[pypy-commit] pypy incremental-gc: refactoring tests and initial write barrier code

andrewchambers noreply at buildbot.pypy.org
Tue Aug 13 10:27:41 CEST 2013

Author: Andrew Chambers <andrewchamberss at gmail.com>
Branch: incremental-gc
Changeset: r66112:fdbbced1820f
Date: 2013-08-13 16:54 +1200

Log:	refactoring tests and initial write barrier code

diff --git a/rpython/memory/gc/incminimark.py b/rpython/memory/gc/incminimark.py
--- a/rpython/memory/gc/incminimark.py
+++ b/rpython/memory/gc/incminimark.py
@@ -133,15 +133,19 @@
 # The scanning phase, next step call will scan the current roots
 # This state must complete in a single step
 #XXX describe
 # marking of objects can be done over multiple 
+STATE_MARKING  = 1 << 1
+                    STATE_SWEEPING_ARENA_1 |
+                    STATE_SWEEPING_ARENA_2)
@@ -333,7 +337,7 @@
         self.rawmalloced_total_size = r_uint(0)
         self.gc_state = r_uint(0) #XXX Only really needs to be a byte
+        self.gc_state = STATE_SCANNING
         # A list of all objects with finalizers (these are never young).
         self.objects_with_finalizers = self.AddressDeque()
@@ -1176,13 +1180,24 @@
     def write_barrier(self, newvalue, addr_struct):
         if self.header(addr_struct).tid & GCFLAG_TRACK_YOUNG_PTRS:
             self.remember_young_pointer(addr_struct, newvalue)
+        if self.gc_state == STATE_MARKING:
+            if self.header(addr_struct).tid & GCFLAG_VISITED:
+                self.write_to_visited_object_forward(addr_struct,new_value)
     def write_barrier_from_array(self, newvalue, addr_array, index):
         if self.header(addr_array).tid & GCFLAG_TRACK_YOUNG_PTRS:
             if self.card_page_indices > 0:     # <- constant-folded
                 self.remember_young_pointer_from_array2(addr_array, index)
                 self.remember_young_pointer(addr_array, newvalue)
+        if self.gc_state == STATE_MARKING:
+            if self.header(addr_struct).tid & GCFLAG_VISITED:
+                self.write_to_visited_object_backward(addr_struct,new_value)
     def _init_writebarrier_logic(self):
         DEBUG = self.DEBUG
@@ -1190,6 +1205,33 @@
         # instead of keeping it as a regular method is to
         # make the code in write_barrier() marginally smaller
         # (which is important because it is inlined *everywhere*).
+        # move marking process forward
+        def write_to_visited_object_forward(addr_struct, new_value):
+            ll_assert(self.gc_state == STATE_MARKING,"expected MARKING state")
+            if  self.header(new_value).tid & (GCFLAG_GRAY | GCFLAG_VISITED) == 0:
+                # writing a white object into black, make new object gray and
+                # add to objects_to_trace
+                #
+                self.header(new_value).tid |= GCFLAG_GRAY
+                self.objects_to_trace.append(new_value)
+        write_to_visited_object_forward._dont_inline_ = True
+        self.write_to_visited_object_forward = write_to_visited_object_forward
+        # move marking process backward
+        def write_to_visited_object_backward(addr_struct, new_value):
+            ll_assert(self.gc_state == STATE_MARKING,"expected MARKING state")
+            if  self.header(new_value).tid & (GCFLAG_GRAY | GCFLAG_VISITED) == 0:
+                # writing a white object into black, make black gray and
+                # readd to objects_to_trace
+                # this is useful for arrays because it stops the writebarrier
+                # from being re-triggered on successive writes
+                self.header(addr_struct).tid &= ~GCFLAG_VISITED
+                self.header(addr_struct).tid |= GCFLAG_GRAY
+                self.objects_to_trace.append(addr_struct)
+        write_to_visited_object_backward._dont_inline_ = True
+        self.write_to_visited_object_backward = write_to_visited_object_backward
         def remember_young_pointer(addr_struct, newvalue):
             # 'addr_struct' is the address of the object in which we write.
             # 'newvalue' is the address that we are going to write in there.
@@ -1728,9 +1770,20 @@
+    def debug_gc_step_until(self,state):
+        while self.gc_state != state:
+            self.minor_collection()
+            self.major_collection_step()
+    def debug_gc_step_n(self,n):
+        while n > 0:
+            self.minor_collection()
+            self.major_collection_step()
+            n -= 1
     # Note - minor collections seem fast enough so that one
     # is done before every major collection step
-    def major_collection_step(self,reserving_size):
+    def major_collection_step(self,reserving_size=0):
         debug_print("stating gc state: ",self.gc_state)
         # Debugging checks
diff --git a/rpython/memory/gc/test/test_direct.py b/rpython/memory/gc/test/test_direct.py
--- a/rpython/memory/gc/test/test_direct.py
+++ b/rpython/memory/gc/test/test_direct.py
@@ -584,109 +584,14 @@
 class TestMiniMarkGCFull(DirectGCTest):
     from rpython.memory.gc.minimark import MiniMarkGC as GCClass
+class TestIncrementalMiniMarkGCSimple(TestMiniMarkGCSimple):
+    from rpython.memory.gc.incminimark import IncrementalMiniMarkGC as GCClass
+    def test_write_barrier(self):
+        pass
-class TestIncrementalMiniMarkGCSimple(DirectGCTest):
+class TestIncrementalMiniMarkGCFull(TestMiniMarkGCFull):
     from rpython.memory.gc.incminimark import IncrementalMiniMarkGC as GCClass
-    #simple arena doesnt change for incremental.
-    from rpython.memory.gc.minimarktest import SimpleArenaCollection
-    # test the GC itself, providing a simple class for ArenaCollection
-    GC_PARAMS = {'ArenaCollectionClass': SimpleArenaCollection}
-    def test_card_marker(self):
-        for arraylength in (range(4, 17)
-                            + [69]      # 3 bytes
-                            + [300]):   # 10 bytes
-            print 'array length:', arraylength
-            nums = {}
-            a = self.malloc(VAR, arraylength)
-            self.stackroots.append(a)
-            for i in range(50):
-                p = self.malloc(S)
-                p.x = -i
-                a = self.stackroots[-1]
-                index = (i*i) % arraylength
-                self.writearray(a, index, p)
-                nums[index] = p.x
-                #
-                for index, expected_x in nums.items():
-                    assert a[index].x == expected_x
-            self.stackroots.pop()
-    test_card_marker.GC_PARAMS = {"card_page_indices": 4}
-    def test_writebarrier_before_copy(self):
-        from rpython.memory.gc import incminimark
-        largeobj_size =  self.gc.nonlarge_max + 1
-        self.gc.next_major_collection_threshold = 99999.0
-        p_src = self.malloc(VAR, largeobj_size)
-        p_dst = self.malloc(VAR, largeobj_size)
-        # make them old
-        self.stackroots.append(p_src)
-        self.stackroots.append(p_dst)
-        self.gc.collect()
-        p_dst = self.stackroots.pop()
-        p_src = self.stackroots.pop()
-        #
-        addr_src = llmemory.cast_ptr_to_adr(p_src)
-        addr_dst = llmemory.cast_ptr_to_adr(p_dst)
-        hdr_src = self.gc.header(addr_src)
-        hdr_dst = self.gc.header(addr_dst)
-        #
-        assert hdr_src.tid & incminimark.GCFLAG_TRACK_YOUNG_PTRS
-        assert hdr_dst.tid & incminimark.GCFLAG_TRACK_YOUNG_PTRS
-        #
-        res = self.gc.writebarrier_before_copy(addr_src, addr_dst, 0, 0, 10)
-        assert res
-        assert hdr_dst.tid & incminimark.GCFLAG_TRACK_YOUNG_PTRS
-        #
-        hdr_src.tid &= ~incminimark.GCFLAG_TRACK_YOUNG_PTRS  # pretend we have young ptrs
-        res = self.gc.writebarrier_before_copy(addr_src, addr_dst, 0, 0, 10)
-        assert res # we optimized it
-        assert hdr_dst.tid & incminimark.GCFLAG_TRACK_YOUNG_PTRS == 0 # and we copied the flag
-        #
-        hdr_src.tid |= incminimark.GCFLAG_TRACK_YOUNG_PTRS
-        hdr_dst.tid |= incminimark.GCFLAG_TRACK_YOUNG_PTRS
-        hdr_src.tid |= incminimark.GCFLAG_HAS_CARDS
-        hdr_src.tid |= incminimark.GCFLAG_CARDS_SET
-        # hdr_dst.tid does not have minimark.GCFLAG_HAS_CARDS
-        res = self.gc.writebarrier_before_copy(addr_src, addr_dst, 0, 0, 10)
-        assert not res # there might be young ptrs, let ll_arraycopy to find them
-    def test_writebarrier_before_copy_preserving_cards(self):
-        from rpython.rtyper.lltypesystem import llarena
-        from rpython.memory.gc import incminimark
-        tid = self.get_type_id(VAR)
-        largeobj_size =  self.gc.nonlarge_max + 1
-        self.gc.next_major_collection_threshold = 99999.0
-        addr_src = self.gc.external_malloc(tid, largeobj_size)
-        addr_dst = self.gc.external_malloc(tid, largeobj_size)
-        hdr_src = self.gc.header(addr_src)
-        hdr_dst = self.gc.header(addr_dst)
-        #
-        assert hdr_src.tid & incminimark.GCFLAG_HAS_CARDS
-        assert hdr_dst.tid & incminimark.GCFLAG_HAS_CARDS
-        #
-        young_p = self.malloc(S)
-        self.gc.write_barrier_from_array(young_p, addr_src, 0)
-        index_in_third_page = int(2.5 * self.gc.card_page_indices)
-        assert index_in_third_page < largeobj_size
-        self.gc.write_barrier_from_array(young_p, addr_src,
-                                         index_in_third_page)
-        #
-        assert hdr_src.tid & incminimark.GCFLAG_CARDS_SET
-        addr_byte = self.gc.get_card(addr_src, 0)
-        assert ord(addr_byte.char[0]) == 0x01 | 0x04  # bits 0 and 2
-        #
-        res = self.gc.writebarrier_before_copy(addr_src, addr_dst,
-                                             0, 0, 2*self.gc.card_page_indices)
-        assert res
-        #
-        assert hdr_dst.tid & incminimark.GCFLAG_CARDS_SET
-        addr_byte = self.gc.get_card(addr_dst, 0)
-        assert ord(addr_byte.char[0]) == 0x01 | 0x04  # bits 0 and 2
-    test_writebarrier_before_copy_preserving_cards.GC_PARAMS = {
-        "card_page_indices": 4}
-class TestIncrementalMiniMarkGCFull(DirectGCTest):
-    from rpython.memory.gc.incminimark import IncrementalMiniMarkGC as GCClass
diff --git a/rpython/memory/test/test_incminimark_gc.py b/rpython/memory/test/test_incminimark_gc.py
--- a/rpython/memory/test/test_incminimark_gc.py
+++ b/rpython/memory/test/test_incminimark_gc.py
@@ -1,11 +1,6 @@
 from rpython.rlib.rarithmetic import LONG_BIT
-from rpython.memory.test import test_semispace_gc
+from rpython.memory.test import test_minimark_gc
-class TestIncrementalMiniMarkGC(test_semispace_gc.TestSemiSpaceGC):
+class TestIncrementalMiniMarkGC(test_minimark_gc.TestMiniMarkGC):
     from rpython.memory.gc.incminimark import IncrementalMiniMarkGC as GCClass
diff --git a/rpython/memory/test/test_transformed_gc.py b/rpython/memory/test/test_transformed_gc.py
--- a/rpython/memory/test/test_transformed_gc.py
+++ b/rpython/memory/test/test_transformed_gc.py
@@ -1259,48 +1259,8 @@
         res = run([])
         assert res == 123
-class TestIncrementalMiniMarkGC(TestHybridGC):
+class TestIncrementalMiniMarkGC(TestMiniMarkGC):
     gcname = "incminimark"
-    GC_CAN_TEST_ID = True
-    class gcpolicy(gc.BasicFrameworkGcPolicy):
-        class transformerclass(shadowstack.ShadowStackFrameworkGCTransformer):
-            from rpython.memory.gc.incminimark \
-                            import IncrementalMiniMarkGC as GCClass
-            GC_PARAMS = {'nursery_size': 32*WORD,
-                         'page_size': 16*WORD,
-                         'arena_size': 64*WORD,
-                         'small_request_threshold': 5*WORD,
-                         'large_object': 8*WORD,
-                         'card_page_indices': 4,
-                         'translated_to_c': False,
-                         }
-            root_stack_depth = 200
-    def define_no_clean_setarrayitems(cls):
-        # The optimization find_clean_setarrayitems() in
-        # gctransformer/framework.py does not work with card marking.
-        # Check that it is turned off.
-        S = lltype.GcStruct('S', ('x', lltype.Signed))
-        A = lltype.GcArray(lltype.Ptr(S))
-        def sub(lst):
-            lst[15] = lltype.malloc(S)   # 'lst' is set the single mark "12-15"
-            lst[15].x = 123
-            lst[0] = lst[15]   # that would be a "clean_setarrayitem"
-        def f():
-            lst = lltype.malloc(A, 16)   # 16 > 10
-            rgc.collect()
-            sub(lst)
-            null = lltype.nullptr(S)
-            lst[15] = null     # clear, so that A() is only visible via lst[0]
-            rgc.collect()      # -> crash
-            return lst[0].x
-        return f
-    def test_no_clean_setarrayitems(self):
-        run = self.runner("no_clean_setarrayitems")
-        res = run([])
-        assert res == 123
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