[pypy-commit] pypy stdlib-2.7.4: Made import site work. Also cleaned up some code that predated sets

alex_gaynor noreply at buildbot.pypy.org
Mon Aug 19 00:37:50 CEST 2013

Author: Alex Gaynor <alex.gaynor at gmail.com>
Branch: stdlib-2.7.4
Changeset: r66199:679f3facaae0
Date: 2013-08-18 15:37 -0700

Log:	Made import site work. Also cleaned up some code that predated sets

diff --git a/pypy/config/pypyoption.py b/pypy/config/pypyoption.py
--- a/pypy/config/pypyoption.py
+++ b/pypy/config/pypyoption.py
@@ -13,68 +13,67 @@
                and p.join('__init__.py').check()
                and not p.basename.startswith('test')]
-essential_modules = dict.fromkeys(
-    ["exceptions", "_file", "sys", "__builtin__", "posix", "_warnings"]
+essential_modules = set([
+    "exceptions", "_file", "sys", "__builtin__", "posix", "_warnings",
+    "itertools"
 default_modules = essential_modules.copy()
-    ["_codecs", "gc", "_weakref", "marshal", "errno", "imp",
-     "math", "cmath", "_sre", "_pickle_support", "operator",
-     "parser", "symbol", "token", "_ast",  "_io", "_random", "__pypy__",
-     "_testing"]))
+    "_codecs", "gc", "_weakref", "marshal", "errno", "imp", "math", "cmath",
+    "_sre", "_pickle_support", "operator", "parser", "symbol", "token", "_ast",
+    "_io", "_random", "__pypy__", "_testing"
 # --allworkingmodules
 working_modules = default_modules.copy()
-    ["_socket", "unicodedata", "mmap", "fcntl", "_locale", "pwd",
-     "rctime" , "select", "zipimport", "_lsprof",
-     "crypt", "signal", "_rawffi", "termios", "zlib", "bz2",
-     "struct", "_hashlib", "_md5", "_sha", "_minimal_curses", "cStringIO",
-     "thread", "itertools", "pyexpat", "_ssl", "cpyext", "array",
-     "binascii", "_multiprocessing", '_warnings',
-     "_collections", "_multibytecodec", "micronumpy", "_ffi",
-     "_continuation", "_cffi_backend", "_csv", "cppyy", "_pypyjson"]
+    "_socket", "unicodedata", "mmap", "fcntl", "_locale", "pwd", "rctime" ,
+    "select", "zipimport", "_lsprof", "crypt", "signal", "_rawffi", "termios",
+    "zlib", "bz2", "struct", "_hashlib", "_md5", "_sha", "_minimal_curses",
+    "cStringIO", "thread", "itertools", "pyexpat", "_ssl", "cpyext", "array",
+    "binascii", "_multiprocessing", '_warnings', "_collections",
+    "_multibytecodec", "micronumpy", "_ffi", "_continuation", "_cffi_backend",
+    "_csv", "cppyy", "_pypyjson"
 translation_modules = default_modules.copy()
-    ["fcntl", "rctime", "select", "signal", "_rawffi", "zlib",
-     "struct", "_md5", "cStringIO", "array", "_ffi",
-     "binascii",
-     # the following are needed for pyrepl (and hence for the
-     # interactive prompt/pdb)
-     "termios", "_minimal_curses",
-     ]))
+    "fcntl", "rctime", "select", "signal", "_rawffi", "zlib", "struct", "_md5",
+    "cStringIO", "array", "_ffi", "binascii",
+    # the following are needed for pyrepl (and hence for the
+    # interactive prompt/pdb)
+    "termios", "_minimal_curses",
 # XXX this should move somewhere else, maybe to platform ("is this posixish"
 #     check or something)
 if sys.platform == "win32":
-    working_modules["_winreg"] = None
+    working_modules.add("_winreg")
     # unix only modules
-    del working_modules["crypt"]
-    del working_modules["fcntl"]
-    del working_modules["pwd"]
-    del working_modules["termios"]
-    del working_modules["_minimal_curses"]
+    working_modules.remove("crypt")
+    working_modules.remove("fcntl")
+    working_modules.remove("pwd")
+    working_modules.remove("termios")
+    working_modules.remove("_minimal_curses")
     if "cppyy" in working_modules:
-        del working_modules["cppyy"]  # not tested on win32
+        working_modules.remove("cppyy")  # not tested on win32
     # The _locale module is needed by site.py on Windows
-    default_modules["_locale"] = None
+    default_modules.add("_locale")
 if sys.platform == "sunos5":
-    del working_modules['mmap']   # depend on ctypes, can't get at c-level 'errono'
-    del working_modules['rctime'] # depend on ctypes, missing tm_zone/tm_gmtoff
-    del working_modules['signal'] # depend on ctypes, can't get at c-level 'errono'
-    del working_modules['fcntl']  # LOCK_NB not defined
-    del working_modules["_minimal_curses"]
-    del working_modules["termios"]
-    del working_modules["_multiprocessing"]   # depends on rctime
+    working_modules.remove('mmap')   # depend on ctypes, can't get at c-level 'errono'
+    working_modules.remove('rctime') # depend on ctypes, missing tm_zone/tm_gmtoff
+    working_modules.remove('signal') # depend on ctypes, can't get at c-level 'errono'
+    working_modules.remove('fcntl')  # LOCK_NB not defined
+    working_modules.remove("_minimal_curses")
+    working_modules.remove("termios")
+    working_modules.remove("_multiprocessing")   # depends on rctime
     if "cppyy" in working_modules:
-        del working_modules["cppyy"]  # depends on ctypes
+        working_modules.remove("cppyy")  # depends on ctypes
 module_dependencies = {
@@ -300,11 +299,6 @@
     """Apply PyPy-specific optimization suggestions on the 'config'.
     The optimizations depend on the selected level and possibly on the backend.
-    # warning: during some tests, the type_system and the backend may be
-    # unspecified and we get None.  It shouldn't occur in translate.py though.
-    type_system = config.translation.type_system
-    backend = config.translation.backend
     # all the good optimizations for PyPy should be listed here
     if level in ['2', '3', 'jit']:

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