[pypy-svn] r74224 - pypy/branch/cpython-extension/pypy/module/cpyext

afa at codespeak.net afa at codespeak.net
Thu Apr 29 16:18:21 CEST 2010

Author: afa
Date: Thu Apr 29 16:18:20 2010
New Revision: 74224

Describe a problem about package imports.

Modified: pypy/branch/cpython-extension/pypy/module/cpyext/TODO
--- pypy/branch/cpython-extension/pypy/module/cpyext/TODO	(original)
+++ pypy/branch/cpython-extension/pypy/module/cpyext/TODO	Thu Apr 29 16:18:20 2010
@@ -26,3 +26,9 @@
  - sort out pypy's buffer protocol. PyPy's buffer right now don't support
    raw memory (except array which supports it in a hackish way), which
    should be fixed in order to make it nicely work with cpyext.
+ - Py_InitModule() does not seem to return the correct module when using dotted import.
+   for example: "import wx" imports "wx._core_", which calls Py_InitModule("_core_").
+   This correcly creates and populates sys.modules["wx._core_"], but returns a new empty
+   module sys.modules["_core_"]. So functions go in the correct module, but types and
+   constants go into the wrong one.

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