[pypy-svn] extradoc extradoc: Draft a blog post

fijal commits-noreply at bitbucket.org
Wed May 4 15:34:38 CEST 2011

Author: Maciej Fijalkowski <fijall at gmail.com>
Branch: extradoc
Changeset: r3553:6fdbe2ef669a
Date: 2011-05-04 15:34 +0200

Log:	Draft a blog post

diff --git a/blog/draft/numpy_roadmap.rst b/blog/draft/numpy_roadmap.rst
new file mode 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/blog/draft/numpy_roadmap.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+Numpy in PyPy - status and roadmap
+When it comes to PyPy's requested features, there are few features that were
+requested over and over again. In the random order:
+* JIT and stackless integration (discussed at the recent sprint)
+* 2.7 compatibility (done!)
+* numpy integration
+Among those things, only numpy integration hasn't been at least a bit tackled
+and this post discusses what's the current status and what's the possible plan.
+**The short version for impatient: there are experiments being done, which are
+already faster and better than numpy, and there
+is a path forward, but there is a definite lack of dedicated people or money
+to tackle that.**
+The longer version
+The numpy effort in PyPy was my project for a while on an on-and-off (mostly
+off) basis over the past two years. There were `some experiments`_ then
+mostly nothing and then some more experiments that are documented below.
+The general idea that seems to be worthwhile pursuing would be to implement
+numpy in RPython (an implementation language of PyPy) and then leverage
+JIT to achieve extra speedups. The really cool thing about this part is that
+overall JIT improvements will benefit numpy performance out of the box, without
+the extra tweaking. As of now there is branch called `numpy-exp`_ which contains
+a translatable version of a very minimal version of numpy in the module
+called micronumpy. `Example benchmarks`_ show the following:
+|                                | add           | iterate     |
+| CPython 2.6.5 with numpy 1.3.0 | 0.260s (1x)   | 4.2 (1x)    |
+| PyPy numpy-exp @ 3a9d77b789e1  | 0.120s (2.2x) | 0.087 (48x) |
+As you can see, the moment floats cross the numpy-python boundary, PyPy's
+JIT goes blazingly fast, but even running array addition is faster by
+a fair degree (although numexpr is still faster, we're working on it).
+The exact way how array addition is implemented is worth another blog post,
+but in short it lazily evaluates the expression forcing it at the end
+and avoiding intermediate results. This way scales much better than numexpr
+and can lead to speeding up all the operations that you can perform on matrices.
+The next obvious step would be to extend the JIT to use SSE operations on
+intel x86 architecture which should speed it up by about additional 2x.
+Overall it seems pretty obvious that reimplementing numpy in PyPy (in RPython)
+can bring most of the useful compatibility within a month-two-three of work.
+It also seems that the result will be faster for most cases and the same speed
+as original numpy for other cases. The only problem is finding the dedicated
+person willing to spend quite some time on that and personally I would be
+willing to both mentor such a person and encourage him or her :)
+Another option would be to sponsor numpy development. In case you're interested,
+please get in touch with us or leave your email in comments.
+.. _`some experiments`: http://morepypy.blogspot.com/2009/07/pypy-numeric-experiments.html
+.. _`numpy-exp`: https://bitbucket.org/pypy/pypy/src/numpy-exp/
+.. _`Example benchmarks`: https://bitbucket.org/pypy/pypy/src/numpy-exp/pypy/module/micronumpy/bench

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