[pypy-commit] pypy default: Add implementation of _tkinter, using cffi bindings.

amauryfa noreply at buildbot.pypy.org
Thu Jun 13 18:21:04 CEST 2013

Author: Amaury Forgeot d'Arc <amauryfa at gmail.com>
Changeset: r64872:2c9002e840f0
Date: 2013-06-13 14:06 +0200

Log:	Add implementation of _tkinter, using cffi bindings.

diff --git a/lib_pypy/_tkinter/__init__.py b/lib_pypy/_tkinter/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib_pypy/_tkinter/__init__.py
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+# _tkinter package -- low-level interface to libtk and libtcl.
+# This is an internal module, applications should "import Tkinter" instead.
+# This version is based on cffi, and is a translation of _tkinter.c
+# from CPython, version 2.7.4.
+class TclError(Exception):
+    pass
+from .tklib import tklib, tkffi
+from .app import TkApp
+TK_VERSION = tkffi.string(tklib.get_tk_version())
+TCL_VERSION = tkffi.string(tklib.get_tcl_version())
+def create(screenName=None, baseName=None, className=None,
+           interactive=False, wantobjects=False, wantTk=True,
+           sync=False, use=None):
+    return TkApp(screenName, baseName, className,
+                 interactive, wantobjects, wantTk, sync, use)
+def _flatten(item):
+    def _flatten1(output, item, depth):
+        if depth > 1000:
+            raise ValueError("nesting too deep in _flatten")
+        if not isinstance(item, (list, tuple)):
+            raise TypeError("argument must be sequence")
+        # copy items to output tuple
+        for o in item:
+            if isinstance(o, (list, tuple)):
+                _flatten1(output, o, depth + 1)
+            elif o is not None:
+                output.append(o)
+    result = []
+    _flatten1(result, item, 0)
+    return tuple(result)
diff --git a/lib_pypy/_tkinter/app.py b/lib_pypy/_tkinter/app.py
new file mode 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib_pypy/_tkinter/app.py
@@ -0,0 +1,389 @@
+# The TkApp class.
+from .tklib import tklib, tkffi
+from . import TclError
+from .tclobj import TclObject, FromObj, AsObj, TypeCache
+import sys
+def varname_converter(input):
+    if isinstance(input, TclObject):
+        return input.string
+    return input
+def Tcl_AppInit(app):
+    if tklib.Tcl_Init(app.interp) == tklib.TCL_ERROR:
+        app.raiseTclError()
+    skip_tk_init = tklib.Tcl_GetVar(
+        app.interp, "_tkinter_skip_tk_init", tklib.TCL_GLOBAL_ONLY)
+    if skip_tk_init and tkffi.string(skip_tk_init) == "1":
+        return
+    if tklib.Tk_Init(app.interp) == tklib.TCL_ERROR:
+        app.raiseTclError()
+class _CommandData(object):
+    def __new__(cls, app, name, func):
+        self = object.__new__(cls)
+        self.app = app
+        self.name = name
+        self.func = func
+        handle = tkffi.new_handle(self)
+        app._commands[name] = handle  # To keep the command alive
+        return tkffi.cast("ClientData", handle)
+    @tkffi.callback("Tcl_CmdProc")
+    def PythonCmd(clientData, interp, argc, argv):
+        self = tkffi.from_handle(clientData)
+        assert self.app.interp == interp
+        try:
+            args = [tkffi.string(arg) for arg in argv[1:argc]]
+            result = self.func(*args)
+            obj = AsObj(result)
+            tklib.Tcl_SetObjResult(interp, obj)
+        except:
+            self.app.errorInCmd = True
+            self.app.exc_info = sys.exc_info()
+            return tklib.TCL_ERROR
+        else:
+            return tklib.TCL_OK
+    @tkffi.callback("Tcl_CmdDeleteProc")
+    def PythonCmdDelete(clientData):
+        self = tkffi.from_handle(clientData)
+        app = self.app
+        del app._commands[self.name]
+        return
+class TkApp(object):
+    def __new__(cls, screenName, baseName, className,
+                interactive, wantobjects, wantTk, sync, use):
+        if not wantobjects:
+            raise NotImplementedError("wantobjects=True only")
+        self = object.__new__(cls)
+        self.interp = tklib.Tcl_CreateInterp()
+        self._wantobjects = wantobjects
+        self.threaded = bool(tklib.Tcl_GetVar2Ex(
+            self.interp, "tcl_platform", "threaded",
+            tklib.TCL_GLOBAL_ONLY))
+        self.thread_id = tklib.Tcl_GetCurrentThread()
+        self.dispatching = False
+        self.quitMainLoop = False
+        self.errorInCmd = False
+        self._typeCache = TypeCache()
+        self._commands = {}
+        # Delete the 'exit' command, which can screw things up
+        tklib.Tcl_DeleteCommand(self.interp, "exit")
+        if screenName is not None:
+            tklib.Tcl_SetVar2(self.interp, "env", "DISPLAY", screenName,
+                              tklib.TCL_GLOBAL_ONLY)
+        if interactive:
+            tklib.Tcl_SetVar(self.interp, "tcl_interactive", "1",
+                             tklib.TCL_GLOBAL_ONLY)
+        else:
+            tklib.Tcl_SetVar(self.interp, "tcl_interactive", "0",
+                             tklib.TCL_GLOBAL_ONLY)
+        # This is used to get the application class for Tk 4.1 and up
+        argv0 = className.lower()
+        tklib.Tcl_SetVar(self.interp, "argv0", argv0,
+                         tklib.TCL_GLOBAL_ONLY)
+        if not wantTk:
+            tklib.Tcl_SetVar(self.interp, "_tkinter_skip_tk_init", "1",
+                             tklib.TCL_GLOBAL_ONLY)
+        # some initial arguments need to be in argv
+        if sync or use:
+            args = ""
+            if sync:
+                args += "-sync"
+            if use:
+                if sync:
+                    args += " "
+                args += "-use " + use
+            tklib.Tcl_SetVar(self.interp, "argv", args,
+                             tklib.TCL_GLOBAL_ONLY)
+        Tcl_AppInit(self)
+        # EnableEventHook()
+        return self
+    def __del__(self):
+        tklib.Tcl_DeleteInterp(self.interp)
+        # DisableEventHook()
+    def raiseTclError(self):
+        if self.errorInCmd:
+            self.errorInCmd = False
+            raise self.exc_info[0], self.exc_info[1], self.exc_info[2]
+        raise TclError(tkffi.string(tklib.Tcl_GetStringResult(self.interp)))
+    def wantobjects(self):
+        return self._wantobjects
+    def _check_tcl_appartment(self):
+        if self.threaded and self.thread_id != tklib.Tcl_GetCurrentThread():
+            raise RuntimeError("Calling Tcl from different appartment")
+    def loadtk(self):
+        # We want to guard against calling Tk_Init() multiple times
+        err = tklib.Tcl_Eval(self.interp, "info exists     tk_version")
+        if err == tklib.TCL_ERROR:
+            self.raiseTclError()
+        tk_exists = tklib.Tcl_GetStringResult(self.interp)
+        if not tk_exists or tkffi.string(tk_exists) != "1":
+            err = tklib.Tk_Init(self.interp)
+            if err == tklib.TCL_ERROR:
+                self.raiseTclError()
+    def _var_invoke(self, func, *args, **kwargs):
+        if self.threaded and self.thread_id != tklib.Tcl_GetCurrentThread():
+            # The current thread is not the interpreter thread.
+            # Marshal the call to the interpreter thread, then wait
+            # for completion.
+            raise NotImplementedError("Call from another thread")
+        return func(*args, **kwargs)
+    def _getvar(self, name1, name2=None, global_only=False):
+        name1 = varname_converter(name1)
+        if not name2:
+            name2 = tkffi.NULL
+        flags=tklib.TCL_LEAVE_ERR_MSG
+        if global_only:
+            flags |= tklib.TCL_GLOBAL_ONLY
+        res = tklib.Tcl_GetVar2Ex(self.interp, name1, name2, flags)
+        if not res:
+            self.raiseTclError()
+        assert self._wantobjects
+        return FromObj(self, res)
+    def _setvar(self, name1, value, global_only=False):
+        name1 = varname_converter(name1)
+        newval = AsObj(value)
+        flags=tklib.TCL_LEAVE_ERR_MSG
+        if global_only:
+            flags |= tklib.TCL_GLOBAL_ONLY
+        res = tklib.Tcl_SetVar2Ex(self.interp, name1, tkffi.NULL,
+                                  newval, flags)
+        if not res:
+            self.raiseTclError()
+    def _unsetvar(self, name1, name2=None, global_only=False):
+        name1 = varname_converter(name1)
+        if not name2:
+            name2 = tkffi.NULL
+        flags=tklib.TCL_LEAVE_ERR_MSG
+        if global_only:
+            flags |= tklib.TCL_GLOBAL_ONLY
+        res = tklib.Tcl_UnsetVar2(self.interp, name1, name2, flags)
+        if res == tklib.TCL_ERROR:
+            self.raiseTclError()
+    def getvar(self, name1, name2=None):
+        return self._var_invoke(self._getvar, name1, name2)
+    def globalgetvar(self, name1, name2=None):
+        return self._var_invoke(self._getvar, name1, name2, global_only=True)
+    def setvar(self, name1, value):
+        return self._var_invoke(self._setvar, name1, value)
+    def globalsetvar(self, name1, value):
+        return self._var_invoke(self._setvar, name1, value, global_only=True)
+    def unsetvar(self, name1, name2=None):
+        return self._var_invoke(self._unsetvar, name1, name2)
+    def globalunsetvar(self, name1, name2=None):
+        return self._var_invoke(self._unsetvar, name1, name2, global_only=True)
+    def createcommand(self, cmdName, func):
+        if not callable(func):
+            raise TypeError("command not callable")
+        if self.threaded and self.thread_id != tklib.Tcl_GetCurrentThread():
+            raise NotImplementedError("Call from another thread")
+        clientData = _CommandData(self, cmdName, func)
+        if self.threaded and self.thread_id != tklib.Tcl_GetCurrentThread():
+            raise NotImplementedError("Call from another thread")
+        res = tklib.Tcl_CreateCommand(
+            self.interp, cmdName, _CommandData.PythonCmd,
+            clientData, _CommandData.PythonCmdDelete)
+        if not res:
+            raise TclError("can't create Tcl command")
+    def deletecommand(self, cmdName):
+        if self.threaded and self.thread_id != tklib.Tcl_GetCurrentThread():
+            raise NotImplementedError("Call from another thread")
+        res = tklib.Tcl_DeleteCommand(self.interp, cmdName)
+        if res == -1:
+            raise TclError("can't delete Tcl command")
+    def call(self, *args):
+        flags = tklib.TCL_EVAL_DIRECT | tklib.TCL_EVAL_GLOBAL
+        # If args is a single tuple, replace with contents of tuple
+        if len(args) == 1 and isinstance(args[0], tuple):
+            args = args[0]
+        if self.threaded and self.thread_id != tklib.Tcl_GetCurrentThread():
+            # We cannot call the command directly. Instead, we must
+            # marshal the parameters to the interpreter thread.
+            raise NotImplementedError("Call from another thread")
+        objects = tkffi.new("Tcl_Obj*[]", len(args))
+        argc = len(args)
+        try:
+            for i, arg in enumerate(args):
+                if arg is None:
+                    argc = i
+                    break
+                obj = AsObj(arg)
+                tklib.Tcl_IncrRefCount(obj)
+                objects[i] = obj
+            res = tklib.Tcl_EvalObjv(self.interp, argc, objects, flags)
+            if res == tklib.TCL_ERROR:
+                self.raiseTclError()
+            else:
+                result = self._callResult()
+        finally:
+            for obj in objects:
+                if obj:
+                    tklib.Tcl_DecrRefCount(obj)
+        return result
+    def _callResult(self):
+        assert self._wantobjects
+        value = tklib.Tcl_GetObjResult(self.interp)
+        # Not sure whether the IncrRef is necessary, but something
+        # may overwrite the interpreter result while we are
+        # converting it.
+        tklib.Tcl_IncrRefCount(value)
+        res = FromObj(self, value)
+        tklib.Tcl_DecrRefCount(value)
+        return res
+    def eval(self, script):
+        self._check_tcl_appartment()
+        res = tklib.Tcl_Eval(self.interp, script)
+        if res == tklib.TCL_ERROR:
+            self.raiseTclError()
+        return tkffi.string(tklib.Tcl_GetStringResult(self.interp))
+    def evalfile(self, filename):
+        self._check_tcl_appartment()
+        res = tklib.Tcl_EvalFile(self.interp, filename)
+        if res == tklib.TCL_ERROR:
+            self.raiseTclError()
+        return tkffi.string(tklib.Tcl_GetStringResult(self.interp))
+    def split(self, arg):
+        if isinstance(arg, tuple):
+            return self._splitObj(arg)
+        else:
+            return self._split(arg)
+    def splitlist(self, arg):
+        if isinstance(arg, tuple):
+            return arg
+        if isinstance(arg, unicode):
+            arg = arg.encode('utf8')
+        argc = tkffi.new("int*")
+        argv = tkffi.new("char***")
+        res = tklib.Tcl_SplitList(self.interp, arg, argc, argv)
+        if res == tklib.TCL_ERROR:
+            self.raiseTclError()
+        result = tuple(tkffi.string(argv[0][i])
+                       for i in range(argc[0]))
+        tklib.Tcl_Free(argv[0])
+        return result
+    def _splitObj(self, arg):
+        if isinstance(arg, tuple):
+            size = len(arg)
+            # Recursively invoke SplitObj for all tuple items.
+            # If this does not return a new object, no action is
+            # needed.
+            result = None
+            newelems = (self._splitObj(elem) for elem in arg)
+            for elem, newelem in zip(arg, newelems):
+                if elem is not newelem:
+                    return newelems
+        elif isinstance(arg, str):
+            argc = tkffi.new("int*")
+            argv = tkffi.new("char***")
+            res = tklib.Tcl_SplitList(tkffi.NULL, arg, argc, argv)
+            if res == tklib.TCL_ERROR:
+                return arg
+            tklib.Tcl_Free(argv[0])
+            if argc[0] > 1:
+                return self._split(arg)
+        return arg
+    def _split(self, arg):
+        argc = tkffi.new("int*")
+        argv = tkffi.new("char***")
+        res = tklib.Tcl_SplitList(tkffi.NULL, arg, argc, argv)
+        if res == tklib.TCL_ERROR:
+            # Not a list.
+            # Could be a quoted string containing funnies, e.g. {"}.
+            # Return the string itself.
+            return arg
+        try:
+            if argc[0] == 0:
+                return ""
+            elif argc[0] == 1:
+                return argv[0][0]
+            else:
+                return (self._split(argv[0][i])
+                        for i in range(argc[0]))
+        finally:
+            tklib.Tcl_Free(argv[0])
+    def getboolean(self, s):
+        if isinstance(s, int):
+            return s
+        v = tkffi.new("int*")
+        res = tklib.Tcl_GetBoolean(self.interp, s, v)
+        if res == tklib.TCL_ERROR:
+            self.raiseTclError()
+    def mainloop(self, threshold):
+        self._check_tcl_appartment()
+        self.dispatching = True
+        while (tklib.Tk_GetNumMainWindows() > threshold and
+               not self.quitMainLoop and not self.errorInCmd):
+            if self.threaded:
+                result = tklib.Tcl_DoOneEvent(0)
+            else:
+                raise NotImplementedError("TCL configured without threads")
+            if result < 0:
+                break
+        self.dispatching = False
+        self.quitMainLoop = False
+        if self.errorInCmd:
+            self.errorInCmd = False
+            raise self.exc_info[0], self.exc_info[1], self.exc_info[2]
+    def quit(self):
+        self.quitMainLoop = True
diff --git a/lib_pypy/_tkinter/tclobj.py b/lib_pypy/_tkinter/tclobj.py
new file mode 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib_pypy/_tkinter/tclobj.py
@@ -0,0 +1,114 @@
+# TclObject, conversions with Python objects
+from .tklib import tklib, tkffi
+class TypeCache(object):
+    def __init__(self):
+        self.BooleanType = tklib.Tcl_GetObjType("boolean")
+        self.ByteArrayType = tklib.Tcl_GetObjType("bytearray")
+        self.DoubleType = tklib.Tcl_GetObjType("double")
+        self.IntType = tklib.Tcl_GetObjType("int")
+        self.ListType = tklib.Tcl_GetObjType("list")
+        self.ProcBodyType = tklib.Tcl_GetObjType("procbody")
+        self.StringType = tklib.Tcl_GetObjType("string")
+def FromObj(app, value):
+    """Convert a TclObj pointer into a Python object."""
+    typeCache = app._typeCache
+    if not value.typePtr:
+        buf = tkffi.buffer(value.bytes, value.length)
+        result = buf[:]
+        # If the result contains any bytes with the top bit set, it's
+        # UTF-8 and we should decode it to Unicode.
+        try:
+            result.decode('ascii')
+        except UnicodeDecodeError:
+            result = result.decode('utf8')
+        return result
+    elif value.typePtr == typeCache.BooleanType:
+        return result
+    elif value.typePtr == typeCache.ByteArrayType:
+        return result
+    elif value.typePtr == typeCache.DoubleType:
+        return value.internalRep.doubleValue
+    elif value.typePtr == typeCache.IntType:
+        return value.internalRep.longValue
+    elif value.typePtr == typeCache.ListType:
+        size = tkffi.new('int*')
+        status = tklib.Tcl_ListObjLength(app.interp, value, size)
+        if status == tklib.TCL_ERROR:
+            app.raiseTclError()
+        result = []
+        tcl_elem = tkffi.new("Tcl_Obj**")
+        for i in range(size[0]):
+            status = tklib.Tcl_ListObjIndex(app.interp,
+                                            value, i, tcl_elem)
+            if status == tklib.TCL_ERROR:
+                app.raiseTclError()
+            result.append(FromObj(app, tcl_elem[0]))
+        return tuple(result)
+    elif value.typePtr == typeCache.ProcBodyType:
+        return result
+    elif value.typePtr == typeCache.StringType:
+        buf = tklib.Tcl_GetUnicode(value)
+        length = tklib.Tcl_GetCharLength(value)
+        buf = tkffi.buffer(tkffi.cast("char*", buf), length*2)[:]
+        return buf.decode('utf-16')
+    return TclObject(value)
+def AsObj(value):
+    if isinstance(value, str):
+        return tklib.Tcl_NewStringObj(value, len(value))
+    elif isinstance(value, bool):
+        return tklib.Tcl_NewBooleanObj(value)
+    elif isinstance(value, int):
+        return tklib.Tcl_NewLongObj(value)
+    elif isinstance(value, float):
+        return tklib.Tcl_NewDoubleObj(value)
+    elif isinstance(value, tuple):
+        argv = tkffi.new("Tcl_Obj*[]", len(value))
+        for i in range(len(value)):
+            argv[i] = AsObj(value[i])
+        return tklib.Tcl_NewListObj(len(value), argv)
+    elif isinstance(value, unicode):
+        encoded = value.encode('utf-16')[2:]
+        buf = tkffi.new("char[]", encoded)
+        inbuf = tkffi.cast("Tcl_UniChar*", buf)
+        return tklib.Tcl_NewUnicodeObj(buf, len(encoded)/2)
+    elif isinstance(value, TclObject):
+        tklib.Tcl_IncrRefCount(value._value)
+        return value._value
+    else:
+        return AsObj(str(value))
+class TclObject(object):
+    def __new__(cls, value):
+        self = object.__new__(cls)
+        tklib.Tcl_IncrRefCount(value)
+        self._value = value
+        self._string = None
+        return self
+    def __del__(self):
+        tklib.Tcl_DecrRefCount(self._value)
+    def __str__(self):
+        if self._string and isinstance(self._string, str):
+            return self._string
+        return tkffi.string(tklib.Tcl_GetString(self._value))
+    @property
+    def string(self):
+        if self._string is None:
+            length = tkffi.new("int*")
+            s = tklib.Tcl_GetStringFromObj(self._value, length)
+            value = tkffi.buffer(s, length[0])[:]
+            try:
+                value.decode('ascii')
+            except UnicodeDecodeError:
+                value = value.decode('utf8')
+            self._string = value
+        return self._string
diff --git a/lib_pypy/_tkinter/tklib.py b/lib_pypy/_tkinter/tklib.py
new file mode 100644
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+++ b/lib_pypy/_tkinter/tklib.py
@@ -0,0 +1,114 @@
+# C bindings with libtcl and libtk.
+from cffi import FFI
+tkffi = FFI()
+char *get_tk_version();
+char *get_tcl_version();
+#define TCL_READABLE ...
+#define TCL_WRITABLE ...
+#define TCL_EXCEPTION ...
+#define TCL_ERROR ...
+#define TCL_OK ...
+#define TCL_LEAVE_ERR_MSG ...
+#define TCL_GLOBAL_ONLY ...
+#define TCL_EVAL_DIRECT ...
+#define TCL_EVAL_GLOBAL ...
+typedef unsigned short Tcl_UniChar;
+typedef ... Tcl_Interp;
+typedef ...* Tcl_ThreadId;
+typedef ...* Tcl_Command;
+typedef struct Tcl_ObjType {
+    char *name;
+    ...;
+} Tcl_ObjType;
+typedef struct Tcl_Obj {
+    char *bytes;
+    int length;
+    Tcl_ObjType *typePtr;
+    union {			/* The internal representation: */
+	long longValue;		/*   - an long integer value. */
+	double doubleValue;	/*   - a double-precision floating value. */
+	struct {		/*   - internal rep as two pointers. */
+	    void *ptr1;
+	    void *ptr2;
+	} twoPtrValue;
+    } internalRep;
+    ...;
+} Tcl_Obj;
+Tcl_Interp *Tcl_CreateInterp();
+void Tcl_DeleteInterp(Tcl_Interp* interp);
+int Tcl_Init(Tcl_Interp* interp);
+int Tk_Init(Tcl_Interp* interp);
+void Tcl_Free(char* ptr);
+const char *Tcl_SetVar(Tcl_Interp* interp, const char* varName, const char* newValue, int flags);
+const char *Tcl_SetVar2(Tcl_Interp* interp, const char* name1, const char* name2, const char* newValue, int flags);
+const char *Tcl_GetVar(Tcl_Interp* interp, const char* varName, int flags);
+Tcl_Obj *Tcl_SetVar2Ex(Tcl_Interp* interp, const char* name1, const char* name2, Tcl_Obj* newValuePtr, int flags);
+Tcl_Obj *Tcl_GetVar2Ex(Tcl_Interp* interp, const char* name1, const char* name2, int flags);
+int Tcl_UnsetVar2(Tcl_Interp* interp, const char* name1, const char* name2, int flags);
+const Tcl_ObjType *Tcl_GetObjType(const char* typeName);
+Tcl_Obj *Tcl_NewStringObj(const char* bytes, int length);
+Tcl_Obj *Tcl_NewUnicodeObj(const Tcl_UniChar* unicode, int numChars);
+Tcl_Obj *Tcl_NewLongObj(long longValue);
+Tcl_Obj *Tcl_NewBooleanObj(int boolValue);
+Tcl_Obj *Tcl_NewDoubleObj(double doubleValue);
+void Tcl_IncrRefCount(Tcl_Obj* objPtr);
+void Tcl_DecrRefCount(Tcl_Obj* objPtr);
+int Tcl_GetBoolean(Tcl_Interp* interp, const char* src, int* boolPtr);
+char *Tcl_GetString(Tcl_Obj* objPtr);
+char *Tcl_GetStringFromObj(Tcl_Obj* objPtr, int* lengthPtr);
+Tcl_UniChar *Tcl_GetUnicode(Tcl_Obj* objPtr);
+int Tcl_GetCharLength(Tcl_Obj* objPtr);
+Tcl_Obj *Tcl_NewListObj(int objc, Tcl_Obj* const objv[]);
+int Tcl_ListObjLength(Tcl_Interp* interp, Tcl_Obj* listPtr, int* intPtr);
+int Tcl_ListObjIndex(Tcl_Interp* interp, Tcl_Obj* listPtr, int index, Tcl_Obj** objPtrPtr);
+int Tcl_SplitList(Tcl_Interp* interp, char* list, int* argcPtr, const char*** argvPtr);
+int Tcl_Eval(Tcl_Interp* interp, const char* script);
+int Tcl_EvalFile(Tcl_Interp* interp, const char* filename);
+int Tcl_EvalObjv(Tcl_Interp* interp, int objc, Tcl_Obj** objv, int flags);
+Tcl_Obj *Tcl_GetObjResult(Tcl_Interp* interp);
+const char *Tcl_GetStringResult(Tcl_Interp* interp);
+void Tcl_SetObjResult(Tcl_Interp* interp, Tcl_Obj* objPtr);
+typedef void* ClientData;
+typedef int Tcl_CmdProc(
+        ClientData clientData,
+        Tcl_Interp *interp,
+        int argc,
+        const char *argv[]);
+typedef void Tcl_CmdDeleteProc(
+        ClientData clientData);
+Tcl_Command Tcl_CreateCommand(Tcl_Interp* interp, const char* cmdName, Tcl_CmdProc proc, ClientData clientData, Tcl_CmdDeleteProc deleteProc);
+int Tcl_DeleteCommand(Tcl_Interp* interp, const char* cmdName);
+Tcl_ThreadId Tcl_GetCurrentThread();
+int Tcl_DoOneEvent(int flags);
+int Tk_GetNumMainWindows();
+tklib = tkffi.verify("""
+#include <tcl.h>
+#include <tk.h>
+char *get_tk_version() { return TK_VERSION; }
+char *get_tcl_version() { return TCL_VERSION; }
+libraries=['tcl', 'tk'],

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