[pypy-commit] extradoc extradoc: merge

fijal noreply at buildbot.pypy.org
Tue Jul 9 13:57:30 CEST 2013

Author: Maciej Fijalkowski <fijall at gmail.com>
Branch: extradoc
Changeset: r4978:2f847bf4e26e
Date: 2013-07-09 13:28 +0200

Log:	merge

diff --git a/blog/draft/pypy-alpha-arm.rst b/blog/draft/pypy-alpha-arm.rst
--- a/blog/draft/pypy-alpha-arm.rst
+++ b/blog/draft/pypy-alpha-arm.rst
@@ -72,71 +72,40 @@
 * relative speedup (how much bigger the x86 speedup is over ARM speedup)
+(in case this table is not readable, please visit http://morepypy.blogspot.com/2013/05/pypy-20-alpha-for-arm.html)
 | Benchmark          | PyPy vs CPython (arm) | PyPy vs CPython (x86) | x86 vs arm (pypy) | x86 vs arm (cpython) | relative speedup |
 | ai                 | 3.61                  | 3.16                  | 7.70              | 8.82                 | 0.87             | 
 | bm_mako            | 3.41                  | 2.11                  | 8.56              | 13.82                | 0.62             | 
 | chaos              | 21.82                 | 17.80                 | 6.93              | 8.50                 | 0.82             | 
 | crypto_pyaes       | 22.53                 | 19.48                 | 6.53              | 7.56                 | 0.86             | 
 | django             | 13.43                 | 11.16                 | 7.90              | 9.51                 | 0.83             | 
 | eparse             | 1.43                  | 1.17                  | 6.61              | 8.12                 | 0.81             | 
 | fannkuch           | 6.22                  | 5.36                  | 6.18              | 7.16                 | 0.86             | 
 | float              | 5.22                  | 6.00                  | 9.68              | 8.43                 | 1.15             | 
 | go                 | 4.72                  | 3.34                  | 5.91              | 8.37                 | 0.71             | 
 | hexiom2            | 8.70                  | 7.00                  | 7.69              | 9.56                 | 0.80             | 
 | html5lib           | 2.35                  | 2.13                  | 6.59              | 7.26                 | 0.91             | 
 | json_bench         | 1.12                  | 0.93                  | 7.19              | 8.68                 | 0.83             | 
 | meteor-contest     | 2.13                  | 1.68                  | 5.95              | 7.54                 | 0.79             | 
 | nbody_modified     | 8.19                  | 7.78                  | 6.08              | 6.40                 | 0.95             | 
 | pidigits           | 1.27                  | 0.95                  | 14.67             | 19.66                | 0.75             | 
 | pyflate-fast       | 3.30                  | 3.57                  | 10.64             | 9.84                 | 1.08             | 
 | raytrace-simple    | 46.41                 | 29.00                 | 5.14              | 8.23                 | 0.62             | 
 | richards           | 31.48                 | 28.51                 | 6.95              | 7.68                 | 0.91             | 
 | slowspitfire       | 1.28                  | 1.14                  | 5.91              | 6.61                 | 0.89             | 
 | spambayes          | 1.93                  | 1.27                  | 4.15              | 6.30                 | 0.66             | 
 | sphinx             | 1.01                  | 1.05                  | 7.76              | 7.45                 | 1.04             | 
 | spitfire           | 1.55                  | 1.58                  | 5.62              | 5.49                 | 1.02             | 
 | spitfire_cstringio | 9.61                  | 5.74                  | 5.43              | 9.09                 | 0.60             | 
 | sympy_expand       | 1.42                  | 0.97                  | 3.86              | 5.66                 | 0.68             | 
 | sympy_integrate    | 1.60                  | 0.95                  | 4.24              | 7.12                 | 0.60             | 
 | sympy_str          | 0.72                  | 0.48                  | 3.68              | 5.56                 | 0.66             | 
 | sympy_sum          | 1.99                  | 1.19                  | 3.83              | 6.38                 | 0.60             | 
 | telco              | 14.28                 | 9.36                  | 3.94              | 6.02                 | 0.66             | 
 | twisted_iteration  | 11.60                 | 7.33                  | 6.04              | 9.55                 | 0.63             | 
 | twisted_names      | 3.68                  | 2.83                  | 5.01              | 6.50                 | 0.77             | 
 | twisted_pb         | 4.94                  | 3.02                  | 5.10              | 8.34                 | 0.61             | 
 It seems that Cortex A9, while significantly slower than Xeon, has higher
 slowdowns with a large interpreter (CPython) than a JIT compiler (PyPy). This

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