[pypy-svn] pypy default: Remove lib_pypy/cmath.py, which is now out-of-date.

arigo commits-noreply at bitbucket.org
Thu Jan 20 11:52:01 CET 2011

Author: Armin Rigo <arigo at tunes.org>
Changeset: r40971:42b915a8da7c
Date: 2011-01-20 11:49 +0100

Log:	Remove lib_pypy/cmath.py, which is now out-of-date.

diff --git a/lib_pypy/cmath.py b/lib_pypy/cmath.py
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/lib_pypy/cmath.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,288 +0,0 @@
-"""This module is always available. It provides access to mathematical
-functions for complex numbers."""
-# Complex math module
-# much code borrowed from mathmodule.c
-import math
-from math import e, pi
-try: from __pypy__ import builtinify
-except ImportError: builtinify = lambda f: f
-# constants
-_one = complex(1., 0.)
-_half = complex(0.5, 0.)
-_i = complex(0., 1.)
-_halfi = complex(0., 0.5)
-# internal functions not available from Python
-def _to_complex(x):
-    if isinstance(x, complex):
-        return x
-    if isinstance(x, (str, unicode)):
-        raise TypeError('float or complex required')
-    return complex(x)
-def _prodi(x):
-    x = _to_complex(x)
-    real = -x.imag
-    imag = x.real
-    return complex(real, imag)
- at builtinify
-def phase(x):
-    x = _to_complex(x)
-    return math.atan2(x.imag, x.real)
- at builtinify
-def polar(x):
-    x = _to_complex(x)
-    phi = math.atan2(x.imag, x.real)
-    r = abs(x)
-    return r, phi
- at builtinify
-def rect(r, phi):
-    return complex(r * math.cos(phi), r * math.sin(phi))
- at builtinify
-def acos(x):
-    """acos(x)
-    Return the arc cosine of x."""
-    x = _to_complex(x)
-    return -(_prodi(log((x+(_i*sqrt((_one-(x*x))))))))
- at builtinify
-def acosh(x):
-    """acosh(x)
-    Return the hyperbolic arccosine of x."""
-    x = _to_complex(x)
-    z = log(_sqrt_half*(sqrt(x+_one)+sqrt(x-_one)))
-    return z+z
- at builtinify
-def asin(x):
-    """asin(x)
-    Return the arc sine of x."""
-    x = _to_complex(x)
-    # -i * log[(sqrt(1-x**2) + i*x]
-    squared = x*x
-    sqrt_1_minus_x_sq = sqrt(_one-squared)
-    return -(_prodi(log((sqrt_1_minus_x_sq+_prodi(x)))))
- at builtinify
-def asinh(x):
-    """asinh(x)
-    Return the hyperbolic arc sine of x."""
-    x = _to_complex(x)
-    z = log((_sqrt_half * (sqrt(x+_i)+sqrt((x-_i))) ))
-    return z+z
- at builtinify
-def atan(x):
-    """atan(x)
-    Return the arc tangent of x."""
-    x = _to_complex(x)
-    return _halfi*log(((_i+x)/(_i-x)))
- at builtinify
-def atanh(x):
-    """atanh(x)
-    Return the hyperbolic arc tangent of x."""
-    x = _to_complex(x)
-    return _half*log((_one+x)/(_one-x))
- at builtinify
-def cos(x):
-    """cos(x)
-    Return the cosine of x."""
-    x = _to_complex(x)
-    real = math.cos(x.real) * math.cosh(x.imag)
-    imag = -math.sin(x.real) * math.sinh(x.imag)
-    return complex(real, imag)
- at builtinify
-def cosh(x):
-    """cosh(x)
-    Return the hyperbolic cosine of x."""
-    x = _to_complex(x)
-    real = math.cos(x.imag) * math.cosh(x.real)
-    imag = math.sin(x.imag) * math.sinh(x.real)
-    return complex(real, imag)
- at builtinify
-def exp(x):
-    """exp(x)
-    Return the exponential value e**x."""
-    x = _to_complex(x)
-    l = math.exp(x.real)
-    real = l * math.cos(x.imag)
-    imag = l * math.sin(x.imag)
-    return complex(real, imag)
- at builtinify
-def log(x, base=None):
-    """log(x)
-    Return the natural logarithm of x."""
-    if base is not None:
-        return log(x) / log(base)
-    x = _to_complex(x)
-    l = math.hypot(x.real,x.imag)
-    imag = math.atan2(x.imag, x.real)
-    real = math.log(l)
-    return complex(real, imag)
- at builtinify
-def log10(x):
-    """log10(x)
-    Return the base-10 logarithm of x."""
-    x = _to_complex(x)
-    l = math.hypot(x.real, x.imag)
-    imag = math.atan2(x.imag, x.real)/math.log(10.)
-    real = math.log10(l)
-    return complex(real, imag)
- at builtinify
-def sin(x):
-    """sin(x)
-    Return the sine of x."""
-    x = _to_complex(x)
-    real = math.sin(x.real) * math.cosh(x.imag)
-    imag = math.cos(x.real) * math.sinh(x.imag)
-    return complex(real, imag)
- at builtinify
-def sinh(x):
-    """sinh(x)
-    Return the hyperbolic sine of x."""
-    x = _to_complex(x)
-    real = math.cos(x.imag) * math.sinh(x.real)
-    imag = math.sin(x.imag) * math.cosh(x.real)
-    return complex(real, imag)
- at builtinify
-def sqrt(x):
-    """sqrt(x)
-    Return the square root of x."""
-    x = _to_complex(x)
-    if x.real == 0. and x.imag == 0.:
-        real, imag = 0, 0
-    else:
-        s = math.sqrt(0.5*(math.fabs(x.real) + math.hypot(x.real,x.imag)))
-        d = 0.5*x.imag/s
-        if x.real > 0.:
-            real = s
-            imag = d
-        elif x.imag >= 0.:
-            real = d
-            imag = s
-        else:
-            real = -d
-            imag = -s
-    return complex(real, imag)
-_sqrt_half = sqrt(_half)
- at builtinify
-def tan(x):
-    """tan(x)
-    Return the tangent of x."""
-    x = _to_complex(x)
-    sr = math.sin(x.real)
-    cr = math.cos(x.real)
-    shi = math.sinh(x.imag)
-    chi = math.cosh(x.imag)
-    rs = sr * chi
-    is_ = cr * shi
-    rc = cr * chi
-    ic = -sr * shi
-    d = rc*rc + ic * ic
-    real = (rs*rc + is_*ic) / d
-    imag = (is_*rc - rs*ic) / d
-    return complex(real, imag)
- at builtinify
-def tanh(x):
-    """tanh(x)
-    Return the hyperbolic tangent of x."""
-    x = _to_complex(x)
-    si = math.sin(x.imag)
-    ci = math.cos(x.imag)
-    shr = math.sinh(x.real)
-    chr = math.cosh(x.real)
-    rs = ci * shr
-    is_ = si * chr
-    rc = ci * chr
-    ic = si * shr
-    d = rc*rc + ic*ic
-    real = (rs*rc + is_*ic) / d
-    imag = (is_*rc - rs*ic) / d
-    return complex(real, imag)
-def isnan(x):
-    """isnan(z) -> bool
-    Checks if the real or imaginary part of z not a number (NaN)"""
-    x = _to_complex(x)
-    return math.isnan(x.real) or math.isnan(x.imag)
-def isinf(x):
-    """isnan(z) -> bool
-    Checks if the real or imaginary part of z is infinite"""
-    x = _to_complex(x)
-    return math.isinf(x.real) or math.isinf(x.imag)

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