[pypy-commit] pypy default: more cleaning

fijal noreply at buildbot.pypy.org
Sat Oct 13 00:19:19 CEST 2012

Author: Maciej Fijalkowski <fijall at gmail.com>
Changeset: r58088:64820bd14b80
Date: 2012-10-13 00:19 +0200

Log:	more cleaning

diff --git a/pypy/translator/goal/bench-cronjob.py b/pypy/translator/goal/bench-cronjob.py
deleted file mode 100755
--- a/pypy/translator/goal/bench-cronjob.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,141 +0,0 @@
-#! /usr/bin/env python
-import os
-homedir = os.getenv('HOME')
-os.environ['PATH'] += ':'+homedir+'/bin'
-import autopath
-import py
-import time, os, sys, stat
-os.umask(022)      # allow everyone to read/execute the produced pypy-c's
-tmpdir  = py.std.tempfile.gettempdir() + '/usession-' + os.environ['USER'] + '/'
-cflags  = "-O3"
-lflags  = "-lgc -lm -lpthread"
-dry_run = False
-def run(cmd):
-    print 'RUN:', cmd
-    sys.stdout.flush()
-    result = 0  #OK
-    if not dry_run:
-        result = os.system(cmd) #note: result is system dependent but works on Linux the way we want
-    return result
-def update_pypy():
-    os.chdir(homedir + '/projects/pypy-trunk')
-    run('/usr/local/bin/svn up 2>&1')
-def compile(backend):
-    try:
-        backend, features = backend.split('--', 1)
-        featureoptions = ''.join([" --" + f     for f in features.split('--') if f[0] != '_'])
-        targetoptions  = ''.join([" --" + f[1:] for f in features.split('--') if f[0] == '_'])
-    except:
-        features       = ''
-        featureoptions = ''
-        targetoptions  = ''
-    translateoptions = ''
-    def normalize(f):
-        if f.startswith('_'):
-            f = f[1:]
-        if f.startswith('profopt'):
-            f = 'prof'
-        return f
-    features = '--'.join([normalize(f) for f in features.split('--')])
-    os.chdir(homedir + '/projects/pypy-trunk/pypy/translator/goal')
-    run('/usr/local/bin/python translate.py --backend=%(backend)s%(featureoptions)s%(translateoptions)s --batch targetpypystandalone.py %(targetoptions)s 2>&1' % locals())
-    os.chdir(homedir + '/projects/pypy-trunk')
-    try:
-        revision = '%d' % (py.path.svnwc('.').info().rev,)
-    except:
-        revision = 'unknown'
-    basename = homedir + '/projects/pypy-trunk/pypy/translator/goal/' + 'pypy-' + backend
-    realname = basename + '-' + revision
-    if features:
-        realname += "-" + features
-    if os.path.exists(basename):                   #copy executable
-        run("mv %s %s" % (basename, realname))
-        if backend == 'cli':
-            basename_dir = basename + '-data'
-            realname_dir = realname + '-data'
-            run("mv %s %s" % (basename_dir, realname_dir))
-        elif backend == 'jvm':
-            basename_jar = basename + '.jar'
-            realname_jar = realname + '.jar'
-            run("mv %s %s" % (basename_jar, realname_jar))
-        #pypy = open(basename, 'rb').read()
-        #if len(pypy) > 0:
-        #    open(realname, 'wb').write(pypy)
-        #os.chmod(realname, stat.S_IRWXU)
-        #os.unlink(basename)
-def get_load():
-    g = os.popen('uptime', 'r')
-    buf = g.read().strip()
-    g.close()
-    return buf
-def benchmark():
-    os.chdir(homedir + '/projects/pypy-trunk/pypy/translator/goal')
-    uname = os.popen('uname -a', 'r').read()
-    startload = get_load()
-#    result = run('/usr/local/bin/withlock /tmp/cpu_cycles_lock /usr/local/bin/python bench-unix.py 2>&1 | tee benchmark.txt' % locals())
-    result = run('/usr/local/bin/python bench-unix.py 2>&1 | tee benchmark.txt' % locals())
-    endload = get_load()
-    if not dry_run and result == 0:
-        f = open('benchmark.html', 'w')
-        print >> f, "<html><body>"
-        print >> f, "<pre>"
-        print >> f, "uname -a:", uname
-        print >> f, "Benchmark started:", startload
-        print >> f, "            ended:", endload
-        print >> f
-        f.write(open('benchmark.txt').read())
-        print >> f, "</pre>"
-        print >> f, "</body></html>"
-        f.close()
-def main(backends=[]):
-    if backends == []:  #_ prefix means target specific option, # prefix to outcomment
-        backends = [backend.strip() for backend in """
-            c--opt=0--_no-allworkingmodules
-            c--stackless--gc=boehm--opt=3--_no-allworkingmodules
-            c--gc=boehm--opt=3
-            c--thread--gc=hybrid--opt=3--_no-allworkingmodules
-            c--gc=semispace--opt=3--_no-allworkingmodules
-            c--gc=generation--opt=3--_no-allworkingmodules
-            c--gc=hybrid--opt=3--_no-allworkingmodules
-            cli--opt=3--_no-allworkingmodules
-            jvm--opt=3--_no-allworkingmodules
-            jvm--inline-threshold=0--opt=3--_no-allworkingmodules
-            """.split('\n') if backend.strip() and not backend.strip().startswith('#')]
-    print time.ctime()
-    update_pypy()
-    for backend in backends:
-        try:
-            compile(backend)
-        except:
-            raise
-            pass
-    benchmark()
-    print time.ctime()
-    print 80*'-'
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-    args = sys.argv[1:]
-    if args and args[0] == '--benchmark-only':
-        benchmark()
-    else:
-        if args and args[0] == '--dry-run':
-            del args[0]
-            dry_run = True
-        main(args)
diff --git a/pypy/translator/goal/bench-unix.py b/pypy/translator/goal/bench-unix.py
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/pypy/translator/goal/bench-unix.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,171 +0,0 @@
-# benchmarks on a unix machine.
-# to be executed in the goal folder,
-# where a couple of pypy-* files is expected.
-import os, sys, time, pickle
-PYSTONE_CMD = 'from test import pystone;pystone.main(%s)'
-PYSTONE_PATTERN = 'This machine benchmarks at'
-RICHARDS_CMD = 'from richards import *;main(iterations=%d)'
-RICHARDS_PATTERN = 'Average time per iteration:'
-class BenchmarkResult(object):
-    def __init__(self, filename, max_results=10):
-        self.filename    = filename
-        self.max_results = max_results
-        if os.path.exists(filename):
-            f = open(filename, 'r')
-            self.n_results   = pickle.load(f)
-            self.best_result = pickle.load(f)
-            f.close()
-            # any exception while loading the file is best reported
-            # as a crash, instead of as a silent loss of all the
-            # data :-/
-        else:
-            self.n_results   = {}
-            self.best_result = {}
-    def is_stable(self, name):
-        try:
-            return self.n_results[name] >= self.max_results
-        except:
-            return False
-    def update(self, name, result, ascending_good):
-        try:
-            if ascending_good:
-                self.best_result[name] = max(self.best_result[name], result)
-            else:
-                self.best_result[name] = min(self.best_result[name], result)
-        except KeyError:
-            self.n_results[name] = 0
-            self.best_result[name] = result
-        self.n_results[name] += 1
-        f = open(self.filename, 'w')
-        pickle.dump(self.n_results  , f)
-        pickle.dump(self.best_result, f)
-        f.close()
-    def get_best_result(self, name):
-        return self.best_result[name]
-def get_result(txt, pattern):
-    for line in txt.split('\n'):
-        if line.startswith(pattern):
-            break
-    else:
-        print 'warning: this is no valid output'
-        return 99999.0
-    return float(line.split()[len(pattern.split())])
-def run_cmd(cmd):
-    #print "running", cmd
-    pipe = os.popen(cmd + ' 2>&1')
-    return pipe.read()
-def run_pystone(executable='/usr/local/bin/python', n=0):
-    argstr = PYSTONE_CMD % (str(n) and n or '')
-    txt = run_cmd('"%s" -c "%s"' % (executable, argstr))
-    return get_result(txt, PYSTONE_PATTERN)
-def run_richards(executable='/usr/local/bin/python', n=5):
-    argstr = RICHARDS_CMD % n
-    txt = run_cmd('"%s" -c "%s"' % (executable, argstr))
-    return get_result(txt, RICHARDS_PATTERN)
-def get_executables():  #sorted by revision number (highest first)
-    exes = []
-    for exe in [os.path.join('.', name) for name in os.listdir('.') if name.startswith('pypy-')]:
-        if os.path.isdir(exe) or exe.endswith('.jar'):
-            continue
-        try:
-            exes.append( (exe.split('-')[2], exe) )
-        except:
-            pass    #skip filenames without version number
-    exes.sort()
-    exes.reverse()
-    exes = [s[1] for s in exes]
-    return exes
-def main():
-    benchmark_result = BenchmarkResult('bench-unix.benchmark_result')
-    print 'date                           size codesize    executable                                                      richards            pystone'
-    sys.stdout.flush()
-    ref_rich, ref_stone = None, None
-#    for exe in '/usr/local/bin/python2.5 python2.4 python2.3'.split():
-    for exe in 'python2.4 python2.3'.split():
-        v = os.popen(exe + ' -c "import sys;print sys.version.split()[0]"').read().strip()
-        if not v:
-            continue
-        r = v + '_richards'
-        if not benchmark_result.is_stable(r):
-            benchmark_result.update(r, run_richards(exe), RICHARDS_ASCENDING_GOOD)
-        rich = benchmark_result.get_best_result(r)
-        if not ref_rich:
-            ref_rich = rich
-        p = v + '_pystone'
-        if not benchmark_result.is_stable(p):
-            benchmark_result.update(p, run_pystone(exe), PYSTONE_ASCENDING_GOOD)
-        stone = benchmark_result.get_best_result(p)
-        if not ref_stone:
-            ref_stone = stone
-        fmt = '%-26s %8s %8s    <a href="microbench-archive/%s.txt">%-60s</a>   %6dms (%6.1fx)   %6d (%6.1fx)'
-        print fmt % (time.ctime(), '-', '-', 'python', 'CPython ' + v, rich, rich / ref_rich, stone, stone / ref_stone)
-        sys.stdout.flush()
-    for exe in get_executables():
-        exename = os.path.splitext(exe)[0].lstrip('./')
-        ctime   = time.ctime( os.path.getmtime(exename) )
-        #compute microbenchmark results (only once)
-        f = '../microbench/archive/%s.txt' % exe
-        if not os.path.exists(f) or os.stat(f).st_size < 100:
-            os.chdir('../microbench')
-            run_cmd('python2.4 ./microbench.py python2.4 "../goal/%s" > "archive/%s.txt"' % (exe, exe))
-            os.chdir('../goal')
-        r = exe + '_richards'
-        if not benchmark_result.is_stable(r):
-            #continue with our regular benchmarks
-            benchmark_result.update(r, run_richards(exe, 1), RICHARDS_ASCENDING_GOOD)
-        rich = benchmark_result.get_best_result(r)
-        p = exe + '_pystone'
-        if not benchmark_result.is_stable(p):
-            benchmark_result.update(p, run_pystone(exe), PYSTONE_ASCENDING_GOOD)
-        stone = benchmark_result.get_best_result(p)
-        if 'pypy-cli' in exename:
-            dirname = exename + '-data'
-            codesize = 'N/A'
-            try:
-                exesize = os.path.getsize(os.path.join(dirname, 'main.exe'))
-            except OSError:
-                exesize = 'XXX'
-        elif 'pypy-jvm' in exename:
-            jarname = exename + '.jar'
-            codesize = 'N/A'
-            try:
-                exesize = os.path.getsize(jarname)
-            except OSError:
-                exesize = 'XXX'
-        else:
-            codesize = os.popen('size "%s" | tail -n1 | cut -f1'%(exename,)).read().strip()
-            exesize = os.path.getsize(exe)
-        print fmt % (ctime, exesize, codesize, exename, exename, rich, rich / ref_rich, stone, ref_stone / stone)
-        sys.stdout.flush()
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-    main()
diff --git a/pypy/translator/goal/bench-windows.py b/pypy/translator/goal/bench-windows.py
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/pypy/translator/goal/bench-windows.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,186 +0,0 @@
-# benchmarks on a windows machine.
-# to be executed in the goal folder,
-# where a couple of .exe files is expected.
-# usage with high priority:
-# the program will try to import subprocess.
-# you can have this with python older than 2.4: copy
-# subprocess into lib and change line 392 to use win32
-current_result = """
-executable                  richards         pystone            size (MB)
-pypy-c-17439               37413   47.7x      678.4   60.7x       5.65
-pypy-c-17600-lo            26352   33.6x      906.2   45.4x       6.43
-pypy-c-17634-lo            20108   25.7x     1023.5   40.2x       6.42
-pypy-c-17649-lo            22612   28.9x     1042.0   39.5x       6.41
-pypy-c-17674-lo            19248   24.6x     1358.8   30.3x       6.40
-pypy-c-17674               12402   15.8x     1941.4   21.2x       7.37
-pypy-c-17439-lo            29638   37.8x      971.4   42.4x       6.49
-pypy-c-17707               14095   18.0x     2092.7   19.7x       7.37
-pypy-c-17707-lo            19102   24.4x     1354.7   30.4x       6.40
-pypy-c-17707-lo-range      18786   24.0x     2800.8   14.7x       6.40
-pypy-c-17707-range         13980   17.8x     2899.9   14.2x       7.38
-pypy-c-17743               13944   17.8x     2800.3   14.7x       7.30
-pypy-c-17761-samuele       13243   16.9x     2983.3   13.8x       7.69
-pypy-c-17794-ref-crash     41088   52.4x     1084.5   37.9x      14.62
-pypy-c-17950               12888   16.4x     3203.0   12.8x       5.49
-pypy-c-18236                9263   11.8x     3702.8   11.1x       5.12
-python 2.4.1                 783    1.0x    41150.3    1.0x       0.96
-Defaults are: --gc=boehm
-'lo' indicates --lowmem
-STarting with rev. 18236, gc_pypy.dll is used
-import os, sys, pickle, md5
-    from subprocess import *
-except ImportError:
-    Popen = None
-PYSTONE_CMD = 'from test import pystone;pystone.main(%s)'
-PYSTONE_PATTERN = 'This machine benchmarks at'
-RICHARDS_CMD = 'from richards import *;main(iterations=%d)'
-RICHARDS_PATTERN = 'Average time per iteration:'
-def get_result(txt, pattern):
-    for line in txt.split('\n'):
-        if line.startswith(pattern):
-            break
-    else:
-        raise ValueError, 'this is no valid output: %r' % txt
-    return float(line.split()[len(pattern.split())])
-def run_cmd(cmd):
-    print "running", cmd
-    pipe = os.popen(cmd + ' 2>&1')
-    result = pipe.read()
-    print "done"
-    return result
-def run_cmd_subprocess(cmd):
-    print "running", cmd
-    result = Popen(cmd, stdout=PIPE, creationflags=CREATIONFLAGS
-                   ).communicate()[0]
-    print "done"
-    return result
-if Popen:
-    run_cmd = run_cmd_subprocess
-    try:
-        import win32con, win32api
-    except ImportError:
-        pass
-    else:
-        if USE_HIGH_PRIORITY:
-            print "configured to run under high priority"
-BENCH_EXECONFIG = '_bench_windows_exe.txt'
-bench_exe = None
-def reference(progname):
-    global bench_exe
-    if not bench_exe:
-        if os.path.exists(BENCH_EXECONFIG):
-            progname = file(BENCH_EXECONFIG).read().strip()
-            print "using %s instead of the system default" % progname
-        bench_exe = progname
-    return bench_exe
-def run_version_size(executable=reference('python'), *args):
-    ver, size, dll = run_cmd('%s -c "import sys, os; print sys.version.split()[0], '
-                             'os.path.getsize(sys.executable), sys.dllhandle"'
-                             % executable).split()
-    size = int(size)
-    try:
-        import win32api
-    except ImportError:
-        pass
-    else:
-        size += os.path.getsize(win32api.GetModuleFileName(int(dll)))
-    return ver, size
-def run_pystone(executable=reference('python'), n=0, rpy=False):
-    if rpy:
-        txt = run_cmd('%s pystone' % executable)
-    else:
-        argstr = PYSTONE_CMD % (str(n) and n or '')
-        txt = run_cmd('%s -c "%s"' % (executable, argstr))
-    res = get_result(txt, PYSTONE_PATTERN)
-    print res
-    return res
-def run_richards(executable=reference('python'), n=20, rpy=False):
-    if rpy:
-        txt = run_cmd('%s richards' % executable)
-    else:
-        argstr = RICHARDS_CMD % n
-        txt = run_cmd('%s -c "%s"' % (executable, argstr))
-    res = get_result(txt, RICHARDS_PATTERN)
-    print res
-    return res
-def get_executables():
-    exes = [name for name in os.listdir('.') if name.endswith('.exe')]
-    exes.sort()
-    return exes
-STAT_FILE = '_bench_windows.dump'
-def load_stats(statfile=STAT_FILE):
-    try:
-        dic = pickle.load(file(statfile, 'rb'))
-    except IOError:
-        dic = {}
-    return dic
-def save_stats(dic, statfile=STAT_FILE):
-    pickle.dump(dic, file(statfile, 'wb'))
-HEADLINE = '''\
-executable                  richards           pystone            size (MB)'''
-FMT = '''\
-%-27s'''             +    '%5d  %5.1fx' +  '  %9.1f  %5.1fx       %5.3f'
-FMT2 = '''\
-%-27s'''             +  '%5.3f  %5.1f/' +  '  %9.1f  %5.1f/       %5.3f'
-def main():
-    print 'getting the richards reference'
-    ref_rich = run_richards()
-    print 'getting the pystone reference'
-    ref_stone = run_pystone()
-    resdic = {}
-    prior = load_stats()
-    for exe in get_executables():
-        exename = os.path.splitext(exe)[0]
-        mtime = os.path.getmtime(exe)
-        size = os.path.getsize(exe)
-        rpy = size < 500000
-        key = md5.new(file(exe,'rb').read()).digest()
-        if key in prior:
-            print 'skipped', exename
-            resdic[key] = prior[key][:2] + (exename, mtime, size)
-        else:
-            resdic[key] = (run_richards(exe, 2,rpy), run_pystone(exe, 20000, rpy),
-                           exename, mtime, size)
-            prior[key] = resdic[key] # save result, temporarily
-            save_stats(prior)
-    save_stats(resdic) # save cleaned result
-    res = [ (stone / rich, exe, size, rich, stone)
-            for rich, stone, exe, mtime, size in resdic.values()]
-    version, size = run_version_size()
-    res.append( (ref_stone/ref_rich, 'python %s' % version, size, ref_rich, ref_stone) )
-    res.sort()
-    print HEADLINE
-    for speed2, exe, size, rich, stone in res:
-        if speed2 <= ref_stone/ref_rich:
-            print FMT % (exe, rich, rich / ref_rich, stone, ref_stone / stone,
-                         size / float(1024 * 1024))
-        else:
-            print FMT2 % (exe, rich, ref_rich / rich, stone, stone / ref_stone,
-                          size / float(1024 * 1024))
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-    main()

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