[pypy-commit] pypy rpython-doc: Move RPython-relevant parts out of getting-started-dev.

Manuel Jacob noreply at buildbot.pypy.org
Tue Mar 5 13:49:29 CET 2013

Author: Manuel Jacob
Branch: rpython-doc
Changeset: r62071:7b4be8b19f32
Date: 2013-03-05 13:34 +0100

Log:	Move RPython-relevant parts out of getting-started-dev.

diff --git a/pypy/doc/getting-started-dev.rst b/pypy/doc/getting-started-dev.rst
--- a/pypy/doc/getting-started-dev.rst
+++ b/pypy/doc/getting-started-dev.rst
@@ -1,148 +1,10 @@
-Getting Started with the Translation Toolchain and Development Process
+Getting Started with PyPy's Development Process
 .. contents::
-.. _`try out the translator`:
-Trying out the translator
-The translator is a tool based on the PyPy interpreter which can translate
-sufficiently static RPython programs into low-level code (in particular it can
-be used to translate the `full Python interpreter`_). To be able to experiment with it
-you need to:
-  * Download and install Pygame_.
-  * Download and install `Dot Graphviz`_ 
-To start the interactive translator shell do::
-    cd rpython
-    python bin/translatorshell.py
-Test snippets of translatable code are provided in the file
-``rpython/translator/test/snippet.py``, which is imported under the name
-``snippet``.  For example::
-    >>> t = Translation(snippet.is_perfect_number, [int])
-    >>> t.view()
-After that, the graph viewer pops up, that lets you interactively inspect the
-flow graph. To move around, click on something that you want to inspect.
-To get help about how to use it, press 'H'. To close it again, press 'Q'.
-Trying out the type annotator
-We have a type annotator that can completely infer types for functions like
-``is_perfect_number`` (as well as for much larger examples)::
-    >>> t.annotate()
-    >>> t.view()
-Move the mouse over variable names (in red) to see their inferred types.
-Translating the flow graph to C code
-The graph can be turned into C code::
-   >>> t.rtype()
-   >>> lib = t.compile_c()
-The first command replaces the operations with other low level versions that
-only use low level types that are available in C (e.g. int). The compiled
-version is now in a ``.so`` library. You can run it say using ctypes:
-   >>> f = get_c_function(lib, snippet.is_perfect_number)
-   >>> f(5)
-   0
-   >>> f(6)
-   1
-Translating the flow graph to CLI or JVM code
-PyPy also contains a `CLI backend`_ and JVM backend which
-can translate flow graphs into .NET executables or a JVM jar
-file respectively.  Both are able to translate the entire
-interpreter.  You can try out the CLI and JVM backends
-from the interactive translator shells as follows::
-    >>> def myfunc(a, b): return a+b
-    ... 
-    >>> t = Translation(myfunc, [int, int])
-    >>> t.annotate()
-    >>> f = t.compile_cli() # or compile_jvm()
-    >>> f(4, 5)
-    9
-The object returned by ``compile_cli`` or ``compile_jvm``
-is a wrapper around the real
-executable: the parameters are passed as command line arguments, and
-the returned value is read from the standard output.  
-Once you have compiled the snippet, you can also try to launch the
-executable directly from the shell. You will find the 
-executable in one of the ``/tmp/usession-*`` directories::
-    # For CLI:
-    $ mono /tmp/usession-trunk-<username>/main.exe 4 5
-    9
-    # For JVM:
-    $ java -cp /tmp/usession-trunk-<username>/pypy pypy.Main 4 5
-    9
-To translate and run for the CLI you must have the SDK installed: Windows
-users need the `.NET Framework SDK`_, while Linux and Mac users
-can use Mono_.  To translate and run for the JVM you must have a JDK 
-installed (at least version 6) and ``java``/``javac`` on your path.
-A slightly larger example
-There is a small-to-medium demo showing the translator and the annotator::
-    cd demo
-    ../rpython/translator/goal/translate.py --view --annotate bpnn.py
-This causes ``bpnn.py`` to display itself as a call graph and class
-hierarchy.  Clicking on functions shows the flow graph of the particular
-function.  Clicking on a class shows the attributes of its instances.  All
-this information (call graph, local variables' types, attributes of
-instances) is computed by the annotator.
-To turn this example to C code (compiled to the executable ``bpnn-c``),
-type simply::
-    ../rpython/translator/goal/translate.py bpnn.py
-Translating Full Programs
-To translate full RPython programs, there is the script ``translate.py`` in
-``rpython/translator/goal``. Examples for this are a slightly changed version of
-    cd rpython/translator/goal
-    python translate.py targetrpystonedalone
-This will produce the executable "targetrpystonedalone-c".
-The largest example of this process is to translate the `full Python
-interpreter`_. There is also an FAQ about how to set up this process for `your
-own interpreters`_.
-.. _`your own interpreters`: faq.html#how-do-i-compile-my-own-interpreters
 .. _`start reading sources`: 
 Where to start reading the sources
@@ -172,27 +34,6 @@
    ``xxxobject.py`` contain respectively the definition of the type and its
    (default) implementation.
-*  `rpython/translator`_ contains the code analysis and generation stuff.
-   Start reading from translator.py, from which it should be easy to follow
-   the pieces of code involved in the various translation phases.
-*  `rpython/annotator`_ contains the data model for the type annotation that
-   can be inferred about a graph.  The graph "walker" that uses this is in
-   `rpython/annotator/annrpython.py`_.
-*  `rpython/rtyper`_ contains the code of the RPython typer. The typer transforms
-   annotated flow graphs in a way that makes them very similar to C code so
-   that they can be easy translated. The graph transformations are controlled
-   by the code in `rpython/rtyper/rtyper.py`_. The object model that is used can
-   be found in `rpython/rtyper/lltypesystem/lltype.py`_. For each RPython type
-   there is a file rxxxx.py that contains the low level functions needed for
-   this type.
-*  `rpython/rlib`_ contains the `RPython standard library`_, things that you can
-   use from rpython.
-.. _`RPython standard library`: rlib.html
 .. _optionaltool: 
diff --git a/rpython/doc/getting-started.rst b/rpython/doc/getting-started.rst
new file mode 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/rpython/doc/getting-started.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,165 @@
+Getting Started with the Translation Toolchain
+.. contents::
+.. _`try out the translator`:
+Trying out the translator
+The translator is a tool based on the PyPy interpreter which can translate
+sufficiently static RPython programs into low-level code (in particular it can
+be used to translate the `full Python interpreter`_). To be able to experiment with it
+you need to:
+  * Download and install Pygame_.
+  * Download and install `Dot Graphviz`_ 
+To start the interactive translator shell do::
+    cd rpython
+    python bin/translatorshell.py
+Test snippets of translatable code are provided in the file
+``rpython/translator/test/snippet.py``, which is imported under the name
+``snippet``.  For example::
+    >>> t = Translation(snippet.is_perfect_number, [int])
+    >>> t.view()
+After that, the graph viewer pops up, that lets you interactively inspect the
+flow graph. To move around, click on something that you want to inspect.
+To get help about how to use it, press 'H'. To close it again, press 'Q'.
+Trying out the type annotator
+We have a type annotator that can completely infer types for functions like
+``is_perfect_number`` (as well as for much larger examples)::
+    >>> t.annotate()
+    >>> t.view()
+Move the mouse over variable names (in red) to see their inferred types.
+Translating the flow graph to C code
+The graph can be turned into C code::
+   >>> t.rtype()
+   >>> lib = t.compile_c()
+The first command replaces the operations with other low level versions that
+only use low level types that are available in C (e.g. int). The compiled
+version is now in a ``.so`` library. You can run it say using ctypes:
+   >>> f = get_c_function(lib, snippet.is_perfect_number)
+   >>> f(5)
+   0
+   >>> f(6)
+   1
+Translating the flow graph to CLI or JVM code
+PyPy also contains a `CLI backend`_ and JVM backend which
+can translate flow graphs into .NET executables or a JVM jar
+file respectively.  Both are able to translate the entire
+interpreter.  You can try out the CLI and JVM backends
+from the interactive translator shells as follows::
+    >>> def myfunc(a, b): return a+b
+    ... 
+    >>> t = Translation(myfunc, [int, int])
+    >>> t.annotate()
+    >>> f = t.compile_cli() # or compile_jvm()
+    >>> f(4, 5)
+    9
+The object returned by ``compile_cli`` or ``compile_jvm``
+is a wrapper around the real
+executable: the parameters are passed as command line arguments, and
+the returned value is read from the standard output.  
+Once you have compiled the snippet, you can also try to launch the
+executable directly from the shell. You will find the 
+executable in one of the ``/tmp/usession-*`` directories::
+    # For CLI:
+    $ mono /tmp/usession-trunk-<username>/main.exe 4 5
+    9
+    # For JVM:
+    $ java -cp /tmp/usession-trunk-<username>/pypy pypy.Main 4 5
+    9
+To translate and run for the CLI you must have the SDK installed: Windows
+users need the `.NET Framework SDK`_, while Linux and Mac users
+can use Mono_.  To translate and run for the JVM you must have a JDK 
+installed (at least version 6) and ``java``/``javac`` on your path.
+A slightly larger example
+There is a small-to-medium demo showing the translator and the annotator::
+    cd demo
+    ../rpython/translator/goal/translate.py --view --annotate bpnn.py
+This causes ``bpnn.py`` to display itself as a call graph and class
+hierarchy.  Clicking on functions shows the flow graph of the particular
+function.  Clicking on a class shows the attributes of its instances.  All
+this information (call graph, local variables' types, attributes of
+instances) is computed by the annotator.
+To turn this example to C code (compiled to the executable ``bpnn-c``),
+type simply::
+    ../rpython/translator/goal/translate.py bpnn.py
+Translating Full Programs
+To translate full RPython programs, there is the script ``translate.py`` in
+``rpython/translator/goal``. Examples for this are a slightly changed version of
+    cd rpython/translator/goal
+    python translate.py targetrpystonedalone
+This will produce the executable "targetrpystonedalone-c".
+The largest example of this process is to translate the `full Python
+interpreter`_. There is also an FAQ about how to set up this process for `your
+own interpreters`_.
+.. _`your own interpreters`: faq.html#how-do-i-compile-my-own-interpreters
+*  `rpython/translator`_ contains the code analysis and generation stuff.
+   Start reading from translator.py, from which it should be easy to follow
+   the pieces of code involved in the various translation phases.
+*  `rpython/annotator`_ contains the data model for the type annotation that
+   can be inferred about a graph.  The graph "walker" that uses this is in
+   `rpython/annotator/annrpython.py`_.
+*  `rpython/rtyper`_ contains the code of the RPython typer. The typer transforms
+   annotated flow graphs in a way that makes them very similar to C code so
+   that they can be easy translated. The graph transformations are controlled
+   by the code in `rpython/rtyper/rtyper.py`_. The object model that is used can
+   be found in `rpython/rtyper/lltypesystem/lltype.py`_. For each RPython type
+   there is a file rxxxx.py that contains the low level functions needed for
+   this type.
+*  `rpython/rlib`_ contains the `RPython standard library`_, things that you can
+   use from rpython.
+.. _`RPython standard library`: rlib.html

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