[pypy-commit] pypy improve-docs: Add more getting-started stuff into getting-started-python

necaris noreply at buildbot.pypy.org
Wed Aug 28 14:52:07 CEST 2013

Author: Rami Chowdhury <rami.chowdhury at gmail.com>
Branch: improve-docs
Changeset: r66385:275734994ef5
Date: 2013-08-28 13:46 +0100

Log:	Add more getting-started stuff into getting-started-python

diff --git a/pypy/doc/getting-started-python.rst b/pypy/doc/getting-started-python.rst
--- a/pypy/doc/getting-started-python.rst
+++ b/pypy/doc/getting-started-python.rst
@@ -1,236 +0,0 @@
-Getting Started with PyPy's Python Interpreter
-.. contents::
-PyPy's Python interpreter is a very compliant Python
-interpreter implemented in RPython.  When compiled, it passes most of
-`CPython's core language regression tests`_ and comes with many of the extension
-modules included in the standard library including ``ctypes``. It can run large
-libraries such as Django_ and Twisted_. There are some small behavioral
-differences with CPython and some missing extensions, for details see :doc:`cpython_differences`
-To actually use PyPy's Python interpreter, the first thing to do is to
-`download a pre-built PyPy`_ for your architecture.
-.. _CPython's core language regression tests: http://buildbot.pypy.org/summary?category=applevel&branch=%3Ctrunk%3E
-.. _Django: http://djangoproject.com
-.. _Twisted: http://twistedmatrix.com
-.. _download a pre-built PyPy:  http://pypy.org/download.html
-.. _translate-pypy:
-Translating the PyPy Python interpreter
-.. note:: For some hints on how to translate the Python interpreter under
-          Windows, see the :doc:`windows document <rpython:windows>`.
-You can translate the whole of PyPy's Python interpreter to low level C code.
-If you intend to build using gcc, check to make sure that
-the version you have is not 4.2 or you will run into `this bug`_.
-.. _this bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gcc-4.2/+bug/187391
-1. First `download a pre-built PyPy`_ for your architecture which you will
-   use to translate your Python interpreter.  It is, of course, possible to
-   translate with a CPython 2.6 or later, but this is not the preferred way,
-   because it will take a lot longer to run -- depending on your architecture,
-   between two and three times as long.
-2. Install build-time dependencies.  On a Debian box these are::
-     [user at debian-box ~]$ sudo apt-get install \
-     gcc make python-dev libffi-dev libsqlite3-dev pkg-config \
-     libz-dev libbz2-dev libncurses-dev libexpat1-dev \
-     libssl-dev libgc-dev python-sphinx python-greenlet
-   On a Fedora-16 box these are::
-     [user at fedora-or-rh-box ~]$ sudo yum install \
-     gcc make python-devel libffi-devel lib-sqlite3-devel pkgconfig \
-     zlib-devel bzip2-devel ncurses-devel expat-devel \
-     openssl-devel gc-devel python-sphinx python-greenlet
-   On SLES11:
-     $ sudo zypper install gcc make python-devel pkg-config \
-     zlib-devel libopenssl-devel libbz2-devel sqlite3-devel \
-     libexpat-devel libffi-devel python-curses
-   The above command lines are split with continuation characters, giving the necessary dependencies first, then the optional ones.
-   * ``pkg-config`` (to help us locate libffi files)
-   * ``libz-dev`` (for the optional ``zlib`` module)
-   * ``libbz2-dev`` (for the optional ``bz2`` module)
-   * ``libsqlite3-dev`` (for the optional ``sqlite3`` module via cffi)
-   * ``libncurses-dev`` (for the optional ``_minimal_curses`` module)
-   * ``libexpat1-dev`` (for the optional ``pyexpat`` module)
-   * ``libssl-dev`` (for the optional ``_ssl`` module)
-   * ``libgc-dev`` (for the Boehm garbage collector: only needed when translating with `--opt=0, 1` or `size`)
-   * ``python-sphinx`` (for the optional documentation build.  You need version 1.0.7 or later)
-3. Translation is time-consuming -- 45 minutes on a very fast machine --
-   and RAM-hungry.  As of March 2011, you will need **at least** 2 GB of
-   memory on a
-   32-bit machine and 4GB on a 64-bit machine.  If your memory resources
-   are constrained, or your machine is slow you might want to pick the
-   :doc:`optimization level <config/opt>` `1` in the next step.  A level of
-   `2` or `3` or `jit` gives much better results, though.  But if all
-   you want to do is to test that some new feature that you just wrote
-   translates, level 1 is enough.
-   Let me stress this again: at ``--opt=1`` you get the Boehm
-   GC, which is here mostly for historical and for testing reasons.
-   You really do not want to pick it for a program you intend to use.
-   The resulting ``pypy-c`` is slow.
-4. Run::
-     cd pypy/goal
-     python ../../rpython/bin/rpython --opt=jit targetpypystandalone.py
-   possibly replacing ``--opt=jit`` with another :doc:`optimization level <config/opt>`
-   of your choice.  Typical example: ``--opt=2`` gives a good (but of
-   course slower) Python interpreter without the JIT.
-If everything works correctly this will create an executable
-``pypy-c`` in the current directory.  Type ``pypy-c --help``
-to see the options it supports - mainly the same basic
-options as CPython.  In addition, ``pypy-c --info`` prints the
-translation options that where used to produce this particular
-executable. The executable behaves mostly like a normal Python interpreter::
-    $ ./pypy-c
-    Python 2.7.3 (480845e6b1dd, Jul 31 2013, 11:05:31)
-    [PyPy 2.1.0 with GCC 4.7.1] on linux2
-    Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
-    And now for something completely different: ``RPython magically makes you rich
-    and famous (says so on the tin)''
-    >>>> 46 - 4
-    42
-    >>>> from test import pystone
-    >>>> pystone.main()
-    Pystone(1.1) time for 50000 passes = 0.220015
-    This machine benchmarks at 227257 pystones/second
-    >>>> pystone.main()
-    Pystone(1.1) time for 50000 passes = 0.060004
-    This machine benchmarks at 833278 pystones/second
-    >>>>
-Note that pystone gets faster as the JIT kicks in.
-This executable can be moved around or copied on other machines; see
-Installation_ below.
-The ``translate.py`` script takes a very large number of options controlling
-what to translate and how.  See ``translate.py -h``. The default options
-should be suitable for mostly everybody by now.
-Find a more detailed description of the various options in our :doc:`configuration
-sections <config/index>`.
-Translating with non-standard options
-It is possible to have non-standard features enabled for translation,
-but they are not really tested any more.  Look, for example, at the
-:doc:`objspace proxies <objspace-proxies>` document.
-A prebuilt ``pypy-c`` can be installed in a standard location like
-``/usr/local/bin``, although some details of this process are still in
-flux.  It can also be copied to other machines as long as their system
-is "similar enough": some details of the system on which the translation
-occurred might be hard-coded in the executable.
-PyPy dynamically finds the location of its libraries depending on the location
-of the executable.  The directory hierarchy of a typical PyPy installation
-looks like this::
-   ./bin/pypy
-   ./include/
-   ./lib_pypy/
-   ./lib-python/2.7
-   ./site-packages/
-The hierarchy shown above is relative to a PREFIX directory.  PREFIX is
-computed by starting from the directory where the executable resides, and
-"walking up" the filesystem until we find a directory containing ``lib_pypy``
-and ``lib-python/2.7``.
-The archives (.tar.bz2 or .zip) containing PyPy releases already contain the
-correct hierarchy, so to run PyPy it's enough to unpack the archive, and run
-the ``bin/pypy`` executable.
-To install PyPy system wide on unix-like systems, it is recommended to put the
-whole hierarchy alone (e.g. in ``/opt/pypy2.1``) and put a symlink to the
-``pypy`` executable into ``/usr/bin`` or ``/usr/local/bin``
-If the executable fails to find suitable libraries, it will report
-``debug: WARNING: library path not found, using compiled-in sys.path``
-and then attempt to continue normally.  If the default path is usable,
-most code will be fine.  However, the ``sys.prefix`` will be unset
-and some existing libraries assume that this is never the case.
-.. _pyinteractive.py interpreter:
-Running the Python Interpreter Without Translation
-The pyinteractive.py interpreter
-To start interpreting Python with PyPy, install a C compiler that is
-supported by distutils and use Python 2.5 or greater to run PyPy::
-    cd pypy
-    python bin/pyinteractive.py
-After a few seconds (remember: this is running on top of CPython),
-you should be at the PyPy prompt, which is the same as the Python
-prompt, but with an extra ">".
-Now you are ready to start running Python code.  Most Python
-modules should work if they don't involve CPython extension
-modules.  **This is slow, and most C modules are not present by
-default even if they are standard!**  Here is an example of
-determining PyPy's performance in pystones::
-    >>>> from test import pystone
-    >>>> pystone.main(10)
-The parameter is the number of loops to run through the test. The
-default is 50000, which is far too many to run in a non-translated
-PyPy version (i.e. when PyPy's interpreter itself is being interpreted
-by CPython).
-pyinteractive.py options
-To list the PyPy interpreter command line options, type::
-    cd pypy
-    python bin/pyinteractive.py --help
-pyinteractive.py supports most of the options that CPython supports too (in addition to a
-large amount of options that can be used to customize pyinteractive.py).
-As an example of using PyPy from the command line, you could type::
-    python pyinteractive.py -c "from test import pystone; pystone.main(10)"
-Alternatively, as with regular Python, you can simply give a
-script name on the command line::
-    python pyinteractive.py ../../lib-python/2.7/test/pystone.py 10
-See our :doc:`configuration sections <config/index>` for details about what all the commandline
-options do.

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