[pypy-commit] pypy remove-translator-platform: remove moved file

fijal noreply at buildbot.pypy.org
Tue May 22 14:27:41 CEST 2012

Author: Maciej Fijalkowski <fijall at gmail.com>
Branch: remove-translator-platform
Changeset: r55156:0f00a76b9cd6
Date: 2012-05-22 14:27 +0200

Log:	remove moved file

diff --git a/pypy/translator/tool/test/test_cbuild.py b/pypy/translator/tool/test/test_cbuild.py
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/pypy/translator/tool/test/test_cbuild.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,141 +0,0 @@
-import py
-from pypy.tool.udir import udir
-from platformer.cbuild import ExternalCompilationInfo
-class TestEci:
-    def setup_class(cls):
-        tmpdir = udir.ensure('testeci', dir=1)
-        c_file = tmpdir.join('module.c')
-        c_file.write(py.code.Source('''
-        int sum(int x, int y)
-        {
-            return x + y;
-        }
-        '''))
-        cls.modfile = c_file
-        cls.tmpdir = tmpdir
-    def test_merge(self):
-        e1 = ExternalCompilationInfo(
-            pre_include_bits   = ['1'],
-            includes           = ['x.h'],
-            post_include_bits  = ['p1']
-        )
-        e2 = ExternalCompilationInfo(
-            pre_include_bits   = ['2'],
-            includes           = ['x.h', 'y.h'],
-            post_include_bits  = ['p2'],
-        )
-        e3 = ExternalCompilationInfo(
-            pre_include_bits   = ['3'],
-            includes           = ['y.h', 'z.h'],
-            post_include_bits  = ['p1', 'p3']
-        )
-        e = e1.merge(e2, e3)
-        assert e.pre_include_bits == ('1', '2', '3')
-        assert e.includes == ('x.h', 'y.h', 'z.h')
-        assert e.post_include_bits == ('p1', 'p2', 'p3')
-    def test_merge2(self):
-        e1 = ExternalCompilationInfo(
-            pre_include_bits  = ['1'],
-            link_files = ['1.c']
-        )
-        e2 = ExternalCompilationInfo(
-            pre_include_bits  = ['2'],
-            link_files = ['1.c', '2.c']
-        )
-        e3 = ExternalCompilationInfo(
-            pre_include_bits  = ['3'],
-            link_files = ['1.c', '2.c', '3.c']
-        )
-        e = e1.merge(e2)
-        e = e.merge(e3, e3)
-        assert e.pre_include_bits == ('1', '2', '3')
-        assert e.link_files == ('1.c', '2.c', '3.c')
-    def test_convert_sources_to_c_files(self):
-        eci = ExternalCompilationInfo(
-            separate_module_sources = ['xxx'],
-            separate_module_files = ['x.c'],
-        )
-        cache_dir = udir.join('test_convert_sources').ensure(dir=1)
-        neweci = eci.convert_sources_to_files(cache_dir)
-        assert not neweci.separate_module_sources
-        res = neweci.separate_module_files
-        assert len(res) == 2
-        assert res[0] == 'x.c'
-        assert str(res[1]).startswith(str(cache_dir))
-        e = ExternalCompilationInfo()
-        assert e.convert_sources_to_files() is e
-    def test_make_shared_lib(self):
-        eci = ExternalCompilationInfo(
-            separate_module_sources = ['''
-            int get()
-            {
-                return 42;
-            }'''],
-            export_symbols = ['get']
-        )
-        neweci = eci.compile_shared_lib()
-        assert len(neweci.libraries) == 1
-        try:
-            import ctypes
-        except ImportError:
-            py.test.skip("Need ctypes for that test")
-        assert ctypes.CDLL(neweci.libraries[0]).get() == 42
-        assert not neweci.separate_module_sources
-        assert not neweci.separate_module_files
-    def test_from_compiler_flags(self):
-        flags = ('-I/some/include/path -I/other/include/path '
-                 '-DMACRO1 -D_MACRO2=baz -?1 -!2')
-        eci = ExternalCompilationInfo.from_compiler_flags(flags)
-        assert eci.pre_include_bits == ('#define MACRO1 1',
-                                        '#define _MACRO2 baz')
-        assert eci.includes == ()
-        assert eci.include_dirs == ('/some/include/path',
-                                    '/other/include/path')
-        assert eci.compile_extra == ('-?1', '-!2')
-    def test_from_linker_flags(self):
-        flags = ('-L/some/lib/path -L/other/lib/path '
-                 '-lmylib1 -lmylib2 -?1 -!2')
-        eci = ExternalCompilationInfo.from_linker_flags(flags)
-        assert eci.libraries == ('mylib1', 'mylib2')
-        assert eci.library_dirs == ('/some/lib/path',
-                                    '/other/lib/path')
-        assert eci.link_extra == ('-?1', '-!2')
-    def test_from_config_tool(self):
-        sdlconfig = py.path.local.sysfind('sdl-config')
-        if not sdlconfig:
-            py.test.skip("sdl-config not installed")
-        eci = ExternalCompilationInfo.from_config_tool('sdl-config')
-        assert 'SDL' in eci.libraries
-    def test_from_missing_config_tool(self):
-        py.test.raises(ImportError,
-                       ExternalCompilationInfo.from_config_tool,
-                       'dxowqbncpqympqhe-config')
-    def test_platforms(self):
-        from platformer import Platform
-        class Maemo(Platform):
-            def __init__(self, cc=None):
-                self.cc = cc
-        eci = ExternalCompilationInfo(platform=Maemo())
-        eci2 = ExternalCompilationInfo()
-        assert eci != eci2
-        assert hash(eci) != hash(eci2)
-        assert repr(eci) != repr(eci2)
-        py.test.raises(Exception, eci2.merge, eci)
-        assert eci.merge(eci).platform == Maemo()
-        assert (ExternalCompilationInfo(platform=Maemo(cc='xxx')) !=
-                ExternalCompilationInfo(platform=Maemo(cc='yyy')))
-        assert (repr(ExternalCompilationInfo(platform=Maemo(cc='xxx'))) !=
-                repr(ExternalCompilationInfo(platform=Maemo(cc='yyy'))))

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