[pypy-commit] pypy ffi-backend: (fijal, arigo)

arigo noreply at buildbot.pypy.org
Thu Jun 21 18:23:02 CEST 2012

Author: Armin Rigo <arigo at tunes.org>
Branch: ffi-backend
Changeset: r55750:8bd00ebe9e89
Date: 2012-06-21 18:21 +0200

Log:	(fijal, arigo) Import all the tests from hg: cffi/c/test_c.py.
	Infinite amount of funs fighting various parts of the test running

diff --git a/pypy/module/_ffi_backend/test/_backend_test_c.py b/pypy/module/_ffi_backend/test/_backend_test_c.py
new file mode 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pypy/module/_ffi_backend/test/_backend_test_c.py
@@ -0,0 +1,775 @@
+# ____________________________________________________________
+def size_of_int():
+    BInt = new_primitive_type("int")
+    return sizeof(BInt)
+def size_of_long():
+    BLong = new_primitive_type("long")
+    return sizeof(BLong)
+def size_of_ptr():
+    BInt = new_primitive_type("int")
+    BPtr = new_pointer_type(BInt)
+    return sizeof(BPtr)
+def find_and_load_library(name):
+    import ctypes.util
+    path = ctypes.util.find_library(name)
+    return load_library(path)
+def test_load_library():
+    x = find_and_load_library('c')
+    assert repr(x).startswith("<clibrary '")
+def test_nonstandard_integer_types():
+    d = nonstandard_integer_types()
+    assert type(d) is dict
+    assert 'char' not in d
+    assert d['size_t'] in (0x1004, 0x1008)
+    assert d['size_t'] == d['ssize_t'] + 0x1000
+def test_new_primitive_type():
+    py.test.raises(KeyError, new_primitive_type, "foo")
+    p = new_primitive_type("signed char")
+    assert repr(p) == "<ctype 'signed char'>"
+def test_cast_to_signed_char():
+    p = new_primitive_type("signed char")
+    x = cast(p, -65 + 17*256)
+    assert repr(x) == "<cdata 'signed char'>"
+    assert repr(type(x)) == "<type '_ffi_backend.CData'>"
+    assert int(x) == -65
+    x = cast(p, -66 + (1<<199)*256)
+    assert repr(x) == "<cdata 'signed char'>"
+    assert int(x) == -66
+    assert (x == cast(p, -66)) is False
+    assert (x != cast(p, -66)) is True
+    q = new_primitive_type("short")
+    assert (x == cast(q, -66)) is False
+    assert (x != cast(q, -66)) is True
+def test_sizeof_type():
+    py.test.raises(TypeError, sizeof, 42.5)
+    p = new_primitive_type("short")
+    assert sizeof(p) == 2
+def test_integer_types():
+    for name in ['signed char', 'short', 'int', 'long', 'long long']:
+        p = new_primitive_type(name)
+        size = sizeof(p)
+        min = -(1 << (8*size-1))
+        max = (1 << (8*size-1)) - 1
+        assert int(cast(p, min)) == min
+        assert int(cast(p, max)) == max
+        assert int(cast(p, min - 1)) == max
+        assert int(cast(p, max + 1)) == min
+        assert long(cast(p, min - 1)) == max
+    for name in ['char', 'short', 'int', 'long', 'long long']:
+        p = new_primitive_type('unsigned ' + name)
+        size = sizeof(p)
+        max = (1 << (8*size)) - 1
+        assert int(cast(p, 0)) == 0
+        assert int(cast(p, max)) == max
+        assert int(cast(p, -1)) == max
+        assert int(cast(p, max + 1)) == 0
+        assert long(cast(p, -1)) == max
+def test_no_float_on_int_types():
+    p = new_primitive_type('long')
+    py.test.raises(TypeError, float, cast(p, 42))
+def test_float_types():
+    INF = 1E200 * 1E200
+    for name in ["float", "double"]:
+        p = new_primitive_type(name)
+        assert bool(cast(p, 0))
+        assert bool(cast(p, INF))
+        assert bool(cast(p, -INF))
+        assert int(cast(p, -150)) == -150
+        assert int(cast(p, 61.91)) == 61
+        assert long(cast(p, 61.91)) == 61L
+        assert type(int(cast(p, 61.91))) is int
+        assert type(int(cast(p, 1E22))) is long
+        assert type(long(cast(p, 61.91))) is long
+        assert type(long(cast(p, 1E22))) is long
+        py.test.raises(OverflowError, int, cast(p, INF))
+        py.test.raises(OverflowError, int, cast(p, -INF))
+        assert float(cast(p, 1.25)) == 1.25
+        assert float(cast(p, INF)) == INF
+        assert float(cast(p, -INF)) == -INF
+        if name == "float":
+            assert float(cast(p, 1.1)) != 1.1     # rounding error
+            assert float(cast(p, 1E200)) == INF   # limited range
+        assert cast(p, -1.1) != cast(p, -1.1)
+        assert repr(float(cast(p, -0.0))) == '-0.0'
+        assert float(cast(p, '\x09')) == 9.0
+        assert float(cast(p, True)) == 1.0
+        assert float(cast(p, None)) == 0.0
+def test_character_type():
+    p = new_primitive_type("char")
+    assert bool(cast(p, '\x00'))
+    assert cast(p, '\x00') != cast(p, -17*256)
+    assert int(cast(p, 'A')) == 65
+    assert long(cast(p, 'A')) == 65L
+    assert type(int(cast(p, 'A'))) is int
+    assert type(long(cast(p, 'A'))) is long
+    assert str(cast(p, 'A')) == 'A'
+def test_pointer_type():
+    p = new_primitive_type("int")
+    assert repr(p) == "<ctype 'int'>"
+    p = new_pointer_type(p)
+    assert repr(p) == "<ctype 'int *'>"
+    p = new_pointer_type(p)
+    assert repr(p) == "<ctype 'int * *'>"
+    p = new_pointer_type(p)
+    assert repr(p) == "<ctype 'int * * *'>"
+def test_pointer_to_int():
+    BInt = new_primitive_type("int")
+    py.test.raises(TypeError, newp, BInt, None)
+    BPtr = new_pointer_type(BInt)
+    p = newp(BPtr, None)
+    assert repr(p) == "<cdata 'int *' owning %d bytes>" % size_of_int()
+    p = newp(BPtr, 5000)
+    assert repr(p) == "<cdata 'int *' owning %d bytes>" % size_of_int()
+    q = cast(BPtr, p)
+    assert repr(q) == "<cdata 'int *'>"
+    assert p == q
+    assert hash(p) == hash(q)
+def test_pointer_to_pointer():
+    BInt = new_primitive_type("int")
+    BPtr = new_pointer_type(BInt)
+    BPtrPtr = new_pointer_type(BPtr)
+    p = newp(BPtrPtr, None)
+    assert repr(p) == "<cdata 'int * *' owning %d bytes>" % size_of_ptr()
+def test_reading_pointer_to_int():
+    BInt = new_primitive_type("int")
+    BPtr = new_pointer_type(BInt)
+    p = newp(BPtr, None)
+    assert p[0] == 0
+    p = newp(BPtr, 5000)
+    assert p[0] == 5000
+    py.test.raises(IndexError, "p[1]")
+    py.test.raises(IndexError, "p[-1]")
+def test_reading_pointer_to_float():
+    BFloat = new_primitive_type("float")
+    py.test.raises(TypeError, newp, BFloat, None)
+    BPtr = new_pointer_type(BFloat)
+    p = newp(BPtr, None)
+    assert p[0] == 0.0 and type(p[0]) is float
+    p = newp(BPtr, 1.25)
+    assert p[0] == 1.25 and type(p[0]) is float
+    p = newp(BPtr, 1.1)
+    assert p[0] != 1.1 and abs(p[0] - 1.1) < 1E-5   # rounding errors
+def test_cast_float_to_int():
+    for type in ["int", "unsigned int", "long", "unsigned long",
+                 "long long", "unsigned long long"]:
+        p = new_primitive_type(type)
+        assert int(cast(p, 4.2)) == 4
+        py.test.raises(TypeError, newp, new_pointer_type(p), 4.2)
+def test_reading_pointer_to_char():
+    BChar = new_primitive_type("char")
+    py.test.raises(TypeError, newp, BChar, None)
+    BPtr = new_pointer_type(BChar)
+    p = newp(BPtr, None)
+    assert p[0] == '\x00'
+    p = newp(BPtr, 'A')
+    assert p[0] == 'A'
+    py.test.raises(TypeError, newp, BPtr, 65)
+    py.test.raises(TypeError, newp, BPtr, "foo")
+def test_hash_differences():
+    BChar = new_primitive_type("char")
+    BInt = new_primitive_type("int")
+    BFloat = new_primitive_type("float")
+    assert (hash(cast(BChar, 'A')) !=
+            hash(cast(BInt, 65)))
+    assert hash(cast(BFloat, 65)) != hash(65.0)
+def test_array_type():
+    p = new_primitive_type("int")
+    assert repr(p) == "<ctype 'int'>"
+    #
+    py.test.raises(TypeError, new_array_type, new_pointer_type(p), "foo")
+    py.test.raises(ValueError, new_array_type, new_pointer_type(p), -42)
+    #
+    p1 = new_array_type(new_pointer_type(p), None)
+    assert repr(p1) == "<ctype 'int[]'>"
+    py.test.raises(ValueError, new_array_type, new_pointer_type(p1), 42)
+    #
+    p1 = new_array_type(new_pointer_type(p), 42)
+    p2 = new_array_type(new_pointer_type(p1), 25)
+    assert repr(p2) == "<ctype 'int[25][42]'>"
+    p2 = new_array_type(new_pointer_type(p1), None)
+    assert repr(p2) == "<ctype 'int[][42]'>"
+    #
+    py.test.raises(OverflowError,
+                   new_array_type, new_pointer_type(p), sys.maxint+1)
+    py.test.raises(OverflowError,
+                   new_array_type, new_pointer_type(p), sys.maxint // 3)
+def test_array_instance():
+    LENGTH = 14242
+    p = new_primitive_type("int")
+    p1 = new_array_type(new_pointer_type(p), LENGTH)
+    a = newp(p1, None)
+    assert repr(a) == "<cdata 'int[%d]' owning %d bytes>" % (
+        LENGTH, LENGTH * size_of_int())
+    assert len(a) == LENGTH
+    for i in range(LENGTH):
+        assert a[i] == 0
+    py.test.raises(IndexError, "a[LENGTH]")
+    py.test.raises(IndexError, "a[-1]")
+    for i in range(LENGTH):
+        a[i] = i * i + 1
+    for i in range(LENGTH):
+        assert a[i] == i * i + 1
+    e = py.test.raises(IndexError, "a[LENGTH+100] = 500")
+    assert ('(expected %d < %d)' % (LENGTH+100, LENGTH)) in str(e.value)
+def test_array_of_unknown_length_instance():
+    p = new_primitive_type("int")
+    p1 = new_array_type(new_pointer_type(p), None)
+    py.test.raises(TypeError, newp, p1, None)
+    py.test.raises(ValueError, newp, p1, -42)
+    a = newp(p1, 42)
+    assert len(a) == 42
+    for i in range(42):
+        a[i] -= i
+    for i in range(42):
+        assert a[i] == -i
+    py.test.raises(IndexError, "a[42]")
+    py.test.raises(IndexError, "a[-1]")
+    py.test.raises(IndexError, "a[42] = 123")
+    py.test.raises(IndexError, "a[-1] = 456")
+def test_array_of_unknown_length_instance_with_initializer():
+    p = new_primitive_type("int")
+    p1 = new_array_type(new_pointer_type(p), None)
+    a = newp(p1, range(42))
+    assert len(a) == 42
+    a = newp(p1, tuple(range(142)))
+    assert len(a) == 142
+def test_array_initializer():
+    p = new_primitive_type("int")
+    p1 = new_array_type(new_pointer_type(p), None)
+    a = newp(p1, range(100, 142))
+    for i in range(42):
+        assert a[i] == 100 + i
+    #
+    p2 = new_array_type(new_pointer_type(p), 43)
+    a = newp(p2, tuple(range(100, 142)))
+    for i in range(42):
+        assert a[i] == 100 + i
+    assert a[42] == 0      # extra uninitialized item
+def test_array_add():
+    p = new_primitive_type("int")
+    p1 = new_array_type(new_pointer_type(p), 5)    # int[5]
+    p2 = new_array_type(new_pointer_type(p1), 3)   # int[3][5]
+    a = newp(p2, [range(n, n+5) for n in [100, 200, 300]])
+    assert repr(a) == "<cdata 'int[3][5]' owning %d bytes>" % (
+        3*5*size_of_int(),)
+    assert repr(a + 0) == "<cdata 'int(*)[5]'>"
+    assert repr(a[0]) == "<cdata 'int[5]'>"
+    assert repr((a + 0)[0]) == "<cdata 'int[5]'>"
+    assert repr(a[0] + 0) == "<cdata 'int *'>"
+    assert type(a[0][0]) is int
+    assert type((a[0] + 0)[0]) is int
+def test_cast_primitive_from_cdata():
+    p = new_primitive_type("int")
+    n = cast(p, cast(p, -42))
+    assert int(n) == -42
+    #
+    p = new_primitive_type("unsigned int")
+    n = cast(p, cast(p, 42))
+    assert int(n) == 42
+    #
+    p = new_primitive_type("long long")
+    n = cast(p, cast(p, -(1<<60)))
+    assert int(n) == -(1<<60)
+    #
+    p = new_primitive_type("unsigned long long")
+    n = cast(p, cast(p, 1<<63))
+    assert int(n) == 1<<63
+    #
+    p = new_primitive_type("float")
+    n = cast(p, cast(p, 42.5))
+    assert float(n) == 42.5
+    #
+    p = new_primitive_type("char")
+    n = cast(p, cast(p, "A"))
+    assert str(n) == "A"
+def test_new_primitive_from_cdata():
+    p = new_primitive_type("int")
+    p1 = new_pointer_type(p)
+    n = newp(p1, cast(p, -42))
+    assert n[0] == -42
+    #
+    p = new_primitive_type("unsigned int")
+    p1 = new_pointer_type(p)
+    n = newp(p1, cast(p, 42))
+    assert n[0] == 42
+    #
+    p = new_primitive_type("float")
+    p1 = new_pointer_type(p)
+    n = newp(p1, cast(p, 42.5))
+    assert n[0] == 42.5
+    #
+    p = new_primitive_type("char")
+    p1 = new_pointer_type(p)
+    n = newp(p1, cast(p, "A"))
+    assert n[0] == "A"
+def test_cast_between_pointers():
+    BIntP = new_pointer_type(new_primitive_type("int"))
+    BIntA = new_array_type(BIntP, None)
+    a = newp(BIntA, [40, 41, 42, 43, 44])
+    BShortP = new_pointer_type(new_primitive_type("short"))
+    b = cast(BShortP, a)
+    c = cast(BIntP, b)
+    assert c[3] == 43
+    BLongLong = new_primitive_type("long long")
+    d = cast(BLongLong, c)
+    e = cast(BIntP, d)
+    assert e[3] == 43
+    f = cast(BIntP, int(d))
+    assert f[3] == 43
+    #
+    for null in [0, None]:
+        b = cast(BShortP, null)
+        assert not b
+        c = cast(BIntP, b)
+        assert not c
+        assert int(cast(BLongLong, c)) == 0
+def test_alignof():
+    BInt = new_primitive_type("int")
+    assert alignof(BInt) == sizeof(BInt)
+    BPtr = new_pointer_type(BInt)
+    assert alignof(BPtr) == sizeof(BPtr)
+    BArray = new_array_type(BPtr, None)
+    assert alignof(BArray) == alignof(BInt)
+def test_new_struct_type():
+    BStruct = new_struct_type("foo")
+    assert repr(BStruct) == "<ctype 'struct foo'>"
+    BPtr = new_pointer_type(BStruct)
+    assert repr(BPtr) == "<ctype 'struct foo *'>"
+def test_new_union_type():
+    BUnion = new_union_type("foo")
+    assert repr(BUnion) == "<ctype 'union foo'>"
+    BPtr = new_pointer_type(BUnion)
+    assert repr(BPtr) == "<ctype 'union foo *'>"
+def test_complete_struct():
+    BLong = new_primitive_type("long")
+    BChar = new_primitive_type("char")
+    BShort = new_primitive_type("short")
+    BStruct = new_struct_type("foo")
+    assert _getfields(BStruct) is None
+    complete_struct_or_union(BStruct, [('a1', BLong, -1),
+                                       ('a2', BChar, -1),
+                                       ('a3', BShort, -1)])
+    d = _getfields(BStruct)
+    assert len(d) == 3
+    assert d[0][0] == 'a1'
+    assert d[0][1].type is BLong
+    assert d[0][1].offset == 0
+    assert d[0][1].bitshift == -1
+    assert d[0][1].bitsize == -1
+    assert d[1][0] == 'a2'
+    assert d[1][1].type is BChar
+    assert d[1][1].offset == sizeof(BLong)
+    assert d[1][1].bitshift == -1
+    assert d[1][1].bitsize == -1
+    assert d[2][0] == 'a3'
+    assert d[2][1].type is BShort
+    assert d[2][1].offset == sizeof(BLong) + sizeof(BShort)
+    assert d[2][1].bitshift == -1
+    assert d[2][1].bitsize == -1
+    assert sizeof(BStruct) == 2 * sizeof(BLong)
+    assert alignof(BStruct) == alignof(BLong)
+def test_complete_union():
+    BLong = new_primitive_type("long")
+    BChar = new_primitive_type("char")
+    BUnion = new_union_type("foo")
+    assert _getfields(BUnion) is None
+    complete_struct_or_union(BUnion, [('a1', BLong, -1),
+                                      ('a2', BChar, -1)])
+    d = _getfields(BUnion)
+    assert len(d) == 2
+    assert d[0][0] == 'a1'
+    assert d[0][1].type is BLong
+    assert d[0][1].offset == 0
+    assert d[1][0] == 'a2'
+    assert d[1][1].type is BChar
+    assert d[1][1].offset == 0
+    assert sizeof(BUnion) == sizeof(BLong)
+    assert alignof(BUnion) == alignof(BLong)
+def test_struct_instance():
+    BInt = new_primitive_type("int")
+    BStruct = new_struct_type("foo")
+    BStructPtr = new_pointer_type(BStruct)
+    p = cast(BStructPtr, None)
+    py.test.raises(AttributeError, "p.a1")    # opaque
+    complete_struct_or_union(BStruct, [('a1', BInt, -1),
+                                       ('a2', BInt, -1)])
+    p = newp(BStructPtr, None)
+    s = p[0]
+    assert s.a1 == 0
+    s.a2 = 123
+    assert s.a1 == 0
+    assert s.a2 == 123
+    py.test.raises(OverflowError, "s.a1 = sys.maxint+1")
+    assert s.a1 == 0
+    py.test.raises(AttributeError, "p.foobar")
+    py.test.raises(AttributeError, "s.foobar")
+def test_struct_pointer():
+    BInt = new_primitive_type("int")
+    BStruct = new_struct_type("foo")
+    BStructPtr = new_pointer_type(BStruct)
+    complete_struct_or_union(BStruct, [('a1', BInt, -1),
+                                       ('a2', BInt, -1)])
+    p = newp(BStructPtr, None)
+    assert p.a1 == 0      # read/write via the pointer (C equivalent: '->')
+    p.a2 = 123
+    assert p.a1 == 0
+    assert p.a2 == 123
+def test_struct_init_list():
+    BInt = new_primitive_type("int")
+    BStruct = new_struct_type("foo")
+    BStructPtr = new_pointer_type(BStruct)
+    complete_struct_or_union(BStruct, [('a1', BInt, -1),
+                                       ('a2', BInt, -1),
+                                       ('a3', BInt, -1)])
+    s = newp(BStructPtr, [123, 456])
+    assert s.a1 == 123
+    assert s.a2 == 456
+    assert s.a3 == 0
+def test_array_in_struct():
+    BInt = new_primitive_type("int")
+    BStruct = new_struct_type("foo")
+    BArrayInt5 = new_array_type(new_pointer_type(BInt), 5)
+    complete_struct_or_union(BStruct, [('a1', BArrayInt5, -1)])
+    s = newp(new_pointer_type(BStruct), [[20, 24, 27, 29, 30]])
+    assert s.a1[2] == 27
+    assert repr(s.a1) == "<cdata 'int[5]'>"
+def test_offsetof():
+    BInt = new_primitive_type("int")
+    BStruct = new_struct_type("foo")
+    py.test.raises(TypeError, offsetof, BInt, "abc")
+    py.test.raises(TypeError, offsetof, BStruct, "abc")
+    complete_struct_or_union(BStruct, [('abc', BInt, -1), ('def', BInt, -1)])
+    assert offsetof(BStruct, 'abc') == 0
+    assert offsetof(BStruct, 'def') == size_of_int()
+    py.test.raises(KeyError, offsetof, BStruct, "ghi")
+def test_function_type():
+    BInt = new_primitive_type("int")
+    BFunc = new_function_type((BInt, BInt), BInt, False)
+    assert repr(BFunc) == "<ctype 'int(*)(int, int)'>"
+    BFunc2 = new_function_type((), BFunc, False)
+    assert repr(BFunc2) == "<ctype 'int(*(*)())(int, int)'>"
+def test_function_type_taking_struct():
+    BChar = new_primitive_type("char")
+    BShort = new_primitive_type("short")
+    BStruct = new_struct_type("foo")
+    complete_struct_or_union(BStruct, [('a1', BChar, -1),
+                                       ('a2', BShort, -1)])
+    BFunc = new_function_type((BStruct,), BShort, False)
+    assert repr(BFunc) == "<ctype 'short(*)(struct foo)'>"
+def test_function_void_result():
+    BVoid = new_void_type()
+    BInt = new_primitive_type("int")
+    BFunc = new_function_type((BInt, BInt), BVoid, False)
+    assert repr(BFunc) == "<ctype 'void(*)(int, int)'>"
+def test_call_function_0():
+    BSignedChar = new_primitive_type("signed char")
+    BFunc0 = new_function_type((BSignedChar, BSignedChar), BSignedChar, False)
+    f = cast(BFunc0, _testfunc(0))
+    assert f(40, 2) == 42
+    assert f(-100, -100) == -200 + 256
+    py.test.raises(OverflowError, f, 128, 0)
+    py.test.raises(OverflowError, f, 0, 128)
+def test_call_function_1():
+    BInt = new_primitive_type("int")
+    BLong = new_primitive_type("long")
+    BFunc1 = new_function_type((BInt, BLong), BLong, False)
+    f = cast(BFunc1, _testfunc(1))
+    assert f(40, 2) == 42
+    assert f(-100, -100) == -200
+    int_max = (1 << (8*size_of_int()-1)) - 1
+    long_max = (1 << (8*size_of_long()-1)) - 1
+    if int_max == long_max:
+        assert f(int_max, 1) == - int_max - 1
+    else:
+        assert f(int_max, 1) == int_max + 1
+def test_call_function_2():
+    BLongLong = new_primitive_type("long long")
+    BFunc2 = new_function_type((BLongLong, BLongLong), BLongLong, False)
+    f = cast(BFunc2, _testfunc(2))
+    longlong_max = (1 << (8*sizeof(BLongLong)-1)) - 1
+    assert f(longlong_max - 42, 42) == longlong_max
+    assert f(43, longlong_max - 42) == - longlong_max - 1
+def test_call_function_3():
+    BFloat = new_primitive_type("float")
+    BDouble = new_primitive_type("double")
+    BFunc3 = new_function_type((BFloat, BDouble), BDouble, False)
+    f = cast(BFunc3, _testfunc(3))
+    assert f(1.25, 5.1) == 1.25 + 5.1     # exact
+    res = f(1.3, 5.1)
+    assert res != 6.4 and abs(res - 6.4) < 1E-5    # inexact
+def test_call_function_4():
+    BFloat = new_primitive_type("float")
+    BDouble = new_primitive_type("double")
+    BFunc4 = new_function_type((BFloat, BDouble), BFloat, False)
+    f = cast(BFunc4, _testfunc(4))
+    res = f(1.25, 5.1)
+    assert res != 6.35 and abs(res - 6.35) < 1E-5    # inexact
+def test_call_function_5():
+    BVoid = new_void_type()
+    BFunc5 = new_function_type((), BVoid, False)
+    f = cast(BFunc5, _testfunc(5))
+    f()   # did not crash
+def test_call_function_6():
+    BInt = new_primitive_type("int")
+    BIntPtr = new_pointer_type(BInt)
+    BFunc6 = new_function_type((BIntPtr,), BIntPtr, False)
+    f = cast(BFunc6, _testfunc(6))
+    x = newp(BIntPtr, 42)
+    res = f(x)
+    assert typeof(res) is BIntPtr
+    assert res[0] == 42 - 1000
+    #
+    BIntArray = new_array_type(BIntPtr, None)
+    BFunc6bis = new_function_type((BIntArray,), BIntPtr, False)
+    f = cast(BFunc6bis, _testfunc(6))
+    #
+    py.test.raises(TypeError, f, [142])
+    #
+    x = newp(BIntArray, [242])
+    res = f(x)
+    assert typeof(res) is BIntPtr
+    assert res[0] == 242 - 1000
+def test_call_function_7():
+    BChar = new_primitive_type("char")
+    BShort = new_primitive_type("short")
+    BStruct = new_struct_type("foo")
+    BStructPtr = new_pointer_type(BStruct)
+    complete_struct_or_union(BStruct, [('a1', BChar, -1),
+                                       ('a2', BShort, -1)])
+    BFunc7 = new_function_type((BStruct,), BShort, False)
+    f = cast(BFunc7, _testfunc(7))
+    res = f({'a1': 'A', 'a2': -4042})
+    assert res == -4042 + ord('A')
+    #
+    x = newp(BStructPtr, {'a1': 'A', 'a2': -4042})
+    res = f(x[0])
+    assert res == -4042 + ord('A')
+def test_call_function_9():
+    BInt = new_primitive_type("int")
+    BFunc9 = new_function_type((BInt,), BInt, True)    # vararg
+    f = cast(BFunc9, _testfunc(9))
+    assert f(0) == 0
+    assert f(1, cast(BInt, 42)) == 42
+    assert f(2, cast(BInt, 40), cast(BInt, 2)) == 42
+    py.test.raises(TypeError, f, 1, 42)
+def test_new_charp():
+    BChar = new_primitive_type("char")
+    BCharP = new_pointer_type(BChar)
+    BCharA = new_array_type(BCharP, None)
+    x = newp(BCharA, 42)
+    assert len(x) == 42
+    x = newp(BCharA, "foobar")
+    assert len(x) == 7
+def test_load_and_call_function():
+    BChar = new_primitive_type("char")
+    BCharP = new_pointer_type(BChar)
+    BLong = new_primitive_type("long")
+    BFunc = new_function_type((BCharP,), BLong, False)
+    ll = find_and_load_library('c')
+    strlen = ll.load_function(BFunc, "strlen")
+    input = newp(new_array_type(BCharP, None), "foobar")
+    assert strlen(input) == 6
+    #
+    assert strlen("foobarbaz") == 9
+def test_read_variable():
+    if sys.platform == 'win32':
+        py.test.skip("untested")
+    BVoidP = new_pointer_type(new_void_type())
+    ll = find_and_load_library('c')
+    stderr = ll.read_variable(BVoidP, "stderr")
+    assert stderr == cast(BVoidP, _testfunc(8))
+def test_write_variable():
+    if sys.platform == 'win32':
+        py.test.skip("untested")
+    BVoidP = new_pointer_type(new_void_type())
+    ll = find_and_load_library('c')
+    stderr = ll.read_variable(BVoidP, "stderr")
+    ll.write_variable(BVoidP, "stderr", None)
+    assert ll.read_variable(BVoidP, "stderr") is None
+    ll.write_variable(BVoidP, "stderr", stderr)
+    assert ll.read_variable(BVoidP, "stderr") == stderr
+def test_callback():
+    BInt = new_primitive_type("int")
+    def make_callback():
+        def cb(n):
+            return n + 1
+        BFunc = new_function_type((BInt,), BInt, False)
+        return callback(BFunc, cb)    # 'cb' and 'BFunc' go out of scope
+    f = make_callback()
+    assert f(-142) == -141
+def test_a_lot_of_callbacks():
+    BInt = new_primitive_type("int")
+    def make_callback(m):
+        def cb(n):
+            return n + m
+        BFunc = new_function_type((BInt,), BInt, False)
+        return callback(BFunc, cb)    # 'cb' and 'BFunc' go out of scope
+    #
+    flist = [make_callback(i) for i in range(10000)]
+    for i, f in enumerate(flist):
+        assert f(-142) == -142 + i
+def test_enum_type():
+    BEnum = new_enum_type("foo", (), ())
+    assert repr(BEnum) == "<ctype 'enum foo'>"
+    assert _getfields(BEnum) == []
+    #
+    BEnum = new_enum_type("foo", ('def', 'c', 'ab'), (0, 1, -20))
+    assert _getfields(BEnum) == [(-20, 'ab'), (0, 'def'), (1, 'c')]
+def test_cast_to_enum():
+    BEnum = new_enum_type("foo", ('def', 'c', 'ab'), (0, 1, -20))
+    e = cast(BEnum, 0)
+    assert repr(e) == "<cdata 'enum foo'>"
+    assert str(e) == 'def'
+    assert str(cast(BEnum, -20)) == 'ab'
+    assert str(cast(BEnum, 'c')) == 'c'
+    assert int(cast(BEnum, 'c')) == 1
+    assert int(cast(BEnum, 'def')) == 0
+    assert int(cast(BEnum, -242 + 2**128)) == -242
+    assert str(cast(BEnum, -242 + 2**128)) == '#-242'
+    assert str(cast(BEnum, '#-20')) == 'ab'
+def test_enum_in_struct():
+    BEnum = new_enum_type("foo", ('def', 'c', 'ab'), (0, 1, -20))
+    BStruct = new_struct_type("bar")
+    BStructPtr = new_pointer_type(BStruct)
+    complete_struct_or_union(BStruct, [('a1', BEnum, -1)])
+    p = newp(BStructPtr, [-20])
+    assert p.a1 == "ab"
+    p = newp(BStructPtr, ["c"])
+    assert p.a1 == "c"
+    e = py.test.raises(TypeError, newp, BStructPtr, [None])
+    assert "must be a str or int, not NoneType" in str(e.value)
+def test_struct_with_bitfields():
+    BLong = new_primitive_type("long")
+    BStruct = new_struct_type("foo")
+    LONGBITS = 8 * sizeof(BLong)
+    complete_struct_or_union(BStruct, [('a1', BLong, 1),
+                                       ('a2', BLong, 2),
+                                       ('a3', BLong, 3),
+                                       ('a4', BLong, LONGBITS - 5)])
+    d = _getfields(BStruct)
+    assert d[0][1].offset == d[1][1].offset == d[2][1].offset == 0
+    assert d[3][1].offset == sizeof(BLong)
+    assert d[0][1].bitshift == 0
+    assert d[0][1].bitsize == 1
+    assert d[1][1].bitshift == 1
+    assert d[1][1].bitsize == 2
+    assert d[2][1].bitshift == 3
+    assert d[2][1].bitsize == 3
+    assert d[3][1].bitshift == 0
+    assert d[3][1].bitsize == LONGBITS - 5
+    assert sizeof(BStruct) == 2 * sizeof(BLong)
+    assert alignof(BStruct) == alignof(BLong)
+def test_bitfield_instance():
+    BInt = new_primitive_type("int")
+    BUnsignedInt = new_primitive_type("unsigned int")
+    BStruct = new_struct_type("foo")
+    complete_struct_or_union(BStruct, [('a1', BInt, 1),
+                                       ('a2', BUnsignedInt, 2),
+                                       ('a3', BInt, 3)])
+    p = newp(new_pointer_type(BStruct), None)
+    p.a1 = -1
+    assert p.a1 == -1
+    p.a1 = 0
+    py.test.raises(OverflowError, "p.a1 = 2")
+    assert p.a1 == 0
+    #
+    p.a1 = -1
+    p.a2 = 3
+    p.a3 = -4
+    py.test.raises(OverflowError, "p.a3 = 4")
+    e = py.test.raises(OverflowError, "p.a3 = -5")
+    assert str(e.value) == ("value -5 outside the range allowed by the "
+                            "bit field width: -4 <= x <= 3")
+    assert p.a1 == -1 and p.a2 == 3 and p.a3 == -4
+    #
+    # special case for convenience: "int x:1", while normally signed,
+    # allows also setting the value "1" (it still gets read back as -1)
+    p.a1 = 1
+    assert p.a1 == -1
+    e = py.test.raises(OverflowError, "p.a1 = -2")
+    assert str(e.value) == ("value -2 outside the range allowed by the "
+                            "bit field width: -1 <= x <= 1")
+def test_bitfield_instance_init():
+    BInt = new_primitive_type("int")
+    BStruct = new_struct_type("foo")
+    complete_struct_or_union(BStruct, [('a1', BInt, 1)])
+    py.test.raises(NotImplementedError, newp, new_pointer_type(BStruct), [-1])
+def test_gc():
+    from gc import collect
+    BInt = new_primitive_type("int")
+    n = cast(BInt, 123)
+    py.test.raises(TypeError, gc, n, 5)
+    destroyed = []
+    m = gc(n, destroyed.append)
+    assert repr(m) == "<cdata 'int' with destructor>"
+    assert destroyed == []
+    del m; collect()
+    assert len(destroyed) == 1
+    assert int(destroyed[0]) == 123
diff --git a/pypy/module/_ffi_backend/test/test_c.py b/pypy/module/_ffi_backend/test/test_c.py
--- a/pypy/module/_ffi_backend/test/test_c.py
+++ b/pypy/module/_ffi_backend/test/test_c.py
@@ -1,786 +1,35 @@
+from __future__ import with_statement
 import py
+from pypy.tool.udir import udir
 from pypy.conftest import gettestobjspace
+from pypy.module._ffi_backend.test import _backend_test_c
-class AppTestFfiBackend(object):
+class AppTestC(object):
+    """Populated below, hack hack hack."""
-    def setup_class(cls):
-        cls.space = gettestobjspace(usemodules=('_ffi_backend',))
-        #
-        import ctypes.util
-        path = ctypes.util.find_library('c')
-        #
-        cls.w_b = cls.space.appexec([cls.space.wrap(path)], '''(path):
-            import _ffi_backend
-            def size_of_int():
-                BInt = _ffi_backend.new_primitive_type("int")
-                return _ffi_backend.sizeof(BInt)
-            def size_of_long():
-                BLong = _ffi_backend.new_primitive_type("long")
-                return _ffi_backend.sizeof(BLong)
-            def size_of_ptr():
-                BInt = _ffi_backend.new_primitive_type("int")
-                BPtr = _ffi_backend.new_pointer_type(BInt)
-                return _ffi_backend.sizeof(BPtr)
-            def find_and_load_library():
-                return _ffi_backend.load_library(path)
-            _ffi_backend._size_of_int = size_of_int
-            _ffi_backend._size_of_long = size_of_long
-            _ffi_backend._size_of_ptr = size_of_ptr
-            _ffi_backend._find_and_load_library = find_and_load_library
-            return _ffi_backend
-        ''')
-    def test_load_library(self):
-        x = self.b._find_and_load_library()
-        assert repr(x).startswith("<clibrary '")
+space = gettestobjspace(usemodules=('_ffi_backend',))
+src = py.path.local(__file__).join('..', '_backend_test_c.py').read()
+w_namespace = space.appexec([], "():\n" +
+                            src.replace('\n', '\n    ') +
+                            '\n    return locals()\n')
+AppTestC.w_namespace = w_namespace
-    def test_nonstandard_integer_types(self):
-        d = self.b.nonstandard_integer_types()
-        assert type(d) is dict
-        assert 'char' not in d
-        assert d['size_t'] in (0x1004, 0x1008)
-        assert d['size_t'] == d['ssize_t'] + 0x1000
+lst = []
+for name in space.unwrap(space.call_function(space.w_list, w_namespace)):
+    if name.startswith('test_'):
+        lst.append(getattr(_backend_test_c, name))
+lst.sort(key=lambda func: func.func_code.co_firstlineno)
-    def test_new_primitive_type(self):
-        raises(KeyError, self.b.new_primitive_type, "foo")
-        p = self.b.new_primitive_type("signed char")
-        assert repr(p) == "<ctype 'signed char'>"
+tmpname = udir.join('_test_c.py')
+with tmpname.open('w') as f:
+    for func in lst:
+        print >> f, 'def %s(self):' % (func.__name__,)
+        print >> f, '    func = self.namespace[%r]' % (func.__name__,)
+        print >> f, '    func()'
-    def test_cast_to_signed_char(self):
-        p = self.b.new_primitive_type("signed char")
-        x = self.b.cast(p, -65 + 17*256)
-        assert repr(x) == "<cdata 'signed char'>"
-        assert repr(type(x)) == "<type '_ffi_backend.CData'>"
-        assert int(x) == -65
-        x = self.b.cast(p, -66 + (1<<199)*256)
-        assert repr(x) == "<cdata 'signed char'>"
-        assert int(x) == -66
-        assert (x == self.b.cast(p, -66)) is False
-        assert (x != self.b.cast(p, -66)) is True
-        q = self.b.new_primitive_type("short")
-        assert (x == self.b.cast(q, -66)) is False
-        assert (x != self.b.cast(q, -66)) is True
-    def test_sizeof_type(self):
-        raises(TypeError, self.b.sizeof, 42.5)
-        p = self.b.new_primitive_type("short")
-        assert self.b.sizeof(p) == 2
-    def test_integer_types(self):
-        new_primitive_type = self.b.new_primitive_type
-        sizeof = self.b.sizeof
-        cast = self.b.cast
-        for name in ['signed char', 'short', 'int', 'long', 'long long']:
-            p = new_primitive_type(name)
-            size = sizeof(p)
-            min = -(1 << (8*size-1))
-            max = (1 << (8*size-1)) - 1
-            assert int(cast(p, min)) == min
-            assert int(cast(p, max)) == max
-            assert int(cast(p, min - 1)) == max
-            assert int(cast(p, max + 1)) == min
-            assert long(cast(p, min - 1)) == max
-        for name in ['char', 'short', 'int', 'long', 'long long']:
-            p = new_primitive_type('unsigned ' + name)
-            size = sizeof(p)
-            max = (1 << (8*size)) - 1
-            assert int(cast(p, 0)) == 0
-            assert int(cast(p, max)) == max
-            assert int(cast(p, -1)) == max
-            assert int(cast(p, max + 1)) == 0
-            assert long(cast(p, -1)) == max
-    def test_no_float_on_int_types(self):
-        p = self.b.new_primitive_type('long')
-        raises(TypeError, float, self.b.cast(p, 42))
-    def test_float_types(self):
-        new_primitive_type = self.b.new_primitive_type
-        cast = self.b.cast
-        INF = 1E200 * 1E200
-        for name in ["float", "double"]:
-            p = new_primitive_type(name)
-            assert bool(cast(p, 0))
-            assert bool(cast(p, INF))
-            assert bool(cast(p, -INF))
-            assert int(cast(p, -150)) == -150
-            assert int(cast(p, 61.91)) == 61
-            assert long(cast(p, 61.91)) == 61L
-            assert type(int(cast(p, 61.91))) is int
-            assert type(int(cast(p, 1E22))) is long
-            assert type(long(cast(p, 61.91))) is long
-            assert type(long(cast(p, 1E22))) is long
-            raises(OverflowError, int, cast(p, INF))
-            raises(OverflowError, int, cast(p, -INF))
-            assert float(cast(p, 1.25)) == 1.25
-            assert float(cast(p, INF)) == INF
-            assert float(cast(p, -INF)) == -INF
-            if name == "float":
-                assert float(cast(p, 1.1)) != 1.1     # rounding error
-                assert float(cast(p, 1E200)) == INF   # limited range
-            assert cast(p, -1.1) != cast(p, -1.1)
-            assert repr(float(cast(p, -0.0))) == '-0.0'
-    def test_character_type(self):
-        new_primitive_type = self.b.new_primitive_type
-        cast = self.b.cast
-        p = new_primitive_type("char")
-        assert bool(cast(p, '\x00'))
-        assert cast(p, '\x00') != cast(p, -17*256)
-        assert int(cast(p, 'A')) == 65
-        assert long(cast(p, 'A')) == 65L
-        assert type(int(cast(p, 'A'))) is int
-        assert type(long(cast(p, 'A'))) is long
-        assert str(cast(p, 'A')) == 'A'
-    def test_pointer_type(self):
-        new_primitive_type = self.b.new_primitive_type
-        new_pointer_type = self.b.new_pointer_type
-        p = new_primitive_type("int")
-        assert repr(p) == "<ctype 'int'>"
-        p = new_pointer_type(p)
-        assert repr(p) == "<ctype 'int *'>"
-        p = new_pointer_type(p)
-        assert repr(p) == "<ctype 'int * *'>"
-        p = new_pointer_type(p)
-        assert repr(p) == "<ctype 'int * * *'>"
-    def test_pointer_to_int(self):
-        BInt = new_primitive_type("int")
-        py.test.raises(TypeError, newp, BInt, None)
-        BPtr = new_pointer_type(BInt)
-        p = newp(BPtr, None)
-        assert repr(p) == "<cdata 'int *' owning %d bytes>" % size_of_int()
-        p = newp(BPtr, 5000)
-        assert repr(p) == "<cdata 'int *' owning %d bytes>" % size_of_int()
-        q = cast(BPtr, p)
-        assert repr(q) == "<cdata 'int *'>"
-        assert p == q
-        assert hash(p) == hash(q)
-    def test_pointer_to_pointer(self):
-        BInt = new_primitive_type("int")
-        BPtr = new_pointer_type(BInt)
-        BPtrPtr = new_pointer_type(BPtr)
-        p = newp(BPtrPtr, None)
-        assert repr(p) == "<cdata 'int * *' owning %d bytes>" % size_of_ptr()
-    def test_reading_pointer_to_int(self):
-        BInt = new_primitive_type("int")
-        BPtr = new_pointer_type(BInt)
-        p = newp(BPtr, None)
-        assert p[0] == 0
-        p = newp(BPtr, 5000)
-        assert p[0] == 5000
-        py.test.raises(IndexError, "p[1]")
-        py.test.raises(IndexError, "p[-1]")
-    def test_reading_pointer_to_float(self):
-        BFloat = new_primitive_type("float")
-        py.test.raises(TypeError, newp, BFloat, None)
-        BPtr = new_pointer_type(BFloat)
-        p = newp(BPtr, None)
-        assert p[0] == 0.0 and type(p[0]) is float
-        p = newp(BPtr, 1.25)
-        assert p[0] == 1.25 and type(p[0]) is float
-        p = newp(BPtr, 1.1)
-        assert p[0] != 1.1 and abs(p[0] - 1.1) < 1E-5   # rounding errors
-    def test_reading_pointer_to_char(self):
-        BChar = new_primitive_type("char")
-        py.test.raises(TypeError, newp, BChar, None)
-        BPtr = new_pointer_type(BChar)
-        p = newp(BPtr, None)
-        assert p[0] == '\x00'
-        p = newp(BPtr, 'A')
-        assert p[0] == 'A'
-        py.test.raises(TypeError, newp, BPtr, 65)
-        py.test.raises(TypeError, newp, BPtr, "foo")
-    def test_hash_differences(self):
-        BChar = new_primitive_type("char")
-        BInt = new_primitive_type("int")
-        BFloat = new_primitive_type("float")
-        assert (hash(cast(BChar, 'A')) !=
-                hash(cast(BInt, 65)))
-        assert hash(cast(BFloat, 65)) != hash(65.0)
-    def test_array_type(self):
-        p = new_primitive_type("int")
-        assert repr(p) == "<ctype 'int'>"
-        #
-        py.test.raises(TypeError, new_array_type, new_pointer_type(p), "foo")
-        py.test.raises(ValueError, new_array_type, new_pointer_type(p), -42)
-        #
-        p1 = new_array_type(new_pointer_type(p), None)
-        assert repr(p1) == "<ctype 'int[]'>"
-        py.test.raises(ValueError, new_array_type, new_pointer_type(p1), 42)
-        #
-        p1 = new_array_type(new_pointer_type(p), 42)
-        p2 = new_array_type(new_pointer_type(p1), 25)
-        assert repr(p2) == "<ctype 'int[25][42]'>"
-        p2 = new_array_type(new_pointer_type(p1), None)
-        assert repr(p2) == "<ctype 'int[][42]'>"
-        #
-        py.test.raises(OverflowError,
-                       new_array_type, new_pointer_type(p), sys.maxint+1)
-        py.test.raises(OverflowError,
-                       new_array_type, new_pointer_type(p), sys.maxint // 3)
-    def test_array_instance(self):
-        LENGTH = 14242
-        p = new_primitive_type("int")
-        p1 = new_array_type(new_pointer_type(p), LENGTH)
-        a = newp(p1, None)
-        assert repr(a) == "<cdata 'int[%d]' owning %d bytes>" % (
-            LENGTH, LENGTH * size_of_int())
-        assert len(a) == LENGTH
-        for i in range(LENGTH):
-            assert a[i] == 0
-        py.test.raises(IndexError, "a[LENGTH]")
-        py.test.raises(IndexError, "a[-1]")
-        for i in range(LENGTH):
-            a[i] = i * i + 1
-        for i in range(LENGTH):
-            assert a[i] == i * i + 1
-        e = py.test.raises(IndexError, "a[LENGTH+100] = 500")
-        assert ('(expected %d < %d)' % (LENGTH+100, LENGTH)) in str(e.value)
-    def test_array_of_unknown_length_instance(self):
-        p = new_primitive_type("int")
-        p1 = new_array_type(new_pointer_type(p), None)
-        py.test.raises(TypeError, newp, p1, None)
-        py.test.raises(ValueError, newp, p1, -42)
-        a = newp(p1, 42)
-        assert len(a) == 42
-        for i in range(42):
-            a[i] -= i
-        for i in range(42):
-            assert a[i] == -i
-        py.test.raises(IndexError, "a[42]")
-        py.test.raises(IndexError, "a[-1]")
-        py.test.raises(IndexError, "a[42] = 123")
-        py.test.raises(IndexError, "a[-1] = 456")
-    def test_array_of_unknown_length_instance_with_initializer(self):
-        p = new_primitive_type("int")
-        p1 = new_array_type(new_pointer_type(p), None)
-        a = newp(p1, range(42))
-        assert len(a) == 42
-        a = newp(p1, tuple(range(142)))
-        assert len(a) == 142
-    def test_array_initializer(self):
-        p = new_primitive_type("int")
-        p1 = new_array_type(new_pointer_type(p), None)
-        a = newp(p1, range(100, 142))
-        for i in range(42):
-            assert a[i] == 100 + i
-        #
-        p2 = new_array_type(new_pointer_type(p), 43)
-        a = newp(p2, tuple(range(100, 142)))
-        for i in range(42):
-            assert a[i] == 100 + i
-        assert a[42] == 0      # extra uninitialized item
-    def test_array_add(self):
-        p = new_primitive_type("int")
-        p1 = new_array_type(new_pointer_type(p), 5)    # int[5]
-        p2 = new_array_type(new_pointer_type(p1), 3)   # int[3][5]
-        a = newp(p2, [range(n, n+5) for n in [100, 200, 300]])
-        assert repr(a) == "<cdata 'int[3][5]' owning %d bytes>" % (
-            3*5*size_of_int(),)
-        assert repr(a + 0) == "<cdata 'int(*)[5]'>"
-        assert repr(a[0]) == "<cdata 'int[5]'>"
-        assert repr((a + 0)[0]) == "<cdata 'int[5]'>"
-        assert repr(a[0] + 0) == "<cdata 'int *'>"
-        assert type(a[0][0]) is int
-        assert type((a[0] + 0)[0]) is int
-    def test_cast_primitive_from_cdata(self):
-        p = new_primitive_type("int")
-        n = cast(p, cast(p, -42))
-        assert int(n) == -42
-        #
-        p = new_primitive_type("unsigned int")
-        n = cast(p, cast(p, 42))
-        assert int(n) == 42
-        #
-        p = new_primitive_type("long long")
-        n = cast(p, cast(p, -(1<<60)))
-        assert int(n) == -(1<<60)
-        #
-        p = new_primitive_type("unsigned long long")
-        n = cast(p, cast(p, 1<<63))
-        assert int(n) == 1<<63
-        #
-        p = new_primitive_type("float")
-        n = cast(p, cast(p, 42.5))
-        assert float(n) == 42.5
-        #
-        p = new_primitive_type("char")
-        n = cast(p, cast(p, "A"))
-        assert str(n) == "A"
-    def test_new_primitive_from_cdata(self):
-        p = new_primitive_type("int")
-        p1 = new_pointer_type(p)
-        n = newp(p1, cast(p, -42))
-        assert n[0] == -42
-        #
-        p = new_primitive_type("unsigned int")
-        p1 = new_pointer_type(p)
-        n = newp(p1, cast(p, 42))
-        assert n[0] == 42
-        #
-        p = new_primitive_type("float")
-        p1 = new_pointer_type(p)
-        n = newp(p1, cast(p, 42.5))
-        assert n[0] == 42.5
-        #
-        p = new_primitive_type("char")
-        p1 = new_pointer_type(p)
-        n = newp(p1, cast(p, "A"))
-        assert n[0] == "A"
-    def test_cast_between_pointers(self):
-        BIntP = new_pointer_type(new_primitive_type("int"))
-        BIntA = new_array_type(BIntP, None)
-        a = newp(BIntA, [40, 41, 42, 43, 44])
-        BShortP = new_pointer_type(new_primitive_type("short"))
-        b = cast(BShortP, a)
-        c = cast(BIntP, b)
-        assert c[3] == 43
-        BLongLong = new_primitive_type("long long")
-        d = cast(BLongLong, c)
-        e = cast(BIntP, d)
-        assert e[3] == 43
-        f = cast(BIntP, int(d))
-        assert f[3] == 43
-        #
-        for null in [0, None]:
-            b = cast(BShortP, null)
-            assert not b
-            c = cast(BIntP, b)
-            assert not c
-            assert int(cast(BLongLong, c)) == 0
-    def test_alignof(self):
-        BInt = new_primitive_type("int")
-        assert alignof(BInt) == sizeof(BInt)
-        BPtr = new_pointer_type(BInt)
-        assert alignof(BPtr) == sizeof(BPtr)
-        BArray = new_array_type(BPtr, None)
-        assert alignof(BArray) == alignof(BInt)
-    def test_new_struct_type(self):
-        BStruct = new_struct_type("foo")
-        assert repr(BStruct) == "<ctype 'struct foo'>"
-        BPtr = new_pointer_type(BStruct)
-        assert repr(BPtr) == "<ctype 'struct foo *'>"
-    def test_new_union_type(self):
-        BUnion = new_union_type("foo")
-        assert repr(BUnion) == "<ctype 'union foo'>"
-        BPtr = new_pointer_type(BUnion)
-        assert repr(BPtr) == "<ctype 'union foo *'>"
-    def test_complete_struct(self):
-        BLong = new_primitive_type("long")
-        BChar = new_primitive_type("char")
-        BShort = new_primitive_type("short")
-        BStruct = new_struct_type("foo")
-        assert _getfields(BStruct) is None
-        complete_struct_or_union(BStruct, [('a1', BLong, -1),
-                                           ('a2', BChar, -1),
-                                           ('a3', BShort, -1)])
-        d = _getfields(BStruct)
-        assert len(d) == 3
-        assert d[0][0] == 'a1'
-        assert d[0][1].type is BLong
-        assert d[0][1].offset == 0
-        assert d[0][1].bitshift == -1
-        assert d[0][1].bitsize == -1
-        assert d[1][0] == 'a2'
-        assert d[1][1].type is BChar
-        assert d[1][1].offset == sizeof(BLong)
-        assert d[1][1].bitshift == -1
-        assert d[1][1].bitsize == -1
-        assert d[2][0] == 'a3'
-        assert d[2][1].type is BShort
-        assert d[2][1].offset == sizeof(BLong) + sizeof(BShort)
-        assert d[2][1].bitshift == -1
-        assert d[2][1].bitsize == -1
-        assert sizeof(BStruct) == 2 * sizeof(BLong)
-        assert alignof(BStruct) == alignof(BLong)
-    def test_complete_union(self):
-        BLong = new_primitive_type("long")
-        BChar = new_primitive_type("char")
-        BUnion = new_union_type("foo")
-        assert _getfields(BUnion) is None
-        complete_struct_or_union(BUnion, [('a1', BLong, -1),
-                                          ('a2', BChar, -1)])
-        d = _getfields(BUnion)
-        assert len(d) == 2
-        assert d[0][0] == 'a1'
-        assert d[0][1].type is BLong
-        assert d[0][1].offset == 0
-        assert d[1][0] == 'a2'
-        assert d[1][1].type is BChar
-        assert d[1][1].offset == 0
-        assert sizeof(BUnion) == sizeof(BLong)
-        assert alignof(BUnion) == alignof(BLong)
-    def test_struct_instance(self):
-        BInt = new_primitive_type("int")
-        BStruct = new_struct_type("foo")
-        BStructPtr = new_pointer_type(BStruct)
-        p = cast(BStructPtr, None)
-        py.test.raises(AttributeError, "p.a1")    # opaque
-        complete_struct_or_union(BStruct, [('a1', BInt, -1),
-                                           ('a2', BInt, -1)])
-        p = newp(BStructPtr, None)
-        s = p[0]
-        assert s.a1 == 0
-        s.a2 = 123
-        assert s.a1 == 0
-        assert s.a2 == 123
-        py.test.raises(OverflowError, "s.a1 = sys.maxint+1")
-        assert s.a1 == 0
-        py.test.raises(AttributeError, "p.foobar")
-        py.test.raises(AttributeError, "s.foobar")
-    def test_struct_pointer(self):
-        BInt = new_primitive_type("int")
-        BStruct = new_struct_type("foo")
-        BStructPtr = new_pointer_type(BStruct)
-        complete_struct_or_union(BStruct, [('a1', BInt, -1),
-                                           ('a2', BInt, -1)])
-        p = newp(BStructPtr, None)
-        assert p.a1 == 0      # read/write via the pointer (C equivalent: '->')
-        p.a2 = 123
-        assert p.a1 == 0
-        assert p.a2 == 123
-    def test_struct_init_list(self):
-        BInt = new_primitive_type("int")
-        BStruct = new_struct_type("foo")
-        BStructPtr = new_pointer_type(BStruct)
-        complete_struct_or_union(BStruct, [('a1', BInt, -1),
-                                           ('a2', BInt, -1),
-                                           ('a3', BInt, -1)])
-        s = newp(BStructPtr, [123, 456])
-        assert s.a1 == 123
-        assert s.a2 == 456
-        assert s.a3 == 0
-    def test_array_in_struct(self):
-        BInt = new_primitive_type("int")
-        BStruct = new_struct_type("foo")
-        BArrayInt5 = new_array_type(new_pointer_type(BInt), 5)
-        complete_struct_or_union(BStruct, [('a1', BArrayInt5, -1)])
-        s = newp(new_pointer_type(BStruct), [[20, 24, 27, 29, 30]])
-        assert s.a1[2] == 27
-        assert repr(s.a1) == "<cdata 'int[5]'>"
-    def test_offsetof(self):
-        BInt = new_primitive_type("int")
-        BStruct = new_struct_type("foo")
-        py.test.raises(TypeError, offsetof, BInt, "abc")
-        py.test.raises(TypeError, offsetof, BStruct, "abc")
-        complete_struct_or_union(BStruct, [('abc', BInt, -1), ('def', BInt, -1)])
-        assert offsetof(BStruct, 'abc') == 0
-        assert offsetof(BStruct, 'def') == size_of_int()
-        py.test.raises(KeyError, offsetof, BStruct, "ghi")
-    def test_function_type(self):
-        BInt = new_primitive_type("int")
-        BFunc = new_function_type((BInt, BInt), BInt, False)
-        assert repr(BFunc) == "<ctype 'int(*)(int, int)'>"
-        BFunc2 = new_function_type((), BFunc, False)
-        assert repr(BFunc2) == "<ctype 'int(*(*)())(int, int)'>"
-    def test_function_type_taking_struct(self):
-        BChar = new_primitive_type("char")
-        BShort = new_primitive_type("short")
-        BStruct = new_struct_type("foo")
-        complete_struct_or_union(BStruct, [('a1', BChar, -1),
-                                           ('a2', BShort, -1)])
-        BFunc = new_function_type((BStruct,), BShort, False)
-        assert repr(BFunc) == "<ctype 'short(*)(struct foo)'>"
-    def test_function_void_result(self):
-        BVoid = new_void_type()
-        BInt = new_primitive_type("int")
-        BFunc = new_function_type((BInt, BInt), BVoid, False)
-        assert repr(BFunc) == "<ctype 'void(*)(int, int)'>"
-    def test_call_function_0(self):
-        BSignedChar = new_primitive_type("signed char")
-        BFunc0 = new_function_type((BSignedChar, BSignedChar), BSignedChar, False)
-        f = cast(BFunc0, _testfunc(0))
-        assert f(40, 2) == 42
-        assert f(-100, -100) == -200 + 256
-        py.test.raises(OverflowError, f, 128, 0)
-        py.test.raises(OverflowError, f, 0, 128)
-    def test_call_function_1(self):
-        BInt = new_primitive_type("int")
-        BLong = new_primitive_type("long")
-        BFunc1 = new_function_type((BInt, BLong), BLong, False)
-        f = cast(BFunc1, _testfunc(1))
-        assert f(40, 2) == 42
-        assert f(-100, -100) == -200
-        int_max = (1 << (8*size_of_int()-1)) - 1
-        long_max = (1 << (8*size_of_long()-1)) - 1
-        if int_max == long_max:
-            assert f(int_max, 1) == - int_max - 1
-        else:
-            assert f(int_max, 1) == int_max + 1
-    def test_call_function_2(self):
-        BLongLong = new_primitive_type("long long")
-        BFunc2 = new_function_type((BLongLong, BLongLong), BLongLong, False)
-        f = cast(BFunc2, _testfunc(2))
-        longlong_max = (1 << (8*sizeof(BLongLong)-1)) - 1
-        assert f(longlong_max - 42, 42) == longlong_max
-        assert f(43, longlong_max - 42) == - longlong_max - 1
-    def test_call_function_3(self):
-        BFloat = new_primitive_type("float")
-        BDouble = new_primitive_type("double")
-        BFunc3 = new_function_type((BFloat, BDouble), BDouble, False)
-        f = cast(BFunc3, _testfunc(3))
-        assert f(1.25, 5.1) == 1.25 + 5.1     # exact
-        res = f(1.3, 5.1)
-        assert res != 6.4 and abs(res - 6.4) < 1E-5    # inexact
-    def test_call_function_4(self):
-        BFloat = new_primitive_type("float")
-        BDouble = new_primitive_type("double")
-        BFunc4 = new_function_type((BFloat, BDouble), BFloat, False)
-        f = cast(BFunc4, _testfunc(4))
-        res = f(1.25, 5.1)
-        assert res != 6.35 and abs(res - 6.35) < 1E-5    # inexact
-    def test_call_function_5(self):
-        BVoid = new_void_type()
-        BFunc5 = new_function_type((), BVoid, False)
-        f = cast(BFunc5, _testfunc(5))
-        f()   # did not crash
-    def test_call_function_6(self):
-        BInt = new_primitive_type("int")
-        BIntPtr = new_pointer_type(BInt)
-        BFunc6 = new_function_type((BIntPtr,), BIntPtr, False)
-        f = cast(BFunc6, _testfunc(6))
-        x = newp(BIntPtr, 42)
-        res = f(x)
-        assert typeof(res) is BIntPtr
-        assert res[0] == 42 - 1000
-        #
-        BIntArray = new_array_type(BIntPtr, None)
-        BFunc6bis = new_function_type((BIntArray,), BIntPtr, False)
-        f = cast(BFunc6bis, _testfunc(6))
-        #
-        py.test.raises(TypeError, f, [142])
-        #
-        x = newp(BIntArray, [242])
-        res = f(x)
-        assert typeof(res) is BIntPtr
-        assert res[0] == 242 - 1000
-    def test_call_function_7(self):
-        BChar = new_primitive_type("char")
-        BShort = new_primitive_type("short")
-        BStruct = new_struct_type("foo")
-        BStructPtr = new_pointer_type(BStruct)
-        complete_struct_or_union(BStruct, [('a1', BChar, -1),
-                                           ('a2', BShort, -1)])
-        BFunc7 = new_function_type((BStruct,), BShort, False)
-        f = cast(BFunc7, _testfunc(7))
-        res = f({'a1': 'A', 'a2': -4042})
-        assert res == -4042 + ord('A')
-        #
-        x = newp(BStructPtr, {'a1': 'A', 'a2': -4042})
-        res = f(x[0])
-        assert res == -4042 + ord('A')
-    def test_call_function_9(self):
-        BInt = new_primitive_type("int")
-        BFunc9 = new_function_type((BInt,), BInt, True)    # vararg
-        f = cast(BFunc9, _testfunc(9))
-        assert f(0) == 0
-        assert f(1, cast(BInt, 42)) == 42
-        assert f(2, cast(BInt, 40), cast(BInt, 2)) == 42
-        py.test.raises(TypeError, f, 1, 42)
-    def test_new_charp(self):
-        BChar = new_primitive_type("char")
-        BCharP = new_pointer_type(BChar)
-        BCharA = new_array_type(BCharP, None)
-        x = newp(BCharA, 42)
-        assert len(x) == 42
-        x = newp(BCharA, "foobar")
-        assert len(x) == 7
-    def test_load_and_call_function(self):
-        BChar = new_primitive_type("char")
-        BCharP = new_pointer_type(BChar)
-        BLong = new_primitive_type("long")
-        BFunc = new_function_type((BCharP,), BLong, False)
-        ll = self.b._find_and_load_library()
-        strlen = ll.load_function(BFunc, "strlen")
-        input = newp(new_array_type(BCharP, None), "foobar")
-        assert strlen(input) == 6
-        #
-        assert strlen("foobarbaz") == 9
-    def test_read_variable(self):
-        if sys.platform == 'win32':
-            py.test.skip("untested")
-        BVoidP = new_pointer_type(new_void_type())
-        ll = self.b._find_and_load_library()
-        stderr = ll.read_variable(BVoidP, "stderr")
-        assert stderr == cast(BVoidP, _testfunc(8))
-    def test_write_variable(self):
-        if sys.platform == 'win32':
-            py.test.skip("untested")
-        BVoidP = new_pointer_type(new_void_type())
-        ll = self.b._find_and_load_library()
-        stderr = ll.read_variable(BVoidP, "stderr")
-        ll.write_variable(BVoidP, "stderr", None)
-        assert ll.read_variable(BVoidP, "stderr") is None
-        ll.write_variable(BVoidP, "stderr", stderr)
-        assert ll.read_variable(BVoidP, "stderr") == stderr
-    def test_callback(self):
-        BInt = new_primitive_type("int")
-        def make_callback(self):
-            def cb(n):
-                return n + 1
-            BFunc = new_function_type((BInt,), BInt, False)
-            return callback(BFunc, cb)    # 'cb' and 'BFunc' go out of scope
-        f = make_callback()
-        assert f(-142) == -141
-    def test_a_lot_of_callbacks(self):
-        BInt = new_primitive_type("int")
-        def make_callback(m):
-            def cb(n):
-                return n + m
-            BFunc = new_function_type((BInt,), BInt, False)
-            return callback(BFunc, cb)    # 'cb' and 'BFunc' go out of scope
-        #
-        flist = [make_callback(i) for i in range(10000)]
-        for i, f in enumerate(flist):
-            assert f(-142) == -142 + i
-    def test_enum_type(self):
-        BEnum = new_enum_type("foo", (), ())
-        assert repr(BEnum) == "<ctype 'enum foo'>"
-        assert _getfields(BEnum) == []
-        #
-        BEnum = new_enum_type("foo", ('def', 'c', 'ab'), (0, 1, -20))
-        assert _getfields(BEnum) == [(-20, 'ab'), (0, 'def'), (1, 'c')]
-    def test_cast_to_enum(self):
-        BEnum = new_enum_type("foo", ('def', 'c', 'ab'), (0, 1, -20))
-        e = cast(BEnum, 0)
-        assert repr(e) == "<cdata 'enum foo'>"
-        assert str(e) == 'def'
-        assert str(cast(BEnum, -20)) == 'ab'
-        assert str(cast(BEnum, 'c')) == 'c'
-        assert int(cast(BEnum, 'c')) == 1
-        assert int(cast(BEnum, 'def')) == 0
-        assert int(cast(BEnum, -242 + 2**128)) == -242
-        assert str(cast(BEnum, -242 + 2**128)) == '#-242'
-        assert str(cast(BEnum, '#-20')) == 'ab'
-    def test_enum_in_struct(self):
-        BEnum = new_enum_type("foo", ('def', 'c', 'ab'), (0, 1, -20))
-        BStruct = new_struct_type("bar")
-        BStructPtr = new_pointer_type(BStruct)
-        complete_struct_or_union(BStruct, [('a1', BEnum, -1)])
-        p = newp(BStructPtr, [-20])
-        assert p.a1 == "ab"
-        p = newp(BStructPtr, ["c"])
-        assert p.a1 == "c"
-        e = py.test.raises(TypeError, newp, BStructPtr, [None])
-        assert "must be a str or int, not NoneType" in str(e.value)
-    def test_struct_with_bitfields(self):
-        BLong = new_primitive_type("long")
-        BStruct = new_struct_type("foo")
-        LONGBITS = 8 * sizeof(BLong)
-        complete_struct_or_union(BStruct, [('a1', BLong, 1),
-                                           ('a2', BLong, 2),
-                                           ('a3', BLong, 3),
-                                           ('a4', BLong, LONGBITS - 5)])
-        d = _getfields(BStruct)
-        assert d[0][1].offset == d[1][1].offset == d[2][1].offset == 0
-        assert d[3][1].offset == sizeof(BLong)
-        assert d[0][1].bitshift == 0
-        assert d[0][1].bitsize == 1
-        assert d[1][1].bitshift == 1
-        assert d[1][1].bitsize == 2
-        assert d[2][1].bitshift == 3
-        assert d[2][1].bitsize == 3
-        assert d[3][1].bitshift == 0
-        assert d[3][1].bitsize == LONGBITS - 5
-        assert sizeof(BStruct) == 2 * sizeof(BLong)
-        assert alignof(BStruct) == alignof(BLong)
-    def test_bitfield_instance(self):
-        BInt = new_primitive_type("int")
-        BUnsignedInt = new_primitive_type("unsigned int")
-        BStruct = new_struct_type("foo")
-        complete_struct_or_union(BStruct, [('a1', BInt, 1),
-                                           ('a2', BUnsignedInt, 2),
-                                           ('a3', BInt, 3)])
-        p = newp(new_pointer_type(BStruct), None)
-        p.a1 = -1
-        assert p.a1 == -1
-        p.a1 = 0
-        py.test.raises(OverflowError, "p.a1 = 2")
-        assert p.a1 == 0
-        #
-        p.a1 = -1
-        p.a2 = 3
-        p.a3 = -4
-        py.test.raises(OverflowError, "p.a3 = 4")
-        e = py.test.raises(OverflowError, "p.a3 = -5")
-        assert str(e.value) == ("value -5 outside the range allowed by the "
-                                "bit field width: -4 <= x <= 3")
-        assert p.a1 == -1 and p.a2 == 3 and p.a3 == -4
-        #
-        # special case for convenience: "int x:1", while normally signed,
-        # allows also setting the value "1" (it still gets read back as -1)
-        p.a1 = 1
-        assert p.a1 == -1
-        e = py.test.raises(OverflowError, "p.a1 = -2")
-        assert str(e.value) == ("value -2 outside the range allowed by the "
-                                "bit field width: -1 <= x <= 1")
-    def test_bitfield_instance_init(self):
-        BInt = new_primitive_type("int")
-        BStruct = new_struct_type("foo")
-        complete_struct_or_union(BStruct, [('a1', BInt, 1)])
-        py.test.raises(NotImplementedError, newp, new_pointer_type(BStruct), [-1])
-    def test_gc(self):
-        from gc import collect
-        BInt = new_primitive_type("int")
-        n = cast(BInt, 123)
-        py.test.raises(TypeError, gc, n, 5)
-        destroyed = []
-        m = gc(n, destroyed.append)
-        assert repr(m) == "<cdata 'int' with destructor>"
-        assert destroyed == []
-        del m; collect()
-        assert len(destroyed) == 1
-        assert int(destroyed[0]) == 123
+mod = tmpname.pyimport()
+for key, value in mod.__dict__.items():
+    if key.startswith('test_'):
+        setattr(AppTestC, key, value)
diff --git a/pypy/module/_ffi_backend/test/test_file.py b/pypy/module/_ffi_backend/test/test_file.py
new file mode 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pypy/module/_ffi_backend/test/test_file.py
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+import urllib2, py
+def test_same_file():
+    # '_backend_test_c.py' is a copy of 'c/test_c.py' from the CFFI repo,
+    # with the header lines (up to '# _____') stripped.
+    url = 'https://bitbucket.org/cffi/cffi/raw/default/c/test_c.py'
+    source = urllib2.urlopen(url).read()
+    #
+    dest = py.path.local(__file__).join('..', '_backend_test_c.py').read()
+    #
+    source = source[source.index('# _____________'):]
+    assert source == dest

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