[pypy-commit] pypy default: use _locale.CHAR_MAX instead of hardcoding 127 as the maximum value. On ARM/Linux and PPC/Linux this value is 255

bivab noreply at buildbot.pypy.org
Tue Sep 11 14:31:02 CEST 2012

Author: David Schneider <david.schneider at picle.org>
Changeset: r57268:bc5cd8034c17
Date: 2012-09-11 14:29 +0200

Log:	use _locale.CHAR_MAX instead of hardcoding 127 as the maximum value.
	On ARM/Linux and PPC/Linux this value is 255

diff --git a/pypy/module/_locale/test/test_locale.py b/pypy/module/_locale/test/test_locale.py
--- a/pypy/module/_locale/test/test_locale.py
+++ b/pypy/module/_locale/test/test_locale.py
@@ -131,20 +131,20 @@
         lconv_c = {
             "currency_symbol": "",
             "decimal_point": ".",
-            "frac_digits": 127,
+            "frac_digits": _locale.CHAR_MAX,
             "grouping": [],
             "int_curr_symbol": "",
-            "int_frac_digits": 127,
+            "int_frac_digits": _locale.CHAR_MAX,
             "mon_decimal_point": "",
             "mon_grouping": [],
             "mon_thousands_sep": "",
-            "n_cs_precedes": 127,
-            "n_sep_by_space": 127,
-            "n_sign_posn": 127,
+            "n_cs_precedes": _locale.CHAR_MAX,
+            "n_sep_by_space": _locale.CHAR_MAX,
+            "n_sign_posn": _locale.CHAR_MAX,
             "negative_sign": "",
-            "p_cs_precedes": 127,
-            "p_sep_by_space": 127,
-            "p_sign_posn": 127,
+            "p_cs_precedes": _locale.CHAR_MAX,
+            "p_sep_by_space": _locale.CHAR_MAX,
+            "p_sign_posn": _locale.CHAR_MAX,
             "positive_sign": "",
             "thousands_sep": "" }

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