[pypy-commit] pypy.org extradoc: Drop the "backend=cli" command-line here.

arigo noreply at buildbot.pypy.org
Sun Apr 7 14:54:49 CEST 2013

Author: Armin Rigo <arigo at tunes.org>
Branch: extradoc
Changeset: r394:17f759c5d309
Date: 2013-04-07 14:52 +0200

Log:	Drop the "backend=cli" command-line here.

diff --git a/source/download.txt b/source/download.txt
--- a/source/download.txt
+++ b/source/download.txt
@@ -159,10 +159,9 @@
 4. Run the ``rpython`` script.  Here are the common combinations
    of options (works also with ``python`` instead of ``pypy``)::
-     pypy ../../rpython/bin/rpython -Ojit                # get the JIT version
-     pypy ../../rpython/bin/rpython -O2                  # get the no-jit version
-     pypy ../../rpython/bin/rpython -O2 --sandbox        # get the sandbox version
-     pypy ../../rpython/bin/rpython -Ojit --backend=cli  # only for branch/cli-jit
+     pypy ../../rpython/bin/rpython -Ojit           # get the JIT version
+     pypy ../../rpython/bin/rpython -O2             # get the no-jit version
+     pypy ../../rpython/bin/rpython -O2 --sandbox   # get the sandbox version
 5. Enjoy Mandelbrot ``:-)``  It takes on the order of half an hour to
    finish the translation, and 2.x GB of RAM on a 32-bit system

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