[pypy-svn] r73744 - in pypy/trunk/pypy/jit/tl: . test

fijal at codespeak.net fijal at codespeak.net
Wed Apr 14 20:58:34 CEST 2010

Author: fijal
Date: Wed Apr 14 20:58:32 2010
New Revision: 73744

pass another test

Modified: pypy/trunk/pypy/jit/tl/test/test_tinyframe.py
--- pypy/trunk/pypy/jit/tl/test/test_tinyframe.py	(original)
+++ pypy/trunk/pypy/jit/tl/test/test_tinyframe.py	Wed Apr 14 20:58:32 2010
@@ -13,3 +13,13 @@
         assert disassemble(code) == [
             LOAD, 0, 1, LOAD, 1, 0, ADD, 0, 1, 2, PRINT, 2
+    def test_return(self):
+        code = compile('''
+        LOAD 0 => r1
+        LOAD 1 => r0 # comment
+        # other comment
+        ADD r0 r1 => r2
+        RETURN r2
+        ''')
+        res = interpret(code)

Modified: pypy/trunk/pypy/jit/tl/tinyframe.py
--- pypy/trunk/pypy/jit/tl/tinyframe.py	(original)
+++ pypy/trunk/pypy/jit/tl/tinyframe.py	Wed Apr 14 20:58:32 2010
@@ -14,27 +14,25 @@
 CALL r1 r2 # call a function in register one with argument in r2
 LOAD <name> => r # load a function named name into register r
 LOAD <int constant> => r # load an integer constant into register r
 function argument always comes in r0
-opcodes = ['ADD', 'INTROSPECT', 'PRINT', 'CALL', 'LOAD']
+opcodes = ['ADD', 'INTROSPECT', 'PRINT', 'CALL', 'LOAD', 'RETURN']
 for i, opcode in enumerate(opcodes):
     globals()[opcode] = i
 class Code(object):
-    _immutable_ = True
-    def __init__(self, code):
-        code = code
-def rint(arg):
-    assert arg.startswith('r')
-    return int(arg[1:])
+    def __init__(self, code, regno):
+        self.code = code
+        self.regno = regno
 class Parser(object):
     def compile(self, strrepr):
         self.code = []
+        self.maxregno = 0
         for line in strrepr.splitlines():
             comment = line.find('#')
             if comment != -1:
@@ -44,25 +42,76 @@
             opcode, args = line.split(" ", 1)
             getattr(self, 'compile_' + opcode)(args)
-        return "".join([chr(i) for i in self.code])
+        return Code("".join([chr(i) for i in self.code]), self.maxregno + 1)
+    def rint(self, arg):
+        assert arg.startswith('r')
+        no = int(arg[1:])
+        self.maxregno = max(self.maxregno, no)
+        return no
     def compile_ADD(self, args):
         args, result = args.split("=>")
         arg0, arg1 = args.strip().split(" ")
-        self.code += [ADD, rint(arg0), rint(arg1), rint(result.strip())]
+        self.code += [ADD, self.rint(arg0), self.rint(arg1),
+                      self.rint(result.strip())]
     def compile_LOAD(self, args):
         arg0, result = args.split("=>")
         arg0 = arg0.strip()
-        self.code += [LOAD, int(arg0), rint(result.strip())]
+        self.code += [LOAD, int(arg0), self.rint(result.strip())]
     def compile_PRINT(self, args):
-        arg = rint(args.strip())
+        arg = self.rint(args.strip())
         self.code += [PRINT, arg]
+    def compile_RETURN(self, args):
+        arg = self.rint(args.strip())
+        self.code += [RETURN, arg]
 def compile(strrepr):
     parser = Parser()
     return parser.compile(strrepr)
 def disassemble(code):
-    return [ord(i) for i in code]
+    return [ord(i) for i in code.code]
+class Object(object):
+    def __init__(self):
+        raise NotImplementedError("abstract base class")
+    def add(self, other):
+        raise NotImplementedError("abstract base class")
+class Int(Object):
+    def __init__(self, val):
+        self.val = val
+    def add(self, other):
+        return Int(self.val + other.val)
+class Frame(object):
+    def __init__(self, code):
+        self.code = code
+        self.registers = [None] * code.regno 
+    def interpret(self):
+        i = 0
+        code = self.code.code
+        while True:
+            opcode = ord(code[i])
+            if opcode == LOAD:
+                self.registers[ord(code[i + 2])] = Int(ord(code[i + 1]))
+                i += 3
+            elif opcode == ADD:
+                arg1 = self.registers[ord(code[i + 1])]
+                arg2 = self.registers[ord(code[i + 2])]
+                self.registers[ord(code[i + 3])] = arg1.add(arg2)
+                i += 4
+            elif opcode == RETURN:
+                return self.registers[ord(code[i + 1])]
+            else:
+                raise Exception("unimplemented opcode %s" % opcodes[opcode])
+def interpret(code):
+    return Frame(code).interpret()

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