[pypy-svn] pypy arm-backend-2: Implement an ARM cross compilation translation target

bivab commits-noreply at bitbucket.org
Thu Dec 23 11:23:22 CET 2010

Author: David Schneider <david.schneider at picle.org>
Branch: arm-backend-2
Changeset: r40202:a10157bce6d0
Date: 2010-12-23 11:12 +0100

Log:	Implement an ARM cross compilation translation target

diff --git a/pypy/config/translationoption.py b/pypy/config/translationoption.py
--- a/pypy/config/translationoption.py
+++ b/pypy/config/translationoption.py
@@ -20,6 +20,7 @@
+    'arm',
 translation_optiondescription = OptionDescription(
@@ -112,7 +113,7 @@
                          ("translation.gcrootfinder", "asmgcc"),
                          ("translation.list_comprehension_operations", True)]),
     ChoiceOption("jit_backend", "choose the backend for the JIT",
-                 ["auto", "x86", "x86-without-sse2", "llvm"],
+                 ["auto", "x86", "x86-without-sse2", "llvm", 'arm'],
                  default="auto", cmdline="--jit-backend"),
     ChoiceOption("jit_profiler", "integrate profiler support into the JIT",
                  ["off", "oprofile"],
@@ -397,7 +398,7 @@
     set_platform(config.translation.platform, config.translation.cc)
 def get_platform(config):
-    from pypy.translator.platform import pick_platform    
+    from pypy.translator.platform import pick_platform
     opt = config.translation.platform
     cc = config.translation.cc
     return pick_platform(opt, cc)

diff --git a/pypy/rpython/lltypesystem/llarena.py b/pypy/rpython/lltypesystem/llarena.py
--- a/pypy/rpython/lltypesystem/llarena.py
+++ b/pypy/rpython/lltypesystem/llarena.py
@@ -424,7 +424,8 @@
                                     sandboxsafe=True, _nowrapper=True,
     linux_getpagesize = rffi.llexternal('getpagesize', [], rffi.INT,
-                                        sandboxsafe=True, _nowrapper=True)
+                                        sandboxsafe=True, _nowrapper=True,
+                                        compilation_info=_eci)
     class LinuxPageSize:
         def __init__(self):

diff --git a/pypy/translator/platform/__init__.py b/pypy/translator/platform/__init__.py
--- a/pypy/translator/platform/__init__.py
+++ b/pypy/translator/platform/__init__.py
@@ -240,6 +240,9 @@
     elif new_platform == 'maemo':
         from pypy.translator.platform.maemo import Maemo
         return Maemo(cc)
+    elif new_platform == 'arm':
+        from pypy.translator.platform.arm import ARM
+        return ARM(cc)
     elif new_platform == 'distutils':
         from pypy.translator.platform.distutils_platform import DistutilsPlatform
         return DistutilsPlatform()

diff --git a/pypy/translator/platform/arm.py b/pypy/translator/platform/arm.py
new file mode 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pypy/translator/platform/arm.py
@@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
+import py, os
+from pypy.translator.platform.linux import Linux
+from pypy.translator.platform.posix import _run_subprocess, GnuMakefile
+from pypy.translator.platform import ExecutionResult, log
+from pypy.tool.udir import udir
+from pypy.tool import autopath
+from os import getenv
+SB2 = getenv('SB2')
+if SB2 is None:
+    log.error('SB2: Provide a path to the sb2 rootfs for the target in env variable SB2')
+    assert 0
+sb2_params = getenv('SB2OPT')
+if sb2_params is None:
+    log.info('Pass additional options to sb2 in SB2OPT')
+    SB2ARGS = []
+    SB2ARGS = sb2_params.split(' ')
+class ARM(Linux):
+    name = "arm"
+    available_includedirs = (SB2 + '/usr/include', '/tmp')
+    copied_cache = {}
+    def _invent_new_name(self, basepath, base):
+        pth = basepath.join(base)
+        num = 0
+        while pth.check():
+            pth = basepath.join('%s_%d' % (base,num))
+            num += 1
+        return pth.ensure(dir=1)
+    def _copy_files_to_new_dir(self, dir_from, pattern='*.[ch]'):
+        try:
+            return self.copied_cache[dir_from]
+        except KeyError:
+            new_dirpath = self._invent_new_name(udir, 'copied_includes')
+            files = py.path.local(dir_from).listdir(pattern)
+            for f in files:
+                f.copy(new_dirpath)
+            # XXX <hack for pypy>
+            srcdir = py.path.local(dir_from).join('src')
+            if srcdir.check(dir=1):
+                target = new_dirpath.join('src').ensure(dir=1)
+                for f in srcdir.listdir(pattern):
+                    f.copy(target)
+            # XXX </hack for pypy>
+            self.copied_cache[dir_from] = new_dirpath
+            return new_dirpath
+    def _preprocess_include_dirs(self, include_dirs):
+        """ Tweak includedirs so they'll be available through scratchbox
+        """
+        res_incl_dirs = []
+        for incl_dir in include_dirs:
+            incl_dir = py.path.local(incl_dir)
+            for available in self.available_includedirs:
+                if incl_dir.relto(available):
+                    res_incl_dirs.append(str(incl_dir))
+                    break
+            else:
+                # we need to copy files to a place where it's accessible
+                res_incl_dirs.append(self._copy_files_to_new_dir(incl_dir))
+        return res_incl_dirs
+    def _execute_c_compiler(self, cc, args, outname, cwd=None):
+        log.execute('sb2 ' + ' '.join(SB2ARGS) + ' ' + cc + ' ' + ' '.join(args))
+        args = SB2ARGS + [cc] + args
+        returncode, stdout, stderr = _run_subprocess('sb2', args)
+        self._handle_error(returncode, stderr, stdout, outname)
+    def execute(self, executable, args=[], env=None):
+        if isinstance(args, str):
+            args = ' '.join(SB2ARGS) + ' ' + str(executable) + ' ' + args
+            log.message('executing sb2 ' + args)
+        else:
+            args = SB2ARGS + [str(executable)] + args
+            log.message('executing ' + ' '.join(args))
+        returncode, stdout, stderr = _run_subprocess('sb2', args,
+                                                     env)
+        return ExecutionResult(returncode, stdout, stderr)
+    def include_dirs_for_libffi(self):
+        return [SB2 + '/usr/include/arm-linux-gnueabi/']
+    def library_dirs_for_libffi(self):
+        # on the other hand, library lands in usual place...
+        return []
+    def execute_makefile(self, path_to_makefile, extra_opts=[]):
+        if isinstance(path_to_makefile, GnuMakefile):
+            path = path_to_makefile.makefile_dir
+        else:
+            path = path_to_makefile
+        log.execute('make %s in %s' % (" ".join(extra_opts), path))
+        returncode, stdout, stderr = _run_subprocess(
+            'sb2', SB2ARGS + ['make', '-C', str(path)] + extra_opts)
+        self._handle_error(returncode, stdout, stderr, path.join('make'))

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