[pypy-svn] r77464 - in pypy/branch/minimark-free/pypy/rpython: lltypesystem memory/gc memory/gc/test

arigo at codespeak.net arigo at codespeak.net
Wed Sep 29 13:05:48 CEST 2010

Author: arigo
Date: Wed Sep 29 13:05:46 2010
New Revision: 77464

Tweak minimarkpage to free unused arenas.

Modified: pypy/branch/minimark-free/pypy/rpython/lltypesystem/llarena.py
--- pypy/branch/minimark-free/pypy/rpython/lltypesystem/llarena.py	(original)
+++ pypy/branch/minimark-free/pypy/rpython/lltypesystem/llarena.py	Wed Sep 29 13:05:46 2010
@@ -124,6 +124,9 @@
             assert self.usagemap[i] == 'x'
             self.usagemap[i] = '#'
+    def mark_freed(self):
+        self.freed = True    # this method is a hook for tests
 class fakearenaaddress(llmemory.fakeaddress):
     def __init__(self, arena, offset):
@@ -314,7 +317,7 @@
     assert arena_addr.offset == 0
     assert not arena_addr.arena.objectptrs
-    arena_addr.arena.freed = True
+    arena_addr.arena.mark_freed()
 def arena_reset(arena_addr, size, zero):
     """Free all objects in the arena, which can then be reused.

Modified: pypy/branch/minimark-free/pypy/rpython/memory/gc/minimarkpage.py
--- pypy/branch/minimark-free/pypy/rpython/memory/gc/minimarkpage.py	(original)
+++ pypy/branch/minimark-free/pypy/rpython/memory/gc/minimarkpage.py	Wed Sep 29 13:05:46 2010
@@ -4,15 +4,45 @@
 from pypy.rlib.debug import ll_assert
-WORD_POWER_2 = {32: 2, 64: 3}[LONG_BIT]
 NULL = llmemory.NULL
+WORD_POWER_2 = {32: 2, 64: 3}[LONG_BIT]
+assert 1 << WORD_POWER_2 == WORD
-# Terminology: the memory is subdivided into "pages".
+# Terminology: the memory is subdivided into "arenas" containing "pages".
 # A page contains a number of allocated objects, called "blocks".
-# The actual allocation occurs in whole arenas, which are subdivided
-# into pages.  We don't keep track of the arenas.  A page can be:
+# The actual allocation occurs in whole arenas, which are then subdivided
+# into pages.  For each arena we allocate one of the following structures:
+ARENA_PTR = lltype.Ptr(lltype.ForwardReference())
+ARENA = lltype.Struct('ArenaReference',
+    # -- The address of the arena, as returned by malloc()
+    ('base', llmemory.Address),
+    # -- The number of free and the total number of pages in the arena
+    ('nfreepages', lltype.Signed),
+    ('totalpages', lltype.Signed),
+    # -- A chained list of free pages in the arena.  Ends with NULL.
+    ('freepages', llmemory.Address),
+    # -- A linked list of arenas.  See below.
+    ('nextarena', ARENA_PTR),
+    )
+ARENA_NULL = lltype.nullptr(ARENA)
+# The idea is that when we need a free page, we take it from the arena
+# which currently has the *lowest* number of free pages.  This allows
+# arenas with a lot of free pages to eventually become entirely free, at
+# which point they are returned to the OS.  If an arena has a total of
+# 64 pages, then we have 64 global lists, arenas_lists[0] to
+# arenas_lists[63], such that arenas_lists[i] contains exactly those
+# arenas that have 'nfreepages == i'.  We allocate pages out of the
+# arena in 'current_arena'; when it is exhausted we pick another arena
+# with the smallest value for nfreepages (but > 0).
+# ____________________________________________________________
+# Each page in an arena can be:
 # - uninitialized: never touched so far.
@@ -20,11 +50,12 @@
 #   PAGE_HEADER.  The page is on the chained list of pages that still have
 #   room for objects of that size, unless it is completely full.
-# - free: used to be partially full, and is now free again.  The page is
-#   on the chained list of free pages.
+# - free.  The page is on the chained list of free pages 'freepages' from
+#   its arena.
-# Similarily, each allocated page contains blocks of a given size, which can
-# be either uninitialized, allocated or free.
+# Each allocated page contains blocks of a given size, which can be in
+# one of three states: allocated, free, or uninitialized.  The uninitialized
+# blocks (initially all of them) are a tail of the page.
 PAGE_PTR = lltype.Ptr(lltype.ForwardReference())
 PAGE_HEADER = lltype.Struct('PageHeader',
@@ -32,13 +63,16 @@
     #    pages, it is a chained list of pages having the same size class,
     #    rooted in 'page_for_size[size_class]'.  For full pages, it is a
     #    different chained list rooted in 'full_page_for_size[size_class]'.
+    #    For free pages, it is the list 'freepages' in the arena header.
     ('nextpage', PAGE_PTR),
-    # -- The number of free blocks, and the number of uninitialized blocks.
-    #    The number of allocated blocks is the rest.
-    ('nuninitialized', lltype.Signed),
+    # -- The arena this page is part of.
+    ('arena', ARENA_PTR),
+    # -- The number of free blocks.  The numbers of uninitialized and
+    #    allocated blocks can be deduced from the context if needed.
     ('nfree', lltype.Signed),
-    # -- The chained list of free blocks.  If there are none, points to the
-    #    first uninitialized block.
+    # -- The chained list of free blocks.  It ends as a pointer to the
+    #    first uninitialized block (pointing to data that is uninitialized,
+    #    or to the end of the page).
     ('freeblock', llmemory.Address),
     # -- The structure above is 4 words, which is a good value:
     #    '(1024-4) % N' is zero or very small for various small N's,
@@ -72,13 +106,35 @@
         self.nblocks_for_size = lltype.malloc(rffi.CArray(lltype.Signed),
                                               length, flavor='raw')
         self.hdrsize = llmemory.raw_malloc_usage(llmemory.sizeof(PAGE_HEADER))
+        assert page_size > self.hdrsize
         self.nblocks_for_size[0] = 0    # unused
         for i in range(1, length):
             self.nblocks_for_size[i] = (page_size - self.hdrsize) // (WORD * i)
-        self.uninitialized_pages = NULL
+        self.max_pages_per_arena = arena_size // page_size
+        self.arenas_lists = lltype.malloc(rffi.CArray(ARENA_PTR),
+                                          self.max_pages_per_arena,
+                                          flavor='raw', zero=True)
+        # this is used in mass_free() only
+        self.old_arenas_lists = lltype.malloc(rffi.CArray(ARENA_PTR),
+                                              self.max_pages_per_arena,
+                                              flavor='raw', zero=True)
+        #
+        # the arena currently consumed; it must have at least one page
+        # available, or be NULL.  The arena object that we point to is
+        # not in any 'arenas_lists'.  We will consume all its pages before
+        # we choose a next arena, even if there is a major collection
+        # in-between.
+        self.current_arena = ARENA_NULL
+        #
+        # guarantee that 'arenas_lists[1:min_empty_nfreepages]' are all empty
+        self.min_empty_nfreepages = self.max_pages_per_arena
+        #
+        # part of current_arena might still contain uninitialized pages
         self.num_uninitialized_pages = 0
-        self.free_pages = NULL
+        #
+        # the total memory used, counting every block in use, without
+        # the additional bookkeeping stuff.
         self.total_memory_used = r_uint(0)
@@ -109,16 +165,12 @@
             # The 'result' is part of the uninitialized blocks.
-            ll_assert(page.nuninitialized > 0,
-                      "fully allocated page found in the page_for_size list")
-            page.nuninitialized -= 1
-            if page.nuninitialized > 0:
-                freeblock = result + nsize
-            else:
-                freeblock = NULL
+            freeblock = result + nsize
         page.freeblock = freeblock
-        if freeblock == NULL:
+        #
+        pageaddr = llarena.getfakearenaaddress(llmemory.cast_ptr_to_adr(page))
+        if freeblock - pageaddr > self.page_size - nsize:
             # This was the last free block, so unlink the page from the
             # chained list and put it in the 'full_page_for_size' list.
             self.page_for_size[size_class] = page.nextpage
@@ -132,37 +184,83 @@
     def allocate_new_page(self, size_class):
         """Allocate and return a new page for the given size_class."""
-        if self.free_pages != NULL:
+        # Allocate a new arena if needed.
+        if self.current_arena == ARENA_NULL:
+            self.allocate_new_arena()
+        #
+        # The result is simply 'current_arena.freepages'.
+        arena = self.current_arena
+        result = arena.freepages
+        if arena.nfreepages > 0:
+            #
+            # The 'result' was part of the chained list; read the next.
+            arena.nfreepages -= 1
+            freepages = result.address[0]
+            llarena.arena_reset(result,
+                                llmemory.sizeof(llmemory.Address),
+                                0)
-            # Get the page from the chained list 'free_pages'.
-            page = self.free_pages
-            self.free_pages = page.address[0]
-            llarena.arena_reset(page, llmemory.sizeof(llmemory.Address), 0)
-            # Get the next free page from the uninitialized pages.
-            if self.num_uninitialized_pages == 0:
-                self.allocate_new_arena()   # Out of memory.  Get a new arena.
-            page = self.uninitialized_pages
-            self.uninitialized_pages += self.page_size
+            # The 'result' is part of the uninitialized pages.
+            ll_assert(self.num_uninitialized_pages > 0,
+                      "fully allocated arena found in self.current_arena")
             self.num_uninitialized_pages -= 1
+            if self.num_uninitialized_pages > 0:
+                freepages = result + self.page_size
+            else:
+                freepages = NULL
-        # Initialize the fields of the resulting page
-        llarena.arena_reserve(page, llmemory.sizeof(PAGE_HEADER))
-        result = llmemory.cast_adr_to_ptr(page, PAGE_PTR)
+        arena.freepages = freepages
+        if freepages == NULL:
+            # This was the last page, so put the arena away into
+            # arenas_lists[0].
+            arena.nextarena = self.arenas_lists[0]
+            self.arenas_lists[0] = arena
+            self.current_arena = ARENA_NULL
-        result.nuninitialized = self.nblocks_for_size[size_class]
-        result.nfree = 0
-        result.freeblock = page + self.hdrsize
-        result.nextpage = PAGE_NULL
+        # Initialize the fields of the resulting page
+        llarena.arena_reserve(result, llmemory.sizeof(PAGE_HEADER))
+        page = llmemory.cast_adr_to_ptr(result, PAGE_PTR)
+        page.arena = arena
+        page.nfree = 0
+        page.freeblock = result + self.hdrsize
+        page.nextpage = PAGE_NULL
         ll_assert(self.page_for_size[size_class] == PAGE_NULL,
                   "allocate_new_page() called but a page is already waiting")
-        self.page_for_size[size_class] = result
-        return result
+        self.page_for_size[size_class] = page
+        return page
+    def _all_arenas(self):
+        """For testing.  Enumerates all arenas."""
+        if self.current_arena:
+            yield self.current_arena
+        for arena in self.arenas_lists:
+            while arena:
+                yield arena
+                arena = arena.nextarena
     def allocate_new_arena(self):
-        ll_assert(self.num_uninitialized_pages == 0,
-                  "some uninitialized pages are already waiting")
+        """Return in self.current_arena the arena to allocate from next."""
+        #
+        # Pick an arena from 'arenas_lists[i]', with i as small as possible
+        # but > 0.  Use caching with 'min_empty_nfreepages', which guarantees
+        # that 'arenas_lists[1:min_empty_nfreepages]' are all empty.
+        i = self.min_empty_nfreepages
+        while i < self.max_pages_per_arena:
+            #
+            if self.arenas_lists[i] != ARENA_NULL:
+                #
+                # Found it.
+                self.current_arena = self.arenas_lists[i]
+                self.arenas_lists[i] = self.current_arena.nextarena
+                return
+            #
+            i += 1
+            self.min_empty_nfreepages = i
+        #
+        # No more arena with any free page.  We must allocate a new arena.
         # 'arena_base' points to the start of malloced memory; it might not
         # be a page-aligned address
@@ -177,13 +275,15 @@
         # 'npages' is the number of full pages just allocated
         npages = (arena_end - firstpage) // self.page_size
-        # add these pages to the list
-        self.uninitialized_pages = firstpage
+        # Allocate an ARENA object and initialize it
+        arena = lltype.malloc(ARENA, flavor='raw')
+        arena.base = arena_base
+        arena.nfreepages = 0        # they are all uninitialized pages
+        arena.totalpages = npages
+        arena.freepages = firstpage
         self.num_uninitialized_pages = npages
+        self.current_arena = arena
-        # increase a bit arena_size for the next time
-        self.arena_size = (self.arena_size // 4 * 5) + (self.page_size - 1)
-        self.arena_size = (self.arena_size // self.page_size) * self.page_size
     allocate_new_arena._dont_inline_ = True
@@ -199,16 +299,51 @@
             # Walk the pages in 'page_for_size[size_class]' and
             # 'full_page_for_size[size_class]' and free some objects.
-            # Pages completely freed are added to 'self.free_pages', and
-            # become available for reuse by any size class.  Pages not
-            # completely freed are re-chained either in
+            # Pages completely freed are added to 'page.arena.freepages',
+            # and become available for reuse by any size class.  Pages
+            # not completely freed are re-chained either in
             # 'full_page_for_size[]' or 'page_for_size[]'.
-            self.mass_free_in_page(size_class, ok_to_free_func)
+            self.mass_free_in_pages(size_class, ok_to_free_func)
             size_class -= 1
+        #
+        # Rehash arenas into the correct arenas_lists[i].  If
+        # 'self.current_arena' contains an arena too, it remains there.
+        (self.old_arenas_lists, self.arenas_lists) = (
+            self.arenas_lists, self.old_arenas_lists)
+        #
+        i = 0
+        while i < self.max_pages_per_arena:
+            self.arenas_lists[i] = ARENA_NULL
+            i += 1
+        #
+        i = 0
+        while i < self.max_pages_per_arena:
+            arena = self.old_arenas_lists[i]
+            while arena != ARENA_NULL:
+                nextarena = arena.nextarena
+                #
+                if arena.nfreepages == arena.totalpages:
+                    #
+                    # The whole arena is empty.  Free it.
+                    llarena.arena_free(arena.base)
+                    lltype.free(arena, flavor='raw')
+                    #
+                else:
+                    # Insert 'arena' in the correct arenas_lists[n]
+                    n = arena.nfreepages
+                    ll_assert(n < self.max_pages_per_arena,
+                             "totalpages != nfreepages >= max_pages_per_arena")
+                    arena.nextarena = self.arenas_lists[n]
+                    self.arenas_lists[n] = arena
+                #
+                arena = nextarena
+            i += 1
+        #
+        self.min_empty_nfreepages = 1
-    def mass_free_in_page(self, size_class, ok_to_free_func):
+    def mass_free_in_pages(self, size_class, ok_to_free_func):
         nblocks = self.nblocks_for_size[size_class]
         block_size = size_class * WORD
         remaining_partial_pages = PAGE_NULL
@@ -224,8 +359,7 @@
             while page != PAGE_NULL:
                 # Collect the page.
-                surviving = self.walk_page(page, block_size,
-                                           nblocks, ok_to_free_func)
+                surviving = self.walk_page(page, block_size, ok_to_free_func)
                 nextpage = page.nextpage
                 if surviving == nblocks:
@@ -259,19 +393,23 @@
     def free_page(self, page):
         """Free a whole page."""
-        # Done by inserting it in the 'free_pages' list.
+        # Insert the freed page in the arena's 'freepages' list.
+        # If nfreepages == totalpages, then it will be freed at the
+        # end of mass_free().
+        arena = page.arena
+        arena.nfreepages += 1
         pageaddr = llmemory.cast_ptr_to_adr(page)
         pageaddr = llarena.getfakearenaaddress(pageaddr)
         llarena.arena_reset(pageaddr, self.page_size, 0)
         llarena.arena_reserve(pageaddr, llmemory.sizeof(llmemory.Address))
-        pageaddr.address[0] = self.free_pages
-        self.free_pages = pageaddr
+        pageaddr.address[0] = arena.freepages
+        arena.freepages = pageaddr
-    def walk_page(self, page, block_size, nblocks, ok_to_free_func):
+    def walk_page(self, page, block_size, ok_to_free_func):
         """Walk over all objects in a page, and ask ok_to_free_func()."""
-        # 'freeblock' is the next free block, or NULL if there isn't any more.
+        # 'freeblock' is the next free block
         freeblock = page.freeblock
         # 'prevfreeblockat' is the address of where 'freeblock' was read from.
@@ -281,22 +419,28 @@
         obj = llarena.getfakearenaaddress(llmemory.cast_ptr_to_adr(page))
         obj += self.hdrsize
         surviving = 0    # initially
+        skip_free_blocks = page.nfree
-        nblocks -= page.nuninitialized
-        index = nblocks
-        while index > 0:
+        while True:
             if obj == freeblock:
+                if skip_free_blocks == 0:
+                    #
+                    # 'obj' points to the first uninitialized block,
+                    # or to the end of the page if there are none.
+                    break
+                #
                 # 'obj' points to a free block.  It means that
                 # 'prevfreeblockat.address[0]' does not need to be updated.
                 # Just read the next free block from 'obj.address[0]'.
+                skip_free_blocks -= 1
                 prevfreeblockat = obj
                 freeblock = obj.address[0]
                 # 'obj' points to a valid object.
-                ll_assert(not freeblock or freeblock > obj,
+                ll_assert(freeblock > obj,
                           "freeblocks are linked out of order")
                 if ok_to_free_func(obj):
@@ -310,15 +454,14 @@
                     prevfreeblockat = obj
                     obj.address[0] = freeblock
+                    # Update the number of free objects in the page.
+                    page.nfree += 1
+                    #
                     # The object survives.
                     surviving += 1
             obj += block_size
-            index -= 1
-        #
-        # Update the number of free objects in the page.
-        page.nfree = nblocks - surviving
         # Update the global total size of objects.
         self.total_memory_used += surviving * block_size
@@ -327,6 +470,20 @@
         return surviving
+    def _nuninitialized(self, page, size_class):
+        # Helper for debugging: count the number of uninitialized blocks
+        freeblock = page.freeblock
+        for i in range(page.nfree):
+            freeblock = freeblock.address[0]
+        assert freeblock != NULL
+        pageaddr = llarena.getfakearenaaddress(llmemory.cast_ptr_to_adr(page))
+        num_initialized_blocks, rem = divmod(
+            freeblock - pageaddr - self.hdrsize, size_class * WORD)
+        assert rem == 0, "page size_class misspecified?"
+        nblocks = self.nblocks_for_size[size_class]
+        return nblocks - num_initialized_blocks
 # ____________________________________________________________
 # Helpers to go from a pointer to the start of its page

Modified: pypy/branch/minimark-free/pypy/rpython/memory/gc/test/test_minimarkpage.py
--- pypy/branch/minimark-free/pypy/rpython/memory/gc/test/test_minimarkpage.py	(original)
+++ pypy/branch/minimark-free/pypy/rpython/memory/gc/test/test_minimarkpage.py	Wed Sep 29 13:05:46 2010
@@ -12,17 +12,19 @@
 def test_allocate_arena():
-    ac = ArenaCollection(SHIFT + 16*20, 16, 1)
+    ac = ArenaCollection(SHIFT + 64*20, 64, 1)
     assert ac.num_uninitialized_pages == 20
-    ac.uninitialized_pages + 16*20   # does not raise
-    py.test.raises(llarena.ArenaError, "ac.uninitialized_pages + 16*20 + 1")
+    upages = ac.current_arena.freepages
+    upages + 64*20   # does not raise
+    py.test.raises(llarena.ArenaError, "upages + 64*20 + 1")
-    ac = ArenaCollection(SHIFT + 16*20 + 7, 16, 1)
+    ac = ArenaCollection(SHIFT + 64*20 + 7, 64, 1)
     assert ac.num_uninitialized_pages == 20
-    ac.uninitialized_pages + 16*20 + 7   # does not raise
-    py.test.raises(llarena.ArenaError, "ac.uninitialized_pages + 16*20 + 16")
+    upages = ac.current_arena.freepages
+    upages + 64*20 + 7   # does not raise
+    py.test.raises(llarena.ArenaError, "upages + 64*20 + 64")
 def test_allocate_new_page():
@@ -31,7 +33,8 @@
     def checknewpage(page, size_class):
         size = WORD * size_class
-        assert page.nuninitialized == (pagesize - hdrsize) // size
+        assert (ac._nuninitialized(page, size_class) ==
+                    (pagesize - hdrsize) // size)
         assert page.nfree == 0
         page1 = page.freeblock - hdrsize
         assert llmemory.cast_ptr_to_adr(page) == page1
@@ -44,13 +47,13 @@
     page = ac.allocate_new_page(5)
     checknewpage(page, 5)
     assert ac.num_uninitialized_pages == 2
-    assert ac.uninitialized_pages - pagesize == cast_ptr_to_adr(page)
+    assert ac.current_arena.freepages - pagesize == cast_ptr_to_adr(page)
     assert ac.page_for_size[5] == page
     page = ac.allocate_new_page(3)
     checknewpage(page, 3)
     assert ac.num_uninitialized_pages == 1
-    assert ac.uninitialized_pages - pagesize == cast_ptr_to_adr(page)
+    assert ac.current_arena.freepages - pagesize == cast_ptr_to_adr(page)
     assert ac.page_for_size[3] == page
     page = ac.allocate_new_page(4)
@@ -71,17 +74,17 @@
         page = llmemory.cast_adr_to_ptr(pageaddr, PAGE_PTR)
         if step == 1:
             page.nfree = 0
-            page.nuninitialized = nblocks - nusedblocks
+            nuninitialized = nblocks - nusedblocks
             page.nfree = nusedblocks
-            page.nuninitialized = nblocks - 2*nusedblocks
+            nuninitialized = nblocks - 2*nusedblocks
+        page.freeblock = pageaddr + hdrsize + nusedblocks * size_block
         if nusedblocks < nblocks:
-            page.freeblock = pageaddr + hdrsize + nusedblocks * size_block
             chainedlists = ac.page_for_size
-            page.freeblock = NULL
             chainedlists = ac.full_page_for_size
         page.nextpage = chainedlists[size_class]
+        page.arena = ac.current_arena
         chainedlists[size_class] = page
         if fill_with_objects:
             for i in range(0, nusedblocks*step, step):
@@ -98,11 +101,15 @@
                     prev = 'prevhole.address[0]'
                 endaddr = pageaddr + hdrsize + 2*nusedblocks * size_block
                 exec '%s = endaddr' % prev in globals(), locals()
+        assert ac._nuninitialized(page, size_class) == nuninitialized
     num_initialized_pages = len(pagelayout.rstrip(" "))
-    ac._startpageaddr = ac.uninitialized_pages
-    ac.uninitialized_pages += pagesize * num_initialized_pages
+    ac._startpageaddr = ac.current_arena.freepages
+    if pagelayout.endswith(" "):
+        ac.current_arena.freepages += pagesize * num_initialized_pages
+    else:
+        ac.current_arena.freepages = NULL
     ac.num_uninitialized_pages -= num_initialized_pages
     for i in reversed(range(num_initialized_pages)):
@@ -115,8 +122,9 @@
             link(pageaddr, size_class, size_block, nblocks, nblocks-1)
         elif c == '.':    # a free, but initialized, page
             llarena.arena_reserve(pageaddr, llmemory.sizeof(llmemory.Address))
-            pageaddr.address[0] = ac.free_pages
-            ac.free_pages = pageaddr
+            pageaddr.address[0] = ac.current_arena.freepages
+            ac.current_arena.freepages = pageaddr
+            ac.current_arena.nfreepages += 1
         elif c == '#':    # a random full page, in the list 'full_pages'
             size_class = fill_with_objects or 1
             size_block = WORD * size_class
@@ -142,26 +150,29 @@
 def checkpage(ac, page, expected_position):
     assert llmemory.cast_ptr_to_adr(page) == pagenum(ac, expected_position)
+def freepages(ac):
+    return ac.current_arena.freepages
 def test_simple_arena_collection():
     pagesize = hdrsize + 16
     ac = arena_collection_for_test(pagesize, "##....#   ")
-    assert ac.free_pages == pagenum(ac, 2)
+    assert freepages(ac) == pagenum(ac, 2)
     page = ac.allocate_new_page(1); checkpage(ac, page, 2)
-    assert ac.free_pages == pagenum(ac, 3)
+    assert freepages(ac) == pagenum(ac, 3)
     page = ac.allocate_new_page(2); checkpage(ac, page, 3)
-    assert ac.free_pages == pagenum(ac, 4)
+    assert freepages(ac) == pagenum(ac, 4)
     page = ac.allocate_new_page(3); checkpage(ac, page, 4)
-    assert ac.free_pages == pagenum(ac, 5)
+    assert freepages(ac) == pagenum(ac, 5)
     page = ac.allocate_new_page(4); checkpage(ac, page, 5)
-    assert ac.free_pages == NULL and ac.num_uninitialized_pages == 3
+    assert freepages(ac) == pagenum(ac, 7) and ac.num_uninitialized_pages == 3
     page = ac.allocate_new_page(5); checkpage(ac, page, 7)
-    assert ac.free_pages == NULL and ac.num_uninitialized_pages == 2
+    assert freepages(ac) == pagenum(ac, 8) and ac.num_uninitialized_pages == 2
     page = ac.allocate_new_page(6); checkpage(ac, page, 8)
-    assert ac.free_pages == NULL and ac.num_uninitialized_pages == 1
+    assert freepages(ac) == pagenum(ac, 9) and ac.num_uninitialized_pages == 1
     page = ac.allocate_new_page(7); checkpage(ac, page, 9)
-    assert ac.free_pages == NULL and ac.num_uninitialized_pages == 0
+    assert not ac.current_arena and ac.num_uninitialized_pages == 0
 def chkob(ac, num_page, pos_obj, obj):
@@ -205,47 +216,47 @@
     ac = arena_collection_for_test(pagesize, "/.", fill_with_objects=2)
     page = getpage(ac, 0)
     assert page.nfree == 3
-    assert page.nuninitialized == 3
+    assert ac._nuninitialized(page, 2) == 3
     chkob(ac, 0, 2*WORD, page.freeblock)
     obj = ac.malloc(2*WORD); chkob(ac, 0,  2*WORD, obj)
     obj = ac.malloc(2*WORD); chkob(ac, 0,  6*WORD, obj)
     assert page.nfree == 1
-    assert page.nuninitialized == 3
+    assert ac._nuninitialized(page, 2) == 3
     chkob(ac, 0, 10*WORD, page.freeblock)
     obj = ac.malloc(2*WORD); chkob(ac, 0, 10*WORD, obj)
     assert page.nfree == 0
-    assert page.nuninitialized == 3
+    assert ac._nuninitialized(page, 2) == 3
     chkob(ac, 0, 12*WORD, page.freeblock)
     obj = ac.malloc(2*WORD); chkob(ac, 0, 12*WORD, obj)
-    assert page.nuninitialized == 2
+    assert ac._nuninitialized(page, 2) == 2
     obj = ac.malloc(2*WORD); chkob(ac, 0, 14*WORD, obj)
     obj = ac.malloc(2*WORD); chkob(ac, 0, 16*WORD, obj)
     assert page.nfree == 0
-    assert page.nuninitialized == 0
+    assert ac._nuninitialized(page, 2) == 0
     obj = ac.malloc(2*WORD); chkob(ac, 1,  0*WORD, obj)
 def test_malloc_new_arena():
     pagesize = hdrsize + 7*WORD
     ac = arena_collection_for_test(pagesize, "### ")
+    arena_size = ac.arena_size
     obj = ac.malloc(2*WORD); chkob(ac, 3, 0*WORD, obj)  # 3rd page -> size 2
     del ac.allocate_new_arena    # restore the one from the class
-    arena_size = ac.arena_size
     obj = ac.malloc(3*WORD)                             # need a new arena
     assert ac.num_uninitialized_pages == (arena_size // ac.page_size
-                                          - 1    # for start_of_page()
                                           - 1    # the just-allocated page
 class OkToFree(object):
-    def __init__(self, ac, answer):
+    def __init__(self, ac, answer, multiarenas=False):
         assert callable(answer) or 0.0 <= answer <= 1.0
         self.ac = ac
         self.answer = answer
+        self.multiarenas = multiarenas
         self.lastnum = 0.0
         self.seen = {}
@@ -257,7 +268,10 @@
             ok_to_free = self.lastnum >= 1.0
             if ok_to_free:
                 self.lastnum -= 1.0
-        key = addr - self.ac._startpageaddr
+        if self.multiarenas:
+            key = (addr.arena, addr.offset)
+        else:
+            key = addr - self.ac._startpageaddr
         assert key not in self.seen
         self.seen[key] = ok_to_free
         return ok_to_free
@@ -272,10 +286,10 @@
     page = getpage(ac, 0)
     assert page == ac.page_for_size[2]
     assert page.nextpage == PAGE_NULL
-    assert page.nuninitialized == 1
+    assert ac._nuninitialized(page, 2) == 1
     assert page.nfree == 0
     chkob(ac, 0, 4*WORD, page.freeblock)
-    assert ac.free_pages == NULL
+    assert freepages(ac) == NULL
 def test_mass_free_emptied_page():
     pagesize = hdrsize + 7*WORD
@@ -285,7 +299,7 @@
     assert ok_to_free.seen == {hdrsize + 0*WORD: True,
                                hdrsize + 2*WORD: True}
     pageaddr = pagenum(ac, 0)
-    assert pageaddr == ac.free_pages
+    assert pageaddr == freepages(ac)
     assert pageaddr.address[0] == NULL
     assert ac.page_for_size[2] == PAGE_NULL
@@ -300,10 +314,9 @@
     page = getpage(ac, 0)
     assert page == ac.full_page_for_size[2]
     assert page.nextpage == PAGE_NULL
-    assert page.nuninitialized == 0
+    assert ac._nuninitialized(page, 2) == 0
     assert page.nfree == 0
-    assert page.freeblock == NULL
-    assert ac.free_pages == NULL
+    assert freepages(ac) == NULL
     assert ac.page_for_size[2] == PAGE_NULL
 def test_mass_free_full_is_partially_emptied():
@@ -319,19 +332,19 @@
     pageaddr = pagenum(ac, 0)
     assert page == ac.page_for_size[2]
     assert page.nextpage == PAGE_NULL
-    assert page.nuninitialized == 0
+    assert ac._nuninitialized(page, 2) == 0
     assert page.nfree == 2
     assert page.freeblock == pageaddr + hdrsize + 2*WORD
     assert page.freeblock.address[0] == pageaddr + hdrsize + 6*WORD
-    assert page.freeblock.address[0].address[0] == NULL
-    assert ac.free_pages == NULL
+    assert page.freeblock.address[0].address[0] == pageaddr + hdrsize + 8*WORD
+    assert freepages(ac) == NULL
     assert ac.full_page_for_size[2] == PAGE_NULL
 def test_mass_free_half_page_remains():
     pagesize = hdrsize + 24*WORD
     ac = arena_collection_for_test(pagesize, "/", fill_with_objects=2)
     page = getpage(ac, 0)
-    assert page.nuninitialized == 4
+    assert ac._nuninitialized(page, 2) == 4
     assert page.nfree == 4
     ok_to_free = OkToFree(ac, False)
@@ -344,7 +357,7 @@
     pageaddr = pagenum(ac, 0)
     assert page == ac.page_for_size[2]
     assert page.nextpage == PAGE_NULL
-    assert page.nuninitialized == 4
+    assert ac._nuninitialized(page, 2) == 4
     assert page.nfree == 4
     assert page.freeblock == pageaddr + hdrsize + 2*WORD
     assert page.freeblock.address[0] == pageaddr + hdrsize + 6*WORD
@@ -352,14 +365,14 @@
                                         pageaddr + hdrsize + 10*WORD
     assert page.freeblock.address[0].address[0].address[0] == \
                                         pageaddr + hdrsize + 14*WORD
-    assert ac.free_pages == NULL
+    assert freepages(ac) == NULL
     assert ac.full_page_for_size[2] == PAGE_NULL
 def test_mass_free_half_page_becomes_more_free():
     pagesize = hdrsize + 24*WORD
     ac = arena_collection_for_test(pagesize, "/", fill_with_objects=2)
     page = getpage(ac, 0)
-    assert page.nuninitialized == 4
+    assert ac._nuninitialized(page, 2) == 4
     assert page.nfree == 4
     ok_to_free = OkToFree(ac, 0.5)
@@ -372,7 +385,7 @@
     pageaddr = pagenum(ac, 0)
     assert page == ac.page_for_size[2]
     assert page.nextpage == PAGE_NULL
-    assert page.nuninitialized == 4
+    assert ac._nuninitialized(page, 2) == 4
     assert page.nfree == 6
     fb = page.freeblock
     assert fb == pageaddr + hdrsize + 2*WORD
@@ -384,7 +397,7 @@
                                        pageaddr + hdrsize + 12*WORD
     assert fb.address[0].address[0].address[0].address[0].address[0] == \
                                        pageaddr + hdrsize + 14*WORD
-    assert ac.free_pages == NULL
+    assert freepages(ac) == NULL
     assert ac.full_page_for_size[2] == PAGE_NULL
 # ____________________________________________________________
@@ -392,17 +405,29 @@
 def test_random():
     import random
     pagesize = hdrsize + 24*WORD
-    num_pages = 28
+    num_pages = 3
     ac = arena_collection_for_test(pagesize, " " * num_pages)
     live_objects = {}
-    # Run the test until ac.allocate_new_arena() is called.
+    # Run the test until three arenas are freed.  This is a quick test
+    # that the arenas are really freed by the logic.
     class DoneTesting(Exception):
-        pass
-    def done_testing():
-        raise DoneTesting
-    ac.allocate_new_arena = done_testing
-    #
+        counter = 0
+    def my_allocate_new_arena():
+        # the following output looks cool on a 112-character-wide terminal.
+        lst = sorted(ac._all_arenas(), key=lambda a: a.base.arena._arena_index)
+        for a in lst:
+            print a.base.arena, a.base.arena.usagemap
+        print '-' * 80
+        ac.__class__.allocate_new_arena(ac)
+        a = ac.current_arena.base.arena
+        def my_mark_freed():
+            a.freed = True
+            DoneTesting.counter += 1
+            if DoneTesting.counter > 3:
+                raise DoneTesting
+        a.mark_freed = my_mark_freed
+    ac.allocate_new_arena = my_allocate_new_arena
         while True:
@@ -410,12 +435,13 @@
             for i in range(random.randrange(50, 100)):
                 size_class = random.randrange(1, 7)
                 obj = ac.malloc(size_class * WORD)
-                at = obj - ac._startpageaddr
+                at = (obj.arena, obj.offset)
                 assert at not in live_objects
                 live_objects[at] = size_class * WORD
             # Free half the objects, randomly
-            ok_to_free = OkToFree(ac, lambda obj: random.random() < 0.5)
+            ok_to_free = OkToFree(ac, lambda obj: random.random() < 0.5,
+                                  multiarenas=True)
             # Check that we have seen all objects
@@ -428,5 +454,4 @@
                     surviving_total_size += live_objects[at]
             assert ac.total_memory_used == surviving_total_size
     except DoneTesting:
-        # the following output looks cool on a 112-character-wide terminal.
-        print ac._startpageaddr.arena.usagemap
+        pass

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