[pypy-svn] r79356 - pypy/trunk/pypy/jit/tool

antocuni at codespeak.net antocuni at codespeak.net
Mon Nov 22 19:00:57 CET 2010

Author: antocuni
Date: Mon Nov 22 19:00:55 2010
New Revision: 79356

   pypy/trunk/pypy/jit/tool/log-template.gnumeric   (contents, props changed)
   pypy/trunk/pypy/jit/tool/log2gnumeric.py   (contents, props changed)
a tool to automatically convert a logfile into a gnumeric spreadsheet with a graph

Added: pypy/trunk/pypy/jit/tool/log-template.gnumeric
Binary file. No diff available.

Added: pypy/trunk/pypy/jit/tool/log2gnumeric.py
--- (empty file)
+++ pypy/trunk/pypy/jit/tool/log2gnumeric.py	Mon Nov 22 19:00:55 2010
@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
+#! /usr/bin/env python
+Usage: log2gnumeric logfile
+Produces a logfile.gnumeric file which contains the data extracted from the
+logfile generated with the PYPYLOG env variable.
+Currently, it expects log to contain the translation-task and gc-collect
+You can freely edit the graph in log-template.gnumeric: this script will
+create a new file replacing the 'translation-task' and 'gc-collect' sheets.
+import re, sys
+import gzip
+def main():
+    logname = sys.argv[1]
+    outname = logname + '.gnumeric'
+    data = open(logname).read()
+    data = data.replace('\n', '')
+    xml = gzip.open('log-template.gnumeric').read()
+    #
+    xml = replace_sheet(xml, 'translation-task', tasks_rows(data))
+    xml = replace_sheet(xml, 'gc-collect', gc_collect_rows(data))
+    #
+    out = gzip.open(outname, 'wb')
+    out.write(xml)
+    out.close()
+def replace_sheet(xml, sheet_name, data):
+    pattern = '(<gnm:Sheet .*?<gnm:Name>%s</gnm:Name>.*?)<gnm:Cells>.*?</gnm:Cells>'
+    regex = re.compile(pattern % sheet_name, re.DOTALL)
+    cells = gen_cells(data)
+    xml2 = regex.sub(r'\1%s' % cells, xml)
+    assert xml != xml2
+    return xml2
+def gen_cells(data):
+    parts = []
+    parts.append('      <gnm:Cells>')
+    for i, row in enumerate(data):
+        for j, val in enumerate(row):
+            cell = '         <gnm:Cell Row="%d" Col="%d">%s</gnm:Cell>'
+            parts.append(cell % (i, j, val))
+    parts.append('      </gnm:Cells>')
+    return ''.join(parts)
+def gc_collect_rows(data, show_header=True):
+    s = r"""
+----------- Full collection ------------------
+\| used before collection:
+\|          in ArenaCollection:      (\d+) bytes
+\|          raw_malloced:            (\d+) bytes
+\| used after collection:
+\|          in ArenaCollection:      (\d+) bytes
+\|          raw_malloced:            (\d+) bytes
+\| number of major collects:         (\d+)
+\[([0-9a-f]+)\] gc-collect\}"""
+    #
+    r = re.compile(s.replace('\n', ''))
+    for a,b,c,d,e,f in r.findall(data):
+        yield int(f, 16), int(a)+int(b), int(c)+int(d)
+def tasks_rows(data):
+    s = r"""
+starting ([\w-]+)
+\[([0-9a-f]+)\] translation-task\}"""
+    #
+    r = re.compile(s.replace('\n', ''))
+    for a,b in r.findall(data):
+        yield int(b, 16), 1, a
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    main()

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