[pypy-svn] r79565 - pypy/extradoc/pypy.org/source

fijal at codespeak.net fijal at codespeak.net
Fri Nov 26 17:08:14 CET 2010

Author: fijal
Date: Fri Nov 26 17:08:12 2010
New Revision: 79565

update website

Modified: pypy/extradoc/pypy.org/source/compat.txt
--- pypy/extradoc/pypy.org/source/compat.txt	(original)
+++ pypy/extradoc/pypy.org/source/compat.txt	Fri Nov 26 17:08:12 2010
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
 already accepted in the main python in newer versions). It supports most
 of the commonly used Python `standard library modules`_; details below.
-PyPy has alpha-level support for the `CPython C API`_, however, as of 1.3
+PyPy has alpha-level support for the `CPython C API`_, however, as of 1.4
 release this feature is not yet complete. Most libraries will require
 a bit of effort to work, but there are known success stories. Check out
 PyPy blog for updates.

Modified: pypy/extradoc/pypy.org/source/download.txt
--- pypy/extradoc/pypy.org/source/download.txt	(original)
+++ pypy/extradoc/pypy.org/source/download.txt	Fri Nov 26 17:08:12 2010
@@ -6,85 +6,45 @@
-Here are the various binaries of **PyPy 1.3** that we provide for x86 Linux,
-Mac OS/X or Windows. This release improves over 1.2 in terms of stability
-of the JIT.
+Here are the various binaries of **PyPy 1.4** that we provide for x86 Linux,
+Mac OS/X or Windows. This release improves over 1.3 in terms of speed,
+memory usage and stability.
 .. class:: download_menu
  * Download                         
-   * `With a JIT Compiler`_ **(recommended!)**   
-   * `With no JIT Compiler`_                     
+   * `Default (with a JIT Compiler)`_
    * `Sandboxed version`_                        
    * `Stackless version`_                        
  * `Installing`_ (optional)                      
  * `Building from source`_                       
-.. _`With a JIT Compiler`:
+.. _`Default (with a JIT Compiler)`:
 "JIT Compiler" version
 These binaries include a Just-in-Time compiler.  They only work on
-**32-bit** `x86 (IA-32)`_ CPUs that have the SSE2_ instruction set (most of
-them do, nowadays), as well as on any `x86-64`_ machine in the 32-bit
-compatibility mode.
+CPUs that have the SSE2_ instruction set (most of
+them do, nowadays).
-* `Linux binary`__
-* `Mac OS/X binary`__
-* `Windows binary`__
-.. __: http://pypy.org/download/pypy-1.3-linux.tar.bz2
-.. __: http://pypy.org/download/pypy-1.3-osx.tar.bz2
-.. __: http://pypy.org/download/pypy-1.3-win32.zip
+* `Linux binary (32bit)`__
+* `Linux binary (64bit)`__
+* `Mac OS/X binary (32bit)`__
+* `Mac OS/X binary (64bit)`__
+* `Windows binary (32bit)`__
+.. __: http://pypy.org/download/pypy-1.4-linux.tar.bz2
+.. __: http://pypy.org/download/pypy-1.4-linux64.tar.bz2
+.. __: http://pypy.org/download/pypy-1.4-osx.tar.bz2
+.. __: http://pypy.org/download/pypy-1.4-osx64.tar.bz2
+.. __: http://pypy.org/download/pypy-1.4-win32.zip
 If your CPU is really old, it may not have SSE2.  In this case, you need
 to translate_ yourself with the option ``--jit-backend=x86-without-sse2``.
-If your CPU is a 64-bit machine and you want to translate_ a 32-bit
-version of PyPy yourself, `here are hints`_.
-If you want to help us with implementing the 64-bit JIT backend,
-`contact us`_!
-.. _`With no JIT Compiler`:
-.. _`no jit version.`:
-"No JIT" version
-**WARNING!** Unless you really want to try this out, we recommend the JIT
-This version still has a few advantages over the JIT Compiler version.
-Notably, for Python programs that require large amounts of memory (at
-least a few hundred MBs), the following version of ``pypy-nojit`` runs them
-by requiring generally 1.5x or 2x less memory than CPython.  These
-binaries work on 32-bit `x86 (IA-32)`_ CPUs as well as `x86-64`_ CPUs
-in the 32-bit compatibility mode.
-* `Linux binary`__
-* `Mac OS/X binary`__
-* `Linux 64bit binary`__
-* `Windows binary`__
-.. __: http://pypy.org/download/pypy-1.3-linux-nojit.tar.bz2
-.. __: http://pypy.org/download/pypy-1.3-osx-nojit.tar.bz2
-.. __: http://pypy.org/download/pypy-1.3-linux64-nojit.tar.bz2
-.. __: http://pypy.org/download/pypy-1.3-win32-nojit.zip
-If your CPU is a 64-bit machine and you want to translate_ a 32-bit
-version of PyPy yourself, `here are hints`_.
-If you want to help us with finishing the implementation of the native
-64-bit version (there are a few known issues, like missing code in
-`ctypes`_ to implement calls to C functions), `contact us`_.  In general
-this version will more or less translate_ anywhere.
 .. _`Sandboxed version`:
 "Sandbox" version
@@ -105,12 +65,7 @@
 complicated, this reduce a bit the level of confidence we can put in
 the result.
-If your CPU is a 64-bit machine and you want to translate_ a 32-bit
-version of PyPy yourself, `here are hints`_.
-The Windows and the native 64-bit versions both need testing and careful
-reviewing; `contact us`_!
+The Windows need testing and careful reviewing; `contact us`_!
 .. _`Stackless version`:
@@ -124,8 +79,8 @@
 * `Linux binary`__
 * `Windows binary`__
-.. __: http://pypy.org/download/pypy-1.3-linux-stackless.tar.bz2
-.. __: http://pypy.org/download/pypy-1.3-win32-stackless.zip
+.. __: http://pypy.org/download/pypy-1.4-linux-stackless.tar.bz2
+.. __: http://pypy.org/download/pypy-1.4-win32-stackless.zip
 It is not possible right now to combine Stackless features with the JIT.
@@ -134,7 +89,6 @@
 For the native 64-bit version, see the issues of the `no jit version.`_.
@@ -143,8 +97,8 @@
 installed by manually moving the files::
     /usr/bin/pypy     # or pypy-nojit etc.
-    /usr/share/pypy-1.3/lib-python/*
-    /usr/share/pypy-1.3/pypy/*
+    /usr/share/pypy-1.4/lib-python/*
+    /usr/share/pypy-1.4/pypy/*
 You can also install it to ``/usr/local/bin`` and ``/usr/local/share``.
@@ -157,11 +111,11 @@
 1. Get the source code.  The following packages contain the source at
    the same revision as the above binaries (these are svn exports):
-   * `pypy-1.3-src.tar.bz2`__ (sources, Unix line endings)
-   * `pypy-1.3-src.zip`__ (sources, Windows line endings)
+   * `pypy-1.4-src.tar.bz2`__ (sources, Unix line endings)
+   * `pypy-1.4-src.zip`__ (sources, Windows line endings)
-   .. __: http://pypy.org/download/pypy-1.3-src.tar.bz2
-   .. __: http://pypy.org/download/pypy-1.3-src.zip
+   .. __: http://pypy.org/download/pypy-1.4-src.tar.bz2
+   .. __: http://pypy.org/download/pypy-1.4-src.zip
    Or you can checkout the current trunk using Subversion_ (the trunk
    usually works and is of course more up-to-date)::
@@ -195,54 +149,6 @@
    finish the translation, and 1.3 GB of RAM on a 32-bit system.
    (Do not start a translation on a machine with 1GB or less!)
-.. _`here are hints`:
-Note on building a 32-bit version on 64-bit systems
-To build 32-bit versions of ``pypy-c`` you need to run ``translate.py``
-in a 32-bit version of Python, and to make sure that the C compiler it
-uses is also 32-bit.  You can check the first condition with::
-    $ python
-    Python 2.6.2 (...)
-    >>> import sys
-    >>> sys.maxint
-This prints 9223372036854775807 in 64-bit versions and 2147483647 in
-32-bit versions.  Moreover, if your Python is 32-bit but your C compiler
-is 64-bit, you will get ``AssertionError: Mixed configuration of the
-word size of the machine`` when running ``translate.py.``
-**On Linux,** the recommended way is to install and run in a fully
-32-bit chroot (e.g. with the ``schroot`` Ubuntu package).  The
-alternative has issues about building some extension modules, but if you
-want to try it, first compile yourself a 32-bit Python, e.g.::
-    # on Ubuntu Linux, you need at least:
-    apt-get install libc6-dev-i386 ia32-libs lib32z1-dev lib32ncurses5-dev
-    cd Python-2.6.4
-    CC="gcc -m32" LDFLAGS="-L/lib32 -L/usr/lib32 \
-      -Wl,-rpath,/lib32 -Wl,-rpath,/usr/lib32" \
-      ./configure
-    make
-And then run ``translate.py`` as follows::
-    cd pypy/translator/goal
-    CC="gcc -m32" /path/to/32bit/python translate.py ...
-**On Mac OS/X,** the easiest is to systematically use Python 2.5 when
-working with PyPy.  Indeed, the standard Python 2.5 runs in 32-bit mode.
-(XXX how to run the compiler in 32-bit mode??)
-**On Windows,** the only known way is to install a 32-bit Python
-manually.  (XXX how to run the compiler in 32-bit mode??)
 .. _`x86 (IA-32)`: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IA-32
 .. _`x86-64`: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/X86-64
 .. _SSE2: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SSE2

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