[pypy-svn] r79348 - in pypy/branch/fast-forward/pypy/module/_io: . test

afa at codespeak.net afa at codespeak.net
Mon Nov 22 17:29:44 CET 2010

Author: afa
Date: Mon Nov 22 17:29:41 2010
New Revision: 79348

Looong code to implement TextIOWrapper.readline()

Modified: pypy/branch/fast-forward/pypy/module/_io/interp_textio.py
--- pypy/branch/fast-forward/pypy/module/_io/interp_textio.py	(original)
+++ pypy/branch/fast-forward/pypy/module/_io/interp_textio.py	Mon Nov 22 17:29:41 2010
@@ -235,6 +235,10 @@
         self.decoded_chars_used = 0 # offset into _decoded_chars for read()
         self.chunk_size = 8192
+        self.readuniversal = False
+        self.readtranslate = False
+        self.readnl = None
     @unwrap_spec('self', ObjSpace, W_Root, W_Root, W_Root, W_Root, int)
     def descr_init(self, space, w_buffer, w_encoding=None,
                    w_errors=None, w_newline=None, line_buffering=0):
@@ -269,16 +273,18 @@
         if space.is_w(w_newline, space.w_None):
             newline = None
-            newline = space.str_w(w_newline)
-        if newline and newline not in ('\n', '\r\n', '\r'):
+            newline = space.unicode_w(w_newline)
+        if newline and newline not in (u'\n', u'\r\n', u'\r'):
+            r = space.str_w(space.repr(w_newline))
             raise OperationError(space.w_ValueError, space.wrap(
-                "illegal newline value: %s" % (newline,)))
+                "illegal newline value: %s" % (r,)))
         self.line_buffering = line_buffering
+        self.readuniversal = not newline # null or empty
+        self.readtranslate = newline is None
+        self.readnl = newline
         # XXX self.writenl
-        readuniversal = not newline # null or empty
-        readtranslate = newline is None
         # build the decoder object
         if space.is_true(space.call_method(w_buffer, "readable")):
@@ -286,10 +292,10 @@
             self.w_decoder = space.call_method(w_codec,
                                                "incrementaldecoder", w_errors)
-            if readuniversal:
+            if self.readuniversal:
                 self.w_decoder = space.call_function(
-                    self.w_decoder, space.wrap(readtranslate))
+                    self.w_decoder, space.wrap(self.readtranslate))
         self.state = STATE_OK
@@ -352,6 +358,7 @@
         available = len(self.decoded_chars) - self.decoded_chars_used
         if size < 0 or size > available:
             size = available
+        assert size >= 0
         if self.decoded_chars_used > 0 or size < available:
             start = self.decoded_chars_used
@@ -427,12 +434,137 @@
         return space.wrap(builder.build())
+    def _find_line_ending(self, line, start):
+        end = len(line)
+        size = end - start
+        if self.readtranslate:
+            # Newlines are already translated, only search for \n
+            pos = line.find(u'\n', start, end)
+            if pos >= 0:
+                return pos - start + 1, 0
+            else:
+                return -1, size
+        elif self.readuniversal:
+            # Universal newline search. Find any of \r, \r\n, \n
+            # The decoder ensures that \r\n are not split in two pieces
+            i = 0
+            while True:
+                # Fast path for non-control chars. The loop always ends
+                # since the Py_UNICODE storage is NUL-terminated.
+                while line[start + i] > '\r':
+                    i += 1
+                if i >= size:
+                    return -1, size
+                ch = line[start + i]
+                i += 1
+                if ch == '\n':
+                    return i, 0
+                if ch == '\r':
+                    if line[start + i] == '\n':
+                        return i + 1, 0
+                    else:
+                        return i, 0
+        else:
+            # Non-universal mode.
+            pos = line.find(self.readnl, start, end)
+            if pos >= 0:
+                return pos - start + len(self.readnl), 0
+            else:
+                restart = end - len(self.readnl)
+                if restart >= 0:
+                    pos = line.find(self.readnl[0], restart, end)
+                    if pos >= 0:
+                        return -1, pos - start
+                return -1, size
     @unwrap_spec('self', ObjSpace, W_Root)
     def readline_w(self, space, w_limit=None):
-        self._check_init(space)
-        # XXX w_limit?
-        w_bytes = space.call_method(self.w_buffer, "readline")
-        return space.call_method(self.w_decoder, "decode", w_bytes)
+        self._check_closed(space)
+        # XXX self._writeflush(space)
+        limit = convert_size(space, w_limit)
+        chunked = 0
+        line = None
+        remaining = None
+        chunks = []
+        while True:
+            # First, get some data if necessary
+            has_data = True
+            while not self.decoded_chars:
+                if not self._read_chunk(space):
+                    has_data = False
+                    break
+            if not has_data:
+                # end of file
+                self._set_decoded_chars(None)
+                self.snapshot = None
+                start = endpos = offset_to_buffer = 0
+                break
+            if not remaining:
+                line = self.decoded_chars
+                start = self.decoded_chars_used
+                offset_to_buffer = 0
+            else:
+                assert self.decoded_chars_used == 0
+                line = remaining + self.decoded_chars
+                start = 0
+                offset_to_buffer = len(remaining)
+                remaining = None
+            line_len = len(line)
+            endpos, consumed = self._find_line_ending(line, start)
+            if endpos >= 0:
+                endpos += start
+                if limit >= 0 and endpos >= start + limit - chunked:
+                    endpos = start + limit - chunked
+                    assert endpos >= 0
+                break
+            assert consumed >= 0
+            # We can put aside up to `endpos`
+            endpos = consumed + start
+            if limit >= 0 and endpos >= start + limit - chunked:
+                # Didn't find line ending, but reached length limit
+                endpos = start + limit - chunked
+                assert endpos >= 0
+                break
+            # No line ending seen yet - put aside current data
+            if endpos > start:
+                s = line[start:endpos]
+                chunks.append(s)
+                chunked += len(s)
+            # There may be some remaining bytes we'll have to prepend to the
+            # next chunk of data
+            if endpos < line_len:
+                remaining = line[endpos:]
+            line = None
+            # We have consumed the buffer
+            self._set_decoded_chars(None)
+        if line:
+            # Our line ends in the current buffer
+            decoded_chars_used = endpos - offset_to_buffer
+            assert decoded_chars_used >= 0
+            self.decoded_chars_used = decoded_chars_used
+            if start > 0 or endpos < len(line):
+                line = line[start:endpos]
+        if remaining:
+            chunks.append(remaining)
+            remaining = None
+        if chunks:
+            if line:
+                chunks.append(line)
+            line = u''.join(chunks)
+        if line:
+            return space.wrap(line)
+        else:
+            return space.wrap(u'')
     @unwrap_spec('self', ObjSpace)
     def detach_w(self, space):

Modified: pypy/branch/fast-forward/pypy/module/_io/test/test_textio.py
--- pypy/branch/fast-forward/pypy/module/_io/test/test_textio.py	(original)
+++ pypy/branch/fast-forward/pypy/module/_io/test/test_textio.py	Mon Nov 22 17:29:41 2010
@@ -77,6 +77,14 @@
         reads += t.read()
         assert reads == u"abc\ndef\n"
+    def test_read_some_then_readline(self):
+        import _io
+        r = _io.BytesIO("abc\ndef\n")
+        t = _io.TextIOWrapper(r)
+        reads = t.read(4)
+        reads += t.readline()
+        assert reads == u"abc\ndef\n"
 class AppTestIncrementalNewlineDecoder:
     def test_newline_decoder(self):

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