[pypy-commit] stmgc default: Use a more ad-hoc string variant

arigo noreply at buildbot.pypy.org
Sat Jul 6 18:52:36 CEST 2013

Author: Armin Rigo <arigo at tunes.org>
Changeset: r362:fd4fd6cb406b
Date: 2013-07-06 15:47 +0200

Log:	Use a more ad-hoc string variant

diff --git a/c4/extra.c b/c4/extra.c
--- a/c4/extra.c
+++ b/c4/extra.c
@@ -224,7 +224,10 @@
                 rps = *(char **)(object + offset);
                 offset = *fieldoffsets++;
                 if (rps) {
-                    rps_size = stmcb_size((gcptr)rps) - offset;
+                    /* xxx a bit ad-hoc: it's a string whose length is a
+                     * long at 'offset', following immediately the offset */
+                    rps_size = *(long *)(rps + offset);
+                    offset += sizeof(long);
                     assert(rps_size >= 0);
                     res_size = sprintf(buffer, "%zu:", rps_size);
                     WRITE_BUF(buffer, res_size);
diff --git a/c4/test/test_extra.py b/c4/test/test_extra.py
--- a/c4/test/test_extra.py
+++ b/c4/test/test_extra.py
@@ -54,24 +54,23 @@
                 sys.maxint, sys.maxint * 2 + 1))
 def test_inspect_abort_info_string():
-    fo1 = ffi.new("long[]", [3, HDR, HDR + 1, 0])
+    fo1 = ffi.new("long[]", [3, HDR + WORD, HDR, 0])
     def run(retry_counter):
         if retry_counter == 0:
-            p = nalloc_refs(1)
+            p = nalloc_refs(2)
             q = nalloc(HDR + 2 * WORD)
-            lib.setptr(p, 0, q)
-            lib.setlong(q, 0, -937251491)
-            lib.setlong(q, 1, -389541051)
+            lib.setptr(p, 1, q)
+            lib.setlong(q, 0, 3)
+            word = "ABC" + "\xFF" * (WORD - 3)
+            lib.setlong(q, 1, struct.unpack("l", word)[0])
             lib.stm_abort_info_push(p, fo1)
             c = lib.stm_inspect_abort_info()
             assert c
-            expected = struct.pack("ll", -937251491, -389541051)
-            assert ffi.string(c).endswith("e%d:%se" % (
-                len(expected) - 1, expected[1:]))
+            assert ffi.string(c).endswith("e3:ABCe")
 def test_inspect_null():
     fo1 = ffi.new("long[]", [3, HDR, HDR + 1, 0])

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