[pypy-svn] jitviewer default: kill disassembler.py, and use the one in lib_pypy instead

antocuni commits-noreply at bitbucket.org
Fri Feb 25 14:59:33 CET 2011

Author: Antonio Cuni <anto.cuni at gmail.com>
Changeset: r88:43c0a992cccb
Date: 2011-02-25 13:58 +0100

Log:	kill disassembler.py, and use the one in lib_pypy instead

diff --git a/_jitviewer/disassembler.py b/_jitviewer/disassembler.py
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/_jitviewer/disassembler.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,297 +0,0 @@
-"""Disassembler of Python byte code into mnemonics.
-Comes from standard library, modified for the purpose of having a structured
-view on things
-import sys
-import types
-import inspect
-from opcode import *
-from opcode import __all__ as _opcodes_all
-__all__ = ["dis","disassemble","distb","disco"] + _opcodes_all
-del _opcodes_all
-class Opcode(object):
-    """ An abstract base class for all opcode implementations
-    """
-    def __init__(self, pos, lineno, arg=None, argstr=''):
-        self.pos = pos
-        self.arg = arg
-        self.argstr = argstr
-        self.lineno = lineno
-        self.line_starts_here = False
-    def __repr__(self):
-        if self.arg is None:
-            return "<%s at %d>" % (self.__class__.__name__, self.pos)
-        return "<%s (%s) at %d>" % (self.__class__.__name__, self.arg, self.pos)
-class CodeRepresentation(object):
-    """ Representation of opcodes
-    """
-    def __init__(self, opcodes, source):
-        self.opcodes = opcodes
-        self.map = {}
-        current_lineno = None
-        for opcode in opcodes:
-            self.map[opcode.pos] = opcode
-            if opcode.lineno != current_lineno:
-                opcode.line_starts_here = True
-            current_lineno = opcode.lineno
-        self.source = source.split("\n")
-def _setup():
-    for opcode in opname:
-        if not opcode.startswith('<'):
-            class O(Opcode):
-                pass
-            opcode = opcode.replace('+', '_')
-            O.__name__ = opcode
-            globals()[opcode] = O
-def dis(x=None):
-    """Disassemble classes, methods, functions, or code.
-    With no argument, disassemble the last traceback.
-    """
-    if x is None:
-        distb()
-        return
-    if type(x) is types.InstanceType:
-        x = x.__class__
-    if hasattr(x, 'im_func'):
-        x = x.im_func
-    if hasattr(x, 'func_code'):
-        x = x.func_code
-    if hasattr(x, '__dict__'):
-        xxx
-        items = x.__dict__.items()
-        items.sort()
-        for name, x1 in items:
-            if type(x1) in (types.MethodType,
-                            types.FunctionType,
-                            types.CodeType,
-                            types.ClassType):
-                print "Disassembly of %s:" % name
-                try:
-                    dis(x1)
-                except TypeError, msg:
-                    print "Sorry:", msg
-                print
-    elif hasattr(x, 'co_code'):
-        return disassemble(x)
-    elif isinstance(x, str):
-        return disassemble_string(x)
-    else:
-        raise TypeError, \
-              "don't know how to disassemble %s objects" % \
-              type(x).__name__
-def distb(tb=None):
-    """Disassemble a traceback (default: last traceback)."""
-    if tb is None:
-        try:
-            tb = sys.last_traceback
-        except AttributeError:
-            raise RuntimeError, "no last traceback to disassemble"
-        while tb.tb_next: tb = tb.tb_next
-    disassemble(tb.tb_frame.f_code, tb.tb_lasti)
-def disassemble(co, lasti=-1):
-    """Disassemble a code object."""
-    source = inspect.getsource(co)
-    code = co.co_code
-    labels = findlabels(code)
-    linestarts = dict(findlinestarts(co))
-    n = len(code)
-    i = 0
-    extended_arg = 0
-    free = None
-    res = []
-    lastline = co.co_firstlineno
-    while i < n:
-        c = code[i]
-        op = ord(c)
-        if i in linestarts:
-            lastline = linestarts[i]
-        #if i == lasti:
-        #    xxx
-        #    print '-->',
-        #else:
-        #    xxx
-        #    print '   ',
-        #if i in labels:
-        #    xxx
-        #    print '>>',
-        #else:
-        #    xxx
-        #    print '  ',
-        #xxx
-        pos = i
-        i = i + 1
-        if op >= HAVE_ARGUMENT:
-            oparg = ord(code[i]) + ord(code[i+1])*256 + extended_arg
-            opargstr = str(oparg)
-            extended_arg = 0
-            i = i+2
-            if op == EXTENDED_ARG:
-                extended_arg = oparg*65536L
-            if op in hasconst:
-                opargstr = repr(co.co_consts[oparg])
-            elif op in hasname:
-                opargstr = co.co_names[oparg]
-            elif op in hasjrel:
-                opargstr = 'to ' + repr(i + oparg)
-            elif op in haslocal:
-                opargstr = co.co_varnames[oparg]
-            elif op in hascompare:
-                opargstr = cmp_op[oparg]
-            elif op in hasfree:
-                if free is None:
-                    free = co.co_cellvars + co.co_freevars
-                opargstr = free[oparg]
-        else:
-            oparg = None
-            opargstr = ''
-        opcls = globals()[opname[op].replace('+', '_')]
-        res.append(opcls(pos, lastline, oparg, opargstr))
-    return CodeRepresentation(res, source)
-def disassemble_string(code, lasti=-1, varnames=None, names=None,
-                       constants=None):
-    labels = findlabels(code)
-    n = len(code)
-    i = 0
-    while i < n:
-        c = code[i]
-        op = ord(c)
-        if i == lasti:
-            xxx
-            print '-->',
-        else:
-            xxx
-            print '   ',
-        if i in labels:
-            xxx
-            print '>>',
-        else:
-            xxx
-            print '  ',
-        xxxx
-        print repr(i).rjust(4),
-        print opname[op].ljust(15),
-        i = i+1
-        if op >= HAVE_ARGUMENT:
-            oparg = ord(code[i]) + ord(code[i+1])*256
-            i = i+2
-            xxx
-            print repr(oparg).rjust(5),
-            if op in hasconst:
-                if constants:
-                    xxx
-                    print '(' + repr(constants[oparg]) + ')',
-                else:
-                    xxx
-                    print '(%d)'%oparg,
-            elif op in hasname:
-                if names is not None:
-                    xxx
-                    print '(' + names[oparg] + ')',
-                else:
-                    xxx
-                    print '(%d)'%oparg,
-            elif op in hasjrel:
-                xxx
-                print '(to ' + repr(i + oparg) + ')',
-            elif op in haslocal:
-                if varnames:
-                    xxx
-                    print '(' + varnames[oparg] + ')',
-                else:
-                    xxx
-                    print '(%d)' % oparg,
-            elif op in hascompare:
-                xxx
-                print '(' + cmp_op[oparg] + ')',
-        xxx
-        print
-disco = disassemble                     # XXX For backwards compatibility
-def findlabels(code):
-    """Detect all offsets in a byte code which are jump targets.
-    Return the list of offsets.
-    """
-    labels = []
-    n = len(code)
-    i = 0
-    while i < n:
-        c = code[i]
-        op = ord(c)
-        i = i+1
-        if op >= HAVE_ARGUMENT:
-            oparg = ord(code[i]) + ord(code[i+1])*256
-            i = i+2
-            label = -1
-            if op in hasjrel:
-                label = i+oparg
-            elif op in hasjabs:
-                label = oparg
-            if label >= 0:
-                if label not in labels:
-                    labels.append(label)
-    return labels
-def findlinestarts(code):
-    """Find the offsets in a byte code which are start of lines in the source.
-    Generate pairs (offset, lineno) as described in Python/compile.c.
-    """
-    byte_increments = [ord(c) for c in code.co_lnotab[0::2]]
-    line_increments = [ord(c) for c in code.co_lnotab[1::2]]
-    lastlineno = None
-    lineno = code.co_firstlineno
-    addr = 0
-    for byte_incr, line_incr in zip(byte_increments, line_increments):
-        if byte_incr:
-            if lineno != lastlineno:
-                yield (addr, lineno)
-                lastlineno = lineno
-            addr += byte_incr
-        lineno += line_incr
-    if lineno != lastlineno:
-        yield (addr, lineno)
-def _test():
-    """Simple test program to disassemble a file."""
-    if sys.argv[1:]:
-        if sys.argv[2:]:
-            sys.stderr.write("usage: python dis.py [-|file]\n")
-            sys.exit(2)
-        fn = sys.argv[1]
-        if not fn or fn == "-":
-            fn = None
-    else:
-        fn = None
-    if fn is None:
-        f = sys.stdin
-    else:
-        f = open(fn)
-    source = f.read()
-    if fn is not None:
-        f.close()
-    else:
-        fn = "<stdin>"
-    code = compile(source, fn, "exec")
-    dis(code)

diff --git a/_jitviewer/parser.py b/_jitviewer/parser.py
--- a/_jitviewer/parser.py
+++ b/_jitviewer/parser.py
@@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
 import re, sys
 from pypy.jit.metainterp.resoperation import rop, opname
-from disassembler import dis
+from lib_pypy.disassembler import dis # imported from the pypy source tree
 from pypy.jit.tool.oparser import OpParser
 class Html(str):

diff --git a/_jitviewer/test/test_disassembler.py b/_jitviewer/test/test_disassembler.py
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/_jitviewer/test/test_disassembler.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
-from _jitviewer import disassembler
-import sys
-import py
-def f(a, b):
-    return a + b
-def g(a, b):
-    c = a+b
-    return c
-def test_disassembler():
-    res = disassembler.dis(f)
-    if sys.version_info[:2] != (2, 6):
-        py.test.skip("2.6 only test")
-    assert len(res.opcodes) == 4
-    assert [x.__class__.__name__ for x in res.opcodes] == [
-    for i in range(4):
-        assert res.opcodes[i].lineno == f.func_code.co_firstlineno + 1
-    assert res.opcodes[0].argstr == 'a'
-def test_line_starting_opcodes():
-    if sys.version_info[:2] != (2, 6):
-        py.test.skip("2.6 only test")
-    res = disassembler.dis(g)
-    assert len(res.opcodes) == 6
-    for i, opcode in enumerate(res.opcodes):
-        if i in (0, 4):
-            assert opcode.__class__.__name__ == 'LOAD_FAST'
-            assert opcode.line_starts_here
-        else:
-            assert not opcode.line_starts_here

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