[pypy-commit] pypy default: mangle RStringIO attr names so they don't clash with implementations

bdkearns noreply at buildbot.pypy.org
Fri Apr 12 07:22:37 CEST 2013

Author: Brian Kearns <bdkearns at gmail.com>
Changeset: r63262:1a0242a40bd1
Date: 2013-04-11 21:52 -0400

Log:	mangle RStringIO attr names so they don't clash with implementations

diff --git a/rpython/rlib/rStringIO.py b/rpython/rlib/rStringIO.py
--- a/rpython/rlib/rStringIO.py
+++ b/rpython/rlib/rStringIO.py
@@ -12,166 +12,166 @@
     def __init__(self):
         # The real content is the join of the following data:
-        #  * the list of characters self.bigbuffer;
-        #  * each of the strings in self.strings.
+        #  * the list of characters self.__bigbuffer;
+        #  * each of the strings in self.__strings.
-        self.closed = False
-        self.strings = None
-        self.bigbuffer = None
-        self.pos = AT_END
+        self.__closed = False
+        self.__strings = None
+        self.__bigbuffer = None
+        self.__pos = AT_END
     def close(self):
-        self.closed = True
-        self.strings = None
-        self.bigbuffer = None
-        self.pos = AT_END
+        self.__closed = True
+        self.__strings = None
+        self.__bigbuffer = None
+        self.__pos = AT_END
     def is_closed(self):
-        return self.closed
+        return self.__closed
-    def _copy_into_bigbuffer(self):
-        """Copy all the data into the list of characters self.bigbuffer."""
-        if self.bigbuffer is None:
-            self.bigbuffer = []
-        if self.strings is not None:
-            self.bigbuffer += self.strings.build()
-            self.strings = None
+    def __copy_into_bigbuffer(self):
+        """Copy all the data into the list of characters self.__bigbuffer."""
+        if self.__bigbuffer is None:
+            self.__bigbuffer = []
+        if self.__strings is not None:
+            self.__bigbuffer += self.__strings.build()
+            self.__strings = None
     def getvalue(self):
-        """If self.strings contains more than 1 string, join all the
+        """If self.__strings contains more than 1 string, join all the
         strings together.  Return the final single string."""
-        if self.bigbuffer is not None:
-            self._copy_into_bigbuffer()
-            return ''.join(self.bigbuffer)
-        if self.strings is not None:
-            return self.strings.build()
+        if self.__bigbuffer is not None:
+            self.__copy_into_bigbuffer()
+            return ''.join(self.__bigbuffer)
+        if self.__strings is not None:
+            return self.__strings.build()
         return ''
     def getsize(self):
         result = 0
-        if self.bigbuffer is not None:
-            result += len(self.bigbuffer)
-        if self.strings is not None:
-            result += self.strings.getlength()
+        if self.__bigbuffer is not None:
+            result += len(self.__bigbuffer)
+        if self.__strings is not None:
+            result += self.__strings.getlength()
         return result
     def write(self, buffer):
         # Idea: for the common case of a sequence of write() followed
-        # by only getvalue(), self.bigbuffer remains empty.  It is only
+        # by only getvalue(), self.__bigbuffer remains empty.  It is only
         # used to handle the more complicated cases.
-        if self.pos == AT_END:
-            self._fast_write(buffer)
+        if self.__pos == AT_END:
+            self.__fast_write(buffer)
-            self._slow_write(buffer)
+            self.__slow_write(buffer)
-    def _fast_write(self, buffer):
-        if self.strings is None:
-            self.strings = StringBuilder()
-        self.strings.append(buffer)
+    def __fast_write(self, buffer):
+        if self.__strings is None:
+            self.__strings = StringBuilder()
+        self.__strings.append(buffer)
-    def _slow_write(self, buffer):
-        p = self.pos
+    def __slow_write(self, buffer):
+        p = self.__pos
         assert p >= 0
         endp = p + len(buffer)
-        if self.bigbuffer is not None and len(self.bigbuffer) >= endp:
-            # semi-fast path: the write is entirely inside self.bigbuffer
+        if self.__bigbuffer is not None and len(self.__bigbuffer) >= endp:
+            # semi-fast path: the write is entirely inside self.__bigbuffer
             for i in range(len(buffer)):
-                self.bigbuffer[p + i] = buffer[i]
+                self.__bigbuffer[p + i] = buffer[i]
-            # slow path: collect all data into self.bigbuffer and
+            # slow path: collect all data into self.__bigbuffer and
             # handle the various cases
-            self._copy_into_bigbuffer()
-            fitting = len(self.bigbuffer) - p
+            self.__copy_into_bigbuffer()
+            fitting = len(self.__bigbuffer) - p
             if fitting > 0:
                 # the write starts before the end of the data
                 fitting = min(len(buffer), fitting)
                 for i in range(fitting):
-                    self.bigbuffer[p + i] = buffer[i]
+                    self.__bigbuffer[p + i] = buffer[i]
                 if len(buffer) > fitting:
                     # the write extends beyond the end of the data
-                    self.bigbuffer += buffer[fitting:]
+                    self.__bigbuffer += buffer[fitting:]
                     endp = AT_END
                 # the write starts at or beyond the end of the data
-                self.bigbuffer += '\x00' * (-fitting) + buffer
+                self.__bigbuffer += '\x00' * (-fitting) + buffer
                 endp = AT_END
-        self.pos = endp
+        self.__pos = endp
     def seek(self, position, mode=0):
         if mode == 1:
-            if self.pos == AT_END:
-                self.pos = self.getsize()
-            position += self.pos
+            if self.__pos == AT_END:
+                self.__pos = self.getsize()
+            position += self.__pos
         elif mode == 2:
             if position == 0:
-                self.pos = AT_END
+                self.__pos = AT_END
             position += self.getsize()
         if position < 0:
             position = 0
-        self.pos = position
+        self.__pos = position
     def tell(self):
-        if self.pos == AT_END:
+        if self.__pos == AT_END:
             result = self.getsize()
-            result = self.pos
+            result = self.__pos
         assert result >= 0
         return result
     def read(self, n=-1):
-        p = self.pos
+        p = self.__pos
         if p == 0 and n < 0:
-            self.pos = AT_END
+            self.__pos = AT_END
             return self.getvalue()     # reading everything
         if p == AT_END or n == 0:
             return ''
         assert p >= 0
-        self._copy_into_bigbuffer()
-        mysize = len(self.bigbuffer)
+        self.__copy_into_bigbuffer()
+        mysize = len(self.__bigbuffer)
         count = mysize - p
         if n >= 0:
             count = min(n, count)
         if count <= 0:
             return ''
         if p == 0 and count == mysize:
-            self.pos = AT_END
-            return ''.join(self.bigbuffer)
+            self.__pos = AT_END
+            return ''.join(self.__bigbuffer)
-            self.pos = p + count
-            return ''.join(self.bigbuffer[p:p+count])
+            self.__pos = p + count
+            return ''.join(self.__bigbuffer[p:p+count])
     def readline(self, size=-1):
-        p = self.pos
+        p = self.__pos
         if p == AT_END or size == 0:
             return ''
         assert p >= 0
-        self._copy_into_bigbuffer()
-        end = len(self.bigbuffer)
+        self.__copy_into_bigbuffer()
+        end = len(self.__bigbuffer)
         if size >= 0 and size < end - p:
             end = p + size
         i = p
         while i < end:
-            finished = self.bigbuffer[i] == '\n'
+            finished = self.__bigbuffer[i] == '\n'
             i += 1
             if finished:
-        self.pos = i
-        return ''.join(self.bigbuffer[p:i])
+        self.__pos = i
+        return ''.join(self.__bigbuffer[p:i])
     def truncate(self, size):
         # NB. 'size' is mandatory.  This has the same un-Posix-y semantics
         # than CPython: it never grows the buffer, and it sets the current
         # position to the end.
         assert size >= 0
-        if self.bigbuffer is None or size > len(self.bigbuffer):
-            self._copy_into_bigbuffer()
+        if self.__bigbuffer is None or size > len(self.__bigbuffer):
+            self.__copy_into_bigbuffer()
             # we can drop all extra strings
-            if self.strings is not None:
-                self.strings = None
-        if size < len(self.bigbuffer):
-            del self.bigbuffer[size:]
-        if len(self.bigbuffer) == 0:
-            self.bigbuffer = None
-        self.pos = AT_END
+            if self.__strings is not None:
+                self.__strings = None
+        if size < len(self.__bigbuffer):
+            del self.__bigbuffer[size:]
+        if len(self.__bigbuffer) == 0:
+            self.__bigbuffer = None
+        self.__pos = AT_END

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