[pypy-commit] pypy default: merge the app_main-refactor branch, which moves part of the logic to interp-level and kills the nanos hack. This greatly helps py3k

antocuni noreply at buildbot.pypy.org
Mon Jun 11 16:01:18 CEST 2012

Author: Antonio Cuni <anto.cuni at gmail.com>
Changeset: r55583:fdbbeda51739
Date: 2012-06-11 16:00 +0200

Log:	merge the app_main-refactor branch, which moves part of the logic to
	interp-level and kills the nanos hack. This greatly helps py3k

diff --git a/pypy/annotation/binaryop.py b/pypy/annotation/binaryop.py
--- a/pypy/annotation/binaryop.py
+++ b/pypy/annotation/binaryop.py
@@ -659,7 +659,7 @@
     def mul((str1, int2)): # xxx do we want to support this
         getbookkeeper().count("str_mul", str1, int2)
-        return SomeString()
+        return SomeString(no_nul=str1.no_nul)
 class __extend__(pairtype(SomeUnicodeString, SomeInteger)):
     def getitem((str1, int2)):
diff --git a/pypy/annotation/test/test_annrpython.py b/pypy/annotation/test/test_annrpython.py
--- a/pypy/annotation/test/test_annrpython.py
+++ b/pypy/annotation/test/test_annrpython.py
@@ -2138,6 +2138,15 @@
         assert isinstance(s, annmodel.SomeString)
         assert s.no_nul
+    def test_mul_str0(self):
+        def f(s):
+            return s*10
+        a = self.RPythonAnnotator()
+        s = a.build_types(f, [annmodel.SomeString(no_nul=True)])
+        assert isinstance(s, annmodel.SomeString)
+        assert s.no_nul
     def test_non_none_and_none_with_isinstance(self):
         class A(object):
@@ -3780,6 +3789,26 @@
         e = py.test.raises(Exception, a.build_types, f, [])
         assert 'object with a __call__ is not RPython' in str(e.value)
+    def test_os_getcwd(self):
+        import os
+        def fn():
+            return os.getcwd()
+        a = self.RPythonAnnotator()
+        s = a.build_types(fn, [])
+        assert isinstance(s, annmodel.SomeString)
+        assert s.no_nul
+    def test_os_getenv(self):
+        import os
+        def fn():
+            return os.environ.get('PATH')
+        a = self.RPythonAnnotator()
+        s = a.build_types(fn, [])
+        assert isinstance(s, annmodel.SomeString)
+        assert s.no_nul
 def g(n):
     return [0,1,2,n]
diff --git a/pypy/bin/py.py b/pypy/bin/py.py
--- a/pypy/bin/py.py
+++ b/pypy/bin/py.py
@@ -89,12 +89,12 @@
     space.setitem(space.sys.w_dict, space.wrap('executable'),
-    # call pypy_initial_path: the side-effect is that it sets sys.prefix and
+    # call pypy_find_stdlib: the side-effect is that it sets sys.prefix and
     # sys.exec_prefix
-    srcdir = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(pypy.__file__))
-    space.appexec([space.wrap(srcdir)], """(srcdir):
+    executable = argv[0]
+    space.appexec([space.wrap(executable)], """(executable):
         import sys
-        sys.pypy_initial_path(srcdir)
+        sys.pypy_find_stdlib(executable)
     # set warning control options (if any)
diff --git a/pypy/jit/codewriter/policy.py b/pypy/jit/codewriter/policy.py
--- a/pypy/jit/codewriter/policy.py
+++ b/pypy/jit/codewriter/policy.py
@@ -48,8 +48,6 @@
         mod = func.__module__ or '?'
         if mod.startswith('pypy.rpython.module.'):
             return True
-        if mod == 'pypy.translator.goal.nanos':    # more helpers
-            return True
         return False
     def look_inside_graph(self, graph):
diff --git a/pypy/module/sys/__init__.py b/pypy/module/sys/__init__.py
--- a/pypy/module/sys/__init__.py
+++ b/pypy/module/sys/__init__.py
@@ -44,7 +44,9 @@
         'warnoptions'           : 'state.get(space).w_warnoptions', 
         'builtin_module_names'  : 'space.w_None',
         'pypy_getudir'          : 'state.pypy_getudir',    # not translated
-        'pypy_initial_path'     : 'state.pypy_initial_path',
+        'pypy_find_stdlib'      : 'initpath.pypy_find_stdlib',
+        'pypy_find_executable'  : 'initpath.pypy_find_executable',
+        'pypy_resolvedirof'     : 'initpath.pypy_resolvedirof',
         '_getframe'             : 'vm._getframe', 
         '_current_frames'       : 'currentframes._current_frames', 
diff --git a/pypy/module/sys/initpath.py b/pypy/module/sys/initpath.py
new file mode 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pypy/module/sys/initpath.py
@@ -0,0 +1,155 @@
+Logic to find sys.executable and the initial sys.path containing the stdlib
+import sys
+import os
+import stat
+import errno
+from pypy.rlib import rpath
+from pypy.rlib.objectmodel import we_are_translated
+from pypy.interpreter.gateway import unwrap_spec
+from pypy.module.sys.state import get as get_state
+platform = sys.platform
+IS_WINDOWS = sys.platform == 'win32'
+def find_executable(executable):
+    """
+    Return the absolute path of the executable, by looking into PATH and the
+    current directory.  If it cannot be found, return ''.
+    """
+    if we_are_translated() and IS_WINDOWS and not executable.lower().endswith('.exe'):
+        executable += '.exe'
+    if os.sep in executable or (IS_WINDOWS and ':' in executable):
+        pass    # the path is already more than just an executable name
+    else:
+        path = os.environ.get('PATH')
+        if path:
+            for dir in path.split(os.pathsep):
+                fn = os.path.join(dir, executable)
+                if os.path.isfile(fn):
+                    executable = fn
+                    break
+    executable = rpath.rabspath(executable)
+    #
+    # 'sys.executable' should not end up being an non-existing file;
+    # just use '' in this case. (CPython issue #7774)
+    if not os.path.isfile(executable):
+        executable = ''
+    return executable
+def readlink_maybe(filename):
+    if not IS_WINDOWS:
+        return os.readlink(filename)
+    raise NotImplementedError
+def resolvedirof(filename):
+    try:
+        filename = rpath.rabspath(filename)
+    except OSError:
+        pass
+    dirname = rpath.rabspath(os.path.join(filename, '..'))
+    if os.path.islink(filename):
+        try:
+            link = readlink_maybe(filename)
+        except OSError:
+            pass
+        else:
+            return resolvedirof(os.path.join(dirname, link))
+    return dirname
+def find_stdlib(state, executable):
+    """
+    Find and compute the stdlib path, starting from the directory where
+    ``executable`` is and going one level up until we find it.  Return a tuple
+    (path, prefix), where ``prefix`` is the root directory which contains the
+    stdlib.
+    If it cannot be found, return (None, None).
+    """
+    search = executable
+    while True:
+        dirname = resolvedirof(search)
+        if dirname == search:
+            return None, None # not found :-(
+        newpath = compute_stdlib_path_maybe(state, dirname)
+        if newpath is not None:
+            return newpath, dirname
+        search = dirname    # walk to the parent directory
+def checkdir(path):
+    st = os.stat(path)
+    if not stat.S_ISDIR(st[0]):
+        raise OSError(errno.ENOTDIR, path)
+def compute_stdlib_path(state, prefix):
+    """
+    Compute the paths for the stdlib rooted at ``prefix``. ``prefix`` must at
+    least contain a directory called ``lib-python/X.Y`` and another one called
+    ``lib_pypy``. If they cannot be found, it raises OSError.
+    """
+    from pypy.module.sys.version import CPYTHON_VERSION
+    dirname = '%d.%d' % (CPYTHON_VERSION[0],
+                         CPYTHON_VERSION[1])
+    lib_python = os.path.join(prefix, 'lib-python')
+    python_std_lib = os.path.join(lib_python, dirname)
+    checkdir(python_std_lib)
+    lib_pypy = os.path.join(prefix, 'lib_pypy')
+    checkdir(lib_pypy)
+    importlist = []
+    #
+    if state is not None:    # 'None' for testing only
+        lib_extensions = os.path.join(lib_pypy, '__extensions__')
+        state.w_lib_extensions = state.space.wrap(lib_extensions)
+        importlist.append(lib_extensions)
+    #
+    importlist.append(lib_pypy)
+    importlist.append(python_std_lib)
+    #
+    lib_tk = os.path.join(python_std_lib, 'lib-tk')
+    importlist.append(lib_tk)
+    #
+    # List here the extra platform-specific paths.
+    if platform != 'win32':
+        importlist.append(os.path.join(python_std_lib, 'plat-'+platform))
+    if platform == 'darwin':
+        platmac = os.path.join(python_std_lib, 'plat-mac')
+        importlist.append(platmac)
+        importlist.append(os.path.join(platmac, 'lib-scriptpackages'))
+    #
+    return importlist
+def compute_stdlib_path_maybe(state, prefix):
+    """
+    Return the stdlib path rooted at ``prefix``, or None if it cannot be
+    found.
+    """
+    try:
+        return compute_stdlib_path(state, prefix)
+    except OSError:
+        return None
+ at unwrap_spec(executable='str0')
+def pypy_find_executable(space, executable):
+    return space.wrap(find_executable(executable))
+ at unwrap_spec(filename='str0')
+def pypy_resolvedirof(space, filename):
+    return space.wrap(resolvedirof(filename))
+ at unwrap_spec(executable='str0')
+def pypy_find_stdlib(space, executable):
+    path, prefix = find_stdlib(get_state(space), executable)
+    if path is None:
+        return space.w_None
+    else:
+        space.setitem(space.sys.w_dict, space.wrap('prefix'),
+                                        space.wrap(prefix))
+        space.setitem(space.sys.w_dict, space.wrap('exec_prefix'),
+                                        space.wrap(prefix))
+        return space.newlist([space.wrap(p) for p in path])
diff --git a/pypy/module/sys/state.py b/pypy/module/sys/state.py
--- a/pypy/module/sys/state.py
+++ b/pypy/module/sys/state.py
@@ -1,11 +1,8 @@
 Implementation of interpreter-level 'sys' routines.
+import os
 import pypy
-from pypy.interpreter.error import OperationError
-from pypy.interpreter.gateway import unwrap_spec
-import sys, os, stat, errno
 # ____________________________________________________________
@@ -20,67 +17,14 @@
         self.w_argv = space.newlist([])
-    def setinitialpath(self, space): 
+    def setinitialpath(self, space):
+        from pypy.module.sys.initpath import compute_stdlib_path
         # Initialize the default path
         pypydir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(pypy.__file__))
         srcdir = os.path.dirname(pypydir)
-        path = getinitialpath(self, srcdir)
+        path = compute_stdlib_path(self, srcdir)
         self.w_path = space.newlist([space.wrap(p) for p in path])
-def checkdir(path):
-    st = os.stat(path)
-    if not stat.S_ISDIR(st[0]):
-        raise OSError(errno.ENOTDIR, path)
-platform = sys.platform
-def getinitialpath(state, prefix):
-    from pypy.module.sys.version import CPYTHON_VERSION
-    dirname = '%d.%d' % (CPYTHON_VERSION[0],
-                         CPYTHON_VERSION[1])
-    lib_python = os.path.join(prefix, 'lib-python')
-    python_std_lib = os.path.join(lib_python, dirname)
-    checkdir(python_std_lib)
-    lib_pypy = os.path.join(prefix, 'lib_pypy')
-    checkdir(lib_pypy)
-    importlist = []
-    #
-    if state is not None:    # 'None' for testing only
-        lib_extensions = os.path.join(lib_pypy, '__extensions__')
-        state.w_lib_extensions = state.space.wrap(lib_extensions)
-        importlist.append(lib_extensions)
-    #
-    importlist.append(lib_pypy)
-    importlist.append(python_std_lib)
-    #
-    lib_tk = os.path.join(python_std_lib, 'lib-tk')
-    importlist.append(lib_tk)
-    #
-    # List here the extra platform-specific paths.
-    if platform != 'win32':
-        importlist.append(os.path.join(python_std_lib, 'plat-'+platform))
-    if platform == 'darwin':
-        platmac = os.path.join(python_std_lib, 'plat-mac')
-        importlist.append(platmac)
-        importlist.append(os.path.join(platmac, 'lib-scriptpackages'))
-    #
-    return importlist
- at unwrap_spec(srcdir='str0')
-def pypy_initial_path(space, srcdir):
-    try:
-        path = getinitialpath(get(space), srcdir)
-    except OSError:
-        return space.w_None
-    else:
-        space.setitem(space.sys.w_dict, space.wrap('prefix'),
-                                        space.wrap(srcdir))
-        space.setitem(space.sys.w_dict, space.wrap('exec_prefix'),
-                                        space.wrap(srcdir))
-        return space.newlist([space.wrap(p) for p in path])
 def get(space):
     return space.fromcache(State)
@@ -115,3 +59,4 @@
     (should be removed from interpleveldefs before translation)"""
     from pypy.tool.udir import udir
     return space.wrap(str(udir))
diff --git a/pypy/module/sys/test/test_initialpath.py b/pypy/module/sys/test/test_initialpath.py
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/pypy/module/sys/test/test_initialpath.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
-import py
-from pypy.module.sys.state import getinitialpath
-from pypy.module.sys.version import PYPY_VERSION, CPYTHON_VERSION
-def build_hierarchy(prefix):
-    dirname = '%d.%d' % CPYTHON_VERSION[:2]
-    a = prefix.join('lib_pypy').ensure(dir=1)
-    b = prefix.join('lib-python', dirname).ensure(dir=1)
-    return a, b
-def test_stdlib_in_prefix(tmpdir):
-    dirs = build_hierarchy(tmpdir)
-    path = getinitialpath(None, str(tmpdir))
-    # we get at least 'dirs', and maybe more (e.g. plat-linux2)
-    assert path[:len(dirs)] == map(str, dirs)
-def test_include_libtk(tmpdir):
-    lib_pypy, lib_python = build_hierarchy(tmpdir)
-    lib_tk = lib_python.join('lib-tk')
-    path = getinitialpath(None, str(tmpdir))
-    assert lib_tk in path
diff --git a/pypy/module/sys/test/test_initpath.py b/pypy/module/sys/test/test_initpath.py
new file mode 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pypy/module/sys/test/test_initpath.py
@@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
+import py
+import os.path
+from pypy.module.sys.initpath import (compute_stdlib_path, find_executable, find_stdlib,
+                                      resolvedirof)
+from pypy.module.sys.version import PYPY_VERSION, CPYTHON_VERSION
+def build_hierarchy(prefix):
+    dirname = '%d.%d' % CPYTHON_VERSION[:2]
+    a = prefix.join('lib_pypy').ensure(dir=1)
+    b = prefix.join('lib-python', dirname).ensure(dir=1)
+    return a, b
+def test_find_stdlib(tmpdir):
+    bin_dir = tmpdir.join('bin').ensure(dir=True)
+    pypy = bin_dir.join('pypy').ensure(file=True)
+    build_hierarchy(tmpdir)
+    path, prefix = find_stdlib(None, str(pypy))
+    assert prefix == tmpdir
+ at py.test.mark.skipif('not hasattr(os, "symlink")')
+def test_find_stdlib_follow_symlink(tmpdir):
+    pypydir = tmpdir.join('opt', 'pypy-xxx')
+    pypy = pypydir.join('bin', 'pypy').ensure(file=True)
+    build_hierarchy(pypydir)
+    pypy_sym = tmpdir.join('pypy_sym')
+    os.symlink(str(pypy), str(pypy_sym))
+    path, prefix = find_stdlib(None, str(pypy_sym))
+    assert prefix == pypydir
+def test_compute_stdlib_path(tmpdir):
+    dirs = build_hierarchy(tmpdir)
+    path = compute_stdlib_path(None, str(tmpdir))
+    # we get at least 'dirs', and maybe more (e.g. plat-linux2)
+    assert path[:len(dirs)] == map(str, dirs)
+def test_include_libtk(tmpdir):
+    lib_pypy, lib_python = build_hierarchy(tmpdir)
+    lib_tk = lib_python.join('lib-tk')
+    path = compute_stdlib_path(None, str(tmpdir))
+    assert lib_tk in path
+def test_find_executable(tmpdir, monkeypatch):
+    from pypy.module.sys import initpath
+    # /tmp/a/pypy
+    # /tmp/b/pypy
+    # /tmp/c
+    a = tmpdir.join('a').ensure(dir=True)
+    b = tmpdir.join('b').ensure(dir=True)
+    c = tmpdir.join('c').ensure(dir=True)
+    a.join('pypy').ensure(file=True)
+    b.join('pypy').ensure(file=True)
+    #
+    # if there is already a slash, don't do anything
+    monkeypatch.chdir(tmpdir)
+    assert find_executable('a/pypy') == a.join('pypy')
+    #
+    # if path is None, try abspath (if the file exists)
+    monkeypatch.setenv('PATH', None)
+    monkeypatch.chdir(a)
+    assert find_executable('pypy') == a.join('pypy')
+    monkeypatch.chdir(tmpdir) # no pypy there
+    assert find_executable('pypy') == ''
+    #
+    # find it in path
+    monkeypatch.setenv('PATH', str(a))
+    assert find_executable('pypy') == a.join('pypy')
+    #
+    # find it in the first dir in path
+    monkeypatch.setenv('PATH', '%s%s%s' % (b, os.pathsep, a))
+    assert find_executable('pypy') == b.join('pypy')
+    #
+    # find it in the second, because in the first it's not there
+    monkeypatch.setenv('PATH', '%s%s%s' % (c, os.pathsep, a))
+    assert find_executable('pypy') == a.join('pypy')
+    # if pypy is found but it's not a file, ignore it
+    c.join('pypy').ensure(dir=True)
+    assert find_executable('pypy') == a.join('pypy')
+    #
+    monkeypatch.setattr(initpath, 'we_are_translated', lambda: True)
+    monkeypatch.setattr(initpath, 'IS_WINDOWS', True)
+    monkeypatch.setenv('PATH', str(a))
+    a.join('pypy.exe').ensure(file=True)
+    assert find_executable('pypy') == a.join('pypy.exe')
+def test_resolvedirof(tmpdir):
+    foo = tmpdir.join('foo').ensure(dir=True)
+    bar = tmpdir.join('bar').ensure(dir=True)
+    myfile = foo.join('myfile').ensure(file=True)
+    assert resolvedirof(str(myfile)) == foo
+    if hasattr(myfile, 'mksymlinkto'):
+        myfile2 = bar.join('myfile')
+        myfile2.mksymlinkto(myfile)
+        assert resolvedirof(str(myfile2)) == foo
diff --git a/pypy/objspace/fake/objspace.py b/pypy/objspace/fake/objspace.py
--- a/pypy/objspace/fake/objspace.py
+++ b/pypy/objspace/fake/objspace.py
@@ -158,6 +158,8 @@
         if isinstance(x, r_singlefloat):
         if isinstance(x, list):
+            if x == []: # special case: it is used e.g. in sys/__init__.py
+                return w_some_obj()
         return w_some_obj()
     wrap._annspecialcase_ = "specialize:argtype(1)"
diff --git a/pypy/rlib/rpath.py b/pypy/rlib/rpath.py
new file mode 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pypy/rlib/rpath.py
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+Minimal (and limited) RPython version of some functions contained in os.path.
+import os.path
+from pypy.rlib import rposix
+if os.name == 'posix':
+    # the posix version is already RPython, just use it
+    rabspath = os.path.abspath
+elif os.name == 'nt':
+    def rabspath(path):
+        if path == '':
+            path = os.getcwd()
+        try:
+            return rposix._getfullpathname(path)
+        except OSError:
+            return path
+    raise ImportError('Unsupported os: %s' % os.name)
diff --git a/pypy/rlib/test/test_rpath.py b/pypy/rlib/test/test_rpath.py
new file mode 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pypy/rlib/test/test_rpath.py
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+import py
+import os
+from pypy.rlib import rpath
+IS_WINDOWS = os.name == 'nt'
+def test_rabspath_relative(tmpdir):
+    tmpdir.chdir()
+    assert rpath.rabspath('foo') == tmpdir.join('foo')
+ at py.test.mark.skipif("IS_WINDOWS")
+def test_rabspath_absolute_posix():
+    assert rpath.rabspath('/foo') == '/foo'
+ at py.test.mark.skipif("not IS_WINDOWS")
+def test_rabspath_absolute_nt():
+    curdrive, _ = os.path.splitdrive(os.getcwd())
+    assert rpath.rabspath('\\foo') == '%s\\foo' % curdrive
diff --git a/pypy/rpython/module/ll_os.py b/pypy/rpython/module/ll_os.py
--- a/pypy/rpython/module/ll_os.py
+++ b/pypy/rpython/module/ll_os.py
@@ -1114,7 +1114,7 @@
         def os_getcwd_oofakeimpl():
             return OOSupport.to_rstr(os.getcwd())
-        return extdef([], str,
+        return extdef([], str0,
                       "ll_os.ll_os_getcwd", llimpl=os_getcwd_llimpl,
diff --git a/pypy/rpython/module/ll_os_environ.py b/pypy/rpython/module/ll_os_environ.py
--- a/pypy/rpython/module/ll_os_environ.py
+++ b/pypy/rpython/module/ll_os_environ.py
@@ -67,7 +67,7 @@
     return result
-register_external(r_getenv, [str0], annmodel.SomeString(can_be_None=True),
+register_external(r_getenv, [str0], annmodel.SomeString(can_be_None=True, no_nul=True),
diff --git a/pypy/translator/goal/app_main.py b/pypy/translator/goal/app_main.py
--- a/pypy/translator/goal/app_main.py
+++ b/pypy/translator/goal/app_main.py
@@ -213,69 +213,19 @@
 # ____________________________________________________________
 # Main entry point
-# see nanos.py for explainment why we do not import os here
-# remember to update nanos.py if you are using more functions
-# from os or os.path!
-# Running test/test_nanos.py might be helpful as well.
 def we_are_translated():
     # app-level, very different from pypy.rlib.objectmodel.we_are_translated
     return hasattr(sys, 'pypy_translation_info')
 if 'nt' in sys.builtin_module_names:
     IS_WINDOWS = True
     IS_WINDOWS = False
-def get_library_path(executable):
-    search = executable
-    while 1:
-        dirname = resolvedirof(search)
-        if dirname == search:
-            # not found!  let's hope that the compiled-in path is ok
-            print >> sys.stderr, """\
-debug: WARNING: Library path not found, using compiled-in sys.path.
-debug: WARNING: 'sys.prefix' will not be set.
-debug: WARNING: Make sure the pypy binary is kept inside its tree of files.
-debug: WARNING: It is ok to create a symlink to it from somewhere else."""
-            newpath = sys.path[:]
-            break
-        newpath = sys.pypy_initial_path(dirname)
-        if newpath is None:
-            search = dirname    # walk to the parent directory
-            continue
-        break      # found!
-    return newpath
-def setup_sys_executable(executable, nanos):
-    # a substituted os if we are translated
-    global os
-    os = nanos
-    # find the full path to the executable, assuming that if there is no '/'
-    # in the provided one then we must look along the $PATH
-    if we_are_translated() and IS_WINDOWS and not executable.lower().endswith('.exe'):
-        executable += '.exe'
-    if os.sep in executable or (IS_WINDOWS and DRIVE_LETTER_SEP in executable):
-        pass    # the path is already more than just an executable name
-    else:
-        path = os.getenv('PATH')
-        if path:
-            for dir in path.split(os.pathsep):
-                fn = os.path.join(dir, executable)
-                if os.path.isfile(fn):
-                    executable = fn
-                    break
-    sys.executable = os.path.abspath(executable)
-    #
-    # 'sys.executable' should not end up being an non-existing file;
-    # just use '' in this case. (CPython issue #7774)
-    if not os.path.isfile(sys.executable):
-        sys.executable = ''
-def setup_initial_paths(ignore_environment=False, **extra):
-    newpath = get_library_path(sys.executable)
+def setup_and_fix_paths(ignore_environment=False, **extra):
+    import os
+    newpath = sys.path[:]
     readenv = not ignore_environment
     path = readenv and os.getenv('PYTHONPATH')
     if path:
@@ -294,7 +244,15 @@
     except ImportError:
         if sys.version_info < (2, 7):
-        import ctypes # HACK: while running on top of CPython
+        # HACK: while running on top of CPython, and make sure to import
+        # CPython's ctypes (because at this point sys.path has already been
+        # set to the pypy one)
+        pypy_path = sys.path
+        try:
+            sys.path = sys.cpython_path
+            import ctypes
+        finally:
+            sys.path = pypy_path
         set_file_encoding = ctypes.pythonapi.PyFile_SetEncodingAndErrors
         set_file_encoding.argtypes = [ctypes.py_object, ctypes.c_char_p, ctypes.c_char_p]
@@ -417,6 +375,7 @@
 def parse_command_line(argv):
+    import os
     options = default_options.copy()
     options['warnoptions'] = []
@@ -496,6 +455,7 @@
     # but we need more in the translated PyPy for the compiler package
     if '__pypy__' not in sys.builtin_module_names:
+    import os
     if unbuffered:
@@ -624,7 +584,7 @@
             # on the command-line.
             filename = sys.argv[0]
             mainmodule.__file__ = filename
-            sys.path.insert(0, resolvedirof(filename))
+            sys.path.insert(0, sys.pypy_resolvedirof(filename))
             # assume it's a pyc file only if its name says so.
             # CPython goes to great lengths to detect other cases
             # of pyc file format, but I think it's ok not to care.
@@ -669,28 +629,46 @@
     return status
-def resolvedirof(filename):
-    try:
-        filename = os.path.abspath(filename)
-    except OSError:
-        pass
-    dirname = os.path.dirname(filename)
-    if os.path.islink(filename):
-        try:
-            link = os.readlink(filename)
-        except OSError:
-            pass
-        else:
-            return resolvedirof(os.path.join(dirname, link))
-    return dirname
 def print_banner():
     print 'Python %s on %s' % (sys.version, sys.platform)
     print ('Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or '
            '"license" for more information.')
-def entry_point(executable, argv, nanos):
-    setup_sys_executable(executable, nanos)
+debug: WARNING: Library path not found, using compiled-in sys.path.
+debug: WARNING: 'sys.prefix' will not be set.
+debug: WARNING: Make sure the pypy binary is kept inside its tree of files.
+debug: WARNING: It is ok to create a symlink to it from somewhere else."""
+def setup_bootstrap_path(executable):
+    """
+    Try to to as little as possible and to have the stdlib in sys.path. In
+    particular, we cannot use any unicode at this point, because lots of
+    unicode operations require to be able to import encodings.
+    """
+    # at this point, sys.path is set to the compiled-in one, based on the
+    # location where pypy was compiled. This is set during the objspace
+    # initialization by module.sys.state.State.setinitialpath.
+    #
+    # Now, we try to find the absolute path of the executable and the stdlib
+    # path
+    executable = sys.pypy_find_executable(executable)
+    stdlib_path = sys.pypy_find_stdlib(executable)
+    if stdlib_path is None:
+        print >> sys.stderr, STDLIB_WARNING
+    else:
+        sys.path[:] = stdlib_path
+    # from this point on, we are free to use all the unicode stuff we want,
+    # This is important for py3k
+    sys.executable = executable
+def entry_point(executable, argv):
+    # note that before calling setup_bootstrap_path, we are limited because we
+    # cannot import stdlib modules. In particular, we cannot use unicode
+    # stuffs (because we need to be able to import encodings) and we cannot
+    # import os, which is used a bit everywhere in app_main, but only imported
+    # *after* setup_bootstrap_path
+    setup_bootstrap_path(executable)
         cmdline = parse_command_line(argv)
     except CommandLineError, e:
@@ -698,24 +676,33 @@
         return 2
     except SystemExit, e:
         return e.code or 0
-    setup_initial_paths(**cmdline)
+    setup_and_fix_paths(**cmdline)
     return run_command_line(**cmdline)
 if __name__ == '__main__':
-    import autopath
-    import nanos
     # obscure! try removing the following line, see how it crashes, and
     # guess why...
     ImStillAroundDontForgetMe = sys.modules['__main__']
     # debugging only
-    def pypy_initial_path(s):
-        from pypy.module.sys.state import getinitialpath
-        try:
-            return getinitialpath(None, s)
-        except OSError:
-            return None
+    def pypy_find_executable(s):
+        import os
+        return os.path.abspath(s)
+    def pypy_find_stdlib(s):
+        from os.path import abspath, join, dirname as dn
+        thisfile = abspath(__file__)
+        root = dn(dn(dn(dn(thisfile))))
+        return [join(root, 'lib-python', '2.7'),
+                join(root, 'lib_pypy')]
+    def pypy_resolvedirof(s):
+        # we ignore the issue of symlinks; for tests, the executable is always
+        # translator/goal/app_main.py anyway
+        import os
+        return os.path.abspath(os.path.join(s, '..'))
     # add an emulator for these pypy-only or 2.7-only functions
     # (for test_pyc_commandline_argument)
@@ -738,25 +725,27 @@
     imp._run_compiled_module = _run_compiled_module
     imp._getimporter = _getimporter
-    # stick the current sys.path into $PYTHONPATH, so that CPython still
-    # finds its own extension modules :-/
     import os
-    os.environ['PYTHONPATH'] = ':'.join(sys.path)
     reset = []
     if 'PYTHONINSPECT_' in os.environ:
         reset.append(('PYTHONINSPECT', os.environ.get('PYTHONINSPECT', '')))
         os.environ['PYTHONINSPECT'] = os.environ['PYTHONINSPECT_']
+    if 'PYTHONWARNINGS_' in os.environ:
+        reset.append(('PYTHONWARNINGS', os.environ.get('PYTHONWARNINGS', '')))
+        os.environ['PYTHONWARNINGS'] = os.environ['PYTHONWARNINGS_']
+    del os # make sure that os is not available globally, because this is what
+           # happens in "real life" outside the tests
     # no one should change to which lists sys.argv and sys.path are bound
     old_argv = sys.argv
     old_path = sys.path
-    from pypy.module.sys.version import PYPY_VERSION
-    sys.pypy_version_info = PYPY_VERSION
-    sys.pypy_initial_path = pypy_initial_path
-    os = nanos.os_module_for_testing
+    sys.pypy_find_executable = pypy_find_executable
+    sys.pypy_find_stdlib = pypy_find_stdlib
+    sys.pypy_resolvedirof = pypy_resolvedirof
+    sys.cpython_path = sys.path[:]
-        sys.exit(int(entry_point(sys.argv[0], sys.argv[1:], os)))
+        sys.exit(int(entry_point(sys.argv[0], sys.argv[1:])))
         # restore the normal prompt (which was changed by _pypy_interact), in
         # case we are dropping to CPython's prompt
diff --git a/pypy/translator/goal/nanos.py b/pypy/translator/goal/nanos.py
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/pypy/translator/goal/nanos.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,290 +0,0 @@
-Not An os or Nano os :-)
-Implementation of a few methods needed for starting up
-PyPy in app_main without importing os there.
-At startup time, app_main wants to find out about itself,
-sys.executable, the path to its library etc.
-This is done the easiest using os.py, but since this
-is a python module, we have a recurrence problem.
-Importing it at compile time would work, partially,
-but the way os is initialized will cause os.getenv
-to malfunction, due to caching problems.
-The solution taken here implements a minimal os using
-app-level code that is created at compile-time. Only
-the few needed functions are implemented in a tiny os module
-that contains a tiny path module.
-os.getenv got a direct implementation to overcome the caching
-Please adjust the applevel code below, if you need to support
-more from os and os.path.
-from pypy.interpreter.gateway import applevel, interp2app
-import os, py
-if os.name == 'posix':
-    # code copied from posixpath.py
-    app_os_path = applevel("""
-        def dirname(p):
-            i = p.rfind('/') + 1
-            head = p[:i]
-            if head and head != '/'*len(head):
-                head = head.rstrip('/')
-            return head
-        def join(path, b):
-            if b.startswith('/'):
-                path = b
-            elif path == '' or path.endswith('/'):
-                path +=  b
-            else:
-                path += '/' + b
-            return path
-        def normpath(path):
-            if path == '':
-                return '.'
-            initial_slashes = path.startswith('/')
-            # POSIX allows one or two initial slashes, but treats three or more
-            # as single slash.
-            if (initial_slashes and
-                path.startswith('//') and not path.startswith('///')):
-                initial_slashes = 2
-            comps = path.split('/')
-            new_comps = []
-            for comp in comps:
-                if comp in ('', '.'):
-                    continue
-                if (comp != '..' or (not initial_slashes and not new_comps) or
-                     (new_comps and new_comps[-1] == '..')):
-                    new_comps.append(comp)
-                elif new_comps:
-                    new_comps.pop()
-            comps = new_comps
-            path = '/'.join(comps)
-            if initial_slashes:
-                path = '/'*initial_slashes + path
-            return path or '.'
-        def abspath(path):
-            if not path.startswith('/'):
-                import posix
-                cwd = posix.getcwd()
-                path = join(cwd, path)
-            return normpath(path)
-        def isfile(path):
-            import posix
-            try:
-                st = posix.stat(path)
-            except posix.error:
-                return False
-            return (st.st_mode & 0170000) == 0100000      # S_ISREG
-        def islink(path):
-            import posix
-            try:
-                st = posix.lstat(path)
-            except posix.error:
-                return False
-            return (st.st_mode & 0170000) == 0120000      # S_ISLNK
-    """, filename=__file__)
-    app_os = applevel("""
-        sep = '/'
-        pathsep = ':'
-        name = 'posix'
-        def readlink(fn):
-            import posix
-            return posix.readlink(fn)
-    """, filename=__file__)
-elif os.name == 'nt':
-    # code copied from ntpath.py
-    app_os_path = applevel(r"""
-        def splitdrive(p):
-            if p[1:2] == ':':
-                return p[0:2], p[2:]
-            return '', p
-        def isabs(s):
-            s = splitdrive(s)[1]
-            return s != '' and s[:1] in '/\\'
-        def dirname(p):
-            d, p = splitdrive(p)
-            # set i to index beyond p's last slash
-            i = len(p)
-            while i and p[i-1] not in '/\\':
-                i = i - 1
-            head = p[:i]
-            # remove trailing slashes from head, unless it's all slashes
-            head2 = head
-            while head2 and head2[-1] in '/\\':
-                head2 = head2[:-1]
-            head = head2 or head
-            return d + head
-        def join(path, b):
-            b_wins = 0  # set to 1 iff b makes path irrelevant
-            if path == "":
-                b_wins = 1
-            elif isabs(b):
-                # This probably wipes out path so far.  However, it's more
-                # complicated if path begins with a drive letter:
-                #     1. join('c:', '/a') == 'c:/a'
-                #     2. join('c:/', '/a') == 'c:/a'
-                # But
-                #     3. join('c:/a', '/b') == '/b'
-                #     4. join('c:', 'd:/') = 'd:/'
-                #     5. join('c:/', 'd:/') = 'd:/'
-                if path[1:2] != ":" or b[1:2] == ":":
-                    # Path doesn't start with a drive letter, or cases 4 and 5.
-                    b_wins = 1
-                # Else path has a drive letter, and b doesn't but is absolute.
-                elif len(path) > 3 or (len(path) == 3 and
-                                       path[-1] not in "/\\"):
-                    # case 3
-                    b_wins = 1
-            if b_wins:
-                path = b
-            else:
-                # Join, and ensure there's a separator.
-                assert len(path) > 0
-                if path[-1] in "/\\":
-                    if b and b[0] in "/\\":
-                        path += b[1:]
-                    else:
-                        path += b
-                elif path[-1] == ":":
-                    path += b
-                elif b:
-                    if b[0] in "/\\":
-                        path += b
-                    else:
-                        path += "\\" + b
-                else:
-                    # path is not empty and does not end with a backslash,
-                    # but b is empty; since, e.g., split('a/') produces
-                    # ('a', ''), it's best if join() adds a backslash in
-                    # this case.
-                    path += '\\'
-            return path
-        def normpath(path):
-            if path.startswith(('\\\\.\\', '\\\\?\\')):
-                # in the case of paths with these prefixes:
-                # \\.\ -> device names
-                # \\?\ -> literal paths
-                # do not do any normalization, but return the path unchanged
-                return path
-            path = path.replace('/', '\\')
-            prefix, path = splitdrive(path)
-            # We need to be careful here. If the prefix is empty, and
-            # the path starts with a backslash, it could either be an
-            # absolute path on the current drive (\dir1\dir2\file) or a
-            # UNC filename (\\server\mount\dir1\file). It is therefore
-            # imperative NOT to collapse multiple backslashes blindly in
-            # that case.  The code below preserves multiple backslashes
-            # when there is no drive letter. This means that the invalid
-            # filename \\\a\b is preserved unchanged, where a\\\b is
-            # normalised to a\b. It's not clear that there is any better
-            # behaviour for such edge cases.
-            if prefix == '':
-                # No drive letter - preserve initial backslashes
-                while path[:1] == "\\":
-                    prefix = prefix + '\\'
-                    path = path[1:]
-            else:
-                # We have a drive letter - collapse initial backslashes
-                if path.startswith("\\"):
-                    prefix = prefix + '\\'
-                    path = path.lstrip("\\")
-            comps = path.split("\\")
-            i = 0
-            while i < len(comps):
-                if comps[i] in ('.', ''):
-                    del comps[i]
-                elif comps[i] == '..':
-                    if i > 0 and comps[i-1] != '..':
-                        del comps[i-1:i+1]
-                        i -= 1
-                    elif i == 0 and prefix.endswith("\\"):
-                        del comps[i]
-                    else:
-                        i += 1
-                else:
-                    i += 1
-            # If the path is now empty, substitute '.'
-            if not prefix and not comps:
-                comps.append('.')
-            return prefix + '\\'.join(comps)
-        def abspath(path):
-            import nt
-            if path: # Empty path must return current working directory.
-                try:
-                    path = nt._getfullpathname(path)
-                except WindowsError:
-                    pass # Bad path - return unchanged.
-            else:
-                path = nt.getcwd()
-            return normpath(path)
-        def isfile(path):
-            import nt
-            try:
-                st = nt.stat(path)
-            except nt.error:
-                return False
-            return (st.st_mode & 0170000) == 0100000      # S_ISREG
-        def islink(path):
-            return False
-    """, filename=__file__)
-    app_os = applevel(r"""
-        sep = '\\'
-        pathsep = ';'
-        name = 'nt'
-    """, filename=__file__)
-    raise NotImplementedError("os.name == %r" % (os.name,))
-def getenv(space, w_name):
-    name = space.str0_w(w_name)
-    return space.wrap(os.environ.get(name))
-getenv_w = interp2app(getenv)
-def setup_nanos(space):
-    w_os = space.wrap(app_os.buildmodule(space, 'os'))
-    w_os_path = space.wrap(app_os_path.buildmodule(space, 'path'))
-    space.setattr(w_os, space.wrap('path'), w_os_path)
-    space.setattr(w_os, space.wrap('getenv'), space.wrap(getenv_w))
-    return w_os
-# in order to be able to test app_main without the pypy interpreter
-# we create the nanos module with the same names here like it would
-# be created while translation
-path_module_for_testing = type(os)("os.path")
-os_module_for_testing = type(os)("os")
-os_module_for_testing.path = path_module_for_testing
-os_module_for_testing.getenv = os.getenv
-eval(py.code.Source(app_os_path.source).compile(), path_module_for_testing.__dict__)
-eval(py.code.Source(app_os.source).compile(), os_module_for_testing.__dict__)
diff --git a/pypy/translator/goal/targetpypystandalone.py b/pypy/translator/goal/targetpypystandalone.py
--- a/pypy/translator/goal/targetpypystandalone.py
+++ b/pypy/translator/goal/targetpypystandalone.py
@@ -8,7 +8,6 @@
 from pypy.config.config import Config, to_optparse, make_dict, SUPPRESS_USAGE
 from pypy.config.config import ConflictConfigError
 from pypy.tool.option import make_objspace
-from pypy.translator.goal.nanos import setup_nanos
 thisdir = py.path.local(__file__).dirpath()
@@ -27,7 +26,6 @@
     w_run_toplevel = space.getitem(w_dict, space.wrap('run_toplevel'))
     w_call_finish_gateway = space.wrap(gateway.interp2app(call_finish))
     w_call_startup_gateway = space.wrap(gateway.interp2app(call_startup))
-    w_os = setup_nanos(space)
     withjit = space.config.objspace.usemodules.pypyjit
     def entry_point(argv):
@@ -56,7 +54,7 @@
                 w_executable = space.wrap(argv[0])
                 w_argv = space.newlist([space.wrap(s) for s in argv[1:]])
-                w_exitcode = space.call_function(w_entry_point, w_executable, w_argv, w_os)
+                w_exitcode = space.call_function(w_entry_point, w_executable, w_argv)
                 exitcode = space.int_w(w_exitcode)
                 # try to pull it all in
diff --git a/pypy/translator/goal/test2/test_app_main.py b/pypy/translator/goal/test2/test_app_main.py
--- a/pypy/translator/goal/test2/test_app_main.py
+++ b/pypy/translator/goal/test2/test_app_main.py
@@ -200,6 +200,11 @@
+    def setup_class(cls):
+        # some tests need to be able to import test2, change the cwd
+        goal_dir = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(autopath.this_dir, '..'))
+        os.chdir(goal_dir)
     def _spawn(self, *args, **kwds):
             import pexpect
@@ -221,7 +226,7 @@
         kwds.setdefault('timeout', 10)
-        print 'SPAWN:', args, kwds
+        print 'SPAWN:', ' '.join([args[0]] + args[1]), kwds
         child = pexpect.spawn(*args, **kwds)
         child.logfile = sys.stdout
         return child
@@ -319,7 +324,8 @@
         child.sendline('import sys; sys.argv')
-    def test_options_i_c_crashing(self):
+    def test_options_i_c_crashing(self, monkeypatch):
+        monkeypatch.setenv('PYTHONPATH', None)
         child = self.spawn(['-i', '-c', 'x=666;foobar'])
         idx = child.expect(['>>> ', re.escape(banner)])
@@ -351,28 +357,25 @@
             sys.stdin = old
-    def test_pythonstartup(self):
-        old = os.environ.get('PYTHONSTARTUP', '')
-        try:
-            os.environ['PYTHONSTARTUP'] = crashing_demo_script
-            child = self.spawn([])
-            child.expect(re.escape(banner))
-            child.expect('Traceback')
-            child.expect('NameError')
-            child.expect('>>> ')
-            child.sendline('[myvalue2]')
-            child.expect(re.escape('[11]'))
-            child.expect('>>> ')
+    def test_pythonstartup(self, monkeypatch):
+        monkeypatch.setenv('PYTHONPATH', None)
+        monkeypatch.setenv('PYTHONSTARTUP', crashing_demo_script)
+        child = self.spawn([])
+        child.expect(re.escape(banner))
+        child.expect('Traceback')
+        child.expect('NameError')
+        child.expect('>>> ')
+        child.sendline('[myvalue2]')
+        child.expect(re.escape('[11]'))
+        child.expect('>>> ')
-            child = self.spawn(['-i', demo_script])
-            for line in ['hello', 'goodbye', '>>> ']:
-                idx = child.expect([line, 'Hello2'])
-                assert idx == 0    # no PYTHONSTARTUP run here
-            child.sendline('myvalue2')
-            child.expect('Traceback')
-            child.expect('NameError')
-        finally:
-            os.environ['PYTHONSTARTUP'] = old
+        child = self.spawn(['-i', demo_script])
+        for line in ['hello', 'goodbye', '>>> ']:
+            idx = child.expect([line, 'Hello2'])
+            assert idx == 0    # no PYTHONSTARTUP run here
+        child.sendline('myvalue2')
+        child.expect('Traceback')
+        child.expect('NameError')
     def test_ignore_python_startup(self):
         old = os.environ.get('PYTHONSTARTUP', '')
@@ -420,7 +423,7 @@
         p = os.path.join(autopath.this_dir, 'mymodule.py')
         p = os.path.abspath(p)
         child = self.spawn(['-i',
-                            '-m', 'pypy.translator.goal.test2.mymodule',
+                            '-m', 'test2.mymodule',
         child.expect('mymodule running')
         child.expect('Name: __main__')
@@ -431,9 +434,9 @@
         child.expect('>>> ')
         child.sendline('import sys')
-        child.sendline('"pypy.translator.goal.test2" in sys.modules')
+        child.sendline('"test2" in sys.modules')
-        child.sendline('"pypy.translator.goal.test2.mymodule" in sys.modules')
+        child.sendline('"test2.mymodule" in sys.modules')
@@ -513,7 +516,7 @@
             print 'A five ounce bird could not carry a one pound coconut.'
         py_py = os.path.join(autopath.pypydir, 'bin', 'py.py')
-        child = self._spawn(sys.executable, [py_py, path])
+        child = self._spawn(sys.executable, [py_py, '-S', path])
         child.expect('Are you suggesting coconuts migrate?', timeout=120)
         child.sendline('Not at all. They could be carried.')
         child.expect('A five ounce bird could not carry a one pound coconut.')
@@ -524,7 +527,7 @@
         child = self.spawn(['-cprint "hel" + "lo"'])
-        child = self.spawn(['-mpypy.translator.goal.test2.mymodule'])
+        child = self.spawn(['-mtest2.mymodule'])
         child.expect('mymodule running')
     def test_ps1_only_if_interactive(self):
@@ -607,33 +610,28 @@
         data = self.run('-c "print 6**5"')
         assert '7776' in data
-    def test_no_pythonstartup(self):
-        old = os.environ.get('PYTHONSTARTUP', '')
-        try:
-            os.environ['PYTHONSTARTUP'] = crashing_demo_script
-            data = self.run('"%s"' % (demo_script,))
-            assert 'Hello2' not in data
-            data = self.run('-c pass')
-            assert 'Hello2' not in data
-        finally:
-            os.environ['PYTHONSTARTUP'] = old
+    def test_no_pythonstartup(self, monkeypatch):
+        monkeypatch.setenv('PYTHONSTARTUP', crashing_demo_script)
+        data = self.run('"%s"' % (demo_script,))
+        assert 'Hello2' not in data
+        data = self.run('-c pass')
+        assert 'Hello2' not in data
-    def test_pythonwarnings(self):
-        old = os.environ.get('PYTHONWARNINGS', '')
-        try:
-            os.environ['PYTHONWARNINGS'] = "once,error"
-            data = self.run('-W ignore -W default '
-                            '-c "import sys; print sys.warnoptions"')
-            assert "['ignore', 'default', 'once', 'error']" in data
-        finally:
-            os.environ['PYTHONWARNINGS'] = old
+    def test_pythonwarnings(self, monkeypatch):
+        # PYTHONWARNINGS_ is special cased by app_main: we cannot directly set
+        # PYTHONWARNINGS because else the warnings raised from within pypy are
+        # turned in errors.
+        monkeypatch.setenv('PYTHONWARNINGS_', "once,error")
+        data = self.run('-W ignore -W default '
+                        '-c "import sys; print sys.warnoptions"')
+        assert "['ignore', 'default', 'once', 'error']" in data
     def test_option_m(self):
         if not hasattr(runpy, '_run_module_as_main'):
             skip("requires CPython >= 2.6")
         p = os.path.join(autopath.this_dir, 'mymodule.py')
         p = os.path.abspath(p)
-        data = self.run('-m pypy.translator.goal.test2.mymodule extra')
+        data = self.run('-m test2.mymodule extra')
         assert 'mymodule running' in data
         assert 'Name: __main__' in data
         # ignoring case for windows. abspath behaves different from autopath
@@ -740,6 +738,7 @@
         assert data == p + os.sep + '\n'
     def test_getfilesystemencoding(self):
+        py.test.skip("this has been failing since forever, but it's not tested nightly because buildbot uses python2.6 :-(")
         if sys.version_info < (2, 7):
             skip("test requires Python >= 2.7")
         p = getscript_in_dir("""
@@ -821,9 +820,9 @@
 class AppTestAppMain:
     def setup_class(self):
-        # ------------------------------------
-        # setup code for test_get_library_path
-        # ------------------------------------
+        # ----------------------------------------
+        # setup code for test_setup_bootstrap_path
+        # ----------------------------------------
         from pypy.module.sys.version import CPYTHON_VERSION, PYPY_VERSION
         cpy_ver = '%d.%d' % CPYTHON_VERSION[:2]
@@ -840,37 +839,58 @@
         self.w_fake_exe = self.space.wrap(str(fake_exe))
         self.w_expected_path = self.space.wrap(expected_path)
         self.w_trunkdir = self.space.wrap(os.path.dirname(autopath.pypydir))
+        #
+        foo_py = prefix.join('foo.py').write("pass")
+        self.w_foo_py = self.space.wrap(str(foo_py))
-    def test_get_library_path(self):
+    def test_setup_bootstrap_path(self):
         import sys
         import os
+        old_sys_path = sys.path[:]
             import app_main
-            app_main.os = os
-            newpath = app_main.get_library_path('/tmp/pypy-c') # stdlib not found
-            assert newpath == sys.path
-            newpath = app_main.get_library_path(self.fake_exe)
+            app_main.setup_bootstrap_path('/tmp/pypy-c') # stdlib not found
+            sys.path == old_sys_path
+            assert sys.executable == ''
+            #
+            app_main.setup_bootstrap_path(self.fake_exe)
+            assert sys.executable == self.fake_exe
+            newpath = sys.path[:]
             if newpath[0].endswith('__extensions__'):
                 newpath = newpath[1:]
             # we get at least 'expected_path', and maybe more (e.g.plat-linux2)
             assert newpath[:len(self.expected_path)] == self.expected_path
-            sys.path.pop()
+            sys.path[:] = old_sys_path
     def test_trunk_can_be_prefix(self):
         import sys
         import os
+        old_sys_path = sys.path[:]
             import app_main
-            app_main.os = os
             pypy_c = os.path.join(self.trunkdir, 'pypy', 'translator', 'goal', 'pypy-c')
-            newpath = app_main.get_library_path(pypy_c)
+            app_main.setup_bootstrap_path(pypy_c)
+            newpath = sys.path[:]
             # we get at least lib_pypy 
             # lib-python/X.Y.Z, and maybe more (e.g. plat-linux2)
             assert len(newpath) >= 2
             for p in newpath:
                 assert p.startswith(self.trunkdir)
-            sys.path.pop()
+            sys.path[:] = old_sys_path
+    def test_entry_point(self):
+        import sys
+        import os
+        old_sys_path = sys.path[:]
+        sys.path.append(self.goal_dir)
+        try:
+            import app_main
+            pypy_c = os.path.join(self.trunkdir, 'pypy', 'translator', 'goal', 'pypy-c')
+            app_main.entry_point(pypy_c, [self.foo_py])
+            # assert it did not crash
+        finally:
+            sys.path[:] = old_sys_path
diff --git a/pypy/translator/goal/test2/test_nanos.py b/pypy/translator/goal/test2/test_nanos.py
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/pypy/translator/goal/test2/test_nanos.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,85 +0,0 @@
-Tests for the entry point of pypy-c, whether nanos.py is supplying
-the needed names for app_main.py.
-import os
-from pypy.translator.goal import app_main
-this_dir = os.path.dirname(app_main.__file__)
-from pypy.objspace.std import Space
-from pypy.translator.goal.targetpypystandalone import create_entry_point
-from pypy.tool.udir import udir
-class TestNanos:
-    def getnanos(self):
-        from pypy.translator.goal.nanos import os_module_for_testing
-        return os_module_for_testing
-    def test_exists(self):
-        os1 = self.getnanos()
-        assert os1.name == os.name
-        assert os1.sep == os.sep
-        assert os1.pathsep == os.pathsep
-    def test_dirname(self):
-        p1 = os.path
-        p2 = self.getnanos().path
-        path = str(udir.join('baz'))
-        assert p1.dirname(path) == p2.dirname(path)
-        assert p1.dirname(path + os.sep) == p2.dirname(path + os.sep)
-        assert p1.dirname(path + 2*os.sep) == p2.dirname(path + 2*os.sep)
-        assert p1.dirname(p1.dirname(path)) == p2.dirname(p2.dirname(path))
-    def test_join(self):
-        p1 = os.path
-        p2 = self.getnanos().path
-        base = str(udir)
-        assert p1.join(base, '') == p2.join(base, '')
-        assert p1.join(base, 'baz') == p2.join(base, 'baz')
-        assert p1.join(base + os.sep, 'baz') == p2.join(base + os.sep, 'baz')
-        assert p1.join(base, 'baz' + os.sep) == p2.join(base, 'baz' + os.sep)
-        assert p1.join(base, base) == p2.join(base, base)
-    def test_abspath(self):
-        p2 = self.getnanos().path
-        base = str(udir)
-        assert p2.abspath(base) == base
-        assert p2.abspath('x') == os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'x')
-    def test_abspath_uses_normpath(self):
-        p1 = os.path
-        p2 = self.getnanos().path
-        base = str(udir)
-        assert p2.abspath(p1.join(base, '.')) == base
-        assert p2.abspath(p1.join(base, '.', '.', '.')) == base
-        assert p2.abspath(p1.join(base, 'foo', '..')) == base
-    def test_isfile(self):
-        p2 = self.getnanos().path
-        udir.join('test_isfile').write('\n')
-        base = str(udir)
-        assert p2.isfile(p2.join(base, 'test_isfile'))
-        assert not p2.isfile(p2.join(base, 'test_isfile.DOES.NOT.EXIST'))
-        assert not p2.isfile(base)
-def test_nanos():
-    space = Space()
-    # manually imports app_main.py
-    filename = os.path.join(this_dir, 'app_main.py')
-    w_dict = space.newdict()
-    space.exec_(open(filename).read(), w_dict, w_dict)
-    entry_point = create_entry_point(space, w_dict)
-    # check that 'os' is not in sys.modules
-    assert not space.is_true(
-        space.call_method(space.sys.get('modules'),
-                          '__contains__', space.wrap('os')))
-    # But that 'sys' is still present
-    assert space.is_true(
-        space.call_method(space.sys.get('modules'),
-                          '__contains__', space.wrap('sys')))
-    entry_point(['', '-c', 'print 42'])

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