[pypy-svn] r74264 - pypy/trunk/pypy/module/cpyext/test

fijal at codespeak.net fijal at codespeak.net
Fri Apr 30 04:54:24 CEST 2010

Author: fijal
Date: Fri Apr 30 04:54:22 2010
New Revision: 74264

A function that takes self is a method. A nice way to share methods is via

Modified: pypy/trunk/pypy/module/cpyext/test/test_api.py
--- pypy/trunk/pypy/module/cpyext/test/test_api.py	(original)
+++ pypy/trunk/pypy/module/cpyext/test/test_api.py	Fri Apr 30 04:54:22 2010
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
 from pypy.interpreter.baseobjspace import W_Root
 from pypy.module.cpyext.state import State
 from pypy.module.cpyext import api
-from pypy.module.cpyext.test.test_cpyext import freeze_refcnts, check_and_print_leaks
+from pypy.module.cpyext.test.test_cpyext import freeze_refcnts, LeakCheckingTest
 PyObject = api.PyObject
 from pypy.interpreter.error import OperationError
 from pypy.module.cpyext.state import State
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
 def PyPy_GetReference(space, arg):
     assert lltype.typeOf(arg) ==  PyObject
-class BaseApiTest:
+class BaseApiTest(LeakCheckingTest):
     def setup_class(cls):
         cls.space = gettestobjspace(usemodules=['cpyext', 'thread'])
@@ -47,7 +47,7 @@
         except OperationError, e:
             print e.errorstr(self.space)
-        if check_and_print_leaks(self):
+        if self.check_and_print_leaks():
             assert False, "Test leaks or loses object(s)."
 class TestConversion(BaseApiTest):

Modified: pypy/trunk/pypy/module/cpyext/test/test_cpyext.py
--- pypy/trunk/pypy/module/cpyext/test/test_cpyext.py	(original)
+++ pypy/trunk/pypy/module/cpyext/test/test_cpyext.py	Fri Apr 30 04:54:22 2010
@@ -78,56 +78,57 @@
     self.frozen_lltallocations = lltype.ALLOCATED.copy()
     lltype.TRACK_ALLOCATIONS = True
-def check_and_print_leaks(self):
-    # check for sane refcnts
-    leaking = False
-    state = self.space.fromcache(State)
-    import gc
-    gc.collect()
-    lost_objects_w = identity_dict()
-    lost_objects_w.update((key, None) for key in self.frozen_refcounts.keys())
-    for w_obj, obj in state.py_objects_w2r.iteritems():
-        base_refcnt = self.frozen_refcounts.get(w_obj)
-        delta = obj.c_ob_refcnt
-        if base_refcnt is not None:
-            delta -= base_refcnt
-            lost_objects_w.pop(w_obj)
-        if delta != 0:
+class LeakCheckingTest(object):
+    def check_and_print_leaks(self):
+        # check for sane refcnts
+        import gc
+        leaking = False
+        state = self.space.fromcache(State)
+        gc.collect()
+        lost_objects_w = identity_dict()
+        lost_objects_w.update((key, None) for key in self.frozen_refcounts.keys())
+        for w_obj, obj in state.py_objects_w2r.iteritems():
+            base_refcnt = self.frozen_refcounts.get(w_obj)
+            delta = obj.c_ob_refcnt
+            if base_refcnt is not None:
+                delta -= base_refcnt
+                lost_objects_w.pop(w_obj)
+            if delta != 0:
+                leaking = True
+                print >>sys.stderr, "Leaking %r: %i references" % (w_obj, delta)
+                lifeline = api.lifeline_dict.get(w_obj)
+                if lifeline is not None:
+                    refcnt = lifeline.pyo.c_ob_refcnt
+                    if refcnt > 0:
+                        print >>sys.stderr, "\tThe object also held by C code."
+                    else:
+                        referrers_repr = []
+                        for o in gc.get_referrers(w_obj):
+                            try:
+                                repr_str = repr(o)
+                            except TypeError, e:
+                                repr_str = "%s (type of o is %s)" % (str(e), type(o))
+                            referrers_repr.append(repr_str)
+                        referrers = ", ".join(referrers_repr)
+                        print >>sys.stderr, "\tThe object is referenced by these objects:", \
+                                referrers
+        for w_obj in lost_objects_w:
+            print >>sys.stderr, "Lost object %r" % (w_obj, )
             leaking = True
-            print >>sys.stderr, "Leaking %r: %i references" % (w_obj, delta)
-            lifeline = api.lifeline_dict.get(w_obj)
-            if lifeline is not None:
-                refcnt = lifeline.pyo.c_ob_refcnt
-                if refcnt > 0:
-                    print >>sys.stderr, "\tThe object also held by C code."
-                else:
-                    referrers_repr = []
-                    for o in gc.get_referrers(w_obj):
-                        try:
-                            repr_str = repr(o)
-                        except TypeError, e:
-                            repr_str = "%s (type of o is %s)" % (str(e), type(o))
-                        referrers_repr.append(repr_str)
-                    referrers = ", ".join(referrers_repr)
-                    print >>sys.stderr, "\tThe object is referenced by these objects:", \
-                            referrers
-    for w_obj in lost_objects_w:
-        print >>sys.stderr, "Lost object %r" % (w_obj, )
-        leaking = True
-    for llvalue in set(ll2ctypes.ALLOCATED.values()) - self.frozen_ll2callocations:
-        if getattr(llvalue, "_traceback", None): # this means that the allocation should be tracked
+        for llvalue in set(ll2ctypes.ALLOCATED.values()) - self.frozen_ll2callocations:
+            if getattr(llvalue, "_traceback", None): # this means that the allocation should be tracked
+                leaking = True
+                print >>sys.stderr, "Did not deallocate %r (ll2ctypes)" % (llvalue, )
+                print >>sys.stderr, "\t" + "\n\t".join(llvalue._traceback.splitlines())
+        for llvalue in set_difference(lltype.ALLOCATED, self.frozen_lltallocations).keys():
             leaking = True
-            print >>sys.stderr, "Did not deallocate %r (ll2ctypes)" % (llvalue, )
+            print >>sys.stderr, "Did not deallocate %r (llvalue)" % (llvalue, )
             print >>sys.stderr, "\t" + "\n\t".join(llvalue._traceback.splitlines())
-    for llvalue in set_difference(lltype.ALLOCATED, self.frozen_lltallocations).keys():
-        leaking = True
-        print >>sys.stderr, "Did not deallocate %r (llvalue)" % (llvalue, )
-        print >>sys.stderr, "\t" + "\n\t".join(llvalue._traceback.splitlines())
-    return leaking
+        return leaking    
-class AppTestCpythonExtensionBase:
+class AppTestCpythonExtensionBase(LeakCheckingTest):
     def setup_class(cls):
         cls.space = gettestobjspace(usemodules=['cpyext', 'thread'])
@@ -234,7 +235,7 @@
         except AttributeError:
-        if check_and_print_leaks(self):
+        if self.check_and_print_leaks():
             assert False, "Test leaks or loses object(s)."

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