[pypy-svn] pypy documentation-cleanup: (cfbolz, lac): put the stuff from docindex to the main index page, which makes much more sense for readthedocs

cfbolz commits-noreply at bitbucket.org
Wed Apr 27 21:42:43 CEST 2011

Author: Carl Friedrich Bolz <cfbolz at gmx.de>
Branch: documentation-cleanup
Changeset: r43685:4c65565e1bb3
Date: 2011-04-27 17:05 +0200

Log:	(cfbolz, lac): put the stuff from docindex to the main index page,
	which makes much more sense for readthedocs

diff --git a/pypy/doc/docindex.rst b/pypy/doc/docindex.rst
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/pypy/doc/docindex.rst
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,309 +0,0 @@
-PyPy - a Python_ implementation written in Python 
-.. _Python: http://docs.python.org/release/2.5.2/
-.. contents:: :depth: 1
-PyPy User Documentation
-`getting started`_ provides hands-on instructions 
-including a two-liner to run the PyPy Python interpreter 
-on your system, examples on advanced features and 
-entry points for using PyPy's translation tool chain. 
-`FAQ`_ contains some frequently asked questions.
-New features of PyPy's Python Interpreter and 
-Translation Framework: 
-  * `Differences between PyPy and CPython`_
-  * `What PyPy can do for your objects`_
-  * `Stackless and coroutines`_
-  * `JIT Generation in PyPy`_ 
-  * `Sandboxing Python code`_
-Status_ of the project.
-Project Documentation
-PyPy was funded by the EU for several years. See the `web site of the EU
-project`_ for more details.
-.. _`web site of the EU project`: http://pypy.org
-architecture_ gives a complete view of PyPy's basic design. 
-`coding guide`_ helps you to write code for PyPy (especially also describes
-coding in RPython a bit). 
-`sprint reports`_ lists reports written at most of our sprints, from
-2003 to the present.
-`papers, talks and related projects`_ lists presentations 
-and related projects as well as our published papers.
-`PyPy video documentation`_ is a page linking to the videos (e.g. of talks and
-introductions) that are available.
-`Technical reports`_ is a page that contains links to the
-reports that we submitted to the European Union.
-`development methodology`_ describes our sprint-driven approach.
-`LICENSE`_ contains licensing details (basically a straight MIT-license). 
-`Glossary`_ of PyPy words to help you align your inner self with
-the PyPy universe.
-PyPy can be used to run Python programs on Linux, OS/X,
-Windows, on top of .NET, and on top of Java.
-To dig into PyPy it is recommended to try out the current
-Subversion HEAD, which is always working or mostly working,
-instead of the latest release, which is `1.2.0`__.
-.. __: release-1.2.0.html
-PyPy is mainly developed on Linux and Mac OS X.  Windows is supported,
-but platform-specific bugs tend to take longer before we notice and fix
-them.  Linux 64-bit machines are supported (though it may also take some
-time before we notice and fix bugs).
-PyPy's own tests `summary`_, daily updated, run through BuildBot infrastructure.
-You can also find CPython's compliance tests run with compiled ``pypy-c``
-executables there.
-information dating from early 2007: 
-`PyPy LOC statistics`_ shows LOC statistics about PyPy.
-`PyPy statistics`_ is a page with various statistics about the PyPy project.
-`compatibility matrix`_ is a diagram that shows which of the various features
-of the PyPy interpreter work together with which other features.
-Source Code Documentation
-`object spaces`_ discusses the object space interface 
-and several implementations. 
-`bytecode interpreter`_ explains the basic mechanisms 
-of the bytecode interpreter and virtual machine. 
-`interpreter optimizations`_ describes our various strategies for
-improving the performance of our interpreter, including alternative
-object implementations (for strings, dictionaries and lists) in the
-standard object space.
-`translation`_ is a detailed overview of our translation process.  The
-rtyper_ is the largest component of our translation process.
-`dynamic-language translation`_ is a paper that describes
-the translation process, especially the flow object space
-and the annotator in detail. (This document is one
-of the `EU reports`_.)
-`low-level encapsulation`_ describes how our approach hides
-away a lot of low level details. This document is also part
-of the `EU reports`_.
-`translation aspects`_ describes how we weave different
-properties into our interpreter during the translation
-process. This document is also part of the `EU reports`_.
-`garbage collector`_ strategies that can be used by the virtual
-machines produced by the translation process.
-`parser`_ contains (outdated, unfinished) documentation about
-the parser.
-`rlib`_ describes some modules that can be used when implementing programs in
-`configuration documentation`_ describes the various configuration options that
-allow you to customize PyPy.
-`CLI backend`_ describes the details of the .NET backend.
-`JIT Generation in PyPy`_ describes how we produce the Python Just-in-time Compiler
-from our Python interpreter.
-.. _`FAQ`: faq.html
-.. _Glossary: glossary.html
-.. _`PyPy video documentation`: video-index.html
-.. _parser: parser.html
-.. _`development methodology`: dev_method.html
-.. _`sprint reports`: sprint-reports.html
-.. _`papers, talks and related projects`: extradoc.html
-.. _`PyPy LOC statistics`: http://codespeak.net/~hpk/pypy-stat/
-.. _`PyPy statistics`: http://codespeak.net/pypy/trunk/pypy/doc/statistic
-.. _`object spaces`: objspace.html 
-.. _`interpreter optimizations`: interpreter-optimizations.html 
-.. _`translation`: translation.html 
-.. _`dynamic-language translation`: https://bitbucket.org/pypy/extradoc/raw/tip/eu-report/D05.1_Publish_on_translating_a_very-high-level_description.pdf
-.. _`low-level encapsulation`: low-level-encapsulation.html
-.. _`translation aspects`: translation-aspects.html
-.. _`configuration documentation`: config/
-.. _`coding guide`: coding-guide.html 
-.. _`architecture`: architecture.html 
-.. _`getting started`: getting-started.html 
-.. _`bytecode interpreter`: interpreter.html 
-.. _`EU reports`: index-report.html
-.. _`Technical reports`: index-report.html
-.. _`summary`: http://codespeak.net:8099/summary
-.. _`ideas for PyPy related projects`: project-ideas.html
-.. _`Nightly builds and benchmarks`: http://tuatara.cs.uni-duesseldorf.de/benchmark.html
-.. _`directory reference`: 
-.. _`rlib`: rlib.html
-.. _`Sandboxing Python code`: sandbox.html
-.. _`LICENSE`: https://bitbucket.org/pypy/pypy/src/default/LICENSE
-PyPy directory cross-reference 
-Here is a fully referenced alphabetical two-level deep 
-directory overview of PyPy: 
-================================   =========================================== 
-Directory                          explanation/links
-================================   =========================================== 
-`pypy/annotation/`_                `type inferencing code`_ for `RPython`_ programs 
-`pypy/bin/`_                       command-line scripts, mainly `py.py`_ and `translatorshell.py`_
-`pypy/config/`_                    handles the numerous options for building and running PyPy
-`pypy/doc/`_                       text versions of PyPy developer documentation
-`pypy/doc/config/`_                documentation for the numerous translation options
-`pypy/doc/discussion/`_            drafts of ideas and documentation
-``doc/*/``                         other specific documentation topics or tools
-`pypy/interpreter/`_               `bytecode interpreter`_ and related objects
-                                   (frames, functions, modules,...) 
-`pypy/interpreter/pyparser/`_      interpreter-level Python source parser
-`pypy/interpreter/astcompiler/`_   interpreter-level bytecode compiler, via an AST
-                                   representation
-`pypy/module/`_                    contains `mixed modules`_ implementing core modules with 
-                                   both application and interpreter level code.
-                                   Not all are finished and working.  Use the ``--withmod-xxx``
-                                   or ``--allworkingmodules`` translation options.
-`pypy/objspace/`_                  `object space`_ implementations
-`pypy/objspace/trace.py`_          the `trace object space`_ monitoring bytecode and space operations
-`pypy/objspace/dump.py`_           the dump object space saves a large, searchable log file
-                                   with all operations
-`pypy/objspace/taint.py`_          the `taint object space`_, providing object tainting
-`pypy/objspace/thunk.py`_          the `thunk object space`_, providing unique object features 
-`pypy/objspace/flow/`_             the FlowObjSpace_ implementing `abstract interpretation`_
-`pypy/objspace/std/`_              the StdObjSpace_ implementing CPython's objects and types
-`pypy/rlib/`_                      a `"standard library"`_ for RPython_ programs
-`pypy/rpython/`_                   the `RPython Typer`_ 
-`pypy/rpython/lltypesystem/`_      the `low-level type system`_ for C-like backends
-`pypy/rpython/ootypesystem/`_      the `object-oriented type system`_ for OO backends
-`pypy/rpython/memory/`_            the `garbage collector`_ construction framework
-`pypy/tool/`_                      various utilities and hacks used from various places 
-`pypy/tool/algo/`_                 general-purpose algorithmic and mathematic
-                                   tools
-`pypy/tool/pytest/`_               support code for our `testing methods`_
-`pypy/translator/`_                translation_ backends and support code
-`pypy/translator/backendopt/`_     general optimizations that run before a backend generates code
-`pypy/translator/c/`_              the `GenC backend`_, producing C code from an
-                                   RPython program (generally via the rtyper_)
-`pypy/translator/cli/`_            the `CLI backend`_ for `.NET`_ (Microsoft CLR or Mono_)
-`pypy/translator/goal/`_           our `main PyPy-translation scripts`_ live here
-`pypy/translator/jvm/`_            the Java backend
-`pypy/translator/stackless/`_      the `Stackless Transform`_
-`pypy/translator/tool/`_           helper tools for translation, including the Pygame
-                                   `graph viewer`_
-``*/test/``                        many directories have a test subdirectory containing test 
-                                   modules (see `Testing in PyPy`_) 
-``_cache/``                        holds cache files from internally `translating application 
-                                   level to interpreterlevel`_ code.   
-================================   =========================================== 
-.. _`bytecode interpreter`: interpreter.html
-.. _`translating application level to interpreterlevel`: geninterp.html
-.. _`Testing in PyPy`: coding-guide.html#testing-in-pypy 
-.. _`mixed modules`: coding-guide.html#mixed-modules 
-.. _`modules`: coding-guide.html#modules 
-.. _`basil`: http://people.cs.uchicago.edu/~jriehl/BasilTalk.pdf
-.. _`object space`: objspace.html
-.. _FlowObjSpace: objspace.html#the-flow-object-space 
-.. _`trace object space`: objspace.html#the-trace-object-space 
-.. _`taint object space`: objspace-proxies.html#taint
-.. _`thunk object space`: objspace-proxies.html#thunk
-.. _`transparent proxies`: objspace-proxies.html#tproxy
-.. _`Differences between PyPy and CPython`: cpython_differences.html
-.. _`What PyPy can do for your objects`: objspace-proxies.html
-.. _`Stackless and coroutines`: stackless.html
-.. _StdObjSpace: objspace.html#the-standard-object-space 
-.. _`abstract interpretation`: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Abstract_interpretation
-.. _`rpython`: coding-guide.html#rpython 
-.. _`type inferencing code`: translation.html#the-annotation-pass 
-.. _`RPython Typer`: translation.html#rpython-typer 
-.. _`testing methods`: coding-guide.html#testing-in-pypy
-.. _`translation`: translation.html 
-.. _`GenC backend`: translation.html#genc 
-.. _`CLI backend`: cli-backend.html
-.. _`py.py`: getting-started-python.html#the-py.py-interpreter
-.. _`translatorshell.py`: getting-started-dev.html#try-out-the-translator
-.. _JIT: jit/index.html
-.. _`JIT Generation in PyPy`: jit/index.html
-.. _`just-in-time compiler generator`: jit/index.html
-.. _rtyper: rtyper.html
-.. _`low-level type system`: rtyper.html#low-level-type
-.. _`object-oriented type system`: rtyper.html#oo-type
-.. _`garbage collector`: garbage_collection.html
-.. _`Stackless Transform`: translation.html#the-stackless-transform
-.. _`main PyPy-translation scripts`: getting-started-python.html#translating-the-pypy-python-interpreter
-.. _`.NET`: http://www.microsoft.com/net/
-.. _Mono: http://www.mono-project.com/
-.. _`"standard library"`: rlib.html
-.. _`graph viewer`: getting-started-dev.html#try-out-the-translator
-.. _`compatibility matrix`: image/compat-matrix.png
-.. include:: _ref.txt

diff --git a/pypy/doc/extending.rst b/pypy/doc/extending.rst
--- a/pypy/doc/extending.rst
+++ b/pypy/doc/extending.rst
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
 Writing extension modules for pypy

diff --git a/pypy/doc/index.rst b/pypy/doc/index.rst
--- a/pypy/doc/index.rst
+++ b/pypy/doc/index.rst
@@ -15,16 +15,33 @@
 * `PyPy Blog`_: news and status info about PyPy 
-* `Documentation`_: extensive documentation about PyPy.  
-* `Getting Started`_: Getting started and playing with PyPy. 
 * `Papers`_: Academic papers, talks, and related projects
 * `Videos`_: Videos of PyPy talks and presentations
 * `speed.pypy.org`_: Daily benchmarks of how fast PyPy is
+Documentation for the PyPy Python Interpreter
+`getting started`_ provides hands-on instructions 
+including a two-liner to run the PyPy Python interpreter 
+on your system, examples on advanced features and 
+entry points for using PyPy's translation tool chain. 
+`FAQ`_ contains some frequently asked questions.
+New features of PyPy's Python Interpreter and 
+Translation Framework: 
+  * `Differences between PyPy and CPython`_
+  * `What PyPy can do for your objects`_
+  * `Stackless and coroutines`_
+  * `JIT Generation in PyPy`_ 
+  * `Sandboxing Python code`_
+Status_ of the project.
 Mailing lists, bug tracker, IRC channel
@@ -70,8 +87,284 @@
 .. _`Release 1.4`: http://pypy.org/download.html
 .. _`speed.pypy.org`: http://speed.pypy.org
-Detailed Documentation
+Project Documentation
+PyPy was funded by the EU for several years. See the `web site of the EU
+project`_ for more details.
+.. _`web site of the EU project`: http://pypy.org
+architecture_ gives a complete view of PyPy's basic design. 
+`coding guide`_ helps you to write code for PyPy (especially also describes
+coding in RPython a bit). 
+`sprint reports`_ lists reports written at most of our sprints, from
+2003 to the present.
+`papers, talks and related projects`_ lists presentations 
+and related projects as well as our published papers.
+`PyPy video documentation`_ is a page linking to the videos (e.g. of talks and
+introductions) that are available.
+`Technical reports`_ is a page that contains links to the
+reports that we submitted to the European Union.
+`development methodology`_ describes our sprint-driven approach.
+`LICENSE`_ contains licensing details (basically a straight MIT-license). 
+`Glossary`_ of PyPy words to help you align your inner self with
+the PyPy universe.
+PyPy can be used to run Python programs on Linux, OS/X,
+Windows, on top of .NET, and on top of Java.
+To dig into PyPy it is recommended to try out the current
+Subversion HEAD, which is always working or mostly working,
+instead of the latest release, which is `1.2.0`__.
+.. __: release-1.2.0.html
+PyPy is mainly developed on Linux and Mac OS X.  Windows is supported,
+but platform-specific bugs tend to take longer before we notice and fix
+them.  Linux 64-bit machines are supported (though it may also take some
+time before we notice and fix bugs).
+PyPy's own tests `summary`_, daily updated, run through BuildBot infrastructure.
+You can also find CPython's compliance tests run with compiled ``pypy-c``
+executables there.
+information dating from early 2007: 
+`PyPy LOC statistics`_ shows LOC statistics about PyPy.
+`PyPy statistics`_ is a page with various statistics about the PyPy project.
+`compatibility matrix`_ is a diagram that shows which of the various features
+of the PyPy interpreter work together with which other features.
+Source Code Documentation
+`object spaces`_ discusses the object space interface 
+and several implementations. 
+`bytecode interpreter`_ explains the basic mechanisms 
+of the bytecode interpreter and virtual machine. 
+`interpreter optimizations`_ describes our various strategies for
+improving the performance of our interpreter, including alternative
+object implementations (for strings, dictionaries and lists) in the
+standard object space.
+`translation`_ is a detailed overview of our translation process.  The
+rtyper_ is the largest component of our translation process.
+`dynamic-language translation`_ is a paper that describes
+the translation process, especially the flow object space
+and the annotator in detail. (This document is one
+of the `EU reports`_.)
+`low-level encapsulation`_ describes how our approach hides
+away a lot of low level details. This document is also part
+of the `EU reports`_.
+`translation aspects`_ describes how we weave different
+properties into our interpreter during the translation
+process. This document is also part of the `EU reports`_.
+`garbage collector`_ strategies that can be used by the virtual
+machines produced by the translation process.
+`parser`_ contains (outdated, unfinished) documentation about
+the parser.
+`rlib`_ describes some modules that can be used when implementing programs in
+`configuration documentation`_ describes the various configuration options that
+allow you to customize PyPy.
+`CLI backend`_ describes the details of the .NET backend.
+`JIT Generation in PyPy`_ describes how we produce the Python Just-in-time Compiler
+from our Python interpreter.
+.. _`FAQ`: faq.html
+.. _Glossary: glossary.html
+.. _`PyPy video documentation`: video-index.html
+.. _parser: parser.html
+.. _`development methodology`: dev_method.html
+.. _`sprint reports`: sprint-reports.html
+.. _`papers, talks and related projects`: extradoc.html
+.. _`PyPy LOC statistics`: http://codespeak.net/~hpk/pypy-stat/
+.. _`PyPy statistics`: http://codespeak.net/pypy/trunk/pypy/doc/statistic
+.. _`object spaces`: objspace.html 
+.. _`interpreter optimizations`: interpreter-optimizations.html 
+.. _`translation`: translation.html 
+.. _`dynamic-language translation`: https://bitbucket.org/pypy/extradoc/raw/tip/eu-report/D05.1_Publish_on_translating_a_very-high-level_description.pdf
+.. _`low-level encapsulation`: low-level-encapsulation.html
+.. _`translation aspects`: translation-aspects.html
+.. _`configuration documentation`: config/
+.. _`coding guide`: coding-guide.html 
+.. _`architecture`: architecture.html 
+.. _`getting started`: getting-started.html 
+.. _`bytecode interpreter`: interpreter.html 
+.. _`EU reports`: index-report.html
+.. _`Technical reports`: index-report.html
+.. _`summary`: http://codespeak.net:8099/summary
+.. _`ideas for PyPy related projects`: project-ideas.html
+.. _`Nightly builds and benchmarks`: http://tuatara.cs.uni-duesseldorf.de/benchmark.html
+.. _`directory reference`: 
+.. _`rlib`: rlib.html
+.. _`Sandboxing Python code`: sandbox.html
+.. _`LICENSE`: https://bitbucket.org/pypy/pypy/src/default/LICENSE
+PyPy directory cross-reference 
+Here is a fully referenced alphabetical two-level deep 
+directory overview of PyPy: 
+================================   =========================================== 
+Directory                          explanation/links
+================================   =========================================== 
+`pypy/annotation/`_                `type inferencing code`_ for `RPython`_ programs 
+`pypy/bin/`_                       command-line scripts, mainly `py.py`_ and `translatorshell.py`_
+`pypy/config/`_                    handles the numerous options for building and running PyPy
+`pypy/doc/`_                       text versions of PyPy developer documentation
+`pypy/doc/config/`_                documentation for the numerous translation options
+`pypy/doc/discussion/`_            drafts of ideas and documentation
+``doc/*/``                         other specific documentation topics or tools
+`pypy/interpreter/`_               `bytecode interpreter`_ and related objects
+                                   (frames, functions, modules,...) 
+`pypy/interpreter/pyparser/`_      interpreter-level Python source parser
+`pypy/interpreter/astcompiler/`_   interpreter-level bytecode compiler, via an AST
+                                   representation
+`pypy/module/`_                    contains `mixed modules`_ implementing core modules with 
+                                   both application and interpreter level code.
+                                   Not all are finished and working.  Use the ``--withmod-xxx``
+                                   or ``--allworkingmodules`` translation options.
+`pypy/objspace/`_                  `object space`_ implementations
+`pypy/objspace/trace.py`_          the `trace object space`_ monitoring bytecode and space operations
+`pypy/objspace/dump.py`_           the dump object space saves a large, searchable log file
+                                   with all operations
+`pypy/objspace/taint.py`_          the `taint object space`_, providing object tainting
+`pypy/objspace/thunk.py`_          the `thunk object space`_, providing unique object features 
+`pypy/objspace/flow/`_             the FlowObjSpace_ implementing `abstract interpretation`_
+`pypy/objspace/std/`_              the StdObjSpace_ implementing CPython's objects and types
+`pypy/rlib/`_                      a `"standard library"`_ for RPython_ programs
+`pypy/rpython/`_                   the `RPython Typer`_ 
+`pypy/rpython/lltypesystem/`_      the `low-level type system`_ for C-like backends
+`pypy/rpython/ootypesystem/`_      the `object-oriented type system`_ for OO backends
+`pypy/rpython/memory/`_            the `garbage collector`_ construction framework
+`pypy/tool/`_                      various utilities and hacks used from various places 
+`pypy/tool/algo/`_                 general-purpose algorithmic and mathematic
+                                   tools
+`pypy/tool/pytest/`_               support code for our `testing methods`_
+`pypy/translator/`_                translation_ backends and support code
+`pypy/translator/backendopt/`_     general optimizations that run before a backend generates code
+`pypy/translator/c/`_              the `GenC backend`_, producing C code from an
+                                   RPython program (generally via the rtyper_)
+`pypy/translator/cli/`_            the `CLI backend`_ for `.NET`_ (Microsoft CLR or Mono_)
+`pypy/translator/goal/`_           our `main PyPy-translation scripts`_ live here
+`pypy/translator/jvm/`_            the Java backend
+`pypy/translator/stackless/`_      the `Stackless Transform`_
+`pypy/translator/tool/`_           helper tools for translation, including the Pygame
+                                   `graph viewer`_
+``*/test/``                        many directories have a test subdirectory containing test 
+                                   modules (see `Testing in PyPy`_) 
+``_cache/``                        holds cache files from internally `translating application 
+                                   level to interpreterlevel`_ code.   
+================================   =========================================== 
+.. _`bytecode interpreter`: interpreter.html
+.. _`translating application level to interpreterlevel`: geninterp.html
+.. _`Testing in PyPy`: coding-guide.html#testing-in-pypy 
+.. _`mixed modules`: coding-guide.html#mixed-modules 
+.. _`modules`: coding-guide.html#modules 
+.. _`basil`: http://people.cs.uchicago.edu/~jriehl/BasilTalk.pdf
+.. _`object space`: objspace.html
+.. _FlowObjSpace: objspace.html#the-flow-object-space 
+.. _`trace object space`: objspace.html#the-trace-object-space 
+.. _`taint object space`: objspace-proxies.html#taint
+.. _`thunk object space`: objspace-proxies.html#thunk
+.. _`transparent proxies`: objspace-proxies.html#tproxy
+.. _`Differences between PyPy and CPython`: cpython_differences.html
+.. _`What PyPy can do for your objects`: objspace-proxies.html
+.. _`Stackless and coroutines`: stackless.html
+.. _StdObjSpace: objspace.html#the-standard-object-space 
+.. _`abstract interpretation`: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Abstract_interpretation
+.. _`rpython`: coding-guide.html#rpython 
+.. _`type inferencing code`: translation.html#the-annotation-pass 
+.. _`RPython Typer`: translation.html#rpython-typer 
+.. _`testing methods`: coding-guide.html#testing-in-pypy
+.. _`translation`: translation.html 
+.. _`GenC backend`: translation.html#genc 
+.. _`CLI backend`: cli-backend.html
+.. _`py.py`: getting-started-python.html#the-py.py-interpreter
+.. _`translatorshell.py`: getting-started-dev.html#try-out-the-translator
+.. _JIT: jit/index.html
+.. _`JIT Generation in PyPy`: jit/index.html
+.. _`just-in-time compiler generator`: jit/index.html
+.. _rtyper: rtyper.html
+.. _`low-level type system`: rtyper.html#low-level-type
+.. _`object-oriented type system`: rtyper.html#oo-type
+.. _`garbage collector`: garbage_collection.html
+.. _`Stackless Transform`: translation.html#the-stackless-transform
+.. _`main PyPy-translation scripts`: getting-started-python.html#translating-the-pypy-python-interpreter
+.. _`.NET`: http://www.microsoft.com/net/
+.. _Mono: http://www.mono-project.com/
+.. _`"standard library"`: rlib.html
+.. _`graph viewer`: getting-started-dev.html#try-out-the-translator
+.. _`compatibility matrix`: image/compat-matrix.png
 .. The following documentation is important and reasonably up-to-date:
@@ -80,6 +373,7 @@
 .. toctree::
    :maxdepth: 1
+   :hidden:
@@ -145,3 +439,5 @@
 * :ref:`search`
 * :ref:`glossary`
+.. include:: _ref.txt

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