[pypy-commit] pypy py3k: hg merge default

antocuni noreply at buildbot.pypy.org
Wed Oct 17 17:20:21 CEST 2012

Author: Antonio Cuni <anto.cuni at gmail.com>
Branch: py3k
Changeset: r58176:b4e0f5b4079b
Date: 2012-10-17 16:04 +0200

Log:	hg merge default

diff too long, truncating to 2000 out of 4137 lines

diff --git a/pypy/doc/project-ideas.rst b/pypy/doc/project-ideas.rst
--- a/pypy/doc/project-ideas.rst
+++ b/pypy/doc/project-ideas.rst
@@ -17,12 +17,6 @@
 projects, or anything else in PyPy, pop up on IRC or write to us on the
 `mailing list`_.
-Make big integers faster
-PyPy's implementation of the Python ``long`` type is slower than CPython's.
-Find out why and optimize them.  **UPDATE:** this was done (thanks stian).
 Make bytearray type fast
@@ -81,14 +75,6 @@
 * Allow separate compilation of extension modules.
-Work on some of other languages
-There are various languages implemented using the RPython translation toolchain.
-One of the most interesting is the `JavaScript implementation`_, but there
-are others like scheme or prolog. An interesting project would be to improve
-the jittability of those or to experiment with various optimizations.
 Various GCs
@@ -144,8 +130,6 @@
 * `hg`
-* `sympy`
 Experiment (again) with LLVM backend for RPython compilation
@@ -191,4 +175,3 @@
 .. _`issue tracker`: http://bugs.pypy.org
 .. _`mailing list`: http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/pypy-dev
 .. _`jitviewer`: http://bitbucket.org/pypy/jitviewer
-.. _`JavaScript implementation`: https://bitbucket.org/pypy/lang-js/overview
diff --git a/pypy/jit/backend/llvm/__init__.py b/pypy/jit/backend/llvm/__init__.py
deleted file mode 100644
diff --git a/pypy/jit/backend/llvm/compile.py b/pypy/jit/backend/llvm/compile.py
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/pypy/jit/backend/llvm/compile.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,732 +0,0 @@
-import py
-from pypy.rpython.lltypesystem import lltype, rffi
-from pypy.rlib.objectmodel import we_are_translated
-from pypy.rlib.unroll import unrolling_iterable
-from pypy.jit.metainterp.history import Const, INT
-from pypy.jit.backend.llvm import llvm_rffi
-from pypy.jit.metainterp import resoperation
-from pypy.jit.metainterp.resoperation import rop
-from pypy.jit.backend.llsupport import symbolic
-from pypy.jit.backend.llvm.runner import SizeDescr, CallDescr
-from pypy.jit.backend.llvm.runner import FieldDescr, ArrayDescr
-# ____________________________________________________________
-class LLVMJITCompiler(object):
-    FUNC = lltype.FuncType([], lltype.Signed)
-    lastovf = lltype.nullptr(llvm_rffi.LLVMValueRef.TO)
-    def __init__(self, cpu, loop):
-        self.cpu = cpu
-        self.loop = loop
-    def compile(self):
-        self.start_generating_function()
-        self.generate_initial_arguments_load()
-        self.generate_loop_body()
-        self.close_phi_nodes()
-        self.done_generating_function()
-    def start_generating_function(self):
-        func = llvm_rffi.LLVMAddFunction(self.cpu.module, "", self.cpu.ty_func)
-        self.compiling_func = func
-        self.builder = llvm_rffi.LLVMCreateBuilder()
-        self.vars = {}
-    def generate_initial_arguments_load(self):
-        loop = self.loop
-        func = self.compiling_func
-        bb_entry = llvm_rffi.LLVMAppendBasicBlock(func, "entry")
-        llvm_rffi.LLVMPositionBuilderAtEnd(self.builder, bb_entry)
-        self.cpu._ensure_in_args(len(loop.inputargs))
-        self.phi_incoming_blocks = [bb_entry]
-        self.phi_incoming_values = []
-        for i in range(len(loop.inputargs)):
-            ty = self.cpu._get_pointer_type(loop.inputargs[i])
-            llvmconstptr = self.cpu._make_const(self.cpu.in_out_args[i], ty)
-            res = llvm_rffi.LLVMBuildLoad(self.builder, llvmconstptr, "")
-            self.phi_incoming_values.append([res])
-        self.bb_start = llvm_rffi.LLVMAppendBasicBlock(func, "")
-        llvm_rffi.LLVMBuildBr(self.builder, self.bb_start)
-        #
-        llvm_rffi.LLVMPositionBuilderAtEnd(self.builder, self.bb_start)
-        for v in loop.inputargs:
-            ty = self.cpu._get_var_type(v)
-            phi = llvm_rffi.LLVMBuildPhi(self.builder, ty, "")
-            self.vars[v] = phi
-    def generate_loop_body(self):
-        func = self.compiling_func
-        self.pending_blocks = [(self.loop.operations, self.bb_start, False)]
-        while self.pending_blocks:
-            operations, bb, exc = self.pending_blocks.pop()
-            self._generate_branch(operations, bb, exc)
-        self.bb_start = lltype.nullptr(llvm_rffi.LLVMBasicBlockRef.TO)
-    def close_phi_nodes(self):
-        incoming_blocks = lltype.malloc(
-            rffi.CArray(llvm_rffi.LLVMBasicBlockRef),
-            len(self.phi_incoming_blocks), flavor='raw')
-        incoming_values = lltype.malloc(
-            rffi.CArray(llvm_rffi.LLVMValueRef),
-            len(self.phi_incoming_blocks), flavor='raw')
-        for j in range(len(self.phi_incoming_blocks)):
-            incoming_blocks[j] = self.phi_incoming_blocks[j]
-        loop = self.loop
-        for i in range(len(loop.inputargs)):
-            phi = self.vars[loop.inputargs[i]]
-            incoming = self.phi_incoming_values[i]
-            for j in range(len(self.phi_incoming_blocks)):
-                incoming_values[j] = incoming[j]
-            llvm_rffi.LLVMAddIncoming(phi, incoming_values, incoming_blocks,
-                                      len(self.phi_incoming_blocks))
-        lltype.free(incoming_values, flavor='raw')
-        lltype.free(incoming_blocks, flavor='raw')
-    def done_generating_function(self):
-        llvm_rffi.LLVMDisposeBuilder(self.builder)
-        llvm_rffi.LLVMDumpValue(self.compiling_func)   # xxx for debugging
-        #
-        func_addr = llvm_rffi.LLVM_EE_getPointerToFunction(self.cpu.ee,
-                                                           self.compiling_func)
-        if not we_are_translated():
-            print '--- function is at %r ---' % (func_addr,)
-        #
-        func_ptr = rffi.cast(lltype.Ptr(self.FUNC), func_addr)
-        index = self.loop._llvm_compiled_index
-        if index < 0:
-            self.loop._llvm_compiled_index = len(self.cpu.compiled_functions)
-            self.cpu.compiled_functions.append(func_ptr)
-        else:
-            self.cpu.compiled_functions[index] = func_ptr
-    def _generate_branch(self, operations, basicblock, exc):
-        llvm_rffi.LLVMPositionBuilderAtEnd(self.builder, basicblock)
-        # The flag 'exc' is set to True if we are a branch handling a
-        # GUARD_EXCEPTION or GUARD_NO_EXCEPTION.  In this case, we have to
-        # store away the exception into self.backup_exc_xxx, *unless* the
-        # branch starts with a further GUARD_EXCEPTION/GUARD_NO_EXCEPTION.
-        if exc:
-            opnum = operations[0].getopnum()
-            if opnum not in (rop.GUARD_EXCEPTION, rop.GUARD_NO_EXCEPTION):
-                self._store_away_exception()
-        # Normal handling of the operations follows.
-        for op in operations:
-            self._generate_op(op)
-    def _generate_op(self, op):
-        opnum = op.getopnum()
-        for i, name in all_operations:
-            if opnum == i:
-                meth = getattr(self, name)
-                meth(op)
-                return
-        else:
-            raise MissingOperation(resoperation.opname[opnum])
-    def _store_away_exception(self):
-        # etype, evalue: ty_char_ptr
-        etype = llvm_rffi.LLVMBuildLoad(self.builder,
-                                        self.cpu.const_exc_type, "")
-        llvm_rffi.LLVMBuildStore(self.builder,
-                                 self.cpu.const_null_charptr,
-                                 self.cpu.const_exc_type)
-        llvm_rffi.LLVMBuildStore(self.builder,
-                                 etype,
-                                 self.cpu.const_backup_exc_type)
-        evalue = llvm_rffi.LLVMBuildLoad(self.builder,
-                                         self.cpu.const_exc_value, "")
-        llvm_rffi.LLVMBuildStore(self.builder,
-                                 self.cpu.const_null_charptr,
-                                 self.cpu.const_exc_value)
-        llvm_rffi.LLVMBuildStore(self.builder,
-                                 evalue,
-                                 self.cpu.const_backup_exc_value)
-    def getintarg(self, v):
-        try:
-            value_ref = self.vars[v]
-        except KeyError:
-            assert isinstance(v, Const)
-            return self.cpu._make_const_int(v.getint())
-        else:
-            return self._cast_to_int(value_ref)
-    def _cast_to_int(self, value_ref):
-        ty = llvm_rffi.LLVMTypeOf(value_ref)
-        if ty == self.cpu.ty_int:
-            return value_ref
-        else:
-            return llvm_rffi.LLVMBuildZExt(self.builder, value_ref,
-                                           self.cpu.ty_int, "")
-    def getbitarg(self, v):
-        try:
-            value_ref = self.vars[v]
-        except KeyError:
-            assert isinstance(v, Const)
-            return self.cpu._make_const_bit(v.getint())
-        else:
-            return self._cast_to_bit(value_ref)
-    def _cast_to_bit(self, value_ref):
-        ty = llvm_rffi.LLVMTypeOf(value_ref)
-        if ty == self.cpu.ty_bit:
-            return value_ref
-        else:
-            return llvm_rffi.LLVMBuildTrunc(self.builder, value_ref,
-                                            self.cpu.ty_bit, "")
-    def getchararg(self, v):
-        try:
-            value_ref = self.vars[v]
-        except KeyError:
-            assert isinstance(v, Const)
-            return self.cpu._make_const_char(v.getint())
-        else:
-            return self._cast_to_char(value_ref)
-    def _cast_to_char(self, value_ref):
-        ty = llvm_rffi.LLVMTypeOf(value_ref)
-        if ty == self.cpu.ty_char:
-            return value_ref
-        elif ty == self.cpu.ty_int or ty == self.cpu.ty_unichar:
-            return llvm_rffi.LLVMBuildTrunc(self.builder, value_ref,
-                                            self.cpu.ty_char, "")
-        elif ty == self.cpu.ty_bit:
-            return llvm_rffi.LLVMBuildZExt(self.builder, value_ref,
-                                           self.cpu.ty_char, "")
-        else:
-            raise AssertionError("type is not an int nor a bit")
-    def getunichararg(self, v):
-        try:
-            value_ref = self.vars[v]
-        except KeyError:
-            assert isinstance(v, Const)
-            return self.cpu._make_const_unichar(v.getint())
-        else:
-            return self._cast_to_unichar(value_ref)
-    def _cast_to_unichar(self, value_ref):
-        ty = llvm_rffi.LLVMTypeOf(value_ref)
-        if ty == self.cpu.ty_unichar:
-            return value_ref
-        elif ty == self.cpu.ty_int:
-            return llvm_rffi.LLVMBuildTrunc(self.builder, value_ref,
-                                            self.cpu.ty_char, "")
-        elif ty == self.cpu.ty_bit or ty == self.cpu.ty_char:
-            return llvm_rffi.LLVMBuildZExt(self.builder, value_ref,
-                                           self.cpu.ty_char, "")
-        else:
-            raise AssertionError("type is not an int nor a bit")
-    def getptrarg(self, v):
-        try:
-            value_ref = self.vars[v]
-        except KeyError:
-            return self.cpu._make_const(v.getaddr(self.cpu),
-                                        self.cpu.ty_char_ptr)
-        else:
-            ty = llvm_rffi.LLVMTypeOf(value_ref)
-            if ty == self.cpu.ty_int:
-                value_ref = llvm_rffi.LLVMBuildIntToPtr(self.builder,
-                                                        value_ref,
-                                                        self.cpu.ty_char_ptr,
-                                                        "")
-            else:
-                assert (ty != self.cpu.ty_bit and
-                        ty != self.cpu.ty_char and
-                        ty != self.cpu.ty_unichar)
-            return value_ref
-    for _opname, _llvmname in [('INT_ADD', 'Add'),
-                               ('INT_SUB', 'Sub'),
-                               ('INT_MUL', 'Mul'),
-                               ('INT_FLOORDIV', 'SDiv'),
-                               ('INT_MOD', 'SRem'),
-                               ('INT_LSHIFT', 'Shl'),
-                               ('INT_RSHIFT', 'AShr'),
-                               ('UINT_RSHIFT', 'LShr'),
-                               ('INT_AND', 'And'),
-                               ('INT_OR',  'Or'),
-                               ('INT_XOR', 'Xor'),
-                               ]:
-        exec py.code.Source('''
-            def generate_%s(self, op):
-                self.vars[op.result] = llvm_rffi.LLVMBuild%s(
-                    self.builder,
-                    self.getintarg(op.args[0]),
-                    self.getintarg(op.args[1]),
-                    "")
-        ''' % (_opname, _llvmname)).compile()
-    for _opname, _predicate in [('INT_LT', llvm_rffi.Predicate.SLT),
-                                ('INT_LE', llvm_rffi.Predicate.SLE),
-                                ('INT_EQ', llvm_rffi.Predicate.EQ),
-                                ('INT_NE', llvm_rffi.Predicate.NE),
-                                ('INT_GT', llvm_rffi.Predicate.SGT),
-                                ('INT_GE', llvm_rffi.Predicate.SGE),
-                                ('UINT_LT', llvm_rffi.Predicate.ULT),
-                                ('UINT_LE', llvm_rffi.Predicate.ULE),
-                                ('UINT_GT', llvm_rffi.Predicate.UGT),
-                                ('UINT_GE', llvm_rffi.Predicate.UGE)]:
-        exec py.code.Source('''
-            def generate_%s(self, op):
-                self.vars[op.result] = llvm_rffi.LLVMBuildICmp(
-                    self.builder,
-                    %d,
-                    self.getintarg(op.args[0]),
-                    self.getintarg(op.args[1]),
-                    "")
-        ''' % (_opname, _predicate)).compile()
-    def generate_INT_NEG(self, op):
-        self.vars[op.result] = llvm_rffi.LLVMBuildNeg(self.builder,
-                                                    self.getintarg(op.args[0]),
-                                                    "")
-    def generate_INT_INVERT(self, op):
-        self.vars[op.result] = llvm_rffi.LLVMBuildNot(self.builder,
-                                                    self.getintarg(op.args[0]),
-                                                    "")
-    def generate_INT_IS_TRUE(self, op):
-        v = op.args[0]
-        try:
-            value_ref = self.vars[v]
-            if llvm_rffi.LLVMTypeOf(value_ref) != self.cpu.ty_bit:
-                raise KeyError
-        except KeyError:
-            res = llvm_rffi.LLVMBuildICmp(self.builder,
-                                          llvm_rffi.Predicate.NE,
-                                          self.getintarg(op.args[0]),
-                                          self.cpu.const_zero,
-                                          "")
-        else:
-            res = value_ref     # value_ref: ty_bit.  this is a no-op
-        self.vars[op.result] = res
-    def generate_BOOL_NOT(self, op):
-        v = op.args[0]
-        try:
-            value_ref = self.vars[v]
-            if llvm_rffi.LLVMTypeOf(value_ref) != self.cpu.ty_bit:
-                raise KeyError
-        except KeyError:
-            res = llvm_rffi.LLVMBuildICmp(self.builder,
-                                          llvm_rffi.Predicate.EQ,
-                                          self.getintarg(op.args[0]),
-                                          self.cpu.const_zero,
-                                          "")
-        else:
-            # value_ref: ty_bit
-            res = llvm_rffi.LLVMBuildNot(self.builder, value_ref, "")
-        self.vars[op.result] = res
-    def generate_INT_ADD_OVF(self, op):
-        self._generate_ovf_op(op, self.cpu.f_add_ovf)
-    def generate_INT_SUB_OVF(self, op):
-        self._generate_ovf_op(op, self.cpu.f_sub_ovf)
-    def generate_INT_MUL_OVF(self, op):
-        self._generate_ovf_op(op, self.cpu.f_mul_ovf)
-    def _generate_ovf_op(self, op, f_intrinsic):
-        self._generate_ovf_test(f_intrinsic,
-                                self.getintarg(op.args[0]),
-                                self.getintarg(op.args[1]),
-                                op.result)
-    def _generate_ovf_test(self, f_intrinsic, arg0, arg1, result):
-        arglist = lltype.malloc(rffi.CArray(llvm_rffi.LLVMValueRef), 2,
-                                flavor='raw')
-        arglist[0] = arg0
-        arglist[1] = arg1
-        tmp = llvm_rffi.LLVMBuildCall(self.builder, f_intrinsic,
-                                      arglist, 2, "")
-        lltype.free(arglist, flavor='raw')
-        self.vars[result] = llvm_rffi.LLVMBuildExtractValue(self.builder,
-                                                            tmp, 0, "")
-        self.lastovf = llvm_rffi.LLVMBuildExtractValue(self.builder, tmp, 1,
-                                                       "")
-    def generate_GUARD_FALSE(self, op):
-        self._generate_guard(op, self.getbitarg(op.args[0]), True)
-    def generate_GUARD_TRUE(self, op):
-        self._generate_guard(op, self.getbitarg(op.args[0]), False)
-    def generate_GUARD_VALUE(self, op):
-        if op.args[0].type == INT:
-            arg0 = self.getintarg(op.args[0])
-            arg1 = self.getintarg(op.args[1])
-        else:
-            arg0 = self.getptrarg(op.args[0])
-            arg1 = self.getptrarg(op.args[1])
-        equal = llvm_rffi.LLVMBuildICmp(self.builder,
-                                        llvm_rffi.Predicate.EQ,
-                                        arg0, arg1, "")
-        self._generate_guard(op, equal, False)
-    def generate_GUARD_CLASS(self, op):
-        loc = self._generate_field_gep(op.args[0], self.cpu.fielddescr_vtable)
-        cls = llvm_rffi.LLVMBuildLoad(self.builder, loc, "")
-        equal = llvm_rffi.LLVMBuildICmp(self.builder,
-                                        llvm_rffi.Predicate.EQ,
-                                        cls,
-                                        self.getintarg(op.args[1]), "")
-        self._generate_guard(op, equal, False)
-    def generate_GUARD_NO_EXCEPTION(self, op):
-        # etype: ty_char_ptr
-        etype = llvm_rffi.LLVMBuildLoad(self.builder,
-                                        self.cpu.const_exc_type, "")
-        eisnull = llvm_rffi.LLVMBuildICmp(self.builder,
-                                          llvm_rffi.Predicate.EQ,
-                                          etype,
-                                          self.cpu.const_null_charptr, "")
-        self._generate_guard(op, eisnull, False, exc=True)
-    def generate_GUARD_EXCEPTION(self, op):
-        v = op.args[0]
-        assert isinstance(v, Const)
-        # etype, expectedtype: ty_char_ptr
-        expectedtype = self.cpu._make_const(v.getint(), self.cpu.ty_char_ptr)
-        etype = llvm_rffi.LLVMBuildLoad(self.builder,
-                                        self.cpu.const_exc_type, "")
-        eisequal = llvm_rffi.LLVMBuildICmp(self.builder,
-                                           llvm_rffi.Predicate.EQ,
-                                           etype,
-                                           expectedtype, "")
-        self._generate_guard(op, eisequal, False, exc=True)
-        self.vars[op.result] = llvm_rffi.LLVMBuildLoad(self.builder,
-                                                      self.cpu.const_exc_value,
-                                                      "")
-    def generate_GUARD_NO_OVERFLOW(self, op):
-        self._generate_guard(op, self.lastovf, True)
-    def generate_GUARD_OVERFLOW(self, op):
-        self._generate_guard(op, self.lastovf, False)
-    def _generate_guard(self, op, verify_condition, reversed, exc=False):
-        func = self.compiling_func
-        bb_on_track = llvm_rffi.LLVMAppendBasicBlock(func, "")
-        bb_off_track = llvm_rffi.LLVMAppendBasicBlock(func, "")
-        llvm_rffi.LLVMBuildCondBr(self.builder, verify_condition,
-                                  bb_on_track, bb_off_track)
-        if reversed:
-            bb_on_track, bb_off_track = bb_off_track, bb_on_track
-        # generate the on-track part first, and the off-track part later
-        self.pending_blocks.append((op.suboperations, bb_off_track, exc))
-        llvm_rffi.LLVMPositionBuilderAtEnd(self.builder, bb_on_track)
-    def generate_JUMP(self, op):
-        if op.jump_target is self.loop:
-            basicblock = llvm_rffi.LLVMGetInsertBlock(self.builder)
-            self.phi_incoming_blocks.append(basicblock)
-            for i in range(len(op.args)):
-                incoming = self.phi_incoming_values[i]
-                v = op.args[i]
-                if v.type == INT:
-                    value_ref = self.getintarg(v)
-                else:
-                    value_ref = self.getptrarg(v)
-                incoming.append(value_ref)
-            llvm_rffi.LLVMBuildBr(self.builder, self.bb_start)
-        else:
-            index = op.jump_target._llvm_compiled_index
-            assert index >= 0
-            self._generate_fail(op.args, index)
-    def generate_FAIL(self, op):
-        i = len(self.cpu.fail_ops)
-        self.cpu.fail_ops.append(op)
-        self._generate_fail(op.args, ~i)
-    def _generate_fail(self, args, index):
-        self.cpu._ensure_out_args(len(args))
-        for i in range(len(args)):
-            v = args[i]
-            if v.type == INT:
-                value_ref = self.getintarg(v)
-                ty = self.cpu.ty_int_ptr
-            else:
-                value_ref = self.getptrarg(v)
-                ty = self.cpu.ty_char_ptr_ptr
-            llvmconstptr = self.cpu._make_const(self.cpu.in_out_args[i], ty)
-            llvm_rffi.LLVMBuildStore(self.builder, value_ref,
-                                     llvmconstptr)
-        llvm_rffi.LLVMBuildRet(self.builder, self.cpu._make_const_int(index))
-    def _generate_field_gep(self, v_structure, fielddescr):
-        assert isinstance(fielddescr, FieldDescr)
-        indices = lltype.malloc(rffi.CArray(llvm_rffi.LLVMValueRef), 1,
-                                flavor='raw')
-        indices[0] = self.cpu._make_const_int(fielddescr.offset)
-        location = llvm_rffi.LLVMBuildGEP(self.builder,
-                                          self.getptrarg(v_structure),
-                                          indices, 1, "")
-        lltype.free(indices, flavor='raw')
-        ty = self.cpu.types_ptr_by_index[fielddescr.size_index]
-        location = llvm_rffi.LLVMBuildBitCast(self.builder, location, ty, "")
-        return location
-    def generate_GETFIELD_GC(self, op):
-        loc = self._generate_field_gep(op.args[0], op.getdescr())
-        self.vars[op.result] = llvm_rffi.LLVMBuildLoad(self.builder, loc, "")
-    generate_GETFIELD_GC_PURE  = generate_GETFIELD_GC
-    generate_GETFIELD_RAW      = generate_GETFIELD_GC
-    generate_GETFIELD_RAW_PURE = generate_GETFIELD_GC
-    def generate_SETFIELD_GC(self, op):
-        fielddescr = op.getdescr()
-        loc = self._generate_field_gep(op.args[0], fielddescr)
-        assert isinstance(fielddescr, FieldDescr)
-        getarg = self.cpu.getarg_by_index[fielddescr.size_index]
-        value_ref = getarg(self, op.args[1])
-        llvm_rffi.LLVMBuildStore(self.builder, value_ref, loc, "")
-    def generate_CALL(self, op):
-        calldescr = op.getdescr()
-        assert isinstance(calldescr, CallDescr)
-        ty_function_ptr = self.cpu.get_calldescr_ty_function_ptr(calldescr)
-        v = op.args[0]
-        if isinstance(v, Const):
-            func = self.cpu._make_const(v.getint(), ty_function_ptr)
-        else:
-            func = self.getintarg(v)
-            func = llvm_rffi.LLVMBuildIntToPtr(self.builder,
-                                               func,
-                                               ty_function_ptr, "")
-        nb_args = len(op.args) - 1
-        arglist = lltype.malloc(rffi.CArray(llvm_rffi.LLVMValueRef), nb_args,
-                                flavor='raw')
-        for i in range(nb_args):
-            v = op.args[1 + i]
-            index = calldescr.args_indices[i]
-            getarg = self.cpu.getarg_by_index[index]
-            value_ref = getarg(self, v)
-            arglist[i] = value_ref
-        res = llvm_rffi.LLVMBuildCall(self.builder,
-                                      func, arglist, nb_args, "")
-        lltype.free(arglist, flavor='raw')
-        if op.result is not None:
-            assert calldescr.res_index >= 0
-            self.vars[op.result] = res
-    generate_CALL_PURE = generate_CALL
-    def generate_CAST_PTR_TO_INT(self, op):
-        res = llvm_rffi.LLVMBuildPtrToInt(self.builder,
-                                          self.getptrarg(op.args[0]),
-                                          self.cpu.ty_int, "")
-        self.vars[op.result] = res
-    def generate_CAST_INT_TO_PTR(self, op):
-        res = llvm_rffi.LLVMBuildIntToPtr(self.builder,
-                                          self.getintarg(op.args[0]),
-                                          self.cpu.ty_char_ptr, "")
-        self.vars[op.result] = res
-    def generate_OOIS(self, op):
-        self.vars[op.result] = llvm_rffi.LLVMBuildICmp(
-            self.builder, llvm_rffi.Predicate.EQ,
-            self.getptrarg(op.args[0]),
-            self.getptrarg(op.args[1]), "")
-    def generate_OOISNOT(self, op):
-        self.vars[op.result] = llvm_rffi.LLVMBuildICmp(
-            self.builder, llvm_rffi.Predicate.NE,
-            self.getptrarg(op.args[0]),
-            self.getptrarg(op.args[1]), "")
-    def generate_OOISNULL(self, op):
-        self.vars[op.result] = llvm_rffi.LLVMBuildICmp(
-            self.builder, llvm_rffi.Predicate.EQ,
-            self.getptrarg(op.args[0]),
-            self.cpu.const_null_charptr, "")
-    def generate_OONONNULL(self, op):
-        self.vars[op.result] = llvm_rffi.LLVMBuildICmp(
-            self.builder, llvm_rffi.Predicate.NE,
-            self.getptrarg(op.args[0]),
-            self.cpu.const_null_charptr, "")
-    def generate_SAME_AS(self, op):
-        if op.args[0].type == INT:
-            self.vars[op.result] = self.getintarg(op.args[0])
-        else:
-            self.vars[op.result] = self.getptrarg(op.args[0])
-    def _generate_len_gep(self, array_ref, ty, const_index_length):
-        array = llvm_rffi.LLVMBuildBitCast(self.builder,
-                                           array_ref, ty, "")
-        indices = lltype.malloc(rffi.CArray(llvm_rffi.LLVMValueRef), 2,
-                                flavor='raw')
-        indices[0] = self.cpu.const_zero
-        indices[1] = const_index_length
-        loc = llvm_rffi.LLVMBuildGEP(self.builder, array, indices, 2, "")
-        lltype.free(indices, flavor='raw')
-        return loc
-    def _generate_len(self, op, ty, const_index_length):
-        loc = self._generate_len_gep(self.getptrarg(op.args[0]),
-                                     ty, const_index_length)
-        self.vars[op.result] = llvm_rffi.LLVMBuildLoad(self.builder, loc, "")
-    def generate_ARRAYLEN_GC(self, op):
-        arraydescr = op.getdescr()
-        assert isinstance(arraydescr, ArrayDescr)
-        self._generate_len(op, arraydescr.ty_array_ptr,
-                           self.cpu.const_array_index_length)
-    def _generate_gep(self, op, ty, const_index_array):
-        array = llvm_rffi.LLVMBuildBitCast(self.builder,
-                                           self.getptrarg(op.args[0]),
-                                           ty, "")
-        indices = lltype.malloc(rffi.CArray(llvm_rffi.LLVMValueRef), 3,
-                                flavor='raw')
-        indices[0] = self.cpu.const_zero
-        indices[1] = const_index_array
-        indices[2] = self.getintarg(op.args[1])
-        location = llvm_rffi.LLVMBuildGEP(self.builder, array, indices, 3, "")
-        lltype.free(indices, flavor='raw')
-        return location
-    def _generate_array_gep(self, op):
-        arraydescr = op.getdescr()
-        assert isinstance(arraydescr, ArrayDescr)
-        location = self._generate_gep(op, arraydescr.ty_array_ptr,
-                                      self.cpu.const_array_index_array)
-        return location
-    def generate_GETARRAYITEM_GC(self, op):
-        loc = self._generate_array_gep(op)
-        self.vars[op.result] = llvm_rffi.LLVMBuildLoad(self.builder, loc, "")
-    def generate_SETARRAYITEM_GC(self, op):
-        loc = self._generate_array_gep(op)
-        arraydescr = op.getdescr()
-        assert isinstance(arraydescr, ArrayDescr)
-        getarg = self.cpu.getarg_by_index[arraydescr.itemsize_index]
-        value_ref = getarg(self, op.args[2])
-        llvm_rffi.LLVMBuildStore(self.builder, value_ref, loc, "")
-    def generate_STRLEN(self, op):
-        self._generate_len(op, self.cpu.ty_string_ptr,
-                           self.cpu.const_string_index_length)
-    def generate_UNICODELEN(self, op):
-        self._generate_len(op, self.cpu.ty_unicode_ptr,
-                           self.cpu.const_unicode_index_length)
-    def generate_STRGETITEM(self, op):
-        loc = self._generate_gep(op, self.cpu.ty_string_ptr,
-                                 self.cpu.const_string_index_array)
-        self.vars[op.result] = llvm_rffi.LLVMBuildLoad(self.builder, loc, "")
-    def generate_UNICODEGETITEM(self, op):
-        loc = self._generate_gep(op, self.cpu.ty_unicode_ptr,
-                                 self.cpu.const_unicode_index_array)
-        self.vars[op.result] = llvm_rffi.LLVMBuildLoad(self.builder, loc, "")
-    def generate_STRSETITEM(self, op):
-        loc = self._generate_gep(op, self.cpu.ty_string_ptr,
-                                 self.cpu.const_string_index_array)
-        value_ref = self.getchararg(op.args[2])
-        llvm_rffi.LLVMBuildStore(self.builder, value_ref, loc, "")
-    def generate_UNICODESETITEM(self, op):
-        loc = self._generate_gep(op, self.cpu.ty_unicode_ptr,
-                                 self.cpu.const_unicode_index_array)
-        value_ref = self.getunichararg(op.args[2])
-        llvm_rffi.LLVMBuildStore(self.builder, value_ref, loc, "")
-    def _generate_new(self, size_ref):
-        malloc_func = self.cpu._make_const(self.cpu.malloc_fn_ptr,
-                                           self.cpu.ty_malloc_fn)
-        arglist = lltype.malloc(rffi.CArray(llvm_rffi.LLVMValueRef), 1,
-                                flavor='raw')
-        arglist[0] = size_ref
-        res = llvm_rffi.LLVMBuildCall(self.builder, malloc_func,
-                                      arglist, 1, "")
-        lltype.free(arglist, flavor='raw')
-        return res
-    def generate_NEW(self, op):
-        sizedescr = op.getdescr()
-        assert isinstance(sizedescr, SizeDescr)
-        res = self._generate_new(self.cpu._make_const_int(sizedescr.size))
-        self.vars[op.result] = res
-    def generate_NEW_WITH_VTABLE(self, op):
-        sizedescr = self.cpu.class_sizes[op.args[0].getint()]
-        res = self._generate_new(self.cpu._make_const_int(sizedescr.size))
-        self.vars[op.result] = res
-        loc = self._generate_field_gep(op.result, self.cpu.vtable_descr)
-        value_ref = self.getintarg(op.args[0])
-        llvm_rffi.LLVMBuildStore(self.builder, value_ref, loc, "")
-    def _generate_new_array(self, op, ty_array, const_item_size,
-                            const_index_array, const_index_length):
-        length_ref = self.getintarg(op.args[0])
-        if const_item_size == self.cpu.const_one:
-            arraysize_ref = length_ref
-        else:
-            arraysize_ref = llvm_rffi.LLVMBuildMul(self.builder,
-                                                   length_ref,
-                                                   const_item_size,
-                                                   "")
-        size_ref = llvm_rffi.LLVMBuildAdd(self.builder,
-                                          const_index_array,
-                                          arraysize_ref,
-                                          "")
-        res = self._generate_new(size_ref)
-        loc = self._generate_len_gep(res, ty_array, const_index_length)
-        llvm_rffi.LLVMBuildStore(self.builder,
-                                 length_ref,
-                                 loc, "")
-        self.vars[op.result] = res
-    def generate_NEW_ARRAY(self, op):
-        arraydescr = op.getdescr()
-        assert isinstance(arraydescr, ArrayDescr)
-        self._generate_new_array(op, arraydescr.ty_array_ptr,
-                                 self.cpu._make_const_int(arraydescr.itemsize),
-                                 self.cpu.const_array_index_array,
-                                 self.cpu.const_array_index_length)
-    def generate_NEWSTR(self, op):
-        self._generate_new_array(op, self.cpu.ty_string_ptr,
-                                 self.cpu.const_one,
-                                 self.cpu.const_string_index_array,
-                                 self.cpu.const_string_index_length)
-    def generate_NEWUNICODE(self, op):
-        self._generate_new_array(op, self.cpu.ty_unicode_ptr,
-                            self.cpu._make_const_int(self.cpu.size_of_unicode),
-                                 self.cpu.const_unicode_index_array,
-                                 self.cpu.const_unicode_index_length)
-    def generate_DEBUG_MERGE_POINT(self, op):
-        pass
-# ____________________________________________________________
-class MissingOperation(Exception):
-    pass
-all_operations = {}
-for _key, _value in rop.__dict__.items():
-    if 'A' <= _key <= 'Z':
-        assert _value not in all_operations
-        methname = 'generate_' + _key
-        if hasattr(LLVMJITCompiler, methname):
-            all_operations[_value] = methname
-all_operations = unrolling_iterable(all_operations.items())
diff --git a/pypy/jit/backend/llvm/demo1.c b/pypy/jit/backend/llvm/demo1.c
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/pypy/jit/backend/llvm/demo1.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
-/* LLVM includes */
-#include "llvm-c/Analysis.h"
-#include "llvm-c/Transforms/Scalar.h"
-#include "llvm-c/ExecutionEngine.h"
-#include "demo2.h"
-/* The following list of functions seems to be necessary to force the
- * functions to be included in pypy_cache_llvm.so.  The list is never
- * used.  Actually, any single function seems to be enough...
- */
-void* llvm_c_functions[] = {
-  (void*) LLVMModuleCreateWithName,
-  (void*) _LLVM_EE_getPointerToFunction,
-  (void*) _LLVM_Intrinsic_add_ovf,
-  (void*) _LLVM_Intrinsic_sub_ovf,
-  (void*) _LLVM_Intrinsic_mul_ovf
diff --git a/pypy/jit/backend/llvm/demo2.cpp b/pypy/jit/backend/llvm/demo2.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/pypy/jit/backend/llvm/demo2.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,67 +0,0 @@
-/* LLVM includes */
-#include <cstdio>
-#include "llvm-c/ExecutionEngine.h"
-#include "llvm/ExecutionEngine/GenericValue.h"
-#include "llvm/ExecutionEngine/ExecutionEngine.h"
-#include "llvm/Target/TargetOptions.h"
-#include "llvm/Intrinsics.h"
-#include "demo2.h"
-using namespace llvm;
-/* Set the flag to true.
- */
-void _LLVM_SetFlags(void)
-  //PerformTailCallOpt = true;
-/* This piece of code regroups conveniently a part of the initialization.
- */
-LLVMExecutionEngineRef _LLVM_EE_Create(LLVMModuleRef M)
-  LLVMModuleProviderRef mp = LLVMCreateModuleProviderForExistingModule(M);
-  LLVMExecutionEngineRef ee;
-  char* errormsg;
-  int error = LLVMCreateJITCompiler(&ee, mp, 0 /*Fast*/, &errormsg);
-  if (error)
-    {
-      fprintf(stderr, "Error creating the JIT compiler:\n%s", errormsg);
-      abort();
-    }
-  return ee;
-/* Missing pieces of the C interface...
- */
-void *_LLVM_EE_getPointerToFunction(LLVMExecutionEngineRef EE,
-                                    LLVMValueRef F)
-  return unwrap(EE)->getPointerToFunction(unwrap<Function>(F));
-static LLVMValueRef _LLVM_Intrinsic_ovf(LLVMModuleRef M, LLVMTypeRef Ty,
-                                        Intrinsic::ID num)
-  const Type *array_of_types[1];
-  Function *F;
-  array_of_types[0] = unwrap(Ty);
-  F = Intrinsic::getDeclaration(unwrap(M), num, array_of_types, 1);
-  return wrap(F);
-LLVMValueRef _LLVM_Intrinsic_add_ovf(LLVMModuleRef M, LLVMTypeRef Ty)
-  return _LLVM_Intrinsic_ovf(M, Ty, Intrinsic::sadd_with_overflow);
-LLVMValueRef _LLVM_Intrinsic_sub_ovf(LLVMModuleRef M, LLVMTypeRef Ty)
-  return _LLVM_Intrinsic_ovf(M, Ty, Intrinsic::ssub_with_overflow);
-LLVMValueRef _LLVM_Intrinsic_mul_ovf(LLVMModuleRef M, LLVMTypeRef Ty)
-  return _LLVM_Intrinsic_ovf(M, Ty, Intrinsic::smul_with_overflow);
diff --git a/pypy/jit/backend/llvm/demo2.h b/pypy/jit/backend/llvm/demo2.h
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/pypy/jit/backend/llvm/demo2.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-extern "C" {
-void _LLVM_SetFlags(void);
-LLVMExecutionEngineRef _LLVM_EE_Create(LLVMModuleRef M);
-void *_LLVM_EE_getPointerToFunction(LLVMExecutionEngineRef EE,
-                                    LLVMValueRef F);
-LLVMValueRef _LLVM_Intrinsic_add_ovf(LLVMModuleRef M, LLVMTypeRef Ty);
-LLVMValueRef _LLVM_Intrinsic_sub_ovf(LLVMModuleRef M, LLVMTypeRef Ty);
-LLVMValueRef _LLVM_Intrinsic_mul_ovf(LLVMModuleRef M, LLVMTypeRef Ty);
-#ifdef __cplusplus
diff --git a/pypy/jit/backend/llvm/llvm_rffi.py b/pypy/jit/backend/llvm/llvm_rffi.py
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/pypy/jit/backend/llvm/llvm_rffi.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,371 +0,0 @@
-import py, os, sys
-import pypy
-from pypy.rpython.lltypesystem import lltype, rffi
-from pypy.translator.tool.cbuild import ExternalCompilationInfo, log
-if not sys.platform.startswith('linux'):
-    py.test.skip("Linux only for now")
-# ____________________________________________________________
-llvm_config = 'llvm-config'
-cachename = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(pypy.__file__), '_cache')
-dirname = os.path.join(cachename, 'libs')
-libname = os.path.join(dirname, 'pypy_cache_llvm.so')
-cname = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'demo1.c')
-cppname = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'demo2.cpp')
-o1name = os.path.join(dirname, 'demo1.o')
-o2name = os.path.join(dirname, 'demo2.o')
-if (not os.path.isfile(libname) or
-        os.path.getmtime(cname) > os.path.getmtime(libname) or
-        os.path.getmtime(cppname) > os.path.getmtime(libname)):
-    g = os.popen('%s --version' % llvm_config, 'r')
-    data = g.read()
-    g.close()
-    if not data.startswith('2.'):
-        py.test.skip("llvm (version 2) is required")
-    if not os.path.isdir(dirname):
-        if not os.path.isdir(cachename):
-            os.mkdir(cachename)
-        os.mkdir(dirname)
-    def do(cmdline):
-        log(cmdline)
-        err = os.system(cmdline)
-        if err:
-            raise Exception("gcc command failed")
-    do("g++ -g -c '%s' -o '%s' `%s --cppflags`" % (cname, o1name, llvm_config))
-    do("g++ -g -c '%s' -o '%s' `%s --cppflags`" % (cppname, o2name, llvm_config))
-    do("g++ -g -shared '%s' '%s' -o '%s'" % (o1name, o2name, libname) +
-       " `%s --cflags --ldflags --libs jit engine`" % llvm_config)
-ctypes_compilation_info = ExternalCompilationInfo(
-    library_dirs = [dirname],
-    libraries    = ['pypy_cache_llvm'],
-compilation_info = ExternalCompilationInfo.from_linker_flags(
-    os.popen("%s --ldflags --libs jit engine" % llvm_config, 'r').read())
-compilation_info = compilation_info.merge(ExternalCompilationInfo(
-    link_extra = [o1name, o2name],
-    use_cpp_linker = True,
-    ))
-compilation_info._with_ctypes = ctypes_compilation_info
-_teardown = None
-def set_teardown_function(fn):
-    global _teardown
-    _teardown = fn
-def teardown_now():
-    global _teardown
-    fn = _teardown
-    _teardown = None
-    if fn is not None:
-        fn()
-# ____________________________________________________________
-Debug = True
-def llexternal(name, args, result, **kwds):
-    ll = rffi.llexternal(name, args, result,
-                         compilation_info=compilation_info,
-                         **kwds)
-    if Debug:
-        def func(*args):
-            print name
-            res = ll(*args)
-            print '\t->', res
-            return res
-        return func
-    else:
-        return ll
-def opaqueptr(name):
-    return rffi.VOIDP  # lltype.Ptr(rffi.COpaque(name))
-LLVMModuleRef = opaqueptr('struct LLVMOpaqueModule')
-LLVMTypeRef = opaqueptr('struct LLVMOpaqueType')
-LLVMValueRef = opaqueptr('struct LLVMOpaqueValue')
-LLVMBasicBlockRef = opaqueptr('struct LLVMOpaqueBasicBlock')
-LLVMBuilderRef = opaqueptr('struct LLVMOpaqueBuilder')
-LLVMModuleProviderRef = opaqueptr('struct LLVMOpaqueModuleProvider')
-LLVMGenericValueRef = opaqueptr('struct LLVMOpaqueGenericValue')
-LLVMExecutionEngineRef = opaqueptr('struct LLVMOpaqueExecutionEngine')
-class Predicate:
-    EQ = 32      # equal
-    NE = 33      # not equal
-    UGT = 34     # unsigned greater than
-    UGE = 35     # unsigned greater or equal
-    ULT = 36     # unsigned less than
-    ULE = 37     # unsigned less or equal
-    SGT = 38     # signed greater than
-    SGE = 39     # signed greater or equal
-    SLT = 40     # signed less than
-    SLE = 41     # signed less or equal
-class CallConv:
-    C           = 0
-    Fast        = 8
-    Cold        = 9
-    X86Stdcall  = 64
-    X86Fastcall = 65
-# ____________________________________________________________
-LLVMDisposeMessage = llexternal('LLVMDisposeMessage', [rffi.CCHARP],
-                                lltype.Void)
-LLVMModuleCreateWithName = llexternal('LLVMModuleCreateWithName',
-                                      [rffi.CCHARP],
-                                      LLVMModuleRef)
-LLVMDumpModule = llexternal('LLVMDumpModule', [LLVMModuleRef], lltype.Void)
-LLVMInt1Type = llexternal('LLVMInt1Type', [], LLVMTypeRef)
-LLVMInt8Type = llexternal('LLVMInt8Type', [], LLVMTypeRef)
-LLVMInt16Type = llexternal('LLVMInt16Type', [], LLVMTypeRef)
-LLVMInt32Type = llexternal('LLVMInt32Type', [], LLVMTypeRef)
-LLVMInt64Type = llexternal('LLVMInt64Type', [], LLVMTypeRef)
-LLVMFunctionType = llexternal('LLVMFunctionType',
-                              [LLVMTypeRef,                 # return type
-                               rffi.CArrayPtr(LLVMTypeRef), # param types
-                               rffi.UINT,                   # param count
-                               rffi.INT],                   # flag: is_vararg
-                              LLVMTypeRef)
-LLVMStructType = llexternal('LLVMStructType',
-                            [rffi.CArrayPtr(LLVMTypeRef),   # element types
-                             rffi.UINT,                     # element count
-                             rffi.INT],                     # flag: packed
-                            LLVMTypeRef)
-LLVMArrayType = llexternal('LLVMArrayType', [LLVMTypeRef,   # element type
-                                             rffi.UINT],    # element count
-                           LLVMTypeRef)
-LLVMPointerType = llexternal('LLVMPointerType', [LLVMTypeRef,  # element type
-                                                 rffi.UINT],   # address space
-                             LLVMTypeRef)
-LLVMVoidType = llexternal('LLVMVoidType', [], LLVMTypeRef)
-LLVMTypeOf = llexternal('LLVMTypeOf', [LLVMValueRef], LLVMTypeRef)
-LLVMDumpValue = llexternal('LLVMDumpValue', [LLVMValueRef], lltype.Void)
-LLVMConstNull = llexternal('LLVMConstNull', [LLVMTypeRef], LLVMValueRef)
-LLVMConstInt = llexternal('LLVMConstInt', [LLVMTypeRef,     # type
-                                           rffi.ULONGLONG,  # value
-                                           rffi.INT],       # flag: is_signed
-                          LLVMValueRef)
-LLVMConstIntToPtr = llexternal('LLVMConstIntToPtr',
-                               [LLVMValueRef,         # constant integer value
-                                LLVMTypeRef],         # type of the result
-                               LLVMValueRef)
-LLVMAddFunction = llexternal('LLVMAddFunction',
-                             [LLVMModuleRef,                # module
-                              rffi.CCHARP,                  # name
-                              LLVMTypeRef],                 # function type
-                             LLVMValueRef)
-LLVMSetFunctionCallConv = llexternal('LLVMSetFunctionCallConv',
-                                     [LLVMValueRef,         # function
-                                      rffi.UINT],           # new call conv
-                                     lltype.Void)
-LLVMGetParam = llexternal('LLVMGetParam',
-                          [LLVMValueRef,                    # function
-                           rffi.UINT],                      # index
-                          LLVMValueRef)
-LLVMAppendBasicBlock = llexternal('LLVMAppendBasicBlock',
-                                  [LLVMValueRef,            # function
-                                   rffi.CCHARP],            # name
-                                  LLVMBasicBlockRef)
-LLVMSetInstructionCallConv = llexternal('LLVMSetInstructionCallConv',
-                                        [LLVMValueRef,   # call instruction
-                                         rffi.UINT],     # new call conv
-                                        lltype.Void)
-LLVMSetTailCall = llexternal('LLVMSetTailCall',
-                             [LLVMValueRef,        # call instruction
-                              rffi.INT],           # flag: is_tail
-                             lltype.Void)
-LLVMAddIncoming = llexternal('LLVMAddIncoming',
-                             [LLVMValueRef,                 # phi node
-                              rffi.CArrayPtr(LLVMValueRef), # incoming values
-                              rffi.CArrayPtr(LLVMBasicBlockRef), # incom.blocks
-                              rffi.UINT],                   # count
-                             lltype.Void)
-LLVMCreateBuilder = llexternal('LLVMCreateBuilder', [], LLVMBuilderRef)
-LLVMPositionBuilderAtEnd = llexternal('LLVMPositionBuilderAtEnd',
-                                      [LLVMBuilderRef,      # builder
-                                       LLVMBasicBlockRef],  # block
-                                      lltype.Void)
-LLVMGetInsertBlock = llexternal('LLVMGetInsertBlock', [LLVMBuilderRef],
-                                LLVMBasicBlockRef)
-LLVMDisposeBuilder = llexternal('LLVMDisposeBuilder', [LLVMBuilderRef],
-                                lltype.Void)
-LLVMBuildRet = llexternal('LLVMBuildRet', [LLVMBuilderRef,  # builder,
-                                           LLVMValueRef],   # result
-                          LLVMValueRef)
-LLVMBuildBr = llexternal('LLVMBuildBr', [LLVMBuilderRef,    # builder,
-                                         LLVMBasicBlockRef],# destination block
-                         LLVMValueRef)
-LLVMBuildCondBr = llexternal('LLVMBuildCondBr',
-                             [LLVMBuilderRef,      # builder
-                              LLVMValueRef,        # condition
-                              LLVMBasicBlockRef,   # block if true
-                              LLVMBasicBlockRef],  # block if false
-                             LLVMValueRef)
-for _name in ['Add', 'Sub', 'Mul', 'SDiv', 'SRem', 'Shl', 'LShr', 'AShr',
-              'And', 'Or', 'Xor']:
-    globals()['LLVMBuild' + _name] = llexternal('LLVMBuild' + _name,
-        [LLVMBuilderRef,  # builder
-         LLVMValueRef,    # left-hand side
-         LLVMValueRef,    # right-hand side
-         rffi.CCHARP],    # name of result
-        LLVMValueRef)
-for _name in ['Neg', 'Not']:
-    globals()['LLVMBuild' + _name] = llexternal('LLVMBuild' + _name,
-        [LLVMBuilderRef,  # builder
-         LLVMValueRef,    # argument
-         rffi.CCHARP],    # name of result
-        LLVMValueRef)
-LLVMBuildLoad = llexternal('LLVMBuildLoad',
-                           [LLVMBuilderRef,     # builder
-                            LLVMValueRef,       # pointer location
-                            rffi.CCHARP],       # name of result
-                           LLVMValueRef)
-LLVMBuildStore = llexternal('LLVMBuildStore',
-                            [LLVMBuilderRef,    # builder
-                             LLVMValueRef,      # value
-                             LLVMValueRef],     # pointer location
-                            LLVMValueRef)
-LLVMBuildGEP = llexternal('LLVMBuildGEP',       # GEP = 'getelementptr'
-                          [LLVMBuilderRef,      # builder
-                           LLVMValueRef,        # base pointer
-                           rffi.CArrayPtr(LLVMValueRef),  # indices
-                           rffi.UINT,           # num indices
-                           rffi.CCHARP],        # name of result
-                          LLVMValueRef)
-LLVMBuildTrunc = llexternal('LLVMBuildTrunc',
-                            [LLVMBuilderRef,    # builder
-                             LLVMValueRef,      # value
-                             LLVMTypeRef,       # destination type
-                             rffi.CCHARP],      # name of result
-                            LLVMValueRef)
-LLVMBuildZExt = llexternal('LLVMBuildZExt',
-                           [LLVMBuilderRef,    # builder
-                            LLVMValueRef,      # value
-                            LLVMTypeRef,       # destination type
-                            rffi.CCHARP],      # name of result
-                           LLVMValueRef)
-LLVMBuildPtrToInt = llexternal('LLVMBuildPtrToInt',
-                               [LLVMBuilderRef,  # builder
-                                LLVMValueRef,    # value
-                                LLVMTypeRef,     # destination type
-                                rffi.CCHARP],    # name of result
-                               LLVMValueRef)
-LLVMBuildIntToPtr = llexternal('LLVMBuildIntToPtr',
-                               [LLVMBuilderRef,  # builder
-                                LLVMValueRef,    # value
-                                LLVMTypeRef,     # destination type
-                                rffi.CCHARP],    # name of result
-                               LLVMValueRef)
-LLVMBuildBitCast = llexternal('LLVMBuildBitCast',
-                              [LLVMBuilderRef, # builder
-                               LLVMValueRef,   # value
-                               LLVMTypeRef,    # destination type
-                               rffi.CCHARP],   # name of result
-                              LLVMValueRef)
-LLVMBuildICmp = llexternal('LLVMBuildICmp',
-                           [LLVMBuilderRef,  # builder
-                            rffi.INT,        # predicate (see Predicate above)
-                            LLVMValueRef,    # left-hand side
-                            LLVMValueRef,    # right-hand side
-                            rffi.CCHARP],    # name of result
-                           LLVMValueRef)
-LLVMBuildPhi = llexternal('LLVMBuildPhi',
-                          [LLVMBuilderRef,   # builder
-                           LLVMTypeRef,      # type of value
-                           rffi.CCHARP],     # name of result
-                          LLVMValueRef)
-LLVMBuildCall = llexternal('LLVMBuildCall',
-                           [LLVMBuilderRef,               # builder
-                            LLVMValueRef,                 # function
-                            rffi.CArrayPtr(LLVMValueRef), # arguments
-                            rffi.UINT,                    # argument count
-                            rffi.CCHARP],                 # name of result
-                           LLVMValueRef)
-LLVMBuildSelect = llexternal('LLVMBuildSelect',
-                             [LLVMBuilderRef,             # builder
-                              LLVMValueRef,               # if
-                              LLVMValueRef,               # then
-                              LLVMValueRef,               # else
-                              rffi.CCHARP],               # name of result
-                             LLVMValueRef)
-LLVMBuildExtractValue = llexternal('LLVMBuildExtractValue',
-                                   [LLVMBuilderRef,       # builder
-                                    LLVMValueRef,         # aggregated value
-                                    rffi.UINT,            # index
-                                    rffi.CCHARP],         # name of result
-                                   LLVMValueRef)
-LLVMCreateModuleProviderForExistingModule = llexternal(
-    'LLVMCreateModuleProviderForExistingModule', [LLVMModuleRef],
-    LLVMModuleProviderRef)
-# ____________________________________________________________
-LLVMCreateGenericValueOfInt = llexternal('LLVMCreateGenericValueOfInt',
-                                         [LLVMTypeRef,      # type
-                                          rffi.ULONGLONG,   # value
-                                          rffi.INT],        # flag: is_signed
-                                         LLVMGenericValueRef)
-LLVMDisposeGenericValue = llexternal('LLVMDisposeGenericValue',
-                                     [LLVMGenericValueRef], lltype.Void)
-LLVMGenericValueToInt = llexternal('LLVMGenericValueToInt',
-                                   [LLVMGenericValueRef,
-                                    rffi.INT],              # flag: is_signed
-                                   rffi.ULONGLONG)
-LLVMCreateJITCompiler = llexternal('LLVMCreateJITCompiler',
-                                   [rffi.CArrayPtr(LLVMExecutionEngineRef),
-                                    LLVMModuleProviderRef,
-                                    rffi.INT,                      # "fast"
-                                    rffi.CArrayPtr(rffi.CCHARP)],  # -> error
-                                   rffi.INT)
-LLVMDisposeExecutionEngine = llexternal('LLVMDisposeExecutionEngine',
-                                        [LLVMExecutionEngineRef],
-                                        lltype.Void)
-LLVMRunFunction = llexternal('LLVMRunFunction',
-                             [LLVMExecutionEngineRef,
-                              LLVMValueRef,                         # function
-                              rffi.UINT,                            # num args
-                              rffi.CArrayPtr(LLVMGenericValueRef)], # args
-                             LLVMGenericValueRef)   # return value
-LLVM_SetFlags = llexternal('_LLVM_SetFlags', [], lltype.Void)
-LLVM_EE_Create = llexternal('_LLVM_EE_Create', [LLVMModuleRef],
-                            LLVMExecutionEngineRef)
-LLVM_EE_getPointerToFunction = llexternal('_LLVM_EE_getPointerToFunction',
-                                          [LLVMExecutionEngineRef,
-                                           LLVMValueRef],           # function
-                                          rffi.VOIDP)
-LLVM_Intrinsic_add_ovf = llexternal('_LLVM_Intrinsic_add_ovf',
-                                    [LLVMModuleRef, LLVMTypeRef],
-                                    LLVMValueRef)
-LLVM_Intrinsic_sub_ovf = llexternal('_LLVM_Intrinsic_sub_ovf',
-                                    [LLVMModuleRef, LLVMTypeRef],
-                                    LLVMValueRef)
-LLVM_Intrinsic_mul_ovf = llexternal('_LLVM_Intrinsic_mul_ovf',
-                                    [LLVMModuleRef, LLVMTypeRef],
-                                    LLVMValueRef)
diff --git a/pypy/jit/backend/llvm/runner.py b/pypy/jit/backend/llvm/runner.py
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/pypy/jit/backend/llvm/runner.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,731 +0,0 @@
-import sys
-from pypy.rpython.lltypesystem import lltype, llmemory, rffi, rclass, rstr
-from pypy.rpython.lltypesystem.lloperation import llop
-from pypy.rlib.objectmodel import we_are_translated, specialize
-from pypy.rlib import runicode
-from pypy.jit.metainterp.history import AbstractDescr, INT
-from pypy.jit.metainterp.history import BoxInt, BoxPtr
-from pypy.jit.backend.model import AbstractCPU
-from pypy.jit.backend.llvm import llvm_rffi
-from pypy.jit.metainterp import history
-from pypy.jit.metainterp.resoperation import rop, ResOperation
-from pypy.jit.backend.llsupport import symbolic
-from pypy.jit.metainterp.typesystem import llhelper
-history.TreeLoop._llvm_compiled_index = -1
-class LLVMCPU(object):
-    ts = llhelper
-    RAW_VALUE = rffi.CFixedArray(rffi.ULONGLONG, 1)
-    SIGNED_VALUE = rffi.CFixedArray(lltype.Signed, 1)
-    POINTER_VALUE = rffi.CFixedArray(llmemory.GCREF, 1)
-    SIZE_GCPTR   = 0
-    SIZE_INT     = 1
-    SIZE_CHAR    = 2
-    def __init__(self, rtyper, stats=None, translate_support_code=False,
-                 annmixlevel=None, gcdescr=None):
-        self.rtyper = rtyper
-        self.translate_support_code = translate_support_code
-        self.compiled_functions = []
-        self.fail_ops = []
-        self.in_out_args = []
-        if translate_support_code:
-            get_size = llmemory.sizeof
-        else:
-            get_size = rffi.sizeof
-        self._arraydescrs = [
-            ArrayDescr(get_size(llmemory.GCREF), self.SIZE_GCPTR),    # 0
-            ArrayDescr(get_size(lltype.Signed),  self.SIZE_INT),      # 1
-            ArrayDescr(get_size(lltype.Char),    self.SIZE_CHAR),     # 2
-            ArrayDescr(get_size(lltype.UniChar), self.SIZE_UNICHAR),  # 3
-            ]
-        self._descr_caches = {}
-        self.fielddescr_vtable = self.fielddescrof(rclass.OBJECT, 'typeptr')
-        if sys.maxint == 2147483647:
-            self.size_of_int = 4
-        else:
-            self.size_of_int = 8
-        if runicode.MAXUNICODE > 0xffff:
-            self.size_of_unicode = 4
-        else:
-            self.size_of_unicode = 2
-        self.gcarray_gcref   = lltype.GcArray(llmemory.GCREF)
-        self.gcarray_signed  = lltype.GcArray(lltype.Signed)
-        self.gcarray_char    = lltype.GcArray(lltype.Char)
-        self.gcarray_unichar = lltype.GcArray(lltype.UniChar)
-        basesize, _, ofs_length = symbolic.get_array_token(
-            self.gcarray_signed, self.translate_support_code)
-        self.array_index_array = basesize
-        self.array_index_length = ofs_length
-        basesize, _, ofs_length = symbolic.get_array_token(
-            rstr.STR, self.translate_support_code)
-        self.string_index_array = basesize
-        self.string_index_length = ofs_length
-        basesize, _, ofs_length = symbolic.get_array_token(
-            rstr.UNICODE, self.translate_support_code)
-        self.unicode_index_array = basesize
-        self.unicode_index_length = ofs_length
-        self.vtable_descr = self.fielddescrof(rclass.OBJECT, 'typeptr')
-        self._ovf_error_instance = self._get_prebuilt_error(OverflowError)
-        self._zer_error_instance = self._get_prebuilt_error(ZeroDivisionError)
-        #
-        # temporary (Boehm only)
-        from pypy.translator.tool.cbuild import ExternalCompilationInfo
-        compilation_info = ExternalCompilationInfo(libraries=['gc'])
-        self.malloc_fn_ptr = rffi.llexternal("GC_malloc",
-                                             [rffi.SIZE_T],
-                                             llmemory.GCREF,
-                                             compilation_info=compilation_info,
-                                             sandboxsafe=True,
-                                             _nowrapper=True)
-        assert rffi.sizeof(rffi.SIZE_T) == self.size_of_int
-    def set_class_sizes(self, class_sizes):
-        self.class_sizes = class_sizes
-    def setup_once(self):
-        if not we_are_translated():
-            llvm_rffi.teardown_now()
-        llvm_rffi.LLVM_SetFlags()
-        self.module = llvm_rffi.LLVMModuleCreateWithName("pypyjit")
-        if self.size_of_int == 4:
-            self.ty_int = llvm_rffi.LLVMInt32Type()
-        else:
-            self.ty_int = llvm_rffi.LLVMInt64Type()
-        if self.size_of_unicode == 2:
-            self.ty_unichar = llvm_rffi.LLVMInt16Type()
-        else:
-            self.ty_unichar = llvm_rffi.LLVMInt32Type()
-        self.ty_void = llvm_rffi.LLVMVoidType()
-        self.ty_bit = llvm_rffi.LLVMInt1Type()
-        self.ty_char = llvm_rffi.LLVMInt8Type()
-        self.ty_char_ptr = llvm_rffi.LLVMPointerType(self.ty_char, 0)
-        self.ty_char_ptr_ptr = llvm_rffi.LLVMPointerType(self.ty_char_ptr, 0)
-        self.ty_int_ptr = llvm_rffi.LLVMPointerType(self.ty_int, 0)
-        self.ty_int_ptr_ptr = llvm_rffi.LLVMPointerType(self.ty_int_ptr, 0)
-        self.ty_unichar_ptr = llvm_rffi.LLVMPointerType(self.ty_unichar, 0)
-        self.const_zero = self._make_const_int(0)
-        self.const_one  = self._make_const_int(1)
-        self.const_null_charptr = self._make_const(0, self.ty_char_ptr)
-        #
-        from pypy.jit.backend.llvm.compile import LLVMJITCompiler
-        self.types_by_index = [self.ty_char_ptr,     # SIZE_GCPTR
-                               self.ty_int,          # SIZE_INT
-                               self.ty_char,         # SIZE_CHAR
-                               self.ty_unichar]      # SIZE_UNICHAR
-        self.types_ptr_by_index = [self.ty_char_ptr_ptr,   # SIZE_GCPTR
-                                   self.ty_int_ptr,        # SIZE_INT
-                                   self.ty_char_ptr,       # SIZE_CHAR
-                                   self.ty_unichar_ptr]    # SIZE_UNICHAR
-        self.getarg_by_index = [LLVMJITCompiler.getptrarg,     # SIZE_GCPTR
-                                LLVMJITCompiler.getintarg,     # SIZE_INT
-                                LLVMJITCompiler.getchararg,    # SIZE_CHAR
-                                LLVMJITCompiler.getunichararg] # SIZE_UNICHAR
-        for i in range(len(self.types_by_index)):
-            arraydescr = self._arraydescrs[i]
-            (arraydescr.ty_array_ptr,
-             self.const_array_index_length,
-             self.const_array_index_array) = \
-                    self._build_ty_array_ptr(self.array_index_array,
-                                             self.types_by_index[i],
-                                             self.array_index_length)
-        (self.ty_string_ptr,
-         self.const_string_index_length,
-         self.const_string_index_array) = \
-                 self._build_ty_array_ptr(self.string_index_array,
-                                          self.ty_char,
-                                          self.string_index_length)
-        (self.ty_unicode_ptr,
-         self.const_unicode_index_length,
-         self.const_unicode_index_array) = \
-                 self._build_ty_array_ptr(self.unicode_index_array,
-                                          self.ty_unichar,
-                                          self.unicode_index_length)
-        #
-        arglist = lltype.malloc(rffi.CArray(llvm_rffi.LLVMTypeRef), 0,
-                                flavor='raw')
-        self.ty_func = llvm_rffi.LLVMFunctionType(self.ty_int, arglist, 0,
-                                                  False)
-        lltype.free(arglist, flavor='raw')
-        #
-        self.f_add_ovf = llvm_rffi.LLVM_Intrinsic_add_ovf(self.module,
-                                                          self.ty_int)
-        self.f_sub_ovf = llvm_rffi.LLVM_Intrinsic_sub_ovf(self.module,
-                                                          self.ty_int)
-        self.f_mul_ovf = llvm_rffi.LLVM_Intrinsic_mul_ovf(self.module,
-                                                          self.ty_int)
-        if we_are_translated():
-            addr = llop.get_exception_addr(llmemory.Address)
-            self.exc_type = rffi.cast(rffi.CArrayPtr(lltype.Signed), addr)
-            addr = llop.get_exc_value_addr(llmemory.Address)
-            self.exc_value = rffi.cast(rffi.CArrayPtr(llmemory.GCREF), addr)
-        else:
-            self.exc_type = lltype.malloc(rffi.CArray(lltype.Signed), 1,
-                                          zero=True, flavor='raw')
-            self.exc_value = lltype.malloc(rffi.CArray(llmemory.GCREF), 1,
-                                           zero=True, flavor='raw')
-        self.backup_exc_type = lltype.malloc(rffi.CArray(lltype.Signed), 1,
-                                             zero=True, flavor='raw')
-        self.backup_exc_value = lltype.malloc(rffi.CArray(llmemory.GCREF), 1,
-                                              zero=True, flavor='raw')
-        self.const_exc_type = self._make_const(self.exc_type,
-                                               self.ty_char_ptr_ptr)
-        self.const_exc_value = self._make_const(self.exc_value,
-                                                self.ty_char_ptr_ptr)
-        self.const_backup_exc_type = self._make_const(self.backup_exc_type,
-                                                      self.ty_char_ptr_ptr)
-        self.const_backup_exc_value = self._make_const(self.backup_exc_value,
-                                                       self.ty_char_ptr_ptr)
-        #
-        self._setup_prebuilt_error('ovf')
-        self._setup_prebuilt_error('zer')
-        #
-        # temporary (Boehm only)
-        param_types = lltype.malloc(rffi.CArray(llvm_rffi.LLVMTypeRef), 1,
-                                    flavor='raw')
-        param_types[0] = self.ty_int
-        self.ty_malloc_fn = llvm_rffi.LLVMPointerType(
-            llvm_rffi.LLVMFunctionType(self.ty_char_ptr, param_types, 1, 0),
-            0)
-        lltype.free(param_types, flavor='raw')
-        #
-        self.ee = llvm_rffi.LLVM_EE_Create(self.module)
-        if not we_are_translated():
-            llvm_rffi.set_teardown_function(self._teardown)
-    def _teardown(self):
-        llvm_rffi.LLVMDisposeExecutionEngine(self.ee)
-    def _get_prebuilt_error(self, Class):
-        "NOT_RPYTHON"
-        if self.rtyper is not None:   # normal case
-            bk = self.rtyper.annotator.bookkeeper
-            clsdef = bk.getuniqueclassdef(Class)
-            ll_inst = self.rtyper.exceptiondata.get_standard_ll_exc_instance(
-                self.rtyper, clsdef)
-        else:
-            # for tests, a random emulated ll_inst will do
-            ll_inst = lltype.malloc(rclass.OBJECT)
-            ll_inst.typeptr = lltype.malloc(rclass.OBJECT_VTABLE,
-                                            immortal=True)
-        return ll_inst
-    @specialize.arg(1)
-    def _setup_prebuilt_error(self, prefix):
-        ll_inst = getattr(self, '_' + prefix + '_error_instance')
-        setattr(self, '_' + prefix + '_error_type',
-                rffi.cast(lltype.Signed, ll_inst.typeptr))
-        setattr(self, '_' + prefix + '_error_value',
-                lltype.cast_opaque_ptr(llmemory.GCREF, ll_inst))
-        setattr(self, 'const_' + prefix + '_error_type',
-                self._make_const(ll_inst.typeptr, self.ty_char_ptr))
-        setattr(self, 'const_' + prefix + '_error_value',
-                self._make_const(ll_inst, self.ty_char_ptr))
-    def _build_ty_array_ptr(self, basesize, ty_item, ofs_length):
-        pad1 = ofs_length
-        pad2 = basesize - ofs_length - self.size_of_int
-        assert pad1 >= 0 and pad2 >= 0
-        const_index_length = self._make_const_int(pad1)
-        const_index_array = self._make_const_int(pad1 + 1 + pad2)
-        # build the type "struct{pad1.., length, pad2.., array{type}}"
-        typeslist = lltype.malloc(rffi.CArray(llvm_rffi.LLVMTypeRef),
-                                  pad1+pad2+2, flavor='raw')
-        # add the first padding
-        for n in range(pad1):
-            typeslist[n] = self.ty_char
-        # add the length field
-        typeslist[pad1] = self.ty_int
-        # add the second padding
-        for n in range(pad1+1, pad1+1+pad2):
-            typeslist[n] = self.ty_char
-        # add the array field
-        typeslist[pad1+1+pad2] = llvm_rffi.LLVMArrayType(ty_item, 0)
-        # done
-        ty_array = llvm_rffi.LLVMStructType(typeslist,
-                                            pad1+pad2+2,
-                                            1)
-        lltype.free(typeslist, flavor='raw')
-        ty_array_ptr = llvm_rffi.LLVMPointerType(ty_array, 0)
-        return (ty_array_ptr, const_index_length, const_index_array)
-    # ------------------------------
-    # Compilation
-    def compile_operations(self, loop, _guard_op=None):
-        from pypy.jit.backend.llvm.compile import LLVMJITCompiler
-        compiler = LLVMJITCompiler(self, loop)
-        compiler.compile()
-    def _ensure_in_args(self, count):
-        while len(self.in_out_args) < count:
-            self.in_out_args.append(lltype.malloc(self.RAW_VALUE, flavor='raw'))
-    _ensure_out_args = _ensure_in_args
-    def _make_const_int(self, value):
-        return llvm_rffi.LLVMConstInt(self.ty_int, value, True)
-    def _make_const_char(self, value):
-        assert (value & ~255) == 0, "value is not in range(256)"
-        return llvm_rffi.LLVMConstInt(self.ty_char, value, True)
-    def _make_const_unichar(self, value):
-        #xxx assert something about 'value'
-        return llvm_rffi.LLVMConstInt(self.ty_unichar, value, True)
-    def _make_const_bit(self, value):
-        assert (value & ~1) == 0, "value is not 0 or 1"
-        return llvm_rffi.LLVMConstInt(self.ty_bit, value, True)
-    @specialize.arglltype(1)
-    def _make_const(self, value, ty_result):
-        value_as_signed = rffi.cast(lltype.Signed, value)
-        llvmconstint = self._make_const_int(value_as_signed)
-        llvmconstptr = llvm_rffi.LLVMConstIntToPtr(llvmconstint, ty_result)
-        return llvmconstptr
-    def _get_var_type(self, v):
-        if v.type == INT:
-            return self.ty_int
-        else:
-            return self.ty_char_ptr
-    def _get_pointer_type(self, v):
-        if v.type == INT:
-            return self.ty_int_ptr
-        else:
-            return self.ty_char_ptr_ptr
-    # ------------------------------
-    # Execution
-    def set_future_value_int(self, index, intvalue):
-        p = rffi.cast(lltype.Ptr(self.SIGNED_VALUE), self.in_out_args[index])
-        p[0] = intvalue
-    def set_future_value_ref(self, index, ptrvalue):
-        p = rffi.cast(lltype.Ptr(self.POINTER_VALUE), self.in_out_args[index])
-        p[0] = ptrvalue
-    def execute_operations(self, loop):
-        index = loop._llvm_compiled_index
-        assert index >= 0
-        while True:
-            func_ptr = self.compiled_functions[index]
-            print 'execute_operations: %d (at 0x%x)' % (
-                index,  rffi.cast(lltype.Signed, func_ptr))
-            index = func_ptr()
-            print '\t--->', index
-            if index < 0:
-                break
-        return self.fail_ops[~index]
-    def get_latest_value_int(self, index):
-        p = rffi.cast(lltype.Ptr(self.SIGNED_VALUE), self.in_out_args[index])
-        return p[0]
-    def get_latest_value_ref(self, index):
-        p = rffi.cast(lltype.Ptr(self.POINTER_VALUE), self.in_out_args[index])
-        return p[0]
-    def get_exception(self):
-        return self.backup_exc_type[0]
-    def get_exc_value(self):
-        return self.backup_exc_value[0]
-    def clear_exception(self):
-        self.backup_exc_type[0] = 0
-        self.backup_exc_value[0] = lltype.nullptr(llmemory.GCREF.TO)
-    # XXX wrong, but untested
-    def set_overflow_error(self):
-        self.backup_exc_type[0] = self._ovf_error_type
-        self.backup_exc_value[0] = self._ovf_error_value
-    def set_zero_division_error(self):
-        self.backup_exc_type[0] = self._zer_error_type
-        self.backup_exc_value[0] = self._zer_error_value
-    @staticmethod
-    def cast_adr_to_int(x):
-        return rffi.cast(lltype.Signed, x)
-    @staticmethod
-    def cast_int_to_adr(x):
-        assert x == 0 or x > (1<<20) or x < (-1<<20)
-        if we_are_translated():
-            return rffi.cast(llmemory.Address, x)
-        else:
-            # indirect casting because the above doesn't work with ll2ctypes
-            return llmemory.cast_ptr_to_adr(rffi.cast(llmemory.GCREF, x))
-    def _get_size_index(self, TYPE):
-        if isinstance(TYPE, lltype.Ptr):
-            if TYPE.TO._gckind == 'gc':
-                return self.SIZE_GCPTR
-            else:
-                return self.SIZE_INT
-        else:
-            if TYPE == lltype.Signed or TYPE == lltype.Unsigned:
-                return self.SIZE_INT
-            elif TYPE == lltype.Char or TYPE == lltype.Bool:
-                return self.SIZE_CHAR
-            elif TYPE == lltype.UniChar:
-                return self.SIZE_UNICHAR
-            else:
-                raise BadSizeError(TYPE)
-    def sizeof(self, S):
-        try:
-            return self._descr_caches['size', S]
-        except KeyError:
-            pass
-        descr = SizeDescr(symbolic.get_size(S, self.translate_support_code))
-        self._descr_caches['size', S] = descr
-        return descr
-    def fielddescrof(self, S, fieldname):
-        try:
-            return self._descr_caches['field', S, fieldname]
-        except KeyError:
-            pass
-        ofs, _ = symbolic.get_field_token(S, fieldname,
-                                          self.translate_support_code)
-        size_index = self._get_size_index(getattr(S, fieldname))
-        descr = FieldDescr(ofs, size_index)
-        self._descr_caches['field', S, fieldname] = descr
-        return descr
-    def arraydescrof(self, A):
-        basesize, _, ofs_length = symbolic.get_array_token(A,
-                                               self.translate_support_code)
-        if isinstance(basesize, int):   # else Symbolics, can't be compared...
-            assert self.array_index_array == basesize
-            assert self.array_index_length == ofs_length
-        itemsize_index = self._get_size_index(A.OF)
-        return self._arraydescrs[itemsize_index]
-    def calldescrof(self, FUNC, ARGS, RESULT):
-        args_indices = [self._get_size_index(ARG) for ARG in ARGS]
-        if RESULT is lltype.Void:
-            res_index = -1
-        else:
-            res_index = self._get_size_index(RESULT)
-        #
-        key = ('call', tuple(args_indices), res_index)
-        try:
-            descr = self._descr_caches[key]
-        except KeyError:
-            descr = CallDescr(args_indices, res_index)
-            self._descr_caches[key] = descr
-        return descr
-    def get_calldescr_ty_function_ptr(self, calldescr):
-        if not calldescr.ty_function_ptr:
-            #
-            args_indices = calldescr.args_indices
-            param_types = lltype.malloc(rffi.CArray(llvm_rffi.LLVMTypeRef),
-                                        len(args_indices), flavor='raw')
-            for i in range(len(args_indices)):
-                param_types[i] = self.types_by_index[args_indices[i]]
-            #
-            res_index = calldescr.res_index
-            if res_index < 0:
-                ty_result = self.ty_void
-            else:
-                ty_result = self.types_by_index[res_index]
-            #
-            ty_func = llvm_rffi.LLVMFunctionType(ty_result, param_types,
-                                                 len(args_indices), 0)
-            lltype.free(param_types, flavor='raw')
-            ty_funcptr = llvm_rffi.LLVMPointerType(ty_func, 0)
-            calldescr.ty_function_ptr = ty_funcptr
-            #
-        return calldescr.ty_function_ptr
-    # ------------------------------
-    # do_xxx methods
-    def do_arraylen_gc(self, args, arraydescr):
-        array = args[0].getref_base()
-        p = rffi.cast(lltype.Ptr(self.gcarray_signed), array)
-        res = len(p)
-        return BoxInt(res)
-    def do_strlen(self, args, descr=None):
-        s = args[0].getref_base()
-        p = lltype.cast_opaque_ptr(lltype.Ptr(rstr.STR), s)
-        res = len(p.chars)
-        return BoxInt(res)
-    def do_strgetitem(self, args, descr=None):
-        s = args[0].getref_base()
-        p = lltype.cast_opaque_ptr(lltype.Ptr(rstr.STR), s)
-        res = ord(p.chars[args[1].getint()])
-        return BoxInt(res)
-    def do_unicodelen(self, args, descr=None):
-        s = args[0].getref_base()
-        p = lltype.cast_opaque_ptr(lltype.Ptr(rstr.UNICODE), s)
-        res = len(p.chars)
-        return BoxInt(res)
-    def do_unicodegetitem(self, args, descr=None):
-        s = args[0].getref_base()
-        p = lltype.cast_opaque_ptr(lltype.Ptr(rstr.UNICODE), s)
-        res = ord(p.chars[args[1].getint()])
-        return BoxInt(res)
-    def do_getarrayitem_gc(self, args, arraydescr):
-        array = args[0].getref_base()
-        index = args[1].getint()
-        assert isinstance(arraydescr, ArrayDescr)
-        itemsize_index = arraydescr.itemsize_index
-        if itemsize_index == self.SIZE_GCPTR:
-            p = rffi.cast(lltype.Ptr(self.gcarray_gcref), array)
-            res = p[index]
-            return BoxPtr(res)
-        elif itemsize_index == self.SIZE_INT:
-            p = rffi.cast(lltype.Ptr(self.gcarray_signed), array)
-            res = p[index]
-        elif itemsize_index == self.SIZE_CHAR:
-            p = rffi.cast(lltype.Ptr(self.gcarray_char), array)
-            res = ord(p[index])
-        elif itemsize_index == self.SIZE_UNICHAR:
-            p = rffi.cast(lltype.Ptr(self.gcarray_unichar), array)
-            res = ord(p[index])
-        else:
-            raise BadSizeError
-        return BoxInt(res)
-    @specialize.argtype(1)
-    def _do_getfield(self, struct, fielddescr):
-        assert isinstance(fielddescr, FieldDescr)
-        size_index = fielddescr.size_index
-        if size_index == self.SIZE_GCPTR:
-            p = rffi.cast(rffi.CArrayPtr(llmemory.GCREF), struct)
-            res = p[fielddescr.offset / rffi.sizeof(llmemory.GCREF)]
-            return BoxPtr(res)
-        elif size_index == self.SIZE_INT:
-            p = rffi.cast(rffi.CArrayPtr(lltype.Signed), struct)
-            res = p[fielddescr.offset / rffi.sizeof(lltype.Signed)]
-        elif size_index == self.SIZE_CHAR:
-            p = rffi.cast(rffi.CArrayPtr(lltype.Char), struct)
-            res = ord(p[fielddescr.offset / rffi.sizeof(lltype.Char)])
-        elif size_index == self.SIZE_UNICHAR:
-            p = rffi.cast(rffi.CArrayPtr(lltype.UniChar), struct)
-            res = ord(p[fielddescr.offset / rffi.sizeof(lltype.UniChar)])
-        else:
-            raise BadSizeError
-        return BoxInt(res)
-    def do_getfield_gc(self, args, fielddescr):
-        struct = args[0].getref_base()
-        return self._do_getfield(struct, fielddescr)
-    def do_getfield_raw(self, args, fielddescr):
-        struct = args[0].getaddr(self)
-        return self._do_getfield(struct, fielddescr)
-    def do_new(self, args, sizedescr):
-        assert isinstance(sizedescr, SizeDescr)
-        res = self.malloc_fn_ptr(rffi.cast(rffi.SIZE_T, sizedescr.size))
-        return BoxPtr(res)
-    def do_new_with_vtable(self, args, descr=None):
-        assert descr is None
-        sizedescr = self.class_sizes[args[0].getint()]
-        res = self.malloc_fn_ptr(rffi.cast(rffi.SIZE_T, sizedescr.size))
-        self._do_setfield(res, args[0], self.vtable_descr)
-        return BoxPtr(res)
-    def _allocate_new_array(self, args, item_size, index_array, index_length):
-        length = args[0].getint()
-        #try:
-        size = index_array + length * item_size
-        #except OverflowError:
-        #    ...
-        res = self.malloc_fn_ptr(rffi.cast(rffi.SIZE_T, size))
-        p = rffi.cast(rffi.CArrayPtr(lltype.Signed), res)
-        p[index_length / rffi.sizeof(lltype.Signed)] = length
-        return BoxPtr(res)
-    def do_new_array(self, args, arraydescr):
-        assert isinstance(arraydescr, ArrayDescr)
-        return self._allocate_new_array(args, arraydescr.itemsize,
-                                        self.array_index_array,
-                                        self.array_index_length)
-    def do_setarrayitem_gc(self, args, arraydescr):
-        array = args[0].getref_base()
-        index = args[1].getint()
-        assert isinstance(arraydescr, ArrayDescr)
-        itemsize_index = arraydescr.itemsize_index
-        if itemsize_index == self.SIZE_GCPTR:
-            p = rffi.cast(lltype.Ptr(self.gcarray_gcref), array)
-            res = args[2].getref_base()
-            p[index] = res
-        elif itemsize_index == self.SIZE_INT:
-            p = rffi.cast(lltype.Ptr(self.gcarray_signed), array)
-            res = args[2].getint()
-            p[index] = res
-        elif itemsize_index == self.SIZE_CHAR:
-            p = rffi.cast(lltype.Ptr(self.gcarray_char), array)
-            res = chr(args[2].getint())
-            p[index] = res
-        elif itemsize_index == self.SIZE_UNICHAR:
-            p = rffi.cast(lltype.Ptr(self.gcarray_unichar), array)
-            res = unichr(args[2].getint())
-            p[index] = res
-        else:
-            raise BadSizeError
-    @specialize.argtype(1)
-    def _do_setfield(self, struct, v_value, fielddescr):
-        assert isinstance(fielddescr, FieldDescr)
-        size_index = fielddescr.size_index
-        if size_index == self.SIZE_GCPTR:
-            p = rffi.cast(rffi.CArrayPtr(llmemory.GCREF), struct)
-            res = v_value.getref_base()
-            p[fielddescr.offset / rffi.sizeof(llmemory.GCREF)] = res
-        elif size_index == self.SIZE_INT:
-            p = rffi.cast(rffi.CArrayPtr(lltype.Signed), struct)
-            res = v_value.getint()
-            p[fielddescr.offset / rffi.sizeof(lltype.Signed)] = res
-        elif size_index == self.SIZE_CHAR:
-            p = rffi.cast(rffi.CArrayPtr(lltype.Char), struct)
-            res = chr(v_value.getint())
-            p[fielddescr.offset / rffi.sizeof(lltype.Char)] = res
-        elif size_index == self.SIZE_UNICHAR:
-            p = rffi.cast(rffi.CArrayPtr(lltype.UniChar), struct)
-            res = unichr(v_value.getint())
-            p[fielddescr.offset / rffi.sizeof(lltype.UniChar)] = res
-        else:
-            raise BadSizeError
-    def do_setfield_gc(self, args, fielddescr):
-        struct = args[0].getref_base()
-        self._do_setfield(struct, args[1], fielddescr)
-    def do_setfield_raw(self, args, fielddescr):
-        struct = args[0].getaddr(self)
-        self._do_setfield(struct, args[1], fielddescr)
-    def do_newstr(self, args, descr=None):
-        return self._allocate_new_array(args, 1,
-                                        self.string_index_array,
-                                        self.string_index_length)
-    def do_newunicode(self, args, descr=None):
-        return self._allocate_new_array(args, self.size_of_unicode,
-                                        self.unicode_index_array,
-                                        self.unicode_index_length)
-    def do_strsetitem(self, args, descr=None):
-        s = args[0].getref_base()
-        res = chr(args[2].getint())
-        p = lltype.cast_opaque_ptr(lltype.Ptr(rstr.STR), s)
-        p.chars[args[1].getint()] = res
-    def do_unicodesetitem(self, args, descr=None):
-        s = args[0].getref_base()
-        res = unichr(args[2].getint())
-        p = lltype.cast_opaque_ptr(lltype.Ptr(rstr.UNICODE), s)
-        p.chars[args[1].getint()] = res
-    def _get_loop_for_call(self, argnum, calldescr):
-        loop = calldescr._generated_mp
-        if loop is None:
-            args = [BoxInt() for i in range(argnum + 1)]
-            if calldescr.res_index < 0:
-                result = None
-            elif calldescr.res_index == self.SIZE_GCPTR:
-                result = BoxPtr(lltype.nullptr(llmemory.GCREF.TO))
-            else:
-                result = BoxInt(0)
-            result_list = []
-            if result is not None:
-                result_list.append(result)
-            operations = [
-                ResOperation(rop.CALL, args, result, calldescr),
-                ResOperation(rop.GUARD_NO_EXCEPTION, [], None),
-                ResOperation(rop.FAIL, result_list, None)]
-            operations[1].suboperations = [ResOperation(rop.FAIL, [], None)]
-            loop = history.TreeLoop('call')
-            loop.inputargs = args
-            loop.operations = operations
-            self.compile_operations(loop)
-            calldescr._generated_mp = loop
-        return loop
-    def do_call(self, args, calldescr):
-        assert isinstance(calldescr, CallDescr)
-        num_args = len(calldescr.args_indices)
-        assert num_args == len(args) - 1
-        loop = self._get_loop_for_call(num_args, calldescr)
-        history.set_future_values(self, args)
-        self.execute_operations(loop)
-        # Note: if an exception is set, the rest of the code does a bit of
-        # nonsense but nothing wrong (the return value should be ignored)
-        if calldescr.res_index < 0:
-            return None
-        elif calldescr.res_index == self.SIZE_GCPTR:
-            return BoxPtr(self.get_latest_value_ref(0))
-        else:
-            return BoxInt(self.get_latest_value_int(0))
-    def do_cast_int_to_ptr(self, args, descr=None):
-        int = args[0].getint()
-        res = rffi.cast(llmemory.GCREF, int)
-        return BoxPtr(res)
-    def do_cast_ptr_to_int(self, args, descr=None):
-        ptr = args[0].getref_base()
-        res = rffi.cast(lltype.Signed, ptr)
-        return BoxInt(res)
-class SizeDescr(AbstractDescr):
-    def __init__(self, size):
-        self.size = size
-class FieldDescr(AbstractDescr):
-    def __init__(self, offset, size_index):
-        self.offset = offset
-        self.size_index = size_index    # index in cpu.types_by_index
-    def is_pointer_field(self):
-        return self.size_index == LLVMCPU.SIZE_GCPTR
-class ArrayDescr(AbstractDescr):
-    def __init__(self, itemsize, itemsize_index):
-        self.itemsize = itemsize
-        self.itemsize_index = itemsize_index   # index in cpu.types_by_index
-        self.ty_array_ptr = lltype.nullptr(llvm_rffi.LLVMTypeRef.TO)
-        # ^^^ set by setup_once()
-    def is_array_of_pointers(self):
-        return self.itemsize_index == LLVMCPU.SIZE_GCPTR
-class CallDescr(AbstractDescr):
-    ty_function_ptr = lltype.nullptr(llvm_rffi.LLVMTypeRef.TO)
-    args_indices = [0]   # dummy value to make annotation happy
-    res_index = 0
-    _generated_mp = None
-    #

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