[pypy-commit] pypy reflex-support: merge default into branch

wlav noreply at buildbot.pypy.org
Tue Sep 3 20:45:11 CEST 2013

Author: Wim Lavrijsen <WLavrijsen at lbl.gov>
Branch: reflex-support
Changeset: r66779:aebf8cc7108a
Date: 2013-09-03 11:43 -0700

Log:	merge default into branch

diff too long, truncating to 2000 out of 10055 lines

diff --git a/lib-python/2.7/uuid.py b/lib-python/2.7/uuid.py
--- a/lib-python/2.7/uuid.py
+++ b/lib-python/2.7/uuid.py
@@ -44,6 +44,8 @@
+import struct
 __author__ = 'Ka-Ping Yee <ping at zesty.ca>'
@@ -125,25 +127,38 @@
         overriding the given 'hex', 'bytes', 'bytes_le', 'fields', or 'int'.
-        if [hex, bytes, bytes_le, fields, int].count(None) != 4:
-            raise TypeError('need one of hex, bytes, bytes_le, fields, or int')
         if hex is not None:
+            if (bytes is not None or bytes_le is not None or fields is not None
+                    or int is not None):
+                raise TypeError('if the hex argument is given, bytes, bytes_le, fields,'
+                                ' and int need to be None')
             hex = hex.replace('urn:', '').replace('uuid:', '')
             hex = hex.strip('{}').replace('-', '')
             if len(hex) != 32:
                 raise ValueError('badly formed hexadecimal UUID string')
             int = long(hex, 16)
-        if bytes_le is not None:
+        elif bytes_le is not None:
+            if bytes is not None or fields is not None or int is not None:
+                raise TypeError('if the bytes_le argument is given, bytes, fields,'
+                                ' and int need to be None')
             if len(bytes_le) != 16:
                 raise ValueError('bytes_le is not a 16-char string')
             bytes = (bytes_le[3] + bytes_le[2] + bytes_le[1] + bytes_le[0] +
                      bytes_le[5] + bytes_le[4] + bytes_le[7] + bytes_le[6] +
-        if bytes is not None:
+            int = (struct.unpack('>Q', bytes[:8])[0] << 64 |
+                   struct.unpack('>Q', bytes[8:])[0])
+        elif bytes is not None:
+            if fields is not None or int is not None:
+                raise TypeError('if the bytes argument is given, fields'
+                                ' and int need to be None')
             if len(bytes) != 16:
                 raise ValueError('bytes is not a 16-char string')
-            int = long(('%02x'*16) % tuple(map(ord, bytes)), 16)
-        if fields is not None:
+            int = (struct.unpack('>Q', bytes[:8])[0] << 64 |
+                   struct.unpack('>Q', bytes[8:])[0])
+        elif fields is not None:
+            if int is not None:
+                raise TypeError('if the fields argument is given, int needs to be None')
             if len(fields) != 6:
                 raise ValueError('fields is not a 6-tuple')
             (time_low, time_mid, time_hi_version,
@@ -163,9 +178,12 @@
             clock_seq = (clock_seq_hi_variant << 8L) | clock_seq_low
             int = ((time_low << 96L) | (time_mid << 80L) |
                    (time_hi_version << 64L) | (clock_seq << 48L) | node)
-        if int is not None:
+        elif int is not None:
             if not 0 <= int < 1<<128L:
                 raise ValueError('int is out of range (need a 128-bit value)')
+        else:
+            raise TypeError('one of hex, bytes, bytes_le, fields,'
+                            ' or int need to be not None')
         if version is not None:
             if not 1 <= version <= 5:
                 raise ValueError('illegal version number')
@@ -175,7 +193,7 @@
             # Set the version number.
             int &= ~(0xf000 << 64L)
             int |= version << 76L
-        self.__dict__['int'] = int
+        object.__setattr__(self, 'int', int)
     def __cmp__(self, other):
         if isinstance(other, UUID):
diff --git a/lib_pypy/_curses.py b/lib_pypy/_curses.py
--- a/lib_pypy/_curses.py
+++ b/lib_pypy/_curses.py
@@ -1,6 +1,9 @@
 """Reimplementation of the standard extension module '_curses' using cffi."""
 import sys
+if sys.platform == 'win32':
+    #This module does not exist in windows
+    raise ImportError('No module named _curses')
 from functools import wraps
 from cffi import FFI
diff --git a/lib_pypy/_sqlite3.py b/lib_pypy/_sqlite3.py
--- a/lib_pypy/_sqlite3.py
+++ b/lib_pypy/_sqlite3.py
@@ -1229,7 +1229,10 @@
         if cvt is not None:
             param = cvt(param)
-        param = adapt(param)
+        try:
+            param = adapt(param)
+        except:
+            pass  # And use previous value
         if param is None:
             rc = _lib.sqlite3_bind_null(self._statement, idx)
diff --git a/lib_pypy/cffi/__init__.py b/lib_pypy/cffi/__init__.py
--- a/lib_pypy/cffi/__init__.py
+++ b/lib_pypy/cffi/__init__.py
@@ -4,5 +4,5 @@
 from .api import FFI, CDefError, FFIError
 from .ffiplatform import VerificationError, VerificationMissing
-__version__ = "0.7"
-__version_info__ = (0, 7)
+__version__ = "0.7.2"
+__version_info__ = (0, 7, 2)
diff --git a/lib_pypy/cffi/api.py b/lib_pypy/cffi/api.py
--- a/lib_pypy/cffi/api.py
+++ b/lib_pypy/cffi/api.py
@@ -54,7 +54,8 @@
             # _cffi_backend.so compiled.
             import _cffi_backend as backend
             from . import __version__
-            assert backend.__version__ == __version__
+            assert (backend.__version__ == __version__ or
+                    backend.__version__ == __version__[:3])
             # (If you insist you can also try to pass the option
             # 'backend=backend_ctypes.CTypesBackend()', but don't
             # rely on it!  It's probably not going to work well.)
diff --git a/lib_pypy/cffi/commontypes.py b/lib_pypy/cffi/commontypes.py
--- a/lib_pypy/cffi/commontypes.py
+++ b/lib_pypy/cffi/commontypes.py
@@ -30,7 +30,9 @@
         elif result in model.PrimitiveType.ALL_PRIMITIVE_TYPES:
             result = model.PrimitiveType(result)
-            assert commontype != result
+            if commontype == result:
+                raise api.FFIError("Unsupported type: %r.  Please file a bug "
+                                   "if you think it should be." % (commontype,))
             result = resolve_common_type(result)   # recursively
         assert isinstance(result, model.BaseTypeByIdentity)
         _CACHE[commontype] = result
diff --git a/lib_pypy/cffi/cparser.py b/lib_pypy/cffi/cparser.py
--- a/lib_pypy/cffi/cparser.py
+++ b/lib_pypy/cffi/cparser.py
@@ -290,13 +290,26 @@
                 # assume a primitive type.  get it from .names, but reduce
                 # synonyms to a single chosen combination
                 names = list(type.names)
-                if names == ['signed'] or names == ['unsigned']:
-                    names.append('int')
-                if names[0] == 'signed' and names != ['signed', 'char']:
-                    names.pop(0)
-                if (len(names) > 1 and names[-1] == 'int'
-                        and names != ['unsigned', 'int']):
-                    names.pop()
+                if names != ['signed', 'char']:    # keep this unmodified
+                    prefixes = {}
+                    while names:
+                        name = names[0]
+                        if name in ('short', 'long', 'signed', 'unsigned'):
+                            prefixes[name] = prefixes.get(name, 0) + 1
+                            del names[0]
+                        else:
+                            break
+                    # ignore the 'signed' prefix below, and reorder the others
+                    newnames = []
+                    for prefix in ('unsigned', 'short', 'long'):
+                        for i in range(prefixes.get(prefix, 0)):
+                            newnames.append(prefix)
+                    if not names:
+                        names = ['int']    # implicitly
+                    if names == ['int']:   # but kill it if 'short' or 'long'
+                        if 'short' in prefixes or 'long' in prefixes:
+                            names = []
+                    names = newnames + names
                 ident = ' '.join(names)
                 if ident == 'void':
                     return model.void_type
@@ -500,8 +513,8 @@
                 self._partial_length = True
                 return None
-        raise api.FFIError("unsupported non-constant or "
-                           "not immediately constant expression")
+        raise api.FFIError("unsupported expression: expected a "
+                           "simple numeric constant")
     def _build_enum_type(self, explicit_name, decls):
         if decls is not None:
diff --git a/lib_pypy/cffi/vengine_gen.py b/lib_pypy/cffi/vengine_gen.py
--- a/lib_pypy/cffi/vengine_gen.py
+++ b/lib_pypy/cffi/vengine_gen.py
@@ -61,7 +61,9 @@
     def load_library(self):
         # import it with the CFFI backend
         backend = self.ffi._backend
-        module = backend.load_library(self.verifier.modulefilename)
+        # needs to make a path that contains '/', on Posix
+        filename = os.path.join(os.curdir, self.verifier.modulefilename)
+        module = backend.load_library(filename)
         # call loading_gen_struct() to get the struct layout inferred by
         # the C compiler
diff --git a/lib_pypy/datetime.py b/lib_pypy/datetime.py
--- a/lib_pypy/datetime.py
+++ b/lib_pypy/datetime.py
@@ -40,9 +40,9 @@
 # for all computations.  See the book for algorithms for converting between
 # proleptic Gregorian ordinals and many other calendar systems.
-_DAYS_IN_MONTH = [None, 31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31]
+_DAYS_IN_MONTH = [-1, 31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31]
 dbm = 0
 for dim in _DAYS_IN_MONTH[1:]:
diff --git a/pypy/config/pypyoption.py b/pypy/config/pypyoption.py
--- a/pypy/config/pypyoption.py
+++ b/pypy/config/pypyoption.py
@@ -127,11 +127,6 @@
 pypy_optiondescription = OptionDescription("objspace", "Object Space Options", [
-    OptionDescription("opcodes", "opcodes to enable in the interpreter", [
-        BoolOption("CALL_METHOD", "emit a special bytecode for expr.name()",
-                   default=False),
-        ]),
     OptionDescription("usemodules", "Which Modules should be used", [
         BoolOption(modname, "use module %s" % (modname, ),
                    default=modname in default_modules,
@@ -259,9 +254,6 @@
                    "special case the addition of two integers in BINARY_ADD",
-        BoolOption("optimized_comparison_op",
-                   "special case the comparison of integers",
-                   default=False),
                    "special case the 'list[integer]' expressions",
@@ -307,7 +299,6 @@
     # all the good optimizations for PyPy should be listed here
     if level in ['2', '3', 'jit']:
-        config.objspace.opcodes.suggest(CALL_METHOD=True)
diff --git a/pypy/doc/coding-guide.rst b/pypy/doc/coding-guide.rst
--- a/pypy/doc/coding-guide.rst
+++ b/pypy/doc/coding-guide.rst
@@ -339,9 +339,10 @@
 + methods and other class attributes do not change after startup
 + single inheritance is fully supported
-+ simple mixins somewhat work too, but the mixed in class needs a
-  ``_mixin_ = True`` class attribute. isinstance checks against the
-  mixin type will fail when translated.
++ use `rpython.rlib.objectmodel.import_from_mixin(M)` in a class
+  body to copy the whole content of a class `M`.  This can be used
+  to implement mixins: functions and staticmethods are duplicated
+  (the other class attributes are just copied unmodified).
 + classes are first-class objects too
diff --git a/pypy/doc/config/objspace.opcodes.CALL_METHOD.txt b/pypy/doc/config/objspace.opcodes.CALL_METHOD.txt
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/pypy/doc/config/objspace.opcodes.CALL_METHOD.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-Enable a pair of bytecodes that speed up method calls.
-See ``pypy.interpreter.callmethod`` for a description.
-The goal is to avoid creating the bound method object in the common
-case.  So far, this only works for calls with no keyword, no ``*arg``
-and no ``**arg`` but it would be easy to extend.
-For more information, see the section in `Standard Interpreter Optimizations`_.
-.. _`Standard Interpreter Optimizations`: ../interpreter-optimizations.html#lookup-method-call-method
diff --git a/pypy/doc/config/objspace.opcodes.txt b/pypy/doc/config/objspace.opcodes.txt
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/pypy/doc/config/objspace.opcodes.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1 +0,0 @@
-..  intentionally empty
diff --git a/pypy/doc/getting-started-python.rst b/pypy/doc/getting-started-python.rst
--- a/pypy/doc/getting-started-python.rst
+++ b/pypy/doc/getting-started-python.rst
@@ -57,6 +57,12 @@
      zlib-devel bzip2-devel ncurses-devel expat-devel \
      openssl-devel gc-devel python-sphinx python-greenlet
+   On SLES11:
+     $ sudo zypper install gcc make python-devel pkg-config \
+     zlib-devel libopenssl-devel libbz2-devel sqlite3-devel \
+     libexpat-devel libffi-devel python-curses
    The above command lines are split with continuation characters, giving the necessary dependencies first, then the optional ones.
    * ``pkg-config`` (to help us locate libffi files)
diff --git a/pypy/doc/interpreter-optimizations.rst b/pypy/doc/interpreter-optimizations.rst
--- a/pypy/doc/interpreter-optimizations.rst
+++ b/pypy/doc/interpreter-optimizations.rst
@@ -198,9 +198,6 @@
 if it is not None, then it is considered to be an additional first
 argument in the call to the *im_func* object from the stack.
-You can enable this feature with the :config:`objspace.opcodes.CALL_METHOD`
 .. more here?
 Overall Effects
diff --git a/pypy/doc/tool/makecontributor.py b/pypy/doc/tool/makecontributor.py
--- a/pypy/doc/tool/makecontributor.py
+++ b/pypy/doc/tool/makecontributor.py
@@ -60,6 +60,11 @@
     'Roberto De Ioris': ['roberto at mrspurr'],
     'Sven Hager': ['hager'],
     'Tomo Cocoa': ['cocoatomo'],
+    'Romain Guillebert': ['rguillebert', 'rguillbert', 'romain', 'Guillebert Romain'],
+    'Ronan Lamy': ['ronan'],
+    'Edd Barrett': ['edd'],
+    'Manuel Jacob': ['mjacob'],
+    'Rami Chowdhury': ['necaris'],
 alias_map = {}
@@ -80,7 +85,8 @@
     if not match:
         return set()
     ignore_words = ['around', 'consulting', 'yesterday', 'for a bit', 'thanks',
-                    'in-progress', 'bits of', 'even a little', 'floating',]
+                    'in-progress', 'bits of', 'even a little', 'floating',
+                    'a bit', 'reviewing']
     sep_words = ['and', ';', '+', '/', 'with special  by']
     nicknames = match.group(1)
     for word in ignore_words:
@@ -119,7 +125,7 @@
     ##         print '%5d %s' % (n, name)
     ##     else:
     ##         print name
     items = authors_count.items()
     items.sort(key=operator.itemgetter(1), reverse=True)
     for name, n in items:
diff --git a/pypy/doc/whatsnew-head.rst b/pypy/doc/whatsnew-head.rst
--- a/pypy/doc/whatsnew-head.rst
+++ b/pypy/doc/whatsnew-head.rst
@@ -5,6 +5,11 @@
 .. this is a revision shortly after release-2.1-beta
 .. startrev: 4eb52818e7c0
+.. branch: sanitise_bytecode_dispatch
+Make PyPy's bytecode dispatcher easy to read, and less reliant on RPython
+magic. There is no functional change, though the removal of dead code leads
+to many fewer tests to execute.
 .. branch: fastjson
 Fast json decoder written in RPython, about 3-4x faster than the pure Python
 decoder which comes with the stdlib
@@ -74,3 +79,18 @@
 .. branch: dotviewer-linewidth
 .. branch: reflex-support
 .. branch: numpypy-inplace-op
+.. branch: rewritten-loop-logging
+.. branch: nobold-backtrace
+Work on improving UnionError messages and stack trace displays.
+.. branch: improve-errors-again
+More improvements and refactorings of error messages.
+.. branch: improve-errors-again2
+Unbreak tests in rlib.
+.. branch: less-stringly-ops
+Use subclasses of SpaceOperation instead of SpaceOperator objects.
+Random cleanups in flowspace.
diff --git a/pypy/doc/windows.rst b/pypy/doc/windows.rst
--- a/pypy/doc/windows.rst
+++ b/pypy/doc/windows.rst
@@ -6,6 +6,10 @@
 The following text gives some hints about how to translate the PyPy
+PyPy supports only being translated as a 32bit program, even on
+64bit Windows.  See at the end of this page for what is missing
+for a full 64bit translation.
 To build pypy-c you need a C compiler.  Microsoft Visual Studio is
 preferred, but can also use the mingw32 port of gcc.
@@ -63,7 +67,7 @@
 INCLUDE, LIB and PATH (for DLLs) environment variables appropriately.
 Abridged method (for -Ojit builds using Visual Studio 2008)
 Download the versions of all the external packages
@@ -112,13 +116,14 @@
     nmake -f makefile.msc
 The sqlite3 database library
 Download http://www.sqlite.org/2013/sqlite-amalgamation-3071601.zip and extract
 it into a directory under the base directory. Also get 
 http://www.sqlite.org/2013/sqlite-dll-win32-x86-3071601.zip and extract the dll
 into the bin directory, and the sqlite3.def into the sources directory.
 Now build the import library so cffi can use the header and dll::
     lib /DEF:sqlite3.def" /OUT:sqlite3.lib"
     copy sqlite3.lib path\to\libs
@@ -206,8 +211,86 @@
 March 2012, --cc is not a valid option for pytest.py. However if you set an
 environment variable CC to the compliter exe, testing will use it.
-.. _'mingw32 build': http://sourceforge.net/projects/mingw-w64/files/Toolchains%20targetting%20Win32/Automated%20Builds
+.. _`mingw32 build`: http://sourceforge.net/projects/mingw-w64/files/Toolchains%20targetting%20Win32/Automated%20Builds
 .. _`mingw64 build`: http://sourceforge.net/projects/mingw-w64/files/Toolchains%20targetting%20Win64/Automated%20Builds
 .. _`msys for mingw`: http://sourceforge.net/projects/mingw-w64/files/External%20binary%20packages%20%28Win64%20hosted%29/MSYS%20%2832-bit%29   
 .. _`libffi source files`: http://sourceware.org/libffi/
 .. _`RPython translation toolchain`: translation.html
+What is missing for a full 64-bit translation
+The main blocker is that we assume that the integer type of RPython is
+large enough to (occasionally) contain a pointer value cast to an
+integer.  The simplest fix is to make sure that it is so, but it will
+give the following incompatibility between CPython and PyPy on Win64:
+CPython: ``sys.maxint == 2**32-1, sys.maxsize == 2**64-1``
+PyPy: ``sys.maxint == sys.maxsize == 2**64-1``
+...and, correspondingly, PyPy supports ints up to the larger value of
+sys.maxint before they are converted to ``long``.  The first decision
+that someone needs to make is if this incompatibility is reasonable.
+Assuming that it is, the first thing to do is probably to hack *CPython*
+until it fits this model: replace the field in PyIntObject with a ``long
+long`` field, and change the value of ``sys.maxint``.  This might just
+work, even if half-brokenly: I'm sure you can crash it because of the
+precision loss that undoubtedly occurs everywhere, but try not to. :-)
+Such a hacked CPython is what you'll use in the next steps.  We'll call
+it CPython64/64.
+It is probably not too much work if the goal is only to get a translated
+PyPy executable, and to run all tests before transaction.  But you need
+to start somewhere, and you should start with some tests in
+rpython/translator/c/test/, like ``test_standalone.py`` and
+``test_newgc.py``: try to have them pass on top of CPython64/64.
+Keep in mind that this runs small translations, and some details may go
+wrong.  The most obvious one is to check that it produces C files that
+use the integer type ``Signed`` --- but what is ``Signed`` defined to?
+It should be equal to ``long`` on every other platforms, but on Win64 it
+should be something like ``long long``.
+What is more generally needed is to review all the C files in
+rpython/translator/c/src for the word ``long``, because this means a
+32-bit integer even on Win64.  Replace it with ``Signed`` most of the
+times.  You can replace one with the other without breaking anything on
+any other platform, so feel free to.
+Then, these two C types have corresponding RPython types: ``rffi.LONG``
+and ``lltype.Signed`` respectively.  The first should really correspond
+to the C ``long``.  Add tests that check that integers casted to one
+type or the other really have 32 and 64 bits respectively, on Win64.
+Once these basic tests work, you need to review ``rpython/rlib/`` for
+usages of ``rffi.LONG`` versus ``lltype.Signed``.  The goal would be to
+fix some more ``LONG-versus-Signed`` issues, by fixing the tests --- as
+always run on top of CPython64/64.  Note that there was some early work
+done in ``rpython/rlib/rarithmetic`` with the goal of running all the
+tests on Win64 on the regular CPython, but I think by now that it's a
+bad idea.  Look only at CPython64/64.
+The major intermediate goal is to get a translation of PyPy with ``-O2``
+with a minimal set of modules, starting with ``--no-allworkingmodules``;
+you need to use CPython64/64 to run this translation too.  Check
+carefully the warnings of the C compiler at the end.  I think that MSVC
+is "nice" in the sense that by default a lot of mismatches of integer
+sizes are reported as warnings.
+Then you need to review ``pypy/module/*/`` for ``LONG-versus-Signed``
+issues.  At some time during this review, we get a working translated
+PyPy on Windows 64 that includes all ``--translationmodules``, i.e.
+everything needed to run translations.  When we are there, the hacked
+CPython64/64 becomes much less important, because we can run future
+translations on top of this translated PyPy.  As soon as we get there,
+please *distribute* the translated PyPy.  It's an essential component
+for anyone else that wants to work on Win64!  We end up with a strange
+kind of dependency --- we need a translated PyPy in order to translate a
+PyPy ---, but I believe it's ok here, as Windows executables are
+supposed to never be broken by newer versions of Windows.
+Happy hacking :-)
diff --git a/pypy/interpreter/app_main.py b/pypy/interpreter/app_main.py
--- a/pypy/interpreter/app_main.py
+++ b/pypy/interpreter/app_main.py
@@ -119,13 +119,12 @@
             stderr = sys.stderr
-        except AttributeError:
-            pass   # too bad
-        else:
             print >> stderr, 'Error calling sys.excepthook:'
             print >> stderr
             print >> stderr, 'Original exception was:'
+        except:
+            pass   # too bad
     # we only get here if sys.excepthook didn't do its job
     originalexcepthook(etype, evalue, etraceback)
diff --git a/pypy/interpreter/astcompiler/codegen.py b/pypy/interpreter/astcompiler/codegen.py
--- a/pypy/interpreter/astcompiler/codegen.py
+++ b/pypy/interpreter/astcompiler/codegen.py
@@ -982,9 +982,8 @@
         return self._call_has_no_star_args(call) and not call.keywords
     def _optimize_method_call(self, call):
-        if not self.space.config.objspace.opcodes.CALL_METHOD or \
-                not self._call_has_no_star_args(call) or \
-                not isinstance(call.func, ast.Attribute):
+        if not self._call_has_no_star_args(call) or \
+           not isinstance(call.func, ast.Attribute):
             return False
         attr_lookup = call.func
         assert isinstance(attr_lookup, ast.Attribute)
diff --git a/pypy/interpreter/buffer.py b/pypy/interpreter/buffer.py
--- a/pypy/interpreter/buffer.py
+++ b/pypy/interpreter/buffer.py
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
 from pypy.interpreter.typedef import TypeDef
 from pypy.interpreter.gateway import interp2app, unwrap_spec
 from pypy.interpreter.error import OperationError
-from rpython.rlib.objectmodel import compute_hash
+from rpython.rlib.objectmodel import compute_hash, import_from_mixin
 from rpython.rlib.rstring import StringBuilder
@@ -272,8 +272,6 @@
 # ____________________________________________________________
 class SubBufferMixin(object):
-    _mixin_ = True
     def __init__(self, buffer, offset, size):
         self.buffer = buffer
         self.offset = offset
@@ -297,10 +295,11 @@
                           # out of bounds
         return self.buffer.getslice(self.offset + start, self.offset + stop, step, size)
-class SubBuffer(SubBufferMixin, Buffer):
-    pass
+class SubBuffer(Buffer):
+    import_from_mixin(SubBufferMixin)
-class RWSubBuffer(SubBufferMixin, RWBuffer):
+class RWSubBuffer(RWBuffer):
+    import_from_mixin(SubBufferMixin)
     def setitem(self, index, char):
         self.buffer.setitem(self.offset + index, char)
diff --git a/pypy/interpreter/pycode.py b/pypy/interpreter/pycode.py
--- a/pypy/interpreter/pycode.py
+++ b/pypy/interpreter/pycode.py
@@ -251,8 +251,10 @@
     def exec_host_bytecode(self, w_globals, w_locals):
-        from pypy.interpreter.pyframe import CPythonFrame
-        frame = CPythonFrame(self.space, self, w_globals, None)
+        if sys.version_info < (2, 7):
+            raise Exception("PyPy no longer supports Python 2.6 or lower")
+        from pypy.interpreter.pyframe import PyFrame
+        frame = self.space.FrameClass(self.space, self, w_globals, None)
         return frame.run()
diff --git a/pypy/interpreter/pyframe.py b/pypy/interpreter/pyframe.py
--- a/pypy/interpreter/pyframe.py
+++ b/pypy/interpreter/pyframe.py
@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@
     def __init__(self, space, code, w_globals, outer_func):
         if not we_are_translated():
-            assert type(self) in (space.FrameClass, CPythonFrame), (
+            assert type(self) == space.FrameClass, (
                 "use space.FrameClass(), not directly PyFrame()")
         self = hint(self, access_directly=True, fresh_virtualizable=True)
         assert isinstance(code, pycode.PyCode)
@@ -674,17 +674,6 @@
             return space.wrap(self.builtin is not space.builtin)
         return space.w_False
-class CPythonFrame(PyFrame):
-    """
-    Execution of host (CPython) opcodes.
-    """
-    bytecode_spec = host_bytecode_spec
-    opcode_method_names = host_bytecode_spec.method_names
-    opcodedesc = host_bytecode_spec.opcodedesc
-    opdescmap = host_bytecode_spec.opdescmap
-    HAVE_ARGUMENT = host_bytecode_spec.HAVE_ARGUMENT
 # ____________________________________________________________
diff --git a/pypy/interpreter/pyopcode.py b/pypy/interpreter/pyopcode.py
--- a/pypy/interpreter/pyopcode.py
+++ b/pypy/interpreter/pyopcode.py
@@ -13,10 +13,8 @@
 from rpython.rlib.objectmodel import we_are_translated
 from rpython.rlib import jit, rstackovf
 from rpython.rlib.rarithmetic import r_uint, intmask
-from rpython.rlib.unroll import unrolling_iterable
 from rpython.rlib.debug import check_nonneg
-from pypy.tool.stdlib_opcode import (bytecode_spec,
-                                     unrolling_all_opcode_descs)
+from pypy.tool.stdlib_opcode import bytecode_spec
 def unaryoperation(operationname):
@@ -41,34 +39,14 @@
     return func_with_new_name(opimpl, "opcode_impl_for_%s" % operationname)
-compare_dispatch_table = [
-    "cmp_lt",   # "<"
-    "cmp_le",   # "<="
-    "cmp_eq",   # "=="
-    "cmp_ne",   # "!="
-    "cmp_gt",   # ">"
-    "cmp_ge",   # ">="
-    "cmp_in",
-    "cmp_not_in",
-    "cmp_is",
-    "cmp_is_not",
-    "cmp_exc_match",
-    ]
-unrolling_compare_dispatch_table = unrolling_iterable(
-    enumerate(compare_dispatch_table))
+opcodedesc = bytecode_spec.opcodedesc
 class __extend__(pyframe.PyFrame):
     """A PyFrame that knows about interpretation of standard Python opcodes
     minus the ones related to nested scopes."""
-    bytecode_spec = bytecode_spec
-    opcode_method_names = bytecode_spec.method_names
-    opcodedesc = bytecode_spec.opcodedesc
-    opdescmap = bytecode_spec.opdescmap
-    HAVE_ARGUMENT = bytecode_spec.HAVE_ARGUMENT
     ### opcode dispatch ###
     def dispatch(self, pycode, next_instr, ec):
@@ -170,7 +148,7 @@
             opcode = ord(co_code[next_instr])
             next_instr += 1
-            if opcode >= self.HAVE_ARGUMENT:
+            if opcode >= HAVE_ARGUMENT:
                 lo = ord(co_code[next_instr])
                 hi = ord(co_code[next_instr+1])
                 next_instr += 2
@@ -180,19 +158,18 @@
             # note: the structure of the code here is such that it makes
             # (after translation) a big "if/elif" chain, which is then
-            # turned into a switch().  It starts here: even if the first
-            # one is not an "if" but a "while" the effect is the same.
+            # turned into a switch().
-            while opcode == self.opcodedesc.EXTENDED_ARG.index:
+            while opcode == opcodedesc.EXTENDED_ARG.index:
                 opcode = ord(co_code[next_instr])
-                if opcode < self.HAVE_ARGUMENT:
+                if opcode < HAVE_ARGUMENT:
                     raise BytecodeCorruption
                 lo = ord(co_code[next_instr+1])
                 hi = ord(co_code[next_instr+2])
                 next_instr += 3
                 oparg = (oparg * 65536) | (hi * 256) | lo
-            if opcode == self.opcodedesc.RETURN_VALUE.index:
+            if opcode == opcodedesc.RETURN_VALUE.index:
                 w_returnvalue = self.popvalue()
                 block = self.unrollstack(SReturnValue.kind)
                 if block is None:
@@ -202,8 +179,7 @@
                     unroller = SReturnValue(w_returnvalue)
                     next_instr = block.handle(self, unroller)
                     return next_instr    # now inside a 'finally' block
-            if opcode == self.opcodedesc.END_FINALLY.index:
+            elif opcode == opcodedesc.END_FINALLY.index:
                 unroller = self.end_finally()
                 if isinstance(unroller, SuspendedUnroller):
                     # go on unrolling the stack
@@ -215,49 +191,248 @@
                         next_instr = block.handle(self, unroller)
                 return next_instr
-            if opcode == self.opcodedesc.JUMP_ABSOLUTE.index:
+            elif opcode == opcodedesc.JUMP_ABSOLUTE.index:
                 return self.jump_absolute(oparg, ec)
-            if we_are_translated():
-                for opdesc in unrolling_all_opcode_descs:
-                    # static checks to skip this whole case if necessary
-                    if opdesc.bytecode_spec is not self.bytecode_spec:
-                        continue
-                    if not opdesc.is_enabled(space):
-                        continue
-                    if opdesc.methodname in (
-                        'EXTENDED_ARG', 'RETURN_VALUE',
-                        'END_FINALLY', 'JUMP_ABSOLUTE'):
-                        continue   # opcodes implemented above
-                    # the following "if" is part of the big switch described
-                    # above.
-                    if opcode == opdesc.index:
-                        # dispatch to the opcode method
-                        meth = getattr(self, opdesc.methodname)
-                        res = meth(oparg, next_instr)
-                        # !! warning, for the annotator the next line is not
-                        # comparing an int and None - you can't do that.
-                        # Instead, it's constant-folded to either True or False
-                        if res is not None:
-                            next_instr = res
-                        break
-                else:
-                    self.MISSING_OPCODE(oparg, next_instr)
-            else:  # when we are not translated, a list lookup is much faster
-                methodname = self.opcode_method_names[opcode]
-                try:
-                    meth = getattr(self, methodname)
-                except AttributeError:
-                    raise BytecodeCorruption("unimplemented opcode, ofs=%d, "
-                                             "code=%d, name=%s" %
-                                             (self.last_instr, opcode,
-                                              methodname))
-                res = meth(oparg, next_instr)
-                if res is not None:
-                    next_instr = res
+            elif opcode == opcodedesc.BREAK_LOOP.index:
+                next_instr = self.BREAK_LOOP(oparg, next_instr)
+            elif opcode == opcodedesc.CONTINUE_LOOP.index:
+                next_instr = self.CONTINUE_LOOP(oparg, next_instr)
+            elif opcode == opcodedesc.FOR_ITER.index:
+                next_instr = self.FOR_ITER(oparg, next_instr)
+            elif opcode == opcodedesc.JUMP_FORWARD.index:
+                next_instr = self.JUMP_FORWARD(oparg, next_instr)
+            elif opcode == opcodedesc.JUMP_IF_FALSE_OR_POP.index:
+                next_instr = self.JUMP_IF_FALSE_OR_POP(oparg, next_instr)
+            elif opcode == opcodedesc.JUMP_IF_NOT_DEBUG.index:
+                next_instr = self.JUMP_IF_NOT_DEBUG(oparg, next_instr)
+            elif opcode == opcodedesc.JUMP_IF_TRUE_OR_POP.index:
+                next_instr = self.JUMP_IF_TRUE_OR_POP(oparg, next_instr)
+            elif opcode == opcodedesc.POP_JUMP_IF_FALSE.index:
+                next_instr = self.POP_JUMP_IF_FALSE(oparg, next_instr)
+            elif opcode == opcodedesc.POP_JUMP_IF_TRUE.index:
+                next_instr = self.POP_JUMP_IF_TRUE(oparg, next_instr)
+            elif opcode == opcodedesc.BINARY_ADD.index:
+                self.BINARY_ADD(oparg, next_instr)
+            elif opcode == opcodedesc.BINARY_AND.index:
+                self.BINARY_AND(oparg, next_instr)
+            elif opcode == opcodedesc.BINARY_DIVIDE.index:
+                self.BINARY_DIVIDE(oparg, next_instr)
+            elif opcode == opcodedesc.BINARY_FLOOR_DIVIDE.index:
+                self.BINARY_FLOOR_DIVIDE(oparg, next_instr)
+            elif opcode == opcodedesc.BINARY_LSHIFT.index:
+                self.BINARY_LSHIFT(oparg, next_instr)
+            elif opcode == opcodedesc.BINARY_MODULO.index:
+                self.BINARY_MODULO(oparg, next_instr)
+            elif opcode == opcodedesc.BINARY_MULTIPLY.index:
+                self.BINARY_MULTIPLY(oparg, next_instr)
+            elif opcode == opcodedesc.BINARY_OR.index:
+                self.BINARY_OR(oparg, next_instr)
+            elif opcode == opcodedesc.BINARY_POWER.index:
+                self.BINARY_POWER(oparg, next_instr)
+            elif opcode == opcodedesc.BINARY_RSHIFT.index:
+                self.BINARY_RSHIFT(oparg, next_instr)
+            elif opcode == opcodedesc.BINARY_SUBSCR.index:
+                self.BINARY_SUBSCR(oparg, next_instr)
+            elif opcode == opcodedesc.BINARY_SUBTRACT.index:
+                self.BINARY_SUBTRACT(oparg, next_instr)
+            elif opcode == opcodedesc.BINARY_TRUE_DIVIDE.index:
+                self.BINARY_TRUE_DIVIDE(oparg, next_instr)
+            elif opcode == opcodedesc.BINARY_XOR.index:
+                self.BINARY_XOR(oparg, next_instr)
+            elif opcode == opcodedesc.BUILD_CLASS.index:
+                self.BUILD_CLASS(oparg, next_instr)
+            elif opcode == opcodedesc.BUILD_LIST.index:
+                self.BUILD_LIST(oparg, next_instr)
+            elif opcode == opcodedesc.BUILD_LIST_FROM_ARG.index:
+                self.BUILD_LIST_FROM_ARG(oparg, next_instr)
+            elif opcode == opcodedesc.BUILD_MAP.index:
+                self.BUILD_MAP(oparg, next_instr)
+            elif opcode == opcodedesc.BUILD_SET.index:
+                self.BUILD_SET(oparg, next_instr)
+            elif opcode == opcodedesc.BUILD_SLICE.index:
+                self.BUILD_SLICE(oparg, next_instr)
+            elif opcode == opcodedesc.BUILD_TUPLE.index:
+                self.BUILD_TUPLE(oparg, next_instr)
+            elif opcode == opcodedesc.CALL_FUNCTION.index:
+                self.CALL_FUNCTION(oparg, next_instr)
+            elif opcode == opcodedesc.CALL_FUNCTION_KW.index:
+                self.CALL_FUNCTION_KW(oparg, next_instr)
+            elif opcode == opcodedesc.CALL_FUNCTION_VAR.index:
+                self.CALL_FUNCTION_VAR(oparg, next_instr)
+            elif opcode == opcodedesc.CALL_FUNCTION_VAR_KW.index:
+                self.CALL_FUNCTION_VAR_KW(oparg, next_instr)
+            elif opcode == opcodedesc.CALL_METHOD.index:
+                self.CALL_METHOD(oparg, next_instr)
+            elif opcode == opcodedesc.COMPARE_OP.index:
+                self.COMPARE_OP(oparg, next_instr)
+            elif opcode == opcodedesc.DELETE_ATTR.index:
+                self.DELETE_ATTR(oparg, next_instr)
+            elif opcode == opcodedesc.DELETE_FAST.index:
+                self.DELETE_FAST(oparg, next_instr)
+            elif opcode == opcodedesc.DELETE_GLOBAL.index:
+                self.DELETE_GLOBAL(oparg, next_instr)
+            elif opcode == opcodedesc.DELETE_NAME.index:
+                self.DELETE_NAME(oparg, next_instr)
+            elif opcode == opcodedesc.DELETE_SLICE_0.index:
+                self.DELETE_SLICE_0(oparg, next_instr)
+            elif opcode == opcodedesc.DELETE_SLICE_1.index:
+                self.DELETE_SLICE_1(oparg, next_instr)
+            elif opcode == opcodedesc.DELETE_SLICE_2.index:
+                self.DELETE_SLICE_2(oparg, next_instr)
+            elif opcode == opcodedesc.DELETE_SLICE_3.index:
+                self.DELETE_SLICE_3(oparg, next_instr)
+            elif opcode == opcodedesc.DELETE_SUBSCR.index:
+                self.DELETE_SUBSCR(oparg, next_instr)
+            elif opcode == opcodedesc.DUP_TOP.index:
+                self.DUP_TOP(oparg, next_instr)
+            elif opcode == opcodedesc.DUP_TOPX.index:
+                self.DUP_TOPX(oparg, next_instr)
+            elif opcode == opcodedesc.EXEC_STMT.index:
+                self.EXEC_STMT(oparg, next_instr)
+            elif opcode == opcodedesc.GET_ITER.index:
+                self.GET_ITER(oparg, next_instr)
+            elif opcode == opcodedesc.IMPORT_FROM.index:
+                self.IMPORT_FROM(oparg, next_instr)
+            elif opcode == opcodedesc.IMPORT_NAME.index:
+                self.IMPORT_NAME(oparg, next_instr)
+            elif opcode == opcodedesc.IMPORT_STAR.index:
+                self.IMPORT_STAR(oparg, next_instr)
+            elif opcode == opcodedesc.INPLACE_ADD.index:
+                self.INPLACE_ADD(oparg, next_instr)
+            elif opcode == opcodedesc.INPLACE_AND.index:
+                self.INPLACE_AND(oparg, next_instr)
+            elif opcode == opcodedesc.INPLACE_DIVIDE.index:
+                self.INPLACE_DIVIDE(oparg, next_instr)
+            elif opcode == opcodedesc.INPLACE_FLOOR_DIVIDE.index:
+                self.INPLACE_FLOOR_DIVIDE(oparg, next_instr)
+            elif opcode == opcodedesc.INPLACE_LSHIFT.index:
+                self.INPLACE_LSHIFT(oparg, next_instr)
+            elif opcode == opcodedesc.INPLACE_MODULO.index:
+                self.INPLACE_MODULO(oparg, next_instr)
+            elif opcode == opcodedesc.INPLACE_MULTIPLY.index:
+                self.INPLACE_MULTIPLY(oparg, next_instr)
+            elif opcode == opcodedesc.INPLACE_OR.index:
+                self.INPLACE_OR(oparg, next_instr)
+            elif opcode == opcodedesc.INPLACE_POWER.index:
+                self.INPLACE_POWER(oparg, next_instr)
+            elif opcode == opcodedesc.INPLACE_RSHIFT.index:
+                self.INPLACE_RSHIFT(oparg, next_instr)
+            elif opcode == opcodedesc.INPLACE_SUBTRACT.index:
+                self.INPLACE_SUBTRACT(oparg, next_instr)
+            elif opcode == opcodedesc.INPLACE_TRUE_DIVIDE.index:
+                self.INPLACE_TRUE_DIVIDE(oparg, next_instr)
+            elif opcode == opcodedesc.INPLACE_XOR.index:
+                self.INPLACE_XOR(oparg, next_instr)
+            elif opcode == opcodedesc.LIST_APPEND.index:
+                self.LIST_APPEND(oparg, next_instr)
+            elif opcode == opcodedesc.LOAD_ATTR.index:
+                self.LOAD_ATTR(oparg, next_instr)
+            elif opcode == opcodedesc.LOAD_CLOSURE.index:
+                self.LOAD_CLOSURE(oparg, next_instr)
+            elif opcode == opcodedesc.LOAD_CONST.index:
+                self.LOAD_CONST(oparg, next_instr)
+            elif opcode == opcodedesc.LOAD_DEREF.index:
+                self.LOAD_DEREF(oparg, next_instr)
+            elif opcode == opcodedesc.LOAD_FAST.index:
+                self.LOAD_FAST(oparg, next_instr)
+            elif opcode == opcodedesc.LOAD_GLOBAL.index:
+                self.LOAD_GLOBAL(oparg, next_instr)
+            elif opcode == opcodedesc.LOAD_LOCALS.index:
+                self.LOAD_LOCALS(oparg, next_instr)
+            elif opcode == opcodedesc.LOAD_NAME.index:
+                self.LOAD_NAME(oparg, next_instr)
+            elif opcode == opcodedesc.LOOKUP_METHOD.index:
+                self.LOOKUP_METHOD(oparg, next_instr)
+            elif opcode == opcodedesc.MAKE_CLOSURE.index:
+                self.MAKE_CLOSURE(oparg, next_instr)
+            elif opcode == opcodedesc.MAKE_FUNCTION.index:
+                self.MAKE_FUNCTION(oparg, next_instr)
+            elif opcode == opcodedesc.MAP_ADD.index:
+                self.MAP_ADD(oparg, next_instr)
+            elif opcode == opcodedesc.NOP.index:
+                self.NOP(oparg, next_instr)
+            elif opcode == opcodedesc.POP_BLOCK.index:
+                self.POP_BLOCK(oparg, next_instr)
+            elif opcode == opcodedesc.POP_TOP.index:
+                self.POP_TOP(oparg, next_instr)
+            elif opcode == opcodedesc.PRINT_EXPR.index:
+                self.PRINT_EXPR(oparg, next_instr)
+            elif opcode == opcodedesc.PRINT_ITEM.index:
+                self.PRINT_ITEM(oparg, next_instr)
+            elif opcode == opcodedesc.PRINT_ITEM_TO.index:
+                self.PRINT_ITEM_TO(oparg, next_instr)
+            elif opcode == opcodedesc.PRINT_NEWLINE.index:
+                self.PRINT_NEWLINE(oparg, next_instr)
+            elif opcode == opcodedesc.PRINT_NEWLINE_TO.index:
+                self.PRINT_NEWLINE_TO(oparg, next_instr)
+            elif opcode == opcodedesc.RAISE_VARARGS.index:
+                self.RAISE_VARARGS(oparg, next_instr)
+            elif opcode == opcodedesc.ROT_FOUR.index:
+                self.ROT_FOUR(oparg, next_instr)
+            elif opcode == opcodedesc.ROT_THREE.index:
+                self.ROT_THREE(oparg, next_instr)
+            elif opcode == opcodedesc.ROT_TWO.index:
+                self.ROT_TWO(oparg, next_instr)
+            elif opcode == opcodedesc.SETUP_EXCEPT.index:
+                self.SETUP_EXCEPT(oparg, next_instr)
+            elif opcode == opcodedesc.SETUP_FINALLY.index:
+                self.SETUP_FINALLY(oparg, next_instr)
+            elif opcode == opcodedesc.SETUP_LOOP.index:
+                self.SETUP_LOOP(oparg, next_instr)
+            elif opcode == opcodedesc.SETUP_WITH.index:
+                self.SETUP_WITH(oparg, next_instr)
+            elif opcode == opcodedesc.SET_ADD.index:
+                self.SET_ADD(oparg, next_instr)
+            elif opcode == opcodedesc.SLICE_0.index:
+                self.SLICE_0(oparg, next_instr)
+            elif opcode == opcodedesc.SLICE_1.index:
+                self.SLICE_1(oparg, next_instr)
+            elif opcode == opcodedesc.SLICE_2.index:
+                self.SLICE_2(oparg, next_instr)
+            elif opcode == opcodedesc.SLICE_3.index:
+                self.SLICE_3(oparg, next_instr)
+            elif opcode == opcodedesc.STOP_CODE.index:
+                self.STOP_CODE(oparg, next_instr)
+            elif opcode == opcodedesc.STORE_ATTR.index:
+                self.STORE_ATTR(oparg, next_instr)
+            elif opcode == opcodedesc.STORE_DEREF.index:
+                self.STORE_DEREF(oparg, next_instr)
+            elif opcode == opcodedesc.STORE_FAST.index:
+                self.STORE_FAST(oparg, next_instr)
+            elif opcode == opcodedesc.STORE_GLOBAL.index:
+                self.STORE_GLOBAL(oparg, next_instr)
+            elif opcode == opcodedesc.STORE_MAP.index:
+                self.STORE_MAP(oparg, next_instr)
+            elif opcode == opcodedesc.STORE_NAME.index:
+                self.STORE_NAME(oparg, next_instr)
+            elif opcode == opcodedesc.STORE_SLICE_0.index:
+                self.STORE_SLICE_0(oparg, next_instr)
+            elif opcode == opcodedesc.STORE_SLICE_1.index:
+                self.STORE_SLICE_1(oparg, next_instr)
+            elif opcode == opcodedesc.STORE_SLICE_2.index:
+                self.STORE_SLICE_2(oparg, next_instr)
+            elif opcode == opcodedesc.STORE_SLICE_3.index:
+                self.STORE_SLICE_3(oparg, next_instr)
+            elif opcode == opcodedesc.STORE_SUBSCR.index:
+                self.STORE_SUBSCR(oparg, next_instr)
+            elif opcode == opcodedesc.UNARY_CONVERT.index:
+                self.UNARY_CONVERT(oparg, next_instr)
+            elif opcode == opcodedesc.UNARY_INVERT.index:
+                self.UNARY_INVERT(oparg, next_instr)
+            elif opcode == opcodedesc.UNARY_NEGATIVE.index:
+                self.UNARY_NEGATIVE(oparg, next_instr)
+            elif opcode == opcodedesc.UNARY_NOT.index:
+                self.UNARY_NOT(oparg, next_instr)
+            elif opcode == opcodedesc.UNARY_POSITIVE.index:
+                self.UNARY_POSITIVE(oparg, next_instr)
+            elif opcode == opcodedesc.UNPACK_SEQUENCE.index:
+                self.UNPACK_SEQUENCE(oparg, next_instr)
+            elif opcode == opcodedesc.WITH_CLEANUP.index:
+                self.WITH_CLEANUP(oparg, next_instr)
+            elif opcode == opcodedesc.YIELD_VALUE.index:
+                self.YIELD_VALUE(oparg, next_instr)
+            else:
+                self.MISSING_OPCODE(oparg, next_instr)
             if jit.we_are_jitted():
                 return next_instr
@@ -733,36 +908,6 @@
     LOAD_ATTR._always_inline_ = True
-    def cmp_lt(self, w_1, w_2):
-        return self.space.lt(w_1, w_2)
-    def cmp_le(self, w_1, w_2):
-        return self.space.le(w_1, w_2)
-    def cmp_eq(self, w_1, w_2):
-        return self.space.eq(w_1, w_2)
-    def cmp_ne(self, w_1, w_2):
-        return self.space.ne(w_1, w_2)
-    def cmp_gt(self, w_1, w_2):
-        return self.space.gt(w_1, w_2)
-    def cmp_ge(self, w_1, w_2):
-        return self.space.ge(w_1, w_2)
-    def cmp_in(self, w_1, w_2):
-        return self.space.contains(w_2, w_1)
-    def cmp_not_in(self, w_1, w_2):
-        return self.space.not_(self.space.contains(w_2, w_1))
-    def cmp_is(self, w_1, w_2):
-        return self.space.is_(w_1, w_2)
-    def cmp_is_not(self, w_1, w_2):
-        return self.space.not_(self.space.is_(w_1, w_2))
     def cmp_exc_match(self, w_1, w_2):
         space = self.space
@@ -779,11 +924,28 @@
     def COMPARE_OP(self, testnum, next_instr):
         w_2 = self.popvalue()
         w_1 = self.popvalue()
-        w_result = None
-        for i, attr in unrolling_compare_dispatch_table:
-            if i == testnum:
-                w_result = getattr(self, attr)(w_1, w_2)
-                break
+        if testnum == 0:
+            w_result = self.space.lt(w_1, w_2)
+        elif testnum == 1:
+            w_result = self.space.le(w_1, w_2)
+        elif testnum == 2:
+            w_result = self.space.eq(w_1, w_2)
+        elif testnum == 3:
+            w_result = self.space.ne(w_1, w_2)
+        elif testnum == 4:
+            w_result = self.space.gt(w_1, w_2)
+        elif testnum == 5:
+            w_result = self.space.ge(w_1, w_2)
+        elif testnum == 6:
+            w_result = self.space.contains(w_2, w_1)
+        elif testnum == 7:
+            w_result = self.space.not_(self.space.contains(w_2, w_1))
+        elif testnum == 8:
+            w_result = self.space.is_(w_1, w_2)
+        elif testnum == 9:
+            w_result = self.space.not_(self.space.is_(w_1, w_2))
+        elif testnum == 10:
+            w_result = self.cmp_exc_match(w_1, w_2)
             raise BytecodeCorruption("bad COMPARE_OP oparg")
@@ -1086,49 +1248,6 @@
         self.space.setitem(w_dict, w_key, w_value)
-class __extend__(pyframe.CPythonFrame):
-    def JUMP_IF_FALSE(self, stepby, next_instr):
-        w_cond = self.peekvalue()
-        if not self.space.is_true(w_cond):
-            next_instr += stepby
-        return next_instr
-    def JUMP_IF_TRUE(self, stepby, next_instr):
-        w_cond = self.peekvalue()
-        if self.space.is_true(w_cond):
-            next_instr += stepby
-        return next_instr
-    def BUILD_MAP(self, itemcount, next_instr):
-        if sys.version_info >= (2, 6):
-            # We could pre-allocate a dict here
-            # but for the moment this code is not translated.
-            pass
-        else:
-            if itemcount != 0:
-                raise BytecodeCorruption
-        w_dict = self.space.newdict()
-        self.pushvalue(w_dict)
-    def STORE_MAP(self, zero, next_instr):
-        if sys.version_info >= (2, 6):
-            w_key = self.popvalue()
-            w_value = self.popvalue()
-            w_dict = self.peekvalue()
-            self.space.setitem(w_dict, w_key, w_value)
-        else:
-            raise BytecodeCorruption
-    def LIST_APPEND(self, oparg, next_instr):
-        w = self.popvalue()
-        if sys.version_info < (2, 7):
-            v = self.popvalue()
-        else:
-            v = self.peekvalue(oparg - 1)
-        self.space.call_method(v, 'append', w)
 ### ____________________________________________________________ ###
 class ExitFrame(Exception):
diff --git a/pypy/interpreter/test/test_compiler.py b/pypy/interpreter/test/test_compiler.py
--- a/pypy/interpreter/test/test_compiler.py
+++ b/pypy/interpreter/test/test_compiler.py
@@ -953,10 +953,6 @@
         assert i > -1
         assert isinstance(co.co_consts[i], frozenset)
-class AppTestCallMethod(object):
-    spaceconfig = {'objspace.opcodes.CALL_METHOD': True}
     def test_call_method_kwargs(self):
         source = """def _f(a):
             return a.f(a=a)
diff --git a/pypy/interpreter/test/test_executioncontext.py b/pypy/interpreter/test/test_executioncontext.py
--- a/pypy/interpreter/test/test_executioncontext.py
+++ b/pypy/interpreter/test/test_executioncontext.py
@@ -253,10 +253,6 @@
-class TestExecutionContextWithCallMethod(TestExecutionContext):
-    spaceconfig ={'objspace.opcodes.CALL_METHOD': True}
 class AppTestDelNotBlocked:
     def setup_method(self, meth):
diff --git a/pypy/interpreter/test/test_gateway.py b/pypy/interpreter/test/test_gateway.py
--- a/pypy/interpreter/test/test_gateway.py
+++ b/pypy/interpreter/test/test_gateway.py
@@ -812,10 +812,6 @@
         assert len(called) == 1
         assert isinstance(called[0], argument.Arguments)
-class TestPassThroughArguments_CALL_METHOD(TestPassThroughArguments):
-    spaceconfig = dict(usemodules=('itertools',), **{
-            "objspace.opcodes.CALL_METHOD": True
-            })
 class AppTestKeywordsToBuiltinSanity(object):
diff --git a/pypy/module/__pypy__/test/test_signal.py b/pypy/module/__pypy__/test/test_signal.py
--- a/pypy/module/__pypy__/test/test_signal.py
+++ b/pypy/module/__pypy__/test/test_signal.py
@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@
                     for i in range(10):
-                        time.sleep(0.1)
+                        time.sleep(0.25)
             except BaseException, e:
@@ -59,7 +59,7 @@
                 for j in range(10):
                     if len(done): break
-                    time.sleep(0.1)
+                    time.sleep(0.25)
                 print('main thread loop done')
                 assert len(done) == 1
                 assert len(interrupted) == 1
@@ -117,7 +117,7 @@
         def subthread():
-                time.sleep(0.25)
+                time.sleep(0.5)
                 with __pypy__.thread.signals_enabled:
             except BaseException, e:
diff --git a/pypy/module/_cffi_backend/test/_backend_test_c.py b/pypy/module/_cffi_backend/test/_backend_test_c.py
--- a/pypy/module/_cffi_backend/test/_backend_test_c.py
+++ b/pypy/module/_cffi_backend/test/_backend_test_c.py
@@ -1516,13 +1516,18 @@
     d = BStruct.fields
     assert d[0][1].offset == d[1][1].offset == d[2][1].offset == 0
     assert d[3][1].offset == sizeof(BLong)
-    assert d[0][1].bitshift == 0
+    def f(m, r):
+        if sys.byteorder == 'little':
+            return r
+        else:
+            return LONGBITS - m - r
+    assert d[0][1].bitshift == f(1, 0)
     assert d[0][1].bitsize == 1
-    assert d[1][1].bitshift == 1
+    assert d[1][1].bitshift == f(2, 1)
     assert d[1][1].bitsize == 2
-    assert d[2][1].bitshift == 3
+    assert d[2][1].bitshift == f(3, 3)
     assert d[2][1].bitsize == 3
-    assert d[3][1].bitshift == 0
+    assert d[3][1].bitshift == f(LONGBITS - 5, 0)
     assert d[3][1].bitsize == LONGBITS - 5
     assert sizeof(BStruct) == 2 * sizeof(BLong)
     assert alignof(BStruct) == alignof(BLong)
@@ -2856,7 +2861,7 @@
                                        ('b1', BInt, 9),
                                        ('b2', BUInt, 7),
                                        ('c', BChar, -1)], -1, -1, -1, flag)
-    if flag % 2 == 0:   # gcc and gcc ARM
+    if flag % 2 == 0:   # gcc, any variant
         assert typeoffsetof(BStruct, 'c') == (BChar, 3)
         assert sizeof(BStruct) == 4
     else:               # msvc
@@ -2864,6 +2869,31 @@
         assert sizeof(BStruct) == 12
     assert alignof(BStruct) == 4
+    p = newp(new_pointer_type(BStruct), None)
+    p.a = b'A'
+    p.b1 = -201
+    p.b2 = 99
+    p.c = b'\x9D'
+    raw = buffer(p)[:]
+    if sys.byteorder == 'little':
+        if flag == 0 or flag == 2:  # gcc, little endian
+            assert raw == b'A7\xC7\x9D'
+        elif flag == 1: # msvc
+            assert raw == b'A\x00\x00\x007\xC7\x00\x00\x9D\x00\x00\x00'
+        elif flag == 4: # gcc, big endian
+            assert raw == b'A\xE3\x9B\x9D'
+        else:
+            raise AssertionError("bad flag")
+    else:
+        if flag == 0 or flag == 2:  # gcc
+            assert raw == b'A\xC77\x9D'
+        elif flag == 1: # msvc
+            assert raw == b'A\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\xC77\x9D\x00\x00\x00'
+        elif flag == 4: # gcc, big endian
+            assert raw == b'A\x9B\xE3\x9D'
+        else:
+            raise AssertionError("bad flag")
+    #
     BStruct = new_struct_type("struct foo2")
     complete_struct_or_union(BStruct, [('a', BChar, -1),
                                        ('',  BShort, 9),
@@ -2875,16 +2905,21 @@
     elif flag == 1: # msvc
         assert sizeof(BStruct) == 6
         assert alignof(BStruct) == 2
-    else:           # gcc ARM
+    elif flag == 2: # gcc ARM
         assert sizeof(BStruct) == 6
         assert alignof(BStruct) == 2
+    elif flag == 4: # gcc, big endian
+        assert sizeof(BStruct) == 5
+        assert alignof(BStruct) == 1
+    else:
+        raise AssertionError("bad flag")
     BStruct = new_struct_type("struct foo2")
     complete_struct_or_union(BStruct, [('a', BChar, -1),
                                        ('',  BInt, 0),
                                        ('',  BInt, 0),
                                        ('c', BChar, -1)], -1, -1, -1, flag)
-    if flag == 0:   # gcc
+    if flag == 0:    # gcc
         assert typeoffsetof(BStruct, 'c') == (BChar, 4)
         assert sizeof(BStruct) == 5
         assert alignof(BStruct) == 1
@@ -2892,10 +2927,16 @@
         assert typeoffsetof(BStruct, 'c') == (BChar, 1)
         assert sizeof(BStruct) == 2
         assert alignof(BStruct) == 1
-    else:            # gcc ARM
+    elif flag == 2:  # gcc ARM
         assert typeoffsetof(BStruct, 'c') == (BChar, 4)
         assert sizeof(BStruct) == 8
         assert alignof(BStruct) == 4
+    elif flag == 4:  # gcc, big endian
+        assert typeoffsetof(BStruct, 'c') == (BChar, 4)
+        assert sizeof(BStruct) == 5
+        assert alignof(BStruct) == 1
+    else:
+        raise AssertionError("bad flag")
 def test_bitfield_as_gcc():
@@ -2907,6 +2948,11 @@
 def test_bitfield_as_arm_gcc():
+def test_bitfield_as_big_endian():
+    if '__pypy__' in sys.builtin_module_names:
+        py.test.skip("no big endian machine supported on pypy for now")
+    _test_bitfield_details(flag=4)
 def test_version():
     # this test is here mostly for PyPy
diff --git a/pypy/module/_continuation/interp_pickle.py b/pypy/module/_continuation/interp_pickle.py
--- a/pypy/module/_continuation/interp_pickle.py
+++ b/pypy/module/_continuation/interp_pickle.py
@@ -120,8 +120,7 @@
     nkwds = (oparg >> 8) & 0xff
     if nkwds == 0:     # only positional arguments
         # fast paths leaves things on the stack, pop them
-        if (frame.space.config.objspace.opcodes.CALL_METHOD and
-            opcode == map['CALL_METHOD']):
+        if opcode == map['CALL_METHOD']:
             frame.dropvalues(nargs + 2)
         elif opcode == map['CALL_FUNCTION']:
             frame.dropvalues(nargs + 1)
diff --git a/pypy/module/_continuation/test/test_zpickle.py b/pypy/module/_continuation/test/test_zpickle.py
--- a/pypy/module/_continuation/test/test_zpickle.py
+++ b/pypy/module/_continuation/test/test_zpickle.py
@@ -1,8 +1,7 @@
 class AppTestCopy:
     spaceconfig = dict(usemodules=['_continuation'],
-                       continuation=True,
-                       CALL_METHOD=True)
+                       continuation=True)
     def test_basic_setup(self):
         from _continuation import continulet
@@ -104,7 +103,6 @@
     spaceconfig = {
         "usemodules": ['_continuation', 'struct', 'binascii'],
         "continuation": True,
-        "CALL_METHOD": True,
     def setup_class(cls):
diff --git a/pypy/module/_file/interp_file.py b/pypy/module/_file/interp_file.py
--- a/pypy/module/_file/interp_file.py
+++ b/pypy/module/_file/interp_file.py
@@ -437,14 +437,14 @@
         return self.getrepr(self.space, info)
     def getdisplayname(self):
+        space = self.space
         w_name = self.w_name
         if w_name is None:
             return '?'
-        elif self.space.is_true(self.space.isinstance(w_name,
-                                                      self.space.w_str)):
-            return "'%s'" % self.space.str_w(w_name)
+        elif space.isinstance_w(w_name, space.w_str):
+            return "'%s'" % space.str_w(w_name)
-            return self.space.str_w(self.space.repr(w_name))
+            return space.str_w(space.repr(w_name))
     def file_writelines(self, w_lines):
         """writelines(sequence_of_strings) -> None.  Write the strings to the file.
diff --git a/pypy/module/_lsprof/test/test_cprofile.py b/pypy/module/_lsprof/test/test_cprofile.py
--- a/pypy/module/_lsprof/test/test_cprofile.py
+++ b/pypy/module/_lsprof/test/test_cprofile.py
@@ -191,11 +191,6 @@
-class AppTestWithDifferentBytecodes(AppTestCProfile):
-    spaceconfig = AppTestCProfile.spaceconfig.copy()
-    spaceconfig['objspace.opcodes.CALL_METHOD'] = True
 expected_output = {}
 expected_output['print_stats'] = """\
          126 function calls (106 primitive calls) in 1.000 seconds
diff --git a/pypy/module/array/interp_array.py b/pypy/module/array/interp_array.py
--- a/pypy/module/array/interp_array.py
+++ b/pypy/module/array/interp_array.py
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
 from rpython.rlib.unroll import unrolling_iterable
 from rpython.rlib.objectmodel import keepalive_until_here
 from rpython.rtyper.lltypesystem import lltype, rffi
+from pypy.objspace.std.floatobject import W_FloatObject
 def w_array(space, w_cls, typecode, __args__):
@@ -532,7 +532,7 @@
 class TypeCode(object):
-    def __init__(self, itemtype, unwrap, canoverflow=False, signed=False):
+    def __init__(self, itemtype, unwrap, canoverflow=False, signed=False, method='__int__'):
         self.itemtype = itemtype
         self.bytes = rffi.sizeof(itemtype)
         self.arraytype = lltype.Array(itemtype, hints={'nolength': True})
@@ -540,6 +540,7 @@
         self.signed = signed
         self.canoverflow = canoverflow
         self.w_class = None
+        self.method = method
         if self.canoverflow:
             assert self.bytes <= rffi.sizeof(rffi.ULONG)
@@ -554,8 +555,8 @@
         return True
 types = {
-    'c': TypeCode(lltype.Char,        'str_w'),
-    'u': TypeCode(lltype.UniChar,     'unicode_w'),
+    'c': TypeCode(lltype.Char,        'str_w', method=''),
+    'u': TypeCode(lltype.UniChar,     'unicode_w', method=''),
     'b': TypeCode(rffi.SIGNEDCHAR,    'int_w', True, True),
     'B': TypeCode(rffi.UCHAR,         'int_w', True),
     'h': TypeCode(rffi.SHORT,         'int_w', True, True),
@@ -567,8 +568,8 @@
                                                     # rbigint.touint() which
                                                     # corresponds to the
                                                     # C-type unsigned long
-    'f': TypeCode(lltype.SingleFloat, 'float_w'),
-    'd': TypeCode(lltype.Float,       'float_w'),
+    'f': TypeCode(lltype.SingleFloat, 'float_w', method='__float__'),
+    'd': TypeCode(lltype.Float,       'float_w', method='__float__'),
 for k, v in types.items():
     v.typecode = k
@@ -613,7 +614,19 @@
         def item_w(self, w_item):
             space = self.space
             unwrap = getattr(space, mytype.unwrap)
-            item = unwrap(w_item)
+            try:
+                item = unwrap(w_item)
+            except OperationError, e:
+                if isinstance(w_item, W_FloatObject): # Odd special case from cpython
+                    raise
+                if mytype.method != '' and e.match(space, space.w_TypeError):
+                    try:
+                        item = unwrap(space.call_method(w_item, mytype.method))
+                    except OperationError:
+                        msg = 'array item must be ' + mytype.unwrap[:-2]
+                        raise OperationError(space.w_TypeError, space.wrap(msg))                        
+                else:
+                    raise
             if mytype.unwrap == 'bigint_w':
                     item = item.touint()
diff --git a/pypy/module/array/test/test_array.py b/pypy/module/array/test/test_array.py
--- a/pypy/module/array/test/test_array.py
+++ b/pypy/module/array/test/test_array.py
@@ -874,6 +874,77 @@
         assert l
         assert l[0] is None or len(l[0]) == 0
+    def test_assign_object_with_special_methods(self):
+        from array import array
+        class Num(object):
+            def __float__(self):
+                return 5.25
+            def __int__(self):
+                return 7
+        class NotNum(object):
+            pass
+        class Silly(object):
+            def __float__(self):
+                return None
+            def __int__(self):
+                return None         
+        class OldNum:
+            def __float__(self):
+                return 6.25
+            def __int__(self):
+                return 8
+        class OldNotNum:
+            pass
+        class OldSilly:
+            def __float__(self):
+                return None
+            def __int__(self):
+                return None
+        for tc in 'bBhHiIlL':
+            a = array(tc, [0])
+            raises(TypeError, a.__setitem__, 0, 1.0)
+            a[0] = 1
+            a[0] = Num()
+            assert a[0] == 7
+            raises(TypeError, a.__setitem__, NotNum())
+            a[0] = OldNum()
+            assert a[0] == 8
+            raises(TypeError, a.__setitem__, OldNotNum())
+            raises(TypeError, a.__setitem__, Silly())
+            raises(TypeError, a.__setitem__, OldSilly())
+        for tc in 'fd':
+            a = array(tc, [0])
+            a[0] = 1.0
+            a[0] = 1
+            a[0] = Num()        
+            assert a[0] == 5.25
+            raises(TypeError, a.__setitem__, NotNum())
+            a[0] = OldNum()
+            assert a[0] == 6.25
+            raises(TypeError, a.__setitem__, OldNotNum())
+            raises(TypeError, a.__setitem__, Silly())
+            raises(TypeError, a.__setitem__, OldSilly())
+        a = array('c', 'hi')
+        a[0] = 'b'
+        assert a[0] == 'b'
+        a = array('u', u'hi')
+        a[0] = u'b'
+        assert a[0] == u'b'
 class TestCPythonsOwnArray(BaseArrayTests):
diff --git a/pypy/module/cppyy/capi/__init__.py b/pypy/module/cppyy/capi/__init__.py
--- a/pypy/module/cppyy/capi/__init__.py
+++ b/pypy/module/cppyy/capi/__init__.py
@@ -9,8 +9,8 @@
 # the selection of the desired backend (default is Reflex).
 # choose C-API access method:
-from pypy.module.cppyy.capi.loadable_capi import *
-#from pypy.module.cppyy.capi.builtin_capi import *
+#from pypy.module.cppyy.capi.loadable_capi import *
+from pypy.module.cppyy.capi.builtin_capi import *
 from pypy.module.cppyy.capi.capi_types import C_OBJECT,\
diff --git a/pypy/module/cppyy/capi/builtin_capi.py b/pypy/module/cppyy/capi/builtin_capi.py
--- a/pypy/module/cppyy/capi/builtin_capi.py
+++ b/pypy/module/cppyy/capi/builtin_capi.py
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
 from rpython.rtyper.lltypesystem import rffi, lltype
 from rpython.rlib import jit
-import reflex_capi as backend
-#import cint_capi as backend
+#import reflex_capi as backend
+import cint_capi as backend
 from pypy.module.cppyy.capi.capi_types import C_SCOPE, C_TYPE, C_OBJECT,\
diff --git a/pypy/module/cpyext/pystate.py b/pypy/module/cpyext/pystate.py
--- a/pypy/module/cpyext/pystate.py
+++ b/pypy/module/cpyext/pystate.py
@@ -241,7 +241,6 @@
     it is necessary to serialize calls to this function."""
     if not space.config.translation.thread:
         raise NoThreads
-    rthread.gc_thread_prepare()
     # PyThreadState_Get will allocate a new execution context,
     # we need to protect gc and other globals with the GIL.
diff --git a/pypy/module/imp/importing.py b/pypy/module/imp/importing.py
--- a/pypy/module/imp/importing.py
+++ b/pypy/module/imp/importing.py
@@ -841,8 +841,7 @@
 #     default_magic - 6    -- used by CPython without the -U option
 #     default_magic - 5    -- used by CPython with the -U option
-#     default_magic        -- used by PyPy without the CALL_METHOD opcode
-#     default_magic + 2    -- used by PyPy with the CALL_METHOD opcode
+#     default_magic        -- used by PyPy [because of CALL_METHOD]
 from pypy.interpreter.pycode import default_magic
@@ -855,10 +854,7 @@
             magic = __import__('imp').get_magic()
             return struct.unpack('<i', magic)[0]
-    result = default_magic
-    if space.config.objspace.opcodes.CALL_METHOD:
-        result += 2
-    return result
+    return default_magic
 def parse_source_module(space, pathname, source):
diff --git a/pypy/module/imp/test/test_import.py b/pypy/module/imp/test/test_import.py
--- a/pypy/module/imp/test/test_import.py
+++ b/pypy/module/imp/test/test_import.py
@@ -992,6 +992,7 @@
         assert ret == 42
     def test_pyc_magic_changes(self):
+        py.test.skip("For now, PyPy generates only one kind of .pyc files")
         # test that the pyc files produced by a space are not reimportable
         # from another, if they differ in what opcodes they support
         allspaces = [self.space]
diff --git a/pypy/module/micronumpy/interp_boxes.py b/pypy/module/micronumpy/interp_boxes.py
--- a/pypy/module/micronumpy/interp_boxes.py
+++ b/pypy/module/micronumpy/interp_boxes.py
@@ -396,6 +396,8 @@
 class W_UnicodeBox(W_CharacterBox):
     def descr__new__unicode_box(space, w_subtype, w_arg):
+        raise OperationError(space.w_NotImplementedError, space.wrap("Unicode is not supported yet"))
         from pypy.module.micronumpy.interp_dtype import new_unicode_dtype
         arg = space.unicode_w(unicode_from_object(space, w_arg))
diff --git a/pypy/module/micronumpy/interp_dtype.py b/pypy/module/micronumpy/interp_dtype.py
--- a/pypy/module/micronumpy/interp_dtype.py
+++ b/pypy/module/micronumpy/interp_dtype.py
@@ -685,7 +685,7 @@
             w_box_type = space.gettypefor(interp_boxes.W_StringBox),
-            alternate_constructors=[space.w_str],
+            alternate_constructors=[space.w_str, space.gettypefor(interp_boxes.W_CharacterBox)],
         self.w_unicodedtype = W_Dtype(
diff --git a/pypy/module/micronumpy/interp_numarray.py b/pypy/module/micronumpy/interp_numarray.py
--- a/pypy/module/micronumpy/interp_numarray.py
+++ b/pypy/module/micronumpy/interp_numarray.py
@@ -88,13 +88,27 @@
         w_res = W_NDimArray.from_shape(space, res_shape, self.get_dtype(), w_instance=self)
         return loop.getitem_filter(w_res, self, arr)
-    def setitem_filter(self, space, idx, val):
+    def setitem_filter(self, space, idx, value):
+        from pypy.module.micronumpy.interp_boxes import Box
+        val = value
         if len(idx.get_shape()) > 1 and idx.get_shape() != self.get_shape():
             raise OperationError(space.w_ValueError,
                                  space.wrap("boolean index array should have 1 dimension"))
         if idx.get_size() > self.get_size():
             raise OperationError(space.w_ValueError,
                                  space.wrap("index out of range for array"))
+        idx_iter = idx.create_iter(self.get_shape())
+        size = loop.count_all_true_iter(idx_iter, self.get_shape(), idx.get_dtype())
+        if len(val.get_shape()) > 0 and val.get_shape()[0] > 1 and size > val.get_shape()[0]:
+            raise OperationError(space.w_ValueError, space.wrap("NumPy boolean array indexing assignment "
+                                                                "cannot assign %d input values to "
+                                                                "the %d output values where the mask is true" % (val.get_shape()[0],size)))
+        if val.get_shape() == [1]:
+            box = val.descr_getitem(space, space.wrap(0))
+            assert isinstance(box, Box)
+            val = W_NDimArray(scalar.Scalar(val.get_dtype(), box))
+        elif val.get_shape() == [0]:
+            val.implementation.dtype = self.implementation.dtype
         loop.setitem_filter(self, idx, val)
     def _prepare_array_index(self, space, w_index):
diff --git a/pypy/module/micronumpy/loop.py b/pypy/module/micronumpy/loop.py
--- a/pypy/module/micronumpy/loop.py
+++ b/pypy/module/micronumpy/loop.py
@@ -132,7 +132,7 @@
 reduce_driver = jit.JitDriver(name='numpy_reduce',
                               greens = ['shapelen', 'func', 'done_func',
-                                        'calc_dtype', 'identity'],
+                                        'calc_dtype'],
                               reds = 'auto')
 def compute_reduce(obj, calc_dtype, func, done_func, identity):
@@ -146,7 +146,7 @@
     while not obj_iter.done():
         reduce_driver.jit_merge_point(shapelen=shapelen, func=func,
-                                      calc_dtype=calc_dtype, identity=identity,
+                                      calc_dtype=calc_dtype,
         rval = obj_iter.getitem().convert_to(calc_dtype)
         if done_func is not None and done_func(calc_dtype, rval):
@@ -318,23 +318,27 @@
     return result
-count_all_true_driver = jit.JitDriver(name = 'numpy_count',
-                                      greens = ['shapelen', 'dtype'],
-                                      reds = 'auto')
 def count_all_true(arr):
-    s = 0
     if arr.is_scalar():
         return arr.get_dtype().itemtype.bool(arr.get_scalar_value())
     iter = arr.create_iter()
-    shapelen = len(arr.get_shape())
-    dtype = arr.get_dtype()
+    return count_all_true_iter(iter, arr.get_shape(), arr.get_dtype())
+count_all_true_iter_driver = jit.JitDriver(name = 'numpy_count',
+                                      greens = ['shapelen', 'dtype'],
+                                      reds = 'auto')
+def count_all_true_iter(iter, shape, dtype):
+    s = 0
+    shapelen = len(shape)
+    dtype = dtype
     while not iter.done():
-        count_all_true_driver.jit_merge_point(shapelen=shapelen, dtype=dtype)
+        count_all_true_iter_driver.jit_merge_point(shapelen=shapelen, dtype=dtype)
         s += iter.getitem_bool()
     return s
 getitem_filter_driver = jit.JitDriver(name = 'numpy_getitem_bool',
                                       greens = ['shapelen', 'arr_dtype',
@@ -370,7 +374,7 @@
 def setitem_filter(arr, index, value):
     arr_iter = arr.create_iter()
-    index_iter = index.create_iter()
+    index_iter = index.create_iter(arr.get_shape())
     value_iter = value.create_iter()
     shapelen = len(arr.get_shape())
     index_dtype = index.get_dtype()
diff --git a/pypy/module/micronumpy/test/test_complex.py b/pypy/module/micronumpy/test/test_complex.py
--- a/pypy/module/micronumpy/test/test_complex.py
+++ b/pypy/module/micronumpy/test/test_complex.py
@@ -685,3 +685,8 @@
+    def test_complexbox_to_pycomplex(self):
+        from numpypy import complex128
+        x = complex128(3.4j)
+        assert complex(x) == 3.4j
diff --git a/pypy/module/micronumpy/test/test_dtypes.py b/pypy/module/micronumpy/test/test_dtypes.py
--- a/pypy/module/micronumpy/test/test_dtypes.py
+++ b/pypy/module/micronumpy/test/test_dtypes.py
@@ -778,6 +778,11 @@
         from numpypy import unicode_
         assert isinstance(unicode_(3), unicode)
+    def test_character_dtype(self):
+        from numpypy import array, character
+        x = array([["A", "B"], ["C", "D"]], character)
+        assert (x == [["A", "B"], ["C", "D"]]).all()
 class AppTestRecordDtypes(BaseNumpyAppTest):
     spaceconfig = dict(usemodules=["micronumpy", "struct", "binascii"])
     def test_create(self):
diff --git a/pypy/module/micronumpy/test/test_numarray.py b/pypy/module/micronumpy/test/test_numarray.py
--- a/pypy/module/micronumpy/test/test_numarray.py
+++ b/pypy/module/micronumpy/test/test_numarray.py
@@ -1922,6 +1922,29 @@
         a = numpy.arange(10.).reshape((5, 2))[::2]
         assert (loads(dumps(a)) == a).all()
+    def test_string_filling(self):
+        import numpypy as numpy
+        a = numpy.empty((10,10), dtype='c1')
+        a.fill(12)
+        assert (a == '1').all()
+    def test_boolean_indexing(self):
+        import numpypy as np
+        a = np.zeros((1, 3))
+        b = np.array([True])
+        assert (a[b] == a).all()
+        a[b] = 1.
+        assert (a == [[1., 1., 1.]]).all()
+    @py.test.mark.xfail
+    def test_boolean_array(self):
+        import numpypy as np
+        a = np.ndarray([1], dtype=bool)
+        assert a[0] == True
 class AppTestMultiDim(BaseNumpyAppTest):
     def test_init(self):
         import numpypy
@@ -2329,6 +2352,21 @@
         a[a & 1 == 0] = 15
         assert (a == [[15, 1], [15, 5], [15, 9]]).all()
+    def test_array_indexing_bool_specialcases(self):
+        from numpypy import arange, array
+        a = arange(6)
+        try:
+            a[a < 3] = [1, 2]
+            assert False, "Should not work"
+        except ValueError:
+            pass
+        a = arange(6)
+        a[a > 3] = array([15])
+        assert (a == [0, 1, 2, 3, 15, 15]).all()
+        a = arange(6).reshape(3, 2)
+        a[a & 1 == 1] = []  # here, Numpy sticks garbage into the array
+        assert a.shape == (3, 2)
     def test_copy_kwarg(self):
         from numpypy import array
         x = array([1, 2, 3])
diff --git a/pypy/module/micronumpy/test/test_ufuncs.py b/pypy/module/micronumpy/test/test_ufuncs.py
--- a/pypy/module/micronumpy/test/test_ufuncs.py
+++ b/pypy/module/micronumpy/test/test_ufuncs.py
@@ -257,6 +257,7 @@
     def test_rint(self):
         from numpypy import array, complex, rint, isnan
+        import sys
         nnan, nan, inf, ninf = float('-nan'), float('nan'), float('inf'), float('-inf')
@@ -271,6 +272,8 @@
         assert rint(complex(inf, 1.5)) == complex(inf, 2.)
         assert rint(complex(0.5, inf)) == complex(0., inf)
+        assert rint(sys.maxint) > 0.0
     def test_sign(self):
         from numpypy import array, sign, dtype
diff --git a/pypy/module/micronumpy/test/test_zjit.py b/pypy/module/micronumpy/test/test_zjit.py
--- a/pypy/module/micronumpy/test/test_zjit.py
+++ b/pypy/module/micronumpy/test/test_zjit.py
@@ -56,7 +56,7 @@
             elif isinstance(w_res, interp_boxes.W_BoolBox):
                 return float(w_res.value)
             raise TypeError(w_res)
         if self.graph is None:
             interp, graph = self.meta_interp(f, [0],
@@ -139,11 +139,17 @@
                                 'int_add': 3,
+    def define_reduce():
+        return """
+        a = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]
+        sum(a)
+        """
     def test_reduce_compile_only_once(self):
-        i = self.code_mapping['sum']
+        i = self.code_mapping['reduce']
         # run it twice
         retval = self.interp.eval_graph(self.graph, [i])
         retval = self.interp.eval_graph(self.graph, [i])
diff --git a/pypy/module/micronumpy/types.py b/pypy/module/micronumpy/types.py
--- a/pypy/module/micronumpy/types.py
+++ b/pypy/module/micronumpy/types.py
@@ -308,13 +308,6 @@
         return min(v1, v2)
-    def rint(self, v):
-        if isfinite(v):
-            return rfloat.round_double(v, 0, half_even=True)
-        else:
-            return v
-    @simple_unary_op
     def ones_like(self, v):
         return 1
@@ -322,6 +315,10 @@
     def zeros_like(self, v):
         return 0
+    @raw_unary_op
+    def rint(self, v):
+        float64 = Float64()
+        return float64.rint(float64.box(v))
 class NonNativePrimitive(Primitive):
     _mixin_ = True
@@ -1036,6 +1033,25 @@
             return v1 + v2
+    @simple_unary_op
+    def rint(self, v):
+        x = float(v)
+        if isfinite(x):
+            import math
+            y = math.floor(x)
+            r = x - y
+            if r > 0.5:
+                y += 1.0
+            if r == 0.5:
+                r = y - 2.0 * math.floor(0.5 * y)
+                if r == 1.0:
+                    y += 1.0
+            return y
+        else:
+            return x
 class NonNativeFloat(NonNativePrimitive, Float):
     _mixin_ = True
@@ -1748,12 +1764,16 @@
             arr.storage[i] = arg[i]
         return interp_boxes.W_StringBox(arr,  0, arr.dtype)
-    @jit.unroll_safe
     def store(self, arr, i, offset, box):
         assert isinstance(box, interp_boxes.W_StringBox)
         # XXX simplify to range(box.dtype.get_size()) ?
+        return self._store(arr.storage, i, offset, box)
+    @jit.unroll_safe
+    def _store(self, storage, i, offset, box):
+        assert isinstance(box, interp_boxes.W_StringBox)
         for k in range(min(self.size, box.arr.size-offset)):
-            arr.storage[k + i] = box.arr.storage[k + offset]
+            storage[k + i] = box.arr.storage[k + offset]
     def read(self, arr, i, offset, dtype=None):
         if dtype is None:
@@ -1843,6 +1863,11 @@
             arr.storage[j] = '\x00'
         return interp_boxes.W_StringBox(arr,  0, arr.dtype)
+    def fill(self, storage, width, box, start, stop, offset):
+        from pypy.module.micronumpy.arrayimpl.concrete import ConcreteArrayNotOwning
+        for i in xrange(start, stop, width):
+            self._store(storage, i, offset, box)
 NonNativeStringType = StringType
 class UnicodeType(BaseType, BaseStringType):
diff --git a/pypy/module/pypyjit/test_pypy_c/test_containers.py b/pypy/module/pypyjit/test_pypy_c/test_containers.py
--- a/pypy/module/pypyjit/test_pypy_c/test_containers.py
+++ b/pypy/module/pypyjit/test_pypy_c/test_containers.py
@@ -1,5 +1,3 @@
-import py, sys
 from pypy.module.pypyjit.test_pypy_c.test_00_model import BaseTestPyPyC
@@ -51,27 +49,6 @@
-    def test_list(self):
-        def main(n):
-            i = 0
-            while i < n:
-                z = list(())
-                z.append(1)
-                i += z[-1] / len(z)
-            return i
-        log = self.run(main, [1000])
-        assert log.result == main(1000)
-        loop, = log.loops_by_filename(self.filepath)
-        assert loop.match("""
-            i7 = int_lt(i5, i6)
-            guard_true(i7, descr=...)

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