year in beta, including
+integration with the Just-in-Time compiler.
+People interested in PyPy; people looking for concurrency solutions.
+Attendees will learn about a way to use multiple cores in their
+applications, and how it differs from the 'multiprocessing' package.
 Detailed abstract
+A special version of PyPy runs on multiple cores, without the infamous
+Global Interpreter Lock (GIL).  It means it can run a single program
+using multiple cores, rather than being limited to one core, like it
+is the case for CPU-intensive programs on CPython.
+But the point is not only that: it can give the illusion of
+single-threaded programming, even when you really want the program to
+use multiple cores.  I will give examples of what I mean exactly by
+that.  Starting from the usual multithreaded demos --with explicit
+threads-- I will move to other examples where the actual threads are
+hidden to the programmer.  I will explain how we can modify/have
+modified the core of async libraries (Twisted, Tornado, gevent, ...) to
+use multiples threads, without exposing any concurrency issues to the
+user of the library --- the existing Twisted/etc. programs still run
+mostly without change.  Depending on the status at the time of the
+presentation, I will give demos of this, explaining in detail what
+people can expect to have to change (very little), and how it performs
+on real applications.
+I will give a comparison with the alternatives, foremost of which is the
+stdlib 'multiprocessing' package.
+I will also give an overview of how things work under the cover: the
+10000-feet view is to create internally copies of objects and write
+changes into these copies.  This allows the originals to continue being
+used by other threads.  It is an adaptation of previous work on
+Software Transactional Memory (STM), notably RSTM.
+1. Intro (5 min): PyPy, STM
+2. Examples and demos (10 min): simple multithreading; atomic
+   multithreading; Twisted/etc. model; performance numbers.
+3. Comparison (5 min): independent processes; multiprocessing; custom
+   solutions.
+4. How things work under the cover (5 min): overview.
 Additional notes
+* Follow the progress of STM in PyPy:
+  http://morepypy.blogspot.ch/search/label/stm

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