[pypy-svn] buildbot commit b085b403587f: Ok, this version at least seems to let the build starts.

Bitbucket commits-noreply at bitbucket.org
Wed Dec 15 20:31:23 CET 2010

# HG changeset patch -- Bitbucket.org
# Project buildbot
# URL http://bitbucket.org/pypy/buildbot/overview
# User arigo
# Date 1292441470 -3600
# Node ID b085b403587f135a26cb3f350e7b208411a1d618
# Parent  2e446d7b97f923bba6df235ec696c317122f9d63
Ok, this version at least seems to let the build starts.

--- a/bot2/pypybuildbot/builds.py
+++ b/bot2/pypybuildbot/builds.py
@@ -89,6 +89,17 @@ class PytestCmd(ShellCmd):
 # ________________________________________________________________
+class UpdateCheckout(ShellCmd):
+    description = 'hg update'
+    command = 'UNKNOWN'
+    def start(self):
+        properties = self.build.getProperties()
+        branch = properties['branch']
+        command = ["hg", "update", "-r", branch or 'default']
+        self.setCommand(command)
+        ShellCmd.start(self)
 class CheckGotRevision(ShellCmd):
     description = 'got_revision'
     command = ['hg', 'parents', '--template', '{rev}:{node|short}']
@@ -112,25 +123,24 @@ def setup_steps(platform, factory, workd
     if platform == "win32":
         command = "if not exist .hg %s"
-        command = "if [[ ! -d .hg ]]; then %s; fi"
+        command = "if [ ! -d .hg ]; then %s; fi"
     command = command % ("hg clone -U " + repourl)
     factory.addStep(ShellCmd(description="hg clone",
                              command = command,
-                             workdir = workdir))
+                             workdir = workdir,
+			     haltOnFailure=True))
     factory.addStep(ShellCmd(description="hg purge",
                              command = "hg --config extensions.purge= purge --all",
+                             workdir = workdir,
+                             haltOnFailure=True))
+    #
+    factory.addStep(ShellCmd(description="hg pull",
+                             command = "hg pull",
                              workdir = workdir))
-    command = ["hg", "pull", "--branch", WithProperties('branch')]
-    factory.addStep(ShellCmd(description="hg pull",
-                             command = command,
-                             workdir = workdir))
-    #
-    command = ["hg", "update", "-r", WithProperties('branch')]
-    factory.addStep(ShellCmd(description="hg update",
-                             command = command,
-                             workdir = workdir))
+    factory.addStep(UpdateCheckout(workdir = workdir,
+                                   haltOnFailure=True))

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