[pypy-commit] lang-js default: deleted unused file

stepahn noreply at buildbot.pypy.org
Sun Feb 17 15:30:04 CET 2013

Author: Stephan <stephan at stzal.com>
Changeset: r354:9ebc5003814d
Date: 2013-02-17 15:29 +0100

Log:	deleted unused file

diff --git a/js/newparser.py b/js/newparser.py
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/js/newparser.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,95 +0,0 @@
-from pypy.rlib.parsing.ebnfparse import parse_ebnf, make_parse_function
-from pypy.rlib.parsing.parsing import ParseError, Rule
-from pypy.rlib.parsing.tree import RPythonVisitor, Symbol
-from js.jsobj import W_Number
-from js import operations
-import sys
-##    t = open("jsgrammar.txt").read()
-##    regexs, rules, ToAST = parse_ebnf(t)
-##except ParseError,e:
-##    print e.nice_error_message(filename="jsgrammar.txt",source=t)
-##    sys.exit(1)
-##def setstartrule(rules, start):
-##    "takes the rule start and put it on the beginning of the rules"
-##    oldpos = 0
-##    newrules = [Rule("hacked_first_symbol", [[start, "EOF"]])] + rules
-##    return newrules
-##if len(sys.argv) == 1:
-##    parse = make_parse_function(regexs, rules, eof=True)
-##    parse = make_parse_function(regexs, setstartrule(rules,sys.argv[1]), eof=True)
-##print rules[2].nonterminal
-##source = raw_input()
-##while source != "":
-##    t = parse(source).children[0].visit(ToAST())[0]
-##    print t
-##    t.view()
-##    source = raw_input()
-class EvalTreeBuilder(RPythonVisitor):
-    BINOP_TO_CLS = {
-        '+': operations.Plus,
-        '-': operations.Minus,
-        '*': operations.Mult,
-        '/': operations.Div,
-        '%': operations.Mod,
-    }
-    UNOP_TO_CLS = {
-        '+': operations.UPlus,
-        '-': operations.UMinus,
-        '++': operations.Increment,
-        '--': operations.Decrement,
-    }
-    def get_instance(self, symbol, cls):
-        assert isinstance(symbol, Symbol)
-        source_pos = symbol.token.source_pos
-        # XXX some of the source positions are not perfect
-        return cls(None, "no clue what self.type is used for",
-                   symbol.additional_info, 
-                   source_pos.lineno,
-                   source_pos.columnno,
-                   source_pos.columnno + len(symbol.additional_info))
-    def visit_DECIMALLITERAL(self, node):
-        result = self.get_instance(node, operations.Number)
-        result.num = float(node.additional_info)
-        return result
-    def string(self,node):
-        print node.additional_info
-        result = self.get_instance(node, operations.String)
-        result.strval = node.additional_info[1:-1] #XXX should do unquoting
-        return result
-    visit_DOUBLESTRING = string
-    visit_SINGLESTRING = string
-    def binaryop(self, node):
-        left = self.dispatch(node.children[0])
-        for i in range((len(node.children) - 1) // 2):
-            op = node.children[i * 2 + 1]
-            result = self.get_instance(
-                    op, self.BINOP_TO_CLS[op.additional_info])
-            right = self.dispatch(node.children[i * 2 + 2])
-            result.left = left
-            result.right = right
-            left = result
-        return left
-    visit_additiveexpression = binaryop
-    visit_multiplicativeexpression = binaryop
-    def visit_unaryexpression(self, node):
-        op = node.children[0]
-        result = self.get_instance(
-                op, self.UNOP_TO_CLS[op.additional_info])
-        child = self.dispatch(node.children[1])
-        result.expr = child
-        result.postfix = False
-        return result

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